Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Apr 1913, p. 5

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plexinn; it can. um and tendon nr sticky. ruby RoQ-‘aold 0...... yall'. 7.0. 00-0.... :' c. gent JOdOPmI. (i and EPORT H I!) 18 mwm» H.108 fl "9 .009... >099. O Ava: oonl No.‘ 16 )8 11 ll 10 25) M) and 50 I!) c5 .pril Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mactarlanel are in Toronto. 1113.3ch Wilson, of Flesherton, was no town Sunday Lr++++++++++++4 WM “3" 3mm Edmonton and Return _ A_AI. Home Sgokers‘ S. BRICKER. Return 3rd, 1913. nppmtnnity buyers as We in) .u inn. Unr lands “1- lo «'2 .nlian Nnrtht-rn Riilwny on thsfluth. nf that anmliun NLrlhern _ .. nl'dtl‘lll‘l lull l. and the Grand Trunk and (.‘anadian Northern l: nlwnys tn the East, being lines headed Nm-thward to row nw't with the Federal (invernment Railway now being built . - Hmlsnn's Bay. It will thus be seen that our holdings are ‘ I! \, _,-_t.\r‘ :I\ Q Dl‘l‘nt.‘°‘v “'ell DPr\’Pd by seen nuyer wm nut 0e tion to this. all our lat distance of Market 'l‘n ideal climate, in whicl oats. barley. and flax. run out ,all winter. reasonably rmld. "' u ' 3 this land for the and finds these reports materiflly at variant- ' . ' 'dent to making diiition. the Slim of $10.00 per day f1 land. This guarantee wil requested by any and. in a. lcmking over the our signature whenever make an inspection. To make an inspt-vtinu be connlderod Is :-â€"'l‘hese . lm-ted over nine years ngu. \Ve gut the cream ‘ ' in which they are Immted. and they are now - the first time. are sold at, frmu $15.00 to $25.“) per acre. 310' Bucklets containing full particulars secured from 'l‘h‘uw lands mmling {H Int-Minn. and infnrnmtinn "my b0 RDICKER. Sales Agent for Ontario April, Séptem 10020 p'm' bet and vet during May, TOUIIOT _'vâ€" "' Othcl' point. in PM“ Limit two months. m .d 0098. BOMESEEKEBS 1;; tfitoulh Throudh r .LIIPINO OAR. n. Comfortable berths bedding, (fa-n h“ Sf‘Cllt L ++ ~I~I*++++H+4' +4"? é+Jr++M+°¥+4 9 0.0 0". 0:0 .:‘++.§.+':.+ yz-o :‘ {O a [is are lhf'fltf’d between the main line of theCan- - ' hesooth the'l'hunder Hill branch ll) Northern Railway on the North (now under and the Grand Trunk and Canadian Northern '1» East. being lines headed Nm-thward to 00:1- l“e(leral Government Railway now being built lay. It will thus be seen that our holdings aro- aml well located. in a country well served by v‘w-mly fairly well populated, an advantage a m not be slow to take advantage of. In addi- ll our lands are within a comparatively short arket 'l‘owns, besides being blessed with an in which can be grown large crops of wheat, and flax. Horses and cattle being allowed to ' A M will he span the Winters are not un- that \\‘ from Twelve .’ Trains uucv. a v9 mnm')‘ I I 5‘ fitting this land {Or the purpose of buying ' fly at variance with the facts repnrts matenn expenses incident, to making the inspection I. the sum of $10.00 per day ft r time spent in ie land. This guarantee will be given over whenever requested by anyone desiring to W unsaâ€" Lem/o Toronto 10.20 1 her and October, and a‘ during May, June, July : Trams Toronto to Winnipeg Mâ€" from any C.P.R. Agent or write M. District Passenger Agent, Toronto it wi'll'l‘Se seen the H’P ill Quality” Printing Try The Chronicle ll IV nfim'iv um Pot settler! travel- 1m; with live stock i .‘..L- Will leave Toronto Each TUESDAY IAICI AND APIIL 10.20 pan. has? from the (’1’.R. at right prires. \Vith ace in 19 vqnal anmml in tml D 20 p.m.