Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Mar 1917, p. 7

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In vi. 1.21â€"Mom. olden Text. Matt Prepared by Rev. con/'z-n‘nn': us as : rm {3m waves of 11.: sinking. for I out all fear. ; spirit of fear (I i. 7). Inwardly » saying. “Not I. 'erning all thing aople or circum- r grace to say. as rethren. “It was re may continual- tn His love, sh:- d.” and let Hi! In I. m h I. iv, 27; Mark vi. meet was His Fa- Irfect Win, and say that we :1- concerning us as Quarter, For 917. AL SERIES. Cfiflfll. ren. with the only the four 2t before ('21 use us is :a I 10118 for He hether stand- lld be )f rest skets have ersas who fight with S. as 11). who )es the )e MFâ€" BEING LOTS 62 AND 63 ON THE second concession of Bentinck containing 122 acres: one mile from Durham. The land is good, buildings fair, Bell telephone in house, two concrete wells, new hog house and poultry house. The farm is all Well fenced With Wire and rails, Witn Wire and rails to implement house, bush and pasture. Apply to M. J. Cauldwell, Box 14, Durham, rum. nmmh, 118 tf aEING LOT 53, CON. 3, E. G. R" Glenelg, containing - 100 acres: on premises are new frame barn. brick house, sheds and outbuildâ€" ings; running stream through prOperty: about 10 acres hard- wood bush, rest in good state of cultivation. Possession given on Nov. lat, 1913. For further par- ticulars, apply on premlses 1.0 Mrs John Staples, Rural Route No. 1. Durham. Ont. 94lpdtt Lots For Sale NORTH PART OF LOT 6, THE old skating rink site. Garafraxa Street, and the north part of lot 5. Albert street. Apply to A. E Jackson. 9 30d THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Philip Eva, in the town of Dur- ham. For terms and particulars apply to J.P. Telford, Durham. 11,18.“ â€"â€"â€"...â€"â€"â€"._..__â€"â€"â€" .â€"â€"._â€"_â€"_~ _,._...- ,_____‘____ {dis 8, 9 and 10,â€"fiINCARDINE street, West. Apply to All. Jack- son. 4 1 15 U tario, is offered for sale; agoodg paying prOposition; good reason‘ for selling. Apply J. A. Brown,‘ Durham, Ontario. | A-lven tisements of one for pnch subsequent insertion, Over one inch and u dumb;- the above amount. Yearly rates on application. Caulawell, Grey County. For Sale or to Rent .‘ A COMFORTABLE B‘I‘HCK LOT BE PROPERTY Philip Eva, in 1 ham. For term apply to J.P. One 14 h.p. traction engine, Wat- erloo; one 36x48 separator, Win-:1- stacker, dust collecter, complete. Waterloo; one No. 3 Massey-Harâ€" ris Blizzard corn cutter: on Wagon and tank, nearly new. Ev- Durham. . . 5 11” SEALED TENDERS, addressed! to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on} Friday, the 16th March, 1917, for= the. conveyance of His Majesty’s 3 (via Desboro), from the Post- master General’s pleasure. Printed notices containing furth- er information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Chatsworth and Desboro, and at the office of the Post Office In- Farms for Sale. l‘z mm 101' emu DNTAINING 100 ACRES MORE or less; all cleared except five acres cedar swamp; good barn and stone stables; brick veneer- ed house; well Watered; 2‘»; miles West of Durham}; lots 04 L: 1:) 10¢) '11( 111.; Luau" .1 "\u - T01 on to Ste A. SUTBERLAND, '1 1e Post Office InSpec or. , 900009009999 § Call at roperty in Rink for Sale MAIL CONTRACT .‘ $7hfialt‘é‘Mn Wil: id on reasonable For Sale urham 1. 1917 For all kinds Cooked an acre SMALL ADS; more 01' inch or less, 25 cts. for first insertion, and 10 at MS xsertion. Over one inch and under two inc‘nr-s. 11! 7 acres second mxles 518 will -vâ€" U short. distâ€"ance ebdt of Knapp’s Hotel, bamb ton Street, Lu Net Town, Durham Office Hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 to 8 p.m., except Sundays. OFFICEâ€"Over J P. Telford’s office nearly Opposite the Registr office. ReSIdence Second house 50x1! in of Registry office on east side of Alhr-w Street. Office Hours 9-11 a.m., 2-4 p. 111.. 7-9 p. 111. Telephone corm'nuniqm tion between office and residence .u. all hours. 