Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Apr 1912, p. 3

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Galvanised Ind Iron Piping, Bras;- Braal “nod and Iran Cylinders. SHOP OPEN EVERY AFTERNOON Pumps From $2 Upward ALL REPAIRING promptty. and propcrb attended to. For PUMPS OF ALL KINDS W. D. CONNOR W-kfié‘ifio‘in} 4* *I«I«§‘M'i*~1ӤҤ'+%+°§~£° _Write for our private address. no S. P. SAUNDERS WMWW?+++++~§~%%~M+ +M++Www+e+++++++++++e 4.. 9 Never substitute appeala‘nce for quality but 1‘; .0 rather choose an article a trifle more costly and .3. 0.. 6 4 obtain both. Appearance is prudential ‘ "? .kfi Machine Oil. Harness Oil, Ame Grease and Hoof Ointment, go to N’O NAMES "55!) “11"! . D. Connor April 4th 1912. But Quality Is Essential if best results are to be obtained. Remember that you can follow this example in purchasing any- thing in Tinware, Graniteware, Stoves, Ranges, Furnaces, and General Plumbing Goods from Cor. ‘1me B'Eichigan Ave. and Gris DRS. KENNEDY KENNEDY, \Vi The Harnesam ah) All letters from to our Canadfar ment in \x’inds: edical Institute in . '3"! CONSENT: N- List and (Lost at Tn Sold by Madeline 00., Durham. _ ,_ __- -____-__----w A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cu. culation of any scientific journal. Terms for 83:33 08: s 0 re d. Sold flgqflgeéer; .90 tax 9 pat, by â€"- v nan-cv- -ovv " MUUHCI M invention is probably Patentable. Communion. tions strictly confident al. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest a A ency for securing enta. Patents taken t rough Mann a; receive upccAiai gotta, without Chico, in the -h ‘A‘ TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS c. Anyone sending a sketch and descri tion may quickly ascertain our oninigq greejgether an in-AHOIA-c I.- --AL-I_‘__ _ Sdmflflcifil‘ifiican. $'v+ ++OW"* 0"“...Huj 6"”.â€" VHO‘H.OO. VHO'H‘ uncle in Chicago, unheard of for fifteen years, died some time ago, leaving an estate of $2,500,000. Dancy had only just been traced. Everything Was left to him and his family. If you suffer with égnstipation or need a gentle laxative, take NATIO‘ *AL me to try Gin P'ins which I d'id,â€"wiih the result that the pains left me entirely. FRANK S. IDE, BUFFALO, N. Y. 50¢. a box, 6 for $2.50. Sample free. Write National Drug and Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. A Toronto. John Dancy, a riveter employed at the drydock in Port Arthur, has just received notification that an “I have been a Pullman Conductor on the C. P. R. and Michigan Central during the last three years. About four years ago, I was laid up with intense pains in the groin, a very sore back, and suffered most severely when I tried to urinate. I treated with my family physician for two months for gravel in the bladder but did not receive any benefit. About that time, I met andther railroad man whoâ€"bail been similarly affected and who had been cured by taking Gin Pills, after STRONGLY ADVISES HIS mamas To TRY GIN PILLS FOP. THE KmNEYS PROMINENT RAELROAD MAN â€"Red, Brown, Green -â€"and In natural Slate. Sole Canadian Mfrs. 78 THESTANDARDPAINT C0. of Canada. Limited, Iona-cal. Wm. Black, Durham. A PECULIAR ACCIDENT. One day last week two men near Leamingt’on were conveying a wagon loaded with seven milch cows and one calf to Blytheswood and while going "through a drift, the snow gave way under one side of the wagon, and the large rack turned on its side, leaving the cattle hanging by their necks. Help was called, and in a few minutes all” were chopped loose, when it was found that one of the "best cows was dead. It was also a narrow escape for the drivers, who were thrown under the load. Rexall Orderlies are unsurpass- able and ideal for the use of children, old - folks and delicate persons. We cannot too highly recommend them to .all sufferers from any form of constipation and its attendant evils, That’s why We back our faith in them with our promise of money back if they do not give entire satisfaction; Three sizes: 12 tablets. 