Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 19 Jun 1913, p. 5

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I)! fur di F’pfiflivs l he anew“ cers. rrful sin- 9909999..... SE IllfB m 'ulmnst HM gm dis- .990 1°13 .,+++++++++++++++++++++¢++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \\ c haw them from O oov.9v9:¢voooooo¢oooooov¢¢09oooooooooooooooooooooooo 00900 The. top of Supply (fan Is only 38 inches from the floor. no igh lifting. The Crank is proper height for turning. and is short, 'lllt'll makes it easy to operate. The above features are only a few which make the Standard ~.t favorite. " 1913. . Ticket Office. It‘s Yours If You Have a KODAK .¢¢oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo009099990o H; 1; [)ruggists and Booksellers cn. Agt., Uurnam. Agu, V ILBCI 3 l'oUo We have a few Tons of Feed Meal 011 mind that we ()ffer.whi1e 1t lasts at 'l‘wenty-three Dullai‘sper ton in ton hits. my out of Town buyels may have this feed shipped to their nearest sta- tion, we will delh er at to either station For “Quality” Printing at above price. Feed that is slightly damaged by wet. While it lasts we are offering it at fl‘nm Eight to Ten Dollars per ton. Macfarlane 6: C0. ('all or W'l'itt’ us before- huying Shop next tn 101m Kinnee's, Hume Old Machines Repaired Agt., Durham. Agt., Vickers P.O. 1 from $1, up. Let us show you how simply they are operated. You can purchase from the O.P..R. any of their lands at right prices. With 5°; down, the balance in 19 equal annual payments, interest 6%. For full particulars write Fielding SCOTT BROS. Agents O.P.R. Lands Worlds Greatest Separators THE “STANDARD” [)0 nut buy 3 Cream Separator until you haw examined the lmu'hine which only requires nil- ing um-e vvery four nmnths‘. THE “STANDARD'S” ( runs in clean nil :fmm the time ynulstart the crank till you stop it. Buv Your Ticket Here Shul' ib'a! RHEU MATIC PAIRS GO Swollen Joints VANISH RHEUMA-Greatest Rem- edy for Rheumatism, Gout and Sciatica. Only 50 Cents and Money Back from Mc- Farlane C0. It It Doesn’t Satisfy Thousands of ersons during the lust year free; themselves from the bondage of Rheumatism; rid themselves of the torturing pain: reduced the swollen joints: threw away canes and crutches, and from helpless beings became able to work and be of use 'to themselves 1.11:1 their families. They .took RHEUMA: the mod- m'n enemy of Rheumatism, which is also sure 'to cure Lumbago, Sci- :ttica, Arthritis. Gout, Chronic Neuralgia or Kidney disease; Don‘t be skeptical about RHEU- MA. You will know in a few hours aft-er beginning the treat- ment that the poisonous Uric Acid iw‘ leaving your system through the natural channels. You Will fool better in a day: you Will know you ave going to be cured in lessvthlan a 'iveeii. Don’t think because RHEUMA is sold for only 50 cents a bottle that it won’t bring you back to health. There is no guess work about it. RHEUMA is better than any remedy at ten times the urico. Ask Maciarlane C0. Miss Lalia Chase, of Wolfevillye. N. 8., visited Miss [slay Campbell for a few days. Mr. Angus McKlelvire, of -New Liskeard, was in town for a day 01' two last week. Mrs. Hem" Leg'ard, of Flasher- mn, visited or brother, Mr. Cam- m-(m, here, on Saturday last. Mr. J ohn Stedtman, who has been rm the Chronicle staff for the past eight months, left Monday morn- m take a position at Niagara-on- the-lake. Miss Tookuy, of Fergus, is the guest of Miss Florence (.