41.1.6 Aaaxstaat Roy.London ‘th'tJflUit‘ f’r 52.13;. and to Golden Sq. Throat and None. 1*}. -.-~ SPECIALIST .- EV E. EAR, THROAT 9403:». L. R. C. P., LONDON. B:\‘<-. GRADULATE of London. ;\ a York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and ”trout. Will be at the Hahn House. D111 ham, Jan. 21, Feb. 17, Mar. 17 an April ‘21. Hours 1 to 5 pm. Officeâ€"Over Douglas’ Jeweller J F. GRANT. D.D.S .LD 8 ONOR GRADU ATE. UNIV E KSS ty of Toronto. Graduate Rays College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry 111 all me Branches. )FFICE 1. G. Hutton. . er, uonve Agent. . Money nage Licenses; Lice-need Auctioneer for the Coanty of Grey. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Terms reasonable. Dates of sales made at the Chronicle of- fice, or with himself. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. FlI'E’ and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wins, executed on shortest notice. All Work promptly attended to. Spirella Carsets 1 SPIRELLA CORSETS (NOT SOLD? STORES), Made in Canada are! boned with the indestructible; Spirella stay, the most pliable: and resilent corsetb oning the 3 world: guaranteed not to break: or rust 1n one year of corset}, evening at F. McComb for appoin for sale 100 acres of land adjoin- ing the corporation, on Durham Roai: also 25 acres on Lambton street, With buildings; also a new brick house on Saddler street, Durham, with all modern ' McComl). Prop., Box 27, Durham. 212nm Talked glihl§ of 01 The maiden Mus d proverbs. bed. then she Ream-lied. “[know two’s company,” And that wmhout a doubt Is why when she sat on b15 knee, The knowing lamp went out. m- -~Aâ€"-A 0+“... Office tion.â€"Mrs. J. Câ€". fiichél, Box 107. Durham. Phone 70. 10 26 Medical Director-v. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. 53E"; 011er J H1 Dental Dirac Legal ‘Dz‘recton‘ actec W. J. SfiARP DB. BROWN A. N. Jackson. Y PUBLIC, 00M MISS )3. Frost. 8%. Owen Scund. U1; COOK WLLL GIVE nstmction in singing ev- Tuesday afternoon and g at the home of Mrs. :3. Bomb. Pupils may apply mointments to Mrs. Me- at any time. 10 2‘26 anvey BR. BURT. flan McLean IN SEASON Musical anaer. 8L0. lnsu to Loan. Issuer of A :Iensral mmnmal . Telfotrd. somcmon Obliging Confectioner and Grocer flu-[I‘m a CI 071’ '9 , by mail or 3 - , _ . .,- lompt attenâ€" l SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN 1.303.121 ‘l .chol, Box 107.; WEST LAND REGULATIONS. 1 10 26'; The sole head of a family. 0r rm“ ‘any male over 18 years old. my 9 ' Sale. ;homestead a quarter-section oi . 1 ; available Dominion land in Mani- ED OFFLBS ! toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. >f land adiom- g Applicant must appear in person 11: on Durham 3 at the Dominion Lands Agency or {S on Lambton ‘: Sub-Agency for the District. E!- ngS; 3159 11‘; try by proxy may be made at any , 01‘ Saddler : Dominion Lands Agency (but not 1th 311 1119c} 91‘“ : Sub-Agency). on certain conditions. lOS. Mctombw. Dutiesâ€"Six months’ resideDCe rham ‘2 1 31110 ‘: upon and cultivation of the land ‘ (three years. A home- ‘ steader may live within nine miles 11g 'of his homestead. on a farm of Tat least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is reâ€" - auired except where residence is I'ovez'bs. performed in the vic’nity. . then she Live stock may be substituted WHO»: C(‘HI’IPEmF. for cultivation under certain con- . 01173 ditions. on bls knee. in certain districts 3 home- “'91,? 0M?- ,‘ steader in good standing may pre- lomnto btar. empt a quarter‘section alongslde his homestead. Price $3 00 per acre Dutiesâ€"Six months’ residence in ’woeoooew ; . :each of three years after earning ¢ 2 homestead patent; also 50 acres 2 ‘_ extra cultivation. Pre-emption . ; patent may be obtained as soon : Las homestead patent, on certain ' conditions. . - - ‘ â€" -__.LA.a L;- # Humm- r-v Storm LISSI‘.M‘~' lnsuranc WU mqt bu W =' The Time Lock Her lips were colorless. He sprang promptly to her assistance, and she instantly transferred the sustaining hand to his wrist, which she clutched spasmodically. “What is it?” he demanded solicit- ously, yet with a restraining thought of the ease with which any crowd’s attention is attracted. “What has hap- pened?” . a q ‘â€" â€"“Mr. Mercer’Lâ€"her voice, pitched low, was tense and vibrant with some “No, No, No! Take Me Awayâ€"To. the Kohinurâ€"â€"at Once. mastering emotionâ€"“please get me back to the Kohinur as quickly as you w'v--- v_â€" __VV back to the Kohinur as quickly as you “There’s a whole lot more mystery: can.” _ about this little old boat than I like.