Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Feb 1912, p. 6

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JNU.>~',1’§-1£’ G 92er e\)3 a i SYDNEY INCH, PRINCIPAL. : Pumas. in m:“w.i.w “W'hen m old I noticec the Kittie foil and day. I was greatly worried? 1m 1; and tried everything to reiiev 0 him: without any success. The rash. getting worse and “or 52:: :mi: his 13:111- and body was a. mass of . ”abs. ‘53: wasabout six months old I ,0. .A ‘\ Ls.‘ ’I .~ try Father MorriSC} s 3'0. 4 £31.. medicine, which I did. In aimazt months time the scabs had disanm and the chi‘dis now heal: h» and st I most thankfully recommend it to am" suffering from Eczema.” U Mrs. F. Gl-z‘fl ' . The above prescription is not a “(‘..~.. ' All" or so-caiied patent medicine. 1 - Morriscy prescribed it for 44 years, and ix Q cured thousands after other doctors faEEm Price, 50:. per box at your dealun Father Mcrriscy Medicine (30., Iii-r? Montreal. 20 MATCHLESS VALUES The patterns are unusually sharp, and in brilliancy resemble cut glass. W. H. BEAN “ fans: ram-z; Desacus Cor: mam-:73 £6.» Aryan: sending a. sketch and (3889 onmas quick'y ascertain our oninkon free; the: at: 121191.: kn is probnb‘ y vacuums. Commnnfm m 33:11: 'otlyconuumi: .41. $5 :5830 X 011?;an eertfree. 03 403‘.” 82“???" WW. ”Winn: a men thranizh Mann a: 0. receive paid aqua-o, \vuhouccharge, mane L‘A- ~_‘ SIX. E flAVE JEJ'ST RE= CEIVED A LOT OF Berry Bowls “PRESCUT” 456., 50c., 55¢. each SELLS Cf \V 3 V “'38 ontv value tor , your iitmsre 2C pathetic pressure ( “Tell me," he 2:21 His mime faile( 1" . ering lips framed the word. “311%.: “Hush!” Felix whispered. 11;: around about. through the giinn; indistinctncss, and raising :1: to impress caution, “it was an dent, he is still aEive. and please he will live to be a "hale old In: want help, I want medical aid. E you to warn Agnes. He must be ' to the Manorâ€"the nearest plat can carry him; have you a ner run on ahead and tell Agnes? 1 doctor from somewi'lez‘e, and; re ber. Farley, it’s at: accident, 0: those unfortunate, deplorable. u: seen, accidents which will happ. ti es in spite of all mecaution: ran carry him: have you a nerve to run on ahead and tell Aonas" Get a flows-r mom some-.- . e. and remem- lyrz', l~mley, it’s :11 ',~.,Ld\ “1, one of ti osc unfortunate. do "able. unfore- seen. accidents w hitl: will i21app n at xi ss .1: spite of all avreoantions . U1; Tie-in an; ' oz'od. (:le’o'rii 111173 11312.: unipoui hiztz 51:9. lie hesi‘a'ncd, looked thinnp‘h 272.: gloom, and s :1»- exec. ’l‘he moo; howe‘im that Iii: lint-31’; n: slo bblngf r0111 that long, slim figure on the ground acted like a potent cordial and sent him rushing along the zigzag, spongy foot- path till he reached the clump of scrubby, d“ aried trees and the wel come yellow gorse. .Once across the open field and the high road he was within the radius of light from the parlor window, and he was able to see Agnes pour out a cup of coffee and re- arrange a little tasty dish Rose had placed on the table. To Whomwâ€"not Felix?” she asked, “growing whiie. His lips were tightly compressed. his great eyes glittered in the lamp- light. He was holding himself su- perbly in check, and spoke with pre- ternatural caimness. "We have no doctor nearer than East Weyberne; you can’t go that ldis- tan; 9 to w, 1t. You are too upset; v31: .1?” ‘.‘ ' ‘Fit. 1 $5231 send Rose (1min 4.: L- am 3 cottag, e to tell him “No; to Anthony. It was an acci- dent, Agnes, you understand, an acci- dent Felix. is bringing him here. WhO‘and where is the nearest medical “Agnes,” he said, going over to the decanter and mixing himself half a glass of brandy and water, “there has been an accident in the plantation, to go.’ about t 11' .3 Ln'elagy minutes of alternate r131..;'.11g am; making, he heard the $01.