Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Jul 1924, p. 2

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PAGE TWO as tx-tx;~'tm}~‘.~ just as it. is impprfiant that we hiaRZéEpi-rrti-fil-led 1;}:11 in the nnmstr}; It takes Smut-filled men to carry on the work of the Lordâ€"81mm Gmgerich. vâ€"«~-- \ - x-.. nus” \‘Llll.’LL4 gulc- sinns‘.’ Because the gnspnl aims at making MEN. and has no plug.- :1“: nilvnnss. which never elevated a race. Because "industrial training lies at the mot of many forms at human Dl‘c’igl'SS. efficiency and surress. and missionary ‘policy must murv ansi moire int-ind» large ini’iustrial plans as a part of the missinnary under!aking."-â€"â€"l\'. L. Berause' the missionary as a worker is "a revelation to an peo- ples. His example breaks down prejudice against work. and creates a new conscience."â€"R. A. lmiw. Tho~ vro-cmiity ._..>:'1nucll 1 VA 'I‘Hi‘ U m Ml'NI'J'Y tZHI'Rt‘JI HF )q ms 11:. u \\ it.;h ’3l mo min Is. In ginning. How . (.lifiuioi )1. D1 pastor ul' thv vhm'ch. and um wnurvgatinn has [we-n built quvnfly brings nut {our hundr at px'osvnt~«.1ttexmi alumni in wow. as it has its «mu qutv :4: u\\ m 'lhv c hmH‘Lh 1S missiunai bl‘tL 'e[ H: h! l: “\mc‘m c' s- Int-n u’iNE UP THE SPEAKERS AT THE RECENT MEE’I‘ING AT THE Albert. Hall. Lunotnn. England. in support at“ [what in the. full inspiratic‘ui ut' Srripturn and its grvat fundamvntal difuttrith. was Sir William Ramsay. amt his words wnrv nt‘ unusual wo-ixht. ruining: t’rnni surh a wvll-Pquimy‘ut scholar: Mmh'rnist thwlngians elortart‘nl that it was contrary to Naturv that Christ shnuht have hwn burn of the Virgin Mary. In this wnrhi nt' darkm-ss most. of us were graph g ahnut. on tho» tun-dons nt' unt’athnnmt ocvans. and would never dare to say tn tHH'St‘i\t‘$ nr tn nttwrs that wv knuw what. was possible and what was iinpnssihlv. But. Mintvrnist thenlugy was not itntm-ro‘ut ii} any such lin’iitatiuns. 'l‘hi- Mmhérnist prnt'vssi-d ('Hmliit'ii' knuw‘toutgw. 'l‘tw wurh! was nut dark tn him. The inysto-ry Ht’ lit'v and «Math was no niystorr)‘ to him. The) Mod- e'riiist twtimwt Ht iitt' sci-rallmt laws «if Nature), 1. ton. an] wad} tn iu-Iiem- in ttw laws «if Naturv. but 1 do: not. know what thew- :u'v. .\ii the- laws ut' Naturo' which I was taught at rullvgv timi-aznt-tit't)’ yvnrs 13;” as to light. SUUIM, cler- trn'ity. anot sin-h thinrs. arr ahandnno-cl now. There) is no so'iwntztir man now hit‘t whn wuuhl retriti' tn his ill('t'c"t_ittil)us pupils what wn wurw tilllg‘itt at! that tinw mm \H ”mm v , - C‘“" -- u ' \an|\ I‘ III; III.TLL'1.‘ . .11".- wâ€"vullml laws ul‘ mum-c- aw smmly thv stops by winch we leml» thw ivar a!“ Inum'lonige. ".\ littlv kmnxlmiuv is a chmgvt'nus Unit 2 and it is M'iclcnt that. nut :in stazo'mvnts nwiv In siudt-nts mm b0 classvd as know- lmigw. 'l'hv mwhxiity of mud: mwlvx‘n scimlarship is astoundin‘h m m N llll‘. u r.\l.\H NI'I‘Y tilll'llllll HF SHANGHAI. ORGANIZED THREE ymu's nun \\'llll 27d mvmln-t's. llH\\' numlwi‘s 569 and is continually :â€"'l'H\\'lll'_”. How. (Zliil‘m-«l .