Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 24 Apr 1913, p. 2

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f,“ WEST PART OF LOT 28. CON. 1 W. (f. 8.. adjoining corporation uI’ Durham. containing 15 acres 3 rumba, t" perches of gqod land. ali seeded ntnv; good brick house; hard a-ui soft water. barn. orchard. 4'2“! she-d3 eta. '1‘. flanking; ;oon (‘EfiFORTABLE BRICK h...” -) ntorevs. 8 rooms;g09_d house, 2 storeys, 8 rooms; dry frost-proof cellar; large cia- tern; good stable. hen-house. and pig-pen: Xacre land. small orchard; well locate . ens street south. Reason for selling, ill-health. Price aWay down. Owner wishes to 20 West to spend balance of life with children. Apply to MrS. F. ‘ 41713 tf four months Three are choice animals. A150 3 young Shari- horn heifers due in May. This stock W11} be all sold qt .reason- LOT 3 \ COHPORTABLE BRICK HOUSE k. Durham. '2 “Greys high. hard and soft vat" inside, good cem- ent Itahla frame barn on ton. quarter a". of land. Price away flown to quick purchase-r. Applv v the Chronicle office. 727 tf LOT 3. (‘oxcnssmx’ P,_GI.,F.SI«‘.LG. hbrn heifers due 1' stock will be all 8 able prices.â€"â€"W- vickers. Phone in Eénthining 100 news . land in gqod cond 1913-1914 are: Town of Hanover... 'Villagq of Npugtadt All petitions relating to the granting or refusal of Licenses must be filed with the Inspector st least 4 days before the 24th of April. 1913. Parties interested will govern thmoelvu accordingly. For Ralv 0r Ih-nt. NW The number of If the year 1912 Town of Ram Farms for Sale. rham, at the Insp One o’clock, p.m., n9 for license for 211' 1913-1914 will I Town or J Viuage of Township fownship Ot- Normanby Township of Glenelg ...... ratior m whom it mav Concern 1n numbe It WileonfDurh FENDERS Ott Will fl LLIAM ALLAN‘ Impector, South Grey. IUNTRACT 10"?! 6! first condition. of Licenses issued 912-1913 was: anov’er..." 4 Nenstadt. ...... 2 O of applications for meet on Inspector’s SMALL ADS. I“ t1 Normanby 3 addressed to em], will be until Noon. on inch, or lea. 25 cent- for first insertion and 10 out. for each Over one inch and under two inehee. double the photo econ“. Yearly rate. on ammo-hon. His Majesty’s )I‘f )Ul‘ am rom )ffic om Dis COD ERS it ) 1 Ll ( nay PIC! 01 nursday .v n of . Office stab orse license sidered Mail that sion- )I Oi 5H {)FFICEâ€" â€"Over J. P. Telfords office nearly 0 pposite the Registry office Resndonce Second house south of Registry office on east side of Albert Shem. Office Home 911 a m.. 2 _4 p. all hours. "‘l V‘- m.. 7-9 p. m. Telephone cmumunich- tum hetwven office and residence at JR. BPf WN L R. C P., LONDON ENG {VRADULATE of London. New VI York And Chicago. mun“ oi Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. “'ill hp at the Hahn House, July 2” ()M. 1%). .\'nvmnlwr16. Dev. 2], ”Hum. In» 5') p.11). abort distance out of Knapp’s Hotel, Snub ton Street, Lower Town. Dutbm )fico hours from 12 t1. 3 o’clock , )I-‘FICE AND RESIDENCE A )HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 0F tice in the New Hunter Block. Oflice wars, 8 to 10 a. m.. to 4 p. m. and 7 :09 ,fi. .11. Special attention given to (“8088619 )f women and children. Residence op- posite Presbvtm'ian Church. EVE. An, TaBOAT nose \anI‘m )nd 08“? Aulount Roy. L (am. sad to Gallon Sq um )FPICE bra. lamioson a lamioson. M and and I. 6. Hutton. m least 80 tions. {1 quired i residenc vicinity. I ty of anonm. Graduate Roya liege Dental Snygenqs OHBntarin Dentistry _m all Its Branches. Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, 1d terms to suit borrower. Fire. 3d Life Insurance placed in thor- ighly reliable compnaies. Deeds, .ortgages, Leases and Wills, {BClIth on shortest notice. All ’ork promptly attended to. J F GRANT.D.D.S.L I) 8 I'ONOR GRADUATE. UNIVEfiSI- Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.