Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Sep 1913, p. 5

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"All flesh is as grass, and the‘ glory of man is as the {lower oil the grass; in the morning he flourisheth, and in the evening is cut down and is withered away.” This passage of scripture was very forcibly verified. when énl Sunday morning. the 14th inst..i Roy. third eldest son of Mr. andl Mrs. Andrew Stewart. was remov- ed by the hand of death after only! a couple of days' illness. . . I The deceased had complained Dr September :18, 1913. LUIEQ H as little in self-delence as have seen the Gander do in pub- lic. when, to use his own words, he stammered, choked and collapsed. Never again do we want to see enacted such a pitylul and sor- rowful looking sight as hea pre- amily may that 2|an Wit" 3 better ] Mr :he suffering yould afford ,o the aspect: m )QSI l‘l den smugleu which was ba‘ time of the bi went through countrY- Miss Sarah F ma Ritchie Vie country. Miss Sarah Fulton and. Miss link. ma Ritf‘hit‘ \isited at the farmer‘s home here and took in the garden Friday evening. party on The garden party of Friday was; a grand success. considering the, f the evening. Al-i atmosphere 0 ' one felt the nightl )Iro Hulkttlily, LIUwunwâ€"_ gave excellent Spt‘eCht-S, t acher. Mr. Hallulay gave an exceuent udâ€" dress on "A hundred yéars ()f the future hxm Wlth us ft BLYTH’S CORNERS. OI ili do their some of the eceased had complained vere pain in the abdomen ays previous to his death. 91' partaking of a little it seemed to recover. and rlay and Tuesday ' of last :tended school. apparently .sual health. On the Wed- following. he complained 'eeling well, and on Thurs- Wilson of Holstein was n and diagnosed the ill- amwmlicitis. On Finlay. sed was or a qunm um- I. a studious scholar at and a general favorite in ne. and his sudden taking as cast a cloud of sorrow .e entire community. To Wet-stricken parents and We extend heartfelt sym- 10!. mm! )un hing (‘l‘ibe HI! It ed a 10‘ 0f 1 dc-rstand but mg the brains surely Will. i El :1 1'8 'onderful )ut the *athercock 'ith the nectators as psing Of [hf n‘t mind sac \ll ., Gaadd. of is down at Varney r If cerfully CO! k. on th des pite and U‘ couple 81‘0““ m I“ .03 before the mac 3 of lightening imbersome tasks of u'eshing and silo-Ii nd the scarlet con v as a means of } amember the impo: racticai uplift is all HAMPD} 1'0““ I] nest. and 11 months ast 11M} l" rgus, Dr. Wilson of Dromure. ac- ) nurses. arrived South (in-9y 3' Mr. Editor. if :mblish this as lu m lwdlin fro'qt on Satin did great dan ml liltP-gTUWID of Rainy Riv- at present in v renewing the hildhood days. have heard. the ‘wedding bells" from the W M. is also down relations and “My. worthy pr“ fore the me lightening 1981 hf of 1H m operation ,Was per- r-h the (IP- Walkerton greatly upli emplane soa ail around quiet diS- scholar at favorite in Men taking (sunny 1" . present in! The charge preferred against ~newing the} Wesley Russell of setting fire to hood (lays.' the “Hartley House barn here on e heard the’ August '11 was heard by magis- ltling bells" I, trate Tolton at the court house by your: here on Thursday afternoon. The iprisoner. who had previously con- n the West.éfessed to detective Reaburn of .s also down ' setting fire to the Hartley House fittinns and! barn, now pleaded 'fnot guilty” to '. '.the charge. Evidence on. the it on Satur- 1 case was, consequently taken. great «lam-5 resulted in Russell being sent up ate-grmfing : for trial. The prison-er will ap- ipear before Judge Barrett on ling (huulm-glllonday next. Charges of setting ittempt to fire to the Queen’s Hotel and of consistem'ivs stealing a baby’s bank and 75c. but quite in a from the home of Mr. Fred God-’- rbfoot tribe; win were dismissed by the magis- talk no one! trate on \Vednesday.