Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 27 Feb 1913, p. 2

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Over Rural Mail Route (King- hurst and Mooresburg way) from Desboro. Ontario, commence at the pleasure of and blank form of Te r may be obtained at the Post Office: of Desboro’, Kinghurst, M’ooresburg, and at the Office of the Post Of- tice lungector at Toronto. nice Department, Mail co Branch, Ottawa, Nth-Peb- ito ra’ Notice is hereb given that the annual General eeting of the members of the Grey 8: Bruce M‘u- tual Fire Insurance Company, of Hanover, will be held in Miller’s Hall, Hanover, Ontario, on Friday, February 28th, 1913, at 2.30 o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of receiving the Annual and Aud- :a-__a h ' - -g, WV llvvllo Stock 5158' B'ccgunt books may be inspected at the Law Office of J. P. Telford, Assignee’s Solicitor. JOHN McKECHNIE, '8 . DAated February 18th, A.D. 1913.- and will be Opened on Ffiday, 28g} prruqry, A.D., at noon. The assets of the estate of the said Noah Sternall, consisting of stock-in-trade, and book debts owing, are offered for sale by tender: at a rate_on_ the dollar. In the matter of Noah Sternall, of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, Plumber, InsolV- ent. .__.4_-___ _â€"- ... ._,_-.._,_- . _ x, e COIPORTABLR BRICK HOUSE) 1.. Durham. 2 ”any: high, hard and not! Inter inside. good cem- ent etehle frame barn on too. Quarter one of land. Price aWay l 10': to quick purchaser. Apnlv y. 1’ the Chronicle office. 727 t! - â€" ,____ - r LOT 3, PONCESSION 9, GLENELG,. ‘ containing 100 acres of first-class! land in good condition. Willi take moo it sold before the first! of February, $500 cash; balance; on time to suit purchaser. Applyl] to J. A. Russcil. Lougheed P. O o, t A |L -._A Alberta. house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and soft water. [nod hall acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For articulars, apply to Ed. Lang on. Durham, or John M. thtlo. 205 Riopelle St.. Detroit. Mlch 222“ LOTS 54 AND 55, "CON; 31E. 1}. 3.. (llpnolg, will be sold chgjp. For; __.A‘ MAIL CONTRACT [mm-mars, apply to A'fHI'JQ-ié; 50". Durham, 22? 4 YOUNG SHORT’HORN BULLS. ranging from twelve to t\v(-nty- fmir months. Three are choice animals. Also 3 young Shnrt- hnrn heifers due in Mriy. This stock will be all sold at roamin- abio pritros.-â€"W. A. Livingstnn, Vickers. Phone in rcsidenr'o. :7 4 H--. -____-,-...--, uast Ufiice. nearly opposite the Regis‘rj i‘fice. Lambton t.. Durham. Any amoun ‘ mnmv in Man an. 5 per cent. on farn runartv. ' A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC. COMMISSION er Conveyanr-or. c. Insuranct \gent. Money to Loan. Issuer ni Mari "inure License»: A genaral financial busi mus trmmactod CUT FLOWERS.-ROSES,CARNA- tions, bulb flowers; cabbage, carrots, beets, parspips. etc.; also .._â€"_ ~..-â€"â€"- ”â€"â€" ONE-HORSE, WITH HARNESS and cutter; also young collie dog. Apply to W. Burns, near creamery. 2 l3 tf 090D BUILDING LOTS APPLY, D Thin---) -_Il__ n in ___L Fur Sale ag\'ERAL HOUSES-_iN-Dâ€"C‘RhfitA-_M a good two-ye'ar-old' colt; ' and dhite Leghorns and Black Min- orca s. c. cockerels.