â€"Unauthorized publication )1 this advertisement will not be Paid (onâ€"37085. _ 2 _3 13 ALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY warned against treSpassing on Lots 5 and 6, Con. 9. Gllenelg. for the purpose of fishing, hunt- ing, trap ing or camping.-The Saugeen unting, Fishing, Trap- ping and Camping Club. 4243 J. P. Teiford. AHRIS’I‘EL. suuormu.“ E'l‘U (mice. we: . Lambtun applicant must appear m «on at the Dominion .Lands *n‘r‘y or Sub-Agency for the 'nt of Dominion Lands (not uties.â€"Six months residence m and cultivation of the land met. 0! three years. A home- ader may live within nine miles his homestead on a farm of at at 80 acres, on ‘certain condi- ns- A habitable house is ‘re- Medical Directorv . Arthur Gun, XRY PUI ()\'91' Doug n00 Den/a1 Dz’rartorv W. J. SHARP 11c am/ ‘Dz’rgdorv 5 OF CANADIAN NORTH LAND REGULATIONS t Rnquondon Ophthalmic Hos 01161: Sq. Throat and Nose Hon SPECIALIST : Warning! DR. BURT. 1H .0. Pickering Dentist. Over 33d of a family, or r 18 years old, may quarter-section of inion land in Mani- newan or Alberta. t must appqar i‘n At Jackson 1 [(1 WW uppusue Durham erform W. W. CORY, [$2. "33: lmvellm'y Stow l financial .I H untar’s the Regis‘ry Any umount cent. am farm MISSION lusuranu 9r at War utial bum The sad news was received here ,last week of the death oi Mr. Herbert Strain, who passed away at his late home in Great Fall... Mont, on April 10th, in his 49th year. After a very impressive funeral service, the remains were laid in a vault in the Strain ,plot in Hi hland cemetery, Great Falls. The eceased, who was the second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wmu Strain, was born in Flesherton on‘ 'August 27, 1864. He received his education here and. early in life entered upon commercial life. In i1890 he commenced business in (Great Falls. Where he met with ’much success. Referring to him, the Great Falls Tribune says: The passing of Mr. Strain takes from the business activities of Great Falls, one of the city’s most inter- esting characters, forceful, ambi- tious and successful to a re- markable degree. ever active in that which promised the better- ment of the city and an earnest advocate of the principles and policies which he believed would ‘work to the upbuilding and deVel- opment of the whole northwest country. He was a man of ster- ling integrity. His generous heart. strong character and stur- d." independence made him a very useful member of society. {His death is regretted by his old {friends here. who deeply sympa- tthize with the hereavml family. 'Mr. Strain was married in 1559 to Miss Sarah Abrams, who surViVes iwith four children, (-‘lara Maud. William Russell. Arthur and Hert- rude. Three brothers and four sisters also survive him. widow of the late of the Toronto lim w 0 re hrou g h ( he re bmido those of her died in 1900. The Mn nesd rector of Christ, (-hurch pori‘ ml the marriage, which took quietly at the rectory. Mr. F. H. Kerstvdt’s brother who has been ill for some had his trouble diagnosed chronic appendicitis and m want an operation last wm‘k Owen Sound hospital. Alf Mi! Mr. Will Orr. w] 'l‘nnmto for three trez'ltment fm .wu f( v tion, is raw During his abse M! city the week end. Miss Maud Richardson is \ ing her sister at Imknow, Mrs. Gordon Laird left week for her home at Regina tor a few weeks” visit with parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.A. E Mr. W. Barnhouse, and dung Ella, of Toronto. paid old fri a visit last week, before lea Toronto this week to reside Edmonton. Mr. Stanley