EASTER}: TO RENT FOR SEASON _ 50 acres of pasture, with spring water; in Glenelg,6 nmiles from Dur- ' ham. Also for sale, a wen-bred « ;-.good milch cow, due to freshen soon. Apply to John A. Graham, Upper 5543" m .Durhm - Slitf "am J. F. GRANT, D.D.S., L.D.S: Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentist in all its branches. Office: Over . C. Town’s Jewellery Store. __â€"_ Oï¬ice and residence a short dist- ance east. of the Hahn House, on Izambton Street. Lower Town, Dur- ham. Ofl‘ice hgurs; 2 to 5 pm, 7 to 8 (min, éxcept Sundays. .___._â€"â€"' DR. BROWN : L.R.C.P., London, England. Grad« uate of London, New York and Chi- ea 0. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose an Throat. Neustadt, Ont. , J. G: BUTTON, 1.1)., an. Oï¬â€™ice: Over A. B. Currey’s office, nearly opposite the Registry Oï¬'ice. Resxdence: Second house south of Registry Office on East side of Albert Street. Office hours: 9 to M a.m., 2 to 4 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. Telephone communication between office. and residence at all hours. ~ A. B. GURRBY Barrister and Solicitor Durham and Hahover. Money to Loan DR. BURT Late Assistant Royal London Op- thalmic Hospital, England, and to Golden Square Throat and Nose Hospital. Specialist: Eye, Ear. Throat and 1‘5_ose._ Office: 13 Frost --- vâ€"v Street, Owen Sound. Ann. W. at ï¬buame, Dentist. Ofl'ice: Over J. J. Hunter’s Store, Durham Ont. J. L. SMITH, 13.. M.C.P.S.O, Office and residence, Corner of Countess and Lambton Styeets. op- gosite old post office. Ofï¬ce hours: to H 3.111., 1.30 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 (1.111., Sundays and Thursday after- noons excepted. ___â€"_ LU GAS 8: HENRY Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Markdale. Durham and Dundalk_ I. B. Lucas, KC. W. D. Henry. BA, BAN. McLBAN Licensed Auctioneer for Count of Grey. Satisfaction guarantee . Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at. The Chronicle Office or with himself. Good double house in upper town; in good repair. This property is be- ing oï¬â€˜ered cheap to quick purchas- er and is a desirable property. Ap- ply to Mrs. A.W.H. Lauder, Durham. Ontario. Slï¬ltf . J. RAINPORD Piano Tuner Durham, Ontario. General expert. Repairs 3 special- ty. Orders left at H. J. Snell’s Music Store promptly tttended to. 13153111 MILK REDUCED TO 108. Mr. W. R. Watson, milk vendor, wishes to announce that he has reâ€" duced milk to 10c. a quart, and cream to 55c.. and is prepared to supply any quantity. Wash bottles and return promptly, as they are needed in the business. 22 tf FARM FOR SALE Being Lots 16 and 17, 3rd Conces- sion, N.D.R., Glenelg, 100 acres, a- bout 80 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; remainder fairly good bush land; 5174.: miles from Dur- ham; one mile from school; price right; easy terms. Apply to Walter N. Tumbull, RR. 2, Priceville. 126 Spd tf _ FOR SALE Good double house and comfortable frame house in Upper Town; hard- wood floors, two mantels, hot air heating; large clothes closets in bed- rooms :good cistern; hen-house; one- half acre of good garden land. Cheap to quick buyer.â€"-R. J. Matthews, Durham. 32 if HOUSE ARI) LOT FOR SALE . A comfortable Sâ€"roomed solid brick residence and over a. quarter of an acre of land; well located in Durham, Has all modern ccnveni- ‘ences, including furnace, complete bath, electric ï¬xtures, etc. On the lot is a good stable, part, of which is ï¬tted up as a garage.’ Enquire at The‘Chronicle Oï¬â€˜ice. 39tf Advertisements of one inch or less, 35 etc. for ï¬rst inacttion. and 15 cunts for each subsequent insertion, Over one inch and union- two inches. double the above amodnt. Yearly rates on application. Licensed .fluctz‘oneer Thursday, lay 11, 1922. RBSIDBN CE FOR SALE Medical Directory. JAIIESOR 1511380! FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lot 60, Concession 2, Glenelg, adâ€" joining the Town of Durham; good buildings and land in good state of cultivation; school located on farm. Further particulars, apply to Mrs. G. H. Tolchard, Chesley, RR. 4, or A. B. Currey, Solicitor, Durham, On- tario. 