0 thrill of hrkness as how, and 'n pm ndthatï¬sh “I I} mln‘ Ripley H rt! n 366 a? could it)! g the sheer thrills oo- 1n h It h g bank' D38. JAIIBSOI JAIIBSOI Office and residence a short dist- ance east of the Hahn House on Lambton Street, Lower Town,'Dur- ham. Olfice hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundays). J. L. SUITE, I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. (mice and residence. corner of Countess and Lambton Streets. oppo- site old Post Office. Office hours : 9 to it 3.11).. 130 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). DR. A. I. BELL Oflice on Lambton Street (the late Dr. Hutton’s office). Oflice hours, 3 to 5 run. 7 to 9 p.m., except. Sun- ay. c. B. AND 328813 chILLWRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. The Science that adds life to years and years to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 6 H 23 U Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Ofï¬ce Calder Block, MillStreet, second door east of MacBeth’s Drug Store. “DR. W’IVCTPIGIBRING,’ BRITIS'I' ()mce, over J. J. Hunter’s store, Durham. Ontario. “__ _ IIDDLBBRO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. (1. 4;. Middlebro‘ is permanently lm‘nlml at Durham Ofï¬ce. Priceville lirum'h upL'n even! Friday from 1.23“ in 9.30 p.111. Barristers; Soiiqitorsa etc. A mem- bur o!’ the ï¬rm wnll be In Durham on Tuesday of each yyieeg. Agppl‘ptments __. AL- 81337333 ï¬iaï¬Ã©'Qi'iï¬Thé'bierk in the olIice. DAII. chBAN Licensed Auctioneer for Count of tirey. ,Satisfaction guaranteed. ea- ennahle terms. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle Office or with him- ALEX. IacDORALD Licensed Auctioneer for Go. of Grey. Mum-ram tot-ms. Arrangements for salw'. as M Matt‘s. etc" may be made at. Thu Chronicle Ofï¬ce, Durham. 'I'm'ms nu application. Address RR. 1. [Nu-ham. Phone 603 r 12. «elf REUBEN C. WATSON lemsml Auctia‘meer for County of Hwy. Prompt. attention to sales. Rea- sonmhln h-rms and satisfaction guar- antmul. ham made at The Durham ('lhrmliclv Ot'li¢_‘o_m‘ wit!) R. C. \Vat- AA. _“ Sun. _____________________.â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" LOT 7, CON. 2!. EGREMONT, CON- taining loo acres; 8:3 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; convenient to school; on the prem- ises are a frame barn 52x65 ft. with stone foundation: concrete stables; also hay barn 30x50 with stone baseâ€" ment; hog pen 20x40; twelve-room brick house. furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close to house, with windmill; concrete water tanks; 30 acres seeded to bay; to acres to sweet clover; this farm cultivation. For information apply to Watson’s Dairy. [1.11. 4, Durham. Ontario NORTH PART LOTS 7 AND . 22. Egremont. containing 66 acres; 55 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush; in good state of cultivation; frame barn. 54x50, stone basement, A-:Iln.| mall anfl ll'llluc Uua u - --_v V, . concrete stables; drilled well and cement tank at barn. Also Lots 6 and] Con. A, S.D.R.. Glenelg, con- taming “0 acres; 100 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick house con- taimng seven rooms, with good frame woodshed attached; drilled well at door: never failin springs on this farm. making a c once stock farm. This property will be sold right to quick purchaser. For par- ticulars apply at Watson’s Da , B11. 