Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Jul 1916, p. 8

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irtain Poles, '2 for 250. border. 1:30.. .m and ecru. 25c and ++++++fi++§+++++++++++'Â¥ ttet ain Nets N EST VALU E $3.50 pr. tin cream. with color- fast color. 150. $1.00 PER YEAR verinés )0 NTER 'al HOHCV a¢~++++w++++ g; and i981: 1n _>>_ Mrs. J. G. Smith returned from Toronto Saturday, having spent a month there nursing her daughter, Who has been serigusly ill. A4 Our teachers, Misses De Guerre and Atkinson, left Monday for their respective homes at Mount Albert and London. )Iiss L. Terry of Mt. Albert spent from Frigay till Mondav in “’1'--â€" , the village, visiting her niece“ Miss De Guerre. . Mr. and Mrs. Robt. 'Bogle of Pa- cific Junction, Iowa, called. on sev- eral old acquaintances on Satur- day. They are visiting Mrs. Bogle’s mother, Mrs. A. Pollock. Allan Robertson of Toronto is spending his holidays here. As We Write, We learn that Mr. D. Allan is undergoing an opera- tiOu for appendicitis. Mr. J. D. Main of Waterford Spent a few days here on busi- ness and pleasure. He has re- leased his farm to T. ‘McBIillan. Mrs. E. Sharp returned Friday after spending a month at Toron. :0. Swansea and London. Mills is here to spend a month with her pirents, Mr. and Mr. . J. Eccles. Mr. G. St. Leger and wife. of '2': - L‘ “A“ CORNER CONCERNS. Mr. and Mrs. John Poole and two children, of Buffalo, spent irom Saturday till Tuesdav at our home. Mr. Thos. Sirrs, an old resident of this part, in fact a schoolmate of many of our young folks, rte- companied by his better half. mo- tored over from their home at Fargo. N.D., to spend a Week vis- iting his sister, Mrs. Mead. Mrs Mabel Mead, nurse, in Toronto, a- eompanied them here from the crty. _. r“ ,1,-_ “lam“AbDC rtlk‘no. The trustees hm chonl grounds. Monday. We all Wish him aple‘as- ant journey, as he Well deserves it Mr. Frank Grasby was on the sick list for a day or two last Week. Mr. l“Wm. Marshall is also somewhat indisposed. The labor problem .may have something .to Statute labor is being performed “notfv o'enerally in the township all Statugév 1abor is being permrmeu pretty generally in the township this week, and some neat iobs are . M~Fadden and Mgss Maud Hamilton took in 21011 pp- '" 'day and report apleas- ant tlme. . 11, __ 11'nc ah “hint“- Mr. Lorne Allan was so umor- tunate as to have his buggy bad- ly smashed at the M‘Giliivray gar den party. It was caused by a V horse breaking away, \\ 1m a fence rail tied to it, and smash- ing into his rig. Our picnic last Thursday was a Very successful affair, despite the fact that it rained all forenoon. __ .1 A++nndanne and ing into his rig. Our picnic last Thursday was a very successful affair, despite the . ' ained all forenoon. There was a good attendance and an excellent program. The per- formance by the school children delighted everybody and inspired the greatest confidence in the abilities of our teacher, Miss Em- ma Ritchie. Little Miss Gertie Lawrence is a star singer. - She also gave a good reading. Miss Lizzie Woods gave a solo. humorâ€" ous in sentiment. and well sane“. Mesdames Watson and Lawreme sang a duet in pleasing style. Mabel and Margaret duet that was much If baseball with the Scouts m were defeated by: 6 to > football match resulted 31 one all. In the evening I was nicely filled. The art formed Well and .kept the use in gondhumor for 1 11's. The finanCial part sneerâ€"1 now without glasses, was folded by Mr. Peter Black, drew out the ticket that Mrs. Philip Lawrence the ‘p of it. Tea was then served like the eatables, was of th in abundance. Eve; seemed Well satisfied W1t. COL, :1 nt’s pleas 911595 1mi1y sat d Obt. E00109) “ab-h nartaken of: PAGE EIGHT. HOLSTEIN. t. Leger and Wife. of .. :1 31153 Knight of Den- are guests of ”Bin .7 1e turan Tu ker purposes takm 0‘ h rn-uni' )Wn tc. their bout $5 took .1 Mrs. pleasing gtyle. and Margaret that was 1110.911 7m. Allan actfe'i ;- , . ‘ BLYTH’S CORNERS. .. month Very pretty and fashionable was ad Mr. J. the marriage ceremony of Miss Myrtle Caldwell to the man 'ifg‘, of - of her choice, on Wednesday of , of De'n- last week. Shortly after four 07‘- ".f if .T clock. from all directions, invited guests gathered, until at five took ':\l.