~C. Lang. .Durhgm. _ ._ 2 13 4pd Fur Sale or Rvnt. app! [0 James A. dICJL'dHuCI', iH Yg“ IAN 4N U SURGEON 0} Ear 5i“, 885k. 12 lztf "(31‘ in the NOW Hunt“, Blmk ,W' 1.: ACRES BEING LOT 4, CON. burs. '5 N: 10 a. m. to 4 .(,m and 7 $0} 3, Normanby about 4 miles ’ “- ‘pocial attention given .tu dimam from Durham; 1% miles from 't woman and children. Residence or' Varnpv: r-nn\.'pnipnt tn nhurnh “Mite Presbvterian Church to J P. Telford, or Mrs. G. Black- burn. Durham - 613 t! -â€"'vvuw 5“ uultl‘ "UL. One nice cottage in Lower Town. -A H Jackson, Durham. 321t!‘ BEING LOT 2, CONCESSION 9,‘ .________ Glenelg. 100 acres. Good com-, UH! I lortable house, barn, and otherl ' ' outbuildings; two good wells,é ’1’!”ch and a large cistern. 70 acresjl under cultivation. 20 acres hard-g “In” ‘00 wood bush, 10 acres pasture land. ,2 15"" "0'" Good orchard. Reasonable , terms. For further particulars, 5 6., apply to 11103. Glencross, Tram; ’FF‘ICE erston. 11 7t! _â€" neafl LOT 55, CONCESSION 2, AND LOT 031,.r R: 53, Concession 3, N.D.R., Bent- at "981*" inck, containing 100 acres; 4% Siren. C miles from Durham :. good farm; m.. 7.9 p. first-class buildings; ,lots of tiun hetwi hard and salt water; good young “I; bum's. orchard; strawberries, raspber- ' ri-.r. and rapes planted last suing. Jor further pa‘rticulsrs, Al 3 l to ames A. A exan er, H 5”“ ngéill.Sask. 1212tf P Y film in from Durham; 1% miles from Varney; convenient to church and school; well fenced, well watered and in good state of cultivation; byick house and buildings. For further particu- lars, apply to David McAuliffc, Sr.,'Durham, Ontario. 13Utf Atlanta-nu at no hen. ow k autumn“: tunnel Over a. NOTICE Farms for Sale. ' ,_-- “â€" .,..\ uu\II.uCl, auu [H’W "()8- Assignee. ' tilities have. been commenced in 18th, A.D. 1913.- ’earnest. .. , long open "CE {letter to editor Mungovan, charg- , Ting him with several unpleasant ’y KlYeD that the offences and in last week’s Post Meeting 0‘ the Mr. Mungovan gets back at Mr. irey 5! Bruce MU‘.Kennedy in a similar letter, sat- ce Company. of urated with vitrol and nitro-gly- held in Miller’s cerine. Mr. Kennedy is called a warm. on Friday. , “full-fledged incendiary,” 13. at 2.30 O’CIOCk ‘apostate, a drunkard, a gambler for the purpose who does not pay his debts, a Annual and Aud- ; hypocrite, a perjurer, and the the election 01 , meanest man he ever met. Hith-' other bUSiDCSS. serto, editor Kennedy has used only 3- 3- MILLER; lhis light field battery. In the Secretary. next issue of the Advertiser, which : r“ -- -â€"â€"~â€"â€"-â€"- we await with anxiety, his heavy' ordnance will probabl be brought 'into play. But in t e meantime, gwe do not hesitate to hazard the: ,opinion thafi editor Kerfiiedy did, lnot know t at editor ungovan NTRACT iwas loaded.â€"Shelburne Free Press. s“P‘fl’intemlent. SMALL ADS. 12 12 tf Incl, ow Icon, 25 out. lot in: Eamon ad menu for cool Over one inch and under two when, double the “Dove annual. Yuri] rates no :pphc non. 2 Each piece of furniture should be wiped lightly from the tap downward to remove the dust, and then, after the duster has been Shaken out of the windowâ€"never of dusting. The proper way to dust is to hqve ta duster in each hand, which lmethod is quite necessary to suc- 'cess, for the duster in the left hand is