4, Durham. Ont. 102523 f PAR! POR SALE Lot 66. Con. 2. W.G.R.. B 2% miles southwest of Durh: Mining 86 acres. Mostly cl in good state of cultivation. ‘ --‘3n:¢\;nn g1 hub W. \JVI. hvrcst of Durham. con- taining 86 acres. Mostly clear and ' (1 state of cultivation. Bank goo barn with shed adjoining and stone stables. 7â€"roomed brick house with extension kitchen and Woodshed. Well watered and in good repair. For further particulars apply to Wlliiam Smith,- R. R. No. 3. Durham. FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Billcrest 0268 122â€"124 Avenue Road Toronto M IDDLEBRO’ SPBRBIAN __.__-_A- BATES BURIAL CO. “WJn-nzm FARMS FOR SALE Medical Directorv. Hill! Ul \111’11o_*y,"R.R. 1, Phone 604 r“. Licensed fluch'oneer John W. Babs R. Haddocks Formvrly 0f Flesherton Denial Directorv Legal ‘Dt'reciorv LUCAS HENRY H'A‘UVQ ODV: v .râ€"___ es; drille'd wellâ€"ï¬nd at barn. Also Lots 6 . S.D.R., Glenelgj‘ can; A--A Ben \ inck. GOOD SEVEN-ROOM BRICK HOUSE on Countess Street, all modern con- veniences. Apply to J. J. Atkinson, 11.3.1, Durham. Phone 603-23. 25H PROPERTY FOR FOR SALE, EXTRA GOOD 301110â€"- ing lot, 54 feet frontage on Bruce St. Apply to H. D. McIntyre, Countess Street. 1 22 tf BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR sale. One door north of the Post Of- ï¬ce. A good chance for someone.â€" F. W. Kelsey, Photographer. 10 9tf FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North 0! Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 221 ti FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STOREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham, Ont. 515 tf FIRST QUALITY CONCRETE GRA- vnl. delivered on the job.â€"â€"-W. J. Mcâ€" Fadden, Durham. 4 2 20 BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. I 10 tr PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- grade gas with the “ pep†and long mileage. Sold only at. Smith Bros’ Garage. 626 tf FOR FIRE. TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc., apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 M WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 31523t WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- lcle Job Plant is well equipped for lmjning out the ï¬nest work on shoyg WHEAT WANTED AT ROB ROY Mills. Highest. prices paid. order. 'l‘HE I .0. D. E. WILL HOLD THEIR monthly mm‘ti'ng. Tuesday. April 7th. at. Um hnmv of Mrs. (S. S. Konr- noy. A full attrndanm is I‘equnstéid. c mm '1‘!) "IHF 01 I) F\SHIONED tva mow-ling tn hn huld in Vamoy (lulmuh nn Easter Monday night April 113th. \«lmissitm 25 and 13 (-vnts. 4 " ‘26 IMPLEMENT AGENCY I .\.\l hi'RHAM AGENT FUR INTER- nalinnal Harwstm'. 'l‘uclhnpe-Amlor- Sun. \Vilkinsun Farm Machinnvry. Primmso- «in-vain Svparatm's and min Huggins. Suv mu at. Nuhlv's Hamw. Hur unwlliIu-r)’ is «lawn in urn-v. .\'H\\‘ is lhv timv tn huyw- J. H. Nuhlv, Durham. 319 3 mm! COAL FOR SALE 1111SI‘N1'I. Sl‘lï¬E AND IGG CO \L Ibo-s1 qualitS $11.00 [w f'nwflde". (Zaldvr. 3 19 tf RHODE ISLAND RED. C 71, EGGS fm' svtting. $2 for 15.â€"-Apply to Seth Trafl'm‘d. Durham. 2 26 6pd I HAVE ACCEPTED THE AGENCY for the following lines of Imple- mvnt. repairs: International. Wilkin- son and 'I‘udhope-Andm‘son. Terms strictly cashâ€"George A. Noble, Dur- ham. Ont. Son me at Noblos’ Garage. 3 12 3mm] FOR SALE OR RENT FOUR HOUSES IN TOWN OF DUR- ham; good houses in good location; ono with electric lights, water, etc. Apply Thomas Daniels, Durham. 