“ :1 at wheels behind him, and, look- ing; 231:1; distinguished the outline of a .xznn drlaiz'rg; a thorough-bred, which even at me: distance appeared to pos- ess a 5106.1, deal of action. It was a dogcaxt be perceived, a high, solid, useful Vehie 1e, carrying a second man lolling m th folded arms at the back of it, and in a few seconds they had overtaken and slowed down beside him. ' “Yes to both questions,” the man said, laughing. “I’ve just been to- Weyberne Lodge, and found him out. When I saw you in the distance I] thpught I had spotted my man.” .1 “Hello, there!” the driver exclaimed. “Are you Anthony Pelham?” “No, ” he answered, twisting around and peering intently into the man’s face; “do you know him? Are you a friend of his?” “Are you Dr. Hunter, of East Way- berne ?” . “Then, for Heaven’s sake, turn back to the Manor House and drive like the devil," he said, springing onto the 'step and scrambling into the vehicle. “Certainly; I thought everyone for miles around here knew Jack Hun- tor." “I suppose you were on your way for me?” the doctor remarked, back- lng into the hedge to turn around, and hooking the leather apron over Paul’s knees. could ge, ” he said. . ’ “What has happened? Something serious, by your manner.” ~_‘_‘_Yes; Anthppy ”Eelhm bu met ’1] uts OSG “Will you tell inc your mm?” Paul “My name? Why, John Hunter.” 9n was on my way for anyone. 1 ;-"*.;L'. 1:1111t8r,” She Shaid, id be be called out thére’ s a W s” he said, decisively; it'; I’elham’s life may de- wez‘tune surgical aid. An . drinking dolt like Den- }:er as not to visit the Sri imn,’ and forget all tvfor. Besides, I must be- ceuldn’t bear to be inert 7h hangs on the passing down the Spirit, and dis. Lore she had finished .. Tell me the man’s inggr him back with me ad I’IJI. his lo, goad d mien what 3' the only .0 God an. I want taken quiv- d “Anthony came around to m; the other morning to ask for a pick-melup, and said he had a fit of the blues,” the doctor remarked, Wishing he had given the matter more consideration att he time. “I didn’t like the look of himâ€"he’s been losing flesh much too 1apld?v , 1*; Cit? ‘. the He éxpr“ sion in LI}; 2;. as: :â€" 52;,- 1 i}. ;- 3h; 21: 1 was {’1’ ., 7. 31,739 1:1}1‘ gut 2C look iv :' , Wig: i .-; mall of him. .' . :‘g‘ ham 3 . imm‘w: “Son: shortly. tre me thony estizxg canto} 07d world. 'l‘wo-mylix‘e year; ago“. Good ETC/Suns! l 193' zzbed all: morning in 22; <_:ou1l'01‘ta':)‘:o 113.11” d"05€ waging quness plans for 10-day. plxiios.oplzizi1;,‘; and spe;_-uiatiu:: on 1’20 yr. babiéizjs l IlC‘Xt ‘L\.'~.'<‘-znty--f.'x€ years. ‘Jac .' I to mysdl‘, ‘3011 ‘ ’ 'net‘: :15 a:~'sis‘.:;m and you’ve 1130(3de sip-11:13): and sober- ly along thyough fair weather aid forl for another good live and twenty years. 'l‘hm‘el‘ore, two-thirds of a quiet happy busy life have. slipped past. the was bringing with them the mood for which we have toiled. Now. Jack, my laddie, another tweuEy-five will carry you beyond the Span allot- ted to man, and in spite of your robust health, your firm, fresh face ,and your agile limbs, there’s not a portion of the last third you can stake a small bank note onâ€"-not on what you may fairly can your own. To me, you know, I can’t account for the inane feeling, it may be sheer vanity, but to me there to infinite grlmnese and pathos in having lived half a century._ 489 be- _ --â€" A-A - gins then to steal like a sad twilight Over one ’3 figure, and writes unwel- come legible records of sorrow, world- ly selfishness, and hypocrisy, as the case may be, nolens volens, across one s countenance. I expect you are .