Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Oct 1912, p. 2

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for 10. CONT 1. m 39 CON. " “Ill“ ”Mu. 100 urea: 10 acre: working land. 10 urea new land, 20 acres hard- wood bub. No good well- on prank». Good concrete house. (rune barn. drivmg shed, Â¥-acro arelnrd. Well tgnced. Will sell A PAIR tune bgfll. d,“ orehu'd. Well I chap to quick up: articular- HCA t“: Upp. wood bath. 3 acres swamp. small orchards, variety of other umall fruits: watered by spring '. and well. Frame house 28x24, frame barn, 50x36; atone base- ment underneath, and other out-j buildings. Also lots 2 and 30 15. Con, 1, W.G.R., Bentmck, 1003 ._ J A- Al“:*“’gfilnn- : 0m "an Dw-vâ€". chip to quick buyer. For tur- thor rucularl apply to David ch 110, Upper Town. Durham Oct. 5th, tf. 0T 1 0117, CON. 1, E. G. 3., - 1-..“, n ores DU‘IQIDKB. mvu av-.. _ _ 15. Con. 1, W.G.R., Bentmck, 100 acres: 30 acres under cultivation. 30 acres asture, 35 acres hard- wood bu , 5 acres swamp, 1,4 acre orchard. Small frame house frame barn 50x36, stabling un- derneath. The above property will be sold cheap, as the owner Intends going to Alberta. For Iurther particulars; apply o-o -- ' Amaofftt chaser. For articulate, apply to Ed. Lang on. Durham, or John M. Little, 205 Biopelle :St.. Detroit, Mich. 222m A COMFORTABLE BRICK CO I‘- tage in, upper town, well located. about a quarter acre of land in good condition. Will so“ cheap to quick purchaser,â€"Ap- ply to Geo. Fimwv. 419M X6507) C‘OMFURTARIZS REVâ€"FN- ‘ L _ ...| !uruun' ya; Lluu ..... _ _ _ farm, or to Wm. Leggette, l 25 t! Rocky Saugeen. Ont. L‘; V w .â€" _ One nice cottage in LOWer Town. -â€"A. H J acksonz Durham. 3 21t .â€" __'-_fi x COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE; 1.. Durham. 2 oforeys high, hard' and soft water inside. good cem- ent stat]! frame barn on too, 1 quarter acre of land. Price aWny ' down to quick purchaser. Applv a? the Chronicle office. 7 27 tf W“ ,- LOT 3, CON. 9, GLENELG, CON- raining 100 acres of first-class [and in good condition. Reason able terms. Apgly to J.A. Rus- eell, Box 39, Se Rewick, Alberta. Mar.14tf .v“ I. v. . ._ __ 0F ONE-HORSE BOB- Iledgha. and 3 cutter. Apply to D. MacKenzie. Upper Town, Dur- hm. .m..- 5,12,11tt ’ â€".â€".____â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" 001) UUJISiâ€"SfGâ€"‘LOTS APPLY to J P. Tellord, or Mrs. G. Black- burnLDurham .._ __ __“6__13 t! THE J. C. NICHOL TAILOR SHOP and dwelling, next to R. Bur- nett’s store. For particulars, apply to George Ryan, Sr., Lamb- tnn street. Durham. 425a Notice is hereby gix en that any, person found hunting or other- wise trespassing on Lots 9 and LL- "but“ ‘DV-r-â€"~___rn 10. on the 3rd concession of the township of Egremont, after the first appearance of this notice, May 23rd, 1912, will be prosecuted according to lamâ€"W. T. Wilson, 5231:! Varney. vvâ€" ‘ room house, :11 'vâ€" â€" room house, about an acve and r529 stable, n never-failing well. Wi-l be 50M cheap, and on easy terms. A;:- ply to T1103. DunieL Durhun. 7 0+ Yn“ no: 9 L" mmx ATTENTION Splendid Hotel business for sale cheap. Hotel, barns, stable, gar- den, lawn, and three acres of grounds, all in prime condition, good paying busmeas, only $4000. Reasonable cash payment, balance easy terms. Good reasons for sellin . A l to R ”fay J. SPROULE, FleshertonL Qnt. Farmsfor Sale. â€"-â€"â€"-â€".â€"-â€" ._-.â€"L-â€"' -â€" _..â€"â€"â€"_â€" , .â€"â€"â€"_ GOOD BRICK HOUSE AND five acres of land, just outsidv corporation of Durham; staHe to accommodate four horses: buggy house, henhouse, woodshecl and other conveniences; good well. Will trade for farm prop- erty. For particulars, apply to John Wilson. Durham. 