2196pd The George Whitmore preperty, near McGowan’s mill; rough-cast house; stable, henâ€"house, half acre of land; drilled well, cistern; good fruit trees, and a lot of small fruits. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ly to Mrs. John Schlitz. 626i! GOOD AS NEW. THIS MACHINE has knit only one sock, has all at- tachments. and will be sold at a bargain. Can be seen at The Chron- icle ofï¬ce. 1 8t! LOGS WANTED CALL AND SEE R. W. MORRISON bpfore sellin your logs. Maple, beech, rock e m, .spruce, hemlock, cedar. Highest prices paid. Custom sawing done to order at once. 25“ TWO GENTLEMAN BOARDERS. AP- ply at Chronicle ofï¬cg. 3 5 6pd NOTICE TO Mum The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesghys. Shippers ere requested _to give three days’ notice. - ‘__.-Aâ€" A- -‘--_- ARTICLES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS AUTO KNITTBR FOR SALE SETTING EGGS FOR SALE COMING EVENTS NEW IMPLEMENT SHOP BOARDBRS WANTED FOR Westbound, the party will pass through some of the most important cities of Western Canadaâ€"Winni- peg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, stopping over at JasRer National Park, thence to Prince upert and via Canadian National Paciï¬c Coast Steamers through the wonderful scenic seas of the North Paciï¬c Coast to Van- couver. returning via Portland, Yel- lowstone National Park. Salt Lake City and Estes National Park through Chicago, thence back to Toronto. The tour is being arranged under the direction of Mr. A. E. Bryson, Princi al of Silverthorn School, Toron o, and Mr. Martin Kerr, Prin- cipal of the Earl Kitchener School, Hamilton, O'nt. Full information )be secured from Mr. Bryson, 44a Silverthorn Avenue, Toronto, Junct. 25113W, also from Mr. Kerr, 4 Buelah Avenue, Hamilton, Regent 842. While primarily designed for the beneï¬t of teachers in the Province of Ontario, the tour is open to mem- bers of the general public, and any who care to join the party will be most welcome. NOTICE THE NATIONAL MAIL ORDER House, of Montreal, largest concern of its kind in Canada, manufacturers and tailors of all ladies’, gents’ and children’s under and overwears from tip to toe. We use fast dyes, put out our goods direct from fac- to1y to wearer at a 20 per cent sav- ing to customer; arso all goods sold hyg the yard. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Call on or write our repre- sentative, S. E. Langrill. Hanover; at home Saturdays, second house south of Spiesz factory. and see prices and samples for yourself. MONUMENTS ANYONE I)ESIRIN(Ԥ"I‘(‘) Pl'RCHASE a monument, 01- have inscriptions cut on those almady orncwd, should see W. J. McFadden, Durham. Ont. 1122c. nousn T0 BENT amp BRICK HOUSE; GOOD STA- bio and gardem; in first-class repair. Possession April 15th. Apply by lot- tot onh to Box 20, Chronicle oriï¬ce:l D Durham, Ont. GIRLS WANTED APPLY CLARK METALS LIMITED, MAN WITH CA'R WANTED LIVE W'IRE bALLbM AN WI'I‘H CAR; good selling line; country territory. \pph hv lotto: only to Box 15, (‘hxoimlv otiicc. 3 :26 2 HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE BREIVLTU-LAY O. A. (3.. BARHED Plymouth Rocks, Clark’s strain, 75 (routs for '15 vggs.~S. J. “7119011, quon Street, Durham. 5 17 (Spd IN THE MA’I'I‘ER of tho Estate of Edward Huy. late nl‘ Hm Village of Holslviu, in the (flounty Of Grey, Imrsvnmn. deceased, NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant tn Sectieu 56. 