Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Jun 1913, p. 2

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ONTO usiness? braham Co. It... ‘hsflifood! 99990000990009, 00099600699000. .09ooooo.ooooooo .ooooooooooooooou Burnett Works, P08" Detroit. Mic X'IUS. ors are manu- ' the Michigan 'oit. Michigan. to any farmer izers with a postage paid. there they an ted. AddI'QSI Vorks. Postal- me it turn Home- FHA to bat 1t t but .v the .9906. .9969. Ind. ‘OOOOOO’ 00999969. .69. [31‘ 1'94 SEVERAL HOUSES 1N DL'RHAM. One nice cottage in Lower Town. -â€"-A. R Jackson, Durham.“__ 3 2111 -vâ€"d 0-001) BUILDING LOTS APPLY to J P. Telford, or Mrs. G. Black- _burn_,_ Durham 613 {.1 GOOD C‘OMFORTXBL‘E ‘ ' ' FR AME LOT 3. CON. 6. GLENELG, FOR oaks cheap: small cash payment. balance secured by mortgage. On premises are good frame house frame barn, and outbuildinzs' log pig-pen: good well. Apply to Wm. MoNally. Ebordqhe .P-O; LOT 4. corporation of Durham; conven- iont (or anyone working in town; good house and barn, with sheds; good water; small orch- ard; 19 acres of good oats, 6 acres under timothy and clover. 'Will be sold cheap and on easy terms to quick purchaser. Ap- Dly to Wm. Wall. Durham. 610d ,,,,,, _ _____.__â€"-.-â€"â€"~â€"â€"- and no t water. sheds eta. T. I at housfi on College street' nix moms, two storeys, bar and soft water. good half acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For articulate, apply m Ed. Lang on, Durham, or John M. Ltttlo. 205 Riopelle St, Detroit. Mich ‘ 222d acres, mo; hardwood watered: rest in 1). Wall. Dux' ba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. .e applicant must appear in rson at the Dominion Lands zency or Sub-Agency for the strict. Entry by proxy may be sde at the office of any Local :ent of Dominion Lands (not b~agent). on certain conditions, Dutiesâ€"Six months residence :on and cultivation of the land = each of three years. A home- ‘rader may live within nine miles ghis homestead on a farm of at gist 80 acres, on certain condi- Ins. A habitable house is re- fired in every case, except when 'zidence is performed in the :inity. NOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NOR? NEST LAND REGULATIONS 3mm”: conveniently situated W. all public works; newly. dec- r-ated; cheap rent. Apply to 5". McIntyre, Durham. 612 T0 RENT .ARGE, ROOMY DWELLING ; were; large enough .. to u k‘geg a certain districts 3 home- ader in good standing may pre-‘ pt a quarter-section along-g e his homestead. Price $3 per e. Duties.-Six months resi-l 100 in each of six years from :e of homestead entry (includ- ' the time required to earn nestead patent) and 50 acres ra cultivation. The area of tivation is subiect to reduction‘ case of rough. scrubby or stony d after report by Homestead‘ pector on application {or gent. homesteader who has exhaust-l his homestead right and cannott m a pre-emption may take a, ychased homestead in certain itricts. Price, $3 per acre. Dut- aâ€"Must reside six months in ‘~'-h of three years, cultivate 50 was and erect a house worth DTICE is hereby given that I close the lane leading from ham Road to the Canadian Pa- : Railway Station at the Glen. any para-on or persons using lane on or atta- Monday, , Durham. 2 Morey: high, hard 1d 90!! water imide, good cem- Jt Itahln frame barn on too. Jarter acre of land. Price away mm to quick purchaser. Apply ‘ the Chronicle office. 727 t! W. W. CORY, szuty of the Minister the Interior. f B.-â€"Unauthorized publication Fhia advertisement will not be .1 (Ohâ€"37085. 2813 Farms for Sale. ACRES OF LAND, CLOSE m For Sale or Rent. OMFORTABLE BRICK pops»; Advorflnomo’nt- of one incn. or loan. 25 cents for first insertion, and 10m much onhooqnont inaction. Over one inch nnd under two inches. double the nbove amount. Yearly rates on afipliontton. CON. 3, IN THE TOWN- { Glenelg, containing 55 more or less; 15 acres 00d bush. well fenced, well rd: 8 acres under clover, u mutate. Apply to Wm. to For Sale NOTICE. OE con )erc Durham )1 ing corporation :aining 15 acres 163 of good down with tim- L house; hard barn, orchard, askins. 