â€"â€"Bruce himself. As l Times. ' 5 out of thdtl '---«0--- if it can do! ”Om, \VBQKS I't 899 "l t sigm But Vvitl H COH- or did our lke of Show. movm‘, with ll Lib-1 Saturaay night of August :50 Was he a noise number and was most 0p- ed.1 portune. Toronto is not the only see|place that is afflicted with all or-: kinds of hideous and unnecessary .re- | noises. We often try to account mm for the gceater health fnlness and tor. longliyedness of our parents and ing grandparents. There were many :ikeicontributing causes, but without did l doubt the fact that their nervous der 1 system was not racked through .ut-lthe ear by the many discordant me. noises which afflict us moderns if man an important one. Even in a ll K11] 1 ux th£ the! the that the If you suffer from Rheumatism: and don’t read this advice. thenl the terrible disease must have robbed you of your power to be . fair to yourself. Read it: - “I, John Barhorst. Justice of the Peace of :McLean TOWnship. Fr. Loramie, Ohio, do certify that ai-' ter treatment by three doctors without result. I have been cured of a very bad case of Rheuma- tism by using two bottles of RHEUMA. It is now two years since I used the remedy, and I am still as well as ever. Previous to using RHEUMA I was a crip- ple. walking with crutches. and I feel it my duty to let other suf- ferers from Rheumatism know what it will do. The result seems almost miraculous to me. I have advised RHEUMA to at least a dozen persons. :and each one speaks as highly of it as I. I will answer anyone suffering from the idisease if a two-cent stamp is .enclosed."â€"â€"May 31. 1912: k Judge Barhorst Does His Duty To \1 ‘4.v-'v You can seéiire a bottle 'of RHEUMA Ior only 50 cents at Macfarlane 8: ('0‘3. and they say if not as advertised. money back. It’s just as good :for .‘rout, Ar- thritis, Lumhago and Sciatica. spikes rattung uu Then a fleet 01 boats steamed up river. plate. This was snorting of rhinos. I By this time, the man awake. He continued to liste Then he knew what turbed him. It was a___pas§ing mo 1 “I. Grey and. Bruce counties contrib- uted nearly all of 2,500 harvesters who passed through yesterda'y in five special trains. They were a hardy looking lot, and came from Western Ontario “for the moat The man He heard SENT ['1’ FOR TRIAL 1t '1‘ he. The The The The The The The The The The The The habit of correcv: ape“: The habit of neatness of .w The. habit of enjoyment of inoment late a Wild ta SO‘IE G 00D HABITS. . bf’lort' Krthur News. habit Of Work. habit of honesty. habit of attention. habit of politeness. habit of happiness. habit of usefulness, habit of cleanliness. habit of promptness, habit of thoroughness, habit of thoughtfulness, habit of appreciation" habit of accomplishment, habit ol‘ correct spatkihte ‘ ““ -' ”A.” ' five commend this luxuriant L , y ...... number of citizens ht organize a dvantage and their gtion have 'There are a . in our town iwho mig ; polar expedition to ta cure to gnotice. l .._.......-â€"--' i Few. if/any, medicines have met with the uniform success that has attended the use of Chamber- lain’s :Cohic. Cholera and. Diarrhoea Bomed'y. The remarkable cures ' “H- «A W- which it has LI‘Q a SDOWE .1ttling down \VHAT ’IT VYAS. s followed DY NOISE. awoke suddenly. a shower of . passing motorcycle. Cleveland Plain Deale from Rheumatjsm ter a txiphammer tattoo on a boilex e suddenly. ‘ h0\\'€l‘ Of iron; zXlld here A] 10W!) ‘2! tin l'OOf. I. found of steaming tug- A chance to ‘ 1p the roaring; L‘ne hope a tied by the hoarse hundred charging .m'eu cndrgung 2| â€" i “Horrors! What man was fully E noise?” thundered . 'want it stopped i ““0". can’t hear the ev D. I. can I. had dis- g case! of A ver strange coincidence oc- curred uesday of last week, on the day‘Bert Stephenson of Melâ€" ancthon was .killed by a live wire at \Streetsville. On the same day at Elmvale, Sam. Armstrong, son of W. J. Armstrong, of this place, was at work with the hy- dro electric gang on line con- struction. He was at the top of a 50-foot pole supported by his pole belt and spur hooks when , ,his foot touches a live wire car-3 rying 2,200 volts. He immediately! became unconscious and hung! limp and helpless on the pole till: he could be lowered to the ground by other members of the gang. He 1 regained consciousness after near- ly half an hour. Though the shock to his system was very se- vere he was able to come to his home here in a couple of days. His ankle was burned through boot and suck and his escape from instant death was miraculous. There is a burn also on his arm which he states was not in contact with the wire that was the result of the voltage going through his body. He is very thankful for his escape and has decided not to go back to his job, which is a Very dangerous one. He has taken a iob in town with Allan Montgom- er_\'. the butcher.