8 22 9p A BBVEN-BOOMED FRAME co'r- tsge on College street; also a qusntllty of furniture will be sold privately. Apply to Mrs. Jacob Kress. Durham. 813g For Rent THE ROCKY SAUGEEN HOTEL property.â€"Apply to J. A. Brown. Durham. 12 “It! Pig Found ON SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1912, in a back field of turnips, corn and potatoes, on lot 2, con. 1. Egremont. Must have been there some time, as much dam- Notice to T'respassers For Sale. For Sale or Rent Sale 121' SMALL ADS W AND NICE (or immediate ”mamamutnflmhunkg. gallows-rout Ont cachet ududutvomhbbbm mt Yunnan-aw Rent. 8 im 9tpd of (Ate gum-m Roy. London Upnmumw m... top 3nd toGolJon Sq. Throat 3nd None 800. SPECIALIS T t 5%,, my mnqn nose ____ _A an. Jameson In lamlosnn. Hunts. l m 5 p.m. l. P. Talford. 4 ARRISTEL.. SULICI'POR. ETC ()flice. nearly opposite the Regia‘ry office. Lawbton 5t..l)urham. Anyampum *' muuev tu loan at 5 per cent. on tam ‘t Jraun'r,n.n.s.1..ns !_ ()NOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- ty of Toronto. Graduate Roy: foliage Dental Sor‘tenns of Ontario Dentistrygn all its Branches. nrnpertv. DFPIUE Holstein Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Money to loan at lowest rates, and terms to suit borrower. Fire and Life Insurance placed in thorâ€" oughly reliable compnaies. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and Wills, executed on shortest notice. all work promptly attended to. V er. Conveyanmr, c. lusuranm kgeut. Money tn Loan. Issuer of Mar- 'iage Licenses. A general financial busi- xew tn: n «acted. .â€" uR. BROWN L. a. c. 9.. LONDON. ENG ‘ RADULATE Of IAOOJOD , New I York 4nd Chicago. mugs“ of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat \Vill he at the Hahn House, July D, Oct. 19, November 16. Dec. 21, Under and by virtue of the pow- ers contained in a certain mort- gage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be of- fered for sale by Public Auction on Saturday, the 21st day of September, A.D. 1912, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon, at the Middaugh House, in the TOWn of Durham, in the County of Grey, by Robert Brigham, Auctioneer, the following property, namely, Lot number Eight, in the Fifth Concession of the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, and containing by admeasurement one hundred acres, more or less. -. There is about 40 acres of cleared land, about 15 acres hard wood timber, about 15 acres of swamp, and balance of slash or second growth lands. No buildings, and fences are _iairly good._ A. H. Jackson. ‘ 'O'I‘ARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION at Terms: Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, balance within thirty days with 0 per cent. interest. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale, 3 ply to ART UR H. JACKSON, EFarm for Sale by Tender "WE INVITE TENDERS UP TO ‘ noon of the 9th day of Novem- ber, 1912, for Lot 3, Concession 9, Glenelg, 100 acres said to be I good clay loam, with about 30 ‘ acres cleared, and to have a | good log house and log barn. Make us an offer. Our client is . anxious to sell. . Owen Sound, Sept. 15, 1912. ,3 KILBOURN KILBOURN, .' l Owen Sound, - Solicitor; for Vendor. Agent for the Vendor; Dated at Durham this 20th day of August, L912. 8294 Heifer bstray A SMALL YEARLING HEIFER came to the premises of the un- dersigned on or about the 15th of June. The owner may have same by proving 'prOperty and paying expenses.â€"W. J. Cook, Ebordale. 