Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 23 Oct 1913, p. 6

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it will help you to answer the flue-stint) Careful judgment. should he ('XPI'PiSG‘t n choosinit a school \VI i! .,. +++++++++4~ +++++++++++++ 3-H- or WINCH SCHOOL SHALL I ATTENI}? 1+++++++++++++++++++++++e He Sells Cheap Upeued in Miss L. NIL-Auliffv's Millinery Store to-da y New Spring Prints are now In Call and see them heir hmnws hy mir Home Study Dept. chnmy finish at Co“- are if vnu desire. Pay when- ever yuu wish. Thirty Years’ EXpo-rimwv. Largvst trainers in Can-Mia. Enter any day. Thousands of mubilic ms young pfnp g- m? being ingu-uctred j" Hair-Dressing Parlor HOME STUDY Calder’s Block U TORONTO. ONT The Big 4 H each. Flt mr nil cloth 3k Der square yard. [‘thiv nil Cloth 4": urban wide 2.50 H] SPHTFUN (DH‘I (‘4 aswell BIG 4 ill) ‘lho Hut-«unto rt rim: mm for cars «I sheeting widel'wyd. »' menu-had '12 2 yank Ilu-nnteed. if you w hum-d and learn u'n, write fur partic- the Shampuoing H D. ' fun-d Curtains M ins. with made to order ringt tssugmg uments for ladies t¢ sine-gs Collegc (‘a talngm \TIHN yd in-(Tm-ls Presidvnt used pl . '} 0-1-0 .0. O o+++++++++++++++++%+u I O ++o «+++++++++++++++++ . forces Sh , They I shoot at L finally an Joan o! by marry the loves .8110 they ll , not fall gladdene “I can’ see you.’ become 0 the auto 10. Was ”So yor 11791196 0 but be m ‘ down wit looked at Isn‘t It?" ; “How (I “WI-u. I â€"‘r-. PMK_ the ago-lo up.” tor him up. Funny. this twentieth canton dueling. First you drill a hole ill I man, and next you not about -L-Aâ€" - ‘ “One could call it a kiss. though it was only on the end of the nose." She laughed at the recollection. "But i paid him back for that myself. I boxed his face for him. And he did hurt my arm it’e black and blue. Look at it.” She pulled up the loose sleeve of her blouse. and he saw the bruised im- prints of two fingers. Just then a gang of blacks came out from among the trees. carrying the wounded men on a rough stretcher. “Romantic. isn’t it?” Sheldon eneered. following Joan's startled gaze. “And now I'll have to play surgeon end doc» Lâ€" I. “Oh. he did kiss you.” Shelddn re. torted in evident surprise. “I thought you_ said he hurt your arm.” “So you know all about It.” be an- swered coolly. "Well. It was Tudor. but be was dolng lt left handed. 89': down with a hole in hls shoulder.” He looked at her keenly “Disappointing. lan't ll?" be drawled. “How do you mean?" "Why. that I didn't kill him.” “But I didn’t want him killed Just becguse he kissed me.” she cried. 1 Joan nurses Tudor oack to health. He offends her by trytng to Mu nor. ’l‘uom‘ . forces Sheldon to fight him for the flu. ' They ”art from different point" and lime: at each other on mam Sheldon finally wounds and disables Tudor. “I can’t tell you now glad VI am to see you." was bér greeting. "What's become of Tudor? That last Butter 0! the automatic wasn't nice to listen to: Was It you or Tudor?” Joan one" to conventionallze matter- by marrying Sheldon. He refuses nnlm the loves him. She admit. that me do... snd they are married. CAPITULATION. HEN Sheldon emerged from among the trees he found Joan waiting at the com- not fail to see that she was visibly giaddehed at the sight of him. “I can‘t tell you how glad I am to Sheldon and Joan rescue '1‘. head: of the remainder of rm the busnmen and burn their v Joan returns with the Martha In good condition. Her wmte analslanu descrlbo her nuslness shrewdness. Sheldon retum to let her run the Martha. Sheldon proposes marriage, but Joan ro- butl‘s hlm. They agree to contlnuo a. partner: and friends. They dlncover n urge number or [“0090 firearms. Gocoomy allaclu Joan. wno «capes and warm Sheldon. Gogoomy flees wllh other savages. and Sheldon pursue; Bushman murder all 0! Tudor“: party excent “mm-2‘- , Tudor and Jon Hllx, gold seekers. arrivo on the Martha. Joan ana 'l‘uoor mm to i interest each other Sheldon oecomol nu- ; DUI. Captain Auckland tells now one did I! and appmuu: ner cleverness. Captain Ole-on tells how she took the Flibberty Gibbet away from him to save the Mar- tha. ' . ! Ho (all: In love with Joan. Left Mono .by Sheldon. Joan has trouble with Go- ; [oomy and other natives. Armed naval“ um". and danger threatens Sheldon and 3 Joan. Joan rout: them With a take dynamlto ,cartridge. and Satan drive: them mto 9!"