Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 May 1913, p. 7

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tlettes 'r Dry Goods $8137 WINNIPEB .';n:‘.1peg,.\lay 19111. 1912. la 2mm 0! X911, I M“ nuai pam m tbebnc I med “nous re... [apparent results. ‘1'“ 90090009990090. lways fresh 90909999099999. oniectioner nd Grocer Mm 00690099909990. 'apturcnt resuns. a.“ 1.1.3 for a number of 1“. zero. must be good in“ .e sales would not m we them a fair "bl d- 00090990090000 0 al Drug tore , Durham EASON TED .‘l w highest mu": ndruggistn. mg m the basin”. 3; remedies, but fi . GIN PILLS that re pain in thchch. th Sm PMS orfiet mist-ta 2°. 1913. Drug rham THE ROYAL BANK OF BANADA M a)“ mun-on DURHAM BRANCH: \\ \1‘ t)???Dittfitt.30W0008388fi!fliflflflflflfli‘lllfltiflflw 2 6960636' ’ 'n i9 putting On 'rwm Toronto to )Iusko '.- ’th.‘Grand Trunk Agents. npnxmcncing Saturday, . lewing Toronto 10.15 a.m. damn, James . ° 'ng MUSkOka and Ticket Agent, Phone 14. eyept Sunday, arnvl . . \\ :mrf 1.10 p.m., "13kaF dn‘ect John Towner, Station thket Ownection “"th Steam?“ ‘0’ 3“ Agent, Phone 18. tf nfidvnt. .vtlxilxit»II plding g. The train n11 steamer at MU avoiding any pa_soenger8. iJZi‘3Cllau I U. Return connection is train Leaving Muskoka 10A5 a.m. daily, excel arriving Toronto 3.10 x 1913. he TH E DURHAM FOUNDRY MWWOFBW ’u 61' c E All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- - ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to nully call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat in our \Vinrlsor offices which are for Correspondence and for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY 8: KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. H N ml il Savings Wt u all Branches. 9w train, consisting of . Vestibule Coaches. dowry-Buffet car will and passengers are a comfortable ride ost interesting route Wharf, which in the away to the far famed v1 COME TO THE MOUNT FOREST] WITH WHICH IS UNITED inconronxrto 1m ‘1“;pr I lint". Kr Engineg eggpt” SundaYs MOUNT, mass: 0mm 1w: ly prepared fur a 1' )t gvt n hemm- (nurse uluzztc-s vxperiem-e n Maw we hupe tn haw infls EARLY INDIOCRETIONO AND EXCEBSES HAVE UNDER- HINED YOUR OYSTEM The nerves control all actions of the body IO that our thing that debilitntes them will weaken all organs of. the system. Early W Ind Exec-no bl" ruined thouundn of promising young men. ow ”sup LUCII VI‘V‘ “I. 'Iw..- “â€" vâ€"â€"' ”I“ u a _ to a proper condition of msnhood. They remsin week- lings, mentally. physically nnd semlly. How you feel? on the (see, eyes sunken. hollow cheeks. csreworn ex- pression, poor memory, lifeless. distrusttul, lack energy and strength, tired mornings. restless nights, change- up“) 1:: J . :is, premature decay. bone pains. hair loose. etc. a and general S" "d 'Fhl 93h" General “ 0( S. HUGH ES. Manager. "I..- Iv- QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT u'l' \Vood \Vurk . for a responsible,- wwi Ulll's‘t' in any nthm' m-P nu (lifliv-nlly in East: or CHARGE lt’l' EXPLOSION KILLS HAMILIUA' BOY. , , . the premature explo-i sion of dynamite on Saturday, Delâ€"'3 ’ ' h of Hamilton. 1% years' of age, was instantly killed. amu his father and brother were badly] ' 'ured. The three were explod-i The fuse was attached and the trio retired, but before they got out of range the charge explo d and the boy was hit by a large stone. The father and other ion were *0 hit by stones and pieces ls what you get WHO." )Uu sit. this smw. Call and examine our mow «wk nf Bnutsand Shnvs. \Ve .. £ pairing. Feed boiler Sash and Doors, Plea DURHAM.ONT. you RH” .g!