needed to prevent finger marks when steadying and lifting highl polished furniture. Eac iece of furniture should be wipecf‘lightly from the tan Now that there seems to be some ground for ,hope. that a great European war may be ;averted for a time, the attention to! the world can be focused on the igreat war which is now ragino: in § Orangeville between editor Ken- ' nedy of the Advertiser, and editor *M‘ongovan of the Post. Ever since {editor Kennedy went to Orange- Eville these two estimable gentle- men have been ruffling their fea- thers at one another, and now hos- L2I9L0_ ‘ g A REAL WAR AT O-RANGEVILLE ; Holstein Conveyancer. , Issuer 0! Marriage Licenses. l Money to loan at lowest rates, land terms to suit borrower. Fire gand Life Insurance placed in thor- 'nughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All gwnrk promptly attended to. Any person trespassing on Lot No. 29, Con. 1, N.D.R., Bentinck, and having any dealings of any kind with my son, Wm. P. Bailey, without my consent, will be dealt with according to law. Mary Falkingham. February 3rd, 1913. 4tpd Ofiioe-0ver anglas’ Jewellery-Stork R A RRISTEL- (“‘01: .13.; pl ty of Toronto. Graduate Roy!» ‘olluge Doom! Surgeons oi Ontario Dontistrvjn all its Branches. R. C P . LUN DON ENG RADULATE of London Now 1 ank and ("“0820 ' monu- of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat \Vill be u the Hahn HOIISP, Jnlv 20 ()(r. I!) Nnvmnbm 16. Dec. 21. Hunts. 1T05p..fll I )F‘PH‘E hURHAM'nNT 3 ‘FFICEâ€"Over J. P. Telford’n Iofim nearly opposite the Registry nm'w Rvsldo'lwe SPCOI‘d hunse Mm” 0' Regiwtn nfi‘lvw nu east side 0f ANN" ' Siren. 0111. 8 Hanna 911 mun. 2-4 p. 11).. 7-9 p. m. - To-lrphmne cmmnnnica tinu between umve and residence w all hnurs. .1 1? GRANT. n. n 's .137?“ "ONORfiEADUAI‘E UNIVERSI- ”Haunt any. Landon Uphthalmto Hon "J UH? toGollan 9Q. Phrmt 3nd None "0. SPECIALIST I "AR, THROAT 8:. NOSE l 7 short distance out at finapp’l Hon 1, ; Juno tou Street, Lowe! Town Durham 1 mic.- hours from I: to 2 o’clock I a 6. Hutton. M 0.. C. I - .... .... w-mm m 1000-“ for cool The undersi Auctioneer hrs . 00““ ‘50 “0'0 been instructed to sell by Public ' "' ”PM W- _ ,Auction at LOT 11, CON. 3, S.D.R., \ GLENELG, MCWiuing Station, 01') commencing at One o’clock. p.m., ___"-_...__.W.._ -,- lthe following: Ira. Jameson lamioson. I 1 mare. supposed in foal; 1 H-‘lcy 3M) Rheum-mun AESLXZEBPME’ 7 yea“ O’d’_o_.o1.og__°°.dl Dr. Take Notice Denial Dz'rectorv “.3 BP( WN ’AY TO DUST. to be learnedâ€" art of dusting. > dust is to have 1 hand, “'hiCh ..0 Pickering Dentist. ("on DH BURT. J Huntpr’ -u‘lluu“vu A l l at huapp’s Hon 1, i or Town Durham! general purpose horse, rising 4; 1 colt. rising 1 year; 6 cows, sup- o’clock ’posed in calf; 1 calved cow; 1 - .farrow cow; 1 fat heifer, rising 3: _ o 6 fl 1 Durham bull, 2 years oh”: 2 " ' ' ‘heifers, rising 2; ll steer, rising 2; '.'l‘elford’s .omoe'5 c_aives; 8‘ pigs, different sizes «no- énnnd . ; Municipal. World account, 85; W. H. Thurston account for “augment supplies and blank», 014.07; T. A. Gilchrist. the Ettore occupied by , some time, which is now the prop- erty of Mr. McLean, who bought it _ â€"~â€" -‘ a-vuuky aunt“); ‘‘‘‘‘ I, “U. 0, ‘V 'J’ LZIS\\'9“; N00 4 questions, and such like, find that F- 31‘0“” the Valley Road. the the lugs of their fur cap don‘t reevoe, and each shall report in come down far enough sometimes “'“tmg , t0 ,COUT‘F” b‘t‘fm‘“ any to prevent theirvears from being commxssnon 18 panicâ€"Carried, exposed to the inclemency of a ' February cold day. The icy, â€"-â€"â€"â€".._..