Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Feb 1913, p. 4

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“Ir" A- MCDonald, N. I '00. H. Grasby, M‘ CODMI'. Executive H. Junon, N. Hat Auditory A. Brown ‘V' V..“.‘ A. Hay. Directors, W hand of $13.35: The officers elected {or suing year are: Hon. Pres., R. J. Bali Hon. Vice Pres., D. Jamieam W. Black; lat Vice Pres Oyns; 2nd Vice Prem, W. J. ie; 3rd Vice Prem, C. W. Secy.’ w. A_ upMnnIA. m_ 9d to 9285.64, and ex] 9272.32, leaving a no." for nual meeting on Febru A. H. Jackson’s offices purpose of electing 01 l“_ bered. The names of paupera may be published occasionally, but only to be forgatten. We believe the West is a good country for an honest and industrious man, but 8 that every hon-f re poor people. .I as in the east” , ho stick to busi? , I ness and overcome the tons and, riCh maple bored. Tho 38 rurnes m many cases came through lueky speculation, and the rapid inerease in the value of property they were able to hold for a few years and dispose of at better priees. perous ones are heard of: the‘ others don’t report. Land speculators and speculat-I ors in town property make money: fast some times, . ‘ they (all just as t that some WNIlthy in "f )l tte has two hundred and sev- illionaires. The two hund- i seventy poor people who free breakfast didn’t by ans represent the Whole n! asby, M. Wilson. W. I). :ecutive Committee, A ’ N. Harvey. W. Clarke. . Btown 1r. ow 1-..“... ls. consider teu reports be true. Toron- ot a poor city by any but Toronto has a great voor people who don’t know their next meal is Last week we mm n! “-M ' MCDonald ; Trleas H DURHAM, FEBRUARY 27th. 1913 Prnsxwrity 90 unit mr or next meal is coming It week We told of two nd seventy hungry, shiv- who partook of the tree at the Yonge Street nthe previous Sunday Though Toronto 1183‘ people, we don’t hm' POOR PEOPLE IN THE WEST “In conversation Wit} 1ftor mg: n r. Lang, W . Harvey, . 20 FOUR there is Ba“, M.P.; u Jamieson; Pres. o '”WI~ E "09 32'! no stick to hasn't" ’ the toils and, will succeed in’ the West. I eek we published a letter satisfied Western man. 000 m from the W Ving a large}. class of birds, Year amount- eXPenditure balance ("1 PPS W. J. Ritch- Z‘. W. Lang; ih Stflfnd ble truth. The {or the en- to ("On W years, b "07139 Street Viuus Sunday Toronto has We don’t be- Who m4 IS . Ritchie, in tell ‘ In hlS closing 1‘1 ia tribute to the 8 43. Miller While he 0' the House, and >m the Wpst last "I that there is rtv in the: Want in Ontario. Hp 0‘71“ 0F fl 100 “7 is nnn n Grey I ma out Of fix no ()1) 1‘6 He scored the idea of t] being an emergency, notw ing the contentions of Mr LI_ " ‘ gle ,’ The attendance w "'3 the vac he athcr, anal th( the roads. Moreover as it isn’t likely ”V that an election will come for o ' yet, notwithstanding the Opposition that t will be forced to ' ernment $35,000,000, ' for purposes of defence. ed at some length of t lating' character of ment, and the injustic such a grant without he vacil- the Govern- e of making first get- f The annual meeting of the South Grey Liberal Association was held here on Friday afternoon last. The president, Dr. Mearns, of H over, occupied the chair, and discharged the duties Very ac- ceptably. Secretary Ramage was the man behind the quill, and took extensive notes of the dresses. an- nt her own battles “ )m the colonies. He (1 at representation in . House of Commons any benefit to the co. number 0! represent - --.