Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Jan 1926, p. 3

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like a new woman and ‘pndid 1mm. ever abet. y baringâ€"down pub 49 it; sometimes 3 half vet I need. It is my and I have told many O Any one wnnting to t Lydia E. Pinkhnm'n m d. I will gladly do all I can to rec- r I feel [owe my_li!e is and Service Bround Lir 3 Meal. etc binfectant Its and January in; of fear Which some- Lo women when the-{late rdiaE EPinkham' % eg- Toducer alor \ecause it acts igestive organs .vn horses. pre- 5 grow quickly produce more flow healthY. i’S GARAGE ERVICE nurio. - “I an q I'C‘JSCS 'ElY PURE l‘l EDIES vrolet Co., Limited BLE. Prop. hwels and vs poultry flies larger m: chicks. Lice Killer G as \IRING lau' ‘\\ 4100! fully vulâ€" gm'd Note: Dr.o8choles will answer such health questions in these columns as will be of interest to others and permissible in public print. ..Personal questions will be answered only when accompanied by self-addressed and stamped envelope. Address Dr. W. J. Scholes, in care of The Durham Chronicle. At some time or other, almost everyone has suffered from the annoying symptom known as hiccough. Some peeple, probably on account of faulty habits, are fre- quent sufferers. While the great majority of attacks of hiccough are correctly regarded as nothing serious, we occasionally read in the newspapers of a prolonged at- tack of hiccough having been the cause of death. The fact that death from this cause is in itself regarded as news would appear to indicate that it is comparatively rare. 'l‘hu immmliato‘ cause of hic- mmghing is a smldrn contraction of HIM diaphragm. Hm muscular and tc-mtiimns partition botwoen the abs duminzil and clwst cavities. Quite nt'h-n Hm attacks are brought on by mm" clism'rolc' of the stomach or lllh'sttllfl ('«ulsmi hy hasty eating or oli-.Inkim.' mvrvating. or vating the “mm: kinds of tooth. It is gener- 2|H\ knimn that ovvrinilulgvnco in nlmhnl has hivcough as 0110 of its s)‘ mptnms. “08‘ 0! (hp ordinary attacks of hirmugh stnp sponianmusly within a short [wrimi of limo. That is. po-rhzips, the ro‘asnn why thorn are so many ”cnrvs.“ \Vhatrwr hap- po‘ns t0 ha’w iwvn done about the tinw that Um attack cnnsvs rmwives cream. for the our». Drinking wa- ti'l‘. holding iho‘ breath. pulling on thv tongun. snawzing and promnting vomiting by moans M an onwtic are For Colds (i. F. B. asks: "What is the host Hung to takn In break up a cold?" Roply .-\ hot tub or foot. bath. a hot drink. and thou go to bed. if you lwgin to (root your cold during the rhill stugr. During tho early slagos. \Vhllo you haw a WWW. you should rwmzun in hm]. .\ laxatiw muv ho lwlwlirial. Th0 dirt should b0. “.3". l’omplt‘ nhjm‘t to spvmling a day .Ol' mu in howl for :1 00M. But that. is tlw lwst way to ('onsvrvo the vital- ity M m» hmly and hPlp thv systvm lu llo‘Vt‘lnp an immunity to the in- rmmn that causal the cold. It a mid ohms not. soon show im- ['l'HVc'mt‘lll- \thn trvatml hv sumpln hum.» rommlies such as the above. Hm service‘s of a physician should lw nbtainml. Most. of tlw cough lllt'lllt'lllt‘S that are commonly used fur tho purpose of curing a cold aw worthless. Washing the Inir \\'. ll. H. asks: "I am troubled \\ 1th .lanolrufl'. I find that lvhp dan- alrnll' lmlhors m0 less if I wash my hmul lwicv a week. but I have been MM that this will tako all of the ml out of mv hair and eventually ml out of my make me bald. whirls twice a week too often to \VItSh the hair? ”2. What is the best soap to use?” 1091! l. Washing the hair twice a week Will not harm it it you thoroughly dry the hair and scalp after wash- ing. If shampeeing leaves the hair tee dry. apply a little olive oil or petroleum to replace some of the Gas pressure in the abdomen causes a restless. nervous feeling and prevents sleep. Adlerika removes ms in TE)" minutes and brings out surprising amounts of old waste. matter you never thought was in Thursday, hum I, M “ll: |"‘| I"I| HI lulu. |||||u .n, I" .v.