... Their chief to punished. Morgan nnd Raff nave Sheldon m melr powor. Joan offers to become at. partner. at. â€"Aâ€".l-_ â€" Joan starts for Australia with net crew to buy a schooner. out stop: at 601mm 3nd buy. the Martha. which nan been Wrecked. for a mere trifle. Joan «men to become at: partner. flu mention of conventional!!!” anger. net. Ibo needs no chapel-on. she says. Sheldon anally accepts her as ms partner. The savage laborers demand the women. Sheldon attempts to diacipiino them. and Joan shoots a native and news: ml “to. 8h. Icoida him for making her shoot. Satan. a savage dog. arrives. Despitc Bhoidon’a warnings Joan goes to exploro an inland aha contemplates buying. Finan- cial difficulties threaten geldon. u- n-nâ€" - - ‘ ' to not matrimonial” hiding; Sheldon lave two black on death. 8h. resents his friendly ougcutlom. and they quarrel. She makes tt platn that an. ‘- “A. mnn_l__â€"â€"‘A- wrecked. can shoot. though dupentoly ill. ovonwoi and con; ‘ (toll zoo bud hunting Solomon mind." by force of will nnd weapons. Chic: Bole. calls with forty men. He returns Amnxa. a runaway labour. Sheldon nu Arunga and Billy whipped to quell a mutiny. Hi: sickness were“... His panner. Huxbio. nna many labor." die. Joan Lackland. a pretty Kiri. um.- with her crew of ’I‘ahitianl. Sheldon b.- OOIDOI unconscious. nnd the take. can-fl at things Bholdon, own" 0! Bound. pluutkl. though agapog-ttely m. ovonwu ud con- A__ CHAPTER XXIII. a self reliant American 3111. 0 adventure. a nature at Haw“! orphan. Her amp nu noel She proves to Sheldon mu an. SYNOPSIS burn their villazé. ‘3 party except l‘udor." rescue Tudor, flnd tho Inclined. She and black women from DartY. I‘OM '_‘ JACK ~ LOND on It the “We didn’t light for that reason. But there isn't time to explain. it you’ll land get dressings and bandages ready [’11 It an. . and look up gunshot wounds and see what’s from to he done." “is he bleeding seriously?" she asked. omen. “No; the bullet seems to have‘ missed I. and the important arteries. But that I, “10- would have been a pinkie." ”You are the most ridiculous crea- ture!" she broke in with a flash of her old time anger. “You talk love'and marriage to me very much against my wish. and go mooning around over the plantation week after week he- canse you can't have me. and look at me when you think l’m not noticing nions than I feel." he answered. rub- bing the lump on his forehead re- flectiveiy. “And it this is the accepted romantic programoâ€"agduei over a (in and the girl rushing into the arms of the Winner-why. i shall not make I bigger :- of myself by going in for “n “To put a stop to all the nasty gos- sip or the beach. That’s a pretty good reason, isn’t It?” “No; It is worse than no reason at all. I don’t care to marry you as a matter of expediency”â€" He looked at hen tinâ€"vanl-azement and would have believed that she was making fun of him had lt not been for the warm blood that suddenly sud’used her cheeks. “Do you mean that?" he asked on. steadily. “Why?" “But I don’t want to- go away.” she objected with ruetul countenance. “A chaperon then”â€" “No. nor a chaperon.” “But you surely don't expect me to go around shooting every slanderer In the Solomons that opens his mouth?" he demanded gloomlly. “No. nor that either." she answered with quick lmpulsiveness. “I'll tell you what we’ll do. We’ll get married and put a stop to it allâ€"there!” “That’s right." he. said. “It's the way i feel. playing the fool and trying to murder a guest.” “But you haven’t told me what it was all about." “You." be answered shortly. “Me? But you just said it wasn’t." “Oh. it wasn’t the kiss." He walked it, facing her. “But it was about you all the same. and i may as well tell you. You remember. I warned you long ago what would happen when you wanted to become a partner in Be- rande. Well. all the beach is gossip- ing about it. and Tudor persisted in repeating the gossip to me. So you see it won’t do for you to stay on here under present conditions. It would be better it you went away.” “Duo 1 3....94 -_ - “I'll never have it in for the mission- aries again since seeing them here in the Solomons.” she said, seating her- self in a steamer chair. She looked at Sheldon anti began to laugh. An hour afterward Dr. Welshmere left the patient comfortable and at tended to and went down to the.