4‘24“ SMALL ADS. in horses . wood fiences at farm tion a M Apply :18 P. 0. 6 1230 U AND 6193 1m able on. I Ofli of Ora. lamieson lamieson. .\FFICE AND RESIDENCE A oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. { I'FICEâ€" Over .3. P. Telfnrd’s office neatly {opposite the Registry office Resndence Second house south nt Registry nfficv on east side of Albert Street. Office Hours 9-11 a.ln., 2-4 p. "1.. 7-9 p.11). Telephone communica- tinn between office and residence at all hmns. J Hum] Work. Intending Students should eaten at the lwginning of the term if possible. Bmud can he obtained at reasonable mres. Dmham is a healthy and at- tractive town. making it a most desir- able place fur residence: 'L. R C. P.. LONDON. ENG ‘ RADULATE of London. New York And Chicago. Discus: oi Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill he at the Hahn ”(HIS-’9, July 20 ()rt. 19, November 16, Dec. 2]. Hnurs. 1 Ln 53 p.11). The record of the School in past, years i-z a flattering one. The trustees are progressive educationally and spare no gains to see that teachers and pupils ave every advantage for the pr- per presentation mul,’acquistion 0f knuwledge. Holstein “Conveyancer, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire 1m) Life Insurance placed in_tho_r- wm. FARQUHAggoN. 0.0., c. RAMAGE, short distance but of Knapp’a Hotel, Lamb ton Street, Lower Town, Durban 'Mice hours from 12 to 2 o’clock ALL PERSONS ARE WARNED against fishing on Lots 14 and 15, Con. 2, E.G.R., Glenelg; also on Lots 30, 31, and 32, Con. 2, E. G.R., Glenelg. Parties found so doing will be prosecnt'ed to the full extent of the lam-The Saugeen Fishin Club, C. M. Bowman, Preai nt. 58tf H 1 I‘HUH. ALLAN ANY PERSON FOUND FISHING or trespassing on lot 50, Con. $ W.G.R., will be prosecuted ac- cording to lamâ€"Alex. Alexander. Proprietor. 5 15 U PHYSICIAN A N D SURGEON, OF- tice in the New Hunter Block. Office lUUX‘B, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 to9 J. m. Special attention given to dtseasee of women and children. Residence op- )osite Preebvterian Church. H bowman. freeway: aMI; SEALED TENDERS addressed to - ~~ - che Postmaster General, will be ALL PERSONS TRESPASSING Oh ‘ received at Ottawa until Noon. on Lot 5, (3011- % Gl‘enelg’ for thze’WFridav, the 27th June, 1913. for purpose or fishing, after thlsithe cenveyance of His MajestY’B notice, will be punished to the i Mails on a proposed Contract for full extent 0‘ the lam-lion years six times per week, W. R. Jack. 5 1 ' 'u’e Aumtam Roy. London Ophthalmxc H03 3 3.. and to Gulleu Sq Throat and Nose Hon SPECIALIST : ev: an, manna; nose SIX BENCH HANDS WANTED AT once on day or piece work. Married men preferred Excel- lent prospect for steady men. AN )1" PM ()Hn CABINET MAKERS WANTED Durham ‘ . Continuation School n J. G. Hutton. M. 0.. C. M. APP!!!" stating waged éx'peZt'ed to The Knechtel Kitchen Cabinet 00., Limrted, Box 370, Hanover, Out. 5 15 N EXCELLENT PROPERTY IN 1 good‘loca‘tion in Durham. Ap- ply to Do: u. Chronicle. FEES : $1 per mnnth in advance J F GRANT, D. D. S .L. D. S. TONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI-, A. H. Jackson. ()TARY PUBLIC. COMMISbION J. P. Telforé. .XRRISTEL, somcmm. mo DI hing ability, in 11 wpyliesinnd i ‘1" ()fii( HOUSE FOR SALE ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya . ' O ge Dental Surgeons; or Ontario { Warn I n g“! Dentistry in_a|l its Branches. v Vva- Douglas" Jewellery Storm 2 ALL .PERSONS ARE HEREBY ll Model (‘ertificnu (mice: 13, Frost 8*. Owen Qflflfld macted. R HA M ONT M36! Dr; W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Medical