10 centszl 36 tablets, 225 cents: and 80 tab-1 lets 5.0 cents. Remember, you can obtain Rexall Remedies in film ham only at our stoxeâ€"The Rexall St )re Macfarlane 8: C o. I Rexall Orderlies are. eaten just rlike candy, are particularly prompt and agreeable in action, may be taken at any time, day or night, do not cause diarrhoea, nausea, griping, excessive looseness, or other undesirable effects. They have avery mild but positive ac- tion upon the organs With which they come in contact, apparently acting as a regulative tonic upon! the relaxed muscular coat of the bowel, thus overcoming weakness, and aiding to restore the bowels to more vigorous and healthy activity N0 CAUSE TO DOUBT A Statement of Facts Backed by a Strong Guarantee We guarantee immediate and positive relief to .all sufferers from constipation. In every case Where our. remedy fails to do this We Will return the money paid us for it. That’s a frank statement of facts, and we want you to sub- stantiate-thetm at 'our risk, AN HEIR TO (MILLIONS is strongly fire-resisting â€" rated first-class by Fire Insurance Com- panies. ltwillnotignite from sparks or burning brands, and has saved many a building. Made in 3 Permanent Colors up by g prominent ROOFING DURHAM CHRONICLE. ' THOSE HEADACHE POWDERS.e A bulletin issued by the chief an- ,alyst of the Inland Revenue De- gpnrtment, Ottawa, contains re-com-; lmendations in regard to the sale of headache powders. In some of the patent medicines there is found to be acetanilide, while phenacitin is found in a number of samples, and in a few cases the chief in- gredient is found to be aspirin, a drug not scheduled in the Patent Medicine Act. The analyst points out that the drugs are known to the medicinal profession by other names than those by Wlhich they are known to the public, and sug- gests that a departmental ruling be made so as to make compulsory the employment of the. label of the! commonly-accepted names of drugs. Claims to curative powers. coupled with the words “surei’g “certain,” or “instantaneous,” are: declared by the (analyst to be unJ warranted and minleading. A fina recommendation is _made against the putting up of these prepara-H tions in the form of lozenges andll chocolates. A 25c. package of Rexall Dyspep- sia Tablets furnishes '15 " days” treatment. In ordinary ,cases. this is sufficient to produce a cure. In more chronic cases, a longer treatment, of course, is necessary. and depends upon the severity of‘ the trouble. For such cases, We' have tWo_larger sizes which sell for 50c. and $1.00. Remember, you canl obtain Rexall Remedies in this community only at our storeâ€"The: Rexall Store. ‘Macfarlane Co. they aid to soothe the irritable stomach, to\ strengthen, and invig- mate the digestive oxgans, and to p1 )lnote a healthy and natuial bow e1 action, thus leading to p91- fect and healthy digestion and as- similation. form to come to our store and buy a box of IRexall Dyspepsia Tablets. Take them home and give them a reasonable trial, according to dir- ections, Then if not satisfied, come to us and get your money back. They are very pleasant to take; We believe we can relieve Dys- pepsia. We are so confident of this fact that we guarantee and promise to supply the medicine free of all cost to everyone who will use it, who is not perfecth satisfied with the results Wlhich it in )duces. We exact no promises, and put :no one under any obliga- tions whatever. Surely nothing could be fairer. We are located right here, and our reputation should be sufficient assurance of the genuineness of our offer. We want everyone troubled with indigestion or dyspepsia in any The best'thing to do is to fit yours-elf to digest .any good food. ACTUAL STARVATION Facts About Indigestion a"d its Re- lief that Should Interest You. Although Indigestion and Dys- pepsia are so mrevalent, most peo- ple do not thoroughly understand their cause and cure. There is no reason Why most people should not eat anything they desireâ€"if they will only chew it carefully and thoroughly. Many actually starve themselves into sickness through; fear of eating every good-looking! good-smelling and «good-tasting food, because it does not agree with them. aroused the guests and help, who barely had time to escape.. All the guests and help lost everything; The building Was a frame one and burned fiercely, and the fire department had a hard time in keeping the flames from spreading to the adjoining structures. The loss will reach $10,000, fully covered in.’ insurance. The. building was owned by Mr. W. Trott, of St. Hel- cns and will not be rebuilt on ac- count of local option going into ( ‘lect on .May d. i The Royal Hotel {at Lucknow was completely destroyed by fire Wedâ€" nesday morning of last