i‘b‘l MI .lumm "W'PH is am-mlim: lhn convention n! â€w Wavkunpc rs Assn. ciatinn being hvld at Hm Prince Gmrgn Huh-l in 'l‘nrnnm for throes days. Mr. Bynrs. who produces many tons of hmwy in his apiarins each war. is on the very attractim prngram with Mr. Morlcey Pnttit and other experts. to speak 0n "Manipu- lating I'Iolnnies During the_Actim Mr. Morrow ilillllell wnt a Splen- did sample of New Ontario venison to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh R. Riddell. The deer arrived b ex- pri'i'H in excellent condition an: was gently enjoyed by the family and our friends. ï¬ne of our old pioneers paused away Sunday morning, Novenflier 29. at her home here in the person 0! Mrs. C. Robertson. The funeral took plan: on December 1 to Wil- liamaforil cemetery. the service be- ing conclmtml by her pastor. Rev. Ir. MeWillianH We extend our aincme sympathy to the sorrowing family. The Prmhyh-rian Wmnen‘s Thank- ofl'c-rinu I". M. "muting will he bald in Dorm-ch church nn membvr 7 at 2 p. m. Mrs. (Rom; Armatmng of Durham will address the ladies. “All chlcomn." 8089011." 'l‘hv- Agriculturn Dopam- ment of the 0. A. C. sent out in- vitatinns to all beakenpors to at- tend the c-onvention. Winter weathor prevailed this week and was ideal for doing farm work and also working in the bush. A 300d many took the opportunity 1nd rushed things atom: at a good rate. people born now being we" adyanceg with the fall work. her. The evening: was quietly spent. and :1 dainty luncheon served. The htmnne-m of the evening was sub- dued not only by the regret of part- ing with Mrs. Maclntosh but by the recent death of Mr. Macintosh, one of the pioneers of Dornoch. The Mac-tint: cloned by singing “(30d Be With You Till We Meet Again.†Mrs. Macintosh was born at the Byers homestead north of meh and has spent all her life here. She ms to Toronto to join her «laugh- rs, Lillian and Barbara. having rented her farm to Mr. John Swee- ney and disposed of her 011ch at a successful auction sale a week ago. liss H. Christie visited over the week-end with her friend. Miss Knox. . Iiss Mamjry McLean spent last gook_pvith ‘her sister, Mrs. Wil- Miss Jean Blavk and Mr. H. Mc- Leun were Sunday visitors in and mud the Park. It. A. Ferguson and Miss Sarah 9! Balsam; Vsjley attmded services "ï¬lo sick oneé in our community 9' PW‘W favorably, namely, a club hag. while Mrs. James \‘aéey read an address expressing the re- npeel and affection of the commun- ity for Mrs. Maclntosh and regret for her departure. Speeches were made by Messrs. C. Macintvre, Wil- liam Smith, and Duncan Morrison. and songs were contributed by Mrs. Alex. Macintosh, Mr. James Vase); and Mr. William Smith. Mrs. Mitc- lmo'ï¬h was deeply affected at. the evidenly aincere expression of re- ï¬ird from her life-long neighbors. er brother, Mr. S. Byers, thanked the asaemhlage on behalf of his sis- here last Friday alleinoon. The Ford in all right. but what would you g';i:hout Bart and Jess what she I . ‘AA - ~ In. William Ridden spent the week-end with bar mmer, In. Game Sturrock. William But-net. Durham. Friday moraling. Hope you had good mortyflill on didnt, it w'asnt fortheneedo I L I ’Our Own Correspondent) \ m igiiimrl} gathering asspmblod u the- hum» of Mrs. Pewr Macintosh on 'niursday awning, win: in her leaving m» hlimmtead for Toronto. Mr mm: Macintyre took charge of W pram-am. and Mr. William flun- nimgs piwesentmi Mr}: MaglntosiLwiUi .w. “as. It and Hrs. E. Bockridge was in flamilwn last week. Ir. and ill-9.1. Thedor! were lquay visitors at Ir. a. B. Stew- ~01 haveenough 1 hem-o u :32; In. William )1: ’ visited '30: be â€her. In. . Rogers, ce Bill, over the week-end. 11. Wake was in Toronto lat ca Hill. ï¬r. and 3m. George Ridden visit- “ at. it. 6. B. Smith's. Sunday. We are very sorry to bus (0 "90“ I“ Hrs. Smith is not improving linen'lrs. Peter law It We» Hill. r. and In. George Ridden visit- d at â€r. G. B. Smith's. Sunday. We an very my to have to report I“ In. Smith is not improving in hum). ‘ . _ Swinton Park. (Our Own Correspondent) PAGE 8. i'eZIUIaI-yh through the Mr. J. J. Wilton and Miss Mar- jorie Caldwell visited with his fur- mvr neighbor, Mr. William (5an and family of Mount ForesL Tim [7. F. l). and U. P. W. 0. mm-l this Friday night at the home of Mr. James Petty. The Varmzy Ladies’ Aid held their l Unite a number attended the play. "‘Miss Molly,†given in Varney school last Friday night. It was considered l-mrh a success that the players have ,been asked to give it at the annual . Varney Christmas tree on Christmas night. also in Orchard church on December 9. Mrs. it. it. Watson spent over the week-end with Holstein friends. Messrs. Robert MeArthur and Bert Barber of Detroit and Percy Barber of Inwood motored home and spent the week-end with Varney friends, taking in the concert. Mr. Samuel Koenig of the 18th has purchaseita new piano. Northeast Normanby (Our Own Correspondent) liar. Mr. Cook of Hamilton, a chap- lain in Um dim-at War, Umk charge of the servlcn in Knox church last Sunday. .\lr. l-‘lzullay 0f Knox College spoke to the congregation at Knox a week agn Sunday. ' Mrs. Kennel!) Vaughan of near Ar- tur and her mother. 311's. Smith of Zion, visited on our line this week. It. Hex-mt; liell of near Hémil- :nn was a vmwr at the Banks home quita rgcenUy: Dromore / Our Own Correspondent) The hen! rin held their w: riding '- p m t rim: at. r. W'iliiamW'ells on Susanne! 30, and merything was W 1-) satisfactory. and all were quite agn- mine to writinue for 1926 under thn r-ramw’: rt'gulatiops arejonmriy. The Women’s Missionary Society will hold their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. William Hunter on Thursday, December 10, at 2.30 o'clock. I t is htiped that as many as possible will get to this meeting. Mrs. Hugh Renwick from Ottawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Renwick. Sin, over the week-end. The Ladies’ Aid are having 3 ha- zaur in Russell Hall on December 1:3. A good program is being pre- pared. Supper and lunches will be served from 6 o'clock. of the week XcOwrmickj. She is the youngest daughter a! the late Mr. and :1. John Bloom-mack and was one o! the brightest]: upils of 8. S. No. 3 and lmed by all who knew her. The deepest symptahy- is extended to the sorrowipg brother and sister, also her twice, Bliss Bella McKil- 1);, who so tenda'ly cared for her (luring her illness. MrfJames Banks brother of Proâ€" ""9. vigjted his_pothe§ recquy. __ Uur roads are real good for sleigh- ing or wheeling now. The hum of the large engine in the mill can be heard {01' ten miles, and has been working from 2 w 4 hours overtime m_p_and_le the chopping and planing. \\ 00d cutting has ill-cad)? con;- m :nmd and ( arles Smail. has the mum that ghcs satisfactmn and Mr. and Mrs. John Sinclair visited Mr; R. Renwick, Jr., the beginning pig-Ely 9f po'wer u is with regret we learned 0! the death of“ 1-3.4.Vei‘l (nae Katig Hr. Roy Braun has made house which is m: him warm comlrmble {or the winter. He .3:â€" poets tomildinthoearlysprmg. Hrs. Prank View a! (Our Own Correspondent) China Cups and Saucers 250 A new assortment of French Ivory. Ladins' Fancy Handkerchiefs 5 for .................. 