Dilectorv. ()(H Arthur Gun, M. D. mt W. J. SHARP M Denial Dz’rectorv Legal 'Dz’reclorv. DR. BROWN wu'll 388 rlxveyaxwer nearly gppqsite thg Registry Warning )an at DR. BURT. thnrnughlv equipped in ty, in chmnicnl and elec- nnd fittings, eta, fur full im: and Matriculation Chairman. Over J. J. Hunter’s I, Principal and School Teacher. Utirha H‘. c. ‘ Insurance man. Issuer of May- eneral financial bum- 40V . Any amount cent. on farm Secretatv N I m- lst lSZV'stem. In buying Hall’s Catarrn eCure, be sure you get the genuine. ‘It is taken internally and made, in Toledo. Ohio, by F.J. Cheney 8: Co Testimonials free. Sold by druggists. 75c per bottle Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. In the matter of the estate of James Falking‘ham, late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grev. Gentleman, deceased. day of June, AD. 1913, their addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature o the security, it any, held» by them, duly certified‘ and that after the said day the executors will pro- coed to distribute the assets 01 the estate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard onl to the claims of which he shal then have notice. ' Dated the 30th day of May A. D. 1913. Beware of Oinrmenu for Catarrh tha ; Contain Xereury g as mercury will surely destroy thei sense of smell and completely der- ange the whole system when enter-3 ing it through the mucous surfaceSu Such articles should never be used; except on prescriptions from rep--i utable physicians, as the damage. they will do is ten fold to the good. you can possibly derive from them.; Hall‘s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by Pu]. Cheney CO., TO!edoy 0-9: contains no mercury and is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure, be sure you get the genmne. n :a “no... ;n+prnnnv and made in To whom it may concern: I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, or any person, from this date, 20th May, 1913. ROBT. EWEN. STRAYED TO THE PREMISES OF the undersigned, Lot 34, Con. 1, S.D.R., Glenelg, on or about May 14th, 2 two-year-old steers, one with White face; 5 one-year-olds two steers and three heifers, two gray, one red. one spotted red and white and one red with white face; all with round punch mark in right ear. The owner may have same by proving prop- erty, paying expenses and tak- _ing them away.â€"Otto Konold. stipation When your child ha! whooping cough, be careful to keep the cough loose and expectoratio easy by giving Chamberlain’ (‘ough remedy as may be required This remedV “ill alsodiquify tie touch mucous and make it easier to expect01ate.1t has been used successfully in many epidemics and is safe and sure. For sale by CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS take notice'that the Trustees of S. S. No. 3, Ben-tinck, will receive tenders up to June 16th for the building of a new brick school. Plans and upecifications may be seen at Vickers post office. Time of completion to be specified by the contractors.â€"J. W. Vick- ers, Secy.-Treas. 522tf the conveyance of His. Maiésty’s Mails on a proposed Contract for four years six times per week, Over Rural Mail Route from Ayton (Via Moltkeh Ont., from the Postmaster-General’s pleas- ure. Printed notices containing furth- er information as to conditions of POIt Office Department, Hail 337$“ Branch. Ottawa, May 14th. vâ€"v VV-.-“ .u. 5.. er informatiohi as to ccBE-ifions of Proposed Contract may be seen and plank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of AYton, Moltke, and at the Office of the Post Office Impact!!! at _ P0“ Office Department. Hail warned against trespassing on Lots 5 and 6, (.‘on. 9, Glenelg, for the purpose of fishing, hunt- ing, trapping or camping.