216 tf NOTICE TO FARMERS . The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock Association will sh‘p stock from Durham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager, Phone 606r3 Durham, R.R. i H 27 tf. Book your order now for eggs and baby chicks from our flock of pure bred 0A1}. White Leghorns. These birds have exceptional heavy laying ancestry and were raised on unlim- ited range conditions. Also hatch- ing eggs from our bred-toâ€"lay White Wyandottes. Hatching eggs, $125 per 15; $8.00 per 100; day-old Chicks, 20c. eachâ€"Mrs. J. C. Henderson, Durham, Ontario. 330 tf Ladiesâ€"Call at once and. you 800ds. Intending buyers w: do well to examine our large stock now. on hand. Any style and size. Prices from $4.50 up. THE SPIRELLA PAW†Hrs. J. 0. Nick . N av. 28 iyr. Representative. POTATOES FOR SALE American Wonder- seed potatoes; oxcvllegrnt, stuck: $1.00 pm' 90â€). bag. Apply to J. \V. McGirr, R. R. 4, Dur- ham; phone 605 r 15. 4 2O 4pd SASH, DOORS, ETC. Having installed suitable machin- ery, I am prepared to make Sash, Doors. General House Fittings, etc.; also to do custom surface planing. Factory near G.T.R. Station. Patron- age solicited.â€"-W. R. F. Clark, Durâ€" ham, Ont. 3 1612pd PROPERTY FOR SALE In town of Durham, comprising 111/2 acres of good land, comfortable house, now rented, known as the Wall property. Must sell, as owner is ,unable to workâ€"«Apply to John Harvey, Durham. 46 tf White engine and Mount Forest separator, in good condition; will be sold at a sacriï¬ce.â€"-â€"W. R. F. Clark, Durham. 4 27 4 Twelve or fourteen young pigs a- bout-a month old. Apply to W. D. Marshall, BB. 1, V’arney. 5 42pd BONNIE BBAE POULTRY FARM All persons are prohibited from ï¬lling on Lots 3 and 4, Concession 1, North Durham Roadâ€"Thomas V. Boll. 552nd A well-bred heifer calf three weeks old. Apply \Villiam H. H'ill, RR. 3 Durham. 5112pd From time organized, April 6, 1920. - . to April 13, 1922. N0. of Meetings held ............ 3( _ Receipts: . Members’ fees ................ $83.00 Work and donations .......... 120.40 Garden parties ............... 300.28 Expenditure: Material for work.., .......... 835.06 Garden party expenses. . . . . . . .~ 31.76 Church improvements ........ 361.28 Parsonage improvements ..... 67.05 Tea and Cream, SchoOl Fair. . . 1.60 Balance ............ 3 6.93 THRESHING OUTFIT FOR SALE SPIRELLA CORSETS MULOCK LADIES’ AID REPORT All Our Graduates Enter any day. Write, call or phone for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford and Mount Forest have been placed to date and still there are calls for more. Get your course NOW. If you do not get it you pay for it anyway in smaller earnings and lost opportunities. FISHING PROHIBITED HEIFER FOR SALE PIGS FOR SALE ;. Fulton, Secretary. ............. $ 6.93 $503.68 Boom amen SIRES Publicity Methods Used in For. warding the Campaign» Motion Pictures the “Reel Thingâ€â€" Lantern Slides Also » Usefulâ€"Tho Use of Gate Signs Is 3300me Popular With Breeders -â€" Can't Have Eggs and Mites, too. (Contributed by Ontario Department 0! Agriculture, Toronto.) The ultimate object of the cam- paign for better sires is to improve the quality of the beef and dairy herds of the country. To achieve the object it is necessary, ï¬rst, to create in the minds of farmers an interest in and a desire for a better class of cattle. This cannot be done by writ- ing and talking alone. The ideal way to create this interest would be to have the people see numbers of good cattle. As this is seldom practicable, the next best thing is the use of good pictures. It is in this direction that we have found motion pictures useful. If. you can show an audience a number of reels of high class cattle, you secure their interest immediate- ly, and when shown in pastures simi- lar to the pastures in their own ï¬elds the appeal is very strong. Wherever such pictures have been shown, it has resulted in a number of the audience making enquiry about breeding, feeding and methods of caring for cattle to obtain the best results. Motion Ifictures Have Their