-. roads of a week ago Were hut ‘ ‘ safe for slippery shod horses, or CATARRH C.ANNOT BE CURED old, worn-out rubbers. . by local applications , We notice that the editor and }{_ not reach the seat of the disease, T. do not agree concerning the Catarrh is a blood, or constitu- rights of those going in vehicles, tional disease, and in order to and those walking, during the cure it you must take internal time the snow is to an enormous remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cur is .depth. It’s the duty of a person taken internally, and acts direct- driving to give a lady half the ly on the blood . road, of course, but, bv the “’nv faces. Hall’s r'atnml- n--â€"- - We see .the editor requests prompt attention from corres- pondents to attend their localitws regularly, and we took the hint that Priceville was not excepted. Well, we do no know 1134.41). “1119* fn \Ivn»:+n “1-..”; tr 1 set double harness; 1 set p10“; "91131"er securit harness; 2 sets single driving to consist Of a bC harness; 1 grain cradle; 1 churn;. London Guarantee 1 grmdstone; chains, forks, whifâ€" 91' 34.000, and We 'fletrees, neckyokes, and other lty SUffiCiCnLâ€"Ca] small articles too numerous to MCLeOdâ€"Gl‘aham ‘mention, McArthur. lot 5, 0 Everything must be sold, as the refun‘h"! _$1 for d proprietor has rented his farm. ("TOP In his t:1xcs« Terms; All-sums. of $5 and un-‘ McLeodâ€"Brown- Kc ' ' der. cash; over that amomt, 12 (-(i'11::1litt::dt Mr' mOnthS Cl‘e.(ll.t “’1" be gi\'cI] (III) l‘lli‘ltt‘e iI-()n0Pl:?:tet ' l approxed 1omt notes. 5 per rm» mm, “Huh”: nahf “0'0 "“9!!!“ fl“_ __ A I no. 'and ages; -1 sow, due in March; 80 good .hens; 2 ducks; 3 quantity of corn in the field; 1 ood collie dog; 1 Frost 6; W00. binder, nearly new; 1 Massey - Harris mower; 1 seed drill; 1 Bulky rake; 1 twin walking plow; 1 gang plow; 1 long plow; 1 scuf- fler; 1 M".ssey-Harris disc; 1 set: iron harrows; 1 four horse poWer: : 1 straw cutter; 1 turnip p'IlDer; 1 fanning mill; 1 wagon; 1 wagon: box; 1 pr. bob sleighs; 1 bug'ry;l 1 buggy pole; 1 cutter; 1 when 1 hay rack; 1 stock rack; 1 wood rack and gravel box; 1 stonebo. t; a quantity of lumber and tongues; ' ‘ nn‘ ,J___1!, - L'lUlle 1’93" of Farm Stock 3an Ipplemepts.‘{lsproule, for m: cuau'.‘ Minutes 0! 113 were read and con- Commumcatiopa aa_ fol- hnAnAâ€"L ‘ ‘ Jreaented and read: A. re dog tax; Municipal mt, 85; W. H. Thurston assessment supplies 014.07; T. A. Gilchrist, nepaim to grader, $5.30 Credit Aucl ion Sale big pow-wow is beiné held in Ay- ton, the object in View being pneaent 10. Andrew gift 01 some kind in reononifinn no February,l7th.. Bein a central ponnt, it was intend to have a grand rally, but unfortunately. through lac]; of advertising, it attended. How- ever, those wio attended, were full of business, and re-organized, d a committee appointed to be ready for action three years hence. |Normanby _bein_g over- and none as yet