Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Apr 1913, p. 4

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Work 01 this take the plare of brains . donsation. Smaller pape more condensed a ' to us, would be m me more app: papers to-day because they . not valued as 1Y3 isn‘t it Periodicals \ "Y is floode superficiality found. Chg centazt ands o Readiqg is too cheap, 3 teader has too much of a cover carefully even a 31 centage of the best “fawn _'_v‘r'â€"v--a "lava mu, VIVUCIK i " 3 Mrs. D. iiiâ€""man, K mloo s, credits being given {or correct I BwEliza, MrswaAf E. 1:“, 1:)! answers. The editor of this great Iamilv gayfififimif” Segrfigrtmigdgn: journal was decoyed into the camp 8 "l V. n . e . ’Kot” and showed a wonderful lack of amue ’ ancouyer, B.C., a 9’ knowledge of the life, character . girs. J' W° Jenkins, Revelstoke, B- and actions of the great man " and Ell-en, Mrs. C- .W- Arnetth - on the old homestead in Glenelg,‘ whose centenary is recening so . ' much attention. We haven’t read ,1 where the deceased died: and Who‘ a biography of Livingstone, and '50 faithfully cared for her mother; apart from a few general facts during her .18“ illness. The de-g we don’t profess to know vPry’ceased .children are: Victoria,g much about him, and the ansWers 5MP!” Gibson, Vancouver, 13- C.;' to the questions propounded could ,Mrs. Jenkins, Koamloopfs, B.C‘. be expected only from those who . Doretta, who (“Ed 111 infancy read up a couple of selected! Her brothers and sisters are de,-'. works. 3 f Egremont tOWnship. "‘ Wilson, and her ten leaves to mourn her! ’loss thirty-eight grandchildrenJirI‘ . great-grandchildren. l ime in the world’s history, but " :‘hree daughters “W ve believe that in this age of, er’deathbed, Mrs. -' ustle and hurry the percentageJenkmb and MP3' Arnett, I" I'D-I f real thoughtful readers is com-:I'g‘on‘ Mrs, Lawrence W arativgly small. At no time Was he: of the Church of Eng-mm: mizin. “('9 Want this remark t0 {Besides MrS. apply right here as well as tOiChl-ldren, she >thers. There may be more books 1 E c whet accessible ”‘89 general 1 contend there is '0 Superficial. It an I Ann Parslow (her maiden name During the past few weeks the was born in Wicklow, Ireland where her parents died. Sh: church have been giving some. at- come to Proton township With he] tention t0 the life 0‘ Dr. LiVmK' thn. bPOthers and tWO 'i‘ter! stone. the 8'9“ African mission- when she was a young Woman. try and 93PM?"- A contest has!!!) 1857 she was married to Mr. been going 0", {0" which a smaHiSamuel Lawrence, who predeceas- prize is to be given, and the '3"; ed her on the 10th of ‘March, 1907. meeting was held on Monday, Them-s has been a remarkable night, bUt the decision has not record. To them were born thir- Ff‘t be?“ announced. Mondavlteen children, ten of whom night’s meeting consisted m the living, John, in Los Angeles, Cal.; ansWPl'iDg 0’ a number 0! ques- Martha, Mrs. James Mack, New tinns PTOPOUD‘k’d by the paStorWWestminster, B.C.; Mary Ann,. Mr. Prudham, and anti“???d by‘Mrs. James Hopkins, Glenelgi' members of the competing sides,f g . .Sarah, Mrs. D. MacLean, KamIOOPS. credits being given for correctiB ‘ answers. .C.; Eliza, Mrs. A- E- nan nr' f0 ted abele )889880 as they should the! than quality I utter. This is prensi.