Limita- tions. ‘ Motion pictures are not well adapt- ed for making studies of type. It is in this connection that we have found lantern slides valuable. The slides we have used have included close-up pictures of ideal representatives of all breeds contrasted with slides of undesirable and unproï¬table types. One of the most interesting is a series showing a number of scrub cows, the good bulls to which they were bred and the resulting calves. This is the next best thing to hav- ing the animals actually there. In brief, motion pictures secure ‘the attention of the audience and create a desire for more information; lan- tern slides illustrate types and methods. Motion pictures made on Ontario farms have been used to ilustrate the leading beef and dairy breeds. Wherever possible, groups of animals by one sire are Included to show uniformity and high standard of breed type. It is proposed to prepare a picture of market animals showing different grades. Some examples of grade cows of poor to fair quality with their calves by high class bulls, showing marked improvement in one gener- ation by the use of a good sire, have been secured. It is hoped to secure more of these as they are the very best of object lessons. The Use of Gate Signs. In an educational campaign there are-a number of essentials, one of which is to create an interest in the minds of those you wish to influence. It is not an easy matter to reach the man who most requires instruc- tion. Bulletins and other literature sent to him often ï¬nd their way into the waste basket unread. He is not easy to get out to meetings where the matter is to be discussed. The main object in using these signs is to reach the man who does not read bulletins or attend meetings. When he sees a sign on his neighbor’s gate announcing the fact that a pure- bred bull is kept on that farm, it starts him thinking. If every farm where a purebred bull is kept is indicated in this way, natural curios- ity will as a rule lead a man to make inquiries. Such an individual will probably have been claiming that his grade bull is just as good as the pure- bred, but he soon realizes that if he keeps a bull and has no sign up stat- ing that it is pure-bred, the inference is that it is inferior. The spirit of “Keeping up with the Joneses," while it may in some cases cause discomfort, is a'real fac- tor in human progress When you get a man in a receptive frame of mind, you have accomplished con- siderable; in other words, you have fertile soil. The mission of the gate sign is to create interest, and in this it is succeeding in a great measure. “'vvvâ€"â€"__u I-j: wE. Rettie, hikséisl Live Stock Director, Toronto. Can’t Have Eggs and Mites, Too. Hot weather brings the roost mites. They multiply so fast that the hen-house is swarming with them and the egg yield has dropped to al- most nothing, perhaps, before you realize what is the cause. Therefore. don’t wait for them. Make the house disagreeable to these P_8_8t8 be“??? they s w themselves. The process of keep g out the mites is one of the simplest in poultry culture. Kerosene will do it. It is easily ap- plied, either by a broad flat paint brush or a. spray. The paint brush will save kerosene, but takes time. The spray will save time and use kerosene. Take your choice, but paint or spray the roost and supports with kerosene before the mites put in an appearance. The morning is the best time, as the roosts will be dry and much of the odor from the oil will have disappeared before the hens return at night. Spray or paint every two weeks during warm weath- er. A good-sized egg check every month keeps the ball rolling. Don’t let the mites get it.