\beach to go on board. promising to come back to dinner. Joan and Sheldon. stand- ing on the veranai. watched him do- part. “Then there’s no need to bother about reading up." Joan said “And I’m just dying to near what It was all about. The Apostle ls lying be-I calmed Inside the point. and her boats E are out toying. She'll be at anchor; In five minutes, and Dr. Welshmere is ;' sure to be on board. 80 all we've got ' to do Is to make ’l‘udor comfortable. 5 We’d better put him in your room an. der the mosquito netting and send a i boat 00' to tell Dr. Welsbmere to bring his instruments." “You've been ‘cutflng your bullets." “He’s right.” Sheldon assured her as they swung in behind. “Any weap- on was permissible. i lay in the grass where he couldn't see me and bush- whacked him in truly noble fashion. That's what comes of having women on the plantation. And now it's antisep- tics and drainage tubes. i suppose. It's a nasty mess. and i’ll have to read up on it before i tackle the job." “1 don’t see that it's my fault." she began. "i couldn‘t help it because he kissed me. I never dreamed he would attempt it." "Ion u been cutting your bullets." “It was according to agreement.” Tudor answered ‘Everytnlng went. We could have used dynamite u we wanted to." A Romance of The South Seas DY “And what with your arriving in a gale." he broke In. “fresh from the wreck of your schooner. landing on the beach in n whaieboat full 0! pic- turesque Tahitian sailors and march- ing into the bungalow with a Baden- Powell on your head. sea boots on your feet and a whacking hig Colt’a dano giing on ymfr hipâ€"why, i am only too ready to admit that you were the quintessence of adventure." “0b. in that ease." she said. with assumed dellherateness. and he could have sworn to the rogulsh gleam~“ln that case. since you are willing to consider my offer, let me make a few remarks. In the first place you need not sneer 8' adventure when you are living it yourself. and you were cer- minly living it when I found you first. down with fever on a lonely plantao tion with a couple or hundred wild cannibals thirsting for your life. Then i eame along”r- “0! course 1! you don’t want to marry me"â€" “But I do." he hastily tuterposed. “Oh. you do"- “But don't you see. little glrl. 1 want you to love me." he hurried on; “oth- erwise it would be only half 3 mar- riage. 1 don't want you to marry me simply because by so doing a stop ls out to the bear!) gossip. nor (lo I want you to marry me out or some toollsn romantlc uotlon. I shouldn’t want youâ€"that way." as ever. the telltale angry red was in her cheeks. to drill a hole in a man’s shoulder with smokeless powder. l mu you i am disgusted with this adventure tomfoolery and rot. i don't like it. Tudor is a sample or the adventure kind-picking a quarrel with me and behaving like a monkey. insisting on fighting with meâ€"‘to the death. he said. it was like a penny dreadful." She was biting her lip. and. though her eyes were cool and level looking The place to buy your , School Books and School Supplies An Up-to-date Stock “of all School needs New Goods and New Prices The Lowest Ever Phone No. 3 Central Drug Store A‘ young ady who has been em- ployed in one of the Walkerton millinery parlors during the full season caused quite a sensation last Week by doing the "skip out” stunt last Week. beating her board bill and leaving behind her a number of surprised and disap- pointed creditors. The young ladv in question had a very modest and prepossessing appearance and a number of merchants and other business men proved easy victims to her Wiles. The bills which she left are said to amount to a con- si«'lerable sum.-â€"Walkerton T0105- cope. Joan weaned from him in panic. tearing herself from his arms and go- ing oackward several steps. He could See that she was really tl'ighlened. "lâ€"l thought”- she stamwerea. 