Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Mar 1924, p. 8

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(Our own correspondent.) ~ A very enjoyable evening was spent. at the home «of Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Clark 0n Friday, February 29, when the people of the section gath- ered to spend an evening together before their departure for Owen Sound. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Clark! were asked to come forâ€" ward when Miss Madie Lamb read! anaddress and Mr. Roy Lamb pro-I :ennted them “ith a purse. Thought very much taken by surprise. Mr. Clark made. :1 suitable reply. The rest of the ex ening was spent in mu- sic and dancing, the ladies ser3 ing at daint3 lunch at midnight. The fol-1 lowing is the address : To Mr. and Mrs. I). .\ .Cla1k and l-ami13r' i Dear Mr. “mariaâ€"«it is \31th deep} 1'! eling, s of regret th: it “i- learned of your intended departure from our midst. We haw known 301,1 trom infan03 watched with interest 3our conduct in boyhood and rejoiced at you: de3 elopment into manhood. Through all these years youi life was such as to merit the respect and confidence of those around you. We have always found you honest and honorable in your dealings, and as a neighbor you were ever willing to lend a helping hand when your serâ€" vices were needed. Mrs. Clark is not so well known to us, put since shot became a resident of this locality “'0‘ have always found her :a woman of exemplary character and t'iQSvl‘Ving 0f the respect of the, whole commun- ity. OnAiiis the eve of your de- parture we think it lit and proper that we recognize your good‘ qualiâ€" ties and WP therefore present you with this purse as a token of rosinâ€"mt. ThouL'h you are leaving: us to be- come a resident, of the County «lapâ€" ital. our interest in your welfare will not case here. but we shall over rejoice in learning of your continued [H'Hfipo'l’ity in your new field of labor. Sigmml om lwhaif 01' thv Schovll Section and tho- cnmmunity mutual-1 ly.â€"-â€"Pu))' Lamb. “'illiam )h-lmnalM James Ewen. Hugh N. Macmmnld. i Much sympathy is felt for Miss Annie BIL-Lean. ‘.\'lm hall the mis- fortune te break her right arm. in falling: nn the floor one day recently. Mrs. Dugald Clark and daughter Rem. of the Rocky Mill, Visited the Lam!» family the first of the week. Mr. Beecrbft of Owen Sound called on the line last week. (Our own correwondent. 'l'in- Imavy stnx'ms 0f the past \ka have: madv thw roads how very heavy, and as there has bvou nwaslvs in a good many homes. nvws is. scarce in mm burnt. Mr. J. C. Young had a \ory suc- rossful 5:110 01‘ farm st'w kand Em- plo‘ments last. week. Although a stormy day a guod crowd gathm‘t-(l and high prices were I‘miizmi. \ Mrs. George Ostramlcr has] a clearâ€" in: salv of all her stuck and imple- mvnts on Friday and u largv rwwd was prvsnnt and" than) was good quality and prices \wn- V013" high. Mr. Delbert. Haw and Miss Maud aw in 'l‘m'ontn this \VMPk an a visit. Mr. \\ I ham XIIIII -. whu has boom here for the past 3931. has gone to “11111116.le Mr. and Mrs. Watt. Knnx entw- tained :1 number of their f rivmls on Friday waning. 37 L03: 12.13, i. ._..;..::: 4.....9. a fi.morn..:: 47.22. E 2.7. 