Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 May 1912, p. 2

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A PAIR OF ONE-HORSE BOB- alecighs. and a cutter. Apply to D. MacKenzie. Upper Town, Dur- ham. 5 1‘2 11tf fHRIVING BAKERY BUSINESS in the Town of Durham.â€"App1y to H. Burnett. 125tf SEVERAL HOUSES IN DURHAM. One nice cottage in Lower Town. â€"A, H Jackson, Durham. 3 21tf ERICK COTTAGE, AND NICE Lot A bargain for immediate _,b‘l71_3:er.â€".§rthur H. jackson. 18tf frame barn, 50x36; stone base- ment underneath, and other out- buildings. Also lots 2 and 30f 15. Con. 1, VV.G.R., Bentinck, 100 acres: 30 acres under cultivation. 30 acres pasture, 35 acres hard-: wood bush, 5 acres swamp, ’Aj acre orchard. Small frame house' frame barn 50x36, stabling un- derneath. The above property will be sold cheap, as the owner intends going to Alberta. For further particulars. apply on farm, or to Wm. Leggette, Ro-cl;3:_Saugeen, On_t.__ 125_t_f__ 70 ACRES 1% MILES FROM; DUR- ham. 300d buildings, good land. Two concrete wells. Well fenced with wire and rails, For particulars apply to Mary Cauld- Well. Box 14, Durham 6 pd ltf G-ROOMED DWELLING ON GOOD lot with stable,-â€"F. W, Kelsey. 9'21 ______, __ __..______. SIX-ROOMED HOUSE. CORNER of Elgin and South sweets. Will sell cheap to quick purchaser: A ”good lot and garden on prem- ises.â€"App1y to Mrs. Thomas Saunders. '2 22 tf LOT 1 OF 17, CON. 1, E. G. R., Glenelg, 50 acres; forty .acres under cultivation, 7 acres hard- wood bush, 3 acres swamp. :2 small orchards, variety of other small fruits: watered by spring and well. Frame house 28x24, frame barn, 50x36; stone base- ment underneath, and other: out: annex-linen: IDSCFUUII. ch; uuc up.“ “u “w--- cum 11655 111 Ln 8 L1 12y OI 'lOLEGO, amount Yearh rates on WNW-3m” I County and State aforesaid and that said firm Will pay the sum of , , 5,0: [or . O\E HUNDRED DOLL ARS fox f Medial] 0‘ of V ieach and ev erv case of Catazzh l .,_______-V__ l Farms for Sale. LOT 2, CON. 4, E.G.R., QLENELQ . -*â€"~ ‘that cannot be cured by the use 01' 5‘3 Jamieson jamieson IHall’s Catarrh Cure. Uh A \‘Tf T f“ IIT‘\'T.“{' x COMFORTABLE BRICK DWEL- ling on Countess street, Estoreys, ON APRIL 3rd, SMALL, BLACK dog, with brown legs and nose. Any person giving information as to the whereabouts of this TWO BLOOD COLTS, ONE RISING :2 3ears one rising 1 year Ap- CLYDESDALE CHAMPION, IM- porte-d. Snap for quick pur- chaser. Apply at once to John Staples. Proprietor, Durham 253 'EDDING STATIONERY: THE kind that makes married life worth lix ing. Furnished on short notice at the Chronicle Office ’ REGISTERED SHOBTHORN Bull, 10 months’ old.â€"App1y to Harry Wilkinson. Varney. Qltf YOUNG PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Apply to N .Eden, Lot 2 of 30, Glenelg. 4 25 2'9 100 acres: 70 acres working land. 10 acres new land, '20 acres hard- wood bush. Two good Wells on premiSeB. Good concrete hOuse. frame barn. driving shed, g-acre orchard. Well fenced. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. For fur- ther particulars apply to David McAuliffe, Upper Town. Durham Oct. 5th, it‘f: THOROUGHBRED BERKSHIRE at Lot 54. Con. 3, WG..R., Bent- inchâ€"C. S. Dunsmoor. p2 ne GOOD ROUGH- CAST HOUSE. entrally located Apply to A. ; Hunter Son. 229tf dog will be suitably rewarded. Any person found detaining the animal after this notice will be prosecutedâ€"C. H. Kennedy, Bun- essan. TWO Advertisements of one incn or less. subsequent insertion We have instructions to sell Lot 3, Con. 9. Glenelg Stallion For Sale Boar for Service Wm. JacksSn, af the Gle-n, unessan PD. ,4 18 4p Farm For Sale For Sale. KILBOURN KILBOUR N , Dogs Lost igs For Sale open for offers. SMALL ADS. incn or less, '25 cents for first insertion Over one inch and under two inche amount. Yearly rates on applicanon. \V ngf LOI‘ 33 CON. 9, GLENELG, CON- . mining 100 acres of first-class .SING‘ land in good condition. Reason- ADJ able terms. Apply to J,A. Rus- Glen . sell, Box 39, Sedgewi-ck, Alberta. 118 4D I Marllltf Officeâ€"Over Douglas" Jewellery Store. L. R. C. P., LONDON. ENG nQRADULAT’E of London. New U York 4an Chicago. Diseases of Eye. Ear Nose and Throat. \Vill be an the Hahn House. Jan. 20 Feb. 17. March 16. April :20, and May 18. Hours, 1 to (5 p.111. ty of Toronto. Graduate Roya College Dental Snrgeons of Ontario Dentistry an all its Branches. 