'Lheh siOle the change came over her. and the blood hooded into her race in the same amazing hlush he had seen once before that day. Her cool. level looking eyes were no longer level looking nor cool. but warmly drooping and just unable to meet his, as she came toward him and nestled in the circle of his arms. saying 00M. silnost in a whisper: “But my plan In better than that." He debated with himself a moment. ”You see. the commissioner to the on. ofljcial In the Islands who can give III a license. Andâ€"there s the luck at It;- Ur. Welshmere 13 here to perform the ceremony. We'll get mamed um evening." in.” she said doiei‘uily. “We ought ii I have this evening all to ourselves Just 3 to talk things over. hrs a thousand 9 questions to ask you. i “And It wouldn't have been talk either.“ we added “There’s the Nongasela coming ll around the point wtth her boats out." Sheldon remarked lrrelevantly. “And the t'ommlssioner Is on board. 30" going down to San Crtstobat to Iowa agate that missionary killing. Wo'fl in luck. I must say." "I don't see where the luck comes in." she said dolefully. “We ought to “1 well 013!) won to them. Th1 crass house Is my hearth and the Martha my saddle. andâ€"and look at all the trees I've planted. to say now. In; of the sweet corn. And It's all your fault anyway. I might novel have loved you it you hadn’t put an idea into my head." s.sc077, Our Groceries and “And how about that hearth cud saddle or your own?" he asked a mo- ment later. it was about time. I began to think you were never going to bring up the subject again. And now that l have altered myself you haven’t even ac- cepted.” With both hands on her shoulders he held her at arm's length from him and looked long into her syu. no ”It. cool. but seemingly pervaded with a golden flush The lids drooped and yet bravely did not droop as she re turned his gaze. Then he fondly and solemnly drew her to him. Ready Made Clothing Prints. Ginghams, [mm and Blass (‘ iwtings and re fitters supplies. E nginve and TI) Any quantity 0! wow! \\'a price in either (lash nr Trade. “'9. have in Stock Flannels, and Tweeds - :1 gm "I wondered when you'd break out. and became you didn’t I loved you all the non. You wen like dad and Von. You could hold your-elf in check. You didn’t man a tool 0! m And that's an the am munmwhu wound that man hit. But I Inn been loving you for snobâ€"during an the am. you an. been no deliciously and unobtrndvely Jealous of Tudor.” am ready, Dave. SMITH 8145, THE Sufi M llgilwe and Thrashers. Sash and Dam-s General Wand \Vm'k. nod mled for which Iwml Re Teas are ass1’rtlnp.|t PUMPS ()F ALL KINDS. We have also arranged with Tim World to include The Sundux World, the big five-section, \Vt’t'lx- end newspaper, printed in colors and with a very handsomely gm- ten up illustrated section. Tim will be clubbed with The (‘hronirh for $1.75 additional. Thus for $5.;5 you will receive The Chronicle which contains all the local newc and happenings, The Torontw Daily World, which has the best produce and live stock market re- ALILUU l “ ' papers wil} be mailed to you tn Hu- lst January. 1.015, for $3.50. Smwi vour subscription order in now and take advantage of the longm The Chronicle has arranged \\ The Toronto Daily World to (' the two publications, and th subscribing now will receive M papers until the let of Jamm 1915, for less than the prim. one year’s subscrintinn 'mm.m . "w uvuuurt auu convenienm the farming community. as a phone message to the local m ant will bring an article by next mail and will save many to town. The approaching session of I) inion Parliament will see thv auguration of the new parm-l y system,‘which will add greatl} the comfort and convenience tient strength I) building u constitution. .35 p tl In doing it: work . have wantcltlhtuflluln its curati‘ pow u ey 0 er One H fed $01 mu [m {or any case that fails to cure Send {or list of te. timonlnls Sold b all Druggists. 75c, ' Take 311’: Family Pills {or («m- DURHAM. ONT Bald b Take atipation. all Dru 311’. Ram pairing. Feed boilers. Ste .D.CONNOR . D. Connor ”Vi” [my thv Manufacturer 0! And Dealer in always fresh Y’U'DS. Blanket 'Uut‘l'b'. BIPHJH :, Planing and highest pm! aft: mm curativ , E Hund 00 1k lu gunmm w {0‘10“ng kmdw. â€" rushed Oats Cho WITH ( HM mud fl WHOCH (N

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