Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 13 Jun 1912, p. 8

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The Central Drug Store :: Durham ALL MARKED 20% \Ve have Elite pieces of Cut C in \Vater Pitchers. Bowls. V Trays. Knife Rests. BomBons, \ ar Bottles, Butter Plates, Ce rays. Etc. Dainty China, in odd pieces. 66 Perfume and Toi With Best Wishes FTGHT for her Happiness 1 oilets m fancy boxes DISCOUNT FOR JUNE quamt designs and Cut Glass elery ’9 The Grand Trunk stationat Hen- sall Was totally destroyed by fire on Thursday evening of last week from causes which are more or less of a mystery. A blaze was dis- covered about six. o’clock under the building, but was extinguished it was thought. Later, about 11.30. when most people were in their beds. the fire broke out again. and this time got beyond control of the firemen and citizens. I The loss is about $2000 The freight shed is a part of the. same building, and goods therei were‘ also destroyed. A passenger} coach brought up from London is being used ,. temporarily as a? depot ‘ HEN SALL STATION Winnipeg and Return, $34.00 Edmonton and Return, $42.00 Western Canada Real Estate C0. *; 502 Temple Building, = Toronto 0 ~> THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPING CARS TICKE to Ed mouton via Saskatoon. a \\ inmpeg and Qalgary via Mam Lme ' 'l'Opm-tI and every nearest. (1. P. R. Agent; for Home: seekers’ Pamphlet. HOMESEEKERS’ E XC U RSI 0 N S CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY June25, and July 9 HTS AND FULL INFORMATION FROM ANY C. P. R. AGENT. Re «mate For a Live Man in Durham my Second Tuesday until Sept. 17 inclusive DESTROYED BY FIRE gate. rates. to other points. turn limit 60 days. tn those who have requested it, regarding an original \Vestern townsitemnot a. subdivision. This is a gentle- man's px-(jmnsitimx, and we want only men of good stand- ing who will not misrepresent. Address to make some clean. honest money, giving information Saskatoon. also A long hatpin 'Worn by a Womaxr Who was going around .a corner in a hurry and bumped mto Fred Harper, nearly :cost him the Slght of one eye. The dpoint oi the pm pierced the eyeli , and left a scratch of several" inches.-â€"Bruce Herald and Times. GUARDS HIS SHEEP WITH “DUMMY’LOF MAN. A Minnesota farmer says that he keeps dogs away from his flock bv putting up in his pasture the dummy of a man holding astick for a gun. This dummy is taken down every morning and put UP again in the evening at different places from night to night. He, says a sheep-killing dog will not go near enough to the dummy to discover that it is a bogus man. leaves Tm-nutn 12.45 p.111. on sailing days making direct connection \‘vnh Steamers at Port McNicoll. The Steamer Manitoba, sailing from Port McNicoll \Vednesday’s will call at Owen Sound leaving that point 10.30 p. m. Steamers leave Port McNicoll Mon- days, Tuesdays, \Vednesdays, Thurs- days and Saturdays at 4 p. m. for SAULT STE. MARIE. PORT ARTHUR AND FORT WILLIAM. ¢mmmm Steamship Express UPPER LAKES NAVIGATION DURHAM CHRONICLE. Saw a Risk. Clerkâ€"I’m afraid I can’t let you let WINGHAM MAN BADLYN HURT. g5'01: have that dmg, sir. Customer- Mr. Wm. Reid, foreman at Wing-3 Why not? "DO I 100k like a man who 'ham Salt Works, was seriouslyl would kill himself? Clerkâ€"Well, I hurt on Saturday He was Iworkw wouldn’t go so far as to say that, air; ing with a chisel on an old boiler but 11 I looked like you 1 should be when a piece broke off the end terrifiedâ€"Washington Star. of the chisel, [fleav fip gritg 1gerrleati ‘ force, and entere ~t e ea eow the eye, puncturing the eyeball! Itins dNeth Thoughts. and allowing the matter of the eye-l tea. 0 a gem 01' even a “0"" ball to escape. Medical aid was: we would 0881; the gift 01 8 mull summoned, but the eye was gonefthonght into the heart ofa mend that beyond all aid. Mr. Reid was taken would be giving as the angels 317.,â€" to London, Where the best medical George mdomkl aid will be employed. i TIGHT SHOES DID THIS. The wearing of tight shoes has just cost ;a young woman of Baltimore, Md., the loss .of her right leg. Some weeks ago, she bought a pair of new shoes, which she wore for several days. A. slight