‘ “I" w. E. WILSUN, Primmu. it? s TAKEN FOR CASH h (“n Slllflllt‘é in dit’fm'ent st v It Hosiery In \[iaSt s and ( hll Detroit. Mich. Valise's. Telescope 3. Club Raga, eu 9 nice lines of vatent. tan or gun- dv fnl the warm Also a huge Iange and Sths fm ' all um snmllpst tn for stop-over\ at any hi. inn. \\ e me '1' suhnnl in the) in spurring and mt styles an aw in “en tml Childrt'n it] HAMILTON ’ Steam In: and '"ltrn rostrz‘. Ltd back- up,” said Mrs. '\\'e21ir';z‘c’n. After some maneu- vering, the warren Icrined a complete circle, and {mgr-rs ptied books and ('yes in amt :‘it:;b2e Ladies‘ Mutual Aid Socicty. By now, Wedgewood was ready to appear in a bathrobe about as gaudy as the royal standard of Great Brit- a'n. He stamed down the aisle, and ann'ered the male chorus's cheery “Good morning" with a ramllke “Baw.” Ira Lathrmp felt amiabie even to- ward the foreigner, and he observed: “Glorious morning this morning.” “I dare say," growled Wedgewood. ”I don’t go in much (gr mawmngsâ€"l especially when I have no tub.” WeHington felt called upon to squelch him: “You Englishmen never had a real tub till we Americans sold ’em to you.” “I dare say,” said Wedgewood ln- dll‘lerently. “You sell ’91:). We use ’em. But, do you know, I’ve just thought out a ripping idea. I shall "have my cold bath thlu mawnlng after all.” “What are you going to do?" growled Lathrop. "Crawl in the ice- water tank?" “Oh, dear, no. I shouldn't be let." and he produced from his pocket a rubber hose. “1 simply am: this lit- tle tube to one end of the spigot and wave the sprinklah hyah over myâ€" erâ€"my person.” (‘hard took ing‘ thr hm vn \VOI‘dS. I Ville. was :m-‘l Mr. \V A. was; I‘vclcc‘ . Miw Flore 9) (a! Snyorin ’1. (111140.12 31 c: sinn‘lx'y Di é Hmn'y. of c, and Mr .J 5. :UH‘E‘. \ «l Lathrép stared at him pityingly, demandL-d' ”What happens to the ter.Lhen?” “You duraed fool, you’d flood the car.” “\Vhat d0 1 wood. Wedgeword's high hopes withered. “I hadn’t thought 01' that," he sighed “I suppose I must continue just as i am till I reach San Francisco. The first thing I shall order tonight \x".' be four cold tubs and a 101nm; souash)’ on “Climbing the terxvurds conducte tion conference. a Continued from page 6. EXCUSE ME! with a paralytic stromw anv» )l'u'y Jane Taylor, wiilow oi 11‘. 1 late Robert Taylor, passed .uvuyf on 'l‘liur:.tluy evening, May :2. :m“ the home of her son-in-llw. 3113:] W. J. Blackburn, Saugeen Jllll(‘.1l<'i‘.." from where the largely amen-fl» (H funeral {60k place to Flesherum:2 Cemetery on Saturday aftel‘nmmJ Service was conducted at the" house by the family pastor: Rev. Mr. McV'icar, of this place. The deceased, who was in her 64nd ‘yezir, was the eldest daughter of the late George Best. She Was 'ilmrn at Streetsville, but when a 'ehilal came with her parents to the Durham Road, Artemesia. Where ish-e grew to womanhood and spentl -most of her life, re.spectenh by 11th 1neighbors and friends. She was! Itwice married, first to Mr. John! 1Park, and afterwards to'the late! er. Taylor. After her secon-l' imarriage she lived for a few 9 I I lK'l -) uus .- . i ' Park, of Oshawa, and Mrs. rel, 01 Ottawa, born to riage. All were present funeral. and. have the sym many friends in their sud cavemen!= I'lage. All \‘ Cl C 1.11 wuw 5. - -- , funeral, and have the sympathy of many friends in their sudden Luâ€" cavement. The village council is grading and otherwise improving some 01 ontinued FLESHERTON. cam?" said Wedge THE DURHAM CHRONIC}. .’ d next week ~ted Vice-1’11“ Bunt, 0f ““9 Secretarz. -TI‘E‘3 Thurston “'35 lent of Blame" of Elementary hanan of Mis- : Mrs. Jarvis '3! Department d, of Temper- ‘nq r-hosen for 3retury. :HJdPPSS arul af- .nnvpn_ , and torical contest, in' which 31 stuâ€" dents competed. Miso Gladys is receiving many congratulations. in which we join. Dominion Day will be again cel- ebrated here with a splendid program of sport. At a meeting hem at the manse on Friday evening last a Mission: Band was organized in the Pres- byterian church, with Mrs. Rev. McVicar, President: Miss Flo. Le- ver, Secretary; Miss Mandy Stew- art, Treasurer: and Miss Allie, Williams, organist. Monthly meetings will beheld. , Mr. John Hales received the ap- Fpointment of chief constable at the last meeting of the village council. The salary i_s $125 a year. â€"A--.JA..