Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 12 Jun 1913, p. 2

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M 42% ACRES OI" LAND, CLOSE TOi gorporation of Durham; convert-I tent for anyone working in town; good house and barn. with and: 19 acres of good can», premises are goo frame barn. a log pig-pen: 200a ' . Ehordale P.0. to Wm. McNally, | -., _ 61230 t! LOT 4. CON. 3. IN THE} .TOWIgg ship of Glenelg, contalmng harduoo watered 8 acres under clover, rest in pasture Apply to m. . 64pd of Our 3 mods, t perches of Mm}, uli seeded (. able prices.â€"-â€"W. A. Livingston, Vickers. Phone in residence. L7 4 A COUPORTABLE BRICK HOUSE Iv Durhnm. 2 floreyl high, hard and loft vat-r inlido, good cem- ent unhi- frame barn on ton. quarter pen of land. Price away down a quick pnrchaoer. Apnlv n' the Chronicle office. 7 27 H LOT 3. hose-123810}: 9, GLENELG. containing 100 acres of first-tran land in good condition. Wu- take $1000 if sold before the firm of February, $500 cash; balance on time to suit purchaser. Apply to J. A. Russell. Lougheed P. 0.. Alberta. 1‘2 12 U ll I vmur SYNOPSIS 0F CANADIAN NORTH ‘ “'2'.“ ( 9mm“ THE- sole head of a family. or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarterâ€"section of‘ available Dominion land in ManiJ toba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-Agency for the District. Entry by proxy may be made at the office of any Local Agent of Dominion Lands (not sub-agent), on certain conditions, Duties.â€"â€"Six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres, on certain condi- tions. A habitable house is re- quired in every case, except when residence is performed in the vicinity. In certain districts 3 home- oteader in good standing may pre- empt a quarter-section along- side his homestead. Price $3 per acre. Duties.-â€"Six months resio dance in each of six years from date 0! homestead eptry (includ- in: the time required to earn' homestead patent) and 50 acres! extra cultivation. The area of. cultivation is spbiect ‘t‘o reductioni :1;- caoe of rough. Ecrubby or stony land after report by Homestead Inspector on apphcation for One nice cottage inflioaer Town. â€"- .1! Jackson, Durham. Bat} G had. A bargain to quick 9‘11“: chaser. For articulate, apply‘ to Ed. Lang on, Durham, or; John M._gt_tlo. 205 Riopelle St, ‘ OF V““u‘o A homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may take a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price, $3 per acre. Dut- ies.â€"â€"Must reside six months in each 0! three years, cultivate 50 acres and erect a house Worth WV- W. w. CORY, Deruty of the Minister 0 the Interior. I‘llâ€"Unauthorized publicatrion afoihis advertisement will n at be 2813 GOOD BRICK HOUSE AND 5 acres of land just outside the corporation of Durham; stable to accommodate {our horses; buggy house. hen house. Wood- ehed, and other conveniences; good well. Will trade for farm property. For particulars apply to John Wilson. Durham. mar69 The population 0! Owen Sound decreased 310 during the past year. having [alley frog) 12,965 to 12,645. - “fin AA-..‘ Thurzusgval of the C.P.R. steam- boat headquarters to Port Mcâ€" Nicholl is unsigned as a reason. Advorfloc-olu of one “Mucus: ingot-Hon. Farms for Sale. Ul' For Sa l0. For $8: 330 n!‘ Rvnt. containing well fenced. W9“ 25 under cquel': SMALL ADS. im or lo.- 25 on“ for an! insertion and 10 out. {or each Over one inch and under two inches. double the tbOVG anon-t. Yuri, at” on .pphcumn. fifi‘ L. R c. 9.. LONDON ENG Town RADULATE of London. New 321“ 1 York and Chicago #3â€"4 LPPLY Dims“ 0' Bye. Bur Nose and Throat. Black- \Vill be at the Hahn House. July 613U 2“ Oct. 19, November 16. Dec. 21. tinn hetw all hnm's. ' PFICEâ€"Over J. P. Telford's office 1 nearly opposite the Registry office. Restdence Second house south nt Registry 011169 on east side of Albert Street. ()fflve Hams 9-11 aux... 2-4 p. "L. 7-9 p. m. Telvphmw cmnlmmicu. tinn between affine and residence at. Arthur Gun, II. D. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF fice in the New Hunter Block. Ofice monrs‘ 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. In. and] $09 3. m. Special attention given to diseases if women and children. Residence on ooeite Presbvterian Church. Junim : “’(".ko {ave Autumn Rny. London Upntnaumu DUI: I 3;. 3nd toGollen Sq Throat and None Hm- SPECIALIST .1 EYE, EAnLTaBQATAgposs .3 Beware of Ointments for Oatarrh that! ’. Contain Harem-y , as mercury will surely destroy the‘ ADS- nu for first insertion and 10 cents for and: sense 01 smell and completely del‘--: :23 20"" 1?" Mb“ “WW "l" “W“ ange the whole system when enter-‘ n 899 lemon. ing it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used -, - except on prescriptions from rep- lwb’dual 01,3510,” -utable physicians, as the damage 073- laIIIIOSOI'I lamlsson. hHall‘s Catarrh Cure, manufactured FFICE AND RESIDENCE A "by F.J. Cheney Co., Toledo, 0.. short distance auto! Knapp”! Hotel. contains no mercury and is taken bambton Street. LU“? TOW“. Durh‘m internally, acting directly on the ")ficthffufaf'fif (“if °’°‘9_°_L_ iblood and mucous surfaces of the ._~.___. lsystem. In buying Hall’s Catarrh 1- 6- Hunon- '- 0-9 c- U. (Cure, be sure you get the genuine. fIt is taken internally and made in . P‘PnlcEr,Ov9p J, P. Telford’s office - i nearly ”ppusite the Registry Toledo. thO, by F.J. Cheney Co office. Residence Second house south TestlmOIllals free. nt Registry “film- On east side of Albert 801d b) drugglsts. 75°C Per bOttle 8mm. ”MW Hm.” 9.1121,"... 24 p. 1”“? Halls Family P1118 for con- _ h _ , stipation. ' . F1_‘.--\k1nlll DIIIIIII1|I'\‘I.“O â€"â€" A_â€"__ Hum-s, lto 5 p.m. ngRRISTEl ., SULICITOR, E'l‘f. ()flice new!) opposite the Rems‘r} n'fice Lambtou t. Dmham. Anyamoum yf mouex to !oan at 5 per cent. on farm mpertv. OFFICE: Of‘fioe-~ ()ver lhmglas’ Jewellery SLOPP. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates. and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds. Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. 'l‘ht- St'hnnl is thm'mlghlv equipped in tenchingahility. in (-hemicnl and elec- t_ri(-:}l suppliegnml fittipgfzetc” fur full THUS. ALLAN. P vim-in] Mndvl Svlmnl Teacher. lst .‘ er Conveyanaer. c. Insurance \fiem. Money to Loan. 'Issuer of Mar- .iage Licenses A general financial busi- xeus tramacted. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) Intending Students Should enter at the beginning of the term if possible. Board (-anbe obtained at reasonable rates. Dun-bun is a healthy and at- trm-tive town. making it a most desir- able. place. for residence. Fl ty of anonto. Graduate Roya Yolloge Dental Snrgeoqs 01‘ Ontario. Dentistry in all Its Branches. Th9 rec-0rd of tht’ School in past years ia a flattering «m». The trustees are pmgrwsslve educationally and spare un pains tu- $99 that teachers and pupils have (wery advantage. fur the pr - per prvsentatinn and acquislinn of knuwledge. A. H. Jackson. O'I‘ARY PUBLIC. COMMISSION er, Conveyanver c. lnsuranc: WM. FARQL'HARSON. 0.0.. C. RAMAGE, Warning ANY PERSON FOUND msmxz; ALL PERSONS ARE WARNED against fishing on Lots 14 and 15, Con. 2, E.G.R, Glenelg; also on Lots 30, 31, and 32, Con. 2, E. G.R., Glenelg. Parties found so doing will be prosecuted to the full extent of the lamâ€"The Saugeen Fjshipg Club, C. M. ALL PERSONS TRESPASSING ON Lot 5, Con. 8, Glenelg, for the purpose of fishing, after this notice, will be punished to the full extent of the law.