fencéd with Wire particulars apply to Mary (jaulda’ Well, Box 14 Durham 6 pd ltf RADULATE of London. New York and Chicago. Diseases of Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at the Hahn House, Jan. 20 Feb. 17, March 16. April 20, and WEDDING STATIONERY: THE kind that makes married life worth living. Furnished on short notice at the Chronicle Office ___,,,_ _,. ND NICE BRICK COTTAGE, _ A DILLVAL \pv as .- -gvâ€"v __ _ Lot A bargain for immediate buyer.-â€"Arthur E. Jackson. 18tf A PAIR OF ONE-HORSE BOB- Ileï¬g‘hs. and a cutter. Apply to D. MacK-enzie. Upper Town, Dur- ' 411111.: Uâ€"li Z, ‘1‘)“. ‘2’ Douol‘o, Vuu-vwâ€" v‘ 100 acres: 70 acres working land. 10 acres new land, 20 acres hard- wood bush. Two good wells on premises. Good concrete house. frame barn. driving shed, al-acre orchard. Well fenced. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. For fur- ther particulars apply to David McAuliï¬e, Upper Town. Durham Oct. 5th, tf. _ _ ,.___.-â€"’â€" small fruits: watered by sprmg and Well. Frame house 28x24, , 5 acres swamp, 1/, frame barn 50x36, stabling un- derneath. The above property will be sold cheap, as the owner intends going to Alberta. For further particular-1.7 apply on T nmaoffp‘ 6-ROOMED DWELLING 0N GOOD lot with stable,--F. W. Kelsey. 9‘21 SIX-ROOMED HOUSE. CORNER of Elgin and South streets. Will sell cheap to quick purchaser: A ’good lot and garden on prem- ises.-â€"App1y to Mrs. Thomas Saunders. 2 22 t1 A COMFORTABLE BRICK DWEL- ling on Countess street, 2 storeys, on Xâ€"acre lot, with good stable. Apply to Mrs. F. Caton. 3 7t! TWO PLAI‘E GLASS WINDOWS 6 feet bv 73/ feet. Apply to Daniel McAuliffe, Durham. 4413‘ ‘1 Lil‘E GLASS WINDO\V',S Holstein Com eyancer Tr“? {gee}; h ‘ 7} feet. Apply to Issuer of Marriage Licenses Daniel â€\IcAuliffe, Durham 443‘ Money to loan tat) lowest rages: “ ‘ . land terms to sui orrower. 118 T“ O SHORTHORN BULLS’ 03‘ Eland Life Insurance placed in thor- extra fine, 16 months old, loughly reliable compnaies Deeds, Prince R0‘ 31 mm†and tracing to Mortgages, Leases and Wills Cargill stock on the clam Sid-.el ex \ecuted on shortest notice All He is a choice animal, and has‘work promptly attended to 1 1- :.....1: ..... \inn nna ____‘ J. LLLJVV A‘v Cargill stock on the dam sideJ He is a choice animal, and has proved himself sure. Also one 12 months‘ old bull, very cheap.i Apply to W. A. Livingston. Vickers P.O. 411tf -._,____â€" -.. fl.._. GOOD COMFORTABLE FRAME house on College street; six rooms, two storeys, hard and soft water. good half acre of land. A bargain to quick pur- chaser. For articulars, apply to Ed. Lang on, Durham, or John M. Little, 205 Riopelle lSt., Detroit, Mich. 2221:! A. COMFORTABLE BRICK COT- tage in upper town, Well located, about a quarter acre of land in good co-nditiom Will sell cheap to quick purchaser.â€"Ap- ply to Geo. Finney. 418 tf 85" H. Burnett. “jibe 'Town of Durham.â€"-APP1Y 1 2m RBEESTERED SHORTHORN Bull. 10 months’ chiâ€"Apply to Harry Wilkinson. VÂ¥arney. 2 It! Advertisements of one incn subsequent insertion. Over THE ROCKY SAUGEEN HOTEL property.-â€"-App1y to J. A. Brown, Durham. 7, -, _f 12 7t! G 00D ROUGH-CAST HOUSE. centrally located Apply to A. S Hunter 8: Son. 22%; PASTURE FOR EIGHT OR TEN head of 301mg cattle. \\ ell wat- ered Apply to Jas McMeeken, Varne).1p THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE at Lot 54:. Con. 3. W'G..R., Bent- (KILBOURN 8: KILBDURN, April. 