â€"â€"-Dunda1k Herald. 1114b MUlbuJ-VLLL“ ._-, O Lord we approach Thee thls - mornin’ in the attitude of prayer, an” likewise 0’ c when we cam t omplaint. O Lord ae the lan' u‘ Canady We expectit tae. fin" aluu' 1‘ lo wi_n’ _w_i‘ milk an' honey, but inâ€" Knig â€" ‘Il \’ ' o " " “ L ‘ i‘lOWin’ wi :milk an honey, but in- stead 0’ that we foun’ a lan’ peo- pled Wi’ the ungodly Irish. 0 Lord. in thy great mercy .drive them tae the uttermost pairts o’ Canauyn , , Deserves he not room in your. mak them ihewers 0' wood and draWers 0‘ water, gie them nae emoluments, gie them nae "ditches, '0 ye iHalls of Fame on you ment day, *No greatness beats fame place i the shovel or pick. Rodin of mud and Manet of clay. I‘ judgâ€" o’ abode ne'er make then ma is- ’ l g . There’s the boast and the pride of trates amang the people, but it D , . ye hae ony offices tae bestow or! . ominlc. . . onv gui-d lan’ tae gie awa’ gie 1L; ° â€"Canadian Magazmc. the: __ ___- tae thine ain peculiar people, Scotch. Mak them 'a’ members 0': Q Parliament an’ magistrates, an rulers amang the 990919: bUt 33‘ Barrie is having a hard for the ungodly Irish, tak them by the heel an’ shak' them owei the mouth 0’ hell, them fa" in, and. a‘ be thine foreVer. Amen. .aâ€"uuâ€"d 4‘â€"-' ARE THE SEASONS CHANGINL: {fully :resi ned. Being ‘cmzen an believing in p BARRIE’S POSTMAN QUIT. time . getting a new postman. The . . old one quit, and- another man was but (11111111 let-given the job, but half ' the glory shall i was enough for him, and. he grace- a good atroniz- ling home markets 'he objected to . ., g sorting and distributing ’ lmental catalogues. depart- ARE THE SEASONS CHANGING 1’ i The belief 'of many people thati. the seasons are undergoing some} kind of change has led Prof. [’g-g nazio Galli to examine the \\'eall\-" er records of the entire eighteenth ; icentury. They show 51 winters; lasted Well into spring, 31 warm winters, 13 unusually early winâ€"l 3 ters. '12 mild ‘winters followed by i icold springs, 11 mild winters fol-" ;lowed by mild springs, 11 cold au-‘ tumns, 8 very Warm springsr 8 summers with frosts and five very ‘ warm autumns. There was oneI l . . . :mistance of 31:: consecutive warm ieighteenth century the same zip-1 fparent anomalies recurred at the; ’same seasons in several SUCCCSSlVl'l Lyears; in every case the seasonsi ire-gained their normal character-i " istics. There have aIWays been: i persons who imagined that the seasons were becoming warmer or colder than before. 'lhere is. " I..¢:.... ‘ 1' HE SCOTCHMAN’S PRAYER. Llltbv_‘3“"“ ‘l 1|. IIVB'UVIOO _ 0‘ unusual: Every time a woman takes the weather occurred between the ' conceit out of a man she adds to middle of autumn and the end oil'her own. ! spring. Many times during the. eighteenth century the same ap-l l .. , .- ----dtthe _ We”. f‘“°m‘”-“’S. ‘9‘?” ” -._.' ONE PAPER IS ENOUG years; in every case the seasons‘ The recent suspension of‘ two regained their normal character-Manly newspapers, the Woodstock ‘ ' , There have always beenll‘lxpress and the Lethbridge News persons who imagined that theihas called for considerable editor- becoming warmer m',ial comment. The essential fact colder than before. 