‘. yuIJUDHL‘U, we feel 0 are just entering 9 best serial that eve 9 ed in our columns. . - mm. H m. lsctur :mi Mrs. (5 upon 9:12 : chtur, “fire prvuunt at the flu r appeur- . tmu, wlm:h cousustefl of :m dross and proseutrltmn, follmx f by a sumptuous «’imwr. Fourt-u Opening : {Intimdcbi’lt‘lrun “(er alS(’lP{p§PRIt‘ xt week, . w 10 H (:21: 99 “as rpm )3'_ x Q . Nlu'l McFandou. and the prvsvnt tion mmlo bv two other gran children, Misses Elva and Gert “hmâ€"v- - » -- u -mw‘wflfim Lawroure. The following is t] THE IJRFDAI {’nmnrmm.n.. address: thought the; - _--- A'tt‘J I)lll, D), the Borden Government 3 to give the British Gov- t $35,000,000, to be used Doses of defence. He talk- |ome length of the v haracter of 1d the injustic grant without ad]- the Govern- e of making 'otect our Canadian coasts iv nought the money should w on a Canadian fleet, 18. Canadians, and ow mtentions of Mr Borden, ca r and others, and quoted Cc led man in the (1098- the Parliament. on ““138. referred the ability 61â€"31, Luuauctf was fair, and t seats may be partly for by the unfavorable of the weather, and the the roads, Linrnnvnn colonies always Would 59 be voted remarks, he and her abilitv battles Without ies. He did not ntation in representatives roads. Moreover be no pressing" neeu‘ l, as it isn’t likely m will come for M, notwithstanding the Opposition that e a resolution of condolence be pre- pared and presented the family of the deceased. Mr. 'Irvine was always a staunch Liberal, and contested the election in South ' § ’Grey some years ago, as the stand- “ and held the : ard bearer of the Liberal party. 1 of the pleasure- . He spoke briefly on the Banking? iblic from first to 0 system and the naval question,' :Vel‘orit Was Dre- 0 and expressed his beliefthat réCi-’ :othm that ever 9 ‘ 'ty now a dead issue de-' on t e Tornnt prom ’ . ’ ived Wider pub“? : ieated the party m 1911, but if '9 popular patron- o [the people had a chance to vote (It‘d houses ap- Oinow on the naval question. Sir 9"el’v Ot‘C'lSi’n], Q ~ -» - - ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ Vllfrnl Laurler : Ll hlS . . medy never grew . , l 11) part), we hear of nov- QF‘VOUId be again returned to rumatizerl, but in eipower. 6 .’ . , . ' of ‘Lmfiuse Me!” 9] The addresses Were Very 200d.» has been nm'el- o . and uite tem rm" a for )0 itict Milt IIUghQQ’ tint, ‘fl , i1 1‘} - 1 dt I l I '11 mg: ,1 ”1.)” Will . speec H S. 1 lore \‘.?S applause at mating comedy of e that was played a g, 3- ago in all the o Ities of Canada 0 'nited States. paid “'85 versar y of has spared youâ€"fin. and mind to .99 t Dear Father an 1 are delighted to be ‘this occasion and re 0 time in the allotted span of life At the age of seven years, he. landed in Canada, at Princeton. Ont. Mrs. Cornish, whose maiden£ name was Helen Irving, is a nat-j ive of Dunfrieshire, Scotland, where she was born September 3, 1841. In 1843, she, with her parents. came to ‘Canftda, to St. George. Ont., near Paris. After their marriage at Blenheim, they ty. Ontario, where they resided some fort -one years. In 1904 they came to gskatchewan, where Mr. Cornish rented a farm adjoining ' Lumsden. Afterwards, he pur- 1 chased a farm further south ' the Wascana district. A few years t ago, he disposed of this farm and t erected a dwelling at Lumsden, ’7 :where they now reside. On Wed- I nesday last, their children, sever- F 31 of whom are livmg, gathered at k IJL‘I {II (- lmoving West in i564.”