April 2, 1m |0RN MORIAI 't any war on Ltmn of peace! 't‘l'nmn. b‘" Inuwhnn. “mad. 2‘, and “PS. 6. o o- O 0' GHQ-W. . . 1925 'II â€N' army?- Act for H IHO'HI‘N'X l .\l rs. H â€I ll o-njoyjed! ry still, I inn“ ill. In morons to 4 “0|- «able. â€V }‘ tune ll) th‘l‘t‘ï¬â€˜ “ 1'“ \Vi" N vuuple of family at the .g. cacao-o ovum-om“ Thursdny 'l‘ho further consideration of old age pensions scheme is advocated by Hon. Mines Murdock, Minister of Labor, in a resolution which he will propose in tho House of Com- mulls shortly. 'I‘hn Albrrta logislature, Tuesday night defeated by a voie of 34 to 17 an amvndmont to tho liquor control bill providing for the sale of beer in bottles to be carried away and consumed at the. residence of the purchaser in tho same way as when purchased at_the__liqi_ior warghouses. Captain John ll. MulVey, Dean of Public School Principals in Winni- peg. died there yesterday. Captain Mulvev. who was 63 years old, had been identiï¬ed with educational work in the city for 42 Vears, he was born in Bothwell. Ont, and went. west when nine years old. Ice going down the Souris River carried away part of the Canadian National bridge, near Wawanesa, Man.. Tuesday night and damaged considerably a trafï¬c bridge, north of the tow.n High temperatures which hm e prmailed during the past few days have greath menaccd the district with floods. Canada's export of automobiles! continues to increase. and New Zea-‘ land is the Dominion’s best cus- tomer for such vehicles. Last. month a total of 4.008 passenger autos, val- ued at 331.843.5351. were exported. and of these New Zealand took 1.114. In .lanuarx of this year. 3.73? autos were exported. and in February. 102’ 230. Freight automobiles ex- I'Imted last m0nth.1utallm1 1.128 01' which all exeept three. “e1 e «If one ton or less mum in. most of these \erIt tn \ustrulia. \‘eu lealand and the luietal Kingdom. The expOIt of trucks in January last. reached t.'I'i;’. hut in l"ehru:u‘y 192-3. it. was Friday Hem-nun Mm. 1922. and January 3] I923 shi; m at tho Canadian Gm- o-rnmnnt. .‘lm'chant Marin». carried 9.938 lwad Hf ratllv from Caynmla‘to only 783. l'uilml Kingdom pun-ts. a return tu- blm in â€In Htmsn yostvrday shows. l‘l. Frml V0301. conmwrt'ial train!!- “‘1'. arl'vstml in 'lfnrnntu by lem'al agvuts. vhargml with smuggling $50.- 000 \an'th nf drugs into Canada in ‘r a pavkugv uf silks cnnsignml to a Montrval wholosalv dry goods ï¬rm. was yvstvmay mnrning at. Montreal svnh'm-ml tn Iiw yvars' imprison- mo‘nt. “ ‘ ï¬x l‘lIIl.v .. ‘ va'gv H. Ali‘xanilm‘. an Arman- iau. was found :.:uilt_\' by a jury at the Ottawa Spring Assizes yesterday morning. on a rhargn of having con- spirml with .‘lihrnn .‘Iihl‘akian of Niagara Falls. N31. to fraudulently obtain a naturalization cvrtit‘n'ato “hit'il [mrpm'tml tn lw issuml for Grahad Mihrakian. of Hamilton. Ont. Svntonrv was dvlayml by Mr. Justice Rusv. until Alexandm' is tried on two other counts which are pend- ing. - .‘I _ _ ‘--‘ ALnnonn g: n'norâ€" icncing Spring tlnmis intcrt’crcil with train nndatm strccts in sou mailc country road Sillllh 0f X10030 Jaw. hiirst. Branch of thc tional Railway. thc tr with wzitcr fur a di milcs. whilc at .scwra including snmc Car Railway tcrritory. tl caused cancellation ( strccts in the village ‘ .