‘ ‘ ut you are not fit,” he protested, What do you make of it all, anyway?" 1 tor despite her nervously tight grip. “Nothing,” Tom curtly replied. “Andl 90 his wrist she was Still swaying. “It I’m getting pretty tired of it myself.‘ you can walk to one Of the tables; Old Willard doesn’t want to send for: perhaps a little wineâ€"” ; a doctor to look at Callis. The fellow She broke in almost fiercely: . hasn’t come around yet. Willard, “No, no, no! Take me awayâ€"to the. claims to be something of a doctor| hinurâ€"at once. I can make it if: himself, and that nothing serious 131 will let me hold your arm.” the matter. Well, the blame’s all his: . She was fairly dragging him along: it the chap dies.” a” wide hallway toward the 6111131106.”; 'H0pe he does,” was Mercer’s um I \ ‘ “Y our veilâ€"4” he reminded her. " , .. _ She Quickly drew it over the lower .fleehng comment. He handed me an pwful wallop. pm of her face, and acknowle ed his , . . pttention in the same straaine‘tiig voice Some tune after mldmght, M01” “Thank you You are very thought-l [foams to him in the chart-house wrth a. . ' "message that relieved his disquiet.l '9: m1. Oh, pleasehurry. Said Molly: Already her strength and composure, were returning 5, and by the time they? arrived outside she had abandoned his. supporting arm and was swiftly lead-‘1 ing the way down to the landing. h And thus it was that inside of a half- hour, Captain Phinney, who had re- mained every second watchful, saW the pair as they hurried to the waiting kin-ch. “Something in their haste quickened his faculties, and he took. up his station at the gangway, and waited. "ivizén the launch touched the ac: commodation-steps, where the sailor held it secure with a boat-hook, the “Vb- â€" ' girl gotâ€"vout _first, and, Tom noted,- without a word to Mercer. Holding. tightly to the hand-rail, she came rapw Idly up to the deck. MT. FOREST BUSINESS COLLEhr. l)..\. )IcLachlan, LA. Fleming, Continued 1‘ 1“ om nage 150 $300. ”viâ€"eettler who has exhausted ms homestead right may take a purâ€" chased homestead in certain Dis- tricts. Price $3 00 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house worth to get your business educa- tion 110“. It will pay you to im'estigate the merits of our school. Our connection with Stratford and Toronto Col- leges enables us to offer you the advantages of city schools nearer home. Indi- vidual instruction; gradu- ates p‘aced in positions: enter any time. Write to-day for Journal. ink! for. IT WILL PAY Y0! THE DURHAM CHRGNE‘CLE. has exhausted his 41166113 He heard flier utter a little so’omng gasp; then her knees doubled under her. and he caught her as she fell. He was filled with a sudden blinding rage. “You damned cur!” he roared at Mercer. “Yuu’ll answer to me for But the limp form in his arms was not unconscious, only weak. _ Jnggvâ€"imt to' blame,” she whisj Dered tremulously. “Take me to Jes- sie. Carry me.” The Man of Iron Speaks. The unhesitating assurance of her request, with its unmistakable import of dependence on him in her moment of need, thrilled every fiber of Tom’s being. He swept her up into his arms as easily as if she had been a little child, and as tenderly. “Gét Molly,” he curtly ordered Mer- cer, then started with herito _her room, Her eyes were closed, the long dark lashes lay upon her cheeks, and the lovely face wore a pinched look. “Déliaâ€"sweetheart,” he mutteredâ€"1 “if I could only take your trouble up: on myself! ” The lids fluttered weariedly, and she: looked up at