3. P. Telforrfi. ‘ARRISTEL, SOLICITOR. ETC . ()flice. nearly opposite the Regisfr} office,Lambt0n ~t..Durham. Axxyampun' ISBASES OF DOMESTICATED animals treated on must scientif- ic principles. All calls promptly attended [0. Office and r9sidence, Garafraxa Street. Durham, nearly op- posite the Chronicle Office. (3223 1 Late Agastant Ray. London OpthaEmic Hoe 5:12., and to Gollen Sq. Throat and Nose Hoe. SPECIALIST : EVE, _. EAR,__ waqn ‘ nos: U stairs, Lambton Street. Resideuc Corner Queen and George Streetsâ€"Non 01 Methodist Church. ()rfice hours 9- 3..m.. 2-4 ::-.m., 7-9 mm. Televhone N0. DFFICE Dr. D. S.Craig, D.V_._S__._ y:$5\_a".__lq. af monev to Jropertv. HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OF- fice in the New Hunter Block. Office wars, 8 to 10 a. m., to 4 p. m. and 7 t09 ). m. Special attention given to diseases 3f women and children. Residence op. aosite Presbvterian Church. 5.56756 hours from '12 to ‘2 THE J. C. NICHOL TAILOR. SHOP and dwelling, next to R. Bur- nett’s store. For particulars, apply to George Ryan, Sr., Lamb- _t,’9,n,,, street, Durham, 4 25tf NOIICb ’lO URLDITORS ;:,_‘_, In the Surrogate Court of the Cgunty of Grey. In the estate of Eliza Torry, late of the Township of Normanby,ln the County of Grey, Widow, de- ceased. "\‘ Notice is hereby given pursuant. to “The Trustee Act” Ontario. Statutes 1911 Cap. 26. ,Sec'. 55, that all persons having claims against; the estate of the said Eliza 'l‘orry,‘ who died on or about the 22nd day _ of March, A..D. 1912, are required. to send by post prepaid or to de-: liver to J. P. Telford, Sohcitor for the Executor, on or before the 9th day of May, AD. 1912, their; names, addresses, and descriptions and a full statement of particu-E lars of their claims and the nature' {of the security, if any, held va ithem, dulycertified, and that after!| the said date the executor will proceed to distribute the assets cf the deceased among the partiesE Eentitled thereto, having regardE Eonly to the claws of Which he; Eshall then have notice. I J. G. Hutton, M. D., C. M. IFFICE: TELE‘ORD’S BLOCK. UP Dated this 12th day of April, A..D 1912. J‘. P. TELFORD, Solicitor for the executor, WILLIAM JAMES SHARP. TEE ROCKY SAUGEEN HOTEL J F GRANT. D. D. S .LD S. TONOR GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- quarter 2mm of land. Price away down to quick purchaser. Apply 3’.“ the Chronicle o___f_fi_ce. 727 tf DRTY -TWO AND O\E- HALF acres of land a good house, barn and stable, hard water at house door. Some fruit trees. Close by the town of Durham. Apply to Wm. Wall, Durham. 3 21 ab COMFORTABLE BRICK HOUSE 5.: Durham. 2 afor-eys high, hard and soft Water inside, good cem- ent stahla frame barn on too, property.â€"Apply to J. A. Brown. Durham. 12 7t! short distance east of Knapp’s Hotel, aton Street, Lower _To_wn, Durham #101: AND RESIDENCE 4‘; Office; Dr. W. 8. Pickering Dentist. Arthur Gun, M. D. 19:88 Dental Dz’rectorv Lem! 'Dz’rea‘orv. DR. BRCWN . H. Jackssm. SH UR. BURT. DH Hill inches, double the above Over J J, Hunter’s For Rent onveyancer. opposite the Regisfry .Durham. Anyamoum at 5 per cent. on farm and 10 cents for each SHARP mm o’cloc Owen Sound. lowest issuer 2'6 ill‘ance ' Man:- 1 bus:- USE tc i ALL BONDS AND INSCRIBED --- . STOCK ISSUED UNDER THE AU- ;THORITY OF THE SAID ACT C .ARE FREE FROM ALL ONTARIO r‘ ! PROVINCIAL TAXES. CHARGES. {K‘SUCCESSION DUTY AND IMPOâ€" }m n SITIONS WHATSOEVER. ‘ Purchasers of Stock or Bonds _|wi11 be required to send certified gcheque with the application. Dims-- _. table to the order of the “Provin- B'icial Treasurer of Ontario." 1c“; This loan is raiser! upon the ai'xtredit of the Consolidated Revenue State of Ohio, City of Toledo,.SS Lucas County. ' Frank J. Cheney, makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney _ Co., doing business in the City of Toieco. The bonds will be dated lst :Mav. 1912, and payable on the lst «Nov- ember, 1941, in denominations of $1000 each, with coupons attached for interest at the rate of .4 per cent. pe1 annum, payable ihalf~ ,ve early, on the lst May and lst November in each year, at the of- fice of the Provincial Treasuiei. Toronto, or at the offices of the Bank of Montreal. in Montreal, Canada, and in New York, N. Y., at the holder’s option. Bonds will be made payable to bearer, but on request will be registered in the office of the Provincial Treas- urer and endorsed as payable only to the order of certain persons or corporations, and on request of holders \i 111 be exchanged for “On- tario Gov e1nment Stock” at any time. 1 “"1“ Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the S} stem Send for testimonials free F.J. CHENEY C0,, Toledo. 0. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con- stipation. \ Also balance of Algonquin Park Loan of $210,000 on the same terms and with the same dates, under thn anthority of Chapter 9, 1 George FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and sub- scribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, AD. 1586. (Seal) A. \V. GLEASON . Notary Public The issue price during the month of May, 1912, “ill be 102 for each $100, and after the 3lst claw (if M ax 1912, the issue price will be 102 and interest accrued from the lst 1M n. 1912. Du-ties.â€"Must reside upon the homestead or pre-emption six :m-onths in each of six years from ldate of homestead entry Lin'clud- in}: the time required to earn iholmestead patent) and cultivate Efifty acres extra. ANY PERSON who is the sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years old, may homestead a quarter-section of available Dom- inion land in Manitoba, Saskatch~ ewan or Alberta. The applicant must appear in person at the Don- iziion Lands Agency, OI‘Subâ€"ag‘ency j for the district. Entry ,by proxy may be made at any agency, on certain conditions by father, moth-t er. son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Du‘ties.â€"Six months’ reSidence upon and cultivation of the land in each of three years. A home- steader may live within nine miles of his homestead on a. farm of at least 80 acres solely owned and oc- cupied by him or by his father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister. In certain districts a homestead-- er in good standing may pre-empt a quarter section alongside his homestead. Price $3.00 per acre. A "homesteader who has exhaust- ed 'his homestead right and cannot obtain a pre-emption may enter for a purchased homestead in certain districts. .Price $3.00 per acre. _,Du'ties,â€"Must reside six months in each of three years, cul- tivate fifty acres and erect ahouse worth $300.00. an d of Ontario mreupon. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.â€"Unau~tth-ri7.ed publication of."this advertisement will not be paid for. ADY Person or persons owning Lots in the Cemetery -may have same attended to and kept in ‘PI‘O' per order during the season of 1912 Pv communicating with the Secre- pany, and paying a fee of one dollar to the Treasurer, C.L.Grant. Dated April 23rd 1912. J. P. TELEORD, Secretary Durham Cemeteryzgf. 5 c DURHAM CEMETERY NOTICE. UE )ape A. J. MATHESON Provincial T 'Department, PE Es, Toronto, Apri‘. 30F! LAN» ONTARIO ment TS iDSC THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. rting‘ author lis c} {even .rgea1 We f rc l The tOpic of this lesson is "Love." land the pattern is “the love of God.” At first sight the teaching is most extraordinary and the practice seem- ! ingly impossible and beyond all reason. Great grace might enable us to love our , enemies. do good to those who hate us, bless those who curse us and pray for , such as despitefully use us, but when it ! comes to lending. without hoping for a return, giving to every one that asks and letting the man that takes your cloak have your coat also it does look like a good time for tramps, impostors. thieves and robbers. We know that the righteous Lord loveth righteous- i ness, and anything unrighteous He : would not do nor ask us to do, so we must prayerfully wait upon Him for clearer light upon this teaching. Ac- , cording to verse 35 and Matt. v, 45, the object is that we may be mani- ‘festly “the children of the Highest,” ‘ “the children of our Father which is -. in heaven." It is therefore not a ’matter of what is expedient or ac- lcording to reason, but how can we ' as the children of God make people to . know our Father, God. He was teach- ; ing His disciples (verse 20), those who ; had received Him as the Christ, the ; Son of God, and had left all to follow ’ Him, those whom He was to leave in the world in His stead, that because ‘ of them the world might believe and iknow