â€" W. R. Jack. 5 1 Duham Continuation School SIX BENCH HANDS WANTED AT once on day or piece work. Married men preferred. Excel- lent prospect for steady men. Apply, stating wages expected to The Knechtel Kitchen Cabinet Co., Limited, Box 370,’ Hanover, Ont. 515 J 1‘ GRANT, D. D. S .L. D. 8. [ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- AN EXCELLENT PROPERTY IN a good location in Durham. Ap- ply to Box 14, Chronicle. I. P. Telford. ARRISTEL, somcl'mu. 311'. or trespassing on lot 50, Con. 3. W.G.R., will be prosecuted ac- cording to lawnâ€"Alex. Alexander. Proprietor. 5 15 tf CABINET MAKERS WANTED Boxi'inan, PresiJent. FEES : $1 per mnnth in advance 7 _" '1 0mm: 1'). Front. 8". 0'0” Round. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. I'IOUSE FOR SALE Denial Dz’rectorv DR. BRCWN W. J. SHARP Legal ‘Dz’reclorv. Leaving DR. BURT. Ray. L;n;lon Ophthalmic Boo llf’. ()ver .1 J. Hunter’s (’hairumn. lll l‘lnl final and Pm Ma t ricuhtt i‘ m Secrvtm'v 58tf When your child has whooping cough, be careful to keep the cough loose and expectoratiou easy by giving Chamberlain’s Cough remedy as may be required. This remedy will also liquify the tough mucous and make it easier to expectorate. It has been used successfully in many epidemics and is safe and sure. For sale by all dealers. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS take notice that the Trustees of S. S. No. 3, Bentinck, will receive tenders up to June 16th for the building of a new brick. school. Plans and specifications may be seen at Vickers post office. Time of completion to be specified by the contractors.-J. W. Vick- ers, Secy.-Treas. 522d WANTEDâ€"A COMPETENT GIRL for general housework; small family. References required.- Mrs. D. Allan. P. 0 Box 92. (“:uvelph Ontario. 6122 In the Surrogate Court of the (‘ounty of Grey. In the matter of the estate of James; Falkingham, late of the Town of Durham. in the (‘ounly of Grey, Gentleman. deceased. NOl‘H‘E is hereby given, pur- suant to Ontario Statutes 1911, Cap. :36. Sec. 55. that all persons having claims against the estate of the said James Falkingham. who died on or about the 20th day of May, A. I). 1913, are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P. Telfor-tl, of the Town of Durham, Solicitor for the executors, on or before the 28tl day of June, A.D. 1913, their addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day the executors will pro- cee-zl to distribute the assets of the estate among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice; ‘ A if ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY warned against’ trespassing on Lots 5 and 6, Con. 9. Glenelg. for the purpose of fishing, hunt- ing, trapping or camping.â€"-The Saugeen Hunting, Fishing, Trap- ping and Camping Club. 4243 NOTICE TO CREDITORS I“ 5.. v “Dated tHev-l‘Z'O-th day of May, A. D. 1913. STRAYED TO THE PREMISES. OF the undersigned, Lot 34. Con. 1. S.D.R., Glenelg, on or about May 14th, 2 two-year-old steers, one with White face; 5 one-year-olds two steers and three heifers, two gray, one red. one spotted red and white and one red with white face; all with round punch mark in right ear. The owner may have same by proving 1n op- erty, paying expenses and tak- ing them away.â€"Otto Konold. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 27th June. 1913, for the conveyance of His Majesty‘s Mails on a proposed Contract for four years six times per week, Over Rural Mail Route from. Ayton (via. Moltkei, Ont, from the POStmaSter-General’s pleas- ure. Printed notices containing furth- er information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Ayton, Moltke, and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector at Toronto. TENDERS WANTED Post Office Department, Mail Sgersm Branch-Ottawa, May 14th: 1 1 . Servant Wanted MAI L CO :‘M TRACT Warning! W m. (‘ am 9-1‘ :m (1 ROM. McFarlane, G. C. ANDERSON Superintendent. NOTICE m DURHAI CHRONICLE Executor s. in their Solicitor, J. P. Telford. all“ L'LI-‘a. stvy. u-.-â€"~â€"d , _ _ _V '_ Mrs. Falkingham and baby re- turned to Owen Sound. after spending a week with Mrs. E. Roceborgugh “ ‘ _I _ bi Mr. Will Livingston is under the du':‘.()x"S care at present. Hope he will soon be better again. Mr. H.W. Hunt is making ready for his silo. and exnects the men :19 xl Week Mr. and Mrs. J. W Vickers were guests of their daughter. Mrs. Herb. Chittick, of Lamlash. Mrs. Merchant. of Toronto. spent a day or so with her cou- sin. Miss Maud Cuff. v..- --v A happy event was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Donnelly. on Wednesday. June 4, when their second daughter. Alice. was married to Mr. Alex. Aline. of Gle-nelg. The ceremony was con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Prudham. of Durham. At't‘ive o’clock. to the strains of the wedding march, played by Miss Alice, sister of the groom, the groom took his place under an arch and bell of evergreens. The bride. who was given away by her father. looked. beautiful. dressed in cream silk. and carried a bouquet of daisies carnations and maidenhair fern. tied with cream rihhnn. and War“ the groom‘s gift, a pearl brrmr-n. The. bride’s travelling: suit \uo': ni\'_\' .‘Pl'g't'. with r'rea'n h: THE'l ostrich plume. After the cerv- mony. the bridal party and gaests sit down to a table laden with gout! thing'S. The fomustorey ('ztka' drouruted the table. Only tinn imntt Hate relatives and A frizndt u. the contracting: parties ert- ire t"ll'.. The lil‘lil.‘ rm-eived manv rmtly gifts. anion: them be- ing .H‘Vez‘ul (:lzquvs‘. on? from her father {or $31.0, Mr and Mrs. H- int; will l't’FltiC in (ilvnvlg. “'0 wish them a happy \x'elzlel life. ‘ Ill! drug-o Mr. Chas. “Lawrence has the masons and framers working at his new barn. Mrs. Ben Coutts and two child- ren spent a couple of days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Atkinson, Glenelg. â€" Mrs. MCCulloch'. an. is not on- ioying the best of health at pres- ent. Hope she will soon he‘ well. The following items from The Mount Forest (‘onic-derate of May 6,1873, may be of interest to some readers: The morning train from here. and the afternoon train from To- ronto .have been taken oii'. so that there is only one Pain 3 day each way, so timed as to oblige bu‘inf‘SS visitors to the city to remain two nights there. This is a great incomenience The electors of Egremont are strongly urged to support the hy- 111W in ai~il of the \Vyeiliyngton Grey uni Bruce Railway from Hdfl'ikinn or Palmerston to Durham via Holstein. By the Board of School Trustees A. Donowgix was pain! $30 for :30 cords of first quality wood, and H. Klug $16.60 for 10 cords. Applica- tions for nvw teachers were con- si-lereu; S. A. Young, $240; S. Mc- Ansfi to task Durh 11m [HOD si-Jereu: S. A. Young, $240; S. Mc- Farlane, $250; Fanny Bate. $250: M. Groves, $330. The secretary was instructe-i to write to the two lat- ter and offer then at the rate of $.00 per annum. Miss Groves “re- ported for duty and was assigned the first anti second divisions. The secretary was instructed to corâ€" respond with Miss Shannon. and if not successful to advertise for a teacher at a salary of $200. Homestead Fertilizers are manu- factured and sold by the Michigan Carbon Works, Detroit, Michigan, who will send free to any farmer their book on fertilizers with a handsome calendar, postage paid. They want agents where they are not now represented. Address Michigan Carbon Works, Postofv {ice Drawer 814â€"A. Detroit. Mic..