- er. A o'ood-sized egg check every " “.7, ""“f w. - -. month kbeeps the ball rolling. Don’t And notlce 18 further gnen that let the mites get it.» the undersigned will proceed to disâ€" . tribute the proceeds of said sale a- The haw F House and Trees. mong the parties entitled thereto, When planning to build a farm. having regard only to the claims of house it is well to select a location . ‘ , . near 800d trees, so that their shade WhICh he shall then have had notlce, may be-used and enjoyed by the tam- and that the undersigned will not he 111’ every day during the summer. It liable for the proceeds of the 831d takes so long to grow good trees sale or any. pirt thereof to any peré that existin ones should be cherish- , . . . . . ed and utiligzed to the fullest extent. SOD-S 01' whose claims ,D0t106,;i.:32@u It trees must be planted they should not then have‘been received by hlm. not be placed directly in front ot-the' ‘ Dated-rat Durham this Zisthéy of farm house, but should be. put, some- . April, AD. 1922'. - . "h“ â€each side'ao'as to makes w -‘ - .. {rune through which aw otga“. _- - _ A.¢B..GUBREY, mm? â€m“ “mambomw . 5;; ;Durhams two vâ€" v..- .- '-‘ _ TH‘E EEW GAME LAW8 - The Government proposes to change the game laWS by a bill now before the House. The important change aï¬eoting deer is the advance- ment of the shooting season north of the Transoontinenta‘l. making the shooting season from September 15 to November 1-5. The partridge shooting season is to be from Novemâ€" her 5 toNox'rember '20. The bag is limited to not more than ten part- ridge. The daily bag‘for wild duck is to be limited to 25, with 200 as the maximum for one year. Another change prohibits the use of traps, snares, nets etc., for capturing deer, moose, game birds, etc. The ï¬shing amendment prohibits the use of seine nets except in international and interpmvineial waters, and pound nets, except in these waters and the waters of Georgian Bay. Separate Sealed Tenders marked “Tender for Contract No. will he received ‘by‘ the undersigned until 12 o’clock noon on Friday, June 2, 19:32, for the following work on Pro- Vincial Hig‘l‘iways: ConcreteAbutments and Bridge Floors Cantraet No. 675, Townships of Bent- inek and Gleneln‘. Contract No. 676, Towns-hips. of Egreâ€" mont and Normanhy. A Plans, specifications, information to bidders, tender forms and tender envelopes may he obtained on and after Friday, May 12. 1922 at the ofâ€" fice of the undersigned, or from C. A. Robbins, Resident Engineer, Durham. A marked cheque for. $1,000.00 pay- able-to the Minister Of Public Works and Highways. Ontario, or a Guaran- ty Conmany’s bid bond for a similar amount must be attached to the tenders. A Guaranty Company’s Conâ€" tract Bond for 50 per cent. of tho. amount of the tender will he fur- nished by contractor when contract is signed. All bonds must be made out on Departmental forms. W. A. McLEAN, Deputy Minister of Highways: Dept. of Public Highways, Ontario, Toronto, May 2, 1922. 1 The lowest or any tender not no- cessarily accepted. FOR SALE 1 second-hand Gasoline Engine, 31/2 horsepower, in good running order, for $25.00. Also Brantford Iron Pumps, the easiest working and cheapest pump on the market. $7.00 and up.â€"â€"W. D. Connor, Durham, Onâ€" tario. 3 16 tf HOUSE FOR SALE The J. P. Hunter preperty in Upâ€" per Town, Durham, solid brick house, 11 rooms; one and a half acres of land; good bearing orchard, all kinds of fruit; good frame barn; across street from property are three park lots of three acres each; will sell separately or en bloc, at reasonâ€" able price. Have moved to farm east 01" town and am anxious to dispose of property. Immediate possession can be given. Apply to C. S. Duns- moor, BB. 4, Durham. 427 4pd FARM FOR SALE “Bonnie Brae†Farm, prOperty of the late Thomas Brown, .just south of Durham; 70 acres, more or less; two comfortable frame dwellings; good barn, good henhouse, good pigâ€" pen; well watered by neverâ€"failing spring creeks; must sell inside of two weeks. Apply at Chronicle Ofl‘ice, Durham, Ont. 2 ........ Notice is hereby giyen that all persons having any claims or de- mands against Robert G. Lindsay, Of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Merchant, are‘ required to forward to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of May, AD. 1922, full particulars in writing of their claims, and the nature \of security, if any, held by them.