9 12 4t pd (:{lile'i‘A- hl- ONT. (anw Town.) Wanted A MANAGER AND MATRON FOR Grey County House of Refuge at Markdale. \Applications will be received up to November 15th, 1912, addressed to the County Clerk, Owen Sound. Duties to commence January lst, 1913. Ap- plicants to state experience, if any: also state a e, and give references as to c aracter, etc.â€" John Rutherford. County Clerk. 3 Medical Directory. The Chronicle till January lat, 1914, 01 to Canadian subscribers. Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. Mutton. Over Déuglas; Jewellery Store. Dental Dz'rectorv \V. J. SHARP MOB CGAGE SALE ()vnv‘ \‘nfifld he“ or a lung: or um: was over 18 you} 0 m homestead a aorta-action o! tunable Dom- inion 1nd in whom. Saskatch- ewan 0: Alberta». Th0 mm“! t Don- mu-t :ppou in pm C inion Lmdl Agoncz. 9r8ub-u'ency po on in each of three years. A home- otoador may live within nine miles of his Wad on a farm of at cupiod by him or by .111! father. mother, son. daughter, brother or for In damn diltzrictl . homestead- or in good standing my pa-e-empt a manta; ae_ct§on alongside his .- A“ _Aâ€" _A-‘ a quarter section along-sue u... homestead. Price 83.00 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Must reside upon the homestead or 'pre-emption six months in each of six years from date of homestead entry (includ- ing the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate fifty acres extra. A. homesteader who has exhaust- ed his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts. Price $3.00 per acre. Dutiesâ€"Must reside six months in each of three years. cul- tivate fifty acres and erect ahouse worth $300.00. of this a paid for. SBALBD TENDESS addressed to the Postmast- er General. will be received at Ottawa until Noon. on Friday. the lst. November. 19l2. for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a pro- posed Contract for four years. six round trips per week-â€" Over Holstein R. M. D.. No. 1 Over Holstein R. M. I). No. 2from the Postmaster General’s Pleas- ure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Office of Holstein. Maple Lane. Yeo- vil. Dromore and at ihe office of the Post Office ln‘pectorjit Toronto. I-uf' 1‘-‘..â€".:nn D‘vhnl‘k ll y\‘v.‘ I nu- Post Office DSpartment. Mail Service Ottawa. 19th Sept" 1912. Depwty of the Minister of 11116 Interior. N. B. â€"Unau'thorized publication I this advertisement will not be .lnulll’ .I‘AvI-ncu-‘u r..._-.__,_ b er General. will be received at Ottawa until Noon. on Friday. the 8th November. IQI‘Z. for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a pm- posed Contract for {our years. six round trips per wee k ' Over Rural Mail Route from Chatsworth. Ontario. to commence at the pleasure of X the HostmasterGencml. Printed notices containing further Information as'to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Ofiiees of Arnott. Chatsworth. Dor- l‘fl' , _' A‘-n I) ‘4‘ I'IZIHIUU nu;u.;a uuuua ...... a -..--_--_ as' to conditions of prnpused Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Arnott. Chatsworth. Dar- nnch. Williamsfnrd and at the Office of the P )s‘t Office Inspectur at Toronto. . Past ()flice l)cpurtx_flcnt_.___f§!ail Service Branch. ()t'tfifiv'a 2151: Se btembet {EALBD TI Electors are called upon to ex- examine the said list and if any omissions, or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. W. B. VOLLET, Clerk of Durham. Dated August 20th, 1912. STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES of the undersigned, Lot '20, Con- cession 7, Egremont, on Septem- ber 9th, a two-year-old colt: colo_r, bay: xxhitg face; two white . ‘-â€"â€"A-‘:l\n *n - IMPERTINENT. To the Editorâ€"Why do the most worthless men often get the best wives? Answerâ€"I don’t