Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Dec 1913, p. 2

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Ia ‘ye DID 331's Inf): and real. no at- If”- YEAR‘ 3 ar- SION 1°18 to JIM.) 31,3 1 32.3" I”... 46 *"0. H Wedding invitations, weu announcements. and society commercial printing of all k En fact anything from a vis card to a three-sheet paste one or more éolors, can be at The Chronicle office at a onable price. We are also lllllnlllll't'uu 1n... ..- «\mmm'cial printing of all kinds." {met anything from a visiting! and to a three-sheet poster, in me or more éolors, can he done at The Chronicle office at a was-E ‘ We are also preâ€"l all kinds of Y} and lower. Get your home, and help n G v E :5 'U t< O : '1 O Q :1 (I. O 3’ 5 The Christmas idea Was well ex- emplified last week when the children 01 the Third Book, who1 MacKenzie. Tree and entertainment in their school room. on the last day Ichool. Each child brought a present. and the combined gilta manned a good and mini col- uhum hi PP“ H D. hum-11y. Who [Grille-Int h-d tht' bus and dray buSi-t wro. has purchaseq a 100-; Inn at Erin. This he has! muted for a term of years} may possibly again become h-nt at Durham. ‘ -â€".-\ (-hihl’s brOWn leather with chain handle, contain- .‘H. Lust Monday afternoon ‘n W. L. Saunders’ shoe mm the Hahn House. Finder s- rc-warded by leaving at nm- office; H‘Y :ztptiflt Sunday school en- u-nt Wm be held on Fri- hing. December 26. instead luv. the 29th. as formerly ml. Admission 400. ‘ and closed last Friday. and nnpn azain until the 5th. HI [3 5"} “7""- .w-nt west, and this is his ' . He is a cousin of McFadden, with whom he day or two this week. \ast \Vt’eK wh( ,nzust. st week a goodly sup- nv has fallen, {and those of the opinion we would green Christmas proved + poor prophets. is at present good, and! as if the prvsent snow 3ft 797 Mitts found. This oilice. Whitmore, of Watrous :f Mr. John Whitmoro 1t, is spending a Iew h his many relatives in this towvn and local- L "our: nine? Mt. “'hlt' stay the laté Barlow h’mnin :crially 38 d If“ .9d at Port he?!) filed property val- who formérl)‘ KC IV muons m It 01 ‘nOI )ls will usda .IT Wedding tv and ham for 30. the (LS \lrs. Samuei Neal wishes to thank her mmy friends at Hol- stein, Orch’aul ind vicinity for the ikindness shown her during the sickness and death of her late ihusband. advertisers are again insertion. Mrs. Wellington Banks, of North Bay, daughter of the late Mrs. Porter, died at her home in North Bay on Thursday, the 11th inst. We understand that heart trouble was the cause. ’ Bishop Fallon (12.0.), or. London»E "has urged parents to have their; Ichildren endeavor to paés that {entrance examinations before 13.5 and to make sacrifices. if necess’ sary. to ensure them the. higher" ' education. - , I John Mt-Nally, of Arkell, had the skin torn from one hand by a grain chopper. The skin was stitched on again. but mortifica- (inn set in and amputation was frund necessary. The Chronicle lars as to time. . I The postponed n of the Independent Peters will be held "'ll‘v. to ensure them [HP 1 "1‘ t, ”5““ l program. In the aoseucc or ll. .- -( lit-a l()ll_ - , . lspector Campbell, Who “’38 to dis arn present the High School Entrance the as we go to press we le ‘(':tal'tificates, the editor of this 110 Just of the death in Hamilton of Doug- las \lountain. son of Mr. and, paper discharged the duty in ii I \ll's. 'l‘hns. Mountain. The reâ€" kind of a way, and made a low fro to lllillll; will lie taken here for ill-i(“mgrutl‘liltory remarks t0 the ferment. but We haVe no pill‘tlt'll-: SUCCBS’JUI students, parents, and sio lam M h, ”mp, Lthe public generally, emphasizing Dl‘i ?tlle importance of using every efâ€" (lit The Mr mm-d regular llll‘l‘llll” . . . . r l ‘ l ' " tort to maintain the educational J of llll' lnrh- )(‘lltll'lll Order of Forâ€" . . . , l , , . 'stalldlng oi the town, and lelldlllg f0! ("slt'V'i Will he lll'l’l m lllt‘ll' hall in . , _ ’ , support to all measures ot educa- ('ll.