- .. ..- -_- - __-‘, lps. thr l'rasun why thorn aro t‘lorrm-tion of faulty diatotio ha- iany "rurvsf' Whatowr hap- hits will often provont tho ordinary to haw hm-n dono about. tho attarks. . If the cause is hasty eating that ttw attark ro'uz‘ws rm'oiws and drinking, or eating too much, t, for tho our». Drinking wa- lhrsv bad habits should be correct- hnlding tlw hrc'ath. pulling on rd. Any particular foods which are ongur. snarling and promoting known to be likely to bring on an ting hy nwans of an vmotir aro attack. should ho avoided. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) HEALTH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS lost Cases Stop Quickly THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR HJCCOUGH By DR. w. J. SCHOLES among the numerous cures. Some of_ ghoge probably haxfle merit. While most. (33303 of hiccough are not scrious, attacks that. persist fur hours nr days may he a sign of scrious trmihlc in addition to bring sci-inns in thcmsclves. They should hr trcatcd by a physician. For hic- cough may tw causcd hy inflamma- iinn of sumc urgan in ttm abdomcu giving rise it) pcritonitis. It may cvcn ho a symptom of discasc affect- ing ttw brain. as wall as or such disvasvs as diahctcs and chronic Bright’s discasc. It. is probable) that. some! such scrinus discasn may haw twcn an important factor in causing snmn nt‘ ttw deaths attributed to pm'sistmit hiccgugh.“ u- l n’- l.-- oil that is lost in washing. 2._:\ny good toilet soap may be usmi. Pneumonia Mrs. L. 'I‘. writns: “I would like tn ask snme quvstions about 1mm:- mania. I had it. last, winter. Can nnv haw. pneumonia more than one»? What causes it? Is it pos- sihlo tn gm pneumonia from some- mw Who: has it if you got, near them?“ 1. Yes. L’. lnfnctinn with the pneumOCOC- vus and uthm‘ germs. 3. Yrs. In many places. pneu- munia is subjnct to quarantine the samn as mhvr contagious diseases. R. R. writes: “I work in a garage and «MW 3 car some). As soon as tlw \wnuwr begins to get. cold. I am lmthm-ml with itching of U]? skin. 'l‘hm'o is nothing to see where the skin itchvs unless I scratch it a let. What can I do to get. some relief? I seem to be in good health." Reply You may have either winter itch or bath iteh. The former is attri- buted largely to being in an over- heated. dry atmosphere. Some skins are sensitive to the frequent use of soap and water. especially in the mild weather. Ton frequent. bathing ‘ may cause itching. More moisture in the air of moms probably re- moves the cause of winter itch. Bran in the bath-water, 103‘s frequent bathing and greasing the skin. re- livw both winter and bath itch to some extent. your systom. This nxcnllont intesti- nal ovacuant is wonderful for con- stipation or alliod stomach trouble. Don't was!» time with pills or tab- lots but get REAL Adlerika action! McFaddon’s Drug _ St OPP. What Would Thufyl Tell? The old folks say the :1 ° ' Immodestâ€"indiscroot. But grandma might pull in her horns If wagon tongues could speak. May Be Winter Itch Reply The annual meeting of the cem- ent company will he held 1n Tor- onto on the 7lh_insl. __ V..W V.. '--v wâ€" 7. At the annual meetinf of the Public Library, the fol owing ofâ€" ficers were elected: President. John A. Graham; First Viee-Presjdeqt, I . hvuwvocv, N. W. Campbell, Second Vice-Presi- dent, Thomas Allan. Directors, A. 8. Hunter, W. Irwin, W. J. Young. Thomas Lfions. A. H. Jackson, J. P. 'l‘elford. . R. Koch, Dr. Gun; Aud- itors, C. L. Grant. A. H. Jackson. WWI! EEE'piéaEéa to announce this week the recovery of Mr. Ben W1!