Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Apr 1925, p. 12

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PAGE 12. Mr. Malcolm Campbell has re- turned after a visit with Mr. Jamvs Yandl of Elmwnod. Mr. Revel Boyce delivered a line load of porkvrs to Durham on Sat- May. Mr. Leonard Walsh has his car buzzing along oncn more. --.-. knia\7 Uuwl|la uuvuc ‘,---. ___‘ Most of the farmm's are. hu‘xy ploughing and prvparilng UIBIP seed beds once mum», {m} .we have not. 3...“.-. heard of any seed being sown ex- cept by Goldsmith. He has his ear- ly pmaQOPS planted. The Goldsmith brntlu-rs had a very sum" 95“.] chopping bee on Wed- newt-y. and Mr. Charles Shewell lays may have eighty cords of wom‘ down. Charles knows. Thu Olll time. pranks seem to be the ram- again. They have been talking a'rwnt the good HM times that they used tn have at their tafly- pull~ 'moi how they used to do it. so 301m at tho- boys up and tried it o for EiH'flHPIVGPS to see If it would com" true _ It m-ms ilko' the Bentinck Coun- cil. In». matter how we try, insists on haunt: _mud.l'08§dS-. AL A --.-. Tlu'y talk about. giving the re- tumn-d nwn a first Show. Yes. in the gran-l pit, at 22% cents an hour. But win-n NW 50 m-uts pvr hnur job cnmo-s mung. it is as usual tun-um! the o-Hu-r way. .\s In patrol mvn. it 38011:; ”w l'vhll'nml mvn gut. a last. shov‘ there, £00. â€" ~ Traverston. | ill“: ha; tOur own Corresnondent.) ; Row Sugar making is almost. past for srrivs this $03.40". \Vt‘ek'. Mr. tjlilanol think liuzzml two piles MP. of wood t'nr Mrssrs. Black and MC~ «if n ulna“, 0“ Saturday. gupst: The Paylor family treated the “1.91;. «mm; folk nf tlw rummunity tn a My. Jolly party last Friday vwmng. .motox Miss E. J. Allan spent ovcjr. the days WHOk-t‘nd in mum Sound VlSlllng “mp. kindred. . M 1.: Mr. and Mrs Charles Mctllnrklm day 1 spent. last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. histr Campbrll and hrnthrr Arthur. ro- quite turnm'l homo» with thgm. Mi: '_ “-1- L n __ Tho married folk of our noighhor- hood gathorod last Monday night at tho homo of Mrs. M. Smith and preâ€" sented Mr. and Mrs. Konnoth Vaughan with a nurse of money. A briof program was givon and roports say thoy hold tho liyoliost owning of tho. soast‘in. Miss Myrtlo Mrtllorklin was a Host at tho Moffat homo all. Edge ill a couplo of days last wook. Miss Edith 'l‘oolor rallod on Orangovillo frionds ono. day rwontly.‘ Wo aro glad to notico that Mini William Firth. Sr . is ahlo to ho out--1 doors in tho sunshine those past few days. Mr. “T. R. .lark rorontly sold a lino roll to Mr. John Nowoll of No. 9 district. Mr. Duncan Dunbar of Toronto is \isiting at tho. parontal home. Miss Hoorgina Anderson of the city is holidaying with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Anderson. In: Mrltzio of lhindas is oxportoi‘l Dr. 1“va ' humo- this W0 nmtlwl' hawk IUI' III!” .‘quuu ; ...------_-_ Mr. .lnhn Park is asmstmg Mr. William Hmulcrscm of llampden for M:- and Mrs. Immw Smithflf Mr. and Mrs. lmrm- Smith 0! Mount I’m-mt visitvd l'nt'o‘ntly with Mr. and Mrs. William Derby. .Vliss I'Z. Hahn MI Durham visited with hvr aunt. Mrs. .\lvx. Grim'snn. South Bentinck (Our own Correspondent.) Mr. .\I'thm' llnl'lwtl. nl' lh‘h'nil- 1'0- hii'no-ol in that. «My zil'lm' spending a l'mv Who-ks with his mnlhm‘. Mrs. .\ll'i'ml llnrlwt-l. Miss Mary Fun-cl. whn is atlmuling tlu- Durham High School. spent Sunday will. the Derby families. Mr. William Hunter of Durham \‘isilo-ol a fvw wowks with Mr. and Mrs. Alo'x. Hrio-rsmi. .\li'. Min-rt Mollnnahl is assisting 511'. William .