Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 May 1917, p. 7

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lees me my, 11'. \‘nn Biss- Iiu 1> . ’ z' 1’ H awever, the not nth? i guesswork. In like «ivx‘znany, .the Taga- i not hzwe dared to say in: uanss it had known m be truw: and consider~ y in which even a news: old as the Tageblatt is guard its phraseology, “from the Kaisa’s ” must be. taken as identifying. ugntmess 1‘ some or have said [P ‘ 1111 l have all (11 s the }p [)I “Fleet Foot” nt styles and us eveningâ€" :ather boots. tic nov hm :1 F Ni! ll IT THE KAISER? \V h mer. Wear and sturdy so much '1 V .\nuuficans th. 1917 IO ATHLETE BAL not seem to be lim. The brusqueâ€" £955 of the manner 3 one accustomed said it: it is final; \V l \xmrmcans, he nce of the armored by DH”!!! iS the lic'h H'lP,tVV‘I)- cans in their disuwn their , these ‘Ger- only cherish ~1in as posâ€" mrd German urganizatimt :4 u theGer- 1ch not be; mtry more .Hbmly will hfulness is ll. Nothing Tageblatt ssing. who fly did not. iiLh (Smell, Belgium, )uSSt went natio the deed low and 111 the fining sad at 0n Kl fix 111811- 1 ex- 111C mve \V 1. 3% this 'l‘he m {It} to id 'xe PIGS FOR SALE Yorkshire sow, due to farrow in May. Call one mile south-west of ‘ ‘Durham.â€"-M urdock. 4 26 1ptf Being Lot 53, Concession 3, E.G.R.,§ Glenelg, containing 100 acres; on‘ premises are new frame barn, brick; house, sheds and outbuildings; run-l ning stream through property; a-l bout 10 acres hardwood bush, rest} m :mml state of cultivation. For; further particulars, apply on premâ€" l n ‘y_ ‘ 1385 3:05 1535‘s.. 'thn.S£ap‘lés,'R. R-NO. ,1, Glenelg, contammg 100. acres; on Durham. Ontarlo. 94 4pdtf LOTS FOR SALE North part of Lot 6, the old Skat- in; Rink site, Garafraxa SL, Dur- ham. and the north part, Of Lot 5, ARM-t, St, Apply to A.H. Jackson. Durham. Ont. 930tf The property of the late Philip Eva. in the town of Durham. For tux-ms. and particulars apply to J. P. 'l‘vll'ciyl'tl. Durham. 11 '18“ \V Advertisements of one inch or less, '25 cts. for first insertion. and 10 cents for each subsequent insertion, Over one inch and under two inches; double the above amount. Yearly rates on application. FOR SALE. OR TO RENT A comfortable brick cottagembod sLune collar; 7 acres of land, more or less: nu second concession of Glen- 01g, [1‘52 miles east, nf Durham: has a good frame barn on it. Apply to A. H. Jucksrm, Durham. 5 '18 PROPERTY FOR SALE That splendid residence property in Imper Town belonging to the late Mrs. \Vilson,’ (will be sold. on reasonable terms;-contains ’54 acre, more or less; comfortable residence. '7 rooms; hard and soft water; good gearing orchard and garden; fine situation. Apply on premises, or to 'Phos. Ritchie or Duncan Smellie, Executors. '6 29M" - FOR 5.5-3 . Legat 'uzrecwrv One 14â€"h.p. tracuon englne, Wat- OI'lm'); onn 36x48 separator, wmd- J5 TBLFORD “301‘;er dust oollector, oompleto, Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office: Waterloo; one No. 3 Massey-Harms Nearly opposite 'the Registry Office, Blizzard corn cutter: one W330“ and Lambton St.., Durham. Any amount tank, nearly 113‘“ Everythmg .m of money to loan at 5 per cent. on good order. Apply ton'R. J. McGll- far-m property. ' ‘ " " t" n-s-nn-n n fivray, Tenders will he received for the sale of the 3rd division of Lot 7, and the ist division of Lot 8, Con. 1, E.G.R., Township of Glenelg, 100 acres, more or less, up io the {st June, 1917. No tender necessarily accepted. __ _ _ _-“ Wâ€", Lots 8, 9, and 10, Kincardine St., ’m‘f. Apply All. Jackson. 41‘15tf SHINGLBS FOR SALE Ontario Cedar Shinglesâ€"a car- load just in.‘ If you want. any, sneak nowâ€"J. N. Murdock. 