- igan, asking for terms. Mr. and Mrs. McNeilage. of Owen Sound. were presented by the congregation of Knox church with tickets to Scotland and a nurse of gold. They have been faithful servants of the church for 27 years and the men of the con- Negation thought a holiday would do them good, and. decided to give them a trip to the land of their childhood. l \V . Em?! age of our llVL'S has its' 103'8. Old people should be happy and they will be if Chamberlam‘s Tablets are taken to strengthen the digestion and keep the bowel:' regular. These tablets are mild and gentle in their action and es»- pecially suitable for cple of middle age and older. or sale byg all dealers. 1-8 Durham Chronicle is take‘m task for its support of the ham and Cliiford Railway by- ‘ which it place; before the tors of Normanby and Egre- FORTY YEARS AGO. There was a good attendance at the Women’s Institute meeting on Saturday, when Mrs. W.J. Hunter. of Peel county, gave a splendid address on “The Benefits of Insti- tute Work, and Common-Sense in Housekeeping.” Mrs. Ellis, Dilt- rict President, gave a good paper on “Hoepiltality and Cheerfulnesa.” A pleasing .30le was rendered by Miss Ine-ne Wilson. Rm. (3.8. Milligan, rec-entlg this place, was recently m ucted intn the [natural change of Guth- rie, and two associated r-mlgrega- tions. in the Presbytery of Sarnja. Artemesia council met in the town hall on Saturday, When Court of Revision was also held But few changes were made on the as- sessment roll. Rev. Mr. Bandey, a representa- tive of the Dominion Alliance. spoke in the interests of the Alliâ€" ance to a good congregation in the Presbyterian church on Sun- day. The address was good Mr. M. K. Richardson occupied the, Methodist pulpit on Sunday morning, and his excellent timely address should have a good ef- fect on the congregation by way of greater liberality in sustaining the finances of the church. At the evening service, in charge of the W.M.S.. Mrs. Thurston conducted the. «devotional part, and Mrs. R.H. Wright gave a full report of the recent Women’s Missionary con- vention in Toronto. Reeve Mc'l‘avis.h‘.s family are now on their usual summer outing in a large tent pitched in the grove at; the rear of the Flasher pund,: where they entertain many visit-'3 cm. i "P'rincipal Hoiland presides this week and next at the exams. of the Second and Third Forms of the. High _s_chool. Mrs. Jos (‘linton left on Tues- day to \isit relatives at Trenton B:111(:,'o11t and other points in H1151â€" ings county. Mr. \‘l 111 “1lcock left some (1:135 ago to take a position 111 minim, loginoering at Cobalt. V[he Hig‘ l1 school baseball 11038 111 to Kimhexley Saturday for :1 “match 11 1th the valley bO3 5. who wow the “inners. A number of the giils “ent along to join the 1103‘ in a.>iC11ic. and a iollv time was spent. Dr. E. K. Richardson. of Toron- to. 5:.ent Sun (.135 with his valents -__"__ wMr. H. Hooper. president of the. Dominion Regalia (‘0., Toronto. has gone on a three months’ trip to Europe {or the. benefit of his health, which has not been good recently. Mrs. Hooper accompan' ied him. His old friends here hope he may neturn restored to former health. ."