1912 Owen Sound, Ont. inchâ€"C. S. Dunsmoor. arms for Sale. Lot 3, Corn. 9. Glenelg LL PARENTS RESIDING IN} the Town of Durham, are re- quired to send children Within school age to school. and in case of their neglect so to do, infor- mation will be laid before the Police Magistrate, and costs Will be incurred. Dated May 11th, 1912. THOMAS DANIEL, 5164 NY PERSON FOUND FISHIEG, hunting, or otherwise trespassmg on lots 14, 15, any! 16, Con. 2, S, D. R... Glenelg, W111 be prosecuteti .. ,,.___-L_ n I‘AA-A We have instructions to sell Notice to Trespassers and are open for offers. Boar for Service Farm For Sale Truant Notice For Rent E.G.R.9 GLENELG SMALL ADS. 5 cents for ï¬rst insertion, and woe inch, or less, 2 der two inches, double Over one inch and an amount. Yearly rates on application. Truant Officer. ;.-.-C'. Moore, 516 3D OFFICE, TELFORD’B ISLUUA. u: stairs, Lawbto‘n Street. Residenc Corner Queen and George Streetsâ€"Kort of Methodist Churc h. Uï¬ice hours 9- 7-9 0.11). Telenhone No. i_.__ I [State Of Ohio, City Of TOledO, '33 ‘ Lucas County. I ADS- Frank J- Qheney, makes oath‘ ate for ï¬rst insertion. and 10 cents for each that he is senior partner of the‘ ' h b m ‘firm of F. J. Cheney .8: Co., doing‘ nd under two Inchea‘ “able ‘ e 3 ° ,business in the City of Toledo, mes on applicatwn- ECounty and State aforesaid, and Mlthat said firm will pay the sum OI‘ IONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for Medwal DZML‘IOW'. éeach and every case of Catarrh _ -â€"â€"â€"~ lthat cannot be cured by the use oi ________,_._.,__ ' ' EHI’Ct .hC . Drs. Jamleson 8'- Jameson. 1 a†a arr FI‘KJXETK J. CHENEY.‘ , FFICE AND RESIDENCE A: Sworn to before me and sub-I a short distance east of Ignapp {3,3312% scribed in my presence, this 6th oamb ton Street, Lower Own' ,day of December, A.D. 1238b. a ! )flice hours from 12 t0 2 O’CIOCk :’ (seal) st. Wvï¬GLE‘Aiog ;. otary u lie I. 6. “Into"; M- 0-9 c- M- ' Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- . TELFORD’S BLOCK. UP ternally, and acts directly on the Fifi}: Lambto‘n Street. Resideuc blood and mucous surfaces of the Corner Queen and George Streetsâ€"Kort system. Send for testimonials free. h ' Church. Uï¬ice hours 9- F.J. CHENEY 8: CO., Toledo, 0. “ma-4 mm" 7-9 0-!!!» Telephone NO- Sold by all druggists, 75C. ' Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- £._LL.... Gun II n Stipation. Arthur Gun, M. D. ' HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OF- ï¬ce in the New Hunter Block. Oï¬cc- hours, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 t09 p. :11. Special attention given to disease: of women and children. Residence op oosite Presbvterian Church. Lat-e Assistant Roy. London Opntnaumu Dun um, and to Golden Sq. Throat and Nose Hoe. SPECIALIST : EYE, EAR,_ maqn nose # _‘____‘1 v Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. Will be at the Hahn House, Jan. 20 Feb. 17, March 16. April 20, and May 18. Hours, 1 to 6 p.m. Dr. D. S.CraIg, D.V.S..V.S.V. D. ISEASES OF DOMESTICATED animals treated on most scientif- ic principles. All calls promptly attended to. Ofï¬ce and residence, Gar-afraxa Streec. Durham, nearly 0p- posite the Chronicle Ofï¬ce. 623 1 Dr. W. 0. Pickering Dentist. OFFICE: Over J. J. Hunter’s Ofliceâ€"Over Douglas’ Jewellery Store. J F GRANT. D. D. S . L. D. S. HONOR GRADUATE, UNIVERSL ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya College Dental Snrgeons of Ontario Dentistry 1n all its Branches. l. P. Telford. BARRISTEL, SOLICITOR. ETC ()ï¬ice. nearly opposite the Registry ofï¬ce. Lambton 5t.,Durham. Any amount p )f monev to loan at a per cent. on farm oropertv. LV er. Conveyancer,' c. Insurance Agent. . Money to Loan. Issuer .of Max:- nage Lxcenses, A general 611.111cm busn- mess transacted. DURHAM ONT. (LOWHI‘ Town.) A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- L er. Conveyancgr, c. Insurance , â€".