Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Apr 1925, p. 7

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\II lithloi -u l have found 3 Vegetable Com- icine to take NIOIS rnt. A sum“ i120“ me day advertnmi mailcines. and CI :1 at the» time Ivan: tfi'fi’ :_ able Command 2 began to not“ I “ma? m-alth. l 'u hm BAGS HUB SALT. EACH DI" 3. 1925‘ ho show case. Found Relief .ompmmd mulm' snmvplow ll HI:.."|\\'3)'S. which Money. \\ the-r is wise if this statement of thuur ' of 3 mt same storyâ€"benc- “I HI I'ln-l'v was a 8000 - .-\.'rything sold w. 'l‘hlstlc‘thwaite hmr «m. John’s H" Ont. lZE Vorretabh CM!!- MM! for use dur- .‘Y'ionce 0‘ Ptm VIN" mlli'h M“ turs. Th8 [WW - :u-v \‘t‘ry flm‘. tn.- brad nfflco nu and answer Stu Iwaitc stock be time an l’ at 30mg, r medicine I xver Pills . You are you think é. HARRY t,‘1‘oromo, ivm‘k. at- had a i mple- on Sat~ 12¢ :35c 29c lac 11c 23c lac 19c Five persons are known to have ho-on killnd and fifty others injured who'n thv. Bordpaux5Paris Express toniay. The London jury in the sensation- al Dennisloun ease, which on Tues- day awarded £5.00!) to Mrs. Dorothy Muriel [M'nnislouu from her former husband. was discharged yesterday after Col. Dennisloun abandoned a counter claim regarding some furni- ture. Counsel then began legal ar- guments nn claims for judgment. )rowcls yesterday morning in 'l‘okio attacked the residences of cer- tain pee-rs who were prominent in opposition to the universal sufl‘rage measure during Tuesday’s session or the Japanese lTpper House. Only slight damage. wasdone. but the qt- taéks haw “caused serious compli- cations in the situation of the Upper The Mohammedan and Christian Arabs in Jerusalem closed their shops yesterday and ceased work on the occasion of the arrival of the Earl of Balfour. as a protest against the famous declaration which he is- sued as Foreign Secretary- commit- ting Great Britain to the. support of the establishment of a Jewish home- land in Palestine. The speech maclc by Austen' Chamberlain. the British Secretary for Foreign afiairs. in the House of llommuns last cwning. made ag 00d imprcmiiun in French official circles. The most rvassuring featurp of the British Ministrr‘s speech. it was rnmmr-ntml. was the disclosure that tlm British (lmvrnmcnt realizes that it holds llw law to the security prghlcm. I-f|‘ _.I (\nA y. LI :1 Eight persons were killed and three others seriously injured when a heayy explosion occurred yester- day morning on the oil lighter Saturn in the harbor of‘ Hamburg, Germany. The force of the explo- sion tore apart the lighter, a vessel 210 feet long. hurled her anchor weighing 500 pounds. over several nearby buildings. The Hoyernment at Moscow has agreed to exchange. the two former Polish otticers. Baginski and Wie- ezorkiewicz. now held political pris- oners here. for two Poles condemnâ€" ed to death by the Soyiets. Bagin- ski and \Viesmrkiewicz were sen- tenced to death early last year on charges of belonging to 'l‘errorist or- ganizations and being concerned in the Warsaw citadel explosion of 0c- tober. NIB. but President Wojoie- rhowski commuted their sentences to lil' e imprisonment. Henry 'l‘yrell Lane. formerly o!" Boston. lecturer and psychoanalyst, has been sentenced to one month's imprisonment and recommended for deportation hy Magistrate tirallumâ€" ilampbell of Bow Street. London. for contrayention of the Aliens Act. Lane. who is it) years of mg), con. ducted at one time what. he de- scrilied as "a little common“ealth industrial school." and it. was brought out. in court. that early in “‘“‘ .. r-mmv oie! inmate .nul been I l ( 1 t 1 Wotld NewsSeeI At Milan \\ workers in Metz. t0 the day anal-nu down the 31 £0 miners ‘ time. Nine animal as "a littlv commomwamu industrial school." and it. was bl'ntlght out. in court that party in I918. 11 ynung girl inniatv nail boon mistroatvil. and that allow an in- \'o'.~‘li}.'atihu. tllo- svhiml was i'lnsml. 'l‘hv Liigislativr Assvmhly ll. Syllâ€" noy. Austrialia. )‘vstm‘day passv-il tlw )lai'riagvs .