‘V"vâ€"- Miss Waller has returned from an extended ViSit With her sister at Mono Centre. to. .5 here A horse belonging to \11. J;.19 Mrs Stafford took fright on the street from last week. and before it was goL sister under con-.trol the buggy to which Mrs it was hitched suffered badly at who its heels 4th 1i Mr. Emerson Bellamy has gone 10 Aurora to take a position in a hardware store. Miss Mamie Sullivan is home from Montreal on a holidav. Mrs. VanDusen has returned from Toronto to again occupy her own home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wood, whn have been living in Stratfnr] im‘ several months, have returned to their home here. Mr. R .H. Goldhawk is haVinE! the exterior of his residence re- painted, and a neat verandah erected in front Mr. Body Ste“ art is hming his house in the \illage ieâ€"shingled and otherwise improved Mrs. J. W. Armstrong‘s property is being impx'oved by the painter’s brush. K "household eipcnses" paying all bills by Cheque has n Mr. Wes. Buskin has had the ex- FLESHERTON. 9F @ANADA “9D OPF'CQ TORONTO | ""' DURHAM BRANCH, Kenn _ Dan I mu [mam magnum At the Chronicle Printing House, 0 Street. mam. . '1": Cummcu will l. .umPt‘on guy “like”. free at p0:1:::‘f: 8m- - on Mpor ~ - 0 year. ahlr 1 - 41.50 any be clawed H not 33pm. "1‘33 :1.“ to which over; ~ nbacflption in mm in (Minute-d.“ w numb” on "it ultimo libel. Kn mp0] db, continued to :1] strum are paid. ".3.“ ’n '1‘: option of tho proprietor. For transient udvenmm... M'om‘ “a“ pet line for the first 1:: mm o - t‘on: 3 00!!!! per lillt‘ Path on“: quest {amnion minim: manure. i-unungm cards. not exceed“! one inch “.00 um um“. Advmutfi wfithout ‘Mmc divéchnns 171‘ be pnblhhod till forbid u I chum“! Irrnmm if Tammie 1t nohmâ€" 'L( at. "=Found.‘ “Fox 5. e ‘ «0,â€"50 count for first inurflon. 2.5 mm.- mr ac}- All “vol-thalamu- ordered by strung“ .- mm to Mid for ta «hum. li'l‘noh'néifi insertion . Contact am for you-q advemnmm..m nhhod on upplicntfion to the omoe A. BELL UN DERTAKER and Funeral Director\ Magnet Cream Separamm and R. EWEN iFURNlTURE AND (UNDERTAKING terior of Int-painted Mrs. Flynn Was (-alle Toronto on Frilay M" of her nephew, Mr. Jas who succumbed to an tack of pneumonia. Mrs. Rev. McVicar is in '1 this week attending the J terian Woman’s Missiunm ventiml. EEPING . bank Account for Mrs. Dr. (‘artor from a few weeks‘ sister at “'oodstock ’tcture Framing (m shorten notice. BITS. “'4‘. MCKCC, (If TH who visited her son, .I,\\‘,. . 41h line. left last week In her son. Jos.. in the West. :4 panied bv her daugmer, Mrs McCallum. Miss Kate Bellamy is \‘35 relatives in- Toronto, Mrs. HI}. LeGard is visiting brothers at Durham, Mr. L. Ban-icy. 01‘ Mt. Pun-H was before maflistrate MoMullr! on Wednesday 0{ last week charged by constgble (‘ook “it: peddling without a license, Th. fine was $20 (adequ- Mrs. R. MCPIdden and children of Mono Ce the, are visiting Hu farmer’s pa . Mr. and Mrs. 11 “'aller. Mr. J. H. Adam h.“ resigned his msition in the Orangovillc High school to accept an appoint- ment as Junion “war on the staff of the alrbOD-d Collegiate In- stitute at Toronto, Full line of ( atholk Robes, and bl: u i, and white Caps for aged penple. DURHAM.ONT, IO PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNINI‘ Snow Roomsâ€"Next to Swallnw's Barber Shop. RESIDEM I: New door South uf \V. J men-nw‘g blacksmith shop. Em'mn AND Plumnm'nm Embalming a Specialty Durham W. IRWIN Magnet Gasoline Engines All SIZES his store an June 12. 1913' l\‘ Ontario i( U AGENT Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour Pastry F Common “mp, At “W .“I” 1 Glnnlww III sin: T011 luts Hr L ar MI Kindl'oi “min B» IINh [5 ud FEILD What Abou‘ Don't You Fat Specul timhr ‘25 Acres Hmnpdt-‘H- p” and” 53‘3““- 300 Acres and :1" ‘ "I. gum. 200 Acres extra 8 nearly 1 ‘xaa ‘ h ‘ '1 300 A003“ " tum \\ 1 00 Acres \'flN‘I H.H.MIL Ill US UP uhen } IEO we hue l1 Telephm LAINiI lHlll Reducuun in Tm‘ LOOK Ht l ”01' 1| res .I‘e. (‘0! 1H S".\|S \\ and It I!

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