329‘} rfiâ€"RNITURB, BTQ, ran SALE Some Household Furniture (ta- bles, chairs, etc., for sale cheap; also good top buggy, in perfect running order.-â€"Miss M. A. Edge, RB. No. 1, “-mknm 5 10 am Durham. Spirella Corsets (not. saw 111: Stores), made in Canada, are boned with the indestructable Spirella stay, the most pliable and resilent corset boning in the world; guar- anteed not to break or rust in one year of corset wear. Appointments by mail or telephone given prompt attentionâ€"Mrs. J. C.’ Nichol, Box “‘”' ”"4““ phone 70- 1026 rnUIDnL a. The undersign 6. offers for sale! 100 acres of land adjoining the cor- Donation. 0n Durham R d; also 25 acres on‘Lambton t., with buildings; also a new brick house on fiaddler St, Durham, With all modern improvements.â€"-â€"Thos. Mc- Comb. Prop., Durham. 2 1 2m0 A brick house and five acres or land just outside of town, 2 comfort- able ' stables, hen-house, buggy‘ and other buildings are on the prem- ises. Will also sell furniture, foivl. and a quantity of wood; Fur particulqrs, apply on the premises, Lambton street, to Miss McNab. 53tf Jvt’vv‘aâ€"v S. P. Morlock and Hattie Morlock, Durham, filxecutors estate Robt. Cochrane, 4 12 7 Deceased The making of a good General ”Lavage mare; rising Byears 01d.â€" 0 David Hamilton. RE. No. pp I}‘ t 1029 !. Varney. FARMS FOR SALE May 17th. 3.917. FOR SALE FILLY FOR SALE eville. ric r 04 FOR SALE FOR SALE SMALL ADS. acres of Office and residence a short dis- tance east of the Hahn House, on anbton St" Lower Town, Durham. Office hours: 2 t0 5 p‘.m.. 7 t0 8 p.m._. except Sundays. - ' J. G. BUTTON, M.D., (1M. Office: Over J. P. Telford’s Office, nearly emmsite the Registry Office. Residence: Second house south of Registry Ollice on east side of A1- 1)C-1't St. Dollie hnul's: 9 to 11. 3.111., ‘2 t0 4 p.m., and 7 t0 9 p.111. Tele- phone communication between 0fâ€" Iiee and residence at all hours. Lute Assistant Roy. London Op- tlmlmic Hosmtul, England, and t0 Guldon Sq. Throat and Nose Hosp. Sputiulistzhw, lint". Throat and .\'use. Ull’icc: 1:5 Frust SL, Owen Sound. , DR. BROWN L. Ii. C. P., LONDON. ENG. '(_;1':uiuz'lteof London. New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nase and 'I‘hmmt. r\- \\'ill be at; t. hum, May '10. .L'fHSt 18. Hnm's DR. W. C. PICKERING ‘DBNTIST Oflicn: Over J. 8.: J. Hunter's Store. â€"-â€"â€"â€"~ _, J. F. GRANT, D.D.S., L.D.S. Honor Graduate University of To- ronto, Graduate Royal College Denâ€" tal Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office: Over Town's? J ewellry Store. DRS. JAMIESON JAMIESON A. H. JACKSON Notary Public, Commissioner, Conveyancer c. Insurance Agent, Money to loan, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. A general financial bum- ness transacted. Durham, Ontario (Lower Town) . DAN. McLEAN Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle office, or {Vim himself. â€"___â€"_â€" W. J. SHARP, Holstein Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Money to loan at lowest rates, and on terms to suit borrow- er. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thoroughly reliable companies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. SYNOPSIS OP CANADIAN NORTH- ‘WBST LAND REGULATIONS The sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, who was at the commencement of the present war, and has since continued to be, a British subject, or a subject of an allied or neutral country, may homestead a quarter-section of a- vailable Dominion Land in Manitoba Saskatchewan or Alberta. Appliâ€" cant must appear in person at Do- sminion Lands Agency or Sub- lAgencv for District. Entry by proxy may be made on certain con- ‘ditions. Dutiesâ€"Six months’ resi- ‘dencc upon and cultivation of land in each of three! years. ‘ - 1U. CUM”. UJ. L111 