Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Jan 1926, p. 2

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PAGE 2 “WHAT HAS HAPPENED of microbes, this would be a better and a happier world.” “We think the old lady is right,” says The Post writer, and he goes on to deplore the tendency so marked today to make light of sin and make it attractive to modern men and women who are persuaded that the only sin worth bothering about is that of being found out. Here are a few significant sen- tences from this editorial: - A. 0 7L Iv\«ll\.\utv ans»--- “We agree with the lady on the street car that this sort of easy thinking about sin, this attitude of mind which has banished, to all practical intents, the fear of sin from our present-day life, and has almost banished the short, sibilant, stinging little word from our vocabularies, is not making for man’s moral health or lasting good and happiness. “We need to get .back into the thought and conscience of men the fact that sin is a wronging of life, a poisoning of its framework, from which the consequences are vastly greater than the mere temporary pleasure or pain, or mingling of both, which comes to the sinner. Sin is an act of sabotage against the order of the universe, a betrayal of he race “Sin is treachery to yourself and to your fellow, whether it be the open. active doing of the thing you know in your heart to be wrong, or merely the failure to cooperate fully in the realization of the possibilities for. good which abound pose. And the wages of sin is death. as it has ever been the wage of the traitor. And the accounting for sin must be mm. mm: whngp nlan for life it is which sin has betrayed.” in the realization of the possibilities in the world. and which are the true pose. And the wages of sin is death. wage of the traitor. And the acco with God, whose plan for life it is v BISHOP (‘AMPHOR’S STATEMENT THAT THE PER- ccntage of literacy among Liberians is greater han that among colored people in America is food for thought. Bishop Cam- phor recently came to America from his home in Monrovia, Liberia, and his explanation of this astonishing comparison is that in Liberia. the colored man is ruler. that the govern- ment is in his hands and he must rise to a place of responsi- bility among his people. There is no discrimination there, every colored man is a gentleman, especially if he has edu- cation and property, and most of them have. Every man has an equal chance, there is an objective to work for and some- thing to spur him on to make something of himself. As soon as he is civilized and wears clothes, he becomes a citizen. They have a missionary college, missionary schools and churches. When asked his opinion of the migration of American Negroes to Liberia. the Bishop expressed his approval. He said: “That is the place for them, but they will have to work hard. It is my purpose to invite colored men of intel- ligence to go there and help Liberia to build up a nation. SCIENTIST THOUGH HE WAS, LORD KELVIN LOATHED motor cars, or rather the noise and excitement associated with them. He came down to breakfast one morning much amused and very bright. and said he had discovered a prophecy in the Bible promising that there would be no motor cars in heaven. ‘ ‘l A‘ ~ 1-...2‘-- IICGVCI "Where is it?’ he asked the family. None could guess, angl he then referred to Zechariah all be full of boys and girls Pl“) Ills Ill Ian» ”Unv‘vw ---_- _ v “-.\0 boys and girls,” he declared, where motor cars were running abou1 or twenty miles an hour!”â€"â€"Record. I go to prove my soul! I see my way as bird 3 their trackless way; I shall arrive! What time, what circuit, ' ‘good time. I shall arri - I 1.. 11:" "AAA {nu H-e éfiidéé me and the I a boy or girl in school for two weeks. two New Testaments in the vernacular. )rphan for one month. a teacher-evangelist for two weeks in PRAYER Isâ€"Basod onugcnr; Bles- IUD or“ -â€" \\i|‘1ifrod Landis as ;_\u11t \Vm'c‘ dwlighle with nvw (Illim'sn cmk had km] Hw husloss tn (.