posted 3 We are glad to report that Mrs, fell on the Ice; wu- on saw moneys, \'iz., Div. .No. 1, A.D. McLeod; No. 2, JJ. (ii-a: ham; No. 3, W.J. Caswcli; No. 4. F. Brown; the Valley Road, the recve, and each shall report in writing to council before any commission is naid__(‘nm.iml â€"' “-cvll. Brownâ€"McLeodâ€"'llmt $1,300 is hereby appropriated to be ex- pended on the highways of this township as follows: 111 Division 'No. 1, $300; No. 2, $300; No. 3, $320; No. 4, $300; the Valley Road from Loucks’ Mill to the to wn line or huphrasia, $100. lnis amount to include all work on town lines and over and above any he». Work in the to“ n-ship, and snall also m- clude expenditure on bridges costing not more than $25 each, the reeve and commissioner or a division in which a briuge is rt- quired to be built shall be a committee to oversee the building and repairs to bridges costing over $45 in any division, and no special expenditure shall be made ' ’ expendi- ture of 831d moneys. \'iz_. nm in. "\t‘r we ouugeen river at lot 7', con; 1, N.D.R., for the. sum oi $5M}. â€"â€"Carried. (‘uswellâ€"Brownâ€"â€"That this coun- cil hold its next meeting at Price- ville.-Carried. Council adjourned, The following should have ap- peared in the minutes of the last session of the council. : III-[Andrew isvévhegéusrith ‘1: some kind in recognition of rut-l“. ~\â€"- “I McLeod-:Graham:'fhvat thiz; council having examined the treasurer’s security find the same to consist of a bond issued by the London Guarantee Co. for the sum of $4,000, and we deem the secur- :‘1'C'hi i’ I Brownâ€"McLeodâ€"That the ac- {count of W.H. Thurston of $14.07 ;for supplies purchased from the ,Muniqipal World be pgi-d_.â€"â€"Carried. 'Brownâ€"Caswellâ€"That the count of $5 for six subscri tions‘ the Municiptal ‘Worldjge papidrâ€"(f 11-1 __.I Grahamâ€"Casweliâ€"‘l hat the reeve issue his order on the treas- urer for $77 in favor of the treas- urer of Osprey, the amount being -the sums paid by subscription to the Osprey municipal telephone system.â€"â€"Carried. __ â€"'â€"--' chiist be paid $5. 30 for account of repairs to graJder â€"-Carried. .1 ‘."- - -‘l ’ Gr uhamâ€"McLeodâ€"That the' reeve issue his order on the tregsa urer for $12.60, being for premium! offlreinsgrance on hall.â€"â€"Carried. q' 'on tOVsI] hall, 812.60. The auditor.’ report for 1912 was presented. (}r1.hamâ€"Cuwell â€"- That this council go into committee to fin- ally aut‘it the auditors’ report.-â€"-C. C‘aswellâ€"Brownâ€"That the antit- ors’ report as finally audited by this council be adopted and 1:5 copies be printded for distribution. -â€"~C(:rried. D" "P t I -IUne _ (’ .«SP same!) ‘- the treasurer of U axes of 1912.-â€"â€"-~-.'arried. 'ownâ€"l‘hat Mr. Mc- M'r. Bellamy be a meet with {no cumâ€" Ppotun, also commitâ€" dog - phar'gé insurance to town lims settle ”5 CahonhududNotand :18, Mdothahnh. '00-‘554'65265 f3. Cove-amen: Depod' to new . ---. . K. cuule mem to our neighborhood. I.” Mrs. David *Chitgck, of Lgmlash. ' -â€"â€"Oâ€"â€"â€" visited a few aye wit her } parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Coutts. POPLAR HILL- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Park, of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred V01 Hampden, spent Sunday last with S un-day with Mr. and Mrs the McCulloch family. Vollett. Mi“ Martha Torry is improving Messrs. Fe]. Vollet a) nicely. M H b H #5 m Ryan Spent a nicht mm... 1'. er . Ilh .n n n ¢- 1. . -_ -vwmu, umwu ; N.B.