“(.1u;iâ€"ng March, .nd at 2 van. and July andAngust. mined and West e Toronto made out. :md mi H] them at Settlers afid {ammes without live stock should use “fie-giving Toronto 10.20 pm. Daily Through Colonist and Tourist Sleepers U S L19 G. Murth9 ALL TRANS Bvrths 11H Lt visit some mght soon? that El- 0 Wilton’a ankle is improving y. He has been in the house E le 0! weeks. alreauy, I , Mi’s. Joni) Philp, of Holstein. is‘: the guest of Mrs. Jas. Wilton. 4 1 Lauder, “of town, who was not very well, has been stay- ling around our burg. He is fast ' n the bracing air of i Varney. t Messrs. Wilkinson and Barber .had a sawing bee each last week 'and turned over quite a pile u; Iwood. i Mrs. Matthew Barber was the ‘guest of Mrs. Jas. Wilton on i Monday. Quite a hurricane we had a week ago last Friday. It did Mimi“ 1damage, more or less, to nearly iex't-ry barn that came in its way. lglliss MeVean‘s barn is very badly Wrecked, the whole roof being taken off. Mr. Wm. Mountain‘s barn anJ sheds Were damaged, also Wm. Grant‘s, R. Morrison‘s. and Jas. Melivridr‘s. It is sure- ly a good year for the carlwnti-rs. Vâ€"C. Ritchie. . Sr. IVâ€"C. McNally, N. Williams Sr. IIIâ€"R. Paylor, K. McNally, W. Ritchie. Jr. IIIâ€"G. Williams, J. Morrison, L. Morrison, (C. Paylor. Sr. IIâ€"â€"J. Ritchie. Pt. II-â€"H. Ritchie, T. Morrison, J. Boyd. Sr. lâ€"W. Morrison, M. Boyd. Jr. 1â€"1:}, Anderson, Y. Paylor, M. Anderson, 4E._Rit£hic‘. n‘fll‘l“\l.“ “What made you so late ‘2” l “I met Smithson.” “Well, that is no reason why‘ you should be an hour late getâ€"1k ting home to supper-” ‘ “I know, but I asked him howl he was feeling, and he insisted o‘ni shinnn mo nlxnnf his StOfililCh telling me about ms 8 “Did 'you tell him to take berlain‘s Tablets ‘?" “Sure, that _is whatI he mo GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT. } A schoolmaster, having punished one of the scholars for speaking ungrammatically, sent him to the other end of the room to inform another boy that he wished to‘ speak to him. The youngster, (10-: termined to be exact, thus ad-' dressed his fellow-pupil: “A Com- mon substantive, of the masculine gender, singular number, nominaâ€" tive case, and in an angry mood, that Sits perched upon the eminâ€" ence at the other side of the room, wishes to articulate a few‘ sen- tences to you in the present tense.” G. A. Field, of Sarnia, Ontario, writes: “I have tried five differ- ent kinds of fertilizer on my gar- den farm this year and can rumm- mend as being the. best by a' long way, the Homestead brand. which I bought of C. A, Yates. It gave me good results. I do not say this as: an advertisement .hut simply to l NOR ROLL FOR MARCH N.Y., at 2.40 o’clock this morning. ‘As a result, three of the eleven cars, three sleepers well crowded. ‘car and two other coaches stuck QOOOO‘ DIED. MORTON.-In Durham, on Friddy. March 28th,* infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Morton, 31"» I‘TER TO WHY HE WAS LATE. car and two on the tracks. I I'll!» $1,“ vvvvv ”but of all this- shaking-up,‘ drenching and general Wreckinh, w six persons later appeared . bruises and cuts due to breakmg glass. Not a soul was seriously hurt, although'men and women of all ages and children went through it all. BORN. BURNETT.-At Burlington, on Thursday, March 20th, to Dr. and Mrs. Burnett, _ a_ . daughter. VARNEY. Blyth is‘ The daughters of the late Mrs. Samuel Lawrence wish to thank friends and qgighbors fox; ki‘qdnesg tlâ€"lat is what he me Sold by all dealers, their "mother. Thuxsday, March 20th. to Dr. and Mrs. Burnett, a flaughter. -â€"Mrs. Burnett is better known here as Ella Robertson. hgéd 7 days. IST‘fi-tgfiburn, Teach” ,GLENELG. Lee is improving zen m the house weeks alreauy, see him around CARD OF THANKS. FE THAN Chum- I an SOHR Burlington- Mrs. Wm. _ Cray! 