Thurston is 1 ahead in the hustling city (i nipeg. From The Free Pres he has gone to take the 1 sibie position of managing of two foreign language published in the city. The svhaml is thurnughlv ”Wil'P‘fd in teaching ability. in t-hmuimu and elem trical supplies and fittings, etc” fur full Jumnl' Leaving and Mntl'icnlmiuu \Hn'k. THUS. ALLAN. Prim'igml 1nd ViIIQ‘iéll NIUJPI Sc'hnnl 'l‘t‘c‘UTI'lt’l'. Glass Certificate. Intending StudPllts shmlltl vntm' at. the beginning of the term if pnssihlt‘. Bayard canhe obtained at reasmmhlt’ races. Durlum is :1 healthy and at- tractive tuwn. making it a must desir- ahle place fur residence. Thu recurd uf the Schuul in past years i-a a flattening our. The trustees are: prngreaswe educationally and spare nu pains to see that teachers and pupils have every advantage fur the pr - per presentation and acquisition nf knowledge. WM. FARQUHARSON, 0.0.. C. RAMAGE, Chairman. Secretarv Mr MI Hit Durham Continuation School n FEES : $1 per month in advance ing his absenc Orr‘s family ha birth of a dun inst. rru :lmvmtv. sun l'hisztlmvaite Fleming, of s. \V. H. Thurst (Inughlvr. Mrs. iun‘s Head, to a daughter on s. Woltnn, of 1 ins: her mm here rs of am mghtvr s FLESHERTON. \pril lt m DURBAI CHRONICLE SUI) kax severe rhmzmatin af reported imprnving absence from home Thurston is forging hustling city of Win- The Free Press staff to take the respon- survive I Turuntu 1911- for into her husband he deveasvd '. Fivv sons of re. dt \\ U ()1) this pin onto. rch pm has )1! ”(‘l sons hor. (H11 UH I) )I‘( friends :PZJViDg 19 at I) SI \V ( orm- hlam H ditor men's inst isit m l‘h 0U to U I You will look a good while be- :fore you find a better medicine !tor coughs and colds than Cham- ‘berlain’s Cough Remedy. It not fonly gives reliefâ€"it cures. Try it ;when you have a cough or cold: ,and you are certain to be pleased I with the prompt cure which it will .effect. For sale by all dealers. l‘l) ll Mr. and Mrs. John Chard, of Markdale, attended the induction of Rev. Mr. McVicngut wegk. “D3: C. F.'Otte§}ell is spending a few days _i_n tbeflcily. Master Kendall Boyd gave a birthday arty on Monday to a dozen of is young companions, and the_ boys had a jolly time. J___-.I “II I“ ‘0. l---“ Mrs. J. M. Duncan has adorned her home with a new Karn iano glanced by Mr. Basset, of rk- Mr. Geo. Watson Was on a business trip to wCréemore on Mon- day. The cuuncil met April 5th as pm adjournment, all the members piesent. Minutes of last meotingr read and confirmed Communu .1- ti-ons mm! from Angus McKm hniv Jnlin Robinson. Dr. Hutton 111111 The Municipal World. Peartâ€"Ynun .â€"'I‘hat tho l'm~\'v and John Mc 'illzm be a commit- tee. to see about a road to thv station in the (“OILâ€"(“irrimt Lindsayâ€"Youngâ€"That the an- nual salary of the Medical ()ffim-r of Health be $100.â€"(.‘arried. McMillanâ€"Youngâ€"That Hugh McEachern be paid $3 for repair- ing mad at lot .51, con. 3, :S. DJI. â€"~(‘arried. McMillan-Lin(isay.â€"â€"'l‘hat Jo Black be paid $2 for repair «. road at lots 2. and 24, con. 4. I‘ I). R" and A. BlaCk $2.25 for H pairing washuut at lot 33, um. . â€"-(‘arl'ied, Lin(lsayâ€"McMillnn.â€"That 'l'hv Municipal Wnrld be paid thvir ur- cmmts of January 30th and Febru- 110111, $10.88 fur supp]ies.â€"-(_‘arriwl. LindsaVâ€"MvMillzm.â€"-'I‘h:lt Juhn Lin(lsayâ€"MrMillan.â€"That John Mnf'iut be paid $2 for inspecting sheep for Duncan Mt-Nabb and 4}. Ritchim-Parrivd. I’vurtâ€"Youngâ€"That tho assua- 501' he paid $50 on Sill:ll'}'.â€"~(‘1IY' Limlsayâ€"McMillun.