\l. hmry. an American proavlmi'. is pzlslui' nl' lllo‘ vlnm-li. and umlm' his le-mlvrship a cunsinlorable vniiui'vrxulini: has ln-o'ii lmill up. 'l'liv al'tm'nnnn service l'i'v- mzvntly inrmus‘ «out {our lmncli'ml [wnplox ’l'lm Sunday school is at pi-wso-nt N'utte'rml unwind in So‘Vt‘l'ill :uljacef-nt buildings. As mmx‘. :l~‘ it has its 1\\\'ll quzii'lvi's, it will at 0mm [“3ka a [apgp ;.':'n\\lll. ’l'lim'lim'cli is missinnuryanul:Lll'caolyllasa consicilel‘able ““45” “1‘ l"‘“'““‘"“""“‘- 'I'WPHU' 'lt'nnminaliuns are) I't‘hl't‘SBfllt‘d in tin- llll'lnlu'l‘slllp ni' tln- vlmn'h. It. is now plailnsul to erect a szizmiiio- building at :i mst. nt' $301M"). Hf this amount 334.000 hi“ W“! 35"‘343 plmlgml by Hi» H-sidcnls in Shanghai. tlm “WW." Will: t-‘iwn in t'“ll-"lll0'l'alllc' mvasuw by missilmaries on lll‘Hlt'm' Si’llill'lt‘fi. ll ls lll‘Hlmsml in rm-i-x' Hm n-lnxnxn;ro.‘ ;,_._ I am the svcrvt of happiness. Without me the years are but. a menacv. HM ago a tragedy. I offer myst to you. and you do not heed. l hido my timo. 'l'o-morrow you will come begging. but. I shall turn aside. I cannot. I will not, be ignored. I hold your future in the hollow of my hand. I can make of you what I will. I an) UH) tlmir nl‘ impcjprtunity, tho open road to tho t‘airylaml of dreams. I am tlu- most important thing in thu- world. tho «mo..- thing without which all olsn is impossiblt‘. You ask me who I am. and I shall loll vnn - I am .mmi hmnm CARRY HULY PRINCIPLES \\”l'l‘H YOI' INTO THE WORLD. AND llu: \vur'lol will lw lmllnwml by tlwir DI'PSPHCO'. A (lhl'istliko spirit will Uhrislianim» o‘~\'e-i'}'tliiiig: it trmvlws. .\ mm‘k linax‘l. in which tlw altar fit-v almw is burning. will lay lmlil of the) CORDIIIODPSL rudcsl things ul’ Mr and transmutv tlwm. likv wars» l‘uol at tlm lunch of tire. intn a pure and hnly llamv. Religimx in tlic soul will make all full and work of Fife. its gains. and 105505, friend- ships and rivalrios, gram of rgl‘igitms'. ailgancom»nt.--â€"Svloctet}. '1‘1115 SYRIAN-211 .\ BRITISH EMPIRE 11ZXHIBI'1‘11‘JN IS TO BF. 1111111 :11 \\"111111111.1}' Park. 1.1111111”). England. 111111 11111 1111'1111101'5 haVe 1111111111111 111111 11111111 5111111 1111 1111 opening: 111' 11111 11xhibitio11 on 511111111Vs.'l'11is 11111 1.111111 VVill 1111 VV11l110n11111 11V 1111 VV1111 1111511111 111 $1111 >11111111V [111115111V1111 f1111111.~‘1a1111VV01'511111. In paitic'ulm it VVili 111 :1 11111111 111 1111- 111111111113. VV1111 11:1V11 215 11111111 right 111 their 1'1151, as1-V1111V11111-111s11 11 will 111511 111121 11151imn11V 10 Visitors that th11 I 1111151 I):1V is11111'111111111 1'1111111111111111 11am 111 11111 VV1111k.Su11daV' is V1111] 111 11111 1111Vsi1al 111111 111111111 1111111111 111 11111 11011111111111th {11111 VV m~111p is as 11111111 :1 11111V as VV 011V 111-11111s11 1311 11111111 11111:: Yu Hsiang resig 1e11 his 0111111 in Peking :11 1111111111 1111- 1111111 111 1’1'11s11l1-111 I i 1111111111 111011. some people both in 1.1111111 111111 in .