PAGE 10. (Our own comdent.) . The Community Circle met last Monday evening ~and organized for the coming season. The following officers were elerlml, President, R. Haas. Vice-President. Miss M. Kerr, Secretary, A. Abba. Treasurer, Mer- ton Reid. Organist. Miss Rose West. J. Manary, C. Bunston and Earl Bunston of Toronto were guests at John Manary's last Sabbath. RM‘. Mr. Mathl'wsml of Knox C01â€" loszv. Toronto. ocvupiml the pulpit in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath. -. .. A, Wlmwu. Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson of | Mt. F oresl spent some time recently at the home of Robert. Ailken. ' Mr. William Ailken and nephew. Mr. llescoll. returned to Courtwright last Monday after spending a week with friends here. .\l r. G. P. Leith of Toronto former- ly merchant in this Village spent part of a clay in the village last week. " â€"_l..._‘ “Vb“ Last Friday. Mrs. George Fenton received the sad news of the death of her sister, Mrs. Vercoe of- Det- roit. The remains were brought to Allenford. her old home, on Satur- day. the fllllPl'al taking place on Sunday. Mr. Fenton and (larence at tended the funeral. The two patrons of the Egremont Creamery Company sending the highest number of pounds of butterâ€" l':it. from May l'to the end of Sepâ€" temher are Wiesley Halliday l2l6.48 pounds. Peter MrQueen 886.70. .\lrs. Arthur Irving was doing some washing last week and' left! some Gillett‘s lye close by. “'hile Mrs. Irving was out. for some. water her little boy got hold of the can éiul plll. some of the llye into his mouth but did not swallow it. His mouth and tongue were badly hurnâ€" ed hut no serious results followed. “1'. and Mrs. \V’illiam Stacey of Toronto were rerenl guests of Mrs. J. l‘lt't‘lt‘ï¬. .7 Il‘\-‘ Jessi» Allingham of Uunlph spent. a few days. in the Village latvly but “as «allow! to Sarina. on :u-cmmt of Man death 01' hr!‘ gramlmnt-hm'. Mrs. H :u'tlm‘. . {Our own correspondent.) | Harm-st. in this suction is pretty \wii lllliSllL‘ll tip but to tho Past of 11“ their» is‘ stiil lnts tn iln. .\li a H.1‘1ckhamlt is Visiting fl'imids. In t Queen 0‘.in at pl'PSPllt-. . .VL. and Mrs. I’I'NI 'l'm'l'y 0f 'I'nr- untn mntnrml up um! mm at [)I'I‘St'lit. \is‘itim: tlw luttwr’s sis'tm'. Mrs. MN. I). .\. \Vatsun. Mr. Hamlol «twig ut‘ 'I‘m'unto has Down assisting: us with harm-st. Bum.» --'l‘n Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Watmn. mi Septembvr :32.â€"-a son. \\'o~ vxlwct. “no! 01' “1090 days [.0 '0 in v go-nvmi mix up at tlu‘vsliing. sum- il‘iing. vita. but such is. farm life Our own vorreswndent.‘ » .‘lu. and Mrs. Jamvs 'l‘uckor are in attendance at Hm marriage of tlmir niecw. Miss )larjm-y (.I‘ash3. in tho mmm- of Brussels. this 'luvsday awning. Burnâ€"Wu NIP. and Mrs 1.00." olallghte-I'. 0n Supt Alan M Mr. am) Mrs. Ron] Son. 1‘. son. about. Hu- 33:1an 311'. and MN. Arthur M(' companic-d by Mrs. Gum! Glenwig. \‘isitml with Mr. Joe Lvnnox a \ka 330 S1 coupiv of var loads at l‘rie Arthur also \‘imtm’l them day. Mtlmugh harwsi. was 1810 and slow on account. â€1' WM. \Vcaihm'. threshing: was 1"!!!“ wry quickly and the grain hmwd out. well.Thm‘u are m‘my fill! gl'flllm'it‘s this war. Sweet (limm' is also yiololing well. Mr. LOX‘IU‘ Allan speaks “Ml of the. Gres and Bruce Insurance Com- pany in their prompt soiliomont of his claim. uur school traclwr, Miss McBride. is to be congratulated on the show- in: her pupils made at the school (air. Corner Concerns McWilliams. :h llarwst, was late and account. uf \wt. \Veaihnr. was «lmw wry quir'kly rain turnvd out. well.Thm‘e ' ful! gunman-ivy; this war. )wr is also yielding well. cm So-ptvmhm‘ '21. Hrs. Roulurn Wat- he- stmlf‘ data. 'o‘hm- )lvNaH)‘ av- rs. (h'm‘lHVOHd nf nth Mr. and Mrs. ~k ugn Smulayx .