Week. Mr. Clark, the proprietor, was awak- ened by smoke and on going down found the basement a mass of flames. As quickly as possible he NARROW ESCAPE “Resolved that it is expedient to provide for the payment of $100 to every person residing in Canada at the date of the passing of an Act based upon this resolution. Who Was regularly enlisted and served in the year 1866 by the Government of Canada, Nova Sco- tia or New Brunswick, or in the year 1870 by the Government of Canada, with the exception of certain battalions of riflemen form- ed for service in the Northwest.” TO RECEIVE REWARD. Between eight and ten thousand surviving veterans of the Fenian Raids of 18-66 (and 1867 will have their patriotism and Valor finally rewarded by' a gift'of one hund- red dollars each from the Federal Treasury. The resolution of the Minister of Militia, is as follow:- The .a, is as follows: it is expedient to Payment of $100 FOR GUESTS “No, ma’am,” was the reply. “It said on the program that act 3 was the same as act 1, and I don’t want to see it again.”â€"Lond9n Opinion. “Why,” said Her m'istress, “you surely couldn’t have waited to see thguwhole _perf_grmance_?” The servant girl who had been given an afternoon to to attend a matinee reymeduunusgauy early. l The question of choice between two vases was decided by a patron in a Japanese shOp when the proprietor said: “That smaller vase, madam, is thoroughly Japanese in form and de- coration. That floral pattern in gold around the upper half is characteris- tic, and so, too, is the exceedingly narrow and short neck. The vase will hold but a single blossom that should be long stemmed and stand upright. Thus the flower will be individualiz- ed and the vase likewise. That is the Japanese way.” in a mirror." The Emperor 'Maximil- ‘ ian distinguished the dullest of his counsellors by the title of the king :1( of fools. Once when he addressed a l prosy adviser by this title the gen- tleman neatly enough replied: “I wish with all my heart I were king 0! ,1; fools. I should have a glorious king- 3 dom and your imperial majesty would be among my subjects.” 14 P. 3. 3. l The essence of good cooking lies in four thingsâ€"the ability to preserve. develo , improve and vary the flavor of foo s. The French excel particu- larly in the art of varying the flavor. A small piece of meat suffices them to make a whole pot of vegetables redolent of it. Conversely, they use all sorts of vegetables to impart their [unique flavor to meats â€"â€" in soups, lstews, sauces and the water in which lmeat or fish is boiled. The combina- tions and variations are endless. An =English epicure declares that the se- cret of the excellence of French cook- ; ery lies in the lavish use made of vege- {tables. “Where five use one kind FFrench cooks use twenty.” Folly, in the abstract, has been de- nounced alike by Scripture and an- cient heathen sages. "If I wish to look at a fool,” says Seneca, “I have not far‘ to 190k; I have only: _to -1°°_k There has been much talk of the available Turkish forces in Tripoli. and many attempts to estimate the resistance they are likely to offer. I do not know anything about the Turk- ish garrison, but I do know what force the Senoussi tribes could put into the field if they were so minded, and this entirely apart from the sup- port of the coastwise inhabitants. If, on the other hand, the Senoussis l raise the banner of the Prophet and proclaim a holy war, they pwill not only have armed support of the in- g habitants of the coastwise townships, but every Arab trader, slaver, smug- g,ler and loafer between Lake Tchad; and the Nile will trek to Tripoli in i the h0pe oi loot in the present and Paradise hereafter. The looting of a I European army “ould offer an irre- sistible temptation to all the scum of the Saharan borders. I In the first case, the Italians will f meet with no serious opposition, but 3 now and then a band of young men 3 from the interior uill syn oop down ‘ and obliterate some unfortunate Ital. i ian post, sometimes by surprise, but more often through treachery. There ' will be endless years marked only by “regrettable incidents.” Reprisals are I absolutely impossible._ _ _ i The Turks and Arabs fleeing from the Italian troops down on the littoral will take their tale to J araboob, and the thirty Emirs will sit in conclave and discuss the situation. Then one of two things will