\'e, a] xDensi‘ve t h; )refatm )U lot OI ill no can properly He carries about »t of undigested and knowledge. but rm 3t the case ulp and ated has 800983 1n 1‘8 . but in a sentence at 'd a second l paragraph 11¢ OI form bread t table. heat 01 the ear] 12¢ ( lit allectual g did: With H H We Wish reading, b danger t doesn’t ooks an rson rent char-{Visiting all eding 0119,11 on her Del-a] idea 3 flowers, su * may nougrandchildl any real] her pastor, I properly; at the hou night, rent ( )I Were l( .lS Ill) CIT par- an H an IE lI‘t ,---...\. LU .Vll'. 111 t and came to Artcmesia 1 near Mt. Z’ were spent, and 36 yea] bereft of h v years ago ton, and nearly six ye was married to Mr. G80. died in 1908. Her survh ren, the fruit of her first fire, Joseph A., Fleaherto 191‘ W {I .V Who : ”3“ "9‘”! A and ‘ the deceased W e "J UJIV l Welhxooa, Who, an appropriate John 333: paid a 1 U1 ”1'8 unin‘elgp C8D!“ _..---v-.. 3 ‘ reir resite The funeral of the late Mrs. Geo “Uh: by t ' ’ H S. .' , “hose death at Toledo oc-I 1‘ O curred , . __â€"§._._.â€" from her late residence here to.l the Flesherton cemetery on Thurs- ‘A CHANCE FOR THE day afternoon last. Service was, OF GREY COUl held in the Methodist c ° . hUrCh, (3011-: Tm Board Of Aorlfin “gated b3' tkle IL'Ianvr Un-- '7 - "HV7 1 ‘ we deceased ,fx'isiting all of them in their homes. -’ coffin were beautiful ”lowers, supplied by children and r. grandchildren. -Rev. Mr. Hartley, [her pastor, conducted the service 'at the house and grave. A large fassemblag'e of friends and rela- Etives were in attendance at the! funeral to pay their last tribute; of respect to the deceased. :' The remains were taken to the English church c .. __-__ . 1- m he county - warmed to Mr. G90. 3981:: ' ' ‘ ' 1 m 1905. ° ° ' the membé 'tion; Mrs Johnston gave a . ound' Wlil. Guy. at . farmers of the c} maggaThos. A: Flesherton: share. I) ‘., over ble. mother, whose m fragrant by her -- “w u “c.- emory will large lam- surviving children. 'I‘hn ”I - - â€" Il was confined to her four months with liVer FLESH ER TON of Glenelg, Mrs. Samuel Lawrence, 'Wbo pu'ed away to her reward,the luneral took place direct to ton Wednesday, March 26th, 1913, at the age of 76 years and 10' months. Ann Parslow (her maiden name), was born in Wicklow, Ireland,fLY9118. tOfll’l'oton where her parents died. 8118,de o earn of Ann Pmlow (her maiden was born 11) WickIOW, Ireland, , who predeceas-v' 2d her on the 10th of ‘March, 1907“! Theirs has been a remarkable? uaughters and sons in the news of the death of wed mother would be a of sorrow. Although thousands of miles nwou . W. Jenkins, Revel-stoke, B. and Ellen, Mrs. C. W. Arnett the old homestead in Glenelg, inn 4-!- ,- J oiScully’s office, as Mrs. Wilson, and her ten 9D, she leaves to mourn her} Mr. W lathbed, Mrs. Hopkins, Mrs.!bad cut wi I ' 1V , ‘,. .‘ S and MI‘S‘ Arm'tt' 1” reqonfilosfastlafigelgmd “Sit Mrs, LaWrenve was a mom-j . Miss Thurston, of To the? Church of Eng-mm! mm , ...,._¢___ __ it was the roheved of 32' this life to endure, LUV, ‘3 a ' Those 01- :‘ 84. me Who era] were. I b O accom- ‘ reed Sheepâ€"L653 Wool, lat, 86; 2nd, pale gu'ls W Medium Wool, lst, $6; " ' Swineâ€"Best bacon 110 2, an); t v “t: ’10; .m, 85. Bee! Cattle, ‘ ’ !is not as bright as life in th‘ She had t9*‘3‘Iand towns. The townsmen 1dy to depart ' their clubs 21 ‘ ' Lord's Will, their busine the troubles each other. . best way out of the diffiC which she SOOf late th‘er - 'has been organized the ‘j .' ( ‘ 0 .her be i . Centre Farmprn’ (‘lnk 1 IIVDP *VI(\|‘ her bed liVer trou- '1 he her last "LEN! ignation Editor Of her ' some . p a \V f ’d, and who her mother The de- Victoria, 3 in : meetings were 1th of; be a! better work than they ‘ now. It was thought by the of the Board that an app at the Toronto Flower, . Honey Show and prizes for the best stock from t] at the Guelph Winter F; be an inducement for Gr 81‘8 to put forth their be: The Board of Agriculture i organization composed of sentati-ves from all the Far: Clubs in the county ft of i. The object of this Board is spreati the good agricultural toe creature and to induce other. come and take up our farms and make them be they‘ve. The Board also V34 tter I h( t1 ve - V v- v yu, “IILI LI) ring to make life more cheerful 1 ,‘Glenelg, along come a few fel i’lows from the town of Durham l'l‘hese fellows come for a gom 'Itime, and to help to have a gom gtime, they get a little too mucl Eof the intoxicatin beverage known as whiskey. I‘he result is {that they spoil their own fun, an: try to spoil the‘fun of all tllUSL who are in attendance at the meeting. At the meeting held on March 28th last, these fellows hurl to be “called” from the There will be no the next offender 's 01' the county to do hundred dollars are di ‘nn- Miss Thuz visiting her editor. Miss Maud Boyd on“? 1322:. week. mum FOR THE _F..u:maxs OF GREY COUNTY. Jimmie Ha Harrison, ga bad out wit} Miss Maud vv 1 lull Iren, and afl' have pathy of the ent The funeral takes erton cemetery on noon, service to be church, conducted community. 8 to Flesh- gwaa employed I but. the Singular 'affecting the he {overcomeg By hi Will-age has lost ;dent and highlv ceased, Who life, and a BC ; but. the singular m 'affecting the h overcome. By his death, Proton Vlllage has lost an esteemed res;- dent and big ly respected bus:- f the county to eVu-y nd to induce others to take up our vacant . . so hopes greater mcentnve m PPQme the farmers are tr themselves, and ta‘ life more cheerful g come a few f< he town of Durhm Chronicle the rest or the Ler this end the *8 approacheu 3",“?! Of 8300. we, nae gone to Tor- ;e a position . Brown, of Bradfnm non, of Toronto brother, the Adv the coJfigii “P t_0 tne Boyd and “L'cu u V8 to at Present m t them to (‘0 BINNIE them neerful in few 1‘91- Durham. 21 good 321 good '00 much beverage result is fun, an J is an reprt_ Glenelg Mrs. J03 Glenelr We 0m daughtel. fe“ day s We omitted to Week that Mrs. Wm. P left for the W lenelir i’s life Ll 1.0 i this, were been done around thes since the big Windstorm u ncjng so many barns. Several 0 m be have had the rafters and s lesalelreplaced, and are in a C there atiwely safe condition now ,‘eady Will not keep out much ra been MPS. John A. McGirr spc Easter holiday with her b tr'y- Mr. Ab. Noble, of St. Marys t”- Miss Victoria ' ul in day. With friends fel- ' ham. dressmaking with good of_ _toWn. vuw, is years and u:.de Advance 2 years and ch I Sunlight is so im ‘that it is litt that worshippers p _, . , . (13339. Plant SUNSHINE i Mr. Rubt. :McFadde that ought to be v On Saturday, March 2 birth to twin lambs, Thursday following, birth to two more. them are living. B l‘E Miss Bella Donnell: spent over Sundav \\ Mrs. Robt. Bell. ‘ Horses, any draft , or gelding, Ist, $10; 1 lions, lst, $12: 2nd, $3 To be raised in G1 and to be owned by least three months 1 Show. ’. The $200 has been set a the placing of an apple Toronto in November, :1: hoped that all fruit gro assist with this work. Mi this later. LlLLle Wonder thflf 5.31:) The .Chronicle . a prevaileJ in mimjtm. Mall and Empire, 1 year ...... $1.75 a potato in V01”. The Chronicle and Weekly (there is a little fight Globe, 1 year .................. 