-w.::’c o’clock fully 240 or thereabouts who Jug had assembled at the bride’s~ mains: - of home. Promptly at five o’clock, Ls) m-wâ€"siswni- the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedâ€"4 ,.:\.g:,,p ding: march played by Miss Jan-9t gm”, vb!) Kerr, the groom and. groomsman, “in-«pm. \\':"-; Mr. John Kerr, took their places -.._;\,.g, mg mp under a beautiful arch, followed iful wring: by the fair bride, leaning on the ,0 my, mans, arm of her father, who gracefully {-1.- ?.~.-,ei.~ gave her away. Miss Mabel Far- rier made a handsome looking ‘11» mest bridesmaid, and the solemn cere- gap: mony was performed by the bride’s uncle, Rev. H. Caldwell of 1.le ml):~;(*!".'â€" Waterford. The Winsome bride ‘ " ~ - » looked charming in charmeuse sat: {MYH '3 i! t larvefi t ccned- by IV’II‘S. Mr Smith. {)3 parties. pnv, after \V‘) pany enjoyed themselves in games, gramophone music. and, chit-chat, many old acquaintances recalling pastimes of vouthful days. Lieut. Thos Allan of the 147th Battalion was home for the eV ent, and Mr. Reid, of Flesherton 1 was also present. The bride looked most handsome in a diess of white liberty satin, trimmed with lace, and carried a shower bou- quet of bridal roses and carna- tions. The bride was unattended, but her two nieces,, Misses Aitken and Watson, acted as flower girls. The bride has always been held in high esteem bv all who know her‘ and the fine array of hand- some presents testifies to the good wishes that go with her to her Normanby home. and made Mr. and Mrs Belt of Hanover, visited their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tucker, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P Biack are en- ioying a visit of their daughcter, Mrs. T. Grasby, of St. Marys. Mrs Archie Black, and Mrs. Wan. Black. of the same place. in. Georgette crepe, rose-bud and pearls, Belgian blue gaberdine suit and White hat, and carried a bouquet of bridal roses, White carnations and maidenhair fern The bridesmaid looked Winsome. dressed in pale blue crepe de chene trimmed with lace, blue voile, and carried a bouquet of pansies and daisies. The groom‘s gift to the bride was a gold wrist watch, to the bridesmaid topez and pearls, to the grimmsman a sapphire tie pin, to the organist a necklace set with pearls, and to the pretty little flower girl, Miss Lydia Caldwell, a gold pendant. After the usual handshakes and hearty congratulations three large tables, apparently groaning under the Weight of every good eatable, were surrounded and heartily enjoyed and partaken of by all. During the signing of the register Miss Janet Kerr sang“ “When You Are Mine.” The pres- ents were exceedingly numerous. many costly, all testifying to the high esteem in which the bride is held. The happy couple left‘ next day on a motor trip to various points and. on their return will be- come residents of Varney, where the groom is engaged in a thriv- ing business and a cosy home awaits them. To the happy couple we extend heartiest congratula- Hans and best wishes for a long we extend heartiest tions and best Wishes and prosperous life. m‘fiis‘; -3131} Hoeflin of T01 onto spent from SaturdaV till \Iondm at the pargnta1_ home at Orchard â€"â€".1L.....,. “b D“\.