250 We - have Handkerchiefs .4 Indestructible Pearl Beads, Sterling clasp ....... $1.00 com: AND SEE ova WONDERFUL DISPLAY 1e Variety Store W Durham A' large halo of goods was sent to a British Culumhia hospital this wank by the Ladies’ Aid of the United church. Inspector Mills of Toronto paid an ofï¬cial visit to our Continuation school last. Friday and reports all inï¬gqod order. Mrs. Ed. Johnston has gone to Tet-water to resido with her daughtcm Mrs. W. Freeman, for the winter. Holstein (Our Own Correspondent) Mr. Hugh McKenzie Hf Toronto. a returned man from the mission field of Hanan China. addressed the cnncrtgitien of [hi I nited church at last Sahhatlis morning wuice. It “as the winding: up of the cam- paign: of the Maintenance and 12x- tensien lund, and we have w re port that the amount allotted to the Holstein circuit was $600. Al- ready m. er 8800 has been subscribed and more to follow, about 8380 al- ready having been sent to the mis- sion heard at 'l‘.0r0nto 1 Mr. Robert Mi Man has had an unusual streak 0 luck in the past fortnight with dog and gun. Goons, skunks and foxes have netted him a handsome sum of money. monthlymeetingWedxudayoflhis weeKthohoneofan.J.Wil- ent events. lemhers of Varney church fortheirhuaartobeheld at that place on Saturday. School trustees are preparing their argu- ments {or the Township meeting at S. 8. No. to, Yeovil. on Saturday to discuss the merits and demerits o! the promeed bill to form Town- chip Boards. St. Paul’s people are preparing every detail essential for the complete success of their Sun- day school concert on the eleventh. while others are having equal an- xiety preparing for Christmas bells, es, and wedding bells. too. Of the _atter, we will have more to say Any person who wants great value for twenty-ï¬ve cents should avail themselves of the privilege of at- tending the Sunday school concert to he held in connection with the St. Paul’s Sunday school in Allan’s school on Friday evening, December ll. There will be a short program by the school. tea and eats and af- terwards a play that was given at Durham Town Hall this fall under the direction of the noted E. D. Mc- Cloeklin and received much com- ment. will he presented. School children free. other children 10 cents. adults 25 cents. Our mail courier, Mr. William Long has given good satisfaction during his term of ofï¬ce, but is thinking of quitting at the end of the year. It is not just an up hill job, but an up and down hill one almost from start to ï¬nish on this route. He has so my polesto putup thatweimginehewillbeinthe long distance column. Every addi- tional neighbor aided mama just so much more mine!» the present users. 'l'he threshers all completed the season's run last week and will now be relating their experiences and making their way across sideroads through the mud. Whether the few scattered deer running at large injure crops much or not, there is a great feeling of indignation when it is reported that some miscreants have been chasing and wounding them with (legs and guns. The country seems much more interesting to travel through when an occasional glance of wild animals and birds can be had. (WWW) Th0 telephme was installed last weekinmurmorehomonthis Mr. Milford Lawrence is nursing some boils On his neck this week, but he has been threshing all {all and “ill be used to amazing ex- periences. Int-shall and lame Alleti are the One day last week as Mr. John Christmas Booklets, 15 in a box, per box .......... 450 This is the best buy in Christmas Booklets we have ever had. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “Ten Nights in a .Barroom,†it staggers the imagination. The Biggest Display of (him we have ever had. M. Winter has gone to e for .. uplo of weeks. Mr. mi; of Knox uâ€College. Toronto, will occupy the pulpit of the Prabyterian church for the next two Sunday: during the absent}: at the pastor. Our Candy Department is a real treat. Get. a box of Laura Secorde, Smiles ’n Chuckles or Neilson‘e Chocolates. Mr. John A. McDonald is spenQing a few days with friends at Price- ville. Messrs. W. R. and Hex-pert Edge; See the new Flossie Flirt Dolls. ~ -No Sideline Nothing too old, small, large or hard for us to tackle 34 years’ experience NO COLLECTIONâ€"NO CHARGE KELLY AIKEN COLLECTORS Oran eville and Owen Sound Owen ound ofï¬ces 169 9th St. E. Referenceâ€"Standard Bank of Canada We Bandy} Cglpgtions Only COLLECTIONS (WWW) ï¬ght? rununnmnnnom on plants is frequently indicated by a curled and distorted condition of the leaves. They have marvellous er: of multiplication but as 191111 No. 7 d the Dominion De- pat-malt of Agriculture on “Insecu Meeting Greenhouse Plants†gates. and hhc‘k niceâ€"m a pestiferom nuisance that my IC- ist htsto maintain war against. They feed on the up of the ten- der growth of plants. sometimes en- tirely mining pthem and other: mo juring the flowers. Their We ceâ€"nlh I‘D-Called “with!“ e on! practice, 3.375 the bulletin. amuld be to spay when only a few plants are attackedjnd to minim when nearly or qmte all the house is infected. are should he uken they are‘ ily wily controlled by sprayingw: nicotine pram-aim um. in The Ghromch. It Pay; 93â€â€œ: prim (describing his cask. be. m the W apthe com that. ï¬nal}: â€I was mum; the ‘J'irnel what 'qxpcned Shea the 54:59:33- mm W me, so I turn mod and: ledi 'now 10:}: an: “I†10": Set. 'Wef.n [Hi m to the gender. I dim; my. Dav-lul- 3. ins, w h ï¬guratively 29134;! 3 r â€W [mum-u was «I0 ‘19 arranged t» hum a imr and a 1m this rum i‘j'day tn ro-plvmsh Hm (rm Dr. Smith \\;|~‘ prvsmlt 1 the addrc-ss of Hm aflnrnl took “tLunmmmLy Health" gm Ind how mu-h iudh'hlual l the. Mmln'al Hvallh Ofï¬cer. gratuhnml tho womou of ll talus on tho mmmunily w underlako and romurkml l their fruils‘. yo shall knnl no slmko of lho imw'mvml .001“ schools. church». .1 WWW“ lhruughmxi Hu- and which is lhu x'vsnll u stituh- work. In ulvzllm: 811M001. DI} Smith iullml DI‘. SmHh strwsml {rush air. particularly ins: quartnrs. and um." Imep out, doors mm H‘nntinuvd on Provincial Health Boa: Action if Not Soon In radav ’m't. her nu . tn pxm H. 11 Th0 ('iVit' ‘ Sound al'v HF neclmll \\IHI 0va Smnul 800d “'iih-I'. are nu IWHP At any l‘utv. steps undm' ? Act and m Health l’uun' supply WW" During Hw 1; Sound had :I la in (“HM HI. mm flangv thv run that tho \Vatm \‘ r109. thv [ml-H seem in thm‘n : trey. Mllli‘h‘!’ ueS‘l'd â€I“ u ellâ€: (H'Iim'l‘. Public I‘mm» Grintvndvm uz' him in 'I'ux'um that it “I†to minus Hlt'mst Sll'l'll ADDRESS WOMEN’S INST] The Bum"! . penlml rNW'“ group of (‘Hll' (O the \Vah'x‘ was (3km! Hi' Hutu) :mtlm: u if thvrv W _ Sonlvwhat â€Ir 1818 in lhlrhzun. ‘08 ï¬t â€I" Hullll‘ ï¬ner 0f HwaHh Mi“!!! In Inm several samplow him to â€In Ibo-1 ~368Mb. “'hll'h \\ Hf luting Held on “moon at Home . Ilther -Atten\ianc 58.â€"N0. 3051. II 3 young man furl!) thifly nnlw ville before Album; For my )‘vm's‘. I (hosen'atiw. bl am, has lwvn Lush 0f Um I] Albem. and “-pr in the Dominion ARTHI'R M MINE-S “’38 (IO N! i.†“0“! Ma this 0 nish the m HI LIN "I HI Hmrili n HIP ‘ L' “'(H'K ls mun ir hnm ssml H \\ I!“ m M31 101‘ H In- aw mum H ll H“ lll m an \V