†_ ‘LA‘ NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of a certain Grocery, Flow “and Feed Stock, by Robert G. Lindsay, of the Town of Durham, in the County Of Grey, Merchant. BULK SALES ACT NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS â€"â€"â€"‘ '_‘. W JUUL‘J Wham; DEATH 01‘ HRS. A. E. COOK (Owen Sound Sunâ€"Times.) The remains of the late M13. A. E. Cook, whose death occurred in; De- troit'on Sunday evening,,arrived in the city last evening. The funeral is to be held this afternoon from the home of her mother, Mrs. W. F. Lef- lar, 727 8th Street A East. The late Mrs. Cook, whose maiden name was Edna Pearl'Leflar, was born near Mount Forest, Ontario, 26 years ago, the daughter of the late N. F. and Mrs. Leflar. She lived most. of her life in that district and about five years ago was married to Mr. A. E. Cook, whose home was at. Ebâ€" ordale, ‘Glenelg Township. Since their marriage they have been living a1 5336 Rhons Avenue, Detroit. where Mrs. Cook’s death occurred on Sunday evening, following an illness of several months’ duration. Beside Mr. Cook. two small Children. Mur- rav and How 11111 survive. There are also tr: 0 broi 11ers, 131:71\\ ard in D1117- :ham and fhomas near Markdzile, land two sisters. The late Mrs Cook was very well known in Mount Forest and vicinity where she had a large circle of l'rienlj‘ls who will deeply regret to learn of her death. She was also well known and highly esteemed in Sydenham Township. The funeral will be held at 2 0‘- clock to the family plot in Green- wood cemetery. Rev. P’. T. Pilkey will conduct the service at 1.30. SPECIAL PRICES IN 5 TON LOTS Club together and get your Feed at Carload Prices ' N 0 Town Delivery Terms Cash 0‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ BUSINESS HeURs 5 a. m to 5 p.m. _._ __ â€" _ ‘ -â€" - - _-_ -_ _ INSTALLING RADIO OUTFIT IN ORANGEVILLE THEATRE C. L. vanall, manager of the Gem 'I‘hoatre, Omngovillo, is instal- ling the latest kind of wireless r0.- cciving set. The putmnS of the Ghm will soon be able to listen to (30n- certs that are taking place at New- ark, N.J., New York City, Pittsburg. Chicago, and a damn other places, inclm‘ling Tmonto, An expert, from the factt'rry is instailing the outï¬t, . WHOLE CORN, CHOPPED CORN, WHOLE SCREENIN GS GROUND SCREENINGS, WHOLE FEED OATS, CHOPPED OATS, CRUSHED OATS, .CRUSHED OATS, CORN AND BARLEY, CRACKED CORN, Mixed POULTRY FEED FEED OATMEAL, OAT FEED, CLANSMAN STOCK FEED ' GROUND FLAX , ; MIXED FEED OF ALL KINDS which we areselling at close prices in any quantity "FH-}**+M++MHW fRed Blood, Vin, Vigor, Vitnlity Fol- STRENGH AND HEALTH Nlagara Falls, Ont.-â€" “As my put ants have used Dr. Pierce' s remedies with such won- derful and quit! “a results! take great a: 7;; ,3: pleasure in send- by occupation and the labor is quit. fatiguing and injurious to the systems, But today business has no drawback for me. Three cheers for Dr. Pieroe'l Discovery!â€--Wimam H. Dempsey. Jr 32 Bridge St. As soon as you begin to take this “Discovery†you begin to feel its bracing, appetizing eï¬ect. Buy of your neighborhood drug store in tab- lets and liquid, or send 100 to Dr. Pierce’s Laboratory in Bridgeburx. 0nt., for trial pkg. tablets and write for free medical advice. Colds, Fevers or a Rundown Condition, Take This Advice Pleasantville, N. S.â€"- “Four years ago I was a very sick woman. The doctor said it was pneumonia. It kept me in bed for ï¬ve weeks and left me so weak that I could hardly get about. . A dear friend advised me to try Dr. Pierce’s remedies and I did so. ter taking a bottle of the Golden l\ edical Discovery and one of the Favorite Prescription I found I was getting so much stronger that I continued using them, together with Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. intil I fully recove ed my strength." -â€"Mrs. Agnes Brunell. and expects to have it working in a few days. Only a sense of humor prevents Provincial Treasurer Smith reply- ing to his critics on the. Ontario budâ€" get: “If you knows of a better â€Ole, go to it.â€â€"â€"Guclph Herald. AFTER GRIP to boost them of ‘Freedom from Illness.’ I have used the Golden Medical Discovery at- times for tho past three years. himm