« le .. v“â€" Our school trustee board have engaged our teacher at an increas- ed salary of $25, in all $625. Mr. McKee is an able, conscientious teacher, and has given complete satisfaction. ‘ .0 -~- 5" ‘uvvâ€"v_ Heartiest congratulations to Miss Neila Marshall, who received word on Saturday of having suc- cessfully passed the Normal exam. at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. James McCaul Marshall, Who were happily wed on W'ednesday of last Week. are also Worthy of hearty congratula- tions. We know them both Well, being all lambs of the same floc’ and bespeak for them a bright future. They returned on Tuesdav from their Wedding trip to But- falo and Toronto. ' - ‘ if ".‘A"\ Tunfi‘ Mr. and Mrs. Burd McNiece from a the west are spending their hon- )1 eymoon at the parental home of the former. We wish Burd and his E Winsome bride a happy and pros- s perous wedded life. IV Mr. John BlzNiece is also home J on a visit to his parents. The anniversary in Knox church n on Sunday was a season of real I refreshing irom the presence of the Lord. Rev. Mr Whaley of Durâ€" .1 ham appeared at his best and his two rousing sermons must have t left lasting impressions on the large congregation who listened with rapt attention at both ser-' vices. On the following Monday evening the most successful enter- ] tainment and supper ever given was held. Rev B. M Smith occu-fl pied the chair and called off a lengthy and varied program. Rev. Dr. Marsh of Holstein, also Rev. Mr. Shaeuder, the new Evangelical minister, of Ayton, each gave hu- morous and instructive addresses. The famous Ayton choir, about 1.5 in number, were present. and de- lighted the largest and most or- derly audience ever assembled in old Knox with the rendering of their beautiful and inspiring an- ’ theme and duets. Misses Kerr and VMead. ably assisted on the organ 3 bv Miss Mamie Mountain. sang two 3'beautiful selections and held. the" 3mamas .. . '-§ter, Miss Ramage, on the organ,‘ w ’ was at his best and sang a taking “ E selection of a patriotic nature. riMiss Mary McAlister gave a hu- " ' morons recitation in her usual able ”and taking style. Mr. Wm Allan, 3;} always happy, made a few brief remarks. Mr. Chas Ramage, a1- d ways looked for and, may we not 3‘ safely say, revered. at and around. Knbx, was the last, but by no means the least effective speaker, Y and zipped here and there alonv 1" fond memories'of bygone days. He ;Alrilgter gave a hu- :ion in her usual able Vle. Mr. Wm Allan. ', made a few brief Chas _Ramage,_ a1- me flock a bright Tuesdzv to But- Sr. III. to Jr. IV.: . B. Pettigrew. C. Wiggins, M. Marshall, B. Search, A. Graham, R. Burnett, E. Schutz, A. Blair, H. 'Falconer, A. Kress. J. Morlock. 9, Russell. M. C. McKechnie, M. 'Snell. E. W'akefield. W. Snell. R. Pilkie, W'. Vollett, M. M. McKPch- {nie, O. Buschlen. ,Names in order of merit. Jr. IV. to Sr. IV.: A. Smith, M. Cox, K. Coffield, R. Snell E. Elvidge O. Limin, M. Mover, M. Holmes, W. Koch. K. McAuliffe, I. W'hittaker, M. Isaac. iHorsburgh, R. Smith M. Morice, C. Smith. â€"A..C Clark Tea~her - _. ‘~â€"* .â€" NO. 3. GLENELG. Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"H. Ritchie Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"W. Morrison. 3M. _B_‘oyd, M. Glencross, Recom- m at- n-_.l Jr. III. to Sr 111; ': Jr. IV to Sr. ‘Ivâ€"J. McGiluvrm' W Jackson, E. McClocklin (rem ‘. W COllinson M- Yiirsr J Crut ‘n Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"R. McClocklin lev, I. Elvidge. N. Falkingham R C Cook W Grav. .1” Peart (P), \Il Pilkesz B. Stoneousc. A. \IcCaiâ€" Greenwood (Rec) Ium,E McQueen H H'II‘"€.V.’- ‘, Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"E. Cook H , Hollis (P), H. Firth (Rem 51* H ‘60 Jr 111 ' Sr. II to Jr. IIIâ€"W. Edwards. M C. McLean C. McGi1r 13.133” .L Beaton (P), K. Firth and E. MzRae K. Hughes, J. Muirav, G. Pctt’- (Rec-o) grew, A. Ame , E. M c , b , . . Sr. I to Jr. IIâ€" C. Greenwood, B '. Rowe. R. Mchonald. IIIOCYlifi. E: Beaton. M. Firth. M. Haley (Rem) ! Crutchley. W. Thompson, D. Gm- Pr. to 1â€"0. Robson, G. Firth C ham. G. Brooke. I. Hind. W. Brvon 'Anglerson (Rec). .. G. Marshall. V. Ryan. L McDonald lNameS are 111 order 0f merrt. M. 821 d . M. 0 , 1 ' â€"W. R. Wallace, Teacher. D. IlIalll1121n(:rE. Hev» 13:: J Hcpoum, . â€"J. M. C. Wylie, Teacher Jr. ILA to Sr. 11.: NO 6 BENTINCK. A- Lawson, L. McClocklin. H, . . _ C. Noble. I. Sharpe, E Smith, .