‘lmu'ns nl’ Hampden for lhu summm' months. ‘ . . '1â€"‘1-‘r- ‘I'D (Our own Correspondent.) Spring must b0 horn in earnest. as snmv of our farmers have started ploughing and quitv a number are sugar making. Tim roads are dry- ‘mg up niwly. lwrmitting quite a number of vars cm the main roads at last. _ .___‘|-o A-‘-\.|n‘f WW" I\. The sacrament of the Lord’s Sup- per was dispensed in the Presbyter- ian Church here last Sundax morn- ing. Rev. A. Sutherland, a local . VCIJ uu-- --â€"--___, , , , _ Aussen and McLean are busy men these days in the garage work. We understand they aye improving their service statiop this season and Wm he in a position to gather in a his 1PPÂ¥ own Correspondent.) Priceville. The cream gat erers for the Egâ€" remont Creamery Company purpose commencing on their routes next Monday. A good deal of canvass- ing has been done, and the prospects are bright for a successful year. Mr. I). P. Coleridge has been con- lined to his room for a few days but is somewhat better at time of NM t ing._ Mrs. Hockey. who has seen service in the mission fields of China, con- ducted the services in the Methodist Church last Sabbath evening. She dealt chiefly with the possibilities of China and the great need of \VOI‘k of the missionary in that foreign lielcl. It. being the anniversary of the W. M. S. the annual crusade was conducted Monday with good results. Mr. John Brown met with rather a serious accident. one day last week as he was driving along the Eighteenth lionression Hl’ l'lgremont, in ill-seemliug a hill near V'ctor Adams. u'hm'n there was a washout. Adams where there was a vashout. Mr. Brown saw the danger and ,iumpml uuL but wv understand tho car pass-3m! uwu' him. He is badly hruisml about Hm how! and face and is still ('muinml In his mom. Mr. Walter Hastiv has purchased {mm Jumos l". Mclnnos thv house and Int unw uccupiml by Mr. (inr- «lnu Fishm'. MI'. Hastic gets posses- siuu about. tlw first of Sepmmhvr. Mr. Smith. of Knox Col-loge. Tor- nntu. cnnduclml tho- servrcog 1p_ the ‘. mum. cnnductml thv services 111 the Mr. William Watson’s sale was Prvshvtm'ian Church last. Sabbath largely attended on Friday last. and NIH! assistwl in “If? ('VPnlng SOI'VICP OVPI'Vthing \VIIS‘ SOld and high prices in thn Molhmlist Church. paid: . RM'. L. E. \szt is Cumhlcting ‘21 MP. and Mrs. “7;. Lane and fam- svl‘io's nl' Manuolistw SPI'VICOS ihls i1." arr at [DI‘PSGIIL visiting with P013- “”31?- . tiws hm'v. MP. 1}. 4131mm and fl'and. MI‘. From Mrs. R. R. 1(0th and ““10 daugh- “r "“3" Niagara Falls were the tor of Dundalk were guests of Mr. “ms“ ”1' ”'0 Calder family over the and Mrs. George Black 01; Sunday. wm-k-ond. _ A vm‘v pniovahle evening was Mr. and Mrs. Hartley Allingham n‘mtm-ml from Georgetown on Satur- day and sprnt a day with her mo- ttwr. M rs. J. Brown. Mrs. D. P. Coleridge loft last Fri- day fur Rulbert. Mich., to visit her hislvr. Mrs. Genrge Deford, who is quit» ill at present. - A “HM-ms McKinnnn of Orchardville schnnl was the guest of the West. family nwr Sunday. Mr: John Ross. 'StI-anorII, spent tlu- work-end With 1113 SlStO? here,_ ‘ Mr. Dan Plecle's and son. Kenneth, at (101111. more Vlmtors wntln 1118 m0- tlwr. Mrs. Jumps Eccle‘s recently. Smitty qus. garage in in charge nf Mr. Smwm‘ who has mnvnd to Mr. \. R. Hvlfihm s wsidonco. ”Slur-st. Scott. Nevins of Mount Forest visitml hvr mothm'. Mrs. J. Brown, I'vff'ntly. - a m ‘l f. i \lunay Long and Tacvy MN Cuba at \zunv) slwnt a «lav [$0511th with “15‘. EdVVaul Rae. MN. E. Smith was sovnrnly burned alum/t thP hvml and face! \V’hllP mak- Im: snap my Tuesday. n.1- I I" 'l‘lw tmchms lmw 'l‘hm'sday for tlwir I'lnstm' llnlidms: Miss Ed- wards in Ottawa. Miss Floyd to Xvw Ym'k. M 1'. Koch to St,rut..fm'cl and Miss Davidson to Nowtun. Mrs. Hur'hmt 'l‘uafl’nrd and son. Hm'dnn. am 3 pmuiim: :1 f0“ \woks \VIHI hm dmwhin, \ll's. ’im't Max'- salc-s m“ Acton. Mr. Knmwth 'lnlnsmnm‘ of town is assisting: Mr. James Hpsllp With the spymg work. ‘- II' I _ I f‘.