IABT PART LOTS 41 AND 42. Ohm , 100 acru: 75 acre: clear- od. b we. in hardwood and Iwunp: well watered with newer- hmn stream: two good wens: u do. rable property. For furth- er particulars, apply to Thou. - Banks, Edgejllll. u LOT 16. CON. 1, S. D. R. CON- taintn 50 urea; ghout three buggy hone. henhouae. woodahed and other conveniences; good well. Wlll trade {or farm propâ€" erty. For particulars, appy to ohn Wlhon Durham. 8 2! 9p b. COWTABLB BRICK HOUSE \u Durban. 2 storeys high, hard .nd .on V: undo. good con- ent mu. tram. burn on too, quarter "to 0! land. Price “my down to quick purchuel'. Apply ~ ___3* tho Chronicle office. 7 27 t1? LOT 3. CON. 9, GLENELG, CON- taininjr 100 acres of first-class able terms. Apgly to sell, Box 39, Se gewi‘ak, Alberta. “.1“! .___...__.lâ€"â€"â€"â€"“_._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" r,“ THE J. C. NICHOL TAILOR SHOP and dwelling, next to R. Bur- nettâ€! store. For ° apply to George Ryan, Sr., Lamb- tnn street. Durham. Noticq is hereby given that any person found hunting or other- wise trespassing on Lots 9 and 10. on he 3rd concession of the township of Egremont. after the first appearance of this notice, May 23rd, 1912. will be prosecuted according to lam-W. T. Wilson, Varney 5 23 t! ’M GOOD FRAME cottage. 915! College stree V W ateon. 200 acre farm in the Township? of Egremovt, close to vhurch ‘ school and post office. good builxd- r lugs and apiendid soil. Apply at this office to: particulars. tf COXTRACTS FOR MAKING ON Lot 12, Concession 13, Glenelg, a lar e quantity of railway ties, an piles (tamarac), and deliver- ing same at Berkeley, about four miles’ haul. Snote best spot cash prices. A dress J. Ritchie, Dav? Arfhnl“ 11218pd PRU'I‘ESTANT TEACHER FOR S. 5; ISO 5, Glenelg. Duties to be- gm January 3rd. State age, qualiï¬cations, experience and s'slar} expectedâ€"R. T. Edwardm Eboroale. 11 28 FOR 8.8. NO. 11, BUTTON HILL School, township of Bentinck. Applications trom roperly'qual- flied teachers will ï¬e recelved up to Saturda , December 14th. Sal- ary 35w; ntiea to be in at the commencement of the 'ew Year. Apply either personally, or the letter to Charles Lawrence, But. 1...... P 0- 112831) Farms for Sale. Nut.ice to Trespassers Port Arthur. Tc aL her~ Wanted ’r'ur Sale- cor Sake or Rent W anted To Let RAME VSEVEN-ROOMED situated on ’ eligibly street. App‘y SMALL ADS. V_-â€"_ incl. or It... 25 out. for ï¬rst {nation ad 10 out: for out Over 0.0 inch ad under two inches. Mn. Yearly tutu on spphortnon. M.a'r.14tf_ o! Omt'e. Healdvlwe been!) - 0t Registry nfl'i('P on Past, side of Albert. Street. 0m '9 Hams 9.11 a.m., 2-4 p. 111.. 7-9 p. m. 'l‘élephnne cummunicw tinn hetwern unive- and residence at all hours. M ___â€"-_â€"â€"â€"-â€" mien“ oi Bye. Ear Nose and Throat Will he at the Hahn House, July a) Oct. 19. November 16. Dec. 21, Hours. 1 to 5 p.11). short distant-s out of Knapp Sun I) ton Sheet, iï¬r- hnur- frnm 12 in 2 (â€0100* u OWOI‘ Town. 1 .....¢..-. Arthur Gun, II. D. PHYSICIAN a N u SURGEON, or tics in the New Hunter Block. Oflice hours. 8 m H) a. m.. to 4p. m. and 7 :09 p_ m. Special attentiuu gum. ta dzsaasm )1 women -.ud children. Rerulence op unite Prnshvturian Church vim Annual Ray. Landau Ophthalmic H00 ng 1M '0 Gallon Sq. Throat and Home Hon. SPECIALIST : 529:: "n. THROAT nose Omceâ€"Over [satâ€"Iélas’ Jewellery Store. ‘.l. v vâ€" " ty of - Toronto. Graduato "college Donn! Sqrgeoua ofGntario Dentistrygn all it: Branches. l. P. Telford. HABBISTEL, SULICITOB. ETC. Uï¬co. ueorly apposite the Roaistry ofï¬ce. Lambtop t...Dnrham. Anynmonnt ‘ ' â€"-â€"- --â€"A Ah 6.... )FFICE -‘ â€"or.â€" Convoyancor. ' c. lnaunnoo Agent. Money to Loan. Issuer of Ms:- riuro Licenses. A general ï¬nancinl buli- noes tnnsactad. DURHAM ONT (Lower Town.) Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thor- oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. All work promptly attended to. i rank 4nd Phimuzu mien-u oi Eye. Bar 1‘ In the Surrogate Court of the County of Grey. ‘ . In the matter of the‘ estate of Elizabeth Lauder, late of the Town of Durham, in the County of Grey, widow, aeceased. A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION or. Qonvoygncgr. 