‘r"135 Lums-Zam’Bllk Worked . a Miracle at den, Sask., News-Record gives the, Healing. following account of the cere-’Re'.'exend Gentleman Fully Corrolso mony: ? orates. “Wednesday of last Week Mn! M'ss Kate, L. Dolliver, of Cale- and Mrs. John Cornish, of Lumfl-deflifl, Queen ‘ ’8 County, N.S., says: den, celebrated the fiftieth anni-;"l must add my testimony to the versary of their wedding. Fiftij'al,:.3 of Zam-Buk. Ulcers and Years of married life is but a «km-f MM" ““L‘ ‘ ‘ uwl\ brated their golden wedding on the 27th of January. In doing so, we are simply voicing the feeling of the many friends, relatives and acquaintances of the honorable couple who resided in this locality for more than forty moving West in 1.904. den, Sask., News-Record gives the following account of the mony: , uv a sumptuous «’inner Fourteen den; Mrs. J01”! “WWII, W'Isvulla. D " . . ‘0' , I ' “‘Q.~" ..r- gr"n(leh1ldren were also present, Porgy- Mount loust," II.“ \4 The fn’dress was read bv Miss Lumsuen; Mrs; 'h. lllfu‘.-.‘(_'ll(‘l'll, Nina McFadden, and the I)r()s(xllt'u_ Hf‘I1193'.\}i}(.; \ l€:t(ll'l’l‘ Mrs, Has- tion made bv two other grand-I t1" ‘i't h. ’1” Sang. , , childrpn, Misses Elva and Gertie .On the same evening. the Lat-11%. Lawrenee The following is the A“! “I the Moum‘“Hi “l““flh 01” afidrquo which Mrs. (,‘ormsh is an active wvorker, invited a number of To Our Father and Mother, _ 7 _ . 'friends and relatives to a tea in Grandfather and (irindmother. the parlors of the church. During \Ve have gathered here to-dav the evening. “10 pastor, ReV. 'l‘.‘ to mark an incident of importance JileSOU Way, 911 behalf 0'5 UK" in your life and ours, which occur- members and ,fl'll’lllils of “W Meth-~ red fifty years ago. During; theSe PdISt. Chlll‘Ch, read the years, you have spent life together illuminated “(1‘11‘0551 'amid great trials, and much happi- Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cornish,â€" ness at times, surrounded by your . Your many friends in the Lums- children, ODIY t0 3‘39 them one by den Methodist church he ' one drift off to make their way . gratulate you on this m the world. It,mgst be a pleas- pletion of fift years of marriedil 111'? to with as I? 13 t9 us, to 9'99 life. The lovagle qualities andll th1s_re-_um_on, Wthh WI“ mark a Hm “mm... m. . .- following I Ectnr, “on tion, which dross and 1 ws, in W Arcnl'l. .n and rejoice that God you in health of body to nee the fiftieth anni- your marriage. As a 1OLDEN WEDDING many years tb come. â€"-Y0m' Children and Grandchildren n__~‘ “ .u‘K- ‘vll .John Cornish, _wh0 CEIe- feelingly to the death of Mr. Wm. Irvine, of Bentinck, and asked that 11‘ 11¢ ll) H \V H and the {01. Was read by W. Cornish, Mrs Mrs. ll SUD? '{ltlllate Mr ()1 m bhlt to u superfluous time. \V 10 II] )Tl THE DURHAM CHRONICLE \k for political applause at to us it an ad- followed Ponrtven me more good~ Mail and Empi _ re, 1 year ...... $1.45 's,,,.i,.g 1 than all the medicine I had tried 'The Chronicle and Weekly I ' i SO I continued Globe, 1 8812...“ ............ 1.75 .‘ [.‘Hqi (, t e treatment Everv box healed The Chronice and Family than i the sores more and more until, to Herald Weekly Star lyr. 1-90 1 Harley make a long story short, Zan.