Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 May 1917, p. 8

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The kimiergai'tm1 had been <tudy- ing the wind all weekâ€"its power, efl'ects, etc.-â€"until the subject had been pretty well exhausted. To stimulate interest. the kindergart- ner said, in her mast enthusiastic manner: "Children, as [came Lu schOOI tn-day in the [whey ('11? the door Opened and swim-thing i'ame softly in and kissed me nn the cheek. What. «In ynu think it was?‘ And the chihh'en softly answered: “The conductor.” FINLEY GRAHAM, th. B. Eyesight Specialist . ' .cases to an unhealthy condititm of the nerves. and is very common in old people. Among remote szsvs which sometimes seems to haw a bearing on the condition are jaun- dice and cligoslivc disturbances gen- esally, whilst dirtiness of the sk'in is doubtless often a contributory 'cause. In the way of lI‘Dillllll'*lt much Din)’ lw (lune. llmugh fly-pg) are sonn- (fuses which seem to yield to no treatment. It is most im- portant to make every etl'ort to :1- void scratching and rubbing the affected part. though this is an ideal not always attainable. The utmost cleanliness should he (;bla.~=s-z'\'ml, and the Milli-c- surface of the body should lw “1153sz with snap anal warm \anor own‘ «lay. Solutions of bicarlmnate of soda anal of weak l catholic acid are among: the mosh useful applications. Attention should be paid to the bowels. and the diet should be light and diges:- ible.-â€"â€"Physieian. bv the Graham Advanced Method at Central Drug Store, Durham FREE EYE TESTING Pruritus is u nunw given In :1 mnâ€" dition which vxt‘o-rnally shnws itself in thv i'nrm nf Very troublvsumv and continuous itvhing of Hm skin. withnnt any Obvihus Chzixng‘os in 1h». appenmncv ut’ the skin In ucmmnl. for if. H seems to be due in most, It appears that there are certain hardware stores and general mer- chants in Ontario that are making a practice of selling formaldehyde, or formalin. This, the Canadian Hardware Journal points out. is clearly in contravention of the Pharmacy Act of 1915. which pro- scribes formaldehyde as one Of the articles which none but qualified druggists may sell, offer for sale, or even give away. The law is quite clear on the subject and imposes a penalty of $20 for the first offence and $50 for each subsequent one. As the law provides that one-half of the fine imposed shall go to the inâ€"l formant. the risk a hardware dealer runs who carries formaldehyde in stock is evidently very great... ‘ Over 200 Opticians throughout _, Ontario are now practising my system FARM IMPLEMEN' and Repairs DAVID MADILL, {Vizarkdaia Ontario WHO WAS IT? AN ILLEGAL ACT PRURITUS PAGE 8. Huml intenticms (in nut. pay the bilis It‘s vusy 91101131: to plan: Tn wish, is Hm play Hf an utfice boy, TQ (in, is the job of a man. Huz' crndit is built on the things we do. Our debit on things we Shirk; The man who totals the biggest plus ls tiw nnv \vlm mmpletes his \Vni‘k. .VM'M' l'vll. lIHW we ('Ullld love Till anI hill and \val above; vai' lvlt luiw IlvuI' VHII were l'ill \w paid four Ilnllms pen, Mimll pntzitn plmsv cum“ back. illl mu liws Hu'lvs such :I lack; HUI wnr presence so “P pine l 'llI: ll “(11‘ sh {Ilil(.‘ll hits HLII' Spine. i“ 4' are tllml nl ruling gr @8114. fitmxml mum‘s. Mllll"! haul and brains. "l‘is for yuu illnlll‘ \\'l' yearn; hurling 'lutm'. plmisv return. “sun-.â€" 0 “Q Fifi PLEM EN TS THE JOB OF A MAN [I isn‘t tlw work we intend to do Nux' thv work we've just begun That puts us right. on the ledger sheet; ”‘5 the work we’ve really done. WESTERN POTATOES GOOD FOR SEEDING \ Twinkle, twinkle, little spud, iAs up among the clouds you scud, You are doubtless feeling gay ;l1hasing around the milky W3?