8w; Insurance NOTICE is hereby given pursu- ant to Ontario Statutes 1911, Cap. 26. Section 55, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Elizabeth Lauder, who died on or about the 13th day of October, A.D. 1912, are required to send by post prepaid or otherwise deliver to J. P. 'l‘elford, Solicitor for the executors, on or before the 29th day of November A.D. 1912. their names, addresses and des- criptions, and a full statement of particulars of- their claims, and the nature of the security, it any. held by them, duly certified, and that after the said day, the ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of lwhich they shall then have notice. - “ Datedâ€"{ï¬e 5th day of November, AD. 1912. In the" Surrogate Court of‘the County of Grey. J r GmT.D.n.s.L.n.s rONOR GRADUATE}: UNIVERSI. In the matter of the estate of John Stewart, late of the Town-v. ship of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursu-" ant to Ontario Statutes 1911. Cap.g 26. Section 55, that all persons; having claims against the estate of the said John Stewart, who died on or about the 10th day oi October, A.D. 1912, are requiredto send by post prepaid or OthGI‘VYlSO deliver to J. P. 'l‘elford, Solic1tor for the executors, on or before the 29th day of November A..D. 1912. their names, addresses and des- criptions, and a full statement of particulars of their claims, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, duly certified, and that after the.said day, the 'ex- ecutors will proceed to difltl‘ibutt the assets 01 the deceased, among the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated tï¬e 5th day of November. AID. 1912. 9"; Medical Dirertorv. - Archibald Davidson, James P. Hunter, Execu , by their Solicito , J. P. Telford. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS George Binnie, George Stewart, Executors, by their Solicitor, J. P. 'leltord. 33: i3!" WN C P., LONDON ENG TLATE of London. New W. J. SHARP Leia! ‘Dz'rectorv ?Jibm it 5 per cent- DR. BURT. '1'" Mt 8*». O'van ‘Ofl'ld. m hm cnomcu Durhsm The policy of the Borden Gov- ernment in regard to the‘problem of naval defence, will be absolutely consistent with the stand repeat- edly taken b3 the Prime Minister, when, as Lea er of the Opposition. he opposed the Laurier naval policv. Mr. Borden always in- }sisted on two things. an emergen- cy contribution in the event of an ‘emergency being found to exist, 1and a reference to the electors of éany measure of permanent na\'a! ‘rdefence. Speaking in the House on Jim".- ary 12, 1910, Mr. Borden. on the day the Liberal naval .bill was brought down by Sir Wilfrid Lau- rier. took strong ground in favor of. first. an emergency contribu- tion. and, secondly, consulting the. people on the question of perman- ent naval defence. He character- ized as humiliat'ng, degradinw and pauperizing, the position that Canada shoul receive future safety at the hands and cost of the British taxpayer. To Sir Wil- frid Laurier, he said. “Go on with your naval service. Proceed slowâ€" ly. cautiously and surely. Lay your proposals before the ’[mnpk‘ and give them if necessary oppor- tunity to be heard. but do not for- get that we are confronted with an emergency which may rend this empire asunder before the proâ€" posed service is worthy of the name. In the face of such a situ- ation immediate, vigorous. earnest action is necessary. We have no Dreadnoughts ready; we have no! fleet unit at hand. But we have the resources, and I trust the patriotism to provide a fleet unit or at least a Dreadnought with- ‘rout one moment’s unnecessary de- lay. Or.. and in my opinion this would be the better course, we can place the equivalent in cash at the disposal of the Admiralty to be used for naval defence under such conditions as we may pre- scribe In taking this course we shall fulfill, not only in the letter but in the s irit as well the resolution of Marc last, and what is infinitely more important, we shall discharge a great patriotic duty to our country and to the Whole empire.