Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Mar 1912, p. 5

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March 7th‘ 1912. Do You 100 Pairs of the FAMOUS SPIRELLA‘ CORSETS must be sold this Christmas Season. Prices reduced as npver before. Ranging from 98c. to $10.00. All boned with the Indestructible Spirella Boning ANY SIZE. ANY STYLE. ANY PRICE Call Early and have your choice at the home of their representative, A HEADQUARTERS for all kinds of Horse and Cattle Medicines in the right kind. JANUARY STOCK=TAKING SALE We handle the Well known brands of Flour such as Five Roses Ches-ley Good Luck Milverton Three 25 per cent. reduction on all Fancy Goods. Everything guaranteed as represented or money refunded. The Central Drug Store :: Durham \V I N DSOR SA LT Goods deli has two experienced instructors and pupils get individual atten- tion. Our courses are thorough and practical and We assist gradu- ates to positions. Pupils may en- ter at any time. Write for free catalogue now. D. A. McLACHLAN F. W: KAHLE w‘mevcr Soul in Stores.” FARMERS 'Mouu'r roas’sr ONT. ALL onuacmrs ?}eSident. MOUNT FOR 331' A. BEEESK “'1 _oo. 0-. +'.'+ -;~+.2-~{--: AN :10 Sf“ ’R'I Jewel 11-16 fl *E'M 9 a! Principal. 15;. J. E. Arsenault, a Justice of the Peace, and station master at ."‘"~=gton, on the Prince Edward [Jilingtom on me uww -......-_ d fell on a freight truck, t on the front of I thought this would heal, my leg. 1. Luuubuu v-“ ' d of doing so it developed! Mr. Jag into a bad ulcer, and later into a. form ihatrd 10b of eczema which spread very rapidly awe-eke . , . , c d on the other leg.‘ ollen and sore -, 0f house about my work NHe has andaged. My doctor ;Camr1ck I consulted another doctor, but with " . ,- no better result. I tried all the salves, ' \x-e $1317 linirnents and lotions I heard of, butllocahty. instead of getting better I got worse} A tele .. This was my condition when I got h am on lief. I continued to apply it to the,Mrs. Ge sores, and day by day they got better. Morice. I could see that last I had got hold; of something h would cure me” The d and in the end it did. iorable 1 “It is now over a year since Zam- 1; leaves Buk worked a cure in my case, and i all Dre! there has been no return of the ‘ “ themsel eczema " BCLtflua. Such is the nature of the great cures which Zamâ€"Buk is daily eflectlng. Purely herbal in composition, this great balm is a sure cure for all skin diseases, cold sores, chapped hands, frost bite, ulcers. blood-poisoning,vari- cose sores, piles, scalp sores, ring- worm, inflated patches, cuts, burns and bruises. All druggists and stores sell at 500. box, or post free from Zam-Buk 00., upon receipt of price. CORNER CONCERNS Mr. Jas. Mathews and daughter Jane leave this Monday morning for Saskatoon to look after the effects of the late “7111. E. Mathews. “’9 all Wish them a pleasant and successful journey. Mrs. Herbert, \Vilkinson returned to her home in Edmonton on Monday after a. pleasant; two mon bhs visit with friends and relatives. friends and relamves. Mr. Wm. Patterson will return Lhis week to Edmonton after a three months stay in the old home. He missed the cold weather uf that, count;- x'y by being here. Mrs. Jas. McMee-kin spent the may week in Dunn-mi visiting her daught er and other friends. Mr. Geo indisptmm‘ we trust 11 attendam: number ()1 RUSPI’N VICKI] pr it pl ice k n 0 w Lhe Fa. let the winter hpen 1'- it could also have 195 t and went hare headed News is smnewhat. scarce around here at present, but we hope for bat“- ex' times in that. respect, in tact dame rumor Whispers that some great, social events are close at. hand. Mr. T. Patterson moved last Friday to the Leeson Farm nezu- Varney and the peonle of that hut-g will find him and his estimable wife good citizens. We notice that almost all the men who attended the Mt. Forest Home fair carry marks as evidence of the stormy cold day it was. 8 we remain- ed for a. few days until the weather and roads were more passable. The special Sermons that Rev. Mr. Hartley is preaching through Lent, on the. seven cxclamations of the Saviour from the Cross is spoken highly of by his hearers. