Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Jan 1926, p. 6

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Lilo in v- _ l‘zrml Marshall ha: aluwrinthIo-nt of ‘; Ho» has hm‘n acting for Wu mcmlhs. 'l‘hrw roblm'ivs f0? h'll lllHqus. 'l‘hrm- mhlwrws wvrn I’O‘IH'I'U‘O‘ Mummy in “mud" Bounty. ”anew of a mu'agv “1191'" a truck was stnlvn and twn store's. .I l". Smith of Gilmo'laml oliml Mun- day from Hm injurivs sustainml whom his car harkml into tlw Gm'gn wlivu his car hm at Niagara Falls ll. is rallu-l‘ unfair lu wumvn as! wx lhal. llwy haw sunwlinw aclucwml llw rvpntalion ul’ bring cul'iuus. Fur as a mallow nl' mlcl fart. mun usually aw far "llll'l‘ lutâ€" lrn with curinsily than 31'» llwir sislo'rs anol wiws. says P. Bvaufny. in 'l’lw London Daily Mail. \\'alk alum: any slrwl. at any lumi' wlwn mail nxcayalinns are prm'uml- ing and nayyius ari- iluing myslvr- ions things. Yun will at nnrv wr- (‘Piyv mall's (if all ago-s. sins and ('lassc-s inlo-nlly wali'liing upvraliuns wlm-li llu‘y nuisl. liayu witnvssml Slum-s nf linws provinnsly. Bnl. full will nut. Sun a singli' hulilu‘il hvaol-â€"-â€"nul a \‘vsligv of anything fem- lllllll'. Ur lakn llu‘ ll'llllllll‘ lu i'minl. llu1 . A- . --... “Il".l‘ IG Del'snns m a i'l'mm “urn- u" .. w” e. a =li'eel, am-iilenl nl‘ ewn a simpl "faint." Fur one woman in that rromil. you will easily find the or six men. Nevertheless. tliesn same sensation hunters. if asked in tin-i derlake a simple slumping enmmisâ€" sinn er in maleli some wnnl. \yilli prnlesl that they are \ynrkeil ht‘yOIHH u‘lllilll'lllll’l‘ "and simply haven't ai minute. my ilear. in waste!" . l Exactly the same lenileney in cur-g iosily is Visible in small buys. Give; a ymingsler a watch. and his first._ action \if not suitably restrained“; is in open it. peer inside and then, take it in pieces. But. who has heard of a small girl performing a surgii'al nperalinn on her dull Willi a View in acquiring knowledge conâ€" i-ernins: its internal eeonnmy'.’ The girl is i’nnlenl. to take the doll for granlml something in low and fun- ille. The boy. lnrn with curiosity. peers and peers illsiiii‘. ll. is prnlialile that women have. gainml :l reputation for curiosity be- cause they l'rmnently exhibit great hum-mi in the linings nl‘ their friends ‘ i l I i It. Is‘ pruhuhlo' tnat “Hun-u "an. gainmt :1 rvputatinn fm' curiosity be- cans» Hwy t'rvqunntly exhibit. great. intrrvst in tho- utnings nf thoir fric‘nds rnlatnw-s and neighbors. But. is this show curmsity‘.’ mm imagim‘s that. it. is ratlwr thv vxprvssiun of a wry wide sympath) that lvaols women to flit-Pr intn tho‘ liw‘s of nthm‘ pomph‘. mum at tho‘ risk at umwuring in- quisitiw. ______” (Edgar A. Gm‘st. Boy. when you think that you want to get marrimt. B» surv it as low and not fancy: Make sure it's the heart. not. your 9y» that is carried Away with the boamtiy of Nancy I am 0M 1 NW delight or a maul when your ar her: But. my . sure you are right. Don‘t wed till you can‘t live with- out her. m is about : boy. ere you marry. be For marriage is something men enter for life. For their old age as well as youth's splendor: And you want to he sure ere you make her your wife. You can always remain her de- fender. I not. sun :1 “mar "Um"... il a \‘l‘Sllgl‘ of anything fem-l w HIP ll‘nllbll‘ in i'mml llwi in a i'rcm‘il \Vllt‘l‘l‘ ”ll'l‘l‘ is‘ :ii'i'iilmil nl‘ I‘Vi‘ll :1 simpli‘: l’ni' «inn woman in that ynii will wasin liml llw 01‘ l. varilii'li‘ss. llii‘sn Sflflli‘ m hiinlm's. il askml in im- a simpln slumping minimis- tn mali'li snmo‘ wnnl. Will that llli‘)’ aw \Vnrkml lwymiil [ll'l‘ "and simply haven't a . mv draw. in \vzislv!" . .ylnlvich dim! as the it's I'vm'iw'd in a light hr. whn is lwing lufld. Momro- in Ins captivity Lho- monthmst pmumlo- hm'mg bm'n found In ADVISING THE BOY ,Ilo ”I" record for a percefllag" pr ('Pnt Claim”! I I‘ \‘v low and not. fancy: thv hvart. nut ynur is carricd It‘ bmmtly of Nancy. is all fit!