~â€"â€"â€"â€" ._,_._vv_.._____._. \ COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE'} i... Durham. 2 ed'oreys high. hard g and sott water inside, good cem- ' ent stahle frame barn on too. quarter 3011: of Land. Price aWay down to quiak purchaser. Applv I a?“ the Chronicle office. 7 27 tf4 .â€"-.â€"-â€".....-- â€Hm LOT 33, CON. 9, GLENELG, CON- taining‘ 100 acres of first-class land in good condition. Reason- able terms. Apply to J;A. Rus- sell, Box 39, Sedgewick, Alberta. Man-1411f THE J. C. NICHOL TAILOR SHOP and dwelling, next to R. Bur- nett’s store. For particulars, apply to George Ryan, Sr., Lamb- ton streett Qurtham. 4 25tf ON OR ABOUT THE THIRD OF May, a buggy belonging to the undersigned was stolen from the rear of walpole’s Livery stables, Dunham. The thief will return the same at once, or put up with the consequences.-â€"Thos. Harris- on, Priceville. 516 3p COURT OF REVISION Township of Glenelg 19I2 NOTICE Is hereby given that {he first sitting of the Court of ReVlS-‘ ion; for flhe Township _of Glenelg " g- lUll lUlV Luwuaxuy UL ULCL I “3-H be held in the Town Hall, Glenelg, on Saturday, the first day! of June next at ten o’clock in the forenoon, of which all persons haVâ€" _ing business at said Court will 'please take notice. - Dated at Glenelg this 14th day of May, 1912. ° J. S. BLACK bflioez 131 -â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"‘v "---V-â€" l TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED': by the Council of the Town 0le Durham, for the construction of. a cement abutment and retaining wall at Lambton street bridge West side. Tenders are asked for, both .for the contract work en bloc, and also by the cubic; yard of cement Work, and in.- cluding the necessary excavation. Plans and specifications may be seen at the ofï¬ce of the Clerk of the Town of Durham, on and after Monday, the 20th inst. Tenders will be opened on Mon- day, the 37th of Why, 1912. . ____Â¥______ For Sale or Rent. Dental Dz’rectorv. Legal ‘Dz’rectorv. W. J. SHARP TENDERS WANTED Chairman Board of .W'orlis, 6162 Durham. DR. BURT. Frost 83., Owen Sound. London Ophthalmic Hon :0. Throat and N080 Hos. Provincial Loans of $2,000,000 and $210,000 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. undpr the authority of Chapter 4, of the Statutes of Ontario, 1911, invites subscriptiqns from t‘he‘ pulglic for -0 L1-â€" 5'13513'6f"7$2",bobjdoo on bEmdS of the Province of Ontario. or “Ontario Government Stock.â€_ ‘I - . ‘-‘ The bonds "will be dated lst May, 1912, and payable on the lst (Nov- ember, 1941, in denominations of $1000 each, with coupons attached for interest at the rate 01f :4 per cent. per annu-m, payable lhalf- yearly, on the .lst May amd lst November in each year, at the of- fice of the Provincial Treasurer. Toronto, or at the offices of the Bank of Montreal. in Montreal, Canada, and in New York, N. Y.. at the holder’s option. Bonds will be made payable to bearer, but on ‘request will be registered in the office of the Provincial Treas- urer and endorsed as payable only to the order of certain persons or corporations, and on request of holders ‘Will be exchanged for “On- tario Government Stock†at any. time. _ __ l t. ‘ “ blmv. Also balance of AlgoEnquin Park Loan of $210,000 on tlhe same terms and with the same dates, under the authority of Chapter 9, 1 George The issue price during the month of May, 1912, will be 102 .for each $100, and after the 3lst day of May, 1912, the issue price will be 102 and interest accrued from the 151: May. 19120 ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED' STOCK ISSUED UNDER THE AU- THORITY OF THE SAID ACT ARE FREE FROM ALL ONTARIO PROVINCIAL TAXES. CHARGES. SUCCESSION DUTY AND IMPO- SITIONS WHATSOEVER. Purchasers of Stock or Bonds will be required to send certified cheque with the application. p113“- able to the order of the “Provin- cial Treasurer of Ontario,†v...