â€"T cle be paid $40 on s: Lindsay-lemgrâ€"Tha English be refunded $1 tax nuid in 1.012. :19 ht tax (lug be paid $1 (1819 (m If: Lindsay~ Firth bv I th What .9 allmvin IAN Szlgt' germs. an so far as your nld : old you make 3' Euphrnfiifl tIHHIShi'p council «inn like the rust of printing this yea and were not a little surprise \\ hen tenders \x ere opened for th year‘s printing. to find that a tenders were very much high: than in former years. Howew after some talk, a majority « the council remembered that e‘ erything had gone up, and it w: reasonable to suppose that prin ing had also to go up. Mr. '1. 1 ‘Davis of the Basswood 'I‘aver .who wholloped Mr. Murray 13 (‘0. and get :1 1 day. it (mly costs ynur money back cure dandruff, st. or itching of the 1t January for the De.puty-reeVesh2p. thought different. and was quite sure that he could get the town- ship, printing done in Toronto at away down prices, so was allowed to take the matter to Toronto and get it done at starvation prices. J. M., familiarly known as “Jack." went to Toronto some time ago, is back quite long enough to haVe reported his success, but up to the other day had not made any re- port to the council if he had or had not found some printer who must work cheap to get work at all. Some people are wondering when “Jack” intends reporting, and if he is going to put in a bill for his expenses to Toronto.â€" Clarksburg Review. I) A despatch from Washington says: “New and strange Indian names continually are being add- ed to the government pay-rolls. The Treasury Department this week sent warrants drawn to the order of the following as allottees of lands in the west: Mary Full Stomach, John Brings Home the Baby, George Circle Fool, Kettle Woman, Susan Howling Horse,She Paints Her Shoes, Helen Crows, Like Water, .and Edward Useful Heat. 1 .rt 11 ll \V ! ed to do :50. Man 01‘ woman, no matter W h _\ It indsay it( lkt‘ 00k Millan t washout at Alex. Bell Ix about at Mt timber at lnt bv paid nd («mun I'm”. ”0p “'3 s h! ) u! (ELENELG COUNCIL. Hail On Your :Hvzul and K991 )S It 'lhm‘o. it’s the use (if being huld‘. 391150 is them in deliberate!) ing \Olll hair to turn grm ‘ \ou \\ ant to luuk old beforc time? (iixo up the thought go will come only too soon lid in f‘arrio QUEER INDIAN NAMES Mi'Mill ning of the scalp. It your hair luxuriant, bri 'autiful. and it is the 11‘ ring, pleasant and invig hair drvssing made. will come only t after your hair. '0 will kill the ml is tlw only [M s “'0 know that is ll] MM ll‘( look young HICAP JOHN" '1“ ll 2:0 tn I’ARISIAN M 0 cents it does falling It hat ll:ll‘_\‘ farlzmt' bottle h "1‘1“"; 5 THE Es'r‘Agusneo Il‘k at ‘81; ict'ing’ Ming, ' ‘ mt“.â€" ; D ECURITY for both ptincipal interest is the first essenhal o :â€"-..-I--..-;. 0 .L‘- nk;'l." .n r'; Joe tlu (n' ll USE OF TOBACCO RESTRAINED. During the '1908 sen-ion oi the Dominion Parliament an Act was passed “To Reatmin the Uue of Tobacco by Young Persona”, which, we apprehend, the eneral public are not familiar wit its provisions. Seztion =1 enacts that every one is guilty of an offence and liable to summary conviction . . . who directly or indirectly, sells orl gives or furnishes to a person under sixteen years, any cigarettes or cigarette papers, whether for his own use or not, or sells or' gives or furnishes to such person, tobacco in .any form other than cigarettes which tobacco he knows or has reason to believe is for the use of that person. Any person found guilty is liable to a penalty of $10 for the first offence, $25 for the second offence .and $100 for the third offence. Section 2 makes it the duty of any constable, or pe‘rson having the powers of constable, or per- son authorized so to do by any by-law in that behalf made by any authority or persons having power to make such by-law, to seize. any cigarettes, cigarette papers or tobacco in any form other