the only living and true God ' and Jesus Christ. whom He sent into . the world to manifest Him (John xvii. 8, 11, 21, 23). It is truly a high, holy, heavenly calling to represent God and Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit ' and be so alive to their interests that we shall be wholly dead to our own. Lesson VLâ€"Second Quarter, For May 12, 1912. "A M THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text of the Lesson, Luke vi, 27-38; Rom. xiii, 8-10â€"Memory Verses, 27, 28â€"Golden Text, Rom. xiii, 9â€"Com- mentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Stearns. SUNfié‘i Sflfififll. The love 0t God and of Jesus Christ is the greatest thing we ever heard of. and there are no more wonderful state- ments concerning it than John iii. 16; I John iii. 16. Put with these “God commendeth His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.” “In this was manifested the love of God toward us because that God sent His only begotten Son into the world that we might live through Him.” “He spared not His own Son. but delivered Him up for us all.” “Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it.” “The church of God which He hath purchased with His own blood.” “The Son of God loved me and gave Him- self for me” (lion). v. 8; viii. 32; I John iv 9. 10; liph. v. 25; Acts xx, 28; Gal ii. 301. in the light of such tremendous statements consider the treatment that He received when here in humiliation and even as He taught our lesson of today. He was in the world which He had made. but it knew Him not: He came unto His own snecial neonle Israel. but they received 11; Vii. 1'2, :0; viii. 52:; x. rm. 10: me bore it all patiently and did not talk back Lor strike back. though He might have swept them off the earth with a look or a word. as He will do at His coming in glory to set up His king- dom and share it with His own re- deemed ones (lsa. xi. 4; II. 'l‘hcss. ii. 8; Col. iii. 4: Rev. iii. 21). j Now, considering that by such love and by the sacrifice of Himself He has at such infinite cost and by such - suffering. hearing our sins in His own body. made all who receive Him chil- i dren of God and joint heirs with Him- self, partakers of His kingdom and ‘glory, does it not look a good bit ' easier to love, to bless. to help others ‘for His sake, to give, to lend. to do ‘good. hoping for nothing again, to i serve those who cannot serve us in re gtnrn? Do we not feel like saying as iMephibosheth said of Ziba. “Yea. let 'him take all. forasmuch as my Lord 1 the King is come again" (11 Sam. xix. ? 30). - treatment that in humiliation our lesson of world which knew Him not ibe “Lord. 'what wilt Thou have me to Ido?" and our motto “Just to please Jesus". and we shall not be apt either Mott-anamorcomeglpry. v Our' Lord never encouraged wrong- doing. and we may he sure that He would not have us do anything to en- courage injustice and oppression. theft or robbery or idleness or anything of the. spirit that would wrongfully take the property of another. But He _ ‘2‘- law of the spirit that would wrongfully take the property of another. But He would have us show in our daily life that we have such treasure in Himself and in His kingdom that we are ready to use all present things for the good of others if only we may Win them to Him. hearing meekly any loss or cross for His sake. The love of Christ con. straineth us to live no longer unto our. selves. but unto Him who died for us and rose again (I Cor. v. 14. 15). Since Paul could take pleasure in infirmities, in the bearing of insults. in distress, in persecutions. in grievous difficulties, for Christ’s sake (II Cor. xii, 10, Way- mouth), the same grace is at our dis- posal, to enable us to reckon all loss as mere refuse because of the priceless privilege of knowing Christ Jesus as our Lord. Does it not seem as if we could lend or give or go or bear any loss because of such love and because of His kingdom? Let our one question {'5’ .317”!!- .