31:33.. Miss V. Ricl‘lax‘dson is unolnr 1hr doctor’s care at. present suffering with mvaslvs. Ebenezer. (Our own correspondent. The. fine weather we have been having lately is much appreciated. after the cold. stormy weather we had for a couple of weeks previous. Miss Mary H‘ Mightuu 0f memto is holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Mighton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnston, accom- panied by the latter’s sister, Mrs. A. Corbett. visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. David Willis of Normanby. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Donnelly spent one day the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. David Donnelly. A crowd gathered at the home. oi; Mr. Mark Mervyn on Monday even- ing of last week to bid farewell to them before their departure for their new home in Durham. Mr. Mervyn and family were presented with a sum or money. The evening Mr. Cecil Relay spent Sunday after- noon with friends at Allan Park. was spent in dancing, all reporting a fine time. ‘ Mr. Mervyn and family moved on Tuesday to their new Mrs. A. Corbett of Biggar, Sask., spent the past couple of weeks with her sister, Mrs. Robert Johnston. PAGE EIGHT Swinton Park. home, when- m: wish them every success. ‘ Mr. and 311's. Edgar Fursman and 11th son of new Hanowrfi’ visited rocontly with her parvnts. Mr. and Mrs. David Adlam. ’A Mr. and Mrs. Allan (2. Wise and mu» son spént Sunday last with fripnds at. Knox, Normafifiy. On Friday evening iast a large% crowd «assembled a; the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Adiam to spend the evening with them before their deQ parture for their new home in Dur: ham. A sum of money was presented 'and an address read. and a suitable reply made by Mr. Adlam. Every- one seemed to enjoy trtui‘mselvos. “"0 are sorry to lose our good neighâ€" Ebors but wish them the best. of suc- Pcs-ss in their new abode. Mr. Hmrgo Reay and family mov- ml on 'l'uosday of last? week to their now home hero. recently vacated by Mr. Mark Morvyn. “'9 hope they will like their new neighborhood. A large attendance is wqucsted at, the noxt I'. F. 0. meeting. to‘ be held as usual. the second Friday 01‘ the month. the 14th inst.. at Allan Park. All members try and be present at this meeting. (Our own correspondent.) March has certainly ’comn in like a lamb. Tho lion will likvly minke its appearance the latter part of the month. lifh -thiw ynais past nu thv 2nd (If March. Mi. Dmid Rein. 0110 of Snuth Bentincks «earliest settlers, was killed by lightning while driv- ing alum: 1h» marl near his home nn :1 load nl’ hay. Mr. Alex. McLean entm'taiuml a numlwr 01' their friends to aquarty on» Morning last week. , Mr. and Mrs. James Mather. ac- mqnpzmivd by 311'. Thomas Hender- son. who has brown Visiting the ast whilv with i'l'io‘ucls in Hamden, spa-m an c-\'o~nin:.' with 311°. and Mrs. \\', J. I)o‘I‘lb}'. Mr. 'J‘hnmas (Inrlwtt uf tin.- Bell 'l'vlvphnnv Cmnpany visitml HIL‘_fiI‘St ”1' Wu \Vo'mk with his mother. Mrs. .101!!! Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. \\'. .I. Dvrhy visited rvcently with the lgttvr‘s brother. Mr. Andm-w Meyers of Allan Park. \lissos Effie Milligan zmcl lSLhPl Um h} \ isitml an attornouu \\ ith Miss Mai} Chaxltnn. A Ear-gr numlwl' attendml the fare- wcrll party at Mr. Fizzoll's. Hampden. and all report it very vnjoyuble time. South Bentinck This One Cent Sale Plan was originated by the United Drug Co. for tne Rexail Drug Stores; The United Drug Company are 'the largest manufacturers and buyers of_T/Qllet Articles, Remedies, Chocolates, Perfumes, RubberGoods, Stationery and Drug ‘Sundries in the world and this is an advertising plan pure and 51mple. ' . ”REE DAYS ONLY THREE DAYS ONLY THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 7 and 8 wish them M130" â€"-â€"--«< v-“â€" (Our own corresp'ondedt.) “11193551151 w. M. sfunion praserJ mo wting will be held in the Presby- 1m ian chm Lh Friday of this week. Mr. Petex Dufi'is of Ne“ York spent a fmv days recently with his uncle. A. J. Buller. Vain ‘ - the Continuation school was unable -to attend to his dutieso on Monday and Tuesday on account of a severe cold. ' 'Mr. Daniel Drimmie passed away at his home on the 16th Concession on Saturday last at the age of 75 \ears. He was one ‘of ‘the pioneers and taught school for a number of years. Examples 50c. Jar Jonteel Cold Cream 50c. bottle Aimond Bloom Cream . . 60c jar RexallHNCoId Cream, 4 oz ..... 35c. jar Lemon Vanishing Cream 256 jar Peroxide Face Cream CiSiOl) in f “"01?" We ,1141115', 3*"??? Friday night it'dis to hé‘held will}? Edge Hill school. ‘ Two from the“ Rocky are to debate two from Edge Hill. . _ . The U.F.Ws.0. are to now nu monthly meeting 1mthe homo ' MP8. Murray Ritchie on [March 14.. 21m .51 2 for .51 2 for .61 2 for .36 2 for .26 to hold their ' 0f look At The Date Again Cups Saucers .. 2 for 360 Tumblers ........ 2 for 160 Gram â€"~ ......... 2 for 36¢ Porridge Bowls 2 for 36¢ women. DU last. a week Stamial‘d. China " but the ' churché§ " iiébuldn‘t r8k without. themâ€"Kingston ' 6(2‘1 u""'â€"v "v “.“' U- “C- ins donations thrmxzzh Hn~ paw would do SO at our“. a~ \xw mhln taunting all ream-m: by the mind} a next week and would likw tn hzn' . - enough to make it worth smnvthmi ' We thank Mrs. McKeclmiw and M1 Hay for them dnnation and rpm‘d 1433‘. “'(‘Q‘k “'0 I'vgmrlml Ho‘nl'z" Nowell as having brought m 1,330 feet. 01' logs to tho yards 01' “w lmr‘ . ham Fumiturv Company. whirl: up u) then was a l‘l‘C‘ll'lL l’l'm'wusl}. William Vessic nnrth 01' town had hauled in 1180 feet. "351E IS CHAMPION; BRINGS [N 1,600 FEET VOL. 57.â€"N0. 2960. Not to be outdonv My Vm‘sw this week hauled into tuxxn thv lung‘s: ioud of thv season. scaling 1,600 feet. it the facwm \ards. Tins had myâ€" passed by 270 iect. tho nuat‘vst mmâ€" Wtor. and “as all hardwmni. um- listing of nine logs. Biggest Load of Logs of the Season Delivered to Factorv Yards on Tuesday of this Week. We are waiting; watching and wondering what the xth \wuk mil king forthâ€"whether Mr. mmm ” ill try for another I'm'm'd; win-tum . Yessie will endeavur t0 hvat, 1118 «Wu. 01‘ whether sumo dark hmxw 1.~ film; back and will Walk in!” 1mm: some fine day with the 1c curd lumi 01 the season. According to the “WM! Smmd 81w.- Times. which has 3150 lumn Winn"- 1115 some big loads Up in that mun- ty that. none of mm mm} tum»? Q11 touch. there is :1 Hc‘\\‘\'|):flw1' scrap on in which one drn'vl' :utc-lhâ€" cg another of “searching 131w mnh' $0r dry [Ogs m 011’“? in malw :1 hip g load. “’0 might say Mr thv rham U‘amsun's. llH\\H\'o'I‘. that their loads are ail hax‘chwnnl, m: this year, and an: (hurvi'ou'v hwax}. G‘UELPH LADY DIED HERE AT HOME OF DAUGHTER ' “’0 are waiting for nmx' I'vvnsz to be. hung up. Hrs. Elizabeth Jones Died Sunda} at Home of Daughter, Mrs. A. W. Nicholson.