Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 27 Oct 2017, p. 21

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General Help LOOKING FOR WORK? ·* m etro lan d media · * Connected to your com m unity® Senior Farm Supervisors ($44,290 Annually, bonus eligible) Monaghan Mushrooms Group located at 7345 G uelph Line in C am p be llville , O ntario is looking for S en io r Farm S u p e rviso rs w ith re leva nt farm su p e rviso ry e xperience. O ur ideal can did ate w ill have e xce lle nt leadership skills and is w illing to w o rk varyin g shifts. C A R E E R F A IR P A R T -T IM E W A R E H O U S E P O S IT IO N S WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 1, 2017 3PM TO 8PM C O M E TO OUR LOCATION 5 3 0 0 HARVESTER ROAD · BURLING TO N, ONTARIO L7L 5K 9 BRING YO UR RESU M E AN D 2 REFERENCES **S T U D E N T S W E L C O M E ** M edical and d en tal b en efits p rovided Please apply either by em ail to: cv.hr@monaghan-mushrooms.com or by fax at 9 0 5 -8 7 8 -7 8 9 7 Sales Opportunities Sales Opportunities Sales Opportunities S a l e s / M a r k e t i n g P o s it io n W E ARE CURRENTLY HIRING Assembly Line Team Members, Operators And Skidders T h e Follow ing Shifts: Days, A fternoons, M idn ights and W eekend SHIFTS AVAILABLE: Day Shift: Afternoon Shift: 8am to 4pm M onday, Tuesday, W e d n e s d a y and T h u rs d a y (possibility) and Friday 4pm to 8pm Safetycare Inc. is an in te rn a tio n a l com pany w ith o ffice s in 5 countries a ro u n d th e w o rld . W e produce and d is trib u te a w id e range o f S afety T raining DVDs, subscriptions and o th e r related m ate ria l in th e area o f W o rkp la ce H ealth & Safety. W e deal w ith a w id e range o f clients across Canada and th e USA. W e are lo o k in g to fill a n u m b e r o f n e w positions to take ad va n ta g e o f o u r n e w tra in in g p la tfo rm . This po sitio n involves selling o u r products to e xisting clients as w e ll as d e ve lo p in g n e w business. W o rk in g fro m o u r B u rlin g to n o ffic e , all th e sales a c tiv ity is done over th e te le p h on e . The in d ivid u a ls w e are lo o k in g fo r m ust be able to d e m o n s tra te strong o rg a n iz a tio n a l skills, e njoy ta lk in g to clients via th e phone and be a team player. Flooring & Carpeting FLOORING: HARDWOOD laminate and installation call today 647-223-5353 R&E Flooring Ltd. Quality Is My Priority. www.reflooringltd.com General Contracting, Excavating SPECIALIZING IN Caulk ing- Small Concrete and Masonry Restorations. Commercial & Residen tial. Guaranteed Work manship. Fully Insured. Free Estimates. Call John 905-592-9856 or 905-808-0346. To discuss the position further, please contact Ed Aasman at 905-631-6070 M onday, Tuesday, W e d n e s d a y (possibility) and Friday 4pm to 12am Handy Person BRITISH HANDYMAN Reliable handyman available for odd jobs, painting, trim work, caulking, minor plumbing and much more, indoors or out! Call Dave 289-795-2371 HANDYMAN COMPLETE Bathroom/ Kitchen renos, Painting, Drywall/ General Repairs, Hardwood/ Tiling, etc. Small or Large Jobs. Call Cristian: 647-281-2084. T h u rs d a y Midnight Shift: W eekend Shift: 12am to 8pm S aturday, Sunday, M onday, T ue sd ay & W e d n e s d a y (possibility) 8am to 8pm FULL T IM E RETAIL SALESPEO PLE You must enjoy serving and satisfying customers, exhibit work ethic, values and integrity, and also be confident in your abilities. S a tu rd a y and S u n d a y L O N G T E R M CAREER Base Salary, Commissions, Bonuses, Extensive Benefits, Manufacturer's points program, SPIFFS, and ManagementTraining. Heating & Cooling STEVE'S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING Fireplaces, Duct Work, Gas Piping Best Prices in Town! Call Steve at: 289-993-5150 Office/ Administration ^ Office/ Administration Technical/Skilled Trades Lawn and garden shop requires full time experienced small engine mechanic . Wage depending on experience. Email: mountnemosales @cogeco.ca -B U IL D Y O U R - DREAM TEAM C ocalW ork .ea YOUR BEST SOURCE FOR LOCAL JOBS Well established Burlington law firm has a full time position available for a corporate law clerk with a minimum of 5 years corporate experience with the ability to handle matters such as: corporate reorganizations, share/asset purchase and sale transactions; incorporations, resolutions and corporate agreements. Please reply in confidence to: BRECHIN & HUFFMAN E-Mail: bhhlaw@bhhlaw.net C O R P O R A TE L A W C LER K Home Renovations Burlington Your Best Source For Local Jobs ACCURATE RENO & HANDYMAN SERVICE Drywall Taping Painting and Finish Carpentry Small Job No problem Call 416-417-9151. FILA'S CONSTRUCTION Basements, Hardwood Floors, Painting (Int erior & Exterior) Kitchens, Bathrooms. All Carpentry Jobs! 18 Years Experience. Call 289-242-4273, 905-632-5298 C \a s s ifie c /S G e tR e s u lts 905. 632.4440

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