-â€"The Saugeen Hunting, Fishing, Trap- ping and Camping Club. 4243 TENDERS WANTED CATTLE ST RAY E D MAIL CONTRACT Servant Wanted Wm. Calder and Robt. McFarlane, NOTICE Executors. by their Solicitor J. P. Telford. Lu um“ . Sumflntendent. m DURHAI CHRONICLE 'm who for generations have mann- {actured a cloth known as the west 'of England cloth. whose fineness of immre and evenness of surface have Enever been equaled deSpite thousands of dollars used for machinery in an :gttempt to duplicate this product. The secret of this Gloucestershire ta 1y has been well kept. and they are 0 buyers of the finest grade of wool that the market ls able to produce. Months of hard labor and energy is spent in the manufacture or 100 yards of the material. and compensation for its ownership is rife among the buyers. owing to. the limited quantity availa- ble. All professional billiard players, both in Great Britain. where their game demands a higher degree of ac- curacy than that of the United States. and the American players usually car- ry along their own cloth. which is placed on the tables before every im- portant gallie.-I\'mv York Sun. '~.' ."’A. Old World Armorors. In olden times the armorer’s work was not of a rough and ready descrip- tion, but generally bore the signs of highly wrought workmanship. 'l‘he va- rious pieces of a suit fit into their po- sitions to a nicety, there are no rough edges and, as a rule. very little that In merely careless decorative work. Fash- ion and reputation have left their hall mark on the armor of each period, and, like most other industries, it had its distinguished masters. The name of Jacob Topi’ is. for example. still fa- mous in England, and such names as those of Lorenzo Colman of Augsberg, a German armorer of the sixteenth century; Lucio Pincinino, a Milanese, and the Wolfs of Landshut. a family or armorers that are supposed to have worked for Philip II. of Spain, are celebrated in their own countriesâ€"Ar. gonaut. Pliny tells a curious story of an old Athenian miser who was in love with his cook and. desiring a cure. went to have a look at the clifl. He peeped over. shook his head. went home and married the cook. A “Fowl" Ball. A bull game between two semlpro teams, one colored. was played on tho north side and attracted a numerous following of negroes, who went a long .way to root for their team. They oc- cupied a section by themselves, says the Chicago Post. .. V vâ€"vvâ€"u- A foul ballâ€"went in among them and did not. come back. causing a red hair- ed contender to go to that part of tho stand and yell: “Throw that ball back. What do you think it 10â€"11 chicken?” The Cloth of Billiard Tabla. In the county of. Gloucestershlm. England. there lives a family of mean. Another secret burial in later history was that of Fernando de Soto, the dis- coverer of the Mississippi, whose cot- fin was sunk at midnight in the middle of the broad stream to conceal his death from the natives. who had been told that he was an immortal child of the sun. In the Wrong Place. The meek looking man walked up to the book counter. "I want something to keep me home at night, show mo my faults. tell me how to spend my"- “Hold on, old man." said the clerk; “you’re in the wrong department. Mar- riage bureau on the left, three aisles down."-Phfladelpbia Record. 1 Some Secret Burials. Alaric, king oi the \‘isigoths and their victorious leader. was buried about 1,500 years ago by his soldiers in the bed of the river Busenio. in south- ern Italy. They first turned the wa- ters into another channel and. after burying their chief and his treasures, let them how back again. His grave was dug by prisoners. who were all afterward put to death. so that the Ro- mans might never find his grave. Attila, king of the Buns, was buried A. D. 453 on a wide plain in three cof- finsâ€"one of gold. one of silver and the third of lron. In his case. too. all the prisoners who were compelled to (11: his grave were immediately killed. Good Advice. ’A Sewickley father recently can In. can some excellent advice. “Now that you are married. my son,” said he, “listen to me." “What is it. dad '1" “Try to be a husband. not metal! 