him with a. wan little smile. “You can’t, Tom,” he heard her. whisper. " “â€"Wrwâ€" After seeing her safely in Molly’sgl care, and being assured that the other:' ladies were notified, he went back toga his first ofiicer, convinced that either}; an explanation was due him from Mer-;f cer, or else he owed Mercer an apol-f ogy. But the latter bore no grudge for: Tom’s involuntary outburst. “She was! phoning somebody,” he said, “and; learned something that knocked her! all of a heap.” He recounted all that' had happened, and wound up by say- lng: that she’s all right now, and she hopes. she hasn’t caused you any anxiety.” Before breakfast next morning- Thursdayâ€"he saw her, dressed for the street in the same (becoming blue‘ gown she had worn the previous night. Her face was drawn and pale and her eyes held a troubled look, as if she had passed a sleepless night. Never-. theless she smiled as she greeted him. “I am afraid I must cause more, bother,” she said. “I am obliged posi- tively to go down-town this morningâ€". I got no farther than the Claremont; last night, you know.” ' “Before breakfast?” exclaimed Tom., “Yes,” with quiet gravity. “1 am go-. ing with Miss Willard.” .. --7 -LL fi“ VI a-vâ€" â€".__ Miss Willard! Then one of the oth- er ladies was old Willard’s daughterâ€"â€" Jessie, doubtless. “Delia,” he said after a moment, “do you care if I go with you this morn- ing?” â€"-'£J - She colored faintly and dropped her. gaze. but her gravity did not change. U “I shall be very glad to have you go over in the launch with us and get us a cabâ€"if such things are procurable. so far from town. But I’m sorry the errand is of a private natureâ€"I abhor mystery and secrecyâ€"but it is not mine.” “I don’t want to intrude,” he hesie tated. She flashed a sly look at him. “Little good it does me to object,”- she saidâ€"“Here’s Jessie.” "-v â€"â€"â€" A stateroom door opened to disclose a girl who, if she was not so beautiful. as Delia, Tom was obliged to admit that she came very near being so. Hers was a contrasting type; black hair and eyes, but a clear complexion; and she was as tastefully and becom- ‘ingly gowned, though in light gray, as the other girl. She acknowledged Tom's introduc- .“tion so absently that he received the impression that her mind 11' as set upon something afar off and that she “as fiercely impatient of the intervening distance. She seemed to move in a sort of stony despair that vsould crush‘ her down presently if she could not find relief. And on the way over to the landing. and up to the Claremont, whose garage supplied them with an automobile, she uttered no word and remained indif- ferent to her surroundings. When he had seen them in the car. Delia offered him a hand. “I suppose the launch will come for us ?” she said with a sober little “If you don’t mind, I’ll meet you. hereâ€"any time you say,” returned Tom. “I want to run down to my club and look up a friend, then I’ll be free.” -- . - And the long ride townWard was 5 made in silence, save for an occasional '3 remark from Delia, to which Tom ; _could find only the most perfunctory 1. :Of responses. Jessie Willard’s secret“ 3 distress sat heavily upon them all. As' eagerly disposed as Tom was to be in: gDelia’s company, yet it yvas with a, 'isense of relief that he separated tromé lthe two girls, after agreeing to rejoin l thein at the Claremont at noon. â€" J.- 1.1.. ”U .vvo Delia. glanced doubtfully at Jess1e; Willard. “We might take you as far; as Central park,” she proposed: “Thank youâ€"if I’ll not be m the way.” Luci.