--____ .x-‘.-‘ Mr. aml Mrs. Mmhaolfiascy and clnldrm spent Sunday With her mn- thm'. Mrs. henney. _ Mrs. W. Eadie. who has beeufvis- iting her mother for a few weeks. returned to her home in 'l‘oronto on ;\| ouday. .\ very enjoyable party and pres- entation was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Vaughan. W‘ed- nesday evening of last week. in. hon- or of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vaughan who soon leave for their home near Arthur Village. Following is the ad- dress. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Vaughan, Dear Friends: We. your friends and neighbors, are here to express our pleasure and good wishes on your recent marriage and to say goodbye. You have both been in our midst since birth. the tie of friendship is there- fore. stronger. and we regret. your iremtwal from amongst us. but hope you may find many good and true friends in your new home. We all felt. a desire to have some expression of our good wishes in your home and ask you to accept. this clock and sil- ver ware as such. \Vishing you good health and much happiness in your new home. we remain your sincere friends. (Signed on behalf of the neighborhood) . 2 John Boyd. Joseph Darison. Glenroadin. (Our own Correspondent.) Mr. Ale-x. Vaughan was in Mnunt Fm'vst mw day lag}. wm‘k. Rocky Saugeen (Our own Correspondent.) The monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. G. Boyd with a. good attendance. Several good papers were given. and a couple of chapters were read out of the study book by the president, which all enjoyed very much. The monthly meeting of the 17. F. W. 0. will he held at the home of Mrs. T. Turnbull on April 17th. Glad to report Mr. George Noble able to be out, after being laid up with the mumps. also Mr. Jack Lawson is better now. 3v "‘1'--â€" “Dofi’t forget thénconcert in the school house on April 10th. A good programjs in greparatlon. "-__:“-_. -d“.\‘ n â€"â€"-. w- ___ "1%. Roy 5f Hamilton spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Earl Vessie. LJIUU \J At the U. F. O. meetin held in the school on Friday nig t, there was a debate, the sub.) ect being. “Re. solved that the farmer’s wife has fewer op ortunities to enjo life than has a farmer.” The at rma- tive was upheld by Mrs. D. Lamb and Mrs. Neil McLean and the nega- _II _...I “We by Mr. Mr. John McKechnie. ' All debaters brougnt out their points plainly and the affirmative won by six points. BLUE BUR’R 00MB}! (Our own Correspondent.) Fine weather prevails at time of writing. and everybody is busy on the land getting ready for another season’s crop. Mr. and Mrs. John Aldred of Dur- ham were guests at the latter's sis- ter’s. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Brown, one evening Inst week. .U V Vâ€"---â€"o W.Mr Wilfrid Alexander spent 'l‘lunsday m ening last at Mr. Chal les RCJVS - u- ‘II n _A_ I n,~_.-_‘_â€" M}. and Mrsnfl. Roay and family were recvnt. “swaps at. the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wallgam McQullough. We would like to know who drove the car without lights on through uur burg: last Friday night, about tml o‘clock. This must, be one of the new car laws for this summer. Swinton Park. (Our own Correspondent.) 