\1n111'i1'a haV'11 blamed the 1111'1111'1'1111' the latteI's rash 111'1. 'l'l111s11 \V'l111 k1111VV' General Feng 'laim that he is much 1112111g111111. This summary 111 11111 s11u11111111 is given in The Con- 111111111: 11. was President 1.1 who. ten months before. invited F1111: 1’1'11111 1111111111 l’1'11V 111011 111 1111 insp11c1111' general 111' the capital 1111}; VVith 1h11 understanding 111111 cash 111 pm his 11110115 101' gar'iisnn 1lutV 111 Peking 111111111 be loithcomin" 'egulai'lV'. But. 111 11.111 months 111111;; gut less 1111111 3 1ull month's VV ages 101' his 1111111 111111 1111 s111'1'11111l1111 in maintaining his position in the city 1111lV 11V 11111'111VV111g $1 000 000 in his own 11311111 and teaching his s11l1li111s 111 s11pp1111 11111n1s11lV11s VVith gardening. VV'1111V111g soap- making. 1_l1a11'-11111king. 111111 11111111 lines 111 industI'V . \\ 1111111 the 1111}' 111' Peking 11111 1;.1V'111'1111111nt was getting over $300000 a month 1'1'111‘11 taxes 1111 lHt'tll trade and Feng asked if he could have 1111' his s11l1li111's VV'1111111V'111' 111111'11 might be an). month dbOV 0 $300. 000. This was 1'111'11s111l. 11ml ”11111111111111 Feng quit. VVithdI'aVVn 1' his s11l1li111s 1'1'11111 11111 1'11V'. lhis 11,111 President Li helpless and his abdication VVas 1111.1.Vita11l11. \\ 11111.1 F11111g was making this fight 111 1.1111 h111111.~;1 pa} 1111' his s11l1li111's. General Chang. 11111 notorious 1111111111. 1111111111111 111' \111111111111 111 1111'11'111 111111 '11 million dollars down “'1”! 1'1-1111l111'111r1111hlV 11a}me111s 111111'111‘111111' if he would 1111s111'1 l 1 111111 111111111 11V11 1.11 the 1 11a11gs11.11.111_111g refused. $.22 .:...< 5.... i. 33.4.... :5... ”333.. 2:; 1:. 1.55:2: :5: _ 75.2.1. 2:3. ’4. 17:22:; .12.]. m 1.7317... .237. . IT IS IMPtmTANT THAT WE HAVE SPIRIT-FILLED MEN mstvos. just as it. is important that we have snirit-fil.lnd man Still. still with Thom. when purple morning ln'mknth Win-n the bird “'3th and thn shadows flow: Fair-Pr than moiwning, luvoliel' than daylight, Dawns UH- swmit consciousnvss. “I am with 'l‘hpp_" \IlntIIISIRI‘SBI I \II) I PU.\ :1.\D_I STRIML MIS For The Quiet Hour who I am. and] shah fell yam : I am good health! I ‘. ‘ PRAYER v\\‘lm :Jc'. 'l‘ho‘ WHI'M was HUI dark t0 him. The) fin and death was no mystm'y tn him. The Mod- .-.1 m Hw su-callml laws of Nature. 1. too. am im«- in tlw laws ul' Natul‘v. but. I «In not. know w. .\H “In laws ut' Nahum whivh I was taught. w-azzui-Iil‘ty yc-m's 113;.» as to light. SHUHLL clev- silt'h :hinrs. aw alu‘uuhmo-cl now. There) is no H I::)\\' It'f! \\hn “1mm I‘M'iiv in his illCI'f‘duIOUS \w \ww tanght :1” that. timv 115;“. All tho-so GENERAL FENG REMAINS TRUE The boats he builds sovm empty quite, And quite as boats shnuld beâ€" But uh the} 110141 the acean's lure, "lhv mag, ic of tho» sea . X“ hitv-haiied man, \\ hn toils for In ead But, in his 5011! a gleam Hf rumancv. while his lingers shape 'l'hv snmblancu Of a drmxm! u-NIaI-gar-ct E. Sangstcx'. in Christian Herald. And. (9915 the singing. spray. And vnsmns come 0f. white capped wavps. That stretch dim mlles away! All “inter long he xx 01" n5 alone. In his small. sup lillc-d place, And Pagmness is in his hands, And love is on his facv. For in 11515091 119 hears the surf, “\II J\,‘ x‘ 1-1'«' 11111:. hi :1” that tin1v 15:11.