“ ‘0 mam. Hf She'lburlw. DP. ”mum-Vin“ and Murkclalo- haw lc-ft curling trip.â€"â€"â€"Shell . Bates and H. White ‘ \‘ '1‘. White of In'mwu-Ville and 'I‘. H. 891mm of )Iurkolale have left nu their Semen rurling trm.â€"â€"Shelburxm Economist. I” Power 01 the Press Mr. Edmund 'lrwin of Belgrave says it pays tn advertise. Last. week he advertised ten pigs for sale. Ho-rum- nine. o'clnek on the murning after the paper was published, he haul five phone calls abuut them. nne frum \Vrnxetel', and the. pigs were gone before many people had linishml reading the, paper. Such is the newer M the press.â€"â€"\Ving- ham Advance-Times. _______.__â€"â€" An Ariswcrnic Beggar fl‘lw ‘lato-sfi. "stunt" along the beg- umg Ime m town last week was that n! a man gnmg from door tc :lmn‘ asking fur ten cents with whicl‘ tn buy a loaf of bread. In this way ‘ - . m... .Iov‘e um: 32 IIIHH' “Shlufi m. .. .. ‘ . tn [my a 1031' of brvml. In this way. he‘ gathm'ml up a big day‘s pay as ascm-Iuinml lntm'. Wu lvarned of nnv wuman whn was wise enough to giw him a luaf of brvad instead uf mmwy. It wnuld lw intm'osting tn knuw what lm (lid with the loaf. ‘Ft'l'glls‘ News-Record. ..-. _-- "You swatch my hack. and I‘ll swatch yours." is the principle on which tlw numinations are made. in Wiarlnn. You numinato me. and I‘ll nnminalv yml. lt sm‘ms to he the sunw all over tlw country. even in 'l'nt'mltu. .\ littlv culvl‘in 0f aspir- ants fur mw thing 01' another does it. all. Sn littlv intm-nst. is taken in tho» gnwrnn‘wnt of our municipal- l, mu»- thut. \wm- tlw numinatinns left 3 vnlrnly tn tlw initiativv of the MON- 1 Hrs. thvrv wouldn’t. he onuugh names ‘.put up tn fill thn required quota n ‘.nt‘tlcials. Tho voice of the peopl: I. . _ A n‘\nrgg“ nf ‘lp illl! II III‘ Vial-ton. You nominato me. and l u I tominato you. It sooms to he the h amo all ovor tho country. oven in 'oronto. .\ littlo cotorio ot' aspir- . ints t’ot- ono thing or anothor does 2 t. all. So littlo intoi-ost. is takon in ( ho gth‘l‘llmt‘nt of our municipal- l tios that. woro tho nominations left \niroly to tho initiativo of tho oloct- ‘ it's.thorowouhln’t. ho onough names ' put up to fill tho required quota of ' ot‘ticials. 'l‘ho voico of the people sounds tlno. It is a phraso of tie-l niooz‘at‘y. but it. moans attor all, tho \‘nlt't' ot‘ soll', and tho politician who fails to look at‘tor numhor one at tho flpptllllll‘tl timo will find his intot'osts sadly nogloctod on tho part of tho "poopul." Nobody ghos a hoot. and tho politioian who under- stmnls tho gamo host, faros best. lmlitl'oronoo is tho hano ot' «tomor- HWY. 'l‘hoi'o is no such thing as puhlio gratitmlo. and tho only time‘ 'tho "poopul's" Voioo can ho made oohoi-ont is in oomtomnation of some- ' thing or somoono. thon it is usually gnml and loud. Just at. prosont. tho pooplo locally aro clown on no one or no thing. honCo instead of a bat- tlo. no mo having a lluol.-â€"\\'iarton Canadian. The K. K. K. at Gouerwn The Ku Klux Klan is moving nurthward. Thar» have been quite a numlwi‘ of Klan organizations in tiw snuthm'n part of the province fur snnw timo. and last week steps wm-v taken to organize a branch at (milvi‘ii'h. A meeting held there was attt‘lldt‘d by snmn fifty who had boon pvrsnnally invitedâ€"â€"‘ wnril iwing passmi from person to wi'snn instpmi 0f adwrtising in tho usual way of calling a meeting. iFnllnwing thv meeting. a fiery cross was hurnmi in the park. indicating had bmm organized. that a branch. . Annular mewhng is announced for mu. m Hm Saw Yt‘ill‘.â€"-â€"LUCKHOW was burned in that. a branch .\nnthm' moeti mu'l)‘ in the ‘ S mfinvl Auto Was Wrecked .