'to town 188! ween, auc; "my“-.. lthnee months with friends at Miss Annie Daniel left Tuesday Jaw, 8381:. of this place. We wish the young couple every happiness. I. Mr. J. N. Robinson, chemist at the cement works, left Tuesday with Mrs. Robinson for Owen Sound, where he has accepted a similar position. Since coming to Durham, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson have made many friends, who Wish fhpm mnm-v success in their new Burlington. Mrs. Wm. Crawford returned to town last week, after spending three months with friends at Chatsworth. “z“ Annie Daniel left Tuegdqy We regret this week to chron- icle the death of one of Glenelg’s pioneers in the person of Mrs. 8. Lawrence, who passed away on VVednesday last at the lunne (fl her daughter, Mrs. Wes. Arnett. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved members of the family.‘ Mrs. Joe Lawrence has been laid up with the neuralgia for the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Watson left Tuesday for Bowmanville, where Mr. Watson has secured a 5,2;qu position. We wish them every success. “UL... Hm CVE'I'V EELL'LOD. the doctor’s care with an attacx m appendicitis. n_-_¢ nun-«f tho \l‘flpk . Mr. Farr Lawn cessful wood be ternoon. Mr. Geo. Reid ‘his sister Jessie for Regina, whc .attend college. ‘ Mrs. M. (3. . end with 1101‘ Watson. "fiviggumillie Whitmnrv has re- turned to her school at Ingorson after spending the holidays at her home here. ““fi Mrs. John Lawren been somewhat indisx past few weeks. _‘_ ‘A Don’t be surprised if you haVv an attack of rheumatism this spring. Just rub the affected parts freely with (,‘humberiain’s Liniment and it will soon disap- pear. Sold by .all (lealors. ' UX great aid to DaDy'S U'dLll w 11C“ ihC is afraid of water is some 1 water toys which he can play with. Chapter 1, “Fill ”em up again, McGinnis!” Chapter II. “Fillemupgainginnis '.” Chapter III. lmpossibio. Fond Mammaâ€"Iâ€"Iere’s a photo of my little boy when he was a baby, and I ke one of him a he Id now. Photompherâ€" But haven’t you brought hlm_with you? “Fillupgingjs! “Fillinis! _ ‘Foid Mother -â€" could make an en -Pele Meie. McWILLIAMSVILLE. Finis! Business Is Business. "That fellow who was talking a nicely about love in a cottage must b a poet." . __L,.‘A Annlap "e! trying to persuad and buy a semi-det instalment plan. estate dealer. He’s 9 me to get muffled armed oottage on the "~Washington Herald. The College Hero. The football field finds him In He shines on tennis court; It seems he has a lot of time How He Did It. First Vender 0t “momsâ€"l don't know 'ow you sens '9") tor a penny. l steals the 'afts. 1 steals the birch. and 1 steals the hindin‘s and ‘ave to “K IV .C‘v-‘ arr Lawrence had : wood bee on Mond 30. Reid, accompanied by 'r Jessie, leaves Thursday ina. where Miss Reid will Same Old quail that Elllluy “3.. me on an. .Bel'Vlce- . ' to population. 1 Same old chestnuts. 83 -Kansas City Jam-ml. ! In proportxon , ______.____, {Russia has the fewest physiciansi Adwco. of any country. 9 ‘ More than 11,000,000 acres of 1; wine} 9‘ some plant: to ‘ land in Italy are devoted to “I would “he to 8 give it "1 COW gra . cultivation. put in my kitchen to 1. "IL" Vvkuâ€" 0' 1 Motherâ€"No. I t bought you make an enlargement from um. at aid to baby’s b‘ath when SHORT STORY. same old tires Same old Quai bill. Sam. 0"] n 0mg goldenflfl. I that shrmy a (nuts. 88mg O‘d Same old chca l’---n- m“ 1! Scott spent the week ' daughter, Mrs. W.R. Chapter V. he lender or Brooms-l made.-â€"Loudon Punch. nce, sr., has .posed for the his fellow loonl. I'. ‘l-v-v â€"' - ”(nut 3, same old (all . 88.! City Journal. 9' Ptttsburfih PO“ him auburn“ same old pod. O.