-Interment Made On Tuesday In Guelph Cemetery. Many Durham i'i'ivnds \\'lii sympaâ€" 1.hi7.-"wi1h M 1‘. and .'"~Ii'.~. .\.\\'. Swim!- 8011 and family in tlw dvath at. linear :homv lwrn nu Sunday night «if Mrs xfiiclmlsnn's mount-r. Mrs. l-ZIizalwih Janus. which mmn'rmi I'nilmvin: :11 attack uf influenza and ptwmnuiim 'Mrs. Jones had boon Visiting “‘1”! her «in! uhtor Imrv Sillt'l' (Lili‘lsi.n::.-' and While not Well-knuwu in Dm- 81am. was wrx highlx «w w-mmi by thaw “ho had Hw plv'ismv u! hm acquaintam'. 'Ihu wmams \wm remowd from lbmham \‘Iund 1y morning and 311k”! 1” Hlv Immw 01 her dauoghtm‘ , “Is. A. Alum. hm llvh. {rum Whom tho funvrax was hvlcl M GUM]!!! ccnmtm'y. Mrs. .10st was a \x'uH-knnwn I'ozsi. dent of Guelph, and Monday's “Mar envy" pays H10 fulluwim: iI'Ilmtu h the passing: of it high!) mic-rm“: resident of the city. It says : “In the passing: Hf I‘Liqu-ih .Imws. \Viduw 0f U10 la!“ .34me Julius“. \\ INN! death ocvurx'ud at. thv lmnw «.1' hvr daughter. MP8. A. \V. NH‘II‘UI‘HH. Durham. on Sahmluy. “H“.IIII low-s 0110 of her Oldvst rvsidvnts. 'I‘h» aw Mrs. Jones, whn was in llt'l' 731m 3712111.“:15 a 118‘1‘.‘ v 11f A1 11111 .11 81111111111 \1 ton until ~lw \\:1~ 11. 0131. when She [1111\1‘11 111 H11 WHO“) 5111) had 1‘1-s11l13d 11111111 11 for the last fifty years 111 111w 1 home. 1111 1’1'12511111 mun-1. 311's. left Guelph 011 1111111111111 21‘». visit 10 11131‘ 11311211101113 1’111'11‘111 it was there that 8111' 11111111-121-11 511111123. f11l.owod by :111 1111:1111 pneumonia, t0 whir'h 5111-, S1111!” The deceased was 11111-111111p1 ;. known and 1111:1111 1-1wg..»v;.-d 11 eommunity, haun: 211111111 warm friends 11111111: 1111 «11: deuce in the (‘11); \1'1111 \\ ill 1'“: hear of her 11111111511, Hm 1.1: predeceased her 28 _‘\ ~:11'~ :1:- was'a duvmltmv111iW'1 5’2 1 1111 delphian faith. <111- 1-1111.» 1 1 z the 1055 of a '11 111;: 11111‘i.:':'. glpughters. Mrs. .‘-.f1'.\. 31:111. Ii! Mrs. 'I‘. W. .\'av Mrs. A. W. NM three sons. John. all Of Gllnlph. ' survived by brothers. hm A break in tho- m: The Chmmf (“finds hvr‘v I to the sm‘x‘mx‘: Lastwnnk T111- (2111'1111z1'iw ; 1 {1314;111 an ammal far H1” 4:111 '11: >1'11‘~1111‘l 0f tho 15113 111' !.~\\1- $21 1.12:1.51-1‘ h00d, 51-111. “1]! l1‘v t!1-'I.11;'1i ‘-3:1}'111'1J Londml. linglflf’ I \1‘1 1‘ ‘131‘1’ 1? ‘ .1 ‘ would nt‘wax'H '1 11.111111“ us to the pray. 1 '11111111'11'1-~.71w1 :1." glad to ammm-w- 1321‘. ;111- ::;-,w .i 91:71 at least mot 1.121: :1 5111:13 :‘w~;.~::~15 Th0 day 81.11‘1‘3111- 11: .1111” $1111“ 1.111 ltrs. N911 McK111-hni1 111111.. .7; and this Thursday mnrnin: w m 108in a $0.00 donatinn ' mm Mi James Mav of Newton Cenm. Massi who says, in_ a 1111111,: -.1.‘ TO any who {(-01 so dispus‘wi. hm“ ever, The Chronicle will 11 www: it money to the pI‘Opcr‘ plam'. H \\ 0U benice ifany whn mute-mmmo- ma} JV“ cvv cvvy- . - . T contributx: toward thv fund as not necessary to bring or svnd ti money 10 this ()fl'icv. It mm kw w directly to “Thu Mansnma Hum London. E.C.. England]: Please find «"1“ MN“ IL nwm \ ”1:19 for $5.00 towaui \nux Ihm «.2. ..; 1-2121 for the staning S¢ n14 1mm: mm {mm Scouand. It IS )ndN‘d SUI ”H; )1 II yo_u get good I‘f‘sponsv 10“ ”.id- 1. 111., DONATIONS COIx‘iiNG i1: FOR STARVII‘IG SCOTTISH FUN TH? ('9 l a a :1 (3K 01 cmnbed ll H15 "H 1“! HI- :u

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