175 will qprout and NY to The Chronicle and Family )und it with the ‘best Herald 6: Week y Star lyr. 190 ater it, and do the The Chronicle and Weekly n for it except that tness, 1 year..." ...... 1.90 pale it is! ' The pro- The Chronicle and Farmer's ; stion, the great func- Advocate, 1 year ...... . ..... 2.40. filation, cannot go on The Chronicle and Canadian ,hg’ne. Nature’s laws Farm, 1 y ou- , m the animal world. Th‘ Chronicle a true that the on] Dal! N9"! 1 ear... “... 2.50 3d cheeks and swee}; Th0 Cironlcle an Dal! 8t 1- 1 Toronto on] irls who fi year...... 9., 11,9de sweet, 2;: The Cironlele and 50 Toronto . Lpttze themselves tn]- D89; World. .1 y -e Atkinson (5}) RIVER DA LE kinson had M h his sawing day, and got be veer): arqh 22nd u:.der, lst, $10; a dden has stood the "91‘. let, $10; draft bree4 :9 $10; 2nd. 8i an apple exhibit in rtant to life er that sun In primitiv e Ye _ry ”3” 0f Vickors with her aunt n on Sunday mention J n. Patterson l on Tuesday. _hustling 1 i [Pr ND GIRLS With Mr P‘-bu-â€"Irlal 512e, 25c postpald on receipt Iâ€"-__'. .- ‘ _ Grey DPeVious and John t aside 'afliingham Mon .imitcd,0ttav§ if you ese parts unroofod 1n Winter {me it lbout O y THE POST OFFICE AGAIN I Continued from page 1. ’ ing what condition it may be ; when placed elsewhere. § very valuable building 3 and the town needs but we are not yet prepared to ' face the cost. If moved to the west side of the market lot. as proposed, there are fears, whether well founded or not, that the weight might injure bridge, over which it Will to pass. On this We are not in It isn’t a anyuay, a new one, for 0.0 0.00.... '0'... t0 New ‘ Llubbing Rates lusty"). gm ,d Orchard. OIIP gnm] F1 hmmv. Must be sold Three Houses for the TWO are solid Stunt Eight Inmued ermlt- 'I'wn mums solid mlk ‘rimmml. and mnnllm Durham .‘”.o 0.00. 0..............‘ One of the Best Investments in OOOOOOOOOOO ................. f moved to the the market lot. as‘ a are fears, whether Jr not, that the injure the cement' hich it will have! 1111 GUN’S DRUG STORE [ALLURING The finest, of mughep ed skin. rel ALL preparations tor the co Hf D\\' "(’1 ..0..~.oo.oo.~..m fl ll Lomo. Witch Natal Cm- H‘ZO. Org.:: "” You Get 1: (Nil l'nulu f0; G.T.R. Town Ticket Agent Saturday evenings {Eon} 2.30 to 3.45. 1 48: Residence p. Brown. Prom-mm- A ND '1‘] NS.“ [THING MARKET REPORT “lll' nmv DURHAM RINK 'utlhin 0.... evening? 1'; .... 1 Sat turday ém ‘A- A. Town Ticket Office Buv Your Tickets Here Idditiun ' Try “ hHlHP ‘. nmmoy Chem-f no benefit. 7. APR. 2 1913 COD LIVER. (m ()R STATIONERS A M 5 In 16 Ln 18 00 II to now H 885' O U NH] C0.. U 950 16 18 11 ll 10 8‘. 2M 90 W Apfi: 8rd MH+++4 Other pnintq in p OUR GUARAN S. BRICKE 000000049‘ ()anmm lam Oppurt unity buyers as “‘0 Minn. (hu' lands ~2 «diam Nnv'l I" of thv ( "emu keen mlyvr tion to this; diamm'v Hf ideal climaI oats, barley run out .al wamuuhly 3rd, 1913 R III Anvmw in and finds (In we will pay . and. in midi! Olll' sums Ill of l he Th”; om'din WUIIOT SLEEP! llltl In Import; strum um I. lwnys lo I t. with lhv \\ >+++++ +4" Throuéh 'lflfld‘flll ll l). 1| lw he

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