vu JV“-~. in certain districts a homesteader‘ may secure an adjoining quarter-! section as pre-emption. Price $3per. acre. 1)uties-â€"Residence six months in each of three years after earn- ing homestead patent and cultivate 50 acres extra. May obtain pre-‘t emption patent as soon as home-‘ stead patent on certain conditions.l A settler after obtaining homeâ€" lstead patent, if he cannot secure a pre-emption, may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3 per acre. Must reside six months in each of three years, culâ€" ztivate 50 acres and erect a house i Worth $300. - LA-.. MA“ nnnnf V'U ' :9 U . Holders of entries may count' time of employment as farm labor- ers in Canada during 1917, as res:- dent duties, under certain condi- Medical Directorv. .iVâ€"‘hen Dominion Lands are {River-1 tlseq or posted for entry, returned; soldlers who have served overseas to Agent. Deputy Minister of the Interior. ‘ W. W'. CORY, [licensed Dental Directorv Legal ‘Dz’rectorv It the Hahn House, Dur- ‘l‘J. .lmw 16...]u'ly 21. Au- Lu'>: 1 [H '7) pm. DR. BURT J1 uctz'oneer LIBUT.-COL. RORKE ANNOUNCES LIST OF HIS OFFICERS ( Owen Sound Sun.) Col. Rorkc made his final selec- tion of officers for the 248th Battal- ion yesterday, and the following will accompany the battalion over- seas as officers: Lt.-Col. J. Hilliard Rorke. 0.0.: Capt. AA. Kelson, Ad- jutant: Capt. AB. Beaton, Paymast- or: Capt. P. S. Foulds, Quartermast- nr; Capt. Barrett. Medical Officer; Capt. J.F. \Vhitc and Capt. G. N. Dallyn, commanding companies. T€*o'0ffirers, Captw. Allefi and Capt. McKechnie, have reverted to Lieu-. tenants to be permitted to 30mm- 11am the battalion. It. Price ma-IIU chine {run officer: Lt. J..L Yule, Lt. AA. Kormann, of Hanm' er. and Lt. II'alter Pfefl‘er are. the other officers 1“ to secure appointments Gt 1) I p to the present, there \V ere 19 otTicers 011 the strength and when orders came to prepare for (1Verseas“I the battalion was 11an authorized t11‘ 1‘ take 1’ officers along. One officer'“ was 11111111 to be still suffering from V‘ the effects of his former serViee in: 3 this war. and altl'iough he wasfll most anxious to 1:11 OVerseas it was 31 impossible to take him 11111117. This"1 was Lt. Kelly of IIIarkdale. one «111 the best liked’ men in the countV of; 1(1-rex. and the most successful re-ll ‘er11iter."lhis lett 18 {mm which‘ i 12 were to go. C111. Rorke 811g {_."(1.s’t-.I ed that the six who could not. 1131 taken along as. officers should gozl overseas as platoon sergeants. with ‘ prospects of haVing their rank o'zt Lieutenant given to them when; they arrive in England. It is notl known What these six will do, but it is presumed that they will eitheri go with the 248th as sergeants 11r1 will go with some other branch of 1 11-1 The readers of this paper will be! pleased to learn atht there is at least one edraded disease that sci- ence has been able to cure in all itsi stages, and that is catarrh. Ca- tarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constithtional treatment. Hall’s Caâ€" tarrh Cure is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mu- cous Surfaces of the system there- by destroying the foundation of the disease, giving the tapient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much ifaith in the curative powers ' of Hall’s Catarrh Cure that they ofl'er One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list Of testimonials. Address F. J. CHE- NEY C0,, Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Sealed Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be receivâ€" ed at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 27th June, 1917, for the convey- ance of His Majesty’s mails on :1 proposed Contract for four years, six