Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Aug 1913, p. 8

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.y >c ‘3 IN ‘A‘ ”(W'k’x 'f THE DORE“ CHRONICLE _. 6 WW” The J. D. Abraham Company Did you get in right on that Corset . Yard Wide Silks 51-00 Deal? Last week we put on sale 74 750. tiroo and $1.25. The Sale ...... PEABODY OVERALLS M- w. them with ordinary values. just to St‘(‘ the vast difference in the quality. ' Black Pants and Overalls Eight Cases of Shoes lilic first section of otll‘ Blue Stripe Overalls and Jackets \\'e'\'e made a good many people happy, but in order not to disappoint anyone we have added a {my more pairs oi our Stoo line and will give \‘ott :t t‘liztnt‘t' to get your Choice at GET THE BEST : THEY COST NO MORE :got. The Sale will continue. until Saturday night. I We Personally Guarantee Every Garment You’ll Find this Store the Best Place to Buy Reliable Groceries for Less Money ltmlpdtlis lit-st iil'zill. Sugar per lilillis .....$-i.75 .‘lt'Utmald Bl'lzil"l‘0iltlt°'ii3 for . 35" ii pkg-s (”HMS LY“ i“.'--- -- -~--- ‘ - -' 31’" lil'WMUI’W” if‘n‘l WW H' 4”." I: lhs. l‘t'-t'lt';tllt‘ti “on tints t'oi' ..... ..... 25w McDonald Chewing 'l‘ohaeeo 3 for, . , ., .. .... .27»? Si pkgsu Handy Aiiiontti tor. . .. 2-3" iest hiker .him‘.‘ htai'eh .i tor , ti luti~ t‘oint'oi-t Sono tor . .........'_’.-'M' "T6: B" Sinuklllilii fmx... ......25e Ii pkgs. (‘otnl'ort Lye for ........ . 3._)«' He‘s! ‘( Ul'll Staitti .iloi',,,. ti lliil'~ Sunlight Soup l'er ..... ......... . . . 25w Stag Tohaeeo 3 for ........................ ...L’iie 2 tins good red Salmon . . .. . . .. .... . ...... if \lt i‘.Xl-l'.it°i.~. 1i lhl' ........... Hid Ihtteh ('lettiiser Li l'oi' ...... .... ...23e Blnek \Vnteh 'l‘ohaceo ii for... ... . ... .... ..... 25e ti tins ehoiee Sardines. ... ... . ..... ... €43»- Ho's! t'unnetl (‘orn ii for. .. . .. ... ...... ... ..ZL'u- Ii lb. pkg. Seeded Raisins for ................... 35v VIVA) ”31““3 ”’~ Pki-I- “’r- - -- - --------- ' ' ’ ' "1’ , . . . . “Psi thinned Beans ii for. . _ . . .. ...... , . . . . _ . .23e 3 lbs. Select Valencia. Raisins for ......... . . . .25e 2 Hi. tins Baking Powder l'or. . .. . . ...... .25.),- loniztto ( atsnp .n hottles 21in iimt ('ttnnetl i’nian ins It for ...... ....... ....'.’.')t- 3 lbs. seedless Sultana Raisins . . . . .. . . . .. ..... 2.3e Best (‘Iorn Flakes 3 .for... .. .... . .... .. ... .. 2:)" Best Jelly Powder .i tor , ... Hmt thinned 'l‘onmtoes L! for _ .............. 25c.- 5 lbs. title Green Japan Tea for ................ 1.00 Shredded \Vheat Biseuits 2 for ..... .. . . 2.": \ai-ney t re:_nn ( heese per lh ...... HM! i'nnnetl l’etts 2 for ........ ....25w .3 ins. 30o Black (leylon Tea ................... Lilli large Bottle Piekles......... ..... lit" Ninpt hips 4e. 4 loia.._ The J. D. ABRAHAM GGMPANY oooooooooooooooooooeooooooo9999ooooooooooeoooooeoooooooooooooeooeoooeoooooooo0999009oooooeoooeoooeooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo:::zooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooosoooooeoooooooooeoo9909099909900oooeooooeeooeoeeeoooeooooo099.9999oooeoooooooooooeooooooooooooooeooooooooooooo 00099000909090.0000 wam Large Sales McKEBHNlES’ WEEKLY NEWS Floor Coverings On The Second Floor i Fine Clothes and Food Not Necessary ' I â€"But Hard to Abandon I Icost so dearly as to keep most of.- 3 us poor. but the things that we don‘t .neod and would be better without. I In other words. it's the luxuries which lat once impovertsh and enslave us. PORT MCNICULL, cussed matter of eating. It is literally l true that a person in good health esn what the average Canadian thinks he g must spend for food. A glass of milk. 8 wheat» wheat just as nature meant Itititl}‘t~. l it should be eaten- and. for (3999”. (’illi‘l Igixtii'ittth 53min o‘i‘e. .. -- . . . . . . . la prune or it pinch of raisins make Huntlnss. \\'t‘tilii“~tl.‘t}?. :tittl """'ll°"”- tillt' ~it)t_‘l\' Hi i lt)()i' (()\'p1".ll;_f8 15 Vi'l'y ldl'fl't'. ii is C(HIIIN)SH(] “i IJlllUlfi’lllllS, a meal rich in all the essentials 0f 'I‘htirstinv» «lztwi (utt'lies. }., . H i ii 'l‘l l ill ‘ ill I ll ll i‘ n 1 1.?“ (11 ii i1] 1 ll nutrition at a eost which is negligible. " Elwin .lH ilili llLIH. l ' 1 H.“ is t. 'i’ it it ‘t l l lll‘_ 111 ‘ (3 .1 1'9 ‘11“ 'L ' he; .1- -' " "t' is true - . . , . . t v « ofI‘lltihiirindiii"till?)9(()'fPF:“llill:i'iHi i‘lmmm t sriu‘icr pizttrizcriii to sit intti LHORT AM) Mitts 0i i:\ri.itii1.\tt \ 1. . O ‘ . . . ‘ , _ z ' , ' ( ‘. . ‘ . ...” fwd (‘lzlss Stunts lll illi‘ it “A est tttis‘ltfllfi «llltl lll tllt’ ““3179?“ Pattie] ”5- “ “ ha\e to enter nakedness and serve. as bed-- ' ' - - .. - - - ilv r_t wit it. 'ill 1,. had for the - - . m. .1 4 may large tllltillili v this season tillt‘l it lizisg'tven the. heat/oi antistaetion m‘HL’R,” ',~,‘.m,‘:m “ff ”W's...“ “wait.- Homeseekers EXCUF'SIONS EaCh Tuesday Ulitll Oct. 28 , t . 7 , . . . . t . . ,, iv ' '(H i" se how . . ‘ it is \Vi'lt', e13 (Ni per _'_. .ll"l. l‘lie iltleloth is also Canadian make and it has iiiiiitmii‘ii “:i‘d ,‘m lifmll’: (.‘,,,m,i(.h,,, Winnipeg and return $35-00 Edmonton and return $43.00 . ' i i‘ O - 0 ° i. ' '0. l " H't"'-i'6'. 'l‘ ' }} Cttllllatl‘l‘ (Ii .. iitti,'piili_tiiu.];;ti i .1 .- ' i : F - ‘4 4) ' !}|V" ‘ 12':‘ ' ) v‘. ' s v{ \Q ills, (.ltii l()\\ . l\l( Ahl t” (- W i. . i .l . ti. i” i I - i i] ‘in Id H ll “ l ’ Hi _'\ “‘1 “11th. tihle it is \\hile l‘t-i' helltltlli: 11 l’ “i H m. .-.. lieu» l.--..\~~ lot-tit. i 1H” Intii. molt 'l‘ limit. (if “mp li‘lii‘hi and :l wank“ .nmiii H lini. lidlli- .t .ti~ lutiiti ‘il \' t' l' li 'l'Fw l‘.‘ .13 :m- eoinptmul at l‘ttpestt'x'. \xniinstei' :illll Velvet. iii the newest tle~ CW“? “‘ "‘“"‘”' ‘1‘“ m” ”WWW 77.11;.- . ,. i ' tmption that ever grin-mi a it it» .