- v- ‘i‘l‘thi‘s‘ Toan isurgxiâ€"Sed ubon the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Ontario, and is chargeable thereupon. â€"- â€"- . mwâ€"vr‘mï¬â€œ? ‘1‘.“ vv-I-v_-' .‘X. J. MQ‘XTHESONQ Provincial Treasurer. Treasury Department, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, April 19, 1912. Newspapers inserting this adver- tisement without authority from the Department will not be paid ANY PERSON Who is the sole ihead of a family, or any male iover 18 years old, may homestead a quartersection of available Dom- inion land in Manitoba, Saskatchâ€" ewan or Alberta. The applicant . must appear in person at the Don- tinion Lands Agency, or Subâ€"agency ngI‘ the district. Entry by proxy ‘may be made at any agency, 01D j certain conditions by father, moth- er. son, daughter, brother or sister 'of intending homesteader. for it. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH WEST LAND REGULATIONS. 1 In certain districts 3. huomeStead- er in «good standing may pre-esmpt xa quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. Du'ties.â€"Must reside upon the .homestead or pre-emption six 'monrths in each of six years from :date of homestead entry Linclud- ins: the time required to earn homestead patent) and cultivate ififlty aeres extra. Dulties.â€"-Six months’ residence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a- farm of at least 80 acres solely ‘owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. A. homesteader who has exhaust- ed Chis homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts. .Price $3.00 per acre. “Dutiesâ€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cul- +31rofa fiffv acres and erect abou-se acré: ‘JDurties.â€"Must reside 81:: months in each of three years, cul- tivate fifty acres and erect ahause worth $300.00. W. W. CORY, Depmty of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.;Unaath0rized publication Iofï¬zhis adVertisement Will not .be ‘-i‘-.-â€"'â€"â€" per order during by communicating with the Secre- tarv .or other ofï¬cers of the Comm pany, amd paying a fee of one dollar to the Treasurer, C.L.Grant. Dated April 23rd 1912. J P. TELFORD, Secretary 1511M Cemetery Co. 6 2 an DURHAM CEMETERY NOTICE. ONTARIO DURHAM CHRONIC (From the Collingwood Enterprise) The Dominion Government steamer Estevan was successfully launched from the yards of the Uollingwood Every ma Shipbuilding Company on Tuesday his plant. afternoon, April 29th. in the presence Apply the of the Minister of Marine. the Hon. sufï¬cient J. D. Hazen, the Minister of Labor. future ye: the Hon. T. W. Crothers. Major Cur- rie, M.P., Thos. Long. ex-M.P.P., and Ca . . numerous other distinguished guests. Pltc The christening of the new vessel was $€ ably looked after by Miss Helen Cur- . ' rie, daughter of our popular member. who broke the proverbial bottle of ' wine against the bows of the vessel as .it started to move. ‘ I" k“ “ UV u-‘v At the signal, given by Manager Smith, f .ur axes dropped as one, and the Vessel slid gracefully down the well greased ways. It took quite a roll, even shipping a little watei on its deck. but quickly righted itself. and was soon moored to the east side of the dock. _ . ,, " fl \Jl UHC \l‘ IDA. The Estevan, which is designefl for