happen. Either the hinterland will be declared an in- dependent Senoussi State or else a holy war against the invaders will be declared. In the matter of religion the Sen- ousis are fanatic as the dervishers of the Soudan, but with a fanaticism based upon the pride of race rather than on the lusts of the flesh. No- where in all the world is honor such a vital factor in everyday life as in this wild region. It is not honor such as we understand it, but it is a code of honor set up by the Senoussi Em- irs, and woe betide the man who vio- lates that code. You may steal, you may kill, you may lie, but friendship and hospitality are sacred. VIC-w. The Arab does not sit down and weep, he gathers together his wives, his sons, and his daughters, collects his little flock of sheep, packs all his possessions on the backs of whatever camels he is lucky enough to possess (or steal), and set out afoot to seek a new water hole and life afresh. The word “country” does not to our English mind convey anything like a correct impression of those vast and desolate regions that lie behind the Tripolitan coast line and stretch in endless repetition across the great Sa- hara to the marshes of Lake Tchad. It is not a country, it is the water- less bed of a dead ocean, the sands of which have been blown into moun- tain ridges by a million years of wind ever blowing in the same direction. To liveâ€"to exist in such a regionâ€" requires untiring energy, a constitu- tionof iron, and a spirit capable of bearing the unkindest blows of fate with equanimity. The Arabs of the desert are fatalists of necessity. The elaborate puddle, result of ten years’ delving, the barley patch, the palm grove, may be blotted out of existence by__a Six hours’ gale. The Senoussi re a Race of Hardy and Despera‘c Fighters. - Out of Egypt into the Tripoli hin- terland. a man may go by many routes â€"there are at least three tracks across the Lybian desertâ€"but he is not like- ly to return unless he has been lucky enough to gain the friendship of a Senoussi chief. The perils and the discomforts oi the journey are many, but they are as nothing compared with the dangers of visiting the Se- noussi in their own country unin- vited, writes an officer of the Egyp- tain Police. Craving For Variety. Essence of Good Cooking. The Japanese Way. The Wisdom of Fools. to commence woowoowmoomwm Mrs. A. SULLIVAN Upper Town - Durham 53:58 5; to pâ€"a SD P‘EF‘P'FI“? 0 Durham “ 11.54 9. McVVilliams“ 11.44 9.09 Glen “ 11.41 9.06 Priceville “ 11.31 8.56 New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries Always in Stock '9 ONOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOO-oo T1 ains will arrive and depart; as fol lows, until further notice: â€"- P.M A.M. P.M. PJL 3.15 6 25 Lv.VValkerton Ar.12.40 10.0.= CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE H. G Ellio J. TOWNER Depot Agent JAMES R. GUN. Town Agent Trains leave Durham at 7.15 3.3 1:) mm. , Trains arrive at Durham 83 10.31 50 p.m.. and 8.50 pm. EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY From April 9th merges into our Summer Term from July 2nd and gives opportunity for con- tinuous preparation for the bet- ter class of propositions. In in- fluence. equipment and service. we have no superiors. \Vrite for catalogue. Address \V. H. SHAW’, President. Head Offices. Central Business College, Yonge Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Grand Trunk Railway TIME-TABLE ZENUS CLARK DURHAM - - ONTARIO You will find a nice selection of Dress goods in Serges. white, black, blue, gray and other 001- ors. Also whip cords, poplins etc. We have our popular line of Dollar silks in the different shades, also jacquhar ds at 35 cts., Linens and Towelings galore, Check muslins, etc. Kid gloves for Easter, popular price $1.00. Come and see us. P. Adent. Montreal Also a limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on your next; job. The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and. surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To RM. RM. LvJValket-ton Ar.12.40 10.05 " Maple Hill ‘° 12.25 9.50 “ Hanover “ 12.17 9.42 “ Allan Park “ 12.08 933 3‘ Durham ‘ “ McVVilliams “ Glen “ Priceville ‘ SaugeenJ. ‘ " Toronto ‘ 0‘ EASTER TERMS â€"- and all kinds of ~â€" SASH,DOORS House Fittings . L. GRANT 10.30 a THREE. Toronto

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