‘---A ‘AA‘ 3|l'" t-T II- --_ , are reportqd four fret. deep m wawr and thp railway track 19 mwvd. Saturday 'l‘lw stnamm‘ Falkenhorst. which “mama in Halifax two months ago Tim slimmer.ralxvnumm. arrived in Halifay two months ago mth a cargo of humor from an Eu- ropean port. has been arrested by ‘ tion by C. J. '. acting for a British 0 steamer Iv 575.000. by“ 1.39 French Louvitmy ‘19 M0 translptor o! the Th9 honor is confm in magnitinn o " many wars to harm adian com right not national mpg-ism c Grace wi PO Smut horn Saskatc “Way. April 2. ins. Saskatchewan is expor- ‘ing "nods. which hm» vith train schmlnlow. in- mits in some villains. and itry rnzuis impassaliln. 00:30 Jaw. on â€10‘ Ri\'t‘l'- 1"] of tho Canadian Na- my. the track is mwrod fur a distam‘v of two ~ at .sovm'al othm' points. some Canadian Pavit‘ic rritory. the flonds have collation of trains. The James G. Jones, Alfred G. Collins and Ellard M. Pad g.ett all charged in connection with8 the robbery of the Moose Jaw post-ofï¬ce in De- cember last wexe remanded until this morning “hen they appeared in the Police Couxt on Saturday A new Conservative organnzation, the English-speaking Conservative Association; has come into being in the City of .Quebec and numbers over 100 members. A meeting has been called for April 6:h..when 0r- ganizution will he proceeded with. Starting a farewell tour of the Maritime Provinces before giving up the ofï¬ce of general supelin- lendent of the Canadian Methodist Church, the position passing under the provisions of the Church Union Act. Rev. Dr. S. D. Shown of T own- to arrived in St. John on Saturday. Fire of undetermined origin. (le- stroyed the east end of the business section of Ninga, Man. a little \il- lage about 160 miles southwest of \Wnnipeg, Saturday morning. Five business establishments were de- stroyed, including the telephone ex- change offlce. Ninga has no organ- ized fire brigade. No estimate of the loss is available. A resolution. was passed at a meet- ing of the Retail Merchant’s Asso- ciation and the Fish Boat Owners’ Association at Prince Rupert, B.C., asking the Dominion Government to close all British Columbia ports to l'nited States fishing vessels whose owners or captains do not maintain a residence in British Columbia or do not buy their supplies at these ports while selling their ï¬sh herein. Investigation of the feasibility of establishing a live stock p001 in Sas- katchewan will be undertaken by a special committee representing the Saskatchewan (“train Grower’s Asso- ciation. the Farmers‘ Union of Can- ada, the Live Stock organizations and the Provincial Department of Agriculture. As a preliminary step, the investigation will at first be con- t‘med to the Live Stock Shipping As- sociations of the province. but later. it' considered advisable. the commit- tee will proceed to Manitoba. 0n- tario and the l'nited States. Isolatm'l by a hrnkvn gas main, Mavl,1m1l.i11 Smithmn Alberta. is ID†\\1thu11t light. hpat 01' \\ .1101‘ in twvzing “11th Has fuel is used at Um 110“ 01' house. Eflorts am be. ing 11131111 to rush lt‘pail‘S. A sewer" oarthquaï¬a was regis- tmmI at thv DunIIIIInII Uhsm'vatm‘y, (Mama. SIInIIav at'tm‘noon. starting at. I:I9.~'III. Eastmn Standard 'I‘Imv. I'III- IIISIalH'I‘ In â€II‘ lpit‘NltPI' “as 2.563 miles and “I“ I: mu :It the 0m- gin \\ as 'I. I2. 2.'I. Hm quakn Puntin- gin was 11:12:33. '1‘ uvd for two hours. Tho trial of Louis Larchp. aged 70. of Gracntivlil. 0110.. ohargpd with attempting to mimlni‘ his wife. came to a sumvwhat dramativ conclusinn in thn King’s Bo-m-h Court at. Hull )‘t‘s‘it‘l'tiay morning. wlmn the jury rntnrnml a \‘t‘l'tllt‘i. that the aci‘nsod was nnahln to stand his trial on the crunnds nt‘ insanity. llnlw tlhm'lns Philip I'Ym'lnans. iwplww nt' king .