irritation on the little toe, which she thought would wear off in a few days developed into an ulceration. Then the foot began to swell, and the ,physicians decid-‘ 'ed that immediate amputation was imperative. The leg was taken off just below the hip. Your humble scribe has treated his family With a new lawn swing. But of course as We are agent for them some will say that we got it for nothing. No, no! Not for Joe. Miss Maggie McLaughlin, of the Village, is helping Mrs. Herb. Vol- let, of Poplar Hill, with the (work these days. We congratulate Herb. on the new title he has to his name. that of “Papa.” It’s a boy, and doing well. \JuL -‘ 1.4qu The Grange’s picnic will be heldi Sr 1V__J Bell. C )Icfiiu on the 25th of June in Wm. Car-f. 1“] IVâ€"E PMlttkllson. son’s bush. Alalge committee h :38 SI IIIâ€"M BO“ M Lin(151.\'. been set to Work to make this the BeJlll 111”}: Rit‘h’e L Rita“? J picnic of the season Theie me to Sr. IIâ€"M. Atkinson. W. MattheWs be athletic sports, baseball, pro-_ G. Bell, A. Lindsay. r'ms d f _1 ‘ . 0.“ Jr. IIâ€"V. Ritchie, M. Davis am ’9" d an re res unents all £01 1 C M. Newell eq., 0. Bell. M. Whit J. W. Blyth and team spent one more, A. Ritchie. afternoon last u eek helping to fi‘. 1' Iâ€"J. McNabh; . ' in one of the holes that the mate: ' 8.1' Prunerâ€"Ix. D‘W’S' R- Davis. M A1 oe. ham. It was a buster of a Lean. ‘ buster of a washout. [ E. SCOTT. Tmcher. A. few from here intend to “cakel in the L.O.L. picnic in Holstein on! Thursday of this Week. f W'edding bells will soon be ring- ing around Varney again. Mr. John and Miss Etmma Pinker- ton, of Durham, spent Sunday with Mr. George M. Leeson, Cam. Lauder, of Hanover, spent from Saturday till Monday at the parental home. Miss Flora McNaughton, from your town, visited lately 'With her sister, Mrs. John Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. George Harbottle, his sister, Miss/Ida Harbottle, of Durham, and Mr. and Mrs. John McGirr, of Glenelg, spent Sunday With Mrs. Harbottle's father, Mr. Wm. Lauder. The young people of 'this place enjoy themselves every Friday evening playing baseball. They play in Mr. John Kerr’s field. ‘ W'e are very sorry to report that our blacksmith, Mr. Alf, Mcâ€" Cabe, is very sick, and has been off work for about a 'Week, and will be for some time longer. James Wilton is preparing to raise his barn and put a stone sta- ble underneath it. Alex. Mc- [Lean has the job of raising the Ebarn up ready for the stonewmoxk \\ hich u 111 be done by some masons near Mt. Forest. Mr. Wilton has repaired the lime kiln on Wm. Bryans’ place and has it (filled ready ,to fire. A Mr. Stimson from Mt. Forest helped him. and will have charge of the burning. see who could be got. We fully; 1)., 8.13151)”: pect to have the phone in Varney; Sr. IVâ€"T-M. Mcllmith, N. 1431111] before harvest; :A" McClne, T- \OIIE’W I. Evm'h . ' J1" IVâ€"F- MOI‘IOC‘k. (.'. McDom Jr. R. Rlchardson, our generall M, Daniel, J. Duncan. J. Memo? merchant. Spent two or three! Sr. IIIâ€"R. (Emuâ€"men, (3,. my”, days in the cit}; last “798k. iBrPOkS, E.A“:}1it9]‘01'0, (h... ‘R'llgl _ 1' TY? At the Grange meeting on the 3lst, Mr. Robt. Brigham was pres- ent, and laid his plan of building a telephone line before the meeting, but as there could not be enough agree at the meeting; to have him commence to build to Varney, a committee was ap- pointed to can "ass this locality to see who could be got. We fully nect to have the phone in Varney before harvest; The Vamey f/choi1 f1iends picnicliied 2 Falls on the King 3 got caught in the home. Miss EISie MaLaughlin visited her sister. Mrs. Wm. Allan, in Egremont. from Saturday till Monday week ~before lust. - Max Allen’s-horse got badly dis- ubled Week before last While feedâ€" ing in the firld. He stumbled on some stones, and fell in between :1 stone pile and the railroad wire Mrs. Stimson from Mt. Forest visited with her relatives in om village last week, Mrs. A. Mc-Cal‘e Mrs. Wm. Long and Mrs. R.J. Eden Misses Ella May and Ruby Carson from your town spent Sunday be- fore last with their aunt, Mrs. N. Eden, and attended the Sunday schooL fence. When they found was badly bruised up, bu cover in time. ael VARNEY 1t HayV