“! tho-so - in 11 11"v:.::1t1 d to» uncie'nt l11~t111 \' Hm :Hmw '11'1' 51mph tho' 510115 by “hich we ,.__1 , THE BOAT BUILDER z'upfm thv lzuk Hf attire: ‘ an! in ”11.: to) c-insu ibe a lad\ rhun-vh. It is nnw Mannz‘ni to erect a 1 nt‘ $3“.(_HN).I Hf this amount 334.000 'hy thv x-o‘mdvnts_m Shanghai. tlm Sumn women mm busy little bmlies and some Others are litlc busy thifPS. "\Vv giw namos of ram Russian battlnships. a snx-bmm-ah and Hum tuw (Zhnwsc gmm'als.‘ Wm-k râ€"M'm‘k roguli-n Iv at snmv task. Occupation or professioii in D \\ “it [1 van belimc. and m \\ hii h vnu have the jny of accomplishment. I ife “ithnut \mrk is unintvrvsting. un- Inniitahln and unbearable. Exm'ciso.â€"â€"Tako some kind of wall physical Pxol'cisn M‘nx'y day. “Walk at. Inns! twu milos daily. Indulge in snnw kind 01‘ play and POPPORUOR. Thu Mindâ€"\Vhy wnx‘x‘y «mw things you cannot. 11011) or fur which you at'v not I'vsponsiblv? \Vm'x'y sans the vnvrgy and Vitality, sours the diSpnâ€" sitinn. blunts thn appotito, retards dim'stinn and poisons the whole systvm. ' 'l‘aking Stmrk.~-Ha\'c a thm-wgh plzysivzll vxaminutiun by :1 good dov- tm- at. lvast. «5mm: each yvax'. and f0}- lmv his advice. Slwp «Sloop at 1038!, night lmm' v'zuh night uith the bcdmom “in- dmxs 0pm nr. better, on a $1041)ng pm'ch. “\ “‘.\.(‘). ('q nuw." The Ruhr-«Bathe Roguiarlyâ€"at least twicv a wm'k. It is at tho grnatost impmtamo that the many miles 01 tinv smwrs 0! the skin he l“0«)cl.â€"-;\lost. pmplc OV’PI‘Pilt. Too much fnml clogs the digestive tract. genm-atos putrnl‘actiw products. which poison thn tissue cells and which the body finds it increasingly difl'icult to throw off. Tim Teethâ€"Kemp ymu' tooth 010311 and in gomil ropair. Frequent visits to a gnod dentist. is a gum! invest- ment. kvpt actiw and tho discharges from tho mnuths Hf thnsn sv“ M's (greaso anil sxwat pmos 1w. “ushod a\\ ax. The Hands..-â€"\I\\ms \\ ash \0111 hands before eating. Thv Middzu gh HOIISP stahlvs \x'mm burnmt nth‘utxsdax' 1110121:ng .,r last. \\'t‘0‘k amt mving‘tn suspiciuns in vmum'tiun with It a firm inquest. was illllhttl'ilt’tl. 0n 't‘llusctay County t1nnvn Attornvy Armstrong: amwaI-mt a jury vmpanclhwt and cnnshturat‘nn uvirtvnw tnkvn. Nuthim: ch‘Vt‘htpmt tn mmwct any individual with ”w l'hw. 'l'tu- jurors in thn casv wm-v .inhn Mclx'm'hniv. AllPX. Russvll. .luhu Hunâ€" tm: t2. 1.. Grant. I". Sivgnm'. W. H. 80:111. '1'. G. Holt. R. Cm‘hl'ant‘. ..-\. Horahm. S. Scott. Jnhn Livingston. .lanu-s Ire-land. 't‘lu- wmtict. brOUght, in was that the film was vausml hy vriminnt ('al‘vtnssnvss «m ttw part at snmv party or put-tivs unknnwn who wm'u in tho habit Ht‘ t'roquvnting tlw .