\ ’lsi nf friends from H! them Hm mmv .\rt‘hm' Mr. Camplm‘ll Dunsmoor is on ourl l‘inv mm with his threshing outfit, and is doing nxcollent work. Mr. and Mrs. Jamos Ellison and mu: ' family tuck in Fleshm'ton Show and‘ but MP. Ellison svcurml: thrve prizes for I uf his iinv tram. 'N'n firsts and 3 Hrs, m-Hmci. ' .\ goodly number from around lwrv hmk in tlw â€arty giwn by Mr. and Mrs. John Lapghl‘in last Friday night. NH I‘Ppol‘l. a gnod timn and my fm-l Aim-py for the threshing: next .1 or «by. Hi. 11's. terior of me‘hmdoome edifice and announces that the Right Reverend J. G. farming, MA, DD†0.6.8., Lord Bishop of Montreal, would be the special preacher of that day. September 21. ~Without a doubt the‘ :affair would he a great success as Rev. Hardy now? allowed any un- dertaking of his to be a failure. Mrs. George Ritchie Spent a few days last wook with her daughters, Mes‘lamos Leo and Brown. Mrs. 110le111 of Durham Spent a \VPQk Visiting the Matthvws families a fch'lnighl. ago. L â€"â€"___ (0m- bwn corre'spondent.) Ploughing is the order of the day in this burg. Miss Rebecca Grierson, Toronto, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. McKill (iriorson, and brothers, Max mid William. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston of Ebonrzor. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. John- ston of South Bentinck, and Mr. \Voodthorp Johnston of Duluth, Minn, L. S. A.. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Hopkins. Mr. and Mrs Edmund Noble and son. Master Aylmer were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Findlay McGuaig at Mulock. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCaslin and son Harry of Durham spent an Honing last vak with friends on the line. - Miss Ada Chapman of Durham sm'nt «in'vr thP work-end with her aunt. Mr. and Mrs. E. Nob'lc. (Our 01m correspondent.) Mr. John Mcthrmick is the guest of Mr. .luhu McKm'hnin for :1 few days. .‘li‘ï¬. l'li‘z'l‘» Ti‘al'fm'nl {lilu mm Gurâ€" ilnu siwnt svwral «lays with lwrsnn .\li‘.'lv‘.lmm‘ 'l'l'ul'fm'ol 0f tnwn. lil'. =Hul Mrs. Nicolas Mi‘lnsll. .\i">'~‘4l‘.~'. 'l't In and Jon. leusli wm'p lll'i'si‘lli at llwir unclu’s l'uum'tl. Mr. l’atl'ii'k Halvy m1 Monday East. Wilial, maki's M 1'. Mikv Kmuiy wear Slll'h a. smile thi-sn «lays? His swont clnwi' has lui'nml out away almvo his expectations. 'dilll Iikvly Mikv will spuml tlu- Willil‘l‘ in Florida tun. llo- aim has an unusual mum of mils, ilmigi'atulatimis to Mr. aml Mrs. :\l'(‘llli‘ Mi'Ai'tluu' who lie-Ml another lil'ig‘lll. lmy aililm'i to â€H‘ll' family last 'l‘hursday. Aberdeen. (Our Own correspondent.) M! and ï¬lls. R. B. Dauw and sons. Lvmlald and Ray. hum Kimauline. zu-mnwaniml by Mrs. annm' and clfmghtm' of Sll'atl'orc'l. spent. over Hw weekâ€"mu! with Mr. um! Mrs. ‘3 I'mwy. Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘hnmas 'l‘ol'l'y of Hiwrsidv. slwnt. 'l‘1wsday al‘lvrnoon with thv Lamb family. \11“. Duncan M1'Loan. and son H11;:h.Mrs. Dan MrLo 01111 and son (10111011411111 Mrs Manson of Toronto \isiled 1111211113 in Brant one am last wm'k. Miss Barbara Smith spent, a flaw clays 'Iast \ka with her friend, Miss Mary McKeehni-c. M 1‘. Jack MPDnnald is busy in the linn with his thrvshing outfit. Miss Bui‘lha Hmwss of Crawford is spvnding this week with her sister. Mrs. Hugh Macdonald. Glenroadin $535!? (Our Own . W _ _ The Mulock Ami . services will be held on SW 1005mm? 5, at H. am. and 7 pm. Everxone will be welcome 1t these selvices. Come and bringWour friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dan McDonald and family of Toronto motored up and spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Donald McIMmaJd. "â€"W‘é are glad to report. that Carman Hapkins is inwroving .after his recent illness. Miss Mary Nelles '0; Hamilton was the guest of her friend, Mrs.