- ;You have reached to such a height You are surely out of sight. Like a diamond now you seem In your price. and that‘s no dream. Twinkle on another twink. And you’ll drive us all to drink, As we chase for needl’ul Chink. You are sailing rather high. As y u wink your shrivelled eye, l'p there somewhere in the sky. Tuber, since the coop you flew, We have only longed for you; 'l‘lml our fireside you forsook. {raki- mlr heart. and pocketbook. TO THE POTATO â€"-System. His View of It. [3 Quite a promising singer. Hubâ€" VYGH. get her to promise that she wm’t 3mg any moreâ€"Boston Transcript. In tho Barber Shop. “Your hair." said the aggravlflnt barber to the slightly bald man, “B coming out on top.” “GOOd!” cried the sensitive m “I knew it was in me. NOW. for 80011- ness' sake, don’t talk to it or it'll crawl back again.”â€"London Telegraph. A man lost his wife and his cow both in the same week. His neighbors tried to (“onsole him by hinting that they would see that he got another “Yes; XOD’re willing to get me “1' other wife," said be, “but none of you Omel‘s to get me another'cow.” Pinheads. “Pa, when is a man a pinhead?” ‘ “'When his head staps the point of 1 thing from going any farther. Bl! son.”--Baltim0re American. Two Views. “Life,” said the optimist. “is 0119 grand sweet song.” “Say, rather, a rasping graphophono record,” growled the pessimist. cover the entire surface of the United States to a depth of 8,500 feet. “Oh," he answm'od. “it isn‘t very important what the text is so long as it gets good space and is well dis- played.”â€"London 'l‘vlegraph. Salt In the Sea. The volume of the saline matter in the ocean is a little more than 4,800,- AAA ‘ ' Véry Unruly. . Miss Paulâ€"Grace doesn’t obey any- )dy. .. Miss Pry-No: she doesn’t even Force of Habit. He was an old merchant who had built up a bi‘: business by advertising. “John,” said his wife, “What do you want on your tombshme?” 1y, by repetition, very great. Special care in affixing the proper postage would bring ample returns by remov- ing a cause of complaint which has ex- erted an unfavorable influence in for- eign business.” Underpaid Postage. Insuflcient postage on letters is a serious handicap to American business abroad, reports our acting vice consul at Genoa, Italy. A letter from the United States to Italy bearing a two cent stamp entails upon the recipient a payment of at least 6 cents as a penalty. “The poor impression upon Italian firms created by short paid let- ters,” says the report, “becomes, final- 6‘v‘ l . Lost Skill of Ancients. i From the earliest periods of which I we have historical records one of ! mans greatest problems has been to lift heavy loads rapidly and efficiently. i Some ofy the greatest monuments of antiquity were built under conditions l that involved lifting of heavy pieces of 3 building material to great heights, but how it was done we do not know to this day. The manner in which the : great stones were raised in E" g3pt has falways been a [113 star; and probably always will be. It is certain, however, that the builders of these wonderful . monuments were possessed of mechan- ‘ ical contrivances that were lost in the dark ages intervening between their ; time and ours or they possessed pa- 5 tience to a more remarkable degree . than is exhibited in any race of men at the present time. ~Engineering Mag. azine. point, and then ice begins to form. But ice is a very bad conductor of heat. Therefore it shuts ofl the freez- ing air from the big body of compen- tively warm water underneath. The thicker it gets the more perfectly does it act as a great coat, and that is why even the Arctic ocean never freezes be- yond a few feet in thickness. sea level and is capable of flashing signals over most of central Colorado. ,It has been placed on a platform twen- ty-five feet above the summit house. Current is supplied by the turbines . that convert the power of the peak f streams into electricity; The search- ; light is attached to a semaphore that the operator moves at will. searching 1 out the dark beauty spots throughout '3 the region or touching upon sections of : Colorado Springs and even Den ver and ; Pueblo when the great banks of cloud i do not blanket the cities far below.” 