- llams, who underwent an operation on December 26 last, ‘ y‘u Vuucwvâ€" We understand that. Mr. Alex. Gordon has sold, or is about to sell, his jewellery business here to a Mr. Webster of Toronto. They are tak- ing stock this week. Mr. Gordon intends going West forna time. After three years in the jewellery business out West. Mr. Roy Gordon has given up and has entered on the__stu«iiy of medicine. ‘ AL- J‘..AI. II UV“‘.JJ v. ---v We regret very much the death of Mrs. John Mon'at of Edge Hill af- ter only a few days’ illness. Inter- ment took place to Durham ceme- terv on Sunday afternoon. We had a brief call last week from Mr. '1‘. J. Lawrence of Revel- stoko. B. (1., after a six or seven years' absence. Tom is now a con- dllc'tOl' On ”10 C. P. R. fieDaysOflongAgo Taken from Chronicle Filo: 01 Twenty and from Your: Ago. 'l‘hc Presbyterian annual morting was hold on Monday last. The re- tiring managvrs wrro Messrs. D Eclgv. 'l‘. MrGirr, C. Milligan and R Marfarlann. The last two were re- t-lmftml. while thr new members are W. Weir and Dam. McArthur. January 29, 1914 On Monday afivrnoon, Mrs. John Schlitz undm‘wvnt a serious opera- tion pm'fni'mml by Dr. Grows of Forgus assisted by Dr. Huttln. We urnnplcasod to loam she. is doing we . _- - n A n ‘ ,,f“- Mr. A. D. McLeod of Priccville has disposed of his mill prooerty to Mr. ('ieorge. Watson of F leshcrton. The old mill. which was burned in September. has been replaced by a new building. Mr. Duncan Mackenzie met with a nasty accident Sunday evening on his way to church. Near the post office he slipped on an inclined plank and struck his head on the cement pavenllnt. He was taken into the post office where medical aid was summoned. and he soon regained consciousness and later was taken to his home. where he is doing well. Mr. James Livingsmn and family 01' Allan Park are moving to town this week to occupy the Walpole rosidonce which they purchased re~ contly. I I- A ,__, \‘- L_. Ali" \, . As announced last week by our 'l'ravm'smn cm'l'ospomlont. it should nut bu Inna lmforo a rural mail route is in Operation hntwnon Markdale, Ebordnlc and T I'avm'ston._ ‘.' t ‘-\I I x We regret to report the sudden death of Mr. Walter Dunn on Thurs- day night of last. week. The. intel- ligenee of his death was quite a surprise to everybody. as nothing was known of his illness. He was in his 76th year and had always been imlustrions and in the enjoy- ment of good health. He was born in England and had been a resi- dent of Egremont nearly :20 years A; 4 Next time you make PUR'TU FCUUR 70" all yourbakiflé d um pl i n g s be- cause it blends perfectly with ‘ the other ingred- ients. 1 Next time you make dumplings use Purity Flour and you’ll have the lightest, flufiiest, most tasteful dumplings you ever made. Pohrnary i, manna-tween: THE DURHAM CHRONICLE CANADA FLOUR MILLS .1) Head ofice: TORONTO before coming to Durham six years ago. Interment took place Sunday afternoon to Maplewood cemetery. Married .â€"In St. Marys, on January 21, Lizzie. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hillis, “got St. Marys, to Mr. William Lake. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lake of pprlgam. -v- - [he-(illiâ€" Long- Beach. Calif” Jan- uary H, 1914. Annie Lawson, be- loved wife of D. McCallum of Wheatland, _Wy9m_ing_._ “1‘ . ' 6;;J::§éddéh ififli'fivkamloops, B.C., January 20, 1914, Willard R. Laye. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Laye, Tor- 1926 (MEDIAN TEACHERS PBDBRA'I'IOI COIVBITIOI onto. The above convention will beheld in Charlottetown, P. E. 1., August. 