Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Oct 1924, p. 3

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by which ‘0 a is the fine“ (3. â€" Try It. l.“SAuDA," mum rhool us thoroughly equipped up tho following courses: .lunmr Matriculation. Entranro to Norm! School. mombnr Hf the SM“ is a Uni- Gradual» and experienced n9 L‘n’vr (‘ompony m mum; to buy "0'. at this offer after Oct- parators have not beta 0 Melottes in daily use. 1.1001bs. .rsday, October 2, Img pumis shnuld prepare to lwglnmng: of term. natmn as U» Courses may be I from the Prxnr'mal. ['hfml 51‘ {l o'l‘t'oilulhkf’ record an: \\h H: '.t hupo-s‘ In min. hr 231712;"- um I: :11: :utrarino- and heal- 'n and mud arrnmmOdalion nbtunmi at ruzwmahle rates. We Huh“, I'._ .\, I’r'mcipul. \' .\|1":l:l.<n.\. olhmrman. ..i.;;.ny, as important as the tonsils. ,\'1.l tho-y should receive the same -..ro-Illinll in searching for the eguw nf your trouble. Cause Iany lunch“ In-ntal infections may also be -..n<mg your stubborn rheumatism Hu- jmnts. your increased blood- -. .-~.~'uro-. ur those early symptoms ‘ heart. disease 0r disturbance of pm In -priccd heating system. ue. sketch plan forms, lied without obligatin' time to make plans {at .llnwm'.’ is a partial "Q j a of h” fairs issued by h ”'3! So‘M‘iO'HPS' branch 0‘ t“ rm ”1'. :riculture, J. Loon. sowx'w'ary. ,, LIMITED '. GUELPH t) Machinist Etc. .TES OF FALL PM” aY rham. Ont. ADDEN S DRUG STORE Separator Only -‘ ~ ‘ :~--;t~‘0'~ ll . \ .‘.|'o‘ fl. .. .x'lznw‘l" l5 l'-"'!|"|3t. M HIGH $01001. SHOP for old scrap Cream You can't feel so good but what u will make you feel better. R474 x ,..t yullt’ dentist every six p rillsf y.” \\ I“ haw less expense in the k u .4 dental hills; less pain, and lu :Ilth will he better safe- -mnr'tlnl. Many people already do 3..., lml there are still too many . ilu :m~ driven to the dentist only L'\ {hr pill" Of a tmthache. H mm suffer from neuritis. neu- , “29:1. attacks of lumhago 01‘ wry- .....-',\. do not ovenlook your teeth h d Ims‘s‘ltltt‘ cause of your ailment. \. ;; snul‘m' of infection of the “.1. In tho- teeth are almost, if not 1;. MM ls important as the tonsils. l Huy should receive the same r nllnn in searching for the .w- of your trouble. Enlarged Glands of the lock \h-~. |.. l". P. writes: “My little ; ~: :~ seven years old and has wmw ~'\\'nllen glands on the sides 1' how neek. What do these come man? She has had nu sore throats u lung time." a Reply \ <:II'I- gIIIIss womd be that your .IIIII ‘.'ll°l has chroncially inflamed ~IIIIIlI glands or lymphadcnitis, as 'II~ I-IIIIIlitiIIn is called. The cause .- IIII II<I Iil\3a3s some infection or IIIIII Ht't'lll'l'lllg in one of thc I I-.I~ IIIIIt Iliain into thesc glands. \IIIIIII: llII- I-aIIsatiVI- conditions ;IIII.~'IIIIII inl‘III-tions. inflamma- III IIII- [IlIIII3nx. mouth, nose I"Il'~', :lItI'llUlltS. dontal tI‘IIuhlPS. I I! I‘I'i‘iillll aft'IIctions III the skin ~ I-II IIs Imils‘. I'czIInIa. and head lice. ,I. 'hIII. IIII- Iomsc of somc infeC- '- .I ~ I IsI~II.~II-.~' tho lymphatics of the .I. "lll' fII‘Qllt‘n“) I-n'larged. III N IIlIIsis is also a cause of such :‘H .‘I III!“ Iii. IIII IIIIIsI- III NIP trouhlII should III Mud and remedied. 'tho IIIII hum of tho glands “ill III-tor- IIIm lht') should be doalt with. ~ IIIIIIIIIIIs their complete removal - I~-;-III~.<aI-v. If the3 break down, ' should ht‘ Opent‘d and drained. ‘\IIIIII IIII surgical treaunIInt is II-~~III3. goncral hygienic and .II... IIIIatniI-nt is callcd for. This T.‘l."i.\‘ III an abundant nourishing -~'. III-sh air b3 da3 and night. - lit-hi. and the administration of ~- "it IIIIIiIs as codliwr oil, arson c I II who] of irII.n IIII- lepPl' handling of :1 case of 'II~ kind roquiros the sorviccs of Thursday, Snu'o- COI‘DS ‘t place by “impyoperly fitting ...‘ the first step in the treat- nt mnsists in the wearing of wwrly fitting shoes. l‘ruperly ! lln agnnt: Of course, yo Mro-n‘.’ l in" Prospective Tenant hugs 01' cats?” ( Note 8 Dr. Seholes will answer such health questions in these columns as will be of interest to others and permissible in public print. ..Personal questions will be answered only when accompanied by self-addressed and stamped envelope. Address Dr. W. J. Seholes, in care of The Durham Chronicle. hvsiciun. . S. I“. asks: "Is there any way :vt. rid of cams?” < Copyright, 1925, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) HEALTH QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Your Teeth end Your Health “PP caused in Bil DR. W. J. SCHOLES \F the kidneys. An X-ray examination may reveal infection or pus sacs at the roots of one or more of the teethâ€"even though you may not be aware of their