'i'hu past \ka has been ideal .zwmg \x'vathqr and has taken the .-'.!m_\\' away, (ll'lml up the mud 80 that it Is a ploasurqto out outdoors. A good run 01' sap is reported by thus». who were lucky to tap. 311'. H. Hamilton 0f JGSSaniIIO was :x. caller in this place on Sunday. Mr. H. Young of Churchville was r. welcome visitm‘ in this burg for a fvw days last, week. A very enjoyable evening was' spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Knox on Saturday evening when a number gathered and had a music practice. There was a good 'variety, piano. violin. banjo. clarinet, saxa- phone and the traps furnished the music which is always good at the Park. Darkies’ Corners (Our own Correspondent.) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ngrisonpf the West wore rqcefnt, Visutors wnth Mr. and Mrs. William Jacques._ ' Mr. John Hamilton had the mis- fortune to lose a. horse last weak, Mrs. John Lawrmwo is visiting with her son. Harold, in Egremont. Mr. Prosper Portm' is assisting Mif. Almg Aljoo. Miss Elizzf Patterson .is visiting foxja coupig of-_wjmi_ks in 'l‘monto. Mr. and'M‘I‘S. Ed. Pratt and chil- dren spvnt a «lay the first of the week in Cheslgy. Miss litlw! min-gram visited with Markdalo friends l'vconuy. RIDICULOUS! A man with a gun undm' his arm walkml mm a butcher shop and 35km! for a CUIIDIP of rabbits. “SUP- Py sir." said tlw hutchm', “but. I’m (tumplotoly snld «mt. of rabbits. I could giw ynu anion ham tlmugh." WE DO NOT DO ENGINE OR CHASSIS WORK THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 0U can do so at small expense by having the body repaired and repainted at our factory on Queen Street. Voker Bodies Limited Body Repainting and Repair Work a Specialty {Contitiuéd from » page 1.) treated and enabled to continue their good work: “One question taken up by our Committee might almost be re- hospitals. Our new youthful and energectic Minister of Health ap- pears to be inaugurating a health policy which should meet with the approval of every person. While many committees as well as other interests have from time to time made investigations and reports on .the ‘high cost of living.’ I believe lit would be desirable and proper that an investigation should be made into the ‘high cost of dying] I am sure every member of this Legisla- ture realizes that under modern conditions. when a case of illness occurs in a family and nursing and medical attendance has to he had according to the latest. ideas or the prevailing fashion. it. becomes a burden to secure the services of a high-class surgical specialist and a a corps of registered nurses. Then. if the patient happens to die. and a fashionable funeral is held by one ot those newa named ‘undertakers’ or ‘funeral directors‘ or ‘morticians,’ followed by the tombstone. man, the savings of a lifetime of any ordin- ary citizen \vill disappearâ€"even be- fore the estate falls into the hands of the lawyers. __._ AA“_‘ “Now I believe the time is com- ing when the Government of this Province will find it necessary to care for the health of all the people and provide for medical attendance and nursing just. with as much care as they now provide for the educa- tion of all the children of the Prov- inee. This would mean a great ex- tension of the hospital service, and although at one time sending a paâ€" tient to a hOSpiital was almost con- sidered a sentence of death, this prejudice is rapidly disappearing and as a matter of choice, most peo-l