know. Ask your husband. J. W. Copeland, of Dayton, Ohio gJu purchased a bottle 01 Chamber- jth' lain’a Cough Rexvdy for his boy 'Jil who had a cold, and befose the em: mttle was all used the boy’s cold :1 a was gone. In that not better than 1 of five dollar doctor’s bill? ' I q _ - ' " “-“-- {n UU‘U" UGJ U vv -u--' ._____ hind feet. Send infoi‘rhation t9 Peter Keith, Landerkin P.O. GOOD CBLLIE PUP; FOUR months old. Apply to W. J. Atkinson, Lot 56, Con. 2, E.G.R.. Glenelg, Durham P.O. MAIL CONTRACT MAIL CONTRACT Vutcrs’ List for 1912 (i we: .2. ANDERSON . Superin tendent W. W. CORY. rict. mmfinmm by 3N DERS addressed to the Postmast ANDERSON. Sup Dog For Sale N Strayed TEE DURHAM CHRONICLE. W12 further information rintcndcnt proxy Branch. u “5-. v vâ€"-__ ”with Lizzie Enter; of mover, suburbs, returned to her home on Honda , after being the eat at u... J Dent the Rm 1‘ ‘part “on“ g “(81' m: ‘11 “II- V; In. £1. Peert the printer .pert' v! a week. v Mrs. Chas. Heft, of the Csnnd- len 800, was the guest of her cou- sins, Kr. and )1". WJ. Greenwood Hr. Rob. Wright. of :‘l‘oronto, spent 3 few I of last week among old net: bars end school- nnd his clever better half . were guests at the Falls Farm the first 1 of the week, and attended Zion’s “£1 “Rally Day” service. r. Wm. Baker, of Waudby, brought home four red tickets from Durham Show Fair, for his horses. and Mr. W.J. Cook? won first for his handsome 2-year-old. fill . . his is the first day for us to attend threshing this season, and lnaturally, we ate so much we feel , irows_y_. Grain. is turning out Well. -.-- _.:| 1.:.. .nkln hplvn- th‘ 'maining all winter. Mr. George Peart attended Han- over Fair on Friday and spent a day or two with his sister, Mrs. J. Hudson. returning home Saturday ‘evoning. U1 IlalIUVL/A t’quu. wâ€" r. and Mrs. J. Lacey and baby. of Chepstowe, arrived on Satur- day to pay a visit to the Darcy Pomestead and the different mem- bers of the family Buyer Konold, of Priceyille. was over this way on Friday and pur- ‘chased quite a lot of stock. Next Sunday win he observed as rally day in Zion and a union ser- Zvice of Sunday school and con- ,gr( gation will be held at 2 o’clock. This has been a very sermus harvest season in many respects. Tons of grain are still in the fields in this section at the time of writ- ing, and any farmer who can keen a smiling face and preserve an equable temper under such condi- tion is certainly to be commended. It is easy to say “we must take weather as it comes”. and “newer trouble about things we can't help,” but it is mighty hard to practice such teachings nevertheâ€" ‘ ,, A ‘- A II'lI .3 ILUU. The wise man knew What he was talking about when he said, “Hope deferred makcth the heart sick." and I am sure many 2 man has had a pretty Sick heart for the past four or five weeks, Just when his grain is about dry enough to haul in, down comes tht.‘ rain and this program has been kept up for over a month with such remarkable samenesp that age CLASSIC (311‘ This has been Worry over IllaLtCLa ..- _ help. And this is the critical stagc in a man's life when he should use to the fullest extent his God- knew what he was saying when he recorded these words: “A merrv heart doeth good like a medi- cine.” We are told by scientists that anger, depression, worry, ex- actually caus pois- com‘pounds to over which we spent many weary ' ' but it is in- lose our health. - AI, - 1.....nanrpflflnl'fi erbs, lately, and so I have, and a ‘ d it is. However, ,the foregoing notation came to :my mind when learn that aMr. fund Mrs. Bugg, of this district, have been sentenced by His Honor .Judge Baron, for not providing 'the necessaries of life to little :Jimmie Bugg. a son of the for- émer and a step-son of the latter. 