‘ llll‘ (le’ll'l' l,ll)('l{ on Fl'lllrlv (*Vl'll- .. . ,l‘ _ . , ' . “Milli progress, ta HAT llrm-mlwt' L‘h. at n (:ClOCk.‘ a, , J _ l'l f. Q. {1" l r 1 'tm. Mr. ll‘lltllllilll presented thc no .x-l' lHll H. (‘2 l(.‘!‘l‘5 :lll‘ * t‘llt‘l'Il . ... . . .. , ‘H . Lower behool certlllcates :llld collâ€" 8h l'llhlilc‘” \ lllll lllll‘lltlillH'U l5 , ‘ . l gratulated the \\'lllllt:l'b‘, \xnom he on rQ-lélhngr-l . . . . hoped Would continue 111 the Work so u . \ ll” “I! W ”l ~\.‘l"“- “1‘“ they had so Well begun. lie hopâ€" (it? «in ‘lw .lll meat, at the :lm' H1 "’l l-«l nothing would he done to mar til I “‘ l‘ l ' 7 t ‘r V , l v 4 [{l .tll. .ll 0111} J l‘“-the educational lltl\illlL‘L‘nlL‘llL so “W“ “(“1” Ho””‘" “HM“- essential to the interests 3nd “Fl" . {llwlll'lsy and llllt‘lln‘llllllil. lit lure ”f the ('trmll'ltlllitv. l‘ ”V" 5’ “'“l‘r’w‘ “‘0 SONS “ml Rev. Mr. Hartley presented the li ‘ lliil-l‘rillll’l‘“~ “V.” brothers ”I“! Entrance to Normal and )Izltl'icuâ€" D ~ klslt'l". ‘Nll‘s. \alentmf‘ Eml'rilllation col-titimltvs, and impressed m " ol “1“ “PCPHSN’L lupon the students and the. ratv- o‘ payers the importance of retain- e1 ing our High school. which has U shore of Lake Huron. done such admirable work in the a recently l'ccovered have past. A.» a member of the Board (3 been identified, except one off he expressed his belief that e\'i~ 0 one dences were beginning to manifest V th* (furruthers at Goderich, off the Scott at Port Elgin, one off themselves that fuller and better VJIllL' Scott at Kincardine and two equipment would have to be h ll 0” 1h? HVH'US- Fmade or the grants would not be } " On Sunday evening last Mrs. continued. The grants and fees. f ‘Hamilton Allen received a wire he pomted out, aggregated the 1 handsome sum of about $2,800. To ‘ I: have this cut off from the school 1 It ”is stated that 72 bodies haxw th-z: rw-oxwrvd to date from the (‘rrl :llllzlll .\ll those r .‘from Holwxille announcing the -j serious illness of her mother, Mrs. _‘ Neil McKechnie, a lady of ‘ 98 r ‘years. Mr. and Mrs. Allen drove "If the High SChOO’l for want 0‘ l -; out that night, and the latter has . . pl not yet returned. It is not likely lthe old lady will last many days. P! er. McKechnie,.her husband. is 95 'years of a e. _ “l g regard to the High school. Unless , e . ‘ . ' . 0‘ in the history of the plant. the necessary conditions of cement works closed down, Tues- partment of Education, it will be day, and save for a small gang 0‘ sure to follow the Model school. to will be at “701‘“ the intellectual and financial detri-t l 'V IS . lrepalr men who 1: shortly after the‘ New Year, ,the merit of Durham. works will be in idleness till next Mr. Theodore Fungi” sang a 3 . ts spring. The plant started on the much appreciated .010, and enter- .- 22nd of Int April, and has had taking and spirited recitations 1. a steady and uninterrupted run up were well rendered by m“ Mary to last Tuesday, the 23rd 0! De- no Alister and m. Florence Bar-‘ rilr camber, eight months as all. Dur- clay. ed 0 9“ marketed. The Scholar-hip giveh by the lid Inspector M. B. Boyd, provincial High School Board to the Pupil nection taking the highest sundmg, Form ' a detective, was here in con m.‘ with the mysteriool disappearance I to Forum 11 was awarded to was :he of Donald L. McDonald, of Bent- Edith Edge. The Scholarship. sen inch, and having gone over the Form 11 to Form III. awarded to ' ‘ These Scholar- her ground and Exam the aitun- mu Alix Edge sch winner to a ple tion, he discovered othhlc to ships entitle e - - - .,,l n- nutâ€"Ir. ho “AP’Q tum. ‘hd ”9 worth .10 It “is stated that 72 bodies have been rem‘n‘ered to date from the Cavadian shore of Lake Huron. :AH those recently recovered have ibeen identified, except one off \the Carruthers at Goderich, one ‘off the Scott at Port Elgin, ohe off the Scott at Kincardine and two of! th 3 Bydrus. l On Sunday evening last Mrs. EHamilton Allen received a wire ‘from Homville announcing the iserious illness of her mother. Mrs. *Neil McKechnie, a lady of ' 98 ‘years. Mr. and Mrs. Allen drove