'Ihere isufis that two substantial cities. huwm er, small foundation turHVoodstock and Lethbridge, haVe sJeh beliel‘s; the World has, 111-5101ned Galt and TWindsor as one- ueed. experienced many cold sum- : newspaper tOWns. It is a state of lllL‘l‘S and many warm winters, but i affairs that is bound to spread. In such seasons are lnot the rule, but scores of towns, tWo DOWSpapPI's 'are struggling and inefficient. the exception. ‘where one could be made strong . “MM.” .and give valuaible service to its ‘ ‘ ,. ‘ 9 icommunity, an, at less eXpense to _ ”MU“ Al”). lllhBL. .;the advertisers. In fact, if partiâ€" lle tried 110 do ‘4 little gUUd ‘sanship could only be gotten out livery (ML; ' . iof the columns of the local press. here 1w WW.” 1 it is difficult to make a case for lie lent assnstance w By the way; '18.. “nuptilncs , , . l !a second paper in any but the helped “‘8 “91“‘;1arger places.-â€"Simcoe Reformer. By the way; he sometimes helped tl‘ less, who Did not. debewe his aid .\ new cure ”has UCCII ‘ for those unfortunates who suite. from ‘a shortage of cupiilzuy vegetation on the \apex of their Dericraniums. A recent South Po’ " explorer declares that extreme ; cold will make anyone’s hair grow, :It is. a noticeable «lac op pieces. umber of Citizens who might organize a editiOn to Iadvantage and this cure to their court officer, “that‘ H . '- ,Q AS HEARD AT I here and there, 3; faith inspired, caused despair o loose the coils wound. . â€"â€"Chicug heart, 7 2 and there ure ‘has been unfortunateS coils whic FOR (BALDNESS. 1'0 11 eCUl' d-Ht‘ .s aid or cheer: were poor amt he dried en discovered as “'hU SUfff’A of qapillal‘y "’ replied the the plaintiff ; soul re- he bra V L’ l V h it had d. 1' el‘Jld. Road-mender Layer With his sunny smile and. his cor- duroy breeches, From Naples vineyards and Lom- bam y’s plains, Wherever men work with a pick. There you will find him, Dominic! Swart-visaged and witless of riches, Horny of fist, and avid of work, As the earth in spadefuls he toss- es and pitches. No Weakling ,he, to grumble or shirk! Oh, in tireless wielding of shovel and pick, There’s none so famous as Dom- inic! Knight-errant ditches, _ Deserves he not room sculptured niches? No greatness beats fa the shovel or pick: 3d “You seldom see business man Who .1 thoroughbred. Once in a While a man doesn‘t forget his old friends after ac- quiring wealth and fame. A Woman isn’t aIWays true to her color, even when she applies it herself. _ A“, ditches, r ofpipes and drains, DOMINIC. l‘ and dredger of see a successful who boasts of being of culvert zilltl with complete confidence that your concrete [work will be thoton enticinctory. You ought to have this confidence in the cement you II... bounce you vc not the facilities {onto-ting it. qunlitics. ouch u met the w oftlu engineer: in chug. cl tothc'duootionohonrtmbook"WdaeF-nuc-éovkhM”C-ndn ' ndnufiefnctory'teonln. Writeforthe book. ltnotonlyhlloyonhoweo nix ocoruohuee fotitonmfmmmdfi-M “d plc mafia book '33:...“ incur the dish“ m. Canada Cement Comme 1 mg; The ileicit confidence that its many people havein Cham‘ocx- ' to lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea rti- ;Remedy is founded on their ex- out 'perience in the use of that remedy PSS. and their knowledge of the many for remarkable cures of colic, diarr- the hoea. and dysentery that it has r. 1effected. For sale by all dealers. sighs, This thy welcome in the skies; Nature mourns a cruel MOWâ€"- Faith assures it is not so; Nature never sees thee moreâ€"â€" Faith but sees thee gone before: Nature tells a dismal storyâ€"â€" Faith hath visions full of glory. Nature views the change with sadnessâ€" ‘ Faith contemplates -it with glad ness. \ Nature murmursâ€"Faith meekness; Strength is perfected in ‘ J ‘â€"4â€"‘-Afi Nature. w ‘1“‘I‘ IC-c is petzfected in weakness. rithes, and hates the rod- Faith looks up and blesses God. Sense looks dow Wardâ€"Faith That sees harshness-this sees love. ~ . . . .. , we' Oh, let Faithtvictorilousub'eâ€" I “20333393081533 of mine told Let it reign uump an 3. Imp so and warned me againlt 3,11 But thou art gone, not lost, but fot'them.” flown; : . Shall I then ask thee back, my ;F;l(3iu'§‘ you’re going to marry own? 3 --‘ n Backâ€"and leave thy Spirit's ‘ “Of course I am. He’s different brightness. __ --._.. Back-and leave thy robe of FRIGHTENED. Whiteness, “Why has Mrs. Jones decided Backâ€"and leave the Lamb who to give up the European trip .11.