3 “The giant light is 14,172 feet above l. 5 How Water Freezes. It used to puzzle all thinking people why ponds and rivers do not freeze beyond a certain depth. This depends on a most curious fact~namely, that water is at its heaviest when it reach- es 40 degrees F.-â€"that is, 8 degrees above freezing point. On a frosty night as each top layer of water falls to 40 degrees it sinks to the bottom. Therefore the whole pond has to drop to 40 degrees before any of it can freue. At last it is all cooled to this Pikes Peak’s Cyclopcan Eye. A writer in the Technical World Magazine, describing the immense light on Pikes peak, says: “The‘ venerable head of that most in- mous of mountains, Pikes peak, has been given an enormous eye. In Den- ver, seventy-five miles away, this eye can be seen flashing to and fro on clear nights and in Colorado Springs, fifteen miles away the ‘company on the front porch is likely to be shown up in a bright light at any moment by the cog railway’s searchlight. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. For sale at Macfarlane’s Drug Slnrv. Put. up only by R. M. Brunt, Hanover. . 5 10 21) The New Discovery Hair Food used according to directions softens and nourishes the hair, restores dry and faded hair to its natural healthy color, making it glossy and fluffy. Relieves irritation, removes and cures dandruff. My 38 years’ experience as a bar- her should convince you that I know something about the care and treatment of the hair and scalp. . Knmving that. you are interested in an article that is a real benefit I want, to talk to you about the New Discovery Hair Food. Before we take an auto ride, pa says to ma, “My dear, 1 Now just. remember, I don’t need1 suggestions from the rear. 1 If you will just sit back there and; hold in check your fright... 1 I’ll take you where you want to go and get you back all right Remembe1 that my hearings good and also Im not blind, And I can drive this car without. suggestions from bel1i11..“d E Ma promises that shell keep still. then 11f}~ \Ve gaily start. But soon she notices ahead a ped- dlei and his cart. “Youd liettei toot your horn,‘ says 1 l t sl‘1e,“t11 let him lino“ “(310' E I E i . l E 1 Hum. E ‘ E- t . . - 1 He might t111n out' and pa 11:- D1i€S 'Ellst sh1iek at hin1,n1v’ dear And then 1111 adds: "Some days same guy will make a lot of dough By putting her 11s on tonneau seats, f for V1 Omen- folks to blow"! t A little farther on ma cries, “He k signalled for a turn!” , And pa says “Did he?" in a tone that’s hot enough to hum. “0h, there’s a boy on 101101‘ skates!”E 1] cries ma, “now do go slow, {i I’m sure he doesn’t see our car," , V and pa says “I dunno i I think I dont need glasses yet but; really it may be } That I am blind and cannot see \\ hats right in front of me.” E If pa should speed the car a bit E some rigs to hurry past, 1 Ma whispers. “Do be careful now, you’re driving much too fast.” And all the time she’s pointing out the dangers of the street, And keeps him posted on the road where trolley cars he’ll meet. I 1 Q t l 'WWXW ’ Large Sales Fresh Groceries Arriving Every Week Women’s Dongola Blucher $3.10 Women’s Chrome Tan 2.50 Our stock IS very large and our prices before the advance. A SHORT TALK ON HAIR CULTURE We have a number of Rugs left, in the newest designs, in the neatest patterns, and in the nicest Oriental shades, having anti-1e appearance of the Eastern Rugs, but a great deal cheapen 3 x 3 yds. $14.00. 