out that night, and the latter has .l not yet returned. It is not likely ,‘the old lady will last many days. Mr. McKechnie,.her husband. is 95 fyears of age. After the longest continuous run in the history of the. plant, the cement works closed down, Tues- day. and save for a small gang of repair men who will be at work shortly after the New Year, ,the works will be in idleness till next spring. The plant started on the 22nd of last April, and has had a steady and uninterrupted run up to last Tuesday, the 23rd at De- ;cember, eight months in all. Dur- ing that time, over 250,000 barrels o! cement have been made and marketed. Inspector M. B. Boyd, provincial detective, was here in connection with the mysterious disappearance "II-u Ina-v ‘-'J _ of D0 ald L. McDonald, of Bent- inck. and having gone over the ground and examined the situa- tion, he discovered nothing to suggest foul play. He thinks he may have wandered away and got lloat, or he may have committed suicide. He advised that close watch be kept on the lakes,‘ but the body tot a drowned man would not float more than a day ;or so in such cold weather before ‘it would again sink. rs are again notified Thursday is a holiday 98 of c0py for next he in our hands not Mommy noon to ensure The Durham school held their Principal Allan’s m Commencement Exercises in thanking highest standing town hall on Friday evening last. trance to Normal. was a where a packed house listened to; Ray Parquharson. {a good program. I The proceeds amoumte , Dr. Jasmieson was to occupy the $80 and will be applied chair, but was absent for some piano debt. lreason and the duties were ably ______._____,__ ldischarged by Principal Allan. ‘ « THE PRODUCE M.‘ i The program consisted of .1‘ Enumber of unique selectionâ€"s. all" The produce market i III!) “IIWL VVL‘Vu-\- Park. l of which were creditably .per- on Thursday last was w: formed, and were listened to ized by farmers from with interest and delight bv the cant townships. and we parents and visitors. Mr. W. p. Paterson. tl “Papa’s Return” Was a nice mast-er that day. that al piece of home life by a number tons Of turkeys. geese. of little girls waiting anxiously chickens WP”. disposed ‘ for the. return of the father. The buyers from Toronto 3 ' latter part was taken by Principal ton. The prices. comp: 1 Allan. who presented a verv our last Week’s market fatherly appearance as the bor- show that local buyers Pn‘oWed brood climbed his knees giving good prices. iand showed no small degree of thp fluctuating state (, market during the past L --. Ul affection. Hiawatha‘s Wooing, which ' was read by Miss Marshall. a pupil of the school, was a good number. “The Senior” was the title of a play rendered by a number of the senior pupils. The moral Went to show the impossibility of suc- cess in reaching the educational goal When too much time is spent ‘in games, amusements and the iordinary dissipations that detract ..from intellectual achievements. i The presentation of diplomas ,was an interesting part of the em‘ogram. In the absence of In- DURHAM. Wishes Everyone we do our part in mee necessary conditions of partment of Educatlon, Form 11 to Form Miss Alix Edge ships antitle eac year’s tuitm: a: each. The medal awarded the D pupil of highest standing taken by Miss Mary Smith. Dr. Jamieson’s medal, a‘ L356“! U, ”I: wâ€".â€"â€" v Dr. Jamieson’s medal, the High School Entrance ca date in South Grey taking highest standing, was won ndi- uner to :1 $1,500, or even for $1,200, and very‘ 3 worth $10 nice-looking ones for as low as a U the Durham} The husband asked innocently, nding was “Did you see any that iooked like mith. me ?” . ll, awarded “Dozens of them,” gas the rance candiâ€" wife, “done up in bunches like as- taking the paragus, and sold for ”.50 a as won by bunch.