‘ John McKechnie for a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Snelgrove of Parry Sound, Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Grant and daughter Jean of Wkerton, and Mrs. Manson of Toronto were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. John Mills and Mrs. Dan McArtlmr of Durham were also guests at the same home l last week. last we K. - _ Mr. d Mrs. James M tlne and sons Dave and Stewart, of Chesley, at- tended tho Crawford anniversary on Sunday and spent the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. W-illiam Fulton. . Others who attended the. Craw-Jl forrl anniversary and afterwards visited friends were: Mrs. Angus Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Stephens of Cheslry. at Mr. John McKechnie’s. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Redford of Lam- ‘lash, with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hastie. Mr. Donald McGillivray and Miss Mary and' Mr. and Mrs. William Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Living- stone and Mr. and Mrs. Eby all of Elmwood at the home of Mr. Dun- can Livingstone. “A Mrs. J. Dobie and Misses Ethel and Margaret. Dobie and other I'I‘i‘c‘nds from Owen Sound vjsited macvntly at, the, home 01' Mr. and Mrs. Winiam Fulton. The. many friends of Rev. William and Mrs. Aim] and family will be pleased to know that they are com- fortably settled in their new home. Joan is attending High school and has started hm' musical training. Glenmont. (Our own correspondent.) Misse-s Essio Harrison and Nancy Stunt rotnrnml to Toronto last. Sat- uulax attvr a pin-asant two weeks, holiclax at tho tounvrs home here. Mrs. Will anl'y. Durham spent a. day last. \u-vk with lwr mother, Mrs. Haazl'graw. who is “'0'ng lwttcl‘ again. Mrs .lamvs B. 'l‘uckvr- is home again al'lvr linliilaying fur some “0ka in 'l‘ montn \\ itli Iwr son W ill and Iamiiy. - NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE Mr. J‘dmvs Laughton pasml away Chevrolet Oils (H’A‘HAX'I‘EED REPAIRING A. NOBLE. Prop. (3reases ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS Sales and Service Headquarters for Gas Mrs. Skilton at the home of Iher daughter in Buffalo. Many of the residents will remember her when she was housekeeper for Mr. Bell about twenty years ago. Mr. Jack McKinnon has started the season’s threshing. Messrs. Thomas and Hardy Harrison’s being the first barns. Gloria Swanson in New Paramount Picture Said to Bxcol_'l‘hom All. When “Zaza,†the great French play was produced in Paris some twentyâ€"five years ago, and which was the starring vehicle for Madame Rejane, it was believed by many critics that it would be impossible for any American actress to portray that arduus role as artistically as the actress named, but these critics were in error as the evidence showe ed. The play was for many. years a reigning success on the American stage with many notable actresses 'in the title role. ‘ O - _ _-.-.‘nfl Ill b‘lU UIUIU LU: The picturizaotion of t play by Paramount W1 Gloria Swanson in the his charming U1 beautiful title’ 1016 is â€Ann said by many to be a far more powerful characterization than has ever been seen on the American stage or screen. In this splendid picturization, which will be shown at the Veterans’ Star Theatre P. Gordon 0.1a". lllu‘ll", LVJluv vvo The decent, self-respecting and laWIabiding.’ citizen has been penalised. but the orgies of the other class, previded they are conducted with suflicncxt secrecy, h_ave .remarned unchecked. - - O C - . ‘ 'vvâ€" vv The Province is also losing the huge revenue which those who desire to use liquor, properly and moderately, are willing to pay for the privilcgc. Can the Province afford to lose this revenue? Can it continue to ignore the conditions being created on every side? The answer lies with the electorate. With many of the ideals of Prohibition the Moderation Leag"? 