presence because they are causing you no pain. It you have any dental infections that can be dealt with sucessmlly only by sacrificing some teeth, sac- rifice them. Whenever teeth can be saved with safety, this should be done. But they should not be saved when their continued presence in the mouth is a menace to the health. It is much better to part with some teeth than to take chances of developing incurable diseases of such important organs as the heart or, the kidneys. Dead teeth especially, whether filled or crowned, will bear watch- ing. They seem to be more liable to infection and should be regarded with suspicion whenever a focus of infection is susoected of being present in the body. ' fitting shoes do not crowd the toes togethor nor do thoy exercise pressure on any part of the foot. They are not so 10030 that they rub and cause irritation. Shoos that hurt when they are now, do not fit. You may try painting the corn with a solution of salicylic acid in (-ollodion. Apply this only to the corn, and whenever it wears off, paint on some more. Here is a time honored formula: Salicylic acid. . . . . . . . . . . .30 grains Exit-net of cannabis imlica, 10 grains. (Zollmlian .. ............ 1/2 ounce. Artur using the prvparatjon for sowral clays soak Um foot in hot watm' and scrape away thv corn. Pl'vssm'v 0n ttw corn may be re- lio-wd by wearing a lwrt‘m'atml felt protector with an adhesive Sidv. nm'v'.’ Second Attacks Are Rare Mrs. A. H. asks: "Is H. possible tn haw- svarlot fvvm' more than Reply {)slm' says, "An attack as a rule mnn'vrs immunity. In rare in- stances. there have been «mo and vvvn tv'vo recur-renew.” This seems to be thv generally accepted Opinion: It is pnssiblr' to have more than one attm'k but it very rarvly happens. ’ Small-Pox ll. M. F. asks: “How long after oxposurfl In a case of small-pox does it takv one to ailnvelop the disease"? What are the early symptoms?” Reply Small-pox develops within nine to fifteen dass after c- wosure, if vou ave going to get it. Most cases cloveIOp about the twelfth day. The early symptoms are chill. headache, vomiting, fever, and rather severe pain in the back and limbs. The rash usually occurs about the fourth day of the disease. "Piano or gramOphone?” “No; but. I’ll tell you what. I‘ve got a fountain-pen that squeaks every time I use it. Hope you won’t objpct to that!” ."9 43a! WON'T mm Hussmo 0P mm. BE swam» mm HE secs, ME 1mg WAY The weather does not look too well for our fairs, but we still hot)‘3 for a few favors from the weather Threshing is the order of the day. We hear of two machines on the gravel road west. MacLean’s and McArthur’s. Mr. John McMeekin is ‘ bpsy shinding his house and it cerlamly will be a very comfortable resndence when finished. The Memorial Committee is busy getting the fence in shape for con- crete base and posts. HOW D‘Y ‘ HONEY . Rev Mr. Suiherland exchanged pulpits last Sunday with'the Rev. Kendall of Dundalk. â€"Miss riioébé Livingstone returned to the city after spending a month with her sisters and brother here.‘ The Womens’ Institute meets at Mrs. Carr’s home this week. Dr. Carr continues to get his fair share of prizes at the fairs he attends with his fancy driving The Presbyterian Guild held a] debate llast Wednesday on “Resolved that a Miser is a greater injury to society than a Spendtbrit‘t.” The affirmative supported by Miss May Muir and Mr. Farquhar Oliver won. The negative team were handicap- ped by me sudden illness of Mr. ‘H. B. Me an. However. a substitute was seeured to assist Miss Laura McFarlane. Generally speaking, the subject was very ably handled. A éeezl rattendance‘ waé in evidence. More debates will be appreciated by all. - -- 3 “AA- ‘l- Messrs. F. l). Hogg and Ray Mc- Lean attended Sholbmno fair 'last week. Mr. W. G. Watson has the frame- work of his fine garage erected and we venture to say that W. G. will have (mu of thc- finest. private garages in these parts. GwTBZâ€"m'md roadé gang arr mkiug excellent progress on the big hill above the 61011. ' ' (Our own correspondent.) (Too late for last week) Mrs. Ralph Cation. Durham spent a day recently with her sister, Mrs. W. Jacques. Mrs. Walter Nichol. accompanied her nophows. Irving and Stewart, Ford to Toronto last. wook. vâ€"‘~ -77 Miss Mary Boll loft last Saturday for North 83\ \\ horn she will attend Normal school. She “as accoun- paniml by lwr hrollwr, Oscar as‘far as Toronto. WM‘r.and Mrs. M. Ritchie spent Sqqdax _w-i_tl.1 Mrs. N. McCanndl. ._,‘ (_‘----rl.