‘\.1 Jr. III to :r. IIIâ€"E, Boyze, J Clarke, R MSCKay' '- Twamley, J. Vickers, G. Torry, E. Jr. ILA to Jr. 11.13.: Vickers, R. Boyce, G. Brunt. M. Montgomery and M. Moun- tain equal, V. Havens and K. Milvm equal. E. Falconer, J. LEI’WSOD. W. Marshall. G. Traffm‘d. S. Hartford A. Vessie and H. McFadden l'lf‘C- ommended. E’ro 111 0+ 10 um I) Me 2111 ts R. Bogle, C. McCrae, A McLean Sr. I to J‘r. IIâ€"J. Lane, W LeWis B. Ritchie. M. Lauder. E Bonn, M K. McNamara, A. Stewart. Ryan, M. Brown. R. Trnvnnr. {\I ‘ Jr. Pr. t0 Sr. PI‘ â€"B- Lewis. BIcDr-nnld, E Buy-weft F, "Hopkins.f Pr. .‘X to PI‘. B.â€"N McIlvride, R. and F. Kress equal, W. Nichol. E Lane. Young, S. Williams, A. Hewitt rhcâ€" a.-- ommended on account of illness. 2 ' Fifi J. McGaug‘hy. C. Haws, I Saun- ders. C. Marshall. M. Picknring T. Brown. M. Dean. C McGanghv. J. Holmes. B. Vessie. W Hepburn. B. McDonald. M. Traynnr. I Mover G. Hind. A. Holmes rind V McDon- ald reaommended. M. Burnett. E. Kearney. C Rowe, I. McKechnie, N. Lloyd. R Wilson. N. McGirr. M. A oraham H P11- key. G. Pilkey. M. Pettigrew. B McFarlane, G. Thompson. Primer to Sr. 1.: V. Brooke, I. Kelsey, N Search, F. Ryan, M. Lawrence, A Martin. Amelia Martin, N. Falkingham, G. Hay H. Thompson, G. Donnelly, I Hulme. H. Morton, R. Walsh, L Coffield, V. Marshall. Report of Junior Primary for June: A.â€"A. Collinson, F Vollett, T. Goodchild. L. McDonald, E. Living:- ston and S. McIlraith equal. .Bâ€"VV. McClyment, A. Wilson and A. Snell equal, I. Storrey, F Kel- sey and J. Elvidge equal, S. Hav- en, D. Marshall. Câ€"E. Catton and M. Search equal, J. Abraham and M. Simpson equal, M. Storrey, M. Glaser, F Lefever, M. Armstrong. To Sr. IVâ€"M. Charlton, J Math- er. H. Johnston, M. Bailey "Tcâ€"{311. EVâ€"M. 'Alexande} (H), R Livingston (H), W. Grierson, BL! Bailey W. McRoqald. S. Griorson. g “J 0" ‘ â€"- 'â€""â€"_~_ ”TO SI. IIIâ€"J. Alexander (H). A. Corbett, ____ ._4 _â€"---n ‘f V-v'v To Jr. IIIâ€"H. Milligan. M Mighton, A. Derby, 3'. Turnbull, Margaret Mighton._ _. .‘ _-r-r To Sr. IIâ€"D. Mather (H), A Rea-1y (H), E. Wise (H), N. Grier- son kH), V. Mervyn, O. Livingston. M. Alexander, A. Alexander, R Johnston, W. Crozier. A _ _ __ -4 C A 'r v-â€"_â€" -v V To wJr. I'Iâ€"W. McCulloch. A Bartâ€"g man, J. McRonald. S. McRonald. W i Park. , To 151: Bookâ€"I. Alexander; W.; Alexander. _â€"â€"I§Tfimber on roll 72; average at- tendance 65' _ â€" N. I! m7A-1 “ NO. 9, GLENELG. Jr. III to 'Sr. IIIâ€"G Lindsay. Davis, A. Horst. Sr. II to Jr. IIIâ€"J Bell (E), Bell, H.__Roseporough. ~~r 1-\ or. Jr. ILB to Sr IL: IVI. HOISt. Primex to 1â€"D. Lawrence. â€"E. Scott, Teacher. B. to A Division: NO. 10‘ BENTINCK. Jr. IV to Sr. IVâ€"P McQuarmc, Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"E Fillingham. M. Mcharrie, L. Clark, A Wilson. Primary to 1â€"0. McLean. 1 Large, E. Noble, Jr. Pr. to Sr Pr.â€"-S.. Lynn. B. Noble. Sr. I. to Jr II: NO. 1. NORMANBY. Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"C. McNaughton 66 per cent: R. Carson. 65 per cent. Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"E. Petty, 58 p~.:. Sr. II to Jr. IIIâ€"M. Caldwell. 68 .c.; A. McAJister., 67 pc.; C. _Webâ€" ber 60 13.0.; K. Kerr, 59 p c.; M. Mountain, 59 p.c.; H. Watson..54 n.c.‘ N. Carson, 50 pc. Becom- Jr. 1. tO‘Sr I.: Was happy to be present, threw out many helpful suggestions a- long the‘lines against fretfulness and .disappomtments, enjoyed the ‘good sin ing and admired the large an orderly audience. .The NO. 3, BENTINCK. . Shortt, Teacher Rivifh" the National THE DURHAM. CHRONICLE. 