â€"Unauthorlzod publicatiot the former’s parents recently v . so! thin advertiloment will not be Mrs. Roy Vickers spent one day ’paid for. ham. l , _ ‘ ' d ' I ‘ '. l. . Mrs. Torry, Who has been Yer." Mr. and Mrs. Alfre Ban 4 \ Allan Park, Visited the {cirml-r‘i M'r Geo A-dlam was in 0mg" parents, Mr. Thou. Bailey. Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. (.‘has. Reay sprntl Of da3s last Sunday last with Han-over rvl.t-‘ A load of the youth from here “V“- ' , Miss Mary Adlam was the guest and report a good time. of Miss Blanche Wise last “out. Mr. and Mrs. H. W Hunt Sun- - Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey \‘lhll- gaifed with Mr. and Mrs. John e - u f. - Miss Lizzie Coutts by a friend of T01 the farmer’s hnrohf- m, SI‘UUII'U'S Ior making such a f i k h t h SYNOPSIS or caswus soar “ ' uss am ma in t e owns in foot ‘ f the bill. But t on of course “it’s WEST LAND REGULATIONE s the fashion,” and, like all iash-' ANY PERSON Who is the so‘ ECLIPS’; . i l l()nS, [DUCh' abused. ‘ .)‘(."‘“ H" 1- \'I".l'(Ԥll ° ‘ 1i .- :i \Y' I has ll quarter-section of .‘r‘uabje DU” ‘19“ .m I . l ‘: ll ‘5 l' . filled the concessnon roads north linion land in Manitoba. Saskatc hm \ r and south, while the roads east lewsn or Alberta. The applica SOVEREI , and west are next thing to being 'must IP90” in W 3' the D0 bare. All told, they are in a bad It ° ' ‘ ‘ Our [Nu-v MJmleln. u ‘1 pro‘ No.1 Manilulm ~\l..-.: . . ; Mr. and Mrs. :George Seim havellmly b0 mode If s . any agency, ' or with“! H'lw‘l” '7 ‘ll , had a few anxwu ays the past certsin conditions by father. m0 ' 1 week over their little tWo-year-old er. tom dsus'hter. bmther or am PASTRY FLl son, Freddie, who had not been 0‘ intending homestesder. . . well for a day or so. He sud‘den- Batistâ€"Six months’ residels mum hum ly went into convulsions on Mon- 3190a snd cultivation of the la. end *F "* *"W'V‘" ‘ day, and has been under the doc- “1 00°11 0‘ three years A both P“ "‘ tor's care since. He is now some- “Gide? may ""9 With" nine mil. What improved, of his homestead on a farm of Mr. Ed. H 0y sold his fine ClVdf’ 103.! 80 m. .Olely OWHCd and U .M‘al nodules”); thl 4:: stallion. St. Bothwell, last Week: to cumed by him or by his 1th ~L - ' a horseman in Proton. He was an mother, son, daughter. brother Guam (luiit'nrwl . ,t in! excellent stock. horse, about as lsistor. In certsén distgicts s homestes: D E er in too stsn in; may pre-em '0 one ly purchased from js quarter section alongside h Chow“ g the late Wm. Bradley. ‘homestead. Price 83.00 per scre. “31 meeting 0f the. Dutiesâ€"Must reside upon t we rhomes-tesd or Dre-emotion I A" "i""“""' 1 ‘ woul-dfludge from the amount ° - ‘ 8"""“"‘ kw" W ' ,' your date of homestead entry {incluo your :1""""‘ ;“" Classic (‘ity scribe. 'ing' the time required to es the ”1‘” “"‘ “' Mr. Albert Mearns is very ill at fhomestesd patent) and culiiva (ml! m .. . ' present with an affection of the' s 0 ., d; n? {:l 1 t1 stomach. A *homestesder who has exhaust A“ l‘ ‘n ~. . , , fully recovered, ' :Obtgia s pmâ€"emption may cut. . . . r. Ryan moves ifor s purchssed homestead to the VlClnletg' of Ayton, where he "certsin districts. .Price $3.00 sq .