31 attended the court during a part )0! the trial, and’ I don’t believe ' I ever fully understood the dread- 1111 import of the words referred ASSIC than to .‘IIRONICLES serious vou- Itrnin exhibited b the wom- I [Iva-v PVVIW‘ -vâ€" w..- _ ante were ven six week: to pack their etufl‘ind lecve Cured-i (or- ever, or nerve a term in the mottqshm . A L--I g.-- AngnAt‘ The Norms! school hss opened its doors for soother yesr to the regiment of school teschersâ€"lss strong. As heretofore, the girls outnumber the boys by_ great odds _._--- -_- l â€"8 to a. As only a few experi- enced teachers :9 lied for ad-‘ mission. there w only be one grade, namely, Grade B. Your scribe and family feel lonesome this year, as this is the first time since the school started here that 'Grey. Many old friends from Priceville and vicinity will be interested in knowing that your scribe’s oldest daughter, Alma, is teaching in a ‘pleasant and cosy little school *about two and one-half miles from l the city limits. |, Henry Labouchere, editor of Truth left an estate valued at ten imillion dollars. Some surprise has 4 gbeen ex ressed that a publisher ishould ve athered together so 'much materia wealth. Newspaper men are themselves responsibe if {their readers experience surprise ,as in the case of Labouchere. Yet ‘the newspaper world includes as tmany men of wealth, perhaps, as imay be found in any other busi- ‘ness. Labouchere was by no means ithe only multi-millionaire newspa- iper owner. Old London has many ésuch. On this continent there are ,‘numbers of newspaper pubishers twith reputed incomes of more than Eouc million. W. R. Hearst has an .tincome of two millions. The New York Herald, the Boston Globe and the New York World all .yield their owners more than a _ million a year. Canada has 'among her publishers men having 1'incomes of u wards of one hun-i : dred thousan dollars a year. i ' It is said that there is not a j daily newspaper in a dozen Am- ; erican cities which could be . bou ht for one million dollars, an " num ers of newspapers in (Jana- ° da are held at half a million dol- ’ lars. The advanced value of the r moders newspaper plant and busiâ€" “ ncss lies in the enormous growth '{of advertising patrona e. Busi- ‘ness to-day is conducte upon the - recognized principle that advertisâ€" B‘ing pays. And advertising not r. only pays the merchant. the man- y‘ufacturer and the man having .goods to sell. It pays the owner 9 Eat the advertising medium, the ,tidaily'newspaper. The successful newspaper rejoices in a large cir- culation as well as a liberal ad- "'I rertising patronage. Indeed, --lthe circulation must. precede the y patronage of the advertisers. [. The reading public has benefited in common with the newspaper H“publisher. The newspaper is a . i , . V ..._a1)lCtlll‘t' of the “arid (ll the preâ€" :x'ious day in its pulit'ieal. indusâ€" ”.ltrial, commercial. sneial and gen- geral life. The picture is max-Vel- “flously accurate, taking inthc l; lknown World. All this has led t'v ' ’enormous outlays upon the part ¢ 1‘ lpublishers in the organizatiun :imi . imaintenance of news hvl‘Vit't‘h. 