“-“v. o..â€" â€" ~--. H inwardly cunmg the hifiyu.1 moral- izings of a guzlulous om L393 yâ€"eh, young man?“ “I beg your pardon, I didn’t hear What you were saying.” - “I’ll be bound you didn’t. I’ve seen folk in trouble before. Now, if you’ll excuse me, l’ll tell you something. I am afraid, with those eyes and that mouth of yours, you have the capacity for suffering abnormally developed. if I am not greatly mistaken, you are the kind of individual to deliberately cut and lash yourself, rub the wound with salt, grind your teeth with the smart of it, and continue to repeat the operation at. intervals. You are stub- are t2 otic teeth fashk nes are t": . . u) take c ."vhim, a quix- otic 2' ~ a it between your teeth ' . , me in headlong fashion - - ‘ $3.22» "-1227: untold ago- nies. year heart breaks at last bcm'n": 11's own weight of penitence." :t'tzte riff: trust youare wrong, dootm'.” 1": mid with a little Shiver. “I 221,202,131 E); } 3.13} 2y and ill at ease if I thongs! E 2.; ' predestined to break my 1:99;; in Hart; a hobby too near the of a socia! precipice.” A. no '1'); ':t we hape to do We} We t1"'2";t222-l To be virtuous. But then hell is paved with good in- tentions. Still, I’m not exactly a seer, and tween 2'ned you know, is fore- armed. V. hat‘ 8 that on the road?” he added, as .they neared the Manor; “your eyes are younger than mine.” ‘ if I thoug- break my near thee 1‘ “It’s Mr. Flemingi I know by his extraordinary height.” “Ah, Felix Fleming!” Dr. Hunter repeated, “the prince of good fellows; if ever you and I meet again, my lad, I’ll tell you a story worth hearing of this same Feii’x Fleming.” He threw the reins to Paul, looked over his shoulder and said “Dick,” jumped down and walked quickly through the garden with Felix. The necessity for further exertion, the need to curb his strong emotional na- ture, having all at once subsided, Paul’s mood changed. He entered the parlor by the {.3338 doors with a- lagging step, looked arOund the W room with a sinizizz'; heart, and shivered from head to foot. The rambling old house was mm: - urally qpiet, 'no sound of life broke the stillness in the low, winding passages, nor in the room abovehim. He paced the dingy carpet for what seemed to him an eternity, until the slamming of a door somewhere overhead set every nerve in his body tingling. ‘7 He went out to“the steps to listen; and turned his dark, anxious face to the grey mass of drifting clouds hover- ing above the house like a great brood- ing human trouble. Little soft gUSts of homeless night winds cooled his forehead and the fever in his veins, and in a measure calmed the tumult of doubt and confusion in his busy Hark! There were. low voices and delayed footsteps in the stone pas- sages. Felix was speaking ,and the doctor as plznctuating his sentences with little running comments. " “1'11 come with you to the gate,” he heard Felix say, and they passed on and way: cut C‘I fershot before Dr . Emit??? 3.330 1 was present occasion. that is I “L opened his blue ' 1 old world. Twen [HE DURHAM CHRONICLE. yes on th; y-i‘ive Year; .y abed this nalf drO‘a‘e'se. be sbbk : gain. “I 9:: Fleming,” he said, as if the thought had just darted into his mind. “who’s the young fellow I picked up on the road all nerve and fire and fine feeling?” “His name is Farley, Sir Thomas? Hargrave’s secretary. He was with; me when I found Anthony. Why?” 1 “Because'â€"-well, it seems a strange: thing for a man of my years to say.‘. but that boy just beginning life is; perfectly familiar to me. Blame it!