times per week on the route, Chatsworth R. R. No. 5 (Walter’s Falls), from the Postmaster Gener- al’s pleasure. A Printed notices containing furth- er information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be oh- mined at the Post Offices of Chats- worth and Walter’s Falls, and at the office of the Post Office Inspecc- or, Toronto. Post Office Inspector’s Office Toronto, May 14th, 1917 A. SUTHERLAND, COURT OF REVISION, TOWNSHIP Hanover... OF GLENELG \ Miss Aiic The first sitting of the Court of‘course att Revision for the Township of Glen-- Toronto, :11 Gig, for 1917, will be held at tho‘mer vacath Township Hall, in said Township,‘ Mr. Fred on Friday, the 8th day of June, 1917, a new Sta] Nut '10 o’clock in the forenoon, of agent, Mr. {which all persons having business Mr. and met-oat, will please take notice aml‘aml Miss 1 giwern themselveaaccordingly. lwere Visi‘ } Dated this 14th day of May, 1917. Edge, and :«72 J. S. BLACK. Clerk. Monday. '17 3 PLAN Arrange to visit some of the follow~ ing pointsâ€"A11 beauty spotsâ€"431059 to Nature Muskoka Lakes . . . .Algonquin Park Georgian Bay Lake of Bays Temagami Kawartha Lakes Full information and descriptive literature may be secured on appliâ€" cation to EYES TESTED FREE TOWN, Jeweler :Optician Calder, Town Agt” Durham YOUR SUMMER VACATION NOW THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. Post, Office Inspector. C. E. HORNING. D.P.A., Toronto gr; that it was necessary to have to 'emake a division of the oilicers who hadworked so well with him in Him organization of the battalion. the service. It was rather a deli- cate choice for C0]. Rorke to be callâ€" ed on to make, and he was Very sov- ILLICIT WHISKEY STILL POUND ' ’ IN GLBNELG (Owen Sound Sun.) . Mr. W. J. Graham. Collector of 1 Internal Revenue for this district, 1 accompanied by deputy Inspector - Ll. Johnson. and Chief of Police W. 1 0. ‘Foster. made a visit on Monday to the home of Wm. (”Zofl'ey, on the third concession of Glenelg. where a. mvorm and worm tub which couicl ihe used for the mamifactuiw’: of aim [cohol was found in a room in Mr. Coffey‘s residence. .Two kegs, one imntaining dampened grain. and the "cher some sweet liquid. were also gi'ound. These tlpl‘lllflllC-QS were seizâ€" led and on \Vednesday Mr. Coffey {was charged liefore Magistrates Geo. Hienzies and Geo. P. Creighton with {having these articles unlawfully in élliS possession. contrary to the Inâ€" lland Revenue Act. A line or 8100 {and costs was imposed and as no t l l l istill was found the usual term of imprisonment, which acccmugianies l: a line in these cases, was not asked! .9 for, there being no actual proof that. fialcohol had been made. The ap- );pliance was very simple. the tub 1i heing the barrel of a patent wash- fi ing machine. The. worm was made agof lead pipe formed into a coil a- ll round the inside of the tub with a [bears a most am his community. I ..‘_‘. joint, made to fit onto a gooseneck, and a bottom discharge. Mr. Coffey is an old bachelor living alone and hears a most excellent reputation in Miss Cameron, Boothville. Miss Hepburn and Mr. John Arnett, town, were welcome visitors at No. 9 Sabbath school Sunday last. Como, again._ I... .AA:A ‘ “a“; 1;. Mrs; Jas. Lyons, Toronto, paid «1 short. visit to Mr. and Mrs. James Brown and other relatives in the burg last, week. ‘ * -â€"-l I‘\.\ Mrs. Jas. Hopkins has spem um past two weeks in town. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jacques spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W". Bogle at Varney. __ ‘. 1' lL_,.