‘ feeds thee, was contem ' “" . , , plating. Backâ€"from founts to which He! “She happened to hear .ome. leads thee,' , body sa that travel broadened Backâ€"and 193” thy hea\ enly one, an she weighs one hundred Fatherâ€" . ,. and eighty now.” Back to earth and am? hay,rather, Would I live in solitude; l "W- I would not ask thee it I could. l TEMPORARILY HANDICAPPED. met that But patient wait the high decreel Mr. Don hleighâ€"I French no )leman, Count de Brie, That calls my spirit home to thee. -‘."’"’ .toâ€"day." l Dotty Doughleighâ€"Really! Is he The editor was busv when he . , l. . '. , ,_ i Mr. Doughleighâ€"Well. n0' not at was asked. . How are the ma present. He has rheumatis in . , . lkets ‘P’ The enquire} Wasfefefiéd :his shoulders.â€"Judge. i THE MARkE‘l‘S. 'a brilliant conversationalist? butwilinl-oou :gutgo ocoruof use. loritonyourtmmmuu not incur the dull” m. C Ullllauuv vuvv-wwi “firms?” team; “'51:? mg: Mr. Bowmanâ€"wan. at kets ‘2” The enquirer was referred present. (Iile has rheumatxsm m to the office wit, who looked Mac 51‘”; shoul ers.â€"Judge. and said, “Young men, unsteadyzl girls lively and in demand; papas‘ FL ISHERTON. firm but “not/declining; mammals: Mr. and Mrs. Spiller. and little unsettled, waiting for higher bidS; 80!), Of Toronto. are visiting 311. coffee, considerably mixed; fresh and Mrs. p. (7}. Karstedt. fish. actlve (and Bllppery; 9383’: Miss Iva Mitchell and Miss Kate $Â¥fstéegutise§€§1ct§3$§ (21156;;“80323 ‘Wilcgck returned (on Monday 6mm ‘ ‘ § ' 's en: in a few avs at wen ions. strong; yeast, rising; bread Sgund. g ’ }stufts, heavy; boots and show-3.: those on the market are soled and | â€"~ _,___ - constantly going up and down: hats and caps not so high as last! BORX' 1 ’ _- 0 Year! except foolscap. WhiCh is « WEaI‘YESéeggegbugglaI?‘toogir:rh‘r:d stationery' tobacco, very low. and ‘, . ‘ has a d0\\’lnward tendency; silver, Mt!“ Arthur “9115' a daughter. close, but not close enough to; MARRIED. 39" h°1d 0"- '(‘OLLETT n th h _____ ,. .â€". . e ome of Mr. ' Jame‘t: £1. Brégham,sgourus.bMan., ISTAKEN IDENTITY. 01‘ " “98 35” Ptem 9' W M by Rev. H. Cawley, Mr. James ' Three .dudens were walking along , ' - - .. - garet Collett. --~'â€"‘â€"-- .ul';§“ MISTAKEN IDENTITY. Three .dudes were walking along the street one morning. and met an aged, decrepit minister. -with long white 'hair and beard. De- siring to poke fun at the old man. the first called out, "Hello, Father Abraham.” The second said. “Hello, Father Isaac,” and the third chimed in, “Hello, Father Jacob." The minister quietly re- plied, “I am neither Abraham nor Isaac nor Jacob, but Saul, the son of Kish, who went forth to hum his father’s asses. and behold, I have found them.” giVes lege'! L Mrs. Backerâ€"Yes. I want to find out how to get more money out o! Jack.â€"-Judge. , PERHAPS JEWELRY IS THEIR LINE OF BUSINESS. “Have they gone into the poul- try business?” asks a contributor who slashed the followin from the Ingham County News, ”on. Michn “We will make settings by appointment only during the summer months.â€"Tamblyn Studio.‘ “But you’re going to mlrry ‘w Fred !" “Of course I am. He’s different.” AND SEE HAD BEEN WARXED. "AU. men are alike. They’re de- ce-it lul and selfigh." FRIGHTENED. . “Why has Mrs. Jones deemed to give up the Eurqpean trip lb. was contemplating?" ‘ -._.. -A-AA_ "(1'0 ‘4‘].usvâ€""l__ “She happehed .. to hear some- body 5a that travel broadened one, an she weighs one hundred and eighty now.” FLESHERTON. Mr. and Mrs. Spiller. and little son, of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Karstedt. Miss Iva Mitchell and Miss Kate McCLOCKLIN.â€"In Durham. on Tuesday, September 16‘ David McClocklin, in his 83rd year. W. P. Patersob, Assignee, will sell by Public Auction at Walpole’s Stables, in Durham bu Saturday. Sept. 27, l9|3 at 2p..m A Thoroughbred Stallion. 1 horse, 1 cow, 3 pigs, 1 buggy, 1 set single harness. shed the follovin from lam Countx Xena, “on, ‘We will make setting! intment onh during the months,â€"â€"Tamblyn Studio) ASSIGNEE’S SALE Terms DIED. Cash. In 3

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