0{ Ontario is in entire sympathy. The only motive underlying the actis'itits of the League is that of a sincere desire to promote the interests, social. ï¬nancial, and moral of the Province. There is no wish to provoke contro- versy or ill-feeling. Appeal is made to the experience and observationâ€"- not to the ,passions and prejudicesâ€"of the people of Ontario. It is con- tended that there exist suï¬cient grounds obvious to anyone who does not wilfully close his eyes to them and regarding which there is no diï¬erence of opinion, to justify the position taken b the League. Altogether, the time has come for a c e. Government Control on be had by marking your W as follows ;.._. Are you in favour of the continuance of The Ontario Temperance Act? Are you in favour of the sale a a beverage of beer and spirituous liquor in sealed packages under Gov- ernment controll, “my Inl- W---†., A of pantomime art tut, "an - m import [H‘OVMMI f French umys have been m W at this plzu‘. mm?†In. uncommon.†met.’ " . “dbâ€. 8“. but those who . B. W ' ' outlet-[01W my. , she of an artist. Tlu- plmlumaV . “g Lions! interpretations. in which red for sewers! years, will aplegdigfly produced In. \H at Miss and m paint of dirnctm}l Mam has appeu be the first to declare th Swanson is me only Amariom why. .5 well as Sh‘l'lnw . o veg“ the role of als, it ranks as a “13“0'1".T.P0W‘ screen "“ “f the 66‘ President, Mr. I. F. Hellmuth. K.C. YOUR _ BALLOT Durham. Ontario All the latest October 2, 1m Tomato one after Rec-3i. \O Itmilmn Conferen WU" Attended At cnnill Convcnum not Iwarly mw't, HH- wndihll'l' 1103' yuln-w, Of justâ€! . and mum MINUS. “h“ H â€I" 39‘ [NW 4 5‘ ‘H' \ .Ontmln I~ the \w JWS â€H «’HHI' ‘H L â€(as an Hm rumlm Ni‘h' kl|u\\~' Ht.» I~ Ochntwr lllw'hln.’ d _‘ Institute was huld 1 :8. C. Ramagc- (0“ Fr Mr. J. A. IUM'lal . Bank gax‘o an mm room.» address nu ing the (inn lcqmwm fl ' (ht! aYsmn uwr thuq He also shmu-d “In -flle \zIrImIs hank [nu ": Miss AIIIIII' SIIIIUI‘: . I'm 01' l-‘Inwvrs an 3i“ I Form. shc' mmhin “lo and “In wanna m lflgv a mu! mm W deromlmn. and IN I.“ 001‘ grandnmmm .~ In '0' hold a mm‘v Inuml‘ a0 gardons (If “May, A The u‘mporanw @1051 0‘ would be. maturing, fl (h? (inï¬rm VOU‘!‘ I “v- be, was Ibly “.11de ï¬t Blyth in a min. 3n .l'l‘ in In «Firms. 3 ï¬rr‘s points \Vl‘l‘c- ";i|.-'l‘lu- Ufl‘..\.. althn . t. has Iossvnml l in; m drink. . Govemmvnt mm. in the vu‘mus p ular British «luluml ' m'r cannut. lu- drm A m. sturvs It brings mi and 831mm Inï¬ll «no, UNIS MW hum“ ' divorm's inm‘vasx and â€My tluumsh up lb) llm'v wumo'n am liquor \llldc‘l‘ guw'l’j than undo-1' any Ion-1 kc) Thorn al'o- ought Q my lmnllvgumw um contml as and“? pm â€tine“ mom who no! meat cuntrul mm duo. 'flml)‘ “killml†husil Wont (-«mtrul â€Ma ï¬les has raw-«I Hm Wu! I‘M'mmz's {1'11 I“. ham-Iv mva “H: In BANK m1 GAVE 000m YOUNG PEO' A "10 (‘IOSv 0f U W svrwd a dai 3"â€? this aahh‘vss‘ the summrt nf Hu- u.‘ men's Inshmh- \K'I carer. as was aim to don.“ mam m m we minimum fund. I. 1. â€Vivid Princxp ' y Meeting of Last Friday. Rev. .I. ll. INA-rs am Wednesday 91ml Irena]. bimmial mm Young Pmmlv's Lvaq 'iflon (‘mnfm‘cm‘v :nl lguocmsful manor: wen- pvt-soul from Forest, W‘alkcl'ttm Districts. Tho vum'e-ntim dlys durum whi other work gone». it new sossmn 01 ll: [lukoru of T3 of l'alnwrst“ Mews. .\ "(ï¬lth nu HIP by “I0 Chc [493mm ass: choir. "HULL CAIV‘ WILL BE 57.-â€"NO. The Durham h M's Aid Snow! cam‘uss f 13th. HUI a, n collm-turs ‘ an the! Hard in. at mpvl‘ ram