†The position taken by Mr. Bor- den and his followers on January 1 '12th, was emphasized on February 1 3rd, again on April 20th, and yet again on November 21st in the j same year. On February 3rd, Mr. Borden said that “to attempt to force a permanent policy of this kind upon the people of this coun- try without giving them an op- portunity of saying yea or nay. with regard to it, would be one? of the worst mistakes that could‘ be made by any ,man who really 1 favored that policy.’ ’Fnrther on.‘ “What the people of this country .' want, as far as an man can judge, . iwho has observe the currents of '. lpublic opinion, what the people of ~ this country desire, is immediate] and effective aid to the empire. and to have any- proposals of . a ipermanent character very carefully 7 lconsidered and matured. as they Eought to be considered and ma-‘ Etured, before any such policy is. Eembarked upon, because there are l THE BORDEN NAVAL BILL must be taken into account.†Mr. Borden expressed confidence in the willingness of Canadians of French descent to join with the English-speaking citizens. “'l‘huS," be said, “let our aid be prompt and generous, so that it may bring to the mother-land the assurance not only of material support but of a courage, a faith and a determin- ation which shall proclaim alike to friend and foe, that whether in peace or war, the empire is one and undivided.†It will be recalled that when Mr. Borden concluded with an amendment calling for a contribution sufficient tor the ;purchase of two battleships of the latest Dreadnought type, the Con- servative members to a man rose iand sang “God SaVe the King." On November let, 1910. Mr. Bor- den gave the House an outline of power. “The government of this country,†he said, “are able to ascertain and to know, if they take the proper action for that purpose. whether the conditions which face the empire at this time in respect of naval defence are grave. II we were in ower we would endeavor to find hat out, to get a plain. i""" '"" " question, hued upon the assurance of the government of the mother countryandthere rtof the naval ex erta of t e admiralt were one â€"and I think it woul ‘be suchâ€"as to demand instant and leffective action by thil country,‘ ‘then I would appeal to parliament ; for immediate and effective aid, and if parliament did not give immediate and effective :15 I .wOuld- appeal from parliament to the people of the country. Then. .sir, as to the permanent policy. I 'think the people have a right to ‘he consulted. . . . A permanent policy would have to be workel !out. and when that permanent poi- icy had been worked out and ex- plained to the people of (2:111 old. to eVery citizen in this country, Ethen it would be the duty of any ‘gOVernment to go to the pope of Canada to receive their man- Male. and accept and act upon jtheir approvzll or disapproval of unvamiahed anawer to that quest- tion,_‘and_if tlge ansv‘l‘mj to that ______. .._ _A that pdlicy. Remember we are basing our statements upon what has already been accomplished by the use of Rexall “93†Hair Tonic, and we have the right to assume that what it has done for thousands 02 others it will do for you. In any event you cannot lose anything by giving it a trial on our liberal guarantee. Two sizes, 50c. and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in this commun- ity only at our storeâ€"The Rexall Store. Macfarlane Co. From Pell street ,lower BOWery, to the far-flung limits of Harlem, from San Francisco to Sandy Hook not forgetting way stations, an in fact in every American town which is big enough to call its main, street a gay white way, there are one or more Wing Yungs and Sam Lis who sell chop suey to lovers of the bizarre and Ori- ental, not to mention street car conductors on night ru‘n‘s. "Enclyet a man might travel from Peking to Hongkong, and though he asked a million per- sons he would find none who could give him,_nor indeed anyone who Rad ever'heard of chop éuey, sold to us as the national dish of China: The title “chop suey†is mean- ingless enough, signifying meat and water, but it had an Oricntal flavor and was thus selected as the trade name for the eccentric hash, which has made its way into every corner of our land. Chop suey is made somewhat after the manner of Chinese dishâ€" es, but some of its ingredients are not in common use in