Ӥ he muttered. taking off his hat, and‘ wiping his head with a yellow ban-i dana, “I can’t for the life of mé under- l stand. unless-Look here, Fleming, when I was a young fellow walking the hospitals I lodged at thting Hill for six months, and shared the sitting room with this boy’s double and I can ‘ assure you never until to-night havei my salad days been so vividly rev‘ called. There are those same wonder- ful eyesâ€"I used to fancy the tellow's soul was sitting behind those great dark windows patiently waiting for something the world could not and would not giveâ€"ethere’s the same oval 'clean-shaven face and mobile month, now weak, now obstinately tenacious, the same temperament, too, artistic and sensitive My friendâ€"he would be about my age nowâ€"was a musiâ€" cian, he was great on the violin, he had a valuable instrument, a Guamerâ€" ius or a Cremona, a- genuine thing whatever it was; he used just to cud- dle the thing under his chin. lay his cheek on it. red the old-masterpiece quivered and "FF“?ilmd with melody, ‘ “Jervois «‘z-‘t'zw‘. a geodiwh bit. in those days 2 playing in the arches- H'a of variors Tendon theatres. I lost sight of him when he went to America . alihmigffi T believe he visited Curope once. or twine af'imura‘ds as a celebrated violinist.” 99 “Jervois, he said, “Miles Jervois. Whether he is dead or alive, whether he ever married or lived a bachelor, like myself, I can’t. remember; all I know is that this young Farley is a reverbeiation of him, an echo of thirty years ago or more.” “Assn mine that this Miles Jervois had a son in existence, in all proba- bility he is no more like his father than the man in the moon. Faithful family likenesses more often skip a generation or two, and perhaps once in a lifetime you’ll meet with a. queer, unammmtahle riddle like this one.” “What catch it.” “\Vl‘nere does he come from?” the doctor asked. “New Y0!“ .” “Ah I I \‘a'onder if he has heard the nanw of Jervois?” “1’11 'ask him,” Felix said wringing the doctor’s hand; “good- night. ” He lingered a moment at the gate, and looked down the road in the direc- tion of the Hall, an absent, far-away expression in his eyes. “By Jove!” he muttered, awakening from his short reverie and striding to- wards the house. “Farley’s on tenter- hooks in the parlor ,of course.” "Come in here,” he said, putting a hand on his shoulder and guiding him back to the parlor. They stood upon the hearthrug, Paul with one foot on the steel render, an «ups-- . - elbos} on the chimney- piece, and Felix with his hands under his coat tails. ' He found him standing in the entry paler phan usual, listless. and de- pressed. “He’s no't dead,” Paul said, “or you wouldn’t look as you do.” "I wish} had come to you before," Felix said, “I might have guessed you were brooding alone, and dwelling on “Dead!” he repeated. “No, nor yet, I trust, likely to die.” Paul’s lips quivered, his forehead contracted, tracing a vertical line be- tween hislblack eyebrows. the ugliest asbect of 'tho case. By the way, what business have you with an upright line at the top 0f your nose?” he added 11‘") 11g to smooth out the 1‘” ‘ “: ‘ _ f, 1 OflL 1:61:13; -. 3:311:43 1-, .1 « 1:55 broad thurv h Fall anfi 11: . Felix looked him over from head to fact, at the great earnest eyes await- ing his verdict, and wondered Whether after all ‘tltfl‘é‘ were not extenuating ’circumstanws to be adxanced .cn Ju~ Lditli’S behalf. r; , "i’m not {sing to censure you. Far- !ley,” he sari. smiling. “I’ve heard bailough to we: convinced that it was all plain, 1:.21' sailing on your part. Anyway, as it is.‘you’ve had a hat: 0 hour, and probably sul- year.” “I am not so sure of that.” Paul said slowly; “It was Miss Judith’s inten- tion to__ treat the past as a bad dream. Pelham’s forgiveness and engage her- self to 'him,.if he Were still willing. that. thinknef. it.