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fortney are worthy of hearty congratulations on the arrival lately of boy “No.- 7,” The many triecndss of Miss Alice Lawrence, who taught successfully in this section, will be ‘pleased to [learn of her good fortume in strik- The many friends of Miss Alice are ideal »Ivor ,children, delicate per-i Lawrence, who taught successfully SOILS and 01d folks, as well as for. in this section, will be (pleased to the robust. They act directly on; learn of her good forturne in strik- the nerves and muscles of the, ing the town of “Plenty” in Sas- bowels. They apparently have a ! katchewan, and is engaged .teach- nor utral action on other associate. ing school at a salary of $720. organs or glands. They do not Should We experience smother lean purge. cause excessive l-ooseneSS year like the past one, we certainly nor create any inconvenience what-; will be tempted to “strike the ever. They may be taken at an)”; trail.” for some place of a simi- time, day or night, They Wily: lar name, for, goodness knOWs, positively relieve chronic or hab-'1 ggrain in particular is none too itual constipation, if not of sur-; plentiful in Old Ontario this year. gical variety, and the myriads of 1 We [cannot remember a year when associate or dependent chronic ail-3 strain was as scarce. The prosrer- ments, if taken with regularity for it? the farmers have enjoyed for a reasonable length of time. 12 the past fifteen years, has 80118 130 tablets, 10 cents; .36 tablets, 25 the dâ€"--1 since Sir Wilfrid and cents; 30. tablets, .50 cents. Sold in his able staff moved Ofl‘t- Durham only at our «storeâ€"The Mr. John Moore, 0! Wilson, (Mich. Rex-all Store. Macfiarlane 8: Co. I‘l IE 1911 ISE \V'ILS BLYTH’S CORNERS. Had the 1; :4d at UM m Law PGDCO m Satturd t, serimwlf UH 218 It \V‘ shoe” :hu \V’ét 1v U miths raised 2' but it w g but it was m [sequence farmers n bure-fnoted all ice of hair-cutting same- Lime they their hair grow was somewhat 5‘ and Sunday. but his regnlar )H use for .~' St Km p1 1 \V‘ I‘ll! the cmnmg [I ht ()CC 11 1‘ that attended the funeral on W'ednesday last‘ of his aged mother, Mrs. Moor-e. Mr. James Ball has engaged to work {or Mr. Wm. Bradley, of the gravel road, for the summer Mr. Geo. Seim has engaged the‘ services of Mr. Jas. Ryan, neari Ayton, for a year. Dr. J'acmieson certainly made a very .good attempt in moving the address in reply to the speech st‘féeech from the throne. Judging from the amount of taffy he gave the Whitney Govemnment, he must ‘not only have liac‘ked, but lentirely Eswallowed “the blarney stone.” l1 l . --_- â€" - 7 l Exceediing'ly 001d, ITOStY weather swiftly by. Tae company soon organ- ' as We Manch along. ized and began a more formal business ‘ of the evening. Mr. Robert Brigham, i , Mr. Ja‘k‘e For tney has had 3101.1}1‘; who was appointed chairman, explain- ;hard job moving for the-@351: flVe ed the nature of the. gathering and ad called on Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins. The liwee'ks, and finished the last lo ‘f ll i dd adt th b ., ‘ - - , .. oownga resswasre o em y .: of house furniture on Friday 1881; Mr. David A dlam an d the presenta- ,He has rented a zoo-acre farm tions made by Messrs Henry McCaslin gCJarrick township. about mid-wag and George Mighton. The presents ere a pair of upholstered chairs. Mr. ib-etween .Neus‘tadt amd Mildmay.§ g pk' d n p r0 ' t l . . . . -, p Q o insmaea ap prxaerepy ' Jake VEShahiIErSUX-gggl?f 11,13311 32.3 thanking the friends for the beautiful '“9 W13 lgifts. A number of short addresses I locality. were made by the visitors present and i A tele ram 'was received in )Dur- music and games were indulged in g I while the ladies provxded luncheon to ham on Saturday last, amnounacmg‘ which ample justice was done by all. ._the sudden death m Teeswater Of; It was pIODOUDCGd a, very happy and Mrs Geo. Moore. jr., nee Maggie‘pleasant eve-ping. hlS the. If 'G-eozrdy Kendall had his 's‘ails set. he certainly would have no trouble in catching the breeze to- day". Monday. \V E A telegram was received in :Dur-' ham on Saturday last, announcing the sudden death in Teeswater of‘ ngs. ‘Geo. Moore, jr., nee Maggie: Morice. We have no :particulars. 