\ commem‘ial traveller frnm \Va- tm'loo had an experience on Wed- nesday mnming that. he will not men forget. While motoring down the new road just south of Jacob Beekm-‘s. his car got into a deep crooked rut and the machine made a luwline for the ditch. Over the six foot embankment it went and up- set. But the peculiar feature of the story is that neither the driver nor the car were the least bit hurt or damaged. In fact the car, a light coupe, was scarcely scratched. Lo- cal garage, men helped him out of . and sent. him on his way Snrprieed on Wedding Anniversary Christmas day being the 25th wed- ding anniversary of exâ€"Reeve and Mrs. Ifred W. Lippert. about tweng; of U‘IPH‘ neighbors and friends rob in the costumes of a quarter of a _4_ -â€" They’re Awa' .l. R. Batu" and H; ‘h fibll|lu in tmx'l} last week was man gmng from door to .' fur tvn cents \\ 1th. \\ Inch - ncvn|v it. at Goderich The Annual farce The nomination meeting last week as usual developed into more or less of a farce. and as usual nearly ev- V ery one in the hall was nominated A for some one of the municipal of- '1 tices. Some of those present. it was t said. were even peeve their names were not brought for- ‘ ward. and in order to satisfy these ‘3 chesty individuals, they were nom- ' inated for the different positions ‘ and their names of course will be I broadcasted in the oftirial list. All this may be tine fun, but every year it costs the town money. and this year We see a sample of it in the, contest for the Board of Education. where a vote has been made neces- sary by the entrance of a candidate who has no chance whatever of el- ection. This is due almost entirely to a bad system of nomination that has been permitted to deve10p in. new candidates with neither ‘lbllll-y nor qualification are often named for public office, who never should be. Just when we will get over this foolish practice is hard to say, but it does appear to be time we gave the matter a little more serious thoughtâ€"Midland Argus. Away to Scotland ‘ Mr. '1‘. H. Roburn loft. Wednesday morning to join tho Canadian curt- ' ers on their trip to Scotland. There are quite a numbvr in the party. but the» rink in which Mr. Rohurn will play is conwosod of Dr. S. 'l‘. Wlliitv of «)rangovillo, and Mvssrs. H. Whito and R. J. Bates of Shel- burno. The party will sail from Halifax this Thursday. Edinburgh will ho tho scene of most of their ganivs. tho schedule calling for :25 days lhoro. (lamos will also be playml in Glasgow and in London. Mr. liohurn is to ho congratulatml on his good l'ortuno in being chosen as “no of thoso to roprosont Canada in this ronno‘l'tion. and his frionds taro hoping that. ho may haw a lilo-a- '.sant outingâ€"Jfilarkdalo Standard. Bros: The car, a large coach. had been used the night before. and was ' few feet from the . house. It is thought that the tire gained such a hold that when it was seen at 4 a.m., nothing could be «lone. to prevent the automobile's destruction. Chesley tire brigade responded to the call promptly and prevented the flames from spread- ing. The car was reduced to a few . charred embers. as were also .the , other contents of the garage and its , wooden equipments. The loss is partially co__vered by insurance.â€" A] . s. «lccidcd to step out and allow younger fllPll ts» comc forward for the office. Mr. McKenzic has rc- ccivcd all tho honors that tho citi- zens have been able to bestow upon him. liming hccn scnt hack last January. and thou secured tho War- drnship of the County of Grcy. Mr. McKonzic heartily thankml tho vim-t- ors of Artcmcsia for their kinclncss to him in tho past. and tlw conti- dcnre- thcy have placml in his abil- ity to scrvc thcm. and state-d that ho cnjoycd the work likv llu othcr. and had dccidcd to rcst on tho laur- ols ho has attainm’l. It slicaks wcll for any public oftlcial to carry an office so long, with only one. or twoi years in which he was defeated atl ,. the polls. and to come back again‘ I with renewed vigor and rcccivc the , confidence of the pconlc again. No _\ doubt Mr. McKenzie will always car- ry fond memorics of his work in the township of Artcmcsia. and will; t'orgct any implcasantncss which might have cropped up in that. time. y â€"Flesherton Advanco. II y‘uuu . 