than cigarettes in the pos- session of any person apparently under the age of sixteen years whom he finds smoking or ('hew- ing or about to smoke or chew to- bacco in any .street or public place. Section 3 enacts penalties on summary conviction for violation of Section 2 and a sub-section to this clause makes it the duty of iustices of the (sleaze-f to compel persons convicte violating this section to tell \there or from whom they purchased or obtained the cigarettes or tobacco found in the possession of any such person. Refusal to tell is made a con- tempt of court. Section 4 enacts that if it is established that an automatic ma- chine for the sale of cigarettes, cigars or tobacco in any form. kept on any premises, is being used by persons under the age of sixteen years. the justice may order the person on whose prem- ises the machine is kept. to take such precautions to prevent its being used as are specified in the order. or. if necessary. to remove the machine within any specified time. The penalty for refusing to (-nmpiy with this order is $25 and a further penalty of $5 for each day during which the offence con- DEATH OF TR} Mary. Mrs. A. 1* ()nt.: Ellen. Mrs. Lake: James, li‘ fraxa Hand: Job William. in Letl latter nut comi1 funeral, owing 1 Deceased leaves at home as all t] and married. H brother, Peter, i: What) is superin Lake Superior 4 TORONTO IDURHAM BRANCH, Johnriellyt BUD I Tl'dl‘l- ©1F‘ @ANADA I]! mung t0 the distance. (1 leaves a lonely widow as all the family are uWuy rried. He also leaves one Peter, in Ishpeming‘. Mich. superintendent for the Aperior é: Ishpeming Rail- five children, viz: A. Moriarty. of Paris Mrs. Hillis, of Shallow 5. living on the Gara- Jolm. deceased: and onn. (100031 ethbridg‘e, mint: home O (ll «m FINN] AH for tht distanm n can that \V :I S H)" md the the 1h EIHE flUHHAM EHRUNIE‘ 1H m H II PUBLII'IID EVERY THURSDAY HORNINH at the Ohmniclc Printing Nome. 6am1 Btmt. sum-{pm Tn CIIOIICLI will ho “a. an “(my free of point m o. - $1 per at. Ins-131v mm 41.50 may Nolan-god! not to paid. 1.. to which over) ubmdption in mud n: demo“ the Immune: on the uldmn label. Ix’o ,npof‘ continued to 3!] “mm are pgid. oxN-m “1 «mum of the proprietor. For tnneient MIN-rhea. Ad'm‘ oente per line for the that: h“ - - tion; Soente per line each uh qnent. ineettien minion meunre. Prof“ undo. not exceeding one inch “.00 m: an. Advenieemente without eneciflc direction. he published till forbid u 1 churned umm Transient notioeeâ€" "A m. ‘ ‘J’onnd? “For 5" etc â€"50 cents for first insertion. 25 cents tor .. enbeequent insertion All ulvortloomonu ordered by “ranger. be mid for in adv-coo. Contact nun for youny manning-menu a Iii-bod on application to the omoe. and Funeral Director\ A. BELL UN DERTAKE Magnet Cteam Sepatatms an Magnet Gasoline Engines Ml SIZES R. EWEN Morrison, Andy Me Welsh and Thus. . way Corr-vsmmdmu-c ECEURITY for both principal and interest is the fin! essenual 0! an investment; the ability to realize “duds. a deposit In the savings depenlnent of this Bank a an ideal indium hours sorvm and 1! There is nothing the man feel so small as that he has been taken Full line of 4 Mthulic H‘DiN‘S. and white (“ups f: n' aged w DURHAM. ONT. zcture memg on short notice. When things won‘t come )1 way you haven’t the right kind SHOW Rmma Barber Shop. dam South 01 blar'ksmilh sl: U NDERTAKING 1nd FURNITURE} Embalming a Specialty Sm'ruk AND PROPRIETUI Durham l) (:(m road W. IRWIN TINSMITHING Minn it] 1t Orchm Household DINNEI 0“ April 24th, 191: hop . Rl-Il-‘IDI .f \V. J. Next 10 Swan”! Oilclsm Curtai d< 0m ll] it AGES Chopping» 1913 All kin "I“ ¢ilh i-I Ex!" chum”

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