1 ‘t The deceased was Well and fav- iorable known in this locality She 1:!easVes behind four of a family, all pretty well able to shift for themselves. To the grief-stricken famin and relatives, we extend .our heartfelt sympathy. As we predicted in our lastf w eek’s budget old Knox church did do her duty, and {gave a very} decided answer in flu or of church: union the vote being 82 for and ,7 against. In Amos congregation! the 'vote stood 122 for, and 12. against. This speakas well fox“ lthe members of these two congre- rgations, in not being at 12111 bigoted in their church form, and quite in keeping with am enlightened and .lprogressive age. h -“""'D J ' u Those farmers who have silos er-, ‘1“ " - d . . d . 1 smll to meet. vou and enfoy that ecte h'av'e PW expemeece It a 1'friendship that death alone ,can end. dOWn hill $11de 111113 Wmter, on! Wherever your lot, may be cast. our account of the silage freezing to? 1739”“ $1139 you may, .3050? 3 1038 i hie of comfort and happmess and use- the walls so mach, and these ilnx'Sti-' . l 1 Th' . h . ‘ f . . __. d d . 11 lot to‘ in mess: IS [S t. e eaxnebc prayer 0 tute speekers woul . 0 we 1 i your finends. blow 51105 and sflag-e up t°°| Signed on behalf of friends and rel- much, until some meams are conâ€"«abives â€"-George Alexander. Hem-y {eived of Overcoming that a,nn0y_E1‘100381in, George Mighton. Daxid i119: difficulty. i Ad‘lam. 1: AmpnpN Mess-rs. Andrew and George Mar- :ha-ll each sold a team of {horses at the Mt. Forest fair '3 Week agot for big figures. The storm that (lav *Was the worst we everexper- ien-ced amdinterfered considerablv with the success of the fair. Living is so high now tha‘ would almost pay a man U to save expensesâ€"but thcre‘ undertaker torewckon with. We are ,90 positive that our rem- edv will permanently relieve con- stipation, no matter how chronic it m-av be, that we offer to furnish the medicine at our expense should it fail to produce satisfactory re- sults. It is Worse than useless to at-i tempt to cure constipation With'l cathartic drug's. Laxativrs or, cathartics do much harm. They] cause a reaction, irritate and; 11 eaken the bowels and tend to make constipation more chronic. Besides their use becomes ahabit that is dangerous. Constipation is caused by a weakness of the .nerves and mus- cles of the large intestine, or des- cending colom. ”1‘0 expect per- manent relief you must therefore tone up and strengthen these or- gans and restore them to healthier activity. We Want you to try [Rexall Or- derlies on our recommendation. Thev are exceedingly pleasant to take. being eaten like candy, and Recomme THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. now that it . man to die at there‘s the 1 Mr. Frank W'ise moves from the Livingston property this week to 1.3.5 !new home. m this plaoe. we wish *, them continued success. we notice, Mr. Editor, that. your barber's are going to raise the price of harbering. Well they will surely make a. better 30b when they cut one's ' , hair and not lea ve it like a brush 'lfence. We are likely to” have a man Lo open up business in our burg and _ z perhaps he will do it for the old price. \Vhat IS the use of going to town for baking when we have a first-class pie baker in our burg. A Mr. Kennedy, of Saskatoon. is visiting at. Mr. Andrew Myers for a. while. As Mr. and Mrs. John Hopkins and l THF LF family were about to retire from thei J ‘ active duties of farm life in Bentinck \ who hav a number of their friends and neigh- ihibition. burs assembled at their home near this i place on Friday evening, March 1st. and proceeded to take possession of their home. They mingled in pleasant conversation while the time flew swiftly by. Tae company soon organ- ized and began a more formal business of the evening. Mr. Robert Brigham, ; who was appointed chairman, explain- ed the nature of the gathering and called on Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins. The l following address was read to them by I ' Mr. David Adlam and the presenta- , tions made by_ Messrs Henry McCaslin D I f‘ l 10 lur- auu lure. auuu uuynluu. 