‘lark for a couple of week}: Mrs. Hind visited her sister. Mrs. Real. at Holstein last week. - Miss Florence Clark spent over Hm week end with her brother in Hanover. Mrs. M. Murdock is home, (-on- 'inml to her bed, suffering from in'ernal injuries. received in a street car accident in Toronto. Mr. Bert Melmnald, of Hamilton. attended the McDonaldâ€"Diego] nuptials here on \V-ednesday. Mrs. Geo. Harhottle and hairy “rrivml home Monday niglt, after visiting,r Mr. Harhottlie’s parents at Sault Ste Marie. Miss lda Har- lmttle accompanied her here, and will visit 1' riends, Mrs. J. Levine is visiting in 'l'oronto. Miss Bertha Norton is visiting For sister, Mrs. Harkness. in "‘:~(W.\\"-_lter. Mrs. John Kinnee, of Drayton, is visiting friends in town. Mrs. (folville and grandson. Thomas Barker, of Toronto, are visiting.' her daughter, Mrs. T. A. (-‘ook. Dr. and Mrs. Watson motored from Georgetown to attend the (‘rlassâ€"Sparling nuptials on Wed- ,‘nesday morning. They returned on Wednesday afternoon, being laccompanied by Mrs. J. A. Glass. who will visit her daughter for a lfew weeks. ”Miss'Dbhagh, of Mt. Forest. at- ‘fcnded the Wedding of her frwnd, Miss Spaylipg. â€"- " ‘ ‘ 1 W .,,...---..,,. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Murdock, and Mr. and Mrs. Hamil‘ton, of Holland Centre, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Murdock sv-u-v ___ Mr. Harper Kress, of Toronto. is xisi'ting in town. The Pmnmtinn examinations are the urdet it. the schools of Smith Grey. Afterthat, then two months of holi- days. Mr. Joseph P. Raw" was elected Master of L. O. L. N0. 2296 at, the meeting held Monday evening. On Tuesday the 17th inst, at the home 0f the bride’s sister, Mrs. Currie. Alum. Mr. J. I), Main and Miss Min- nie Ker united heart, and hand. 'Thv Rev. A. B Marshall and the pastor of the Methodist church. Alma. officiated at [he cermnony. The showers Sunday night had a re- freshing effect, but not, enough rain tell. The soil is Quite dry and the hay (-mp will be short. Died on Monday, the 16th inst., at the residence of his father. Mr. Henry Reid. George lteid. aged 27 years. The (lereased was a sufferer from tubercuâ€" lar disease. and all that physicians could do was of no avail. He was treated by Dr. Friedman. the German seientist who lately toured Canada in the interests of his new remedy for Consumption. He has been a resident of Toronto for several years but came home about a month ago in ho e that a change would be beneficial. he re- mains were taken to Toronto for in- terment. a short serVice at the house having been conducted by Rev. Mr. Malcolm. He leaves to mourn his early demise. his widow and little son two years old; also his parents and four brothers. Sad that he should be taken so early in life. The first ay of the season of the Creamery ompany is being distrib- uted now, the patrons receivmg 827.40 per hundred pounds of butter fat. Mrs. J. H. Brown wont to Toronto Tuesday angl _wfll join J. B. there on PERSONAL HOLSTEIN. THE DURHAM CHROS ICLE Kuping Up Ito-m. An Irishman Just honed secured C position as fireman lp a [urge actory. he chief engineer Inltrncted nun ll his new duties. saying. “To run our engine we require 169 pound: of vâ€"-â€"â€"_ steam. You can always tell how much steam you have by looking at this gauge.” Shortly afterward the engineer no- ticed that the engine was slow-in; up. Calling to the boner room, he lnqnlred of Pat how much steam he had on. v- - WV “01 113;; nflhundred and forty-fol" pounds. not.” answered the new fin- â€"“Wby. man. I told you we had a have 160 pounds to run.” “Niver inolnd that." was the cheer- ful answer. “Use what ye have got. an’ wbln that's gone Ol’ll have morn for ye."