1 Sr. II to Jr. IIIâ€"M. An'derson. B. Anderson, Recommendedâ€"E. M- , Ritchie. ‘,m.ended_-M..Marsha11, 53 p.c.; R Mountain, 50 p.c. Primer to Fbrm Iâ€"N. Marshall, J '1 Horsburgh, R. Smith M. Morice, C.‘ Smith. â€"A..C Clark Tea~her herniaâ€"'1 Morrison‘ J . Boy_d. Pr.â€"-M. Ritchie and F. Staples eq G. Firth, A. Paylor, J. Morrison Aâ€"A. Morrison. A. Greenwood. â€"M. A. Mortley,.Tea2her. Sr. I to Jr. IIâ€"C. Greenwood, B . Beaton. M. Firth, M. Haley (Rem) ! Pr. to 1â€"0. Robson, G. Firth C Anderson (Rem). ; Names are in order of merit. -â€"W. R. Wallace, Teacher. â€"J. M. C. Wylie, Teacher Jr. IV to Sr. IVâ€"E. Cox Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"F. Ashton Jr. III to :Jr. IIIâ€"E. Boyze, J Twamley, J. Vickers, G. Torry, E. Vickers, R. Boyce, G. Brunt. Sr. III to Jr. IVâ€"R. McVain Jr. III to Sr. IIIâ€"E. Seim, L Stewart. Sr. II to Jr. IIIâ€"F. Mcllvride (H) Jr. II to Sr. IIâ€"J. Stewart, C Smith, M. Lewis, M. McVaiq. __ ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION. The Dornoch branch of the W0- men’s Institute met at the hall in Dornoch on June 26, when Miss Duncan of Toronto gave a very interesting and instructive ad- dress on “The Girls of To-dav.” She impressed it on parents to see to it that the rising generation oe taught to be useful citizens in the future, that no matter how rich they might become, to be good cooks and good housekeep- ers were realities that should not ‘be overlooked in~ their education. A very interesting part of the1 program was a presentation to Mrs. Alex. Campbell, who has been . secretary for the past three years. The following address was read by ' Miss McIntosh and a Rayo lamr X N O. 14, NORMANBY. NO. 5‘ GLENELG. 0099.900 in the welfare of this organiza- tion. As secretary of this Institute since its inception you have not only shown diligence and compc- ‘ tence in the duties incumbent wink ' that office, but your zeal and fi- delity in the general work of the Institute has been a source of inspiration to us all. Your regular attendance at the meetings, often at great inconvenience to yourself, has been most marked, and to your tact and resourcefulness is due in no small degree any success ,which we, as a body, have accom- plished. Feeling that this efficien- ‘cy and live interest which you have displayed in the work is worthy of some recognition, we ask you to accept this lamp as a slight token of our appreciation of .your valuable services and trust that you may be spared many ‘years to enioy the fruits of a : successful, helpful life. Signed on «behalf of the Institute.â€"Mrs. J'. :1 Parke, Mrs. C. McIntyre, Mar- ‘ garet McIntosh. 1 - u . I R‘VU 'A ~u'vâ€" Mrs. Campbell, though taken bv surprise, feelingly thanked the ladies for their kindness and ex- pressed a desire that they keep on as before to help the soldier boys. Khaki Dress Goods J ust the All Kinds of Brass Buttons was. oat-c Jun, 0*“ at 1,5C per yard. thing for trimming khaki. 'll 0 pair. 00000900999909900990000000 st. Rev. and Mrs. Whalex \isited in the burg on Wednesday of last week, holding prayer meeting it the school, which was well attend- ed. le'fhe ladies met on Thursday the home of Mrs. Wm. Weir Red Cross work. - A Mr. Murray Ritchie sold his driv- er to Mr. Farr LaWrence. N0. 9 picnic was held in Davis" bush on Wednesday ofi thi_s week. N Mrs.'?}e6.vArrowsvmith. Mrs. Mcâ€" Kinnon and Mrs. Folkard spent the holiday with Mrs, Q. Ritchie: . 1 llUllou vv LI..- -.--..- Mr. and Mrs. W. jécafi'és visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ned Harrison, Egremont. - ‘ Q J _ f ““---â€"vvv Mrs. â€" Moffat and daughter, of Narva, are visiting her sister Mrs. Wm. Weir, and other rela- â€" A- ‘ . _._!L July 5. 1916. mm M RI iii-”$3

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