\mvncling hill. which was l‘t‘jt‘t‘lt‘tl by Hip Assembly la<t )‘i'tll'. Th0 hill pl‘OVltlt‘S that a liar nut 0x- cm‘iling H00 01' a yi‘al’s impi-isnm “MW". 01' hath. may lw impnsml "fur alleging that pvrsuns lawfully mar- ried aw not truly and mfih'imitly married.“ \vro-ckm near Paris early'yes- .‘lu‘llll'UI| K"...-"C-“ prenonsly passe i I tixes the \‘ot-' terilay passed the bill. 'l'he'mensnre. by the Lower House. ing age at '3?) and abolishes Property miahtieations. g The tiiSt-c_i\'t_'t'y that 20.000 Phlish Catholic couples haVe obtained di- ' ' the Russian Urthâ€" vorres by joining _ odox tlhureh IS cansmg U-"Wt‘m '0 the Polish onernment. Measures are being eonsuh‘red to restrict, {th movement. i Morning Post reports that. Prof. Richard Schorr. director 'nivel‘sit)‘ Observa- . Bergedort'. on Monday dis- ' a comet. of the. eleventh magnitu ' neighborhood of ' Leo and Virgo. eh birth rate continnes ' Vital the (“‘8 ~- -- ‘ - Aumhnroll 102.2.‘6. as 09m- Th0 Japalu‘ sionar. in agreement m roducts. announces turers of flour p . ' ' t 9 best quality flour ‘ ' the new ‘ Iapam'sv Hnusv uf l’vvrs yes- )lanhuml Suffrage pussvd tlw . v-nwasurv. pl'vausly passed Luwm- Hnusv. tixvs the. vol- ’ at. 2:3 and anolnshvs PI’OpPI't)’ Thursday 12: pay [1717 both. man lw impns‘ul “luv hat persons law'lullx murâ€" nnt truh and in: ”(Mouth Friday “you. w vuu nullwc, ”luv ’UBWI- day afternoon, the lift falling 300 down the shaft. The day shift of 60 miners were on the lift at the time. Nine wounded brought out up to '5 o’clock reported there were mgqy dead below“ ‘ __ . The experts of Middlesex Hospital in London, the centre of British radium research, have announced an important discovery enabling the curative value of any given quan- tity of radium to be multiplied thou- sands of times. Briefly. the dis- covery consists in bottling radium gas. known as radon, in tiny glass. tubes. Radium emits three kinds of rays, known as alpha. beta. and gamma, but hither’io only the gam- yma rays have been harnessed. The presentsuccess concerns the beta rays which th eexperts now are cap- turing. purifying. condensing and confining in glass tubes a little thicker than a human hair. to which is given the name “seeds.” These “seeds” they are prepared to distri- bute to other hospitals for curative :5 7 life purposes. July 26th has been fixed as the dated the elections for the conâ€" stituent assemblyjp Chile.‘ Ann AL- - IV ‘v‘ Wulw cu- v.-- By a vote of 2% against M3. the British House of Commons yesterday rejected a private member’s bill which sought to fix a minimum wage for underground and surface wor - ers in coal mines, _ .. Advices received in Buenos Aires from Rosario, Argentina‘s second city, report a tornado swept. over sections of the Province of Santa Fe on Thursday night, causing numer- ous fatalities and heavy property damage; - n I i ___L:-L I..-" “Cull“a‘-o The Bank of Puland, which has been steadily buying gold in order to increase its reserve, has received its first shipment from the United States consigned there by a New York bank. The bars, w_orth $4.09? 34% .v ”i 1m.“ ”“115. 1 '1‘: U“‘ D, ‘V VI Ul- v-9-vv‘ 000. were brought here f ,om Rotter- dam without guard in a sealed car, packed in barrels. A suit for breach of promise and defamation of character against Lieutenant-mlonel Ian Dennistoun. defendant in the sensational London trial just. ended. will be filed in Lon- don soon hy an American woman who is now in the United States, it. was announced yesterday in Paris by Dudley Field Malone. who will represent the plaintiff. The nation-wide lockout in Swe- den was called oll' yesterday. and the 130.000 workers involved will rel- sume their employment. After an all-night session. the labor union delegates and the Government medi- ation committee reached a compro- mise. settling the entire labor con- flict in the five important industries affected. 