01' the 'l‘iustee Act, R. S U 191'. Chap. 1’1; that all creditors and others having (laims m dem: inds against the estate of the .aid I‘l'duard Hey \xhu died mi 01' aheut the tw.ent3'-ieurth day of Janua W3, A. l) 1925. at the Village of Holstein. are iequiled en or before the Hill (lay of April, 1924’). to send by post. prepaid. or deliver to sel- iciter fer the alilministratrix of the estate and effects of the said dc- ceased: their Christian names, and surnames. their addresses and de- scriptions. the full particulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature or the security, if any, held by them. NOTICE TO, CREDITORS AND take notice that after such last mentioned, the said Admin- istratrix will proceed to distri- bute the. assets of the. said (leceased among the parties entitled thereto, liming 111gaul onl» to the claims of which she shall then have notice, and that the said administratrix “in not be liable for any of the said assets 01 any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by her at the time of distribution. MiddlebrO’, Speroma‘n 8: Middlebro’, Solicitors for the Administratrix. Dated at. Durham, this 2lst day of March. A. D. 1925. 3 26 3 In The Exchequer Court of Canada In the matter of the petition of National Cement Company. 1925. the Petitioner prayed that the entry in the Register of Trade Marks at Folio 8713 of Trade Mark Register No. 36, made in the name of The National Portland Cement Company Limited, of Durham, Ontario; said trademark consisting of a flag and the Word NATIONAL and the name of the said Company, should be ex- punged. NOTICE is hereby given that. by Statement of Claim ï¬led in this A Anyone desiring to oppose the Said Petition should ï¬le a statement of objection answer or defence within fourteen days from the last appearance of this advertisement. which will be on the 23rd day of April, 1925. ELLIOTT and DAVID, 189 St. James St... MontreaLQu Solicitors for Petitioner. 3 0111901 I I NOTICE IE DURHAM CHRONICLE rer 'or defence ya from the last advertisement. the 23rd day of 3 26 5pd defence WEE HOUSEHOLD HINTS Easter Party Suggestions Easter Egg Hunt. These games are really for chil- dren but can be adapted to older people. Buy pretty candy eggs. Hide them anywhere in the house. Let the guests hunt for them. Have egg-shaped bags made of tarleton tn‘ hold eggs. Give simple prize tn one finding the most eggs. .â€"â€".â€"0â€"â€"â€"â€" CDb-Wieb Party. Tie an egg-shaped cardâ€"0n which name of guest has been writtenâ€"â€" to end of string. Wind each string around hanister. Then wind strings Up and down stairs. At the hidden end of string hnve a gift wrapped in [shape of egg. - Favors can be given inside of eggs made of cotton. Wrap cotton around gift. Make it in shape of ogg. 'I‘io yellow or purple ribbon around rarh egg. If a party is ngn in the country or in a yard where there is an at- tractiVP hill. tho ogg Polling custom certainly makvs a delightful amusv- This is as gum] as the egg hunt. fo‘ an Easter party. Buy little yel- luw chicks. Hide them. Playing loud and soft music in signify near- ness to chicks makes this game a little different. ment. COOKING HINTS Eggs Far Batter Breakfast I think that boiled eggs served in their shells in pretty ogg ('ups are most. appropriate for Eastm' morn- ing breakfast. There are, of course, throw kinds of thosv; namelyâ€"soft, medium and hard, but the must gon- Flesherton (Continuod From ’ugo 6) lI-aotml much :Iltmilimi in its work. A number «If citizens followed it- 8. mil«- \wst. In witnvss it nosing intn HIP snow banks whzioh wow dvmol- islmd before it. 