‘ L‘aLL “u van-vâ€" Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hargruve spent. Sunday in Hammer. Mr. and Mrs. Will Weir, anuntn. and Miss Bessie Weir. EgremmiL, visited this week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Weir 01' this burg, and other Mr. Clarence the week-end \ Hanover.. . pe rpound, and brought. in over $1,100. Beef rattle are selling at 111/: 0r 1‘: cents per pound, yet we know of a t certain beef-ring in which a majorâ€" ity of the members present at the annual meeting voted down a ma- tion to raise the price of dressed beef from 10 to 12 cents a pound. Branti‘ord millers are of the epin-l ion that the only relief possible in the matter of the present rising of government action. - the situation is lamentable, but that i there is no alternative save that the 1 Dominion Government awake to the present conditions and put the 'clamps on the speculators who are ‘ engaged in the wild gamble. The prices offered off the wagons on the Brantford J market Saturday . Were $2.75 and $2.80 a bushel. PUT CLAMPS DARKIBS’ CORNERS r12 ‘ence Gondes Visited over end with his brother near prkins has Spent the EDGE HILL and C. H. Moffat sold (3 to Mr. J.G. Wilson ey were sbld at “1/20 1nd the nine head .ted 0N SPECULATORS e know of a ich a majorâ€" isent at the down a mu- mmcm LUMBAGO AND mmnc momma. Dear Mr. Editorâ€"I wish to state that I snflered greatly from backache, lum- bago and rheumatic troubles. I used 'Anuric," the latest discovery of Doctor Pierce for backache and kidney troubles, -â€"------J 61;“. I I '0 .- V ._ G- _, _ _ and I can cheerfully recommend the ' Annric Tablets " to anyone suffering tron: my of these maladies. Yours tm_1y_,_ _ NOTE: It is now asserted with con- fidence that these painful effects due to uric acid in the system are entirely eradi- . cated. A new remedy, called “Anurici' i has been discovered by Dr. Pierce, and s ; the cause of : drainage outward of tho ' uric acid With which it come: in contact ‘ within the body. It will ward off back- ache, headache, and the darting pain; and 1 aches of articular or muscular rheumaâ€" ; tismâ€"of those diseases which are caused - -21 _--L at! anv1+ aw U1 UUVUV ‘0va Bl vvâ€" --_--_ c_ by too much. 111'1 acid, such as gout. asthma, selatica, renal calculus. ‘An- uric” prolongs hie because old people usu- 1 ally suffer from hardening and thickening I of the walls of the arteries, due to :33 } excess of uric acid in the blood Dr. Pierce, who is director and chief ghysician at the Invalids’ Hotel and mined to place “Anuric” with the prin- cipal druggists in town where eoplo could get this rcady-to-use m lClne. “Anuric” is not harmful or poisonous, but aids nature in throwing ofi those poisons Within the body which cause so much sufiering, pain.and misery. Scien- ' A‘ 9â€" ..-....-,:,, :o a") Hmac mnra mucn SUUCL 111$, Pullltwuv: ._---_..,- tists assert this remedy IS 37 times more potent than lithia. Send 10 cents for arge trial package. “Anuric” is building up a reputation a! good as Dr. fierce’s other well-known medicines which have been proved reli- able during nearli‘ fifty years, such as Doctor Pierce’s avorite Prescription for the ills of women, Doctor Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets, the liver lator and Doctor Pierce’s Golden «1ch Discovery for red blood. EGREMONT PATHMASTERS, 1917. \\". Bogle, J. Kerr, It. Morrison. J.l Mcllvride. W. T. Pinder. .l. Smith, J. Troy. JAY. \\-'alls, R. Ovens. '1‘. Nov- ris, J. Mack. R. Mead. 1.. Allan, (:.‘ Pollock. ’1‘. McMillan. G. Aitken. S. Seaman. J. Farrell, S. (Iowan. W. Tyndall. J. Hunt, H. Hoffman, E. Mc- Dermott. R. Cantlon, .l. Hutchinson. A. Donald. J. Kennedy. R. Keith, J. Webster, A. W oods. A. Hopkins. ll. Wallace, W. McDonald. A. McPhee, J. Wilkie.‘ D. Hewitt. W. Patterson. W. Watson, L. Battle. 