# CUUII'LZII J I uuuuuuu J Miss Blossom Hansford, student in Manitoba University, Winnipeg. passed successfully for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, which was conferred at the commencement exercises of the university on the 16th inst. Miss Hansiord formerly lived in Toronto. and fretmently visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy and other friends here, with whom we join in congratulations. Y I “Louis Pivin‘ic was before J. L. McMullen, J.P., some days ago. charged with peddling without a license. The case was dismissed. but will be appealed by high con- stable Cook, and Mr. Pivinic will have to appear before the Divi- sion Court judge _at next sitting. Alex. McLean, of Priceville. was before magistrates McMullen and McGill on Saturday. charged by constable Cook with being drunk in a local option diatrict. A fine of $20, with over ‘7 costs. was imâ€" posed. A similar charge against another party will be heard on Thursday. h. . ‘- 1hr; * Luv} Hr'm'e I’st Assn-i U;1i‘lit 'l’hn (‘rz'ey (bfl‘viufinn held 5:» annual mt-e’intz‘ in: \Vzmgthe Publiv Library auditorium in n uiHurriston on Futnx‘rlzn'. There \trc} o 11' Mi me hugs :lttt‘tl’.1.=ll(:". Somv' ' l (ms “we conslnfi spentieled and (‘ehated thoroughly. a in ri few of which Were the adoption “as L of an advertising rate (- 'rd, t‘fe 30â€"2 ‘v V s Jtmnition that the association should late take toward the whoXeSale house 900:) i‘which deals direct with the con- ‘ the attitude of the local 1 I’eW'isumer, . Lmitlzsipress toward the mumcipality augh-{which goes 0 ' ‘ ' . Jam€8§printingu the extension of the :15â€"1 . Far-,sociation to embrace the counties ' firfit‘of Dufferin, Wellington and Black- Huron and the question of the; L mar- differences in price paid by the the-different offices for ready rint thy of The last came in for cons erable n ber- discussion, and it w ° _ that there was; a very wide dif- rading terenée in prices, rangi J. L. McDonald’s “Sandy Mack” recently in training on the track here, and driven by Luu Brothxx'ell. was entered in the races in (‘hesle on Saturday, and won the 2.40 trot in three straight heats. Mr. W. W. TrimMe was (me of the judges at the races. It. 1‘ o_“) ‘Ll uh -‘ so; ‘., Thé remains of “1' Wm. Baigd. \\ ho died at Oran'gmille on Satur- (1213', “ere brought here for inter- ment on Monday. The deceased. \1 ho was 93 years of age, 31' 15 born in Lancashire, England. He“ :18 a brother of the late M15. (‘ha1les Stafford, of this township. (ireo. “lcxens, U: the farmer’s p 1191 M911. Brvson \isite field 9:; Mr. Ham was home from B1 lin lingwooq Among Harold L”. Fisher, 3 lingwood. visited their father. Among those. abroad were: Mr. Harold Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher, Mrs. W. E. White. Mrs. G. \V. \Velton, Miss Mabel Munshaw. MiFs Annie Wilcock, to Toronto: Miss Long. to Shellmrm‘ and? Miss Andrews to Horning’s Mills. Miss Lee, of Owen Sound. visited at Mr. J. J. Thompson’s last week. Mrs. Storrey, of Ordngeville. spent part of last week with her mother. 7- 1â€"0 fwd- Mrs. Jerr lingwood. ter, Mrs. 1 THE “DOD leaving voyage Englnn: cant be: Mrs. Ale is visiting Best, and The last came in discussion: and ‘t that theye was a free supply ‘0 16 and the 101101171118 appointed Bun’t go to Owen Sound this 3k to District Meeting. It's. Alex. Stewart, of Teeswater visiting her brother, Rober wt. and other relatives. mod, is visiting her Mrs. Albert Blackburn Fred Karsâ€"tedt, who 1 in good health race: 1 the adfice of his ph ing this Week for an (N’IRE‘, A‘o‘u Dn‘-‘-14 .SSOCIAIOTN MEET A‘I HARRISTON. ore l Karatedt, who has not :oo-d health recently, is. adxice of his physician. liS week for an ocean He will visit relatives in and travel on the conting e returning home. We ompson )ll lfll' 4.1" heats. hlr. r)“ of the. l \Vm Baud; e on Satur-' o for inter-T e deceasvd.? {(1, Was burn . He Was a CPS. (‘hzu‘lvs ship. Day Visitors Dyson. Mr. ulluck. from son and Mrs. BRUCE (D ' The following officers were e.