\|iwi‘t 0f Belgium. Il'th‘Him: as illc“hl‘.t' «iv Summit's. :ll'l‘th‘tl at Halifax mi thv Marlnch nn his way tn â€lt‘ ranch of Lord llmlnvy at Fnrt Saskatchnwan. The link". whnsv hum“ nstato is at Nuiiilly. l-‘mnvv. and win» is a tipâ€" ‘t‘t‘lltivilli Hi. [Mills Plltlllmw (if l-‘x'z’mi'n. is gainer tH Mimi-ta with thv iotna at taking up a ranch tho‘i'n llv is .lnsii-mis nt‘ purchasing land nvar thn l'tlllt‘ll ut' thn Princn of .Walvs anil ,inining thv i'nyal volmiy :It't'Hin in that sm'tinn «if the; iii-M'- llH1 ln thn intm‘vst nf economy. the “hm-la Lngislamrv )Inmlay night. passml a mnlinn lllll‘OtlllCOIl by W. .\l. DaVirlsml. Hf Calgary. calling for llw abolition of the ofï¬cial l‘nsidonco ul’ tlw Lieutenant-(_£m’m'nor. 'l‘lw \‘M9 was ’29 tn l6. Tlm I'PSllanCf‘ will likoly lw used for Government nl‘ï¬ws at tlw nml nl' lhn m‘nsvnt year. Liunl.-Gowrnm- Harry Cnckshutt will Visit Ottawa on May 29th and will import. the Ballot. corps «_l_f“l.lm lw'al Collegiate institutiuns. While there. he will also he the guest of hnnm' of the Ottawa Board of Trade at a lunrhenn an that. date. .-\t the invitatinn at Canadian um- rials. Knud Rasmussen. Arctic ex- i‘ilnrer and ethnologist. will Visit 0t- tawa within the next few days to give Government Departments here snme 0f the beneï¬t Of his SPVPl‘al years of exploration in the Canadian Arctic. Mr. Rasmussen is one of the few men who have travelled the famous northwest. passage. In en- deavoring to pursue his studies of the Eskimo race an the Siberian mash Mr. Rasmussen‘s party was turned back by Soviet authorities. Hun. G. P. Graham. Minister of Railways. rpcoiwd many congratu- lations and bouquets of flowers yes. tvrday in romembrance of his 66th birthday. His stat! ht the Railwa Department gathered and througz Major Boll. Drputy flinister. pre- santod him with a mother-of-pearl dross suit set. Dr. H. W. Hill. director of the Institute of Public Health and Dean of the Faculty of Public Health at Western University. London. Ont.. has been appointed Professor of Bacteriology and Nursing and Pub- lic Health at the l'niyersity of Bri- tish Columbia. the Board of Gov- ernors announced yesterday. Sixty organizations which met at. Victoria. 8.0.. a week ago under the auspices of the Sons of England. to discuss the Oriental question. have resumed discussion of theAproblem. - I.-â€" I ( cunt-xx- u-- - W. _ and resolutions advocating a boy- colt of all Orientals. urging legisla- tion to out an absoluta stop to fur- ther miental immigration. and laws WCI ‘1. I\ ‘Oâ€"' -.-â€".._v - to make it impossible for Orientals to own or lease land in the province. which will report at some future datetothominbody. Ionday Wednesday Tuesday Arrangements are being madeto hold a County wide hog grading demonstration this month in Grey County. In coâ€"operation with the Director of Hog Graders, this work will be undertaken soon. UV unbuw- w.- -- __ _ The premium on select hogs at time of writing is $2.60 per hog. The farmer can get this if it is request, ed from the shiper or drover, and as he is entitled to 'it. if he produces select hogs, should receive it. Every person who would like a demonstra- tion at their shipping point should write the Department of Agricul-- ture, Markdale. They will receive every consideration. Spraying Work 1 Last Thursday and Friday, T.