2 to August 6, and arrangements are now being completed for an all-ex- pense. personally conducted tour via the Canadian National Railways, from Toronto to Charlottetown in connection therewith. This tour will include a trip down the .St. Lawrence rapids. the Saguenay river through the beautiful Bras d'or Lakes. and the Land of Evangeline country with stopover at Quebec City and trip to St. Anne, do Beau- pre. returning by way of Boston, the White Mountains of New Hamp- shire and Montreal. A Iml’let'will shortly be issued giving complete information regarding the_tour: For particulars. address Mr. Mar- tin Knrr. (Pincipal; of the Earl Kit- chonm' Sclmnl‘:, 4 Bvulah Avenue, Hamilton. and Mr. A. E. Bryson. (Principal of Hm Silvm'thorn School) 4"; Silvm‘thm'n Avmmo. Tornntfl. A ("A l GREY COUNTY COUNCIL FOR THIS YEAR Artvmosiaâ€"J. A. Hogarth, RPPve; Alox. (Larrullwrg, P‘v’D‘UtY-meo. Bentinrkâ€"I). J. McDonald. Reeve; Robert (irierson, Deputy-Reeve. Colling'wnml - J. J. Buchanan, Reeve; W. I. Field, Deputy-Reeve. Derbyâ€"Donald E. Sinclair, Reeve. Egremontâ€"Neil Calder. Reeve; J. A. Ferguson, Deputy-Reeve. Emilirasiaâ€"J. '1‘. Miller, Reeve; W. H. Erskine. Deputy-Reeve. Glenelgâ€"A‘l’illiam Weir, Reeve. Hollandâ€"D. J. Gardiner, Reeve; A. Acheson, Dummy-Reeve. Keppelâ€"Jolm A. Pringle, Reeve. Normanl’iyâ€"Charles Helm, Reeve; A. Filsinger. Deputyâ€"Reeve. Ospreyâ€"W. L. Taylor, Reeve. Protonâ€"William Jack, Reeve. Sarawakâ€"James Dickson. Reeve. Si. Vincentâ€"Robert, J. \Vhite, Reeve. Sullivanâ€"J. L. Lembke, Reeve; D. MeEwen. Deputy-Reeve. , Sydenhamâ€"Jl. A. Hothwell, Reeve; J. Frolier. Deputy-Reeve. Durham-Allan Bell. Reeve. Hanoverâ€"M. S. Armstrong, Reeve. Meafordâ€"W’. F. Riley. Reeve; C. F. Fisher, Deputy-Reeve. 'l‘hornhuryâ€"J. Hutchison. Reeve. Markclale. A. E. Colgan. Reeve. Dundalk. H. ('1. Moody, Reeve. Izhulsxvm'thflN. Melilheron. Reeve. Neustaalt â€"« llharles \Vidmeyer, Reeve. Flesherlonâ€"\V. J. Meacls. Reeve. Shallow Lakeâ€"«W. W. Smith, Reew. look in; Spirit (“Dont fear mo, Susan. 1m weak as a lamb." ‘30 u Cull-u. "I guess that's why you are al- ways getting stewed." ll K‘ swat: '\é"1'w' ‘- 6MLLE$1‘ ‘1 601‘ 1!“:th Lawn Sifted m is Téupoon Sal: lCup “ilk Kixnnddftthednrino 'ents; mixwitb the milk and dtop by upoonfuhintotheboil- inn“. Cover tight. Cook Nation”. A: an alternative. the” dumplings may be Wd on a butter- ed plate and cookegig Ce: tbc PURI‘I‘Y FLOUR ‘ l . > r7 gm “I: 0 A:*’\ . ‘ “n. nuou‘. CM BNGE 1'0" IBICIAm .In proportion to population, the city papers hnve no larger circula- tion than the weekly pnpers that would reach the buying public in the districts that they circulate in. If the small town merchant expects to hold his own with good roads. bus lines and automobiles, he must change his methods and advertise correspondinglv to reach the public with what he has to chemâ€"Collins- wood Bulletin. “The landlady threw my best coat and trousers into the street.” “What did you do?" “I followed suit." [I I310!!!“ Guamâ€"4:1 loving memory of James Ronald Giles who died January 17, What would I give. his hand to clasp, His patient face. to see. To hear his voice, to see his smile, As in the days that used to be. For a better husband never lived Nor one so true. and kind, But some sweet day we’ll meet again. Beyond the toil and strife. And clasp each other‘s hand once more In heaven, that happy life. Sadly missed by Wife. Forwardâ€"Ahead. What a girl thinks a fellow is when he doesn‘t slap with saying “goodnight." Moseâ€"Gotten filled with walar. Sill: filled with chum. Compactâ€"An oracle signed in the layflower. Also for restoring the skin you love to touch. Homeâ€"A vacmt place where tho ppstmm leaves mail. A plalo ball Mayors use. The Schoolinlhoroughl equipped to take up the following "courses: (1) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entrlnce to Normal School. Each member of the Slat! is e Um- versiiy Graduate and experienced Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning of term. Informanon as to Courses may be obtained from the Princi al. The School has a credit: le record in the past which it hopes to Innin- uin m the future. “ii-nah}; iiâ€"s on aurnctive and healthy town. and good accommoda- tion can be Obtained at reasonable DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL J. M. ROBB, B. A. Principal. JOHN MORRISON. Chairman. PAGE 8.

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