- ected for the year 1918: President, J. H. Rutherford, Owen Sound; .Vice-President, W. Irwin. Durham: lSecretary-Treasurer, A. Bond. Owen Sound. Executive Commit- :tee, J. J. Hunter. Kincardine: Roy 'Sayles, Port Elgin; C. Rutledge. lMarkdale; G. Mitchell. Hanover: D. lMackenzie, Paisley. ‘ a o ‘-_ “I- . nslv '_ The question of the aderUS ng ‘rate cards was referred to We ‘Executive, which was Instructed to issue a new card based on the recommendation of the (‘ana-Ji. n Press Association. The associa- ’ tion also decided to refuse to _ deal with. a supply house dealing . direct with the consumer. l at] \‘isability ;1“.1‘.1One Fly Killed NOW, Means W 1 MILLIONS L [355 Next August uri.1ted_ lgéally. State 01 Ohio, City of Toledo Lucas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is ,senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and+ State aforesaid. and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUND- RED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY g Sworn to before me and sub- scribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A.D. 1886. (Seah :A. W. GLEASON. ' Notary _ Public. ‘1"-- Sworuâ€"td before me and sub- ,4 scribed in my presence, this 6th; day of December, AD. 1886. (Seah 9. W. GLEASON. . Notary Publi(°. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in-. ternally, and acts directly on the' blood and mucous surfaces of the” system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY 00., Toledo, 2 Sold by all druggists, 75c. 0 Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- stipation. lfiidies‘ \V'nitv Uxfm-‘ls'. wnrth . . . . ..... Ladies" Vic; Kid Hxl'nrtls. patent. Hp. . . . Igulivs’ (inn Metal ()Xffll'tlh‘, mm strap . Lmlies' (Wu strap l’a'mlt Pump . . . .. . .. litdics’ three strap Patent Oxford ..... Lzuliea' all Patent Pump ................ Mint-'33" Palent. Gum MPtRl, ('nlf and Oxfords from $1.49 to 32.39. Boy’s Button and Laced 6 an Metal Ox A _ _â€" AA ‘- at having supply sizes from $1.75 to 3:125. Men's Tan Calf Oxfords Butluu and Lao Men’s Patent Oxfords. worth . . . . . . . . . . Aim Mom’s Fluent and (hm MM" (‘31 ton special word) ‘51!) for $4.50 Sale Commences Wed., May I4 And will lm~t for t\\() “eeks. Dnu't fail to get \0111 share nf the (ireat Bargains. Terms Cash. We Pay the Highest Pm for m of the advertis'ng If \(Hl “ill mkv aminnw tn lunk it mm \\c am» nfferninu um Until“ $3.500. Dollar Stock nf $3,500, limits and Show at 2?) per 0‘. discount “ff cast, w hich yun will b" the list below. 'ath’s Big Shoe Worth 110M ES EEKERS’ EXU U RS IONS T0 IANII‘OIA. ALBERTA. SASKATCHEWAN Earl! Tuesddy until “Huber 23. inc. Winnipq :an Return - 385 N Edmonton and 30mm - “3 00 Other Points in proporuol Rm um limit, two months. Museum's thm-ea'romnm 2.0. p... each Drfda} . W inclusive. B's‘st train n. “he. as \\ “MSW" 1511*;le d ( au'ly warning. 0:.:t‘:)2.." puamngvlb (U umko 'l" hwm-h Tine ('nnnemmns. AROUND THE WORLD flaw-press of Ash" Leaving Linn-pool June 14. mn- ing at, Maelerin. Cape T'WVD. DUP- hzul. ('ulnmho, Singapm-v wd Hong Kong, arriving Vancouver August. mm. Vepwl remains 14 days : Hung Kuug. “Rue lor entire err $639 I0." valnsive of Inninwnh he! ween arrival time in Engl. and dvlnu-tuw ”P'I‘Impwmof m and stop «NW .1! Hong Kong. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents nr write M. (7. MI'RPHY. l).P.A.. (‘.P.Ry.. Tomntn H. M m-farlanv. 'l‘uwn Agent. E. A. Hay. Station Agent. - Uuua hey Metal Oxfuw Through trains Ton-(o to Winnipeg and West lmcvd. wnrth ‘O. Sale $3.75 ...... $4.00 809 price 83.75 Calf Oxfords “'. B. Hamil- nu Llw c and Phil Dena. 9"" Cent .50 Sah- prioe {Dc ,7?» Sal” price Lil) Mu \‘nIv price 23” ,m 511v price 2.1!) .m Sale price 2. ,0” Hal? price 3.“ Kid Blucheu and a ten L Shoes, all 500.

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