-â€"Everybody‘s. ‘ Doomed the Colonel. Emperor William 1. of Germany was a strict dis’clplinarian. One day during the maneuvers of the army a cavalry regiment charged at a strongly in- trenched and embatterled village. of which the garden walls were lined with marksmen. “Look. look!" ex- claimed the Russian representative. “That regiment is lost." “No." was the emperor’s calm reply. “this regi- ment isn't. but the colonel certainly is." And. sure enough. at the close of tho maneuvers he was placed on tho ro- tired list. The Effect of Discipline. “Just see how the chickens mind tho old hen. Robby." said Mrs. Norris to her son. “Watch them run to her when she calls them." “I suppose she sat on them when they were little.” remarked the Infant phenomenon reflectively. somewht Dubious. “I wonder would the judge consider a plea of insanity 7" ;‘Doubtless he would. Why do You hesitate?" “Well. my client only stole twenty- flve plunks.”â€"Imxisville Courier-Jour- nal. Wisdom of the Serpent. Mrs. Reider (with paper)-l see that the big anaconda up at the zoo won’t eat chickens unless they are alive. Mr. fielder-Wise old snake! That’l the only way to beat the cold stomp game.-â€"Puck. Hi0 Advantago. “I know more about that woman than she knows about herself." “How can that be possible?" “Easily. I know she isn’t pretty. but Ihe doesn’t." Men are sent into the world with bill: of credit and seldom draw to their full extent-Walpole. Iii“ it I‘d v . BUMP! lhtvd .\§\p‘.:'~‘ Flmng pup (”rt Oatmeal, pm' ~ Ulmp. per vwl Lin‘ Hugs. pe- Ilidca, pm' 11).. Shwpskius.... “um. thllnw 'l'llrkvys ‘ Geesv . .. Ducks . .. Uhickpns Fuwl . . \V in Chicago on Thursday. her mother having so far recovered as to admit of her leaving. A. J. Chisholm, generei agent qfithe What have on done to stop your hair from fal ing '3 Have you tried Rexall “93" Hair Tonic ? It not, we want you to try It at our risk. your money. We won’t ask you to promise anything. W51 won't even question you. We w take your mere word and return your money. Doesn’t it stand to reason that Rexall “93” Hair Tonic must be a mighty good remedy and have given great satisfaction to our customers if we endorse it like this? We know of no similar remedy thatis asgood. It is because of what Rexall ”93” Hair Tonic has done for others that we back it with our own money. Why sufier scalp and hair trouble or be bald, when Rexall “93” Hair Tonic will remove dandrufi. make your scalp comfortable and healthy, promote hair growth and tend to prevent baldness - when we will pay for the treatment should it fail to please you? , Pnrham ‘“' m ......- vuu-n There is“: Ben]! Store in nearly e (on and cu ' 1n.t.he Uniwd. Stateq. C N Remedy for nearly every 01'0")er nuquu nu:- gaoh gspopiqlly designed}? the mash! Ill vuvu \ v'vvvv-v- {or which it ia'reééanéxided. The Rex.“ 8“ch ”EA”? 0r“ If you have daudrufi; if your hair is falling out and your scalp is not glazed and shiny. if you use Remll “93" Hair Tonic according to direc- tions for thirty days, and at the end of that time you are not thorouggfi satisfied with the regulteaud will .J L--|_ 11H”. \Vhe l'HI!.-\.\1,.II'NI€ 11 191:: IM‘!‘ 5‘31! D pvr (2w! ll 3} 93 {i3 38 31 3U 00 20 9‘) ‘5 ) 16 11 ll 11, t4 1 to ! \OTICEis hereby given that I will close the lane leading from 'Durnam Road to the Canadian Pa- cific Railway Station at the Glen and any person or persons using said lane on or after Monday, July 7 1913. will be dealt With ac- cording to la“ Hâ€"Thos McKeown. Bunesaan. 