- it. \, 1,4,1? ... ; u» \~.;. ; in ~ :_:' ~ . f h the nit-est Ul'h ..titi tinge wi"HHl’lli‘_1’.~‘itt suit the rooms int-ended for. D3130“ “ “a“ “0““ d‘i”"”””"“‘ ‘1 ,"f‘ ‘ ' . peotile can be fed with palatable- and i i i ' I. ii” i liliHilUi.I Hi i '. lit’Si‘ lizliflilfiil lill’lllfi. “v" “ t'tll'iililllV lliVitH Vt)” it) isufllclent fund at an actual 009?. Plant as wmflifl'LMIIMMmW“ t l in this era of high prlees of six t‘t‘lllb ' ' l a day. -. l They can be, but they won ' l .______â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- ... fit through th' AMBASSADORS' PAY (is A 5iEuropean Countries Give Big Money ’2 l to Their Diplomats '0’ " 4=‘ V _ n Kiri“ ttlitl \ itl'ietl. i'lllilll'tlh't‘ti til iltt‘ newest designs. llltll‘lllizlt'tlll‘etl - l In contrast with the WWW?“ "i “I" J | United States Amhaasad :‘ lt' '. 7’) t:.~ We: l't'tlittiie tii'tn. Stunntons. and it is warranted to give good satisfac- i|'L" l; lBritain. who has to tw “t i:‘.~ . . . “W" liml‘: th.» itti-ttstit't-nientsot the rooms you want [tapered and select. in Washington. All ot‘ lm u... ,. embassies in \Vashington an tut. owned outright or are rented by me. V E countries represented. ample tunds air-u , ’l the putter. :tlitl We will give you the right quantity trimmed and ready to go on the nulls. provided for upkeep. and salute-s range from $30,000 to 350.000, Ml}? land pays her ambassador at Paris.' $45,000: at Berlin, $40.00”; at 59‘. Petersburg. $30,ti00; at Rome, $35,000; 3 and at Vienna. $40,000. Germany pays t, . . Flour Reminders Reminders Imperial Pint Fruit .l.‘ll'~. per tiny, .... . _ . ......SM° 3 lbs. Raisins for ... .................... 2;)“ her ambasgilggg.“ fags. gigéiiggiira} . furralnfle ”VHF hag. and eheei fully re Ilillii-ivléii Qtltil‘i [cl-nil J'il's. pet dog ...... . . Li“ ,‘nnthep 10L of fin“. Ceylon Teas. Star “f llHiltLZSC London. 3 I}: . 8 ‘25 boo-L iand gt: . «i (1‘. t “7”“ hit” KMI‘W l‘il‘llit JM': per dov. .......... 1. iii Light of Asia ................................. 35(; 337.500- at ome, ' . t . \\ p at“, entry a large stoek “f Feed for it, stal Sit‘llllizu-d Gran. Sugar. pm. bag. 1,75 \Vhy buy old-fashioned shoes at high prices when Vienna, $30,000. B i' '; delivered anywhere on short notice. Large iii-nonts. earh ..... . . . . ............ . ..Zâ€"ie we are selling the newest, styles at low prices? The French ambassador at i”. ”f g Bring your Grain he"). Figs, H lbs. fnl- ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 3'1: “11y pay 1.25 for the E.T. Gorqet When we sell receives $28,000, at London, $40.)00, l Barley, Peas. Buckwheat and When Sunkist Raisins. seeded. per lh ................. lite. it at ................................... $1.0“ st Rome $24,000; at St- Petersburg, l and well done. i . P'H'Plt’ Mid ”Um “flied PaiSiflS 3 Pkgs for ...... 23¢: Don’t forget to bring your Butter and Eggs to us. 0 $40,000; and at Vienna, $35,000. ) Rus- :t tbs t-ul'rnitts fm. ................ . ........... 2.50 “v9 pay the tOp prices. . It; pays her ambassadors at Lernn. A can load cf “It F" .... London, Paris, and Vienna. $40.0th . each. A car load of new baled ha, The highest salary paid to any United State: ambassador is $17,500 s year. 0 h . - s x . .., . v- ' ‘- . ‘. . ’ - ' J “1'. . : i ‘1" Foggy 3moky London English scientists have found that OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ#000000000e0e66000600o90¢04¢oooso0+. combustion of illuminating . to the injury of the city’s stone W e’re expecting another shipment of pairs of I). A. Corsets. worth soc. Another Shipment 0‘ those celebrated Yard Wide Silks at you to compare new Shoes l ,et you some of the new t‘oi‘t‘et‘t lttsts ioi‘ tor littll has arrived. us show liall. it will pay you to look around. and retneinher--it costs nothing to lot llx‘. Fiesh 1.31mi”!!! J tinsiil'oim '.t' latrge Pails Soda Bisetiits. . . . . . . .. l0“ ' 5...." Profits l 003‘ WXUR'ES CANADIAN PACIFIC It isn't things :tiich we need thatl GREAT LAKES SERVICE Fastest and Most iuxurious of Steamers SAULT STE. MARIE. l For instance, take the much dis-‘ PORT ARTHUR. FORT WILLIAM Steamship Express lLillV. t‘elil l‘il itl:t_\‘ .tlitl Sitiitl:t.\‘.l2.4.~i .tl keep the. human machine going at tull efficiency on the merest fraction of 57 HOURS TORONTOTOWINNIPEG a handful of uncooked and uneraeketl [It-,tviilp 'l‘ne duy~ ...;d 5,”- " l‘t‘iin‘.“ ‘tll'tillitv (-3' Hon“. :ti‘l'in \lttps side lhil'ltdi tit-s. First- lielttrll l.itiiit Tut. \luv'. \‘r s e 5" t . Buying Experiments is Not Profitable nor IS Ii Hnr (‘elehrated lirnnrls. (itild Medal . and North-W ‘ z -- t‘~\ H neceSbary . .- estGemhut pt. Ht t. experimental stage. as lllllltll't‘tls of when satisfied Customers ettn testify. . . you are llaVlllL" trouble with the buylflg . i‘louryon are now using. get hag: of our Flour and your troubles will (3988‘. it s r x . . . r I“ 4m“ our “ll“ ”1 ill" 'waeelled quality of our lr‘loni-s. w.- l'und the priee if you ean tied any purpose. tituotl~ lwill pay the highest price for Oats. Custom (‘nopping promptly 00009099400090.9060.sessoossssssosos 60.00. s 9 a 9 ssso W more than half a million tons of sul- 9mm“. WOO... ' ' | l l I I | | Ono's utmosphere every year, msiniy :wâ€"“Tâ€"‘__~§___ u the CHRONlCLE Ans. mite RESULTS l ‘ \â€" \‘ t l' '~ v .t il" ‘ ( i '1“ I. l ! i.‘ i A“ ,tIl“ " ’ v ‘ .m l..t 1p, a i l . -1 All 0 \ o 1 i l l‘ . i-k‘ ' t L i 'Y‘ ‘ l | . . .9. it ‘ O. i. i ‘1 \t O O 0 O I L .Zi.‘ ‘ "IV" 3 ‘slh \l‘it “l ildi 1K4 llL : ik' « iitX‘.‘ “ 4‘11" i " l A AA 1" 7) Eli" it it! t'H thousaw-e o. ‘ .4 able to get i e.: '. to attt-nti t' e t g ‘2 if . er. too, tttti‘ttt; l somewhat titttzmot' the attentlunn; harvesting it" gent and With good W end 0‘ next \\ ee meat SI again all s pinion Visitor! $0 turnstiles.

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