the Fiowery Kingdom. Ordinary chop suey, for instance, is made on a beei basis. A Chinaman of China very rarely tastes beef, for not only is the re- ligious influence of.the Buddhists against the eating of any beast of burden, but there is not enough grazing land in the empire to make it possible for beef to be raised for consumption. Then again, the small shoots in chop suey which the Chinese res- tauranters tell us are bamboo shoots, are in reality nothing of the kind. They are wheat sprouts, which are much smaller and more delicate than bamboo, which, even in the sprouting stage, is of great diameter. At the County Judge‘s Criminal Court held in Orangeville on Fri- day last, two young men. Roy Rogers and Duke Smith, of Mel- ancthon, were placed on trial on the charge of highway robberyt and the theft of a watch on the night of the 3rd inst., and found guilty on the latter count by His Honor, Judge McCarthy. Sen- .tence was deferred until the Dec- ember sessions, and the accused ,were admitted to bail. The com- 'plainant was William Humm, a Barnardo boy, employed as a farm laborer, aged about eighteen. 'On the day in question, he pur- :chased a watch in Shelburne, and “that night started to walk home ,to the farm of his employer, ;Stoddart. He was overtaken by 2the accused, who were driving, land got into their buggy. There {was some talk of trading watches between the trio, and when Humm 'alighted at his destination, it {was alleged one of the men grab- ibed his watch, and he Was knock- led oown and the accused drove ‘fo rapidly, driving over the ! prostrate youth in their flight. Mr. Stoddart heard Humm calling him for help, and asking him to bring his firearms, and crying to the men to give him back his watch. .Evidence of previous good. repu-. tation was given by several wit- nesses. Crown Attorney McKay grosecuted, and F. A. Clement, of helburne, acted for the accused. â€"Shelburne Free Press. When a man buys a new hat, he wants one somewhat like the one he had beforeâ€"but it’s differ- ent with a woman. FOUND GUILTY OF THEFT. FOR BALD HEADS CHOP SUEY HOAX. three large Hair ’nm tee that the ll 3 DPZTJY Wilson, who passed any on Fri- day last at Caledonia, at the ripe old age of 86 years. Deceased sold his (arm in Bentinck three year! ago to 8am Little, since which time he has been living with his child- 'ren. Death was due to a stroke of paralysis after a few days’ 1“- ness. Deceased was born in Ire- land, and emigrated to Canada 65 years a o. Fifty-five years ago. he ma ed Eliza Jane Fraser. and one year later the young couple came up to the township of Bent- inck and took up a farm on the 6th concession. The country was all bush at that time. and their life for many years was one of hardship and privation. But they had strong bodies and strong hearts. and they cleared their place. and lived to see the town- ship put in shape for cultivation by the energy of ‘he pioneer set- tler. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson had 11 children, two being deceased. Al- ‘ice and Thomas. Mrs. Wilson tpassed aWJy five years ago The Achildren living“ are: Mrs. \VTlHam Adams. nn'l Blrs Stewart Lattimer of Caledonia: \Villis-m'Ju of Ham.â€" .ilton; Mrs. “'ilson. of Sinclairville: Alexander. reeve of Bentinek: MrS. Thomas Parker. of Caledonia: ‘Elijah. Of Hamilton: Hugh. of Alberta. and Mrs. (‘on. Preszel. of (‘aledonim Dec-eased was a Methodist in religion mm :1 Con- SGI‘VatiVP in polities. HlS I‘(‘lnf{in§ were brought to HanoVer on Sat. urday. and taken to Cruetzner‘s undertaking rooms. the funeral taking 913‘?