'l‘wo priests. Rev. Ferdinand 17.an and Rev. Jues l’uy. were. fined 300 francs each and given suspended sentences on Thursday by the cor- rectional court in France on charges of inciting resistance to execution of the law and using: words likely to : cause breach of the peace in ' speeches against the Government‘s religious policy. delivered at. a Cath- ‘ olic Federation meeting recently. Gilbert. Charles and Jaime. de Zu- luetav Rena of Paris. France. who ' had quarrelled over a point of hon- ; or. fought their second duel in a yxveek yesterday. They tried pistols I last week. but their marksmanship was poor and nothingr happened. ‘ They tried swords today. and during: '.thir sixth p:issa:.'e-at-aii'nis. Charles 'tput the point of his sword through ' t his antagonists forearm. ‘ l'l l_ :_‘ tit't'irials ot‘ the radium institute in .\taiirliestei'. England. eXpressed am- azement upon learning of the an- nouncement l)_\' experts attached to the .‘litldlesex Hospital in London that. they had sureeeded in bottling radium gas. Sir William Milligan. secretary of the radium institute. says the gas was bottled there a doc- ade ago and that. the institute has heeu distributing: radium “seeds" or tiny gasJilled tubes. to the Man- iehester Hospitals for the last. six i years. _ . ‘ It is understood in London. that. the negotiations for the new emi- guratiou arrangements between the Imperial and Australian Govern- ments will he satisfactory in all re- spects to the .-\ustralians. The out- standing new features are likely to he an inrrease in the, amount allo- rated to emigrants to fifteen hun- dred sterling. per head. instead of one thousand. and an extension of the period during which the scheme will operate to ten years. Monday The Turkish insurgents, who are stizll carrying on their rebellious movement. have occupied the town of Mush. eighty miles south of Er- zerum. They also have occupied the the cable of a lift bring: using [*8 in the Merlebach mine. Saturday towns of Boulanik and Melazerkt. onrkmen engaged in breaking up a scuttled German destroyer, beached im Mill Bay, have discov- ered under a mass of wood, which completely concealed them, the. ho- (lies of live German officers and sail- ors. who evidently were not warned at the time the fleet was sunk hy the German crews. I. C ‘v A . I...“ -..â€"‘ \Jl.‘1 III'JII v‘vvv-u. The. League of Nations has re- cvivml a lvttm‘ from Sir va'go E. Fnstm'. [)I'i‘Silli‘lll. 0f the Canadian League of Natiuns Sticiety. asking permission to lilo at Goneva an in- ti'n'nationfll peace pvti‘tion signed by 80.000 children who aw vnmlled in the intwnational goml will sucioty. The petition will he proscintml t0 the world court of justicv on behalf of 'the paronts’ and tvnclinrs‘ f adoration “1' British Cnluml‘iizl. M. 12. 14. 15. '17. 19. l7. Broth 19. Printer’s measure 20. Learned men '22. Exist 23. Consumed 24. Elongated tlsh 26. Like 27. Vends 28. Neuter pronoun 30. Slight tastes 31. The dye-Indigo 32. First personal pronoun 33. Languishes 35. Half a printer‘s measure. 37. No (Scotch) 39. Assist. 42. l'pon 43. Gommomplare. 46. Either 47. Move. 48. Pufl'ed 50. Wing 52. Shuts close; confines 54. Large shade tree 56. Short, informal letter 57. Pen for swine 58. Vegetable (plural) 1. Profound Cross Word Puzzle No. Total. Thin 'Girl’s name Acted in “a stupid manner Single unit. Bellow HORIZONTAL '. W. Moon, Dfirham, Ont. 10. ‘12. I3. 16. 18. i. Ventures 2. Editor '(abbreviation) 3. Organ of hearing 4. Kind 5. Above 6. Muddle 8. Droop. 9. Within 10. Measure of length 12. Female horses 13. Adores 16. A grain l8. il'lmploy 2i. Bodies of land (small) surrounded by water. 2.3. 'I‘I‘emulous 2f). Covered with lines :26. Purpose 29. A soft. metal 33. Persian fairies 34. Floats. 36. Native. of Iowa 38. Clever 40. Frozen water '11. Decoratrs. 