1). Buohanaml S. Shire, W.J. Kelly, J. MeDougall W.J. Lamont, G. Tebhy. (J. Yake, J. Hunter, J.A. Mather, W. P. Horsâ€" hurgh. J. Adair. G. Eakitt. J. Shand. \V. Fairhairn, A. Stephens,’ G. Longl S. Eccles, C. McInnes, R. Connolly. D. McQueen. t1. Schenk. A. Merchant. '1‘. Reid. J. Nelson, J. Wilson. .I.. Plester, W13. Pollock, A. Ferguson. J. Snell, J. S. .Garson. W. Hay, l7. Clark, S. McMurdo. W.A. Allan, A. , Lee, B. Wells. J. Geddes. N.A. Mo.- . Queen, N.G. \Vilson, R. MeMeeken. W.R. Watson, C. Harrison, D. Ham- ilton, J. Whitmore, W. W. Ramage. ' J. Halpenny, G.llargrea\'e. D. Fer- guson. Nothing is better than Vinegar for cleaning windows. It. gives a first.- rate polish. NEW SILKS TIES LACES CORSETS MEN’S OVERALLS SHIRTS (in stripes, plain blue and black Just In We cannot guarantee present prices any length of time. In fact some lines we cannot get at all; others cost more than presen selling price. \Vith Kid leathers costing more than $6.00 per pound and sole stock 80c., what will kid shoes cost? ~ We have still some lines at old prices: prices. Headquarters for Trunks, St Mitts. Gauntlets and Gloves. l. S. 'Mcllraith : The‘Down Town Shoe Store sateens) i: PLANING ILLS No. 13, Bentinck. l'\'--I"1elchm' Riddoll, Percy Led- ingham. Sr. Ill ----- Mum‘uw Riddcll. Myrtie Boyce, Marie Walsh. John Corlett. JI'. IIIâ€"Gordon Ridden. Jessie Loding'ham. Sr. Iâ€"â€"-Jolm Ledingham, .135. At,- kinson. Eddie Lang. Sr. Pr.-â€"-Camcmn Gorlctt. Daniel BH\'.C0 Jr. Pr.â€"-Muricl Heft, Jas. Meis. Ax m age attendance 11. We 11:1xe a stock of Ground Feed that me are ofl‘e1 111°" for $40 per ton for the next few days, sacks includ- ed. If you want cheap feed, buy no“; as we have only a limited quantity to oftenâ€"Rob Roy Cereal Mills Company, Limited, Durham. The School is thoroughly equipped in teaching ability: in chemical and electrical supplies and fittings, etc, for full Junior Leaving and Matric- ulatiun work. Durham High School Thos. Allan, Principal. ist Class Certificate, also Certificate in Phy- sical Culture. Subjects: Science, Mathematics, Spelling. Miss J. Weir, B.A., Queen’s Uni- versity. Specialist in Art. Subjects: Latin, Art, Literature, Composition, Reading, (EeOgraphy. Ancient His- tory. Miss M. Cryderman, B.A., Toron- to University, also Certificate in Physical Culture. Subjects: En- glish Grammar. French, British and Canadian History, Composition, Writing. Intending students should enter at the beginning of the term if pos- sible. Board can be obtained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attraqtiv‘e‘ town, mak- The undersigned begs to announce to residents of- Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared .'to take orders for IICGIWJ “It“ ‘- v- wvvâ€" - ing. it a most desirafilenplaée for reSIdence. ZENUS CLARK DURHAM The record of the school in past. years is a flattering one. The truse tees are progresswe educationally, and spare no pains to see that teachers and pupils have every ad- vantage for the proper presentation and acquisition of knowledge. FEES: $1 per month in advance. H. R. KOCH, J. F. GRANT, Chairman Secretary. Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. Has a national reputation for thor- ough, progressive and advanced mand for our graduates is proof that it pays to attend our school. Enter any time. Catalogue free. W. J. Elliott, Principal. Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To SASH,DOORS â€"- and all kinds of â€" House Fittings Yonge and Charles ENTER ANY TIME for a thorough course in any one of Shaw’s Seven Business Schools, Toronto” .Write for free Catalogue. .Home Study Courses also provided. PAGE 7. some ho§i_et_'y at Empting -I-- -â€"Mary Duggan. 'l‘eavher W. H. Shaw, ONTARIO Ste; Toronto

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