“ ‘ '. The produce market held here on Thursday last was well patron- ized by farmers from the adja- cent townships. and we learn from Mr. W. P. Paterson. the weighâ€" mast-er that day. that about four tons of turkeys, geese. ducks and chickens were disposed of to city ’ buyers from Toronto and Hamil- lton. The prices. compared with ' our last Week’s market quotation. ' show that local buyers have been 5 giving good prices. considering f the fluctuating state of the city market during the past few weeks. " The Chronicle last week quoted 3] 18c. for turkeys. 12c. for geese. 12c. n for duzcks. 11c. for chickens. and be. S for fowl. The prices paid by the 4 city buyers were from 18 to 20 for turkeys. v2 to 14 for geese and a ducks. 112 to 14 for chickens. and 7 'f to 10 cents for fowl. These prices It were based on quality. and the 3- lowest price named in each was 31 the price generally paid. Consid- it ering Christmas time. and the ie.large city demand for fowl of all ct kinds. we think our local men made a good showing. It must as be remembered also that the city 1e buyers had many of their orders n- booked. knew before hand thei to disposition they would make of.‘ up their purchases. and were taking llS no chances. i a In this respect they differed *\\' from the local buyers. who haVc to depend wholly on the commis- nd sion merchants. and accept the prices when the goods reach the -._.f- city dealt-rs. Reginald Campbell .lvâ€"y â€"â€" . . The proceeds amounted to over $80 and will he applied on the 31 There was Very htth: butter of- g fared, and some of it was not ])\11'-{ 1-. chased. A few choice lots “mu-1 taken, and others refused. We do: m not think the prices paid hm'c' % u- should cast any serious reflection __ .1e on the local buyers. and at other! l'k spasons 0! the year it is just p- doubtful it outshde buyers couldK ar afford to do :mv better. 2 THE PRODUCE MARKET On Wednesday of last week Mr. Byrtm Vair was found dead in Detroit, and was taken to the morgue. where he was identified of Mrs. (D'm Gun. of this mace. and son of the late Thomas Vair morgue. where he was identified” :111 ’l‘hursday by two of his Mothâ€"1| PPS from (iâ€"ali. He Was :1l1101l1111‘ I I I I .T. R -\ge11t here for a 1111ml111 of “32111.5 The (leereisul was 313 years of age. and fo: the past {in-1 or six years has been in 1mm health suffi r1110 fiom l11’1a1t houâ€" hle and fainting spells On his failure to return. his mothe1.Mrs. Vair, instituted a search. but he was not found until identified hv his brothers. st. Gun left for Detroit immediately after hearing the sad news. and will remain; some time with her mother. The family felt assured that heart failure was the cause of his sud- den demise, but the authorities thought a post mortem was necessary, but the investigation assigned heart failure as the cause of death. Interment took place in Detroit on SaturdaY- Some time ago a man was awakened. in the night to find his Wife weeping uncontrollably. “My darling!” he exchaimed, what is the matter ?”4 .1' “A dream!” she gasped. “I have had such a horrible dream!” Her husband begged her to tellt it td him, in order that he might‘ comfort her. After long persua- sion she was induced to say this: “I thought I was walking down the street and I came to a warehouse where there was a large placard, ‘Husbandc for Sale.’ 2-... WHY SHE WAS CRYING. ‘ RON VAIR DEAD ’fi'1 ’S m Ed 3‘ {01‘ was awm'ded t0 of Swinton Merry Christmas =5)» NEW MANT LES . JUST ‘ARRIVED 'l‘herc is great cmntm‘t in :1 long Coat with :1 Fur Collar. There is so large :1 portion of the winâ€" ter which is severe and blustery that the possession of :1 long Mantle with :1 Fur Collar is practially :1 necessity n1 everx' women’s complete wardrobe. We, have them and they are. made spec'â€" ially lor ourselves: they have superior quality of cloth also smwrior lining: and )ollar Coat. Any one intending to pur- chase. :1 good warm coat, should see this line before selecting elsewhere. We have also passed into stock within this last} week 36 Ladies" New ()oats ranging: in price from $6.0” to $15.00. 0111‘ showing of Men’s and Boys ()x'cer- eonts and Men's and Boy‘s Suits is an interesting: feature of this store. 9.00 Pea VEAB

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