'l‘hv gang (HH‘I‘fliillg it. returned and S]')I"l)i. :1 night at the Mn k HOHSP llI‘I‘I‘. 'I 1!“ PH‘ShV'tI‘Iiall LIIIliI-S Aid III‘III II salv III hmnvmadv baking: at. Mr. T. \\ . Findlay s IIII IIiIIII n slmw mum on Saturday :Il'lm'nunn amr rvalizmi I)\'I‘l’ $10.00. At tho l’l'vshytrl'ian Huild mm-ting last. work. Miss McMillan. tmu'hnr. vnrivIu-«l tlu- program with a. wi‘y intmmsting :lddl't‘SS «m [mots and authm's whirl] was insn-uvliw and mum nnjnyod: Mrs. Dr; MIII'IIII s \IIIIIII: lIIIiiIIs class in UIII MIItiIIIIli~i SIIIIIlIn SI-lIIIIIl nIIIt 811d“HSI‘IIU‘HHilN‘d III. â€III lIIIIIIII «If Miss lIllIlII. Kat'stIIIlt. IIII Friday night last, thIII a wry IIlIIasaIIt time was SIIIIIII. An Mi,i<_iyahlv social function was that at Hm homo Hf Mrs. H. W. Phil- lips on Saturday wiwn shc- mum'- tainml a. company of ladins at. an af- tm'numi tea given in honm' of Miss Pontlami Visiting hm‘ sistm'. Mrs. William va'y. Miss Pontland r0- turns to hor [mum at, Dungammn this week. At. the Methodist. Sunday School on Sunday. the program was misâ€" sionary and good lantern slides put, Hn by ,Dr. Murray helped to make it interesting. A good collection was received. At. the Presbyterian school, the offering was also made for missions and will be repeated 119-29 Sandâ€: “ n a n I C The McMistnr-Pzittxm harbor busi- ness deal I‘Ppfll‘lfld last wank was later calllml nfl‘. Mr. Fred Stuart has improved his promrty with a neat new lattice fence at the rear of the lawn. A daughter was now at, Floshpr- ton on Monday, March 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Mc’l‘avish._ Mr. F. H. W. Hickling, who recent- ly left on a trip to England, reports a pleasant ocean voyage and safe landing at Glasgow, from where he took tratin to London. Favors. Ch ickuu Hunt. Fgg. Rnlling. ï¬i‘j-MHIâ€"Thy'énd Mr. Stewart Mc- IOFLDD'S nus mu w VVI' I --vmv'â€"v'w :éerâ€"at‘l'dress her in câ€"câ€"li'é’of'The Durham Chronicle. Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints Ayo_a_¢ would_ like}? as); _Betty Web- (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) (wally ljked Ere the medium or l~‘uur:-minuto Eggs. Méthod: Plavc} eggs on stow in cold water. After water starts to boil, let. 'oggs boil 14 minutes. Poached eggs on toast. mako a. tasty 'breakfast. ~ If lhu family is too large) to bolhm‘ with individlial eggs for broaklast. scrambled eggs are almiys gown and are easy to cook and serw . At. all events. serve eggs fur Easter morning breakfast. ()1' 1,1,. pound of mushrooms. 1 pint liquid muryu-ooms and onions cnnkcd in. ' 1 pint milk. Little onion. 3 table-spoons nl‘ Iluur. 2 tablvspouus Hf liutlvr. MPUlOilZ (Zlmp muslironms. Cut up nuiun. Cook 20 miuulvs. Molt but- tm'.’ Stir in llnur. Add liquids slaw- ly, stir until thick and wasmi. Mix woll. ’ Fish Dinner Very Appropriate For Good Friday Soup. Broiled while ï¬sh. Mashed [)Hliltovs. Spinach. Salad (fresh temaln.‘ Pie. Method: For lixing white lish. Place white tlsh in a. shallow pan. Dot well with butter. Season. Place on broiler under blaze. Broli slowâ€" ly until done. Serve on hot platter. Garnish prettily with slices lemon, slices egg and some greens. 