“ ay 81 ghrmy can. same old (In. :L-lppinco‘t'lu SUC' ++++++ flousecleaning Goods In justice to you money back it yo1 iection’that really Good health upon tho lmwnlr sluggish the w: thrown off by laws. This poisons which the body. tum tongue, had h brain actinn. z; and other 1mm Avoid harsh ca They give hm They often agmla Come in tablet form. taste just. like candy and are noted for their easy. soothing action upon the bowels. They don't purge. gripe. c‘auae nausea. lameness. nor the inconven- icmes attendant upop we use of xmrgatives. Their action as so leu- zmt that the taking of 88ng rder- lies almost becomes a. deure instead of a duty. We are always ready with ev erything in season and now have a stock of Housecleaning Supplies Durham bl‘ The fullnwing are some 01 um ru Carpet sweeperS. carpet healers, stretchers, map stirks and cloths. mops and cloths, hair brooms, f1 brnmns. ceiling and wall brnmns. W1 scrub hrushors. window hrushps : hangers’ brushes. furniture pnlish. tubs, washing nmchines. washlunm carpet tacks. hammers. ('arpct felt. rollers, carpet Snatchers. garlmgo c stove pnlish. mouse and rat, traps. ( ‘ - »-- L There is a Benn Store in burly every town and city [handy for I Great Brittin. There is s diflerent Requl . ‘ . ouch especially designed for the puttioular 1“ for 'thh u is ++++~+++++o Children like Reta“ ‘ They are ideal for aged 0'. CAU‘EION: Blane bear in n---" n ULLU“ V’- insulation on exposed e] irea has W ithstood 23 3 ears using X-rays has seeds. (1 by a French sci-. There are 735 coal mines in the ‘United States, and: of which pro- v ' duces more ! nanny. than 800,000 ton! III- be following are. some of the articles that we carry: Sarpet sweepers. carpet heaters. dustbnin. curtain tretchers. mop sticks and cloths. mop wringers. (lust uops and cloths. hair brooms. feather dusters. corn 1: and wall brooms. wool dusvers. stove and window brushes and rubbers. paper- furuitnre polish. cotton gloves. pails. pubs. washing umchines. washbourds. sponges. Chamois. carpet tucks. hammers. carpet felt. paper knives. sewn rollers. arpet stretchers. garbage cans. polishing gloves. stove. polish. mouse and rat traps. clothes “tangles. iron- ing boards. clothes horses. step ladders sad irons. flue stoppers. hanister brushes. eoeoa door mats. Whisks, clothes baskets. Kolsom'me brushes. gold bronze. Mid ot her articles too numerous. to mention. irooms. ceilin :crub brushers. mngers’ brushes. The Easy Laxative cially designed Ion Cpl” u w The Real! Stores are “Amen-let’s oratut Drug Sm waste "1 y the SS LV CU Ian: \V he "ht-I numb-99g %¢++++ Basal! Ordeglies. table :- aged or debate ubleu. 50c. elv dependnnt 3n the) become alerial that \9 .mem accumu' nn generate! “l :bunded at iébOUtEped, and is now freezing. What will be practxcally ‘ would you advile? ', ht 'n .. 3’fi‘m‘fii'e1‘ff- mangd Sultanâ€"Add a few chats-bl and -nmncpd with an serve. ' (J1! J. MCAULIFFE ++++++++++++ Pattern Hats and Millinery Novelties 39mm Store 53'; *+++++++++¢ hey act tow: tion. and I100 and to make a ,JTOmISe \Uum “'C “I'It.y\;wu‘:.â€"w' certain that Rexall ()nlerlles mil do all we claim for them. There in no money risk attached to a trial of Rexnll Orderlies. and in justice to yourself. you should not hesitate to (at them. Retall Orderlies come in convu- ient vest-pocket size tin boxes. 12 tablets. 10c; 36 tablets. 25c; fl ableu. 50c. Make Us Prove It oil GOOD ADVICE. Grand Vizierâ€"Your minty. the cream of our army bu been whip- ped, and is now freezing. What maln aw in the am: am!» M "“ ‘ A__ Ln... “â€" extracted from rubber punt if ++++++++++++++ not sold by Ill dru- refund every ul ( n derliosl‘ o satisfaction. and we In ”9 that Rexdl ‘. You malt re make and: pro positively .lorlies will do m'qurwwzword mpdy 90d Ontario

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