“ on Monday afternoon. to the Hanover cemetery. Rev. Laidlaw, of ElmWOOd. conducted the servicesâ€"Hanover Post. A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee. We guarantee complete relief to all sufferers from constipation. In every case Where we fail we will sugplyï¬he medicine free. Rexall Orderlies are a gentle, effective,‘ dependable and safe bowel regulator, strengthener and tonic. They re-establish nature’s functions in a quiet, easy way. They do not cause any inconveni- ence, griping or nausea. They are so pleasant to take, and work so easily that they may be taken by anyone at any time. They thor- oughly tone up the whole system to healthy activity. Rexall Orderlies are unsurpass- able and ideal for the use of child- ren, old folks and delicate per- sons. We cannot too highly rec- ommend them to all sufferers from any form of constipation and its attendant evils. Two sizes, 10c. and 25c. Remember, you can ob- tain Rexall Remedies in this com- munity only at our storeâ€"The Rexall Store. Macfarlane Co. in Fred and W'alter Newton had a little experience the other day that they do not care to have re- peated. They were both on the foot-board of the traction engine and were backing down a grade at S. Newell’s to connect wit the separator. The engine just then took a kink and r.1n against the separator with a bang. The men were pinned tightly between the two machines and were quite un- able to extricate themselves until help arrived. A valve was broken on the engine, which let the steam escape just far enou h away from them not to scald t em bad- ly, but close enough to make their position exceedingly un- comfortable.-â€"Creemore Star. A Whistle blown by air com- pressed by an electric motor, has been patented by a Chicago man. NO REASON FOR DOUBT. 6F @AMMA TORONTO L______ 1) U “HAM BRANCH, Kelly. nun Mn IHE 01mm II mum-n EVERY THURSDAY Iowa's It the Ohmniclc Printing â€NI... 9‘" hhcriptiu m ell-0W "" ‘° "" u Midi-eon. {no of po- 1 a.“ - . .1 a)â€: fur, â€â€™05“ ‘I â€I 41.50 my be our if no: u H. Tb“ to which evou ubmmiol h d to due“. the numb." nu tho addi‘eu label. F0 J‘W‘ oonnuum ~10 .H .rmro ‘1‘. pt“. QIM"“‘ . nm of the proprietor. mfl.‘ For tunnel! “mo-u O A“. coma pol “no for the Int in“ 8““ ° Lion : 3 00." par “.0 not ‘00.! “union mimon tumors. 9'" curds. not «(wading «me inch 0!.†P" :‘m‘ Advertiumonu without ammo direct. l m- published an forbid m 1 muted W ’. Fauna-n nonmaâ€" ‘L« m “:F‘onnd.‘ “F0? 8‘ Me -50 mats fm- ï¬rst insertion. 25 out. hr 006‘ oubnoq uem insertion. All “reï¬nement. â€(and by Um." I be mid for in stucco. Contract rates for you; MW“ uished on npplication m the 0600. and Funeral Director x, A. BELL UN DERTAKE We want two more 1.3.1,!» in 0. County 11:05. W. Bowman Son Co.,u.u llldgevllle. 0am ’tcture Framing an .slmrm notice Snow Roomy-Next m Quintin»I Barber Shop. Rnsmnmnâ€"Nei door South uf W. J. anrenoo blacksmith shop . SYIOPBIB 0F CANADIAN 3031 WEST LAND BEGULATIOII ANY PERSON who in the 01 head of I “mils, or any at ova: 18 years 01 . any ‘homeutq a qummflon of available D inion land in Mnmitgba, Saslg GWID 01' mutt app.» in pox-con at the I: inion Lynda Agency. or Sub-cg! for the district. Entry ,by pr may be made at any agency, certain conditions by tuber. m! er. Ion, daug‘h'teu', bmther or si of intending homestead». Bottomâ€"Six monthl’ ruidc upon and cultivation of the h in each of three years A ho: stander may live withir nine :1: of his homestead on I“ (arm 0*. leact 80 acres 301er owned and cunied by him or by his {w mother, son, daughter, brothel sister. Full line of CaLhnlic Robes, and blue and white Caps fur ugpd people. In certain diltricta t home!“ er in good standing my me- a quarter section alongside homestead. Price $3.00 per m Du-ties.â€"Must reside upon homestead or pre-emption months in oath of six years I date of homestead entry Linc inrthe time required to 1 homestead patent) and culti‘ fifty acres extra. ’ A ‘homesteader who has exha ed his homestead right and cal obtain a pro-eruption may on for a purchased homestead certain districts. Price $3.00 acre Duties,â€"Must reSide months in each of three years, tivate titty acres and erect ail worth 8300.00. ECURITY for both principal I interest is the ï¬rst essential of investment; the ability to reel ind-16s.. depositinthe ssvil dcpnnmeotofthis Bankissnid («helium Deputy of the Minist: the Interior. N.B.â€"Unaut‘h0rized public of this advertisement Will :14 paid for. Luminous paint is now use automobiles in England. It i on a dark night is so Night the car is visible {or two 1 without being fitted with Ill Over the {our wires Conn! Chicago to New York, eleven sages can be sent at once. NURSERY STOCK Em'run AND memm‘un Embalming a Specialty BOWMAN ’S W. IRWIN November nth. Guaranteed it will grow W. W. CORY. Plant app;