‘ Stewart Cooper, Agricultural Repre- sentative, Grey County Branch, De- partment of Agriculture, was in Guelph attending a short course giv- en by Professor Caesar, Professor of Economic Entomology, in connection with the spray service which is being cnducted this year in various parts of the province. Altogether {thirty-two men took part in the j work. V' VI “0 Every man present. had to do the actual work of spraying. ‘Practice was given for one day in a large orchard near the College grounds. The work was directed by Professor Caesar assisted by Messrs. P. J. Hodgetts, director of Fruit Branch, Toronto; W. L. Hamilton, Colling- wood; R. S. Duncan, Director, Agriâ€" cultural Representatives. -TOEOQW3 F. Johnson, Simcoe; and L. Smith, Wellington. The idea (if the course was to train the Agricultural representa- tives in actual spraying methods so they will be able to go into their fruit districts and supervise this work as well as givo instruction in tho methods of controlling both fun- gus and insectinfestations. .. ' A large number of applications for assistance in the spraying work have come to the. Markdale office from the Georgian Bay district. but more. could apply. Perhaps you would like to he assisted. It is not too late to apply. The Department of Agriâ€" culture is here to serve. Brooding Chickens The most successful hrooders are coal burning. It' a person wishes to raise about 200 chicks, they are to be prM‘erred. as they are econom- ical of fuel; there. is a minimum of danger of tire. and the chicks can be easily seen. The lamp hrooder is used for 75 or less, but they re- quire more attention and are more dangerous. The exl‘ierience at the ('anlege would indicate that the liromlers will not. take care. of the full capacity claimed. This. of course. varied with the attendant. size of pen and ease. of Ventilation. The 'chicknns are cnmfm'tahlo when thvy circln Hm Page) of tho hnwr. Too much heat. may cans:- Hmm tn hunch in corners and mm- thm- rm» anuthm'. 'l'nn little heat may do tho samn thing. A lack of I'vvsh air is at. timvs a cause of dumping wings and worn appear- ance. Chickens reared in a brooder and with the mUther hen constitutes a very dill‘erent problem. The for- mer must. have everything brought to them. the latter through instinct. balance. their rations by insects anal tender green morsels of food. The. perfect eliiek food has not lH‘t‘ll found at. the College as yet. For years. exi‘wriments have been car- ried on with the object of com- pounding a simple. inexpensive me- thod of growing a normal chicken. Only common feeds are used as far as possible. A grain ration composed of equal parts of family corn meal and gloml shorts makes. a ration that appears tn suit. the. digestive organs of the ohick. This is not. of itself a com- plete food. It. lacks animal protein an«_l'wllat.ever may be in green feeds and some vitamines. To make this apparently a com- plete feed. we have found that by moistening to a crumbly state the above mixture. with raw eggs. hashed raw liver. and canned toma- toes. also giving milk to drink. we can grow a chicken to weigh two pounds at twelve weeks of age at any season of the year. whether grown entirely indoors on cement floors or not. This ration is too expensive to use entirely‘ for such a period. \Vhat a ration costs for the ï¬rst month or six weeks is not such a serious fact if it. will grow the chicks and keep the mortality down to ten per cent or less. HORTICULTURAL LECTURE Mr. H. J. Moore of Toronto. noted lecturer on horticulture who gave an address here last. December un- der the auspices of the Horticul- tural Societ , will speak here again on April 14 . Everyone who heard Mr. Moore before will want to hear him egain._ Come and bring your friends? with you. Water! Water! Water! Hog Grading Demonstratidn ED. J. PRATT IUL No. t. nun-hm. Phone uâ€"u What Is God [lull Worth? Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unï¬t for domestic use, when Pure Water can be bud by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- Feeding the Chickens THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ipd WESTERN ONTARIO + NEWS IN BRIEF Life in Western Portion of Canada’s Banner Province Told in a Column. Thursday Herbert Boltz of Kitchener yesterâ€" day pleaded guilty to robbery with violence of a jeweller. and will be sentenced on Monday. _ A Niagara district branch of the On- tario Vegetable Growers yesterday agreed not-to sell their tomatoes to the canneries at less than 50 cents a busheL James Shields, an‘ escaped prison- er from Burwash, and held in Sand- wich jail, cut, his throat, yesterday with a razor and was rushed to Windsor Hospital.‘ fl ---‘-v vâ€" C. P. Spauding of Buffalo, charged with causing the death of Allan Scott on a vessel he was fumigating, was committed for trial yesterday "MU [Ulla as! vvuu av- v- -â€"- ~ __ why on a criminal negligence charge at Port Colborne. V-‘ vv-w â€" Essex border municipalities will make strong representations before the private bills committee of the Legislature with the hope of forc- ing Ojibway to assume its share of the cost of a pipe line from the Ford ï¬ltration plant. _ -nonil ‘ I-.A ...v. “vuv-Q r-â€"--" A delegation mom Middlesei left yesterday for Toronto to urge on Hon. G. S. Henry the elimination of open ditches on the provincial high- ways in the county. They will ask that they be tiled and filled in from London to St. Thomas. Friday ‘ Dr. J. G. Hossack of Inerkip has been elected 'iresident of the Ox- ford County edical Association. Windsor Moderation League will hold a conference today to discuss new problems connected with the 4.4 per cent _beer.__ ‘ 1‘ St. Catharines Chamber of Com- merce has received word that the tourist trafï¬c on the Niagara High- way this year will smash all rec- ords. Everything possible will he done to attract tourists. Oxford County Council. after ï¬ght- ing against the1 nmv Government road system, yostorday decided to adept it, conditional on a satisfac- tory adjustment. with the tnwnships living madn befnrv it hommos opm'a- The onus of raising London‘s tax rate. which it. was hopml to lump at 01‘ holnw last yoar‘s rain of 36 mills. was placed last night by the City Council on tlw Board of Edn- cation. which is askpd to accopl last yvai'ls school rate. It, is also roqnosted to dofm' the appropriation of $2.500 for Cadet. uniforms till a plohiscito can he takon in Docemhor. tivo. Saturday Ernest. Bradshaw of Nana Contrv was badly hurt. in a runaway acci- dvnt, at. ()l'angvvillo when ho was thrown from his wagnn on the main stert. and landed nn his head on the cement, sidmvalk. A boy in Hm rig: with him oscapnd unlmrt... Work on “10 119w million-hushol elevator at, Owen Sound is oxpoctmi to start. in loss. than twn week‘s time. v.---V' Zita Berry. night wars 01d. of Guolph. was sm'iuusly injm'ml whvn an oxpross cart. on which she 'as riding. crashed into an automobiln. T\\'vnt.y-two stitchns worn rc-quirvd tn clasp tho mum] in her leg. NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE Fin-111' B.().'I‘..