3 X 3; yds. 15.50 3 x 4 yds 17.50 Buy before the advance in price, which is sure MA AND THE AUTO Boots and Shoes Departmental Store. Durham Egg shells. ruughh' crushed in the hands. are the best, things f or clean» Try ing enamelled pans, in conjunction with soap and water. i Pho STOP MEATLBSS DAYS A «lesnatch from London. England, _says:«â€"Great Britain's “meatless day‘ ‘is to be. abolished, because it aug- ments the demand on breadstuffs and other substitutes, which are less plentiful than meat. This was announced by Baron Devonport, the Food Controller. in the House of! Lords. He declared that a diminné lion in the consumption of breadâ€"5 stull's was of Vital moment and at main faotor in the situation. but. ho, added: "Provided that the 0:111 for a reduction is reslwnded to and the offorts of the submarines are not successful beyond reasonable likeli- F hood we shall get. through with a} fairly satisfactory balance on hand' to the time whom the new harvest! becomes available." gLast night when we got safely home 3 pa sighed, and said, “My dear, I’m sure We‘ve all enjoyed the ’ drive you gave us fmm the rearfi' 3; MRS. T- H. MCCLOCKLIN RUGS Even though prices have advanced in nearly every line this year we have secured our millineUr StOCk for CaSh, at the Oid price, and will give “our customers the benefit. You are invited to visit our Millinery Parlor on Lamhton St., one door West of Standard Bank, and inspect the array of models. We have this season : ican and Paris models. The Newest and Best in American and Paris Models. Spring Millinery Edgar A. Guest. Men’s 14-inch Top Blucher $5.00 Men’s Blucher - have the newest are an entrancing dlsplay of Imported Amer- 1 Phone II and Get Rig to Call PASTURE TO LET About 20 acres, well watered. For particulars, apply to G. A. Watson, R. R. No. 1, Priceville, or on the A fire, caused by the explosion of gasoline, by leaving the lantern too close to the barrel, resulted in des. troying the driving shed of Ezra Rueber on Sunday evening. A new binder which was in the building was also destroyedâ€"Mildmay cor. in Walkerton Times. QUALITY in your Bread, Buns and Cakes T. HENDERSON’S THE USUAL RESULT If You want to come May 17th, 1917. “W 'J Farm and mediat 01y. Guelph. House to re school. AD 1') I 3‘ Take notion. Uddffllhm‘ of officers on the 29th M Inside of two week‘ cutter will be in town scriptions on headston ments, now erected. requiring work done Allan Bell. Wedding invitation: nouneements in the 1 styles of type and st; be procured on short 1 right prices at The ( flee. House to rent office. Estimates will be re! Saturday, May ‘26. for of shingles from the church, and ro-shinglir Apply to J. J. Smith. Me \‘(ely Yely funm‘ Me makoe lzmgh and sin Me Chang. the Magician, Of thv Noddim: Mandur Town Hall. Durham. .1 Three aernplmms a have passed mvr us on Sunday night. '1‘! by a load of mum: from Hanover. Beautify your home Brandramâ€"Hendm'snn by F. Lenahzm. Tho incomplete I‘eh tional Service cards the government lac: x 150,000 men in Canud: service. and tho gov this year from 50.000 ‘fTbe NOdding Man given here on June in over Ladies‘ Gymnast be a brilliant m‘educti: one should hear it. are for patrintio pun): Sing-i-sing and PHILI- Mr. Chang and Hiâ€"am SO quick Freres and Chinâ€"Chopee and 8181 All will make ynu 12 At, the Nodding Maud 'l‘uwn Hall. Dm'hrm ments of all kinds consistent with qu manship. If in ne< work, let mo knnw it attended h“ p McFadden. i0 West, hm' further notir. timated his i on accaunt 0 fly. Due not An arm}? (‘1' ‘7 ering an mm square. is I't‘l' burn Review through that ( trace of veget: believe them t< The 11.0.]: last week to MI‘. D. J. (’11:;1'}; ‘ gram last 'J‘l'n.;1'.~d::.\‘ son, Pte. Campbell ( ing Since the 23rd H‘: from Pte. Mch' i and dated the 3m ported him amongsw Same letter referre vray boy, from nea being killed, but have been told that been officially repo 0d. Whether Pte. C Pissing. we are un In any case, our sin 80 out. to Mr. and M but others dis; I a m prepa I“ VOL. 50â€"NO 26 NEWS sh, Grand 'est. have Oniat gm. The} young pa ant. â€"-â€"Opp ‘ to J. Sch at 1dd \‘K anada N! rem it‘d.“ IN HG at ili a PP App

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