'l‘ht r Minn: has mme by when :1 ms»- 1 . e THE NEWSPAPER AS maintenance of news servnce time has gone by when a paper can be founded upon and a little cash. although day is only recently past. there must be brains and cash. Mechanical changes art of printing alone woulc made this so. not to mentio lays for the news collectio buSiness organization neces The future will witness ti annpnrannp IRI‘QElV Of the The future will witness the ma- appearance largely of the party newspaper. Neu'spapors will stand for principle rather than party. This is seriously. absolutely trm of large an bers of newspapers The i ea t at governments con- tribute largely to the income of newspapers is a fallacy. News- VC‘ ‘ululllb ‘IV5uu v--â€" matter of material difference from the financial standpoint whether political friends-or opponents are in office. The fearless, sane, pub- lic-s irited newspaper is today a 300 investmentâ€"London Free Press, Every man is supposed to pay his debts if he is able .to do so. and yet there would seem to be not a few who, for some reason or other. while claiming to be hon- est men, do not show any very great anxiety to pay their small debts. They probably intend to pay, but they see no reason why BMUJ ovuav- .. ‘ It was reported not long ago that a large catering firm in New York had been forced into bank- $1335 fit him._ The pin;- BE HONEST. A}: ffi'VESTMENT. )IICCLIU" an“ necessar '. ness the is- of the party rs will stand than PBPtY- solutely true newspapers m nut nun-Int nouns u an «my. mung Ila-u. W‘ In... . o u a 4150 my booing}? not Ema” {J m'....' :u x- m ' u- » t costumed to cl) m a. ”W““' «mo» of tho yw. t Ed'm For mm» firm “In I. Mn 2; :2 spa-4E8- : 18 In»! :8. saw.“ alone if ITS-I... numb- 03 33920.3 on. guru. nu Win an but u.“ "W' “mu mum ”an. mud” to publish“ “11W .0 4 W ,; Mahatmaâ€"“nut. ' Hind." “N m.â€"flmubrlmtnm.floob (a: “ cub-squat hut-tho. mum-cu "(out 5 W .0' M 0.“ hr in “won“. 1 Contact mm for Loon, “MO (I! linked on .ppliuuou the on... and Funeral Directom A. BELL UN DERTAKER ruptcy by reason of its failure to collect small sums due to it by an army of rich people. and the North Carolina Christian Advocate in commenting upon this. declares that during the past ten years the Advocate itself has lost enough on subscriptions of good church people to pay off every dollar of its indebtedness on building and printing plant. And no doubt many a retail merchant and many a poor man and woman reflects bitterly upon the fact they find it hard, and in some cases impos- sible, to collect small debts owing them by 'presumably -honest people. DURHAM. ONT-o ‘tc‘ture Framing on shortest Snow Roomsâ€"4%“ to Swallow'fl Barber Shop. RESIDENCE-Nt3fl door South of \V. J Lawrence's hlavksmith shop. Full line of Catholic Robes, and black and white Caps for aged people. We think t should make the of small debts religion. What k is it which fail: to of shoes. .a pawn: year‘s subscription the church paper. And it to ask f< in not a (It an offender. and the Gel such request as a positi W'e wonder who is to such a state of affairs? is possible to tone up science of every commu least feel that small de to be promptly paidâ€"'1 tian Guardian. Sick headache is caused berlain’s ' Tablets and con} Ind the headaches will (ii: For Dale by all dealers. - ADJUSTING HERSELF. ‘It madam will pardon me. this suit does not match her complex- ion as well u the other.” “The suit is all right. I want it to match a bull pup.” SAVINGSdepaitedin this bnk dnwthehighatamtmed hue-t. Withdrawalso‘putortln “mebenndewh. mdaindwilwudelty. Restaurant patron (uncanny).â€" “I am glad to see your baby h“ shut up, mgglamqi " A. "’fibtfi‘ééâ€"Bfi'es air. You are the only thin that‘s pleased him since he saw t 9 animals eat at th. zoo.’\â€"Puck. Eon-on um Paormmn Embalming a Specialty , by some pc aboring ma! 0t excuse t! W. IRWIN October 8rd. ”1'- COMING BACK. "flu “out In ,ke Cham- mrcct that disappear. ive insult. blame for Surely it the con- niu' to It man ment COPK [TI an 119" OI

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