‘-v wâ€"â€" vâ€"“J Miss M. E dgn 0f um 11 spent Sundzu, with the Boll famil). Mrs. D. Dmmvlly is si'icnding a TIRED OUT ALL THE TIME Relieved by Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound ‘ V 7' ”DO-Iv medicine before my baby was born and it was a eat help to me as was very poor] until Istarted to e it. I just felt as though I was tired out all the time and would take weak, fainting spells. My nerves would bother me until I could get little rest, da or night. Iwas tol bya friend to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Co and I only took a few bottles an it he ped me wonderfully. I would recommend it to any woman. I am dein what I can to publish this good me icine. I lend that little book ...v_-v--'- â€" - _ 6M _ -7 V you seat 1110 to any one I can help. ___ - ALAâ€"L .‘ L‘AA-QQ- in for In a recent canvass of purchuers of Lydia E. Pinkhem’l Vegeteble Com- pound over 100,000 replies were received and 98 out of every 100 said they tied been helped by__itg mm. ATM. modicum Nerves Gave little Best (Our on can Harrowsmith, Ontqrig. â€" ‘ ‘I tpok ypng' Darkies’ Corners ;\\\\V ' [few days with her dwghter. Hrs. Kr. and Mrs. W. G. Lawrence attended the Fairwentherâ€"Cook wedding on Wednesday. Mr. D. Campbell and sister, Miss Mary spent a day recently with their brother Sandy in Normanby. Next. Sunday will be Rally Sun- day. Mr. Rllan of town will be mes- ent. and give an address. Both scholars and parents are cordially invited to be present. WHITNEY, BOD” AID Illfllnll (Kingston Daily Standard) The Toronto Mail and Empire in a very able editorial article defend- ing and upholding Mr. Meighen asl leader of the. Conservative party? makes an important point when it recalls that “no man in public life was more disparaged by various professing Conservatives than was Sir James Whitney throughout sev- eral years of his leadership of the Ontario opposition, but that did not ’avail. The enemies of his own political household were glad to eat out of his hand when he ruled as the greatest of Ontario Premiers. And so it will be when Mr. Meighen becomes again Prime Minister of Quitn a number from this part attended Hanoyer Show last week. The Mail and Empire is absolutely right, as time and events will shorte ly prove. so far as Mr. Meighen is concerned. It is the old story over again. Just as Sir Robert Borden was assailed when he was Opposi- tion leader, and just as Sir James comma ms snzs mo mnsn. IORl-Z STOVE son you: now ms max new GIVEN 'Marvel Combination Cooker This stove is the greatest value that- hasever been offered to this community. It is furnished with a polished top, six 9 inch lids, 1 reducing lid, lift front for large piece of wood, cooking surface 401/2 x 24 in., 12 in. fire pot well lined, with Here is a wonderful heat producer. This Quebec heater has a large chamber for coal gases to burn up be- fore passing into the chimney, fire pot is 12 ins. in di- ameter, lined with fire brick, outside measurement is 16 inches in diameter, 36 inches in height, 3 roller grates. All Stoves Guaranteed or Money Refunded if Not Satisfied Cross Sutherland Hardware Co., Limited Du'rham, Ontario Compare These Prices With Others Marvel Quebec Heaters Price $17.75 wwcv's Polished top, six 9 inch lids, one reducing lid, cooking surface 401/2 x 24 in., lift front for large piece of wood, 12 in. fire pot, fire brick lined, 3 roller grates, large roomy oven 20 ins. deep, 171/2 in. wide, 11in. high. Whitney m nailed, so we and the and. mu: of the Conservuixo lr. Meigben assailed. And yet it is a party thrm'hout um comm .. miller of history that Sir James ___.__._____ Milan} _W“ 99.6. . 0‘ 11:0 When [meals leave vou seldom created Prime Ministers 0n- tario ever had, the equal in ability, political acacity and outrage of even that very great Liberal Prime mister. Sir Oliver Mowat. Sir rt Borden likewise was a great Prime Minister and bore the heavy burden of a war- time administration with consum- mate skill, foresight and steadfast.- ness of purpose. And yet if the enemies of Sir James amt Sir Robert had had their way when these leaders were in Opposition. they would long before have been supplanted. Price $57.50 II/ Marvel Combination Cooker $5553 Price $37 .00 With-l Warning Closet good fire brick, 3 roller grates, oven is large and roomy, 20 in. deep, 17%: in. Wide, 11 in. high, with thermome- ter in door. The fire circles complete- ly around the oven before passing in- to the chimney. Large roomy warm- ing closet with folding doors. Hot water copper reservoir. When snub leave you seldom on you remember mt you were qunrreling about when they came. It is noticetble that there huvo been no joke: thout. the Prince's riding since he has shown in the sums WW I 800d hurspm he is.â€"â€"Kingston Standard. Safety First! PAGE 8.

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