'alkerton Times As soon as the. tin containing any kind of food has been opened. the. food should he immediately emptied. Foods such as salmon. etc.. should not even be carried from a shop in a tin after it has been opened. A little. curry powder added to warmed-over soups or stews will ‘make a new dish of them. Paint can be easily removed from glass by wetting a ceppetr or silver coin with turpentine and rubbing the paint with it. Keep a piece. of oilcloth in the bottom of the waste basket you use» in the bathroom or kitchen. This will prevent. liquids or powders that might get into the container from Airetl’eeive way to kill worms that infest the roots of plants is to stick the sulphur ends of matches l _ . in the ground around the roots. mmnnmi Autos. rmsins or other In l-llu EIUUIIU “IUUID‘A‘ Chopped dates, rmsins or other‘ drivd fruits are quite as fresh fruits to he added to the morning cereal for vari When the alumiqqm as delicious ety's sake. pans become . When the alummum 1 black and dull looking. HOUSEHOLD SUGGESTIONS lll IUDâ€" FOX"d “You are charsPd ‘ [1118!!! your mother-m-law 0' Krug dow.“ I. had “I did it without (1 was “Yes. but. don’t YOU m the serous it might have *9 fire one assin bV 8H1“ a had p "L . it was Advertise in 'flu 6“" with a -‘v‘ juice.‘ Rinse in .wa they will shine hke new. Woollens are hardened by the of strong soap. white soap and was wringing them out o istead of out of clear soft 019th gipped Biubop of mermmm likes m his convemhuu with fr..- When. 0m ho mm a friend a mine {he other day is waging. The bishop, It amwm's, W ' through a stl. Ham 8W1” um ad occasion in ask Hm 1“! 0‘ 3 fwd little boy. 7--- ” II“) ‘n|\' said 'an.‘ BWHTW flittle buy. up“ wow yo " Um buy said. and on e («Inboard of um [13‘ 1t_th0 church. Inn a bishop was "IN by r, who asked Hlv In car. Artfivi was opeklns. o. poltoe office urchjn, jvl‘kinu the? blshop. "H's _ o mum!" . 00:0“: On an ('hzu‘p ‘1 "u be mid? Null :1“ -vâ€"v', '0 . W and l‘t‘Sldo'lnw W. .0d 1 am’mm. .‘~ t ”film. '? r063“!!! T045411“ . ”arduys. D..- ‘flluON 8: JAMltxgoy‘ a“ “Ind POSIUPUHH :. 1'..- must of the Hahn H ..... ”Street 1H\\H i \. h Oflice hours 2‘. , V1,, - ID... (except Sundax . 'fifa‘w. 1.1.0. .r“ SIB Mall! 1 WL Ilnl'l‘.n l llnnflnnou SPEREMAN umnunno Successors to A. B. Lurrey .l'. C. C. Hiddlvbru ;~ :wrmum ”ted It Durham Hm M m: Mb Open (‘H'H' 113.143 LI m 9.30 p.m. __..â€"-â€"â€" . ..__ W“..- _ LUCLS HENRY mute“. Sancltun, m ,x “0‘ the firm WII. m :1; 1mm: My of each vka. Ammm: my be nude mm mm «m; 1 Dental [Drum n: “i. c. PICKERING DEM! “toe overJ. «L. 111'» nun-hm. Untarm Edible firm, In" . “The Chrmm 1‘ m'; a ALEX. IacDONALD ”'0‘ Ancuoneer for Co. of lodemto turn» \2: ‘; um Inlet. I8 ‘H dutw- M y, z..- .' 1 1.. I" fit The (Jhrmzuw e . \‘ _ fv... Term: 0n appln'mmr 1. Durham. Mwm- v'H ' w ___â€"â€"â€"â€"'-‘â€" Licensed Am? any. Prompt :1! unable h-uw :‘ unwed. bah r H all-(mick “le My. January '7. 1926 bininc 1“" calm-aunt: convenimfl (.95 are a dong {HI}? alto ha." 1" new: h â€"' brick h ’- tram" “ “ w arm" " WW! I)": ( If!” mere“ ‘ “ 0mm ‘3'» (Sigma 11* , am in 2"“1 slumps” m s r _ the premw ‘ mimng .. '- tl'une \\ ”3 .13!) It dw‘ bu tug; ‘ Classified A Litwsed gAmunna D“. IcLEAS A. U. BEII Well Wu : 'fl' MAP? Eq'. " m Faith. T ' ) Lad! ‘Dzrc’c‘lon 8P REUBEN C CON ; Duhmflflm 1" in F0! D flu Chron 0268 Road T0 WATSON R I061 N h Wlul

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