‘Iclntyrv stablos. Tea and Coffee .-â€"B¢‘ mmlmatc in tom and comm drinking, but gonnnam in drinking puI‘v watvr. RP\'. and Mrs. Collins and five! ¢_°hilth'en arrivmt hm‘n by train rl‘hurxsctay night. The Higlilanctors‘ Band camp. by tho samv train and the «tnnbtv attraction caused a - gi'vat. .iam amunfi thv station. Mr. and Mrs. Cnlling worn at, “nu" «"scortmi tn tho parsonago when-v many of the (_'0x1;.':'c‘;_:atinn \m" * “llrvadx in \\ai’.- mg: to \wlcnmo thom tn H1 'il' m-xx h‘nmo'. “'0 I‘thPPt t0 report the se‘l‘icms illness Hf Miss Islay Campbell who was takvu down suddenly on Sunday with an attack 01' mmumonia. - .w ..‘_ 'w all‘,‘\ull ‘.Llo daughtm' oi theâ€" late \Vm Mpxander. Hi Durham “as unitmi in marriage in Mi. plnhn Balduin Rogers if 'inmnto. Ru. .futhm Baldwin of- ticiating. ' “'0 are ploasml to wol come MP. and Mrs. Hubert Burnett. as residents 01' tnwn. T hey returned Monday aftm- a brief honvymoon t0 thmit. Buffalo and other cities. In All Saints C'ilUlCh at 11.30 this moxniiig Miss Hana Irene Alexandei. We regret. to report the death of Mr. Thomas Jackson of Glenelg. He took cold a couple of weeks ago while washing sharp and was sub- sequently attacked with quinsy. In «loctoring the latter trouble a hemorrhage occurred from which he bled to death on Sunday last. He leaves a widow and two young children bosidos his fathor.‘ four brotlwrs and one sister. The L. 0. L. will attend service in the Baptist Church. Sunday morning. July 10. A letter from Rev. Wray R. Smith tells of the warm reception accorded him and Mrs. Smith on their arrival at. Arthur on \Vlednesday. Bonds John Kelly, TWENTY YEARS AGO TEN LONG-LIFE HINTS From The Chronicle File of July 7, 1904. _ A Sizzler. _ nHaI‘pm's' Magazuw got a danifly ("blloge yell "v namog of fnur Russian THIS bank provides special facilities for the sale and purchase of Government and other bonds. Investors are invited to cOnsult our local manager; who will be pleased to arrange any such transactions. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Branch also at Priceville. THE Evccy motoring party likes to choosc a naturally beautiful spot for tho i-oai’ls-idc picnic. but. if the placc is littcrml with broken bottles, tin cans. newspapers. and a discarded llI'P or two the beauty is spoiled. The first. rulc for picnic parties is to loan.» tho grounds, not as they found tlicm. but. as thcy would like to find x 1cm. As a i-osult «if the rigid economy pi'uctisml in .the estimates for the calming )‘Pfll'. tlm mill I'aln struck by the Wellington (lnunty Council has. lil'Opol from last year‘s rate of 8 9/10 mills to 6 5/10 mills, on an assessment. of $37.22!,010 on county prniwi‘ty and boundary line bridges. This is a substantial am] L'l‘nfifvinn- This is a \Ubbtail-tiil an «10010390 Of ’ ’1/10 millS. 