the lighthouse and buoy service on the Paciï¬c Coast. is one of the most modern of the Government vessels She is 212 feet long. 38 feet wide and has a. draught of 11 feet. Her speed will be 12 knots. She is thoroughlyl equipped for the service for which she is intended, including a, 25,000 candle- power seachlight and Wireless teleg- raphy. The vessel is to be delivered at Victoria next fall. and Will make the trip under her own steam, follow- ing a series of trial tests. She was de- signed by Chas. Dnguid. naval arch- itect of the Department. ‘1 . {V21 Previous to the launch MayorGil- pin gave a luncheon to about thirty- ï¬ve of the leading citizens and the guests of honor. at the Globe Hotel. when a. most recherche meal was much enjoyed by all those present. SEALED TENDERS, qddr-ess‘e-d-tg UL'JJ'LUJJU LU‘VHMAVI", ï¬â€œ __ the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for W'harf or Retaining! Wall at Owen Sound, Ont,†will be received at this ofï¬ce until 4P.M., on Tuesday, .June 4th, :1912, for the construction of a W-‘harf or Re-i taining Wall at Owen Sound, Grey [County, Ont. [ Plans, specification and form of ,contiact can be seen :and forms of ,tender obtained at this Department {and at the ofï¬ces of J. \G. Sing, 'Esq., District Engineer, Confeder- latio-n Life BuildingLTo-rontouOnt.; SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCHED a ‘IJU'LI “LAW ‘1 “a..- ’ H. J. Lamb, Egci-f’IDâ€"isâ€"trict Engin- eer, Windsor, O:n.t., and .on applica- tion to the Postmaster .at Owen Sound, Ont. _ k ‘ ' -7- _-..L:::,.,J aCIU'dl 5.1511'dLU1-C9 uu. “may“-.. Ovâ€" -___ Lllf‘y â€u“ "Vâ€r’ruw _____ï¬ , occupatmn. and "place 0f .reSIdence. riston long enough to suppiess a ï¬re of eafflh member 0f the ï¬rm musti that. but for their intervention. would ‘be grven. ‘ have completely destroyed a ï¬ne bank i Eac'h tender must be accompan- barn near the track belonging to Rob- ‘iEd by an accepted cheque 0n aiert Morten. Sever-:11 head inf cattle [Chartered bank, payable to the, were also savoi by the somewhat un 'm‘der 0f the Honourable the Mm- usual but decidedly sonsihle action of 3 iSteI‘ 0f Pllbu-c \VOI‘kS. equal to ten ! the train hands. The Imsmmgers also ‘ ‘ per cent. ('10 ‘P-C) 0f the amount 0f: took a htmd in thn game and with the ‘the tender, which will be forfeitedzï¬reï¬gming â€mummy; m, the train if the person tendering deal-.1119 tOi'shm't wm-k W39 111369 with the flames. ï¬lter into a CODtY‘QCt When CfluediThe few minutes 103» were soon Uli‘ulP ‘upon to do 50~ 901‘ fail to completeiup, and thus. without dtlayiug till)- it'he Wm‘k contracted {013 If “1910119, Conductor Osborne and his gal- : tender be not accepted, the cheque i lant crew, in addition to their regular l Will he returned. 5 wages. earned the hearty thanks (if an The Department does “Qt M1111 j honest old farmer and his family. It itself to accept the IOWGSt 01‘ an)" ' is a consulatit‘m to people along the tender. }_ line to knnw that thvy have such efï¬- By order, ici’eut ï¬re. rangers patruliing the Tees- ' n (1 annnDT-TFRS. lwater branch.-â€"Shelimre Free Press. Each tender must be accompan- ied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank. payable. to the order of the Honourable the Min- ister of Public \Vorks. equal to ten per cent. (-10 'p.c) of the amount of _--31‘I 1â€".“ :nvtfn:+bf‘ |CCU' Department of Public Works, Otta‘Wa, May 6. £1912. Newspapers will not be paid for this advertisement if they insert it without authority from the Departâ€"- 16 ‘2 ment. OFFICIALS WILL BE DISMISSED The report of Mr. Eudo Saundersfl K. 0.. on the license enquiry at Godoi erich is not likely to he made pnhiic. 