44. Metals 45. Capahly 47. Rested 49. Tiny 51. Behold 53. Near. 55. Sixth note of diatomic VERTICAL “I have just as much rigm. to smoke as a than,” is what. the aver- age girl maintains. And she has the same right. But, her nervous system is more sensitive, more delicately adjusted. Therefore. it is influenced lo a far greater extent. by tobacco. Smoking is habit-forming. which proves its harmful influence. You [intimately ilnd yourself depending upon it. You especially nred if afâ€" lm‘ a meal. Your food digests [wt-- for under its quieting influence. is the usual belief. ' ‘3 â€"_l -I-. DIIC “DROUI "\II\ -Bu't smoking dulls those «lolicatoly adjustod instincts assoviatml with the emotional nature. A girl who is wholesome and normal in awry way has a. natural longing for a swooi- heart. a husbangl._ homo and chihlron. _ 1-]-.. _ Illâ€"III ‘Q u .quuu ........... Cigarette smoking somatimrs takrs the placer of homo and childrrn. though it takrs'tho habit some time to affect materially ihr craving for a sweetheart. _ .A_‘_ A, u 5V“l"7lallx ul ‘0 Healthy. wholesome instincts of normal femininity will not long re.- main at. their zenith under the influ- ence of cigarette smoking. lt quiets the nerves by bonumhing them“ Your sensations, emotions. are not so keen. They are not so vibrantly alive after you have adhered to the cigarette smoking habit for a few years. You will not make such an attrac- tive sweetheart, and your chances for wifehoodâ€"and that divine assoâ€" ciate, motherhoodâ€"are materially lessened. . . ,l, "760'; IILIUo No girl can remain clean and wholesome in a physical sense after a prolonged period of smoking. The natural fragrance» of a wholesome healthy body is lost. and porfurrws of various kinds arr used In ropluro this pxquisite aroma. ' _ - .1....:I:L.I. ‘JIIID ‘ AHKJIkilvu “O '----â€"- You may appear over so chwilish when you aro smoking a cigarouo. It may lwlp to makv you "compan- ionablo” in your “sot," lm: you are slowly but, suroly dostroying your liner sonsibilitivs. Tho doliicmoly cnnstructvd The destruction to a road which can be done in one hour at this season of the year by an overâ€"loaded truck or a high-powered passenger car travelling at excessive speed may take weeks of work to repair. and minuh-Iy Imlam-vil To revent needless damage, The Highways Act provi es that during March and April trucks (out- side cities and towns) K Koch right to is what the aver- emotioml nature will gndullly b thrust. into the backgrgun-d. _ .. _ And it“ you continue the habit I: enough, you will ultimately be little more than a dull clod of “1. flcsh. No feelings. no emotions. Th capacity to cnjoy or own to NRC will ho dcail‘ncd lwyond recall. You will become but little man than a morn automatic human m- chinc. with your soul lost. in u- hazy cloud of tobacco smUkc. THE SHALL DETAILS TIA? com MARIO statvly and strong. Tho. «prim: is hiddnu in the hill- shlowthv hmnk winds its way through the valley incossnnflyâ€"th. rivvr rushvs «In 10 lakes and 00 and lhvxs ("any (210 mmmcrce Hm world. ' . ,_A I-----A ‘- All big accomplishments have. .3 their foundation the careful diving of little things culled detail. 'l‘huse who have not ,lhe disposi- Lion and liking: to do little thing with thoroughness cannot. safely ho trusted with with larger duties. Th. responsibility at bigger wurk coma with a complete and careful dit- ehame of smaller undertakings. Do the little things well. and all thing will take care of themselves in tho natural evolution of progress. The School is thoroughly equip” to take up the following courses: (l) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entrance to Normal Schod. Each member of the Staff is a Uni- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to lentor at beginning of term». ---- L. 'l‘ho acorn is smallâ€"tho oak b UIILCI Ill. ”‘sr ........ C _ Informatmn as to Coarses may he obtained from the Principal. The Schoul has, a creditable record in the past which it hepcs to main- tain m the future. .. .. ‘ DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL Durham] ii} an attractive as! healthy town. and good accommocbâ€" tnon can be ablamod at reasomflt rates. .I. A. M. ROBB. B.A.. Principal JOHN MORRISON. Chairman. Eclipse Flour Durham, 0m. ‘ Put.

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