111114 Ill HI d gr 'I‘lli‘ 01w (1011M, that lllight be all- Vancml against, calcium clilm'iiln wuuhl hv its limgtli «)l' lit'v. but it' thn manufactui'm-s will guarantee that. thew haw pl'l'ltlllcml :1 i-lilni'ic‘lc that. will pertain its vitality tor a svusmt thoy will wry 3mm haw an unlim- itml mzu-kvt. This subslanm has. alâ€" [’03th “0011 trim in Ontario. {and malls un which it has IN'PII placml tlmwal' as though a. light showm- haul pussvtl HVPI' thom. t’lalcium Clllnt‘ilhfi' is said tn ho harmless to $1100 loathnr and tn i-uhhm- tires. WELLINGTON CO. COUNCIL RBDUCES TAX RATE THE SUCCESSOR OF OIL (Alliston Herald.) This is probably the last year that residents on any of the streets in town will be troubled with the in~ convenience t‘ollmving spreading oil on the roadways. Already some towns have done away with the oi! and substituted calcium chloride, which has only recently come on the market. in a really practicable form. Like, any other chloride this prepar- ation attracts and holds moisture which holds down the dust. It is put up in sacks of one hundred pounds each. and one pound is said tn ln- sufl‘icivnt tn kemp down the dust. smollun'ml on it square yard 0!‘ mad surface for a wholv season. II‘I ' How about, some (key County girls trying this ooxm‘ioiitiou‘? Tho local branch of tho Department. of Agri- mlturo at Markdalo. is especially desirous that. there should ho entries from Grey County. If any girls are interested the braiutl'i would only be too glad to rocoiyo inquiries and secure special lorlurers or (10111011- strators who would train :I toam or teams. 'l‘ransimrtatitm to Toronto would he proxidml free of chargo, and other expenses paid it' possihlo. ;\\«"onu:u‘s Institute: would he. a:- :1st- ‘im.r the liopariznont. and their younger momiiors it’ they would urge the girls to try this prooosition. 'l‘ho [N‘DEll‘tmt‘llt at .Vloriulalo will render all pi’rssihlo soryiro. As the entries uood not. he in until :\ll.'§l"l!.~t- 0. there remains a month for preparation. How about this romnotit ion? Poultry Culling. The Grey CountyDepartment has just, recently heon advised that. poultry rullors will he \x'rgu'king' in tho rounty during the lust wort: of August. Quite a large number of; (ti‘llltliistl’atlidls are hoing arraugodi t'or. During: the wool; the culler isi in (troy County arrangements are also hoing made to train young men in the work of culling. 'l‘hoso men will he taken free of ohargo from place to plaoo and there undor the suporyisiun of the official cullor from tho u’.)..~\.t_1.. will cull the flocks at tho various farms. Applications will he roeoiyod at. any time and young men are welcome to take ad- vantage of this otl’or. In various counties where young men haye taken up the work, they are given all the culling they can do in their sparo time. for which they are paid at the rate of two to three conts per hen. Some have culled as high as 29,090 hens per season. This Gnu-J u LL nJL “OVAL. I III” is 111111 of H10 «1ppmtunitics offered bv ihn va Countv Department. W’ ill 3:111 take the instructimis? The classes are as follow“: N0 Contestant may secure more than two prizesâ€"Bread, Loaf (Jake, Sch-(ml Lunches, House Dress. and ("tend Dressing. There will be ten prizes. starting with $10 for first. and decreasing to $1 until the tenth prize of $1.00 is reached. These are esmwiaily attractive and should be worth trying fur. At the Canadian National Exhibi- tion there will be conducted 3 Girls‘ Inter-township Huusehold Science leging Compatition. The team is to consist. Of three girls under 26 wars of agi. from any township in the County. The judges will be supâ€" plied liy the Ontario Doparlment' 0f .~\griculture. Each team will be given fiftomi mimitos for placing (‘35:!) class and writing masons. Girls’ Judging Competition. FOR PICNIC PARTIES He was sentenced to two years in GllOlph on the two charges 01‘ {IS- sault and theft. and then will com- mence, an indeterminate sentence of two years less one day. The. Magis~ St. Jnlm appeami before R'lagis- train Crawford in tho Brampton police court and besides being charged 'with assaulting Mrs. Mc- Brido. hr was accused of stealing articles from Um 1101180 and also a horse and buggy with which 110 made. his escape. YOUNG HAN DEC LARED GOES DOW‘N FOR T SANE; wo runs ‘re mac by Bird 80“. Art Craft Roll “ins Paper and ‘ Procluct for every Bird's Ld The “ cutout ’3 top whiCh giVes alineal-Mum. e are Headqu building Papa and wafl “"3" for Bird board. and Waterproof... th and unusually FolloWing claims for $1.200 Wm LondOn Township farmers rm. film") killed by dOgs, LOHdOll '_|‘U\\'H‘ghl;\ Council passedtwo drastic mym; tions which are hopedwill ml“. 5,,“ cessfully withthe Sltllaijull. The motion of Austin W'intm's and “fl-'4 Scott, “That the Council my sin “‘1; each dog to any person rah-him, m killing any dog or dag-s whirl. m“ found pursumg, worrying “1- “Wind. ing any sheep Within tlin WWW-1m." was carried, as was the “Mm“ n; louncillors Winters and ”mm“ “That owing to the I‘a\'a:_."o“.< mum; by sheepâ€"killing dogs it is (Wm. i_ dent that this Council must. 3:in some drastic action to euro“... W; provisions of the dog tax and chm“. pI’OthtiOll act. Therefore. be it 1-,; solved that all dogs \\'iUlull! it“ found straying from the [)I't’fihigu .. the owner be destroyed, and that iliq: owners. if found, he mun-Wm} against according to the art," Read the Classified Ads. on Page It will pay you. is arched at the 3 a distinctive 31:1; {3 yearsiof- 389,10 0111617 reformatory_w_1‘tp the Intentinn L ‘ b LILVI “"" 'â€" OI ecuring a parole. LONDON TOWNSHIP COUNCIL AFTER DOG NUISANCB Big Bill 3 For Sheep Killed b Township Fathers to y DOgs Action â€"â€"'â€"'â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€" , ‘ trate ‘g'pcourgged the 3’99“]. Mm Thursday, July 3, 1924 89 attractive 617 the tf WEE: aggratulalinns In ”14- [In-.1 1L1,- ham r001). I“ VHIIHH‘tHlHI} :g;u,;j\f weather Trumps n2" Hw llisicv't. m.- Durham Trump Signalling Swain. composed nf l’atm; Lvuuo-r- was Clark. and SCHHts‘ ‘llln'fll‘d .‘l‘N'IE. Lu”.