\." offenders worn Chevrolet ‘ ROWE’S Bakery 8: Provision $5.25 Pastry Flour 2411) $1.20 M W W in I’m Sales and Service A. NOBLE. Prop. Flour The Finest Manitoba GITARANTEED REPAIRING WkConfectionet Greases ACCESSORIES OF ALL KIN DS Headquarters for ï¬ned $3,000 in Kitchener court by Mggistqutg ngr of _t.'l_1‘at »_ cm}: the head by' branch which he ha driven. unfliï¬aaviiéï¬gon' bf ‘Iï¬ia mhy lose his hearing from being struck in the head by a,branch of a tree under -Uv -v-wâ€" Hespeler is to have another ï¬ne park. The town already has flw. The, new park is to be one of the ï¬lmsg in Western Ontario. V wv‘v\4--- -"**â€" Owing to increasing demands made upon the town treasury for charity, Port Elgin may institulv a special fund for this purpose. loudly Burglars yesterday morning ran- sacked the homo or E. M. Weganast at. Stratfnrd while the inmatvs sit-pt getting $100 and some articles. ‘AAâ€"-A " Damage to the extent of $1. 500 “as done on gSaturdav night to tho stou- at W. Adciman at. St. Catharines. Tho agricultural committw uf the Stratford Council will. recommend the expenditure of 81.200, in the ox- tension of the grand stand at Agri- cultural Park. Kent. County will haw a police. force consisting of Chief Peters and six salaried constablcs ihsww of sixty paid by the fee sysu'm. A county police commission will also he formed. - Struck by a motor car on Satur- day Francis Barnier of Chatham is in _hospital with a fractured skull. While service was in progress at Chalmers Presbyterian Church at Woodstock, thieves stole ï¬ve valu- able coats from the hall and rifled the pockets of others. Tuesday Chatham will try a new method of collecting the poll tax. Citizens will have to call at police headquar- ters instead of having a domiciliary visit paid_by a policeman.“ h II C. A. Fournier, M.P. for Bollo- chasse, addressing the Stratford Chamber of Gommerco yostorday, said that public Opinion in Canada was being strangled by In'Opaganda. There was no reason why pox-fort harmony should not oxist. lwtm-vn Ontario and Quolwc. Principal E. A. Minor. of Lon- don was vestprdm “-4400th pi'osi- dent of the Westrrn ()ntmin Sm- ondary Schnnls ASSOCiatiUl]. A Warfant 1% 61in it‘llâ€"“(illuriflmm fm‘ the arrest of Harry Stevens, a ï¬n bu on, on charges of forgery. - 0| Palmer. his clerk. â€rested on similar charges, denies imlication in the. allogvgi furgeries. Hamilmï¬ Board of Control gal lvl‘dav ï¬xed “In tax rate at 36 mills Im the dallnr, two [on “III "pstw‘d_ Ellen Cross of Hamilton was ï¬es- lm-day taken In llw homilal su er- ing. it, .is alleged. from a. blow on the head from a pokm‘ in the hand. ('1' lm' stem-father. .lnlm O’Connor. wlm has lwvn arrested on a nominll charm of \I'agmm‘y. St. (Lathnl‘im-s pvlim- yrstmuhy soizvd a truck with 528 gallons 0! almhnl. They did not succeed il capturing: the driven; él. (lalliai‘im-s and Niagara Pnullry Assncialion will form a Vigilance committvo to pmtpct tho lwnnorim {rum chicken Uiivvvs. The live coals stolen Sundav mou- ing from (lhalmors’ Church at. W 00d- slock “cw found this mornin in the hasvmvul. «of the church. hey had, M'idcutly boon I‘vï¬luccd. The headquarters of the cornborer parasite brooding station will, by the 9nd of tho work. be established at. Chatham, moving from St. Thom The much-heralded meeting of the Ku Klux Klan at Kitchener Inst night, proved a considerable ï¬zzle. ,feyq‘ people being present. 'l‘hére 'has beenvas' yet no account. ing of Hip Jericiin Club indoor circus at Windsor. whore gambli 33mm reached such a pitch that 0 Pro- vincial police interfered. All m- quosts from the Mayor have been hithefln ignored. TIE MWLEIGI Ill IS IN TOWN NUW AND WILL CALL on you soon. Wait. fur himâ€"J. l". Patton. 1 pl Mcl“Al)I_)EN‘S DRUG STORE FOR Hu- daintic-sl. wallpalwrs of the ‘50:: sun at lower prides. (Too Mu for Classiï¬cation.) CLASSIFIED ADS. Wednesday PAGE I.