- ‘ g ,‘ as urchas a 98-acre farm, for acr. DMieLâ€"Must tame 5- J()h n . I . I “’1‘.” ’ We heard, he Paid in the months in esch of three years. c neighborhood of $8,000, a"-.- nu... ---.-_ - - Mr. Edi"fib}"§ol.d his fine Clyde stallion. St. Bothwell, last Week, to a horseman in Proton. He was an horse, about as w .1\ ll UL L'tllll'h't‘ "l! S the fashion?" ind, like all fash- ions, much. abused. and south, while the roads- east and west are next thing to being bare. All told) they are in a bid Mr. and Mrp. George Seim have had a few anxious aye the past week over their little hnn_.mnâ€" “-4 -V------ nullt‘. I" l"? township’s municipal affairs. While Mr. Schenk doubtless was consci- entious, and considered capable in discharging his duties, we see no grounds for making such a fuss and makin the township foot f‘in 'nnLI-.__ 9‘ i -.. .rendered whilei Hague! Cream Separators and '. EWEN Durham ‘ Insurance 0! All'lfluds Including Stock A Durham ~ JOHNSTON Sr. 2.766.l92.|8 VICKERS l 10,000.00 362.2 I399 'u' uttle tWo-year-old who had not been y or so. He sudden- convulsions on Mon- beeg' under the doc- '. Rosebngugh, of "afinet Gasoline Engines - Ml SllfS - - --- “Ill u TOionto, Visited ‘9 accompanied 996.0290 l STATEMENT to be out Ontario in ,1 the, Dating-Must reside upon :9, we homestead or px'e-empuon ' AH up tn ti t of months in curb of six years fro‘ “MVP!“ kH‘ your 11'4"”! ”hp ”UH 'l'l (‘IH 13‘ ' e Ah I Ao‘h . , V . {U kmd‘ 3" . . omenteader “.110 has exhaust from Tobttin I pro-emption may cut loves '{or I patch-used homestead ' re he pertain diltricta. Price $3.00 I. for acre DutieI,-â€"Must reside Joh AGENT Ryan 3 ant a m‘ ht recently with Mr. an Mu. Her rt Vollett. Mrs. Herbert Vollett spent one day last week with Mrs. Ryan. } Deputy of the Minister 0‘? 1 the Interior. ‘ l N.B.â€"Unauthoflud publicatflonh :of thin advertiloment will not 1103 fluid for. » Contact am to; nhhod on .ppl' yo. by dd nu ma“ ‘0 the 00. Full line of (‘alholic Rubens and whiufl app fur agvd m' be : g'hk'h 0V0. ‘ minnow . . Snow Rooms-J Barber Shop. dour South Hf \ hln -ksmith h‘hnp [HE [mm m 5 31:! Jam, 1913 Em'nm . IRWIN AND memu'nm 5234.07.92 2.339.643 .00 310i 7. l53.0l U 150,027.59 Rnsuncm “0093. and hl W Dt‘npk "3 mm d! “' I'Pnc 0:41 [farm's your m" the mill gm u hifl. “and hulhitv.,\, l “OM00. (ilvw ; w ”I”. G90. 'l‘wmnu-V'a 33:1 '“t, bound In NH. u: i. .“hu‘ i” [“0 'H’h'c‘. (L- Qttfli “(Hid hourly pric-v m ”)9 “c What About SP tiluhvr. I ‘25 Acres Hmnpdm. _ under 335' 1' .00 Acres “(121. (‘JlLl Don‘t You the MN! 1 building.” Dhme. .* I .0 Acres i4 I small ur lulu: thin. nutririn rand. Hru'c- 1 your Rl'm'vr I» , imv MN MW HI “ it n'bsm'“. me- am'i w ‘6. i. ”'3: ’hfllt‘vnlll I“ W0 (Dllc Th [.11 (III! and I Svhw exhi-‘I Ih ~ m I‘ng'm:.~ m1. but, fair h-uldnsua u I“. very ('hl‘dl' :1” We HIaflV ulhm (in band smue Nutth \ DR exchange'. Yuu “I if you buy wi Ir “cople’s EDUCATI THAT P ‘Diil Acres LOOK H E POSITIVE” tho The Right WEEK-\\ it .ry 27 th. 1913 SUNS 0F NONE I‘ll arm m

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