- Clark and Rm'cio'n lluxmm'. “m: 1'21.- DiStI‘iCt Signalling Shivlli. wnmivm- atic of 1110 signalling: vinnnpmwlnp -0f (hwy district :n 1in annual 8mm Bally lwld in (MM: Sumni nu Hz.- fist of July. Thu Inca! 'l'x-«mp was 11;: 32mm! thv smartc-st trumps m wan Sum“! and HI“ rust M ”w dish‘ivt. Mum Hf HIPS“ Trumps luno- lwvn «Hymn/4‘1] I'M ' a nnmlwr nf _\'var.~‘. and :m- rum- ;hh‘ml of Svuuts whn haw spvm liw Soars in 1110 Wurk. In Viv“ nl' thv fact that. Durham Scouts haw unh- lawn m'ganizml a shurt limo. Hwy curtainly dosvrx‘v a grout dval H1 crodi! 1'01' tho vxcvllvnt shmvim; 1hr) madv. Each tvam was ginn a mvssagu 1‘ 50nd and “TN judgml fur lmth spun. and accurm-y in its transnnsswn \Vhilc- tlu: 10ml tram \\‘a~' nut Hz. Tasha“. standing third fur s1” ml thoir \wn'k was by far lhw mm! -.«-. curatvâ€"m fact. Hwy tumwi m 1wrfm°t mossagfi. The? First lmrhum Trump \\ chu Suund nu llw 1s: ”1 twelve sh'ung fur tln- ammnl . rally which was hum Hle x junctinn with Hw xn-g'ulm' M cvlohmtiun in \‘H-Wx'm l’urk cral 0f UH? t'iii'lmlls ”1' MW lu\\ kindl}~ Mam-«l tln- 11w ..1' 1'21.- in takv UH“ buys in (Nun Sum Svuummstvl' and Hw 'l‘wml- \ thank thvm fur Ihmr «'«nn'1v~_\ ing this and ussm'w thwm 1!: may gruatly ilplil‘m'iutml. Al'l‘iViIlf.’ in u'm'w Tritops M' Hu- oiirh'r him! at lhv Cnllvuiu! maI‘chmi HIT at 1 u'rl« R01. squarv. l’x'nm The Boy Scouts’ Column R01. squm-v. r marchm! .lnwn lwadml by ”In 1 Vichn'ia Park. an sum:- spa-rm] 1110 mnmmm Third Trump Hf 5'1 can ('hm'vh. H\\'u awamlml HI" MW 111a1'vhing. tlw I’m \Von 11w sigmllin: FHUI “Wm Hf IH\ hum i: m ‘Whuu l: . «im‘ml flu- in Haw ~l nut using m m hu- Hlv Dishid um: I Hi ”In 21mm mun} takvn in 1 inn! 4) Dish ici h-Immui. \xmv Hlvn Muir“ EDITED BY GREEN My“; worn Hivn «l ..1'|||.~:H'1vl‘n about thv :41" \\"H"‘| ham mmw- plo'as‘fl‘ :Iltlwugln {In ”I“ «iifih'ivi. “IT tlw sigma \VJIHO won Signalling TrOphy. .21 .1: f. 7.7 17.73:: ._.. :_ 1L :_.//./.l__1.â€" 2.2.. v .: S.â€" ..:.:::.v :35...“â€" .1.:.:. .1 17:: ....:.i.//w‘~ 5.4.7,. 52;: _...1...:::_. zipâ€".53: .237. _..:..E_... H 1.2:...1. _ 1.25:.5 .7::......I. _..;_ .35.. 3:5 The School is thmwmuh: to take up Hw fullu\\'m::« (1) JuniOX' Mutru'uim 2‘) Entram-u tn KHz-m Each mombm- Hf ”I" 81:: versity Gx‘aduatv and . Teacher. 1 -.Â¥: Intending 1mm: enter at, beginnm Informatinn as Obtained from t!“ The Schml hfis in the past \thr‘ tain in the fwm'o thy tou11znni £Ond can be Obtnnod at: J. A. M. RUB“. 1 Thursday, July 3, 1924 DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL JOHN 31mm Ilmo- signiliv I“: ‘H “I" I 1:11am! Island District Rally “N‘DHN'I wm-k. In View nt‘ thv ham Scouts haw nnly Ni a slum limv. Hwy q-rx'v a grout dvul Hf vxcvlh-nt shuwinu Hwy H\\’I‘!| II 5111! m \V' :mhml ”Iv IN / wa 1 fawn WED SEWER C THE FAMILY \‘I .\’ )\\'«'I 1h MIR aw] MIX H H sland H wma St 1111' \\' 9\\' I \\ ll Q MA ll' ll smvll \V l ”N “1‘ 1m \\‘ U l‘l ll k at i WHIP M an ’ mat Ill THOS Q-UOO‘.‘ \\ H tn fi'

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