- The Chronicle and Weekly Hit) f Buk healed all the sores com-1 Witness: 1 yearn-~- 1-90 Butter . pletely. Everybody in this place"The Chronicle and Weekly ‘Eggs knows of my case, and that it is Sun, 1 year ------ 1-90 Pumlm Zam-Buk alone which cured me”! The Chronicle and Farmers Ill-led . Minister corroboratesâ€"The Rev.l Advocate, 1 year... "d; ----- 2-401Huulgl W.B.M. Parker, of Caledonia, Miss‘The Chronicle an Cana “m Dolliver’s t Farm 1 year 1 90 ' (liltlllett minister, writes, “This is, , - (‘hop. n to certify that the testimonial or,Th° Chr§°lcle and Toronto Live H. Miss Dolliver is correct, as far as, Dan ews, 1 931‘"- ' l 2.50 . . I have The C ronlcle an Toronto “We; . Shae 5k nown her for a year and a halt;l Daily Star, 1 yeah..." -- 2-50 Woo and her cure effected by Zam-Buk ,The Chronicle and Toronto 'l‘ulluw is remarkable.” ’ Dany world. .1 year............ 3-75 LRI‘d.... Wherever there is ulceration, .-' The Chronicle and Toronto _ "lll'kflya blood-poison, sores, cold cracks,’ Daily Mail and Emplre, lyr. 4 ‘5 Geese abscesses, cuts, burns, bruises, or T1“ Chronicle "1d TOPODtO Ducks any skin injury or disease, there Daily 91°“. 1 year"... - ‘75 Chicken: Zam-Buk should be applied. It is [The Chronicle, and The Grain owl also a sure cure for piles. .All Growers’ Guide. Winnipeg 8160 ____.- o.“ ”5‘, . Wherever there bIOOd'DOiGOD, sores, abscesses, cuts, bl." any Skin i‘njux-‘x 9r 7"... n_-‘ ’h 1t Minister corrobox ates .-â€"'l‘he W.B.M. Parker, of Caledonia, ' ’ minister, writes, “'1‘ £0. cerlify that the testimonia sores pletely. Everybody in this knows of my case, and that Zam-Buk alone_which cured vuc uay a Irlerm asked me if N ‘ ° I had tried Zam-Buk. I said I had! CW unbbmé not, ‘mt I got a box right away.'Th¢ ChPODiCle and That 1” '. Mail and Empire, 1 than all the medicine I had tried 'The Chronicle and , continued Globe, 1 981‘ ...... the treatment. Every box healed The Chronice and and more until, to Herald 5‘ Weekly 5 make a long story short, Zan, The Chronicle and Buk healed all the sores com- Witness. 1 year... pleteIYo Everybody In this place'The ChroniCIE and kno‘vs 0f mv CARP- and fkno :o :. Gun 1 ..--_ I “I had five different [and faithfully carried out their I drank pint after .pint of blood medicines, tried salve after salve, and lotion after lo- ,tion, but it was of no avail. , “My father then took me thirtv ‘miles to see a specialist; but they sent word they could do nothing further for I‘ h 7) m I) .‘h T. Jackson, Wra)’, Pastor. Mr. Cornish was unable to be present, but his good wife accept- ed the congratulations of those present, thanking all individually for their many expressions of good wishes and future prosperity. An hour or so was spent in social conversation after tea. m- nt I] church w '7“- Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cornish,â€" Your many friends in the Lums- den Methodist church heartily con- druggists gratulate you on this the com-sper box, pletion of fift ' years of marriediBuk (30., life. The lova'le qualities and fuse chea] the sterling Christian character of and subst you both have endeared you to us all, and we pray th 1t prolong your lives for many hapâ€" IN NE py years, and that you iniy have Beautiful the joy of seeing your children‘s “ . . Hm children as they follow in your I . , , ”9135, grow in wisdom and stature o 1) Kid) ‘ and in favor with God and man. ge “* 933 Signed on behalf of the mom-":92:I the 1‘ bers and friends of the Methodist! 