3 Hon. \V. J. Hanna. Provincial .i'iecre-i tary. has received Mr. Saunders’ reml nun-ks as special commissioner into’, charges made against \Villiam Patten! son, chairman of the Centre Huron ii-I cense commissioners, and Alfred As-i quith. license inspector, by Michael‘ Farr. hoteikeeper in Goderich. “While not handing out a c0py for publication.†said Mr. Hanna. 5‘1 may ‘say that the report of the evidence taken at the enquiry at Goderich leav- es no alternative but to change the chairman of the commission as well as the inspector. Apart entirely from the inspector’s intentions in the mat- ter. the facts brought out make it clear that his usefulness as inspector is gone.†This means that the resig- nation of Asquith which has already been received. will be accepted.â€" Lucknow Sentinel. "Come hither, little Mary Ann,†the doting mother said; "I have about are not in line ; so let me kalsomine your face with pigments rich and rare and put some red paint on your lips. and cook and curl your hair. and push you in a narrow skirt that shows your I every curve, so you will get from rub- ber-necks the notice you deserve. And you must wear your snowy shoes that hat that scares the horses on the ' street, for I Won’t have the neighbors say that my dear little maid is not as good ae any or as stylishly arrayed. Of course you don’t look like a child with all your paint and curls, but you're edge on you; of course you’re like a monkey, dear. of course it is a shame; ' but since the neighbors turn out apes, . I have to do the same!â€-Welt Mason. THE mom) MOTHER DESROCHERS, Secretary. _E_very manufacturer sets aside a certain sum each year for wear and tear ll DMD Dau‘h y} Auvnynv Vv Vuv I v..- vâ€". “nub wwrâ€"vâ€" w.’ cient sum in a savings accoungvinwth'is Bank to assure youw‘of Eomfortvin future years. 623 Apéiy the same principle to _th_e__IiLf§_ of your earning 939Â¥it§f by depositing} . _ LLB- h, _‘ J _ --- A: AAn-‘Afl" ‘n THE TRADERS BANK S. HUGHES, Manager, Capital and Surplus $6,800,000 HOMESEEKERS’ STOPPED TRAIN TO SAVE A BURNING BARN Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alherta Special Tnim [euro Toronto 2.00}{p..m on mm 2.13. so HAY 14, an we 11, 25 JULY 9, 23 AUG. 6‘ 20 T T. 3. 17 Second ch. ticks}!- ftp!!! Onuï¬o 31:60 :0 principal Railroading on the Teeswster branch of the C. P R. is not a partic- ular‘y exciting life. Collisions are few and far between 2mg ‘hold ups’ are'gv- LOW ROU N D-TRIP RATES W» m $34. 00: Edmonion and return otherpoinu in ptoponion. Tickets 2.003 to vanthin within“) (by: {tom coin: date. TéURIST SLEEPING CARS en less frequent. Baggage ‘man Bob Bmdlvy has been running up and down the branch for over forty years and the only m-cidnt. he ever happen- ed with Was a belt from a switch arm at Artuur village about twenty years ago. Conductor Bub Oshorne has bpen on the road smce the last spike was driven and he is well and favorably known to almost every 1mm. woman and child along the line from Orange- ville to \Vingham. It was. therefore, only with slight surprise that the ed- itor of the Free Press, on taking the . train at Grand Valley on Friday even- ing. heard from Conductor Osborne .and his crew that on their way down jthey had stopped their train at Har- ‘ 1 A - --.