‘ZIH lwm what. it. was. This . and pninting to the .Skm'l: "Jnhn. quack. Markdale. the Scout movement has an enthusiastic supporter and one who has risen high in the Councils of the Scout Association Headquar- ters in Toronto. He is being spoken of as the District Commissioner. al- though he has not yet been ap- proached with a view to his taking this office. lot Iain" Organisation In the Boy Scout movement, the country has an organization '31?” Scout leaders that the rumor has been spread that the boys must Sign Up in the Militia. Anything more foolish than this is hard to imagine. For one thing, the military author- ities would not accept for service boys under eighteen. and for another . thing. the Militia Department are not in the habit of obtaining their recruits in any such underhand me- thod. The boy on joining the Scouts must. promise on his honor. which he is taught is a sacred thing. to do his duty. first of all. to (lod; seeâ€" ondly. to the King. Ho must also _ promise to obey the Scout. laws. a code of moral laws. such as Ullt‘ll- ‘ ienre. cleanliness of speeeh nml | net. helpfulness and thrift. Lastly. _ he must promise to help other peo- ‘ ple at all times. The Seont. training: is one of usefulness. 'l‘he lioy is taught. woudrraft. simplu ranking. handicrafts and tlrst aid. lwadvrs are rannod to lump rntirrly away from anything military. liwn rum- mands are giyvn by hand signals to. avoid any rosnmlilanro tn tlu- lnud shouting ut‘ mnunands liy tlw miliâ€" tary. tlf rnursv, if trarhing lnyalty to Kim: and country is tuacliing the boy tn lw a soldirr. tlwn tlu- Smut mnwmrnt is a military nmvvnwnt. and all Smut, [radars will lw glad to hayn it. S”. In tlw “pinion nt snmv nt' uur lrg'islators. \ylm haw .romv t'm‘ward in later 'yvars. it would amwar that, vwn tvarliing thr boys to stand at. attontinn \\'llllt' (‘lml Saw tho Kim: is living playvd. is trarliing: tlwm tn lw. snldii‘rs. n 1]-, Hmwwr. in tho opinion of tho majority of IH‘Oplt'. the Scout. mow- mont has a high “law. It, is to mako uso of this gonoral ostm-m that tho histrirt is hoing organizod. 'l‘lm lottdors want to gut tho [H‘ttlllt‘ of tho District lwhinil thom to holp thom in this work. whirh thoy fool is in tho host intorosts of tho youth of tho country. 'l‘ho. Council of tho. District, will inrluilo tho prominont mm of oach communitx: unit it. will ho thoir «luty to atl'oril tho It'iltlt‘l‘h‘ moral support in tlwir work. QUEEN STREET SUNDAY SCHOOL HAD PLEASANT EVENING Tho sohc‘vlars of tho Quoon Stroot Sunday school mot in tho ohuroh last Friday owning: whoro a haunti- ful Sllppm' was sorvod fnl‘lnwod atâ€" torwards hy an owning of gamos and a good. program. An oxcollont timo is I'opm‘tod at which tho schol- ars of tho variuus ('lassos onjnymi thomsolx'os to tho full. 'l‘ho Sllplit‘l' this your took tho (Continued from oage l) placo of tlu» usual Sunday school ontvrtmnnu-m and was muuymi fully as mm'll by llw svlmlal's. “Tim wifn .und I" may .lw a \' garism. but It shnws 3 mm [‘03: for rank. me. waI had taken three bottles I we: just like s new Women and hove had I lendid health ever since. When I fee my bearing-down pains I dwnyo take it; sometimes 3 hulf bottle or whntever I need. It is my only medicine and I have told man y a one nbout it. Any one wmting to know more about Lydin I}. Pj‘nkhnm‘h ”NW sunny “v..- â€"d _... __ O V tsbleCom watcher. dos‘lllcsnmrec- Do you feel brokenâ€"down, nervous; and wesk sometimes? Do vou have this horrid feeling of fest which some- times comes to women when thev are not well? Lydia E. Pinkhsm’s Veg- etable Compound is excellent to tske at such 9. time. It slwsys helps, and if taken regulsrly snd persistently will relieve this condition. 0 Thursday. January 38. NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE Chevrolet Sales and Service A. NOBLE. Prop. Oils GUARANTEED REPAIRING (Ereases ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS Headquarters for may lw a vul- At smm 1i: from the an am Mpled H‘H'JMH quent sum u.» hiCCOUQh iil'x w occasionally tack of him faCt thill d4 news \VUUlfi rare. 'l‘llc' cough ii “m :h: (1'11!!in dnmnm (lfln'll 1| snmv « inh‘sm drink ll‘ ‘lfl‘lillLJ ally lx'l Ili1°cbll‘°' synuo'u M051. 1 hicmugh a Show! pm'haps. so mam pPIIS In Um“ Hm! (‘l‘miil I'M tlw tum vomit Ill ('llill s whilv rvmail hour“: drunk Imam tvm il “00 IN- ity 0" (0 «in fm'hm If u "‘HV! mm: “I0 3 mmlic‘ for H ‘I‘P \N with «In: drnfi in" head 1\\‘ lnld Hm oil (NH makv m “'8 GAS MAKES NERVOUS will {1'2" mu. .\l Burp muH Thursday. Janu Note: I H r columns (‘15 '“blw prih.’ cccom pan a Dr. W. J. bl \\ lml 0| lost Ca“ \\ 'opyright, I91 \VI ll Washing TH 0!‘ I” Rd

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