1 ; Dear Friehds,â€"-We, your friends . and neighbors have learned that you ,’ l have decided to retire from active life 1 . in our midst, at least for a time. We | 3 have enjoyed your company and l .: frienship so long that we fear we may 1 l lose that which has been our privilege. You were ever ready to meet your .. friends in private life and mingle with 1 them in social mirth and glee. Your _ house has al ways been open to enter- '1 tainment where all could join in inno- i g cent amusement and pleasant enjoy- 3 ‘; went. so we all meet here to-night, as ’ 1‘: perhaps we have all done before, to I! spend with you an evening of friend- ,I ship and pleasure. \Ve desire to, ex» ”i press our appreciation of your many; ~"' good qualities as friends and neigh- ’l here. We ask you to accept these “chairs at our hands; we ask you not ml to value them for their intrinsic worth ‘ ‘ but as a token of our esteem and love 1 for you and for the many kindnesses ' we. have received from you. And now 'in bidding you all good-by, we. hope -'still to meet you and enfoy that THE ADDRESS. To Mr- and Mrs. John Hopkins, Mr. Austen Derby who has been working in a real estate office in Lun- dou for the post two months, is home suffering from an attack of inflamma- tm y rheumatism. Mr. Huqhss and son. J :unes, who spent, three months with the furuwr’s parents, Mr and Mrs. John Cooper. left last week for their home in \Vest- em Canada. The Hampfien Guild journej to St. Andrew’s Presby terian Hanover. on Tuesday night; week and spent; a very phasm imp: With the young people t7 great number were. kept, at ] accsunb 0f the. bad roads. Mrs. J. Park, of Detroit. spent. 1 weeks “‘1111 her sister, Mrs. R( Nichol, and brothers in this lovali Rev Mr. and Mrs . MC Lead. of over, called on a nnmhel of the. H den congregation last week. ALLAN PARK. BAMPDEN. but tld journeyed ovm sbvterizm church €le 1)( |M"1‘W kt-tm-wh-‘h'fi .‘VK' ' L Lh ree Robert Hun- } ASKâ€" 21mg lust The Greates: R'cmmm of the Year RICHARDS’ PURE SOAP and RICHARDS’ QUECK NAPTHA SOAP All Customers having Accounts at Our Store are requested to call and settle the same during the month of March as we leave town shortly. All account then unsettled will be placed in other bands for collection and costs will be added. We are prepared to sezl all the goods in the store at and below cost. Our assortment in everything is large and purchasers will save money by buy- ing goods here before we leave. DURHAM, Another serious fire occuraed in this burg on Thumday night, the 22nd ()f February when Mr. Perry Psunnck’s barn was cmnpletely destroyed hv fire together with his implements. feed and grain. The fire was caused by the upsetting of a lantern. Mr. Pen- nock on going to the stable about eleven o’clock found one. uf his horses had got loose and got into the feed passage. and on trying to get the ani- mal hack. it. jammed him against me Epm'titizm. upsetting the lantern and spilling the oil in some hav which in a i moment took five. Mr. l’emiuck tried hard to extinguish the fit-o. but. it soon eat hevnml his ('miti-ul. It was “ill: firm. It i of the late pared to d ‘ concrete 1 F1 ‘L *e 1; 0 ‘11 1 e L 0 c a 1 P L -1 ’S ( ) n x \‘1 x ( ) s e n (a A s t .L .e 1 n 0 st eynnd his ulty that, Oi LEVINE CO. Wrappers to \N'umlstuok, Ontario. 118 BUNESSAN run by gast .. make. V“ all kinds of (-untrul hes OC Ed wards “'33 am HR '1)!“ Mn W ma [1 A}: which in a. ’emmck tried 0. but, it soon IL was \Vilh was gut (mt \Ve learn .vhich' nurth‘ \V 0 I)!” Ul') m Oll pl l) M 1-. Isaac Puole has routed his farm of 150 acres C(‘QMI'. Duncan Smellie and Mr. Thus. Ritchie and intends having a sale sometime this month. after which he will remove to thv \Vest. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McFarlane v itled with their friends in Egremnnt week ago Sunday. \V from couple firenm North Mr. J nhtmy 3 un'a 0f Bellww cek at their Yr Mr. 1 1h U )\\‘ Ho A! \V May \V ONTARlo OPS

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