-...._- .. am, than to Edmund: Suhm. tho to Winnipeg and mthtinlhoondlexcuniou. Com- fombl- fully cauiwed Vida beddinc. an be new-dam nmthxonahlocducnt. Isl-Dy application must b. made. “UK '0' HOIISEIKEI.' PAUPflLIT «nailing talc-Ind MW. Andy In and CPR Ago! at MG. MURPHY. DH. Put. M.Tm ONLY DIRECT LINE NO CHANGE OF CARS Richard Howell. after threshing last, fall. ieneed his quarter section farm near Rnsetmvn. Saskm and retmnmi to this locality. Hr rer-eived word it coupie of days am» that; hi~z tenant. had setmit ï¬re. to burn stubble and that the flames rewthed the. nut-buildings destroying barn and granary with a unanbitv of wheht. The property was not insured and its destructkm is quite 31088 to Mr. Howell. The imsfurcune necessitatps his going to the \Vest.-â€"- Dundz-le Hem-1d. 9' w - v ' kl‘Larg' estim- A handsomely illustrated wee y. ' _ i cflc oumal. terms for culation of any ac en 1 j paid. Sold by Canada. $3.75 a. year. postage pre all newsdealers. MBNN Cosmmm New York _._\. nan... me. I‘ ï¬t Wuhihmon. D. C. Anvone sending a sket cï¬'aVï¬dâ€"descflpunn may free whether an uiclil ascertain our opinion O y table. Communion. invention is probably paten Lions strictly conï¬dential. HANDBOOK on Pntenta Oldest anency for seem-mg patents. taken through MunnthkeCo. receive special notice, without. charge. in .a‘. A “-g‘ AAAzAA“ 15.6: F St. Wuhincto Fmget'Ã©ï¬ Personal Depreciation EXCURSIONS ©F @WA Nonhwen point: It TORONTO L__°__;_____ DURHAM BRANCH, Kellv. U-Ua f I T0 DURHAM, Ont. Man ma? A. BELL UN DERTAKER and Funeral Director Future Frammg on shorten notice. SHOW ROOMSâ€"Next to Swallow Barber Shop. RESIDENCEâ€"Next door South of \V. J. Lawrence's blacksmith shop. THE DURHAM EHHUNIELE IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa Street. ' ‘ Tan Cunomcu: will be sent u subscnptlon any address. free of postage. for. Rates « . $1 OOper year. payable in adnnoc -â€"$1.50 may be charged if not no paid. The due to which ever) .- nbecription is pmd is denoted by the number an the address label. No paper die- continued to all arrears are paid. except 5: the outmn of the proprietor. ' ' For transient sdvertisements E Advertlsmg cents per line for the ï¬rst inser- Rates . tion: 3 cents periine each subse- quent insertion minion measure. Professions cards. not exceeding one inch $4.00 per annnm. Advertisements without speciï¬c directions wil} be published till forbid a) 1 charted accordin 1y. Tmnsie at noticesâ€""Lc 81. ":Found." "For 83 e.†etcâ€"50 cents for ï¬rst insertion. 25 cents for each snbseq uent insertion. Full line of Catholic Robes, and blank and White Caps for aged people. All advertisements ordered by strangers must be paid for in advance. Contract rates for year.y advertisements fur- nished on application to the oï¬ice. Homeseekers Settlers’ E X C URSIO N HE business man customers in van VIA (3H ICAGO April 16th. 23rd. and math and every second Tuesday thereaftvr until Sept. 17th inclusive. Special Train will leave Toronto at 10.30 p.11). on above dates for Edmonton. and points in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. via Chicago and bt.P:ml.ca.x-rying through coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleepsrs. NO CHANGE OF (TABS Full particulars from any Grand Trunk Agent, or C. R. Mc(..‘utcheon. Alberta. Government Agent. Palmer House, Toronto, Ont. 1 customers In vanous parts of Canada or elsewhere will ï¬nd the services of this bank of invaluable assistance in collect- THE mosr POPULAR Home To Montreal Buffalo New York Philadelphia Detroit Chicago is via Grand T1 nnk. the only DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE DURHAM. ONT.. For Tickets and all information apply to J. R. GUN, Agent. Phone 14 J. TOWNER, Depot Agent, Phone 18 Western Canada Embalming a Specialty STEAMSHIP TICKETS ON SALE VIA ALL LINES. EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. $52,000,000 W. IRWIN Total Assets May 16th, 1912. 1‘0...