ple now want to have hospital treat- ment. The large urban centres have a decided advantage in the buildâ€" ing and maintenance of these insti- tutions, but we find small hospitals being established all over the prov- ince, and before many years have passed. we may expect every town and village of any size will have its own local hospital, doing splendid work and bringing the best of treatment within reach of everyâ€" body and at a_moderate cost. These -- a- -l uvuu “-Uw â€"â€"' _- small lumpitals have been in most cases, built and operated by such splendM lucal organizations as the Rod Corss Society or Lhn Daughtm's 01' the limpiro. and they dfqmpc'l‘l‘o a great extent on local charitable people to keep them up. They all take. in girls for training as nurses. and it. is this practice which ena- bles them to keep up their stalls without. inordinate expense. Some regulations recently passed by an incorporatml Association of Nurses and the curriculum laid down for their training. would. if strictly en- forced. practically close up all these small hospitals and make it impos- sible for them to continue Opera- tions. However. I am assured by the Minister of Health that all the interests of these hospitals will be prt'itecteil by ar‘anging that they shall be affiliated with hospital where Lhnir st» may secure a few mon training. so tl_1.oy may ‘J “But. at the same time, I am firmâ€" ly convinced that the girl who has received her training in one of these small hospitals is just as well or better fitted to go into the house of the man of moderate means. 01 into the ordinary_ farm home. and HeldRoots-Mangels VERY Farmer and Stockman knows the value of the Maugcl u a body bulldcr - and a milk producer and lo the maln- tenance of general good health. We highly recommend following varieties lo all Growers who desire the bal Rennie-'3 Giant Half Long . Yellow Rennle‘g _Perfe_c_tl<_m Mam- I“I.-.-v ' - moth icing Red - Rennie's Giant White Sugar Rennie’s Ideal Order Rennie's Tested Mange! Seed from your local dealer. or direct from WILLIAM TORONTO I] you cannot obtain locally. pleas ”It“. :33. Ag’ljoing your the facilities'there existing. and .um RENNIE may, ADELAIDE and JARVIS Sn. (@ntimmi from may 9. my, asking that. 1hr 0380 in» trap- ferred to another jurisdictiun «m II.» ground that it wmlld b0 imlmmmu to obtain a fair trial before :1 Hum to obtain a bay jury. 3' April 0. 1925. rPSlllts than "vnn lass . Sine". ‘h‘ ”‘9 n“ ”H “ed \xun would mu} non 01 law mwns and “pin. - H.‘ “(“0 “Ir rmmw Dr. Jaminwu Mm cm as \VlmH} :q high-himdmi lII every OIIW'I'HHH' any! of NW mm the lwst. Hump 1 rural mum” w 'l‘hp lvuislahnl “vornmem Logislat 0 n Standzhu. h .. ,4 uh Addresced Law '0“ :n .Defex. (,2 Th0 lvgislahc NUI‘SFS' Assut‘l: every huspltnl pollml to haw matron. and «w 0011911 in. \Vqu Clflfifld ”I0 clue [K’l‘ CPI“, Hf HI. Sid? Hm largm tion mmmt. :1 Lions likt- Hn flemorial Hos as (mad and n many {'1' HH- I2: many Hf Un- M1 bm‘ll ("OSPd few that the mun-w and framod Hw would plam- n that \Vhil'h lu-h :7. .::. :3. 97...: .7. 1. a..:::.:.:3. :2? m... E e. 2.51.57 2:8 5.; C MRS. GAGNON P1 METHODIST L MM \\' \\ 'l‘hv I by a!" l Huston. mam huh Int-'- dvllt (i001 I-I-Im \ \ I‘ll ll \\ IIHI {III II Spa!" Hospitals I‘mmm and H danu~ Cum“: of Health so“! plc-h' BUS AND D Tm Ir. Albert George M day. Thc‘ «hull \‘~il'~' (.9me \thx'vh BUMP pllz'rhn-w busillc‘s.~ M Mr command in H five voars. \11‘. ll1I|l Hr. McW‘Pk“ll III NO. 3016. HI illl m \VPC 111‘s \I m n, Livi Iclee {I}

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