1!! ex-bachelor."-Pittsburgh Post. Sarcastic. (molly-D’you know. I'm sometime. Inclined to think- Chm (encounm In * Why don’t you do it. Cholly? it'- not such a dincnlt thing I! you (any mu; zitâ€"millionaire ten blocks to git dis cigar butt an' It ain't nuthln' but a ‘twofer’ after all."â€"New Orleans P19 Stung. “Yes. Waldo, appearances ls deceit- ful! Hero I follered a guy" wot looked ayune. ‘1‘“ fl mumuuonmumqm . Automatic Cooking onoI. ‘ Automatic cooking boxes were in 1 genera! use among the Hebrews neariy 12,000 years ago. The Greek and Ro- . man writers frequently refer to them. i in his edition of “Juvenile." for exam- !ple. Friedlander cites a commentator I who refers to “the Jews who a day bo- ' tore the Sabbath put their “and: hot into the cooking boxes. tho pots being i covered with napkins and wrapped 3 about with hay, so that they my hon i warm food on the Sabbath." It Ended All Right The old lady who entered the coed It a country station had en enxione face and confided to her neighbor! that she had but once before been on a railroad train. This was soon evio dent after the first half hour. when ev- ery time the train stopped she inquir- ed if it was New York. Then she be- came anxious lest the train should ar- rive late. and “Maybe Lyddy would think I wasn‘t coming." she said “Yes, indeed!" said the old lady. "I told he: to meet me at the New York evening train. There isn‘t more thll one. is there?" She was somewhat austered when assured that there was more than one train, but was reassured when she talked to the conductor. And when the train rolled into tho station and the old lady met Lyddy and embraoed her the passengers ex- changed a smile of pleasure-St. Loni. Globe Democra t- “All right, mother," said that tune- tionary; “Ill stop the train at New York and see that you get 00‘ safely." How the Salmon Leaps. Scientists as well as laymen tell e!- traordinary stories of the wonderful leaps whereby salmon ascend water- falls. One investigator who has stud- ied the salmon of southeastern Alaska asserts that these fish do not select a particular point of attack in endeavor- ing to surmount a fall. They show a remarkable lack of accuracy as well as of definiteness in their movement. When trying to ascend a fall they sail through the air, with the body rigid and the fins spread and held tense, and at the instant when the momentum of the jump ls lost they impart a rapid and powerful vibration to the tail. This occurs whether the jump is suc- cessful or not. Should the fish reach water at the top or the fall this mo- tion insures the maintenance of its po- sition. in open water they jump side- wise instead of lengthwise. and that. is no movement of the tail.-Harper's. “Didn‘t you tell her which train you would take?" Circle: of Latitude. Each circle of latitude keep: at the same distance trom the equator on- tirely around the earth. Suppou till. the arctic circle should be laid with ‘ band of bright metal so that it could he neon tor titty miles each way tro- a peak. Then. to the eye. the curator! would be a matter of individual Jud.- ment. Face the west. then some would say the line is «straight; others, curve. to the right. The curvature could b0 detected on that circle of latitude with instruments. As one approached the pole the curvature would rapidly ho come more and more apparent. Go to within one-halt a mile of the poles. then a circle of latitude would be liko a race track one mile in diameter. When the sea is still I cannot detect the curvature of the surface of the water. but persons have told me that they can.