Birthday ‘21111 1nd ut h i m WWard’s comir ill m hC Noble Thoughts. It instead 0'! a gem or even a flower thought into the heart of a mend mad wouldbeglving as thencelszflw- George Macdonald. “I want to pay you the $5 I am going to touch you for now.” â€" New York American. \V “Whakdo you want to see me then for?” The Touch Courteous. “I want to see you tomorrow after- noon at 3 o’clock on something impor- “I once engaged two maidservants. One was a Devonian, the other a cock- ney. They were both named Catherine, but that fact caused no confusion in my household. I simply called the Devon girl Kate and the cockney Kite, and they always knew whom I was ad- dressing.” “Our worst accent,” he said. “Is the cockney oneâ€"the one that turns, you know, ‘make haste’ into ‘mike ’iste,’ and so on. Kate and Kite. An English clergyman visiting this country was discussing the English ac- cent. rJ. IVâ€"E.Pz1tt9rson. S1. IIIâ€"M. Bell. M. Lindsm Jr. 111â€" E. Ritchie L. Ritchie. J. Bell. Sr. IIâ€"M. Atkinson W. Matthouu.S G. Bell, A. Lindsax. J1. IIâ€"V. Ritchie, M. Davis and .M. Newell eq., 0. Bell, M. Whit- Sr. Iâ€"VV. Adlnm, H. ] Baile3. Jr. Iâ€"N. McDoug:.111 Sr. Primerâ€"D. Bums, R. B03ce, G. Blunt. A. ' Jr. Primerâ€"M. Brbwn lum, C. Noble. Vâ€"M .Clzlrk. IVâ€"M. Lunnoy, E. Redford. IIIâ€"E. Twamlvy, D. Nuhn. Sr. IIâ€"G. Noble. J. McDougzlll Boyce. Jr. IIâ€"S. BIC'Fullum. \V. Bovm3 Sr Iliâ€"M. B13011. (‘. McLean. .\".§ Falkingham, W. Emmi. I. El\',idge Sr. 121â€" E. McComb, M. Yiirs. (L, Marshall D. (haham. E. Willis 3 Intermediateâ€"R. Ieid. W. \\ .11511! K. Kelsey K. Hughes )I. R3'1111.l Jr. Pt. IIâ€"-G mug}. P. mils} Schutz. W. \ollett. E. (11151)} McQueen Brooke, H. Kress, R. Snell. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"I. McDougall, K. Mcâ€" Auliffe, A. Everitt, W. Koch, J. Davis. D. Heather. B. Pilkey. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"g. Miller. P. \Valsh. 17.. n â€"__ Sr. IIâ€"E. Browning, S. McCrne Smith, E. Schutz, R. Carson. Jr. IIâ€"F. Nichol J, Allen, Brooke, H. Kress. R. Snell- .rJ IIIâ€"C. Mc.GiI£ C. C6835 1 Lauder, J. McKechnie J. Ruthel ford. b' 01 m 1â€"- 4 T111 nbul] M Hnnor Roll For May DURHAM SCHOOL. H. S. DEPT. Form IIIâ€"W .Hunt, N. Bl B. Reid, M. Backus and V. C ford, equal, A. Petty. Form IIâ€"R. Farquharson, S. sey. J. Isaac, F. Bryon. A. H: bran-dt. Our large stock of Summer Millinery em! that is new and sflYlish in trzmmed 'hats. We: \ch city on Monday and made an‘ntlwr pnrchasa shapes, etc. We are now preparpd to cat-pr m mer bride. The rush for summer lmts made. dainty braids, tulles. nets, etc. is HUN ”:1 and m We aremlding new hats. to our already large sh also have a large assornuent of black huts. hats, large black Chip. Mohair pz‘vsszul 531:“ ‘1'“‘5 fitting hats for mat-mus Om- st‘ru-k was ; pluteé at this season of The Hut #9“; - ' 1’ disl)lz.1._.\'. . Mu}: WV“ the undersigned up to July position of caretaker 1 Town Hall. summn . MILLINERY NO. 9, GLENELG. IVâ€"J. Bell. C. McGirr IVâ€"E. Patterson. IIIâ€"M. Bell. M. Linds IIIâ€"E. Ritchie. L. Ri1 IIâ€"S. Md' :xllum \V. 130300 J. Burns i1 NO. 6, BENTINCK 101 'W Notic as, Dulles. nets, (3130.. is m) ing new hats to our alrea large assornnent nf black black chip. Mohair p:vss for matmns Om 8T0:- I E SCOTT. Lia-11”.; Wooum-quooooo Edge. ‘ampi Be sure and give us a call. Y save money by dealing here. on Wil Butter and Eggs. “7 001, Hides, Live Poultry, and all kinds of Farm Pro duce taken as Cash. Our prices and we ask 3 ced. GARAFRAXA ST. Ladies’ Suits. St Our Stock (s has arrived a shelves for yo stock cmnprises Men’s Pants all sizes Me'ns’ Tailored Suits, extra (First door south Bu" L nett? ”.09.“. cues-000000000009 uner hats made in I: is 1111\’ (1.1 11111 an)“ d alread \' 1.11'09 stuck. black h: 115‘ H.111 111.111' hr 1119.9st shapus. 111111 c} u 4‘ ' 5.01! \\ :1< mwm- gm m nmc flies 3'0 he 3 are the lowest in town you to call and be convin kirts our inspection June 13th. 1912 and Lad ies‘ ‘Vear aw Spring G embra PPS all 4: were in the base of new to the sum- 121430 in lace, 1:] awry dm)’. ‘9 stmmk. We .‘_\iuh.1ir braid ”‘5. and close well :11 vtde ’8 Bakery) DURHAM w 0m

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