3“ Sage nh II ”n11 H] SORES FROM ELBOW TO FINGERS. \\ 388. I attribute mv as soon as I bcgzazf bettpr. I persxstml to my great iuv_ I s “I‘- ‘U Three doctoésv attended years and gave me all kind but did me no good. My to only 80 pomp !s and ever v-V, xl'u', "Fan the past inch painful attacks of hygi- not digest my food ; caused the most 3;; xtxizi stomach. I also had a f Constipation and at W movement of the bowels ll 511 are, J. .mzt; Mrs. E Mrs. John , Mmmt Ill H m O IIL’LL‘ g)! ELL, $3173., DEC. 24th. 1909 past Incive years, I had cks of Dysiocy-sia. I could my food and everything lost 3;; nuzing pain in my 8180 had a fearful attack 0f If 01H for me all kinds of medicine 00d. My weight came !s and everyone though ic. Finally,-I had the try “Fruit-a-tives” and m to take them. I felt 3t $511198, I had for-two weeks 3(l_ me for twc rept- those by public auction, farm stock 9 19 and, .D.R., Glenelg. will sell 7 I'm- l (from 2.30 to 3.45. P. Ska Saturda 9.111.. (83 ting Tuesday, and Saturda y evenings I y ink Thursday rum 8 lc phone Residence phone, 29.-.] Brown. Propnetor. 193 a] Wednesday, February Lot 9, Con 9, Glenelg, stock and implements Hunt. 10 months’ credit. for particulars. Rudd Auctioneer. ' Thursday, February 27th Pettigrew, Lot 9, Con. l, py, will offer his live s1 In , a ' New York, where women I' . 3 . . . get )(1938 from then forelg‘n sus- lter, the hair tonic called PARIS- IAN Sage at 50 cents is in great germs PARISIAN Sage is the (liseox'ery of a well-known scientist. and he claims most emphatically that it is the only hair preparation that will kill the phrsistent dandruff (farm a IN NEW YORK SOCIETY. Beautiful Women of the 400 W “0 Have Luxuriant Hair. druggists and stores sell at 50¢. per box, or post free from Zam- Buk C0,, Toronto, for price. Be- fuse cheap and harmful imihtions and substitutes. . “7 New Llubbing Rates \\ ., "'"F presrriptinn nr fun "Inst, ansH-s ”H's? innit-s. 'l'ukv lhmn In wlmw dvm'ndubolil) lw equal [u that “f ['Pndh‘ (m "“1‘S. 'd‘u Unless a h (‘HUDUI Very l‘Pquiv-«d 8..“ [3055. T'I-) .. ho [9M “fifth hi ars of PARISIA'I-N' through Mac-far- guarantee, the his ~‘(H «s a Medicine is active it. very “all perform the "d SUI-vice nf relieving sit-k- Tha m'liull Hf a drug d9- ll its (IL ‘Amv d n that XML”! This Ad\ \\ Quality and 220 31 Hg enter-i: t'mnilv H4 vertisemcnt is( Pharaoh: a druggi: 'kllnu'u [ OOOOQOOOQOOOQOOOOOOOOOOO 99 I'm ' i pt 0W" llt'lln 0090696 OOOOO‘Oooooooo¢oooo Macfarlane C0.. sh [IRUGGISTS AND STATIOINERS 'URHAM, P‘EB ll DURHAM RINK In \\ I" Town Ticket Ofllcc Buv Your Tickets Here Ii sack finds and phm'lum a (3811‘ and M kiln“ exva-ieuce and h vquipmvut, is “HH'H and who elnpluys: precludes lhu 9'1"." i'l l'lllllll.- Jeanine '3! I bel‘s '2! 1 NH 5 ‘H I )9 rs 0’. Thursday and 78 from 8 lo 9.45 day afternoons Rink phone No. phone, 21.1. A . l9 "”3 with "luau-m" 50 L0 75 I," fm for Ho, 5t“ HI 91M oH,‘ U 2! aft Mu hi2 rnveu ( ousin, M The am most mm and all M ,-5°¢- . in )1?! boxes if y ff! Febru m “'0!“ have y lair irom falli chll "93" HI want you to tr we “ill baud b Two sari. 501‘ You can buy} 5 thin commumt MACFA Th. Rea-Ill 5th! and U ti USS- Why Tome your 34 promo! prevcn my _(0 thing men! come Must V If 1W? \V t TRAV m'fall Wu

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