â€"-â€"Edgar Lucien Larkin in New York American. An accusation of having done wrong should not disturb youâ€" unless “’0 true. ~Seth Brown. day by the teacher Friendl'uneu. It is not wise to rush into violent friendships with every one you meet. but It is a great mistake hat to he on friendly terms with those with whom you come in contact What the Teacher Taught Him. The small boy had just returned home after a most tumultuous day at school. “II-.7 vi vâ€"v -v- “Dat I need a thicker pair of pants.” -â€"Ladies' Home Journal. “Wbat lesson." asked his tatbet. “was the most Impressed on you no- “Edgar," she said. “it your father can do a piece of work in seven day- and your Uncle William can do tt in nine days. how long woukd it take both of them to do it?" “They would never get it. done." an- swered the boy earnestly. "They would sit down and tell fish stories.”â€" New York Post. A One In Arithmetic. The teacher was hearing her class of small boys in mathematics. THE STANDARD BAN K Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of THIRTEEN PER CENT. PER ANNUM upon the capital stock of this Bank I!” been declared for the quarter ending 3lst July, 1913, and that the same will be payable at the Head Qfice in this city and its Branch. on and after Friday, the first day of August, 1913, to shareholdul of record of 25th July, 1918. By order of the Board. Toronto. 17th June, 1913. OF CANADA Quarterly Dividend Notice No. 91 9n .IHE DURHAM CHRONICLE DURHAM. ONT.. Till Clmumu will he can u snwpu“ an ultimo-I. free. of ”or. be Batu - . 31 per year. pynblo in m -Il.50 may beehugod If am no kl. Thom to which ever; ubocrlotlou in pa (1 in (lunch! the numnm cm the address label. No paper commnm. to all armru sre pgid, GIMP! u the om_'_u_x| qf the proprietor. At the Chronicle Printing Nouns, 0min" “met. For transom “venue-eon Ad'mmn‘ cent. pet lim- for the an! that hm . . non; 3mm porflneeooh out“ quart inmtfion uni-ion mount-e. Profauton audit. not exceeding one finch “.00 per «ann- Advortiumentm without aoeciflc dirocuou vi: be published till forbid u 1 chm-god mm: y Tun-no at nouoooâ€" 'Lt at. ":med. " "For 83 o.‘ etaâ€"60 cents for first inner-don. 25 can for no! nubqp‘q neat insertion. . The Chronicle and Weekly Mail and Empire, 1 year ...... $1 75 The Chronicle and Weekly Globe, 1 year... 175 The Chronicle and Family Herald Weekly Star lyr. 1700 The Chronicle and Weekly Witneu, 1 year... 1.90 The Chronicle and Weekly Sun, 1 year ......... 1.90 The Chronicle and Farmer’ a Advocate, 1 year ............ 2.10 The Chronicle and Canadian Farm, 1 year...... .... 1.90 The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Newe, 1 year ......... 2.50 The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Star. 1 year...... 2.50 The Chronicle and Toronto Daily World. 1 year... 3.76 The. Chronicle and Toronto Daily Hail and Empire, 1 yr. 4.75 The Chronicle and Toronto Daily Globe. 1 year...... 4.75 The Chronicle and The Grain Growere’ Guide, Winnipeg $1.60 Minivan-menu odor“ b stump" II" he mid for in adv-coo. y Contact mm for any adv-runabout. fu rushed on .pplioauon the 03100 Ext-Mayor Frost, of Orillia, re- ceived I cheque for $500 from Lord Strauhoona to wipe out tho debt. on the Y. M. C. A. building in that town. , and Funeral Directorx A. BELL UN DERTAKER Magnet Cream Sepatatms and R. EWEN wvvwvv 6 éFURNITUREE GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, Full line of "atlwlic Ruben, mud hla~k and while ( taps for aged people. Embalmi’a Specialty 1mm memg on short: a 1101168. “Q-“-M“ ‘ SHOW mumsâ€"1‘ Barber Shop. 1 door South of V blacksmith shnp U NDERTAKING: I8 PUBLIIHID EV ERY THURSDAY HORN!!!“ Burma AND memmwm Durham New Clubbing Rates W. IRWIN Magnet Gasoline Engines All SIZES AND June 29, 1913. REHII)EN(‘Eâ€"â€"-N9u \V. J. Lawrence’s Nex l tn Swalluw'i Ontario AGENT I“

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