6193pd PINKERTON.â€"In Durham, on “’ednecday, June 11, to Mr. and Mrs. John Pinkerton, a son, John Ross. ~ McLEAN.â€"In Glenelg, on Munday. ‘| The Excursion Will It.“ Mi. June 9, to Mr. and) Mrs. Lachljn the following Gmfi \ . Mc'cun a dau hter. L g tions. and tickets can “41,803 â€"In Hamner, on Satm- the “”0““, rates for .. day, June 11, to Mr. and Mrs trip 3‘ t“. “m. Hunter a daughtet. The Chronicle and Weekly \'AR\EY Mail and Empire, 1 year ...... $1. 75 HOLSTEIN The Chronicle and Weekly MT FORES Globe, 1 year... ...... 1.75 MINTO The Chronicle and Family I, , Herald Weekly Star lyr. 1.90 ELM“ 00” The Chronicle and Weekly {HANOVER Witness, 1 year... 1.90iggngDT The Chronicle and Weekly , Sun, 1 year ......... 1,90 ALSFELD] The Chronicle and Farmer a . . Advocate, 1 year ............ 2.40 tufigfl‘ll’e it; The Chronicle and Canadian 'i'ricketg’gm t Farm, 1 year...... 1.90 ,on the. 23m {The Chronicle and Toronto {are valid to Daily News, 1 year ......... 2.50: L l “3.. The Chronicle and Toronto TF 2:“ l‘ Daily Star, 1 year... .. 2.50 ' ar ' The Chronicle and Toronto ETAKE IN '1 Daily World. 1 year............ 3.75 VISIT YO] The Chronicle and Toronto ; Daily Mail and Empire, 1 yr. 4.75 ‘ __ The Chronicle and Toronto 1 f 7 The Chronicle, and The Grain t0 “3 {01‘ 1 l Growera’ Guide, Winnipeg $1. 60 M nefarlam. The Ideal Men’s Furnishing Store \\'e carry the largest and must up-to- date stock of Men’s and Boys" Furnish- ings in town. \Ve have waited for straw hat weather until it is getting late in the season, so we made up uur mind to get hats started. as we have an extra large stock on hand. \\"e have put special prices on for one week. New Clubbing Rates Blg Reducuon II Caps In flats $1.“) Caps for 756. 750. Caps for .. . .. . 50L. 81.50 hlzu‘k dem'as 81.1!) Redu :ed Prices an all Fedums As we are crowded in our store for mom. we will offer special prices on the following: A few sizes of ReadyoMade Suits cheap. Specia' Reduction 011 Men’s and Boys” Fine Shoes. Odd Pants, both Fine and Working Pants, reduced in price. A large stock of Buys’ and Men’s Bathing Suits on hand. A good line of Raincoats and Umbrellas. We are Agents for the Leather Label Over-Haule. ' G. S. Burnett - Special Prices on Shim $1.25 \Vork Shirts 81.00 81.00 Fine Shirts. . .. .50 $1.25 Fine Shins” $1.0“ 75v. Nee kwezu fun .60 $1.00380kW941 for .75 Pixie Cashmere Hose, worth 500. pr" for 50v. Fancy Hose for ..... .35c. 75c. F: NOTICE. BORN. Eggs taken same as Cash ETAKE IN THIS EXCURSION AND 3 75 VISIT YOUR FRIENDS OVER é SUNDAY. knot-i FARMERS’ INS EXCURSI SATURDAY. JUNE 23 a : Arrive at Guelph 10.05 mm. 83-- :turning, leave Guelph 5.15 p. m.‘ l'l‘ickets good to return any train lon the 23rd. except Minto. which lane valid for the day only. 2 Lunch will be provided on the ' Farm. DURHAM VARNEY HOLSTEIN MT. FOREST MINTO ELM WOOD HANOVER NEUSTADT AYTON ALSFELDT If contemplating a trip. come to us for rates and information.â€" Special Pl'if Bl: Barn!“ in Straw Ila“ $2,010 Sll'aWs fm- $1.50 2.00 Sailors for $1.60 $1.75 Sailors for $1.4“ $1.75 Straws for $1.85 '45)! $1.25 SLI'RWS for $1.00 750 Child's Hunt's .5} r .......... me. and 23c. Fancy Hose for. . . . . .50c. Straws fut res (m Panama: 7.00 61.50 7.05 1.45 7.20 1.30 7.35 1.15 7.45 1.05 7.15 81.55 7.30 1.50 7.45 1.40 7.52 1.33 8.00 1.20

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