“ “U UBV V_"_ 'â€" CHAPTER VI. ” he hesi: LUFDBU to my : .911 I’ll ; Jessie as farg in the I. rd was i :asional 3 Saunas: or I In: 3mm m D Manama, Kmusvs, autumn“. n1 I U ”wvvvv with backache. Last March I tried ‘Annric” and have used this new kid- ney medicine recently discovered by Dr. Pierce, and it was wonderful the way it eased the pain and gave me relief in such a short time. I have tried several medicines, but “Anuric” is the only one that gave satisfaction. I feel it my duty to recommend “Anuric Tablets” to any one who suffers as I did. (Signed) MRS.MARGARET E. SKIDEB. NOTE: Forks in town and adjoining counties are delighted with the results they have obtained by using “ A NURIC,” the newest discoyery of Dr. Pierce, whg C 1" -____ Du Eschead of the INVALTDS’ HOTEL and SURGICAL INSTITUTE, 1n Bufialo, N. Y. Those who started the day w1th a back- ache, stiff legsualrms and muscles, and ,- -_._ --_L LA‘A‘QA +‘\A “U'IVHU “nuâ€"vv'vâ€"J _ Dear Mr. Editorâ€":1 §uf§gred‘ fog 5000 Cords of Heading Blocks. basswood, not split, 20 inches long. 5 inches and ”upwards in dianu‘trr. $2.25 per cord, delivered at (7}!qu Trunk stations, Durham and H01- steinâ€"J. N. Murdock. 1‘2 '28 10:1“ Piratford girl hockeyists defeat the Owen Sound girls by a score of to 1. The game was played last wet in the Classic City. ' EDurham Funniture C0. limited WE are prepared to 1 highest market price 1 quantity of logs, consis ELM, BEECH. BIRCH delivered at our y made known on a Logs Wanted Grani’sfid. lle #0090+0o00900940000+0+§++¢oooooooo 0006000000000“... adin g Block \V a Ii {4'13 lllllllll \Ve cannot, guarantee present ices any length 01 some lines we cannot get at. °' others cost more gaming price. \Vith Kid leathers costing more than 5 and sole stock 800., what will kid shoes cost? prices. Mitts. We have still Just In ORIENTAL LACE INDIA LINON ORGANDIE MUSLIN EMBROIDERY LINEN SHEETS, $1.00 8: $1.15. CRASH TOWELLING KHAKI DRILL CROCHET COTTON â€". ‘â€"-I\‘T VL.V v-â€"-â€" 'â€" MERCER COTTON MAPLE and 'T‘l. 9 still some lines at old prices: some 1] Headquarters for Trunks. Suit Cases. 'auntlets and Gloves. REPA UL CODSISII OI 1V 1C£ iDu‘rham High School I: intending Students should enter at the 2 beginning of the wrm if possible. i Board can he obtained at reasonable I i rates. Durham IS a he‘E thy and at- : l tractive town. maxing it a most desir- ' ' able place for residence. | ‘ The record of the School in past years lie a flattering one. The trustees are | progressive educationally and s are no ,pains to see that teachers an pupils ave every advantage for the pro- per presentation and acquistion of knowledge. t, l 'A. BELL U N DERTAKER and Funeral Directorw PLANING MILLS THOS. ALLAN, Principal, lgt glass The school is thoroughlv equipped ' tie-aching ability, in chemical and elec- trical supplies and fittings, etc., for full Junior Leaving and Matriculation Mathematics, Spelling. MISS J. WEIR, B A., Queen’s Uni- versity. Specialist in Art. Subjects; Latin, Art, Literature, Composi- tion, Reading, Geography, Ancient History. work égiiiicgte, 9.196 certificate in Phyâ€" sical Culture. Subjects: Science, Toronto University, also certificate in Physical Culture. Subjects: En- glish Grammar. French, British and Canadian History, Composi- tion, Writing. MISS M. CRYDERMAN. B__A.. ’za‘ura Framing (m Shams notice. 3 Men’s Fur Coats 5 Sweater Coats Full line of Catholic Robes, and bla ck and White Caps for aged people. H. R. KOCH, ZENUS CLARK DURHAM - . ONTARIO The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for XODgc all“ VLLGLLwâ€"a ~-_-, _,, Shorthand, Typ‘ewriting, Book- keeping, Banking, Higher Account- ing. Penmanship, c., taught quickly ant} cgrrectly. Shingles and Lath Always on Hand At Right Prices. GUICA 1” a“ ‘u \pVAbvv-uâ€" Our graduates are 'in keen de- mand. Enter any time. Write for catalogue._ SHOW Roomsâ€"Next to Swallows Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of \V. J . Lawrence’s blacksmith shop. Yonge agd C__harles Sts., Tâ€"oronto. - ..-_.:.L:...m nnnk FEES : $1 per month in advance Embalming a Specialty Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To SASH, DOORS -â€" and all kinds of â€" House Fittings some hosiery Chairman. Some are Buying NOW Why Not You? THE sooner you buy your Spring ”Shoes. the more money you will save. V".~ \Juc length of time. In fact, cost more than present nore than $6.00 per pound PAGE SEV EN. ELLIOTT, Principal J. F. GRANT, Secretarv

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