'l‘avish madv a Visit in 'I‘Hl'nnlu aAHI Oshawa last. wank and brought. Immv new cars for the McTavnsh garagv. M1". and Mrs. (E. J. “POSSIPY. a0- ('nmpaniod by Mr. (ivnrgv Mitvlu-H. matured from 'l‘nrnntn :md madu a \x'vvk-nnd Visit. with tlu-ir parvnts horn. Mrs. \\'. B. Cross was Pullmi in ()lmtsworth last wovk by H10 illnvss nf llm' fathvr who vns lwing taknn 1n van Sound l'nr x-uy uxamin- altiom Mrs. Frank Vanl'hmvn. win» was nursing: Mrs. A. S. VnnDum-n. ro- turnml tn 'l'nrnntn last \ka [wing I'nl‘iowd by Nursv Manon. who is nnw 'nring fur tlw pativnt, who is making slow rvchq'ngv. Mr. Archie Stewart. \Vost Bm-klinn is 1'(‘-(,°m'm'in;: frnm pnvunmnia whirh was fortunatrly light. Mrs. Alnx. Mrhonzlld of Wa-stnn. paid lwr hruthvrs. (Sq-urg‘v and Frank Cairns. a short \‘iS'il. lust wook and was aocnmpzmiml humv hy littlv Ratio Cairns. By BETTY WEBSTER Mr. Bm't. Russa stoady young man who has Imp-n for some limo in Hm Pnlplny Of Mr. Jnso'ph E. MPKPO. leaves on W‘mlm-srlny m takv :x busi- ness cmn‘sv in 0mm Sound Busi- nvss 0011020. Burt. is a mvmhm' nf tho Presbyterian Church and will ho missml in tho (-lmir and Sunday School. Mrs. A. E. Bellamy \‘iS‘iM‘d lwr parents nonr Honoywnnd last. “110k. Mrs. W. H. Lovor of 0an Smmd is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Frml Brown. Miss Mary Mchd. who has I’m-n vary ill] at. thv homo nf lmr sistor. Mrs. Roddiio Stewart“ here. has a y, pound mushrooms. quart veal or chicken broth. Little onion. heaping tablespoons butler. tablospuons nf flour. cup of cream. Salt and popper. For April lushroom Soup 1 mm sardinvs. I can tomato soup. Mothmj: Pour oil frnm sardines mm frymgpan. Add 119mm snup. When boiling. add sardines and sorw on toast. String Beans Goo'kod With Chou. i quar; of ,string mans. 1 cup of gratvd chm-so. V4 cup of cream. Seasoning. Little butter. Method: Cut up beams. Put! in sauce pan and cnwr with boiling water. Bail .5 minutvs. Simmer slowly fur 2 hnurs. Drain. Put in baking dish. Season. Add 54; cup of thv gran-d (:hm‘sv z-md the cream; 'I'hcn sm'inklv othor 59 cup of gratpd vim-so ,nwr tho top. with tablvsmmn Hf buuvr. Place under gas llzmw and reheat until clwnsv is tmmtvd. BAKING HITS not Cross Ban: 2 lalllt'SptNlllS of butter. 1,4 cm l of sham. 1 run scaldml milk. salt. ‘74; wast rake. '4 (up lnkc- \\ arm vs ater. '5; lt‘flSlltlllll cinnamun. 3 runs of tlmn. 1 egg. 1/, run of raisins. 1/; cup of eurrants. Method: Dissolve 99 yeast cake in lake warm water. Mix butter, sugar and salt. Add to milk. When lukc warm, add dissoh ed yeast cake, flour, ( innamon and well beaten egg. Mix well. Add raisins and currants. Cover and let stand over night to rise. In morning, shape like large biscuits. Place in pan. 1 inch apart. let rise, brush over with beaten Bake 20 minutes. Cool, and wi ornamental frosting, make a ems: on top of each bun. eringw slowly. 011.3089 for_ the better and is recov- Vt 550° uuv vv Mr. .I. H. I’ann Visit“! his daugh- ter. Mrs. M. Wilson of Durham. 0n Sunday and Mrs. E. Tramp is visit- ing her niece, Mrs. Wilson this week. "â€"'-'v Mr “. H. Bunt has i‘gtlirned {rum visiting his «iauglmis in '.l‘0r0nlo Not Worth That Inch Rastns Brcmn tnuk out a man iage “come. A few «lass later he went. back and askwl llu: clerk to substi- tntv aiwtlim \wmans name for the one on tho lim-nso. as ho had changed his mind. llv was told that that “’t‘lllllf} (-ust. him another dollar and la . “You mmm I got. tn got a new hcense?†“Yes,†said the clerk. llastus “as silvnt for a few min- ntc-s. thinking hard. Then he said with an air «if clvtn-rminatimi, “Nov' mind. boss, this 01‘ «me will do. Sardines ‘PAGI ‘. ‘qa