{il' If so vou know from experience that an employee with a saving fled and steadv \\ orker. Should you Wish to encourage a 83 your employees, call and see our local manager. He will b. 30u. aiiffll'itltv of telling them apart is greater more cs1‘wcially in so far as some of the smaller varieties of the false 'Wild oat are concerned. With the larger sorts, the difficulty of distinguishing them is more easy as an experienced eye will at once detect .the false wild out by its larger size and its usual close resemblance to the cultivated variety in'wlhich it is found. Gen- erally speaking too, the outer seed coat is “more open in front with cultivated forms and false Wild oats so that the inner coat is broadly visible, whereas, in wild oats, the edges of the outer coat almost meet. Readers interested in distinguishing Wild oats from false Wil oats would «do well to write to the Publication Branch. Department of Agriculture, Ottawa for a copy of Bulletin No. 8.7. toned to Edmonton m Saskatoon. alto to \Vinnipc: and arm Mun Line on all cxcumom. Com- fortable 1.:thtu equipped with bedding. can be secured gt modcnte rate: through local agent. Early application must be made. A‘K FOR .HOHESEEKERS' PAMPHLET conning an: me! full infatuation. Apply to nearest CPR. Agent or M. G. MURPHY. Dist. Pm. Act... Toronto. Winnipeg and return $34.00; Edmonton and return $42.00. and to Odie! points in proportion. Ticket: good to return within 60 days horn going date. EXCURSION S TO Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta Spedd Tnim leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on APRIL 2.18, 30 MAY 14, 28 JUNE 11, 25 JULY 8, 23 AUG. 6, 20 SEPT. 3, 17 Second elm tickets from Ontafio stations to principal Northwest pomt: at TOURIST SLEEPING CARS MANITOBA. ALBERTA SASKATCHEWAN HOMESEEKERS’ LOW ROUN D-TRIP RATES ONLY DIRECT LINE Colonist Cars on all Trains No charge for berth- Thrqqgh ‘Trajnfls Io_r_onto to Wf'nnlpeg "’énd West M my C.P.R. Agent for copy of " Settled Guldu‘ THE SWDARD BAN K Will leave Toronto MARCH and APRIL l0.20 PM. DURHAM BRANCH For settler: travelling with livestock and cfiectl M11011? Special Trains Each TUESDAY Satisfactory Service assured to all Buslnou Entrusted to this Bank. LOW COLONIST RATES ital and“ urpius The pnlx Are You an Employer / Savings Department at Every Branch SETTLERS’ T R A l N S JOHN KELLY. Manager. through ling NO CHANGE OF CARS mm column and Tourist Noam Regular Trains loavlng Toronto [0.20 PM. Dally Should you Wish to encourage a savings habi OF CANADA manager. He will be pleased to assisi 611 Funeral Director coachc A. BELL UN DERTAKER ‘ ' For transient. advertisemenu E Advertismg cents per line for the first inser- Rates . lion: 3 cents perIine each subse- quent. insution ininion measure. Profession. cards. not exceeding one inch $4.00 per annnm.. Advertisements without snecific directions wil} be published till forbid a) .1 charged 1100011111: 137. Transient noticesâ€"“Li m. ‘ ‘:Found." "For S: e." etcâ€":30 cents for first in sex-Lion. 25 cents for Mb subaeq uent insertion. Comrac nished on qnent, inm-xtion cards, not excee Advertisements be published till ' ' Tm; CHRONICLE will be sent u. Subscription any add regs. free of postage, 50‘». Rates - - $1 OOper year, payable inadvanoe â€"$1.50 may be charged if not so paid. The date to which even ubscriptiou is paid is denoted by the numum nr the address label. 30 paper dis. counnum' to all arrears are paid. exaept at :he outwr- of the proprietor. All advertisements ordered by strangers m be paid for in advance. Full partivnlars from any (inmd Trunk Agent, or (I. ll. Mul‘utvln-on. Alberta (iovm‘mnvnt Agent. Palmer House. Toronto. Ont. THE MOST I’Ol’l'LAH mnf'rxe T0 Montreal Buffalo New York Philadelphia Detroit Chicago is via Grand Trunk, the only DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE For Tickets and all information apply to J. R. GUN, Agent. Phone 14 J. TOWN ER, Depot Agent, Phone 18 XS PUBLISH ED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING At the Chronicle Printing House, Garafraxa Street. SHE DURHAM CHHUN Full line of Catholic RUIN and White Caps for aged mflmevnmmâ€"V Huozmflm OZ m>hx~w <7? .PFF Faunâ€"mm. [lure Frammg 0n 512021355 notice. DURHAM. ONT. SHOW ROOMS Next to Sv BarberShop. RESIDE‘T} dour South of \V. J. Law hlaoksmith shop. Embaiming a Specialty mama as DITOR ANI a} m m I W. IRWIN ('H;\.\'( Total Assets 52,300,000 I) or vear.y advertisements ionm theuflice. May 9th, 1912. Hn and CDOIIL] 0345* :s account is a satis- DURHAN Ne): t to Swan Cana mu any Grand ll. M cCutch eon. Agent. I’almer “(1 people. I} t among {\Vl‘f eeps ELE

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