~'Ml‘; Elelning. as...she “Caplta 1!" 1‘. answered with encre gctic mm: “That is to say. we \e got the bullet and he stood the operation "ell. It’s a clean flesh wound, my so far as one can judy'e, them is small danger of com- plic lions. if all goes Well he will be able to be azzoved in a, week or ten daysf’ him ?” “Yes. and Mrs. Pilgrim. Rose has gone to Weyberne Lodge for his valet; he may be of use in the night” ‘-- “Won’t you have a trained nurse? Paul asked. “To-morrow, perhaps. I shall do Whatever Lady Hargrave wishes. She has advise-3}. and superintended An- thony’s dozér‘estic arrangements ever since he was a motherless little chap of seven. i hope to goodness they won’t get wind of this at the Hall to- night. Lady Hargrave. may just as well have her night’s rest undisturbed. I shall "go for her the first thing after breakfast.” A“ n 7‘ ...-_~ “And Miss Hargrave?” Paul sug- gested. Felix Flex" kég‘s face hardened. “That young person’s caprices do not concern me,” he returned harshly. “What can Judith have said or done to have taken the hope, the zest, the desire to live from a promising. pros- perous young life like Anthony's?” Paul looked at his varnished boot “Is she so much to blame?” he ask- ed. “What of myself?” , Felix looked him over from head to foot, at the great earnest eyes await- ing his verdict, and wondered whether after all than: were not extenuating nirnnmstanz:.:xs to be advanced .on Ju» suppose Miss Fleming is with was his name? p.40 5 e yeglasses, I didn’t 9” l: “V .{“’~ :A 3 I a . h Ct: pgeries 6w Sâ€"z'ué. 3.an Nuts "' 33:3 Cess'zfcctionery 22;: s: Spices al‘d Vinegars N» a Family and Pure Manitoba Flours i”, Pint San. Farmers Produce Wanted i'mammmmm an! _. "7 V ‘5'. 3 3M "CHE D “You persuaded her to this?” “Hardly: perhaps something of What . I said helped to influence her decision. 3 At all events I am confident that had ‘Pelham’s patience held out a few hours or a day lo11ge1,had he faced ‘ the situation witl121101'e resolution and Enot reached the cross-roads so soon. 1there would hate been an end to the estrangement between them. Every- thing was in his favor had he known it. To-mor1ow would have brought him health, hope and happiness, and brought it exactly in the way he , craved." "' V V r ‘O" : I ’7’ t ‘ “. ' » {ll\*‘ “:5 .z. LLLL. [ltd b‘ ', '.'}!H1" ‘1' a" Mooomooo»o«ounom WW3 _ A- __-.. .. WMMmm- __.__._A .. __.‘__ saunas-a-omeawooédnoom' ‘ a-Omoébmmmwmm¢ h ’V " f' on..." ‘ _ to do)’ “She told you this herself?” “She came to me in the library af- ter dinner this evening toâ€"” “To see 11‘ you were in the mood to propose,” Feiix supplied sarcastically. “No, to discuss the unpleasant posi- tion of affairs. We reasoned the thing out together, and eventually she saw the folly, the uselessness, the cruelty of her attitude towards Pelham. She was anxious to xectify the wxong and be back an: :1 on the 01d familial foot ’1 ing. . “Somehow, it’s rather a wonder to me, Farley, you didn’t reciprocate Miss Hargrave's feelings,” Felix said, relocklng the drawer, and tossing his tobacco pouch to his friend. “She’s considered a remarkably pretty girl, and she’s really a nice girl, too'!?’ .'_'I«‘éiix Fleming’s hand descended heavily on Paul’s sh9_u1der_._ she must non: remain in thesame room - . . . m 2m wxmrzism where in her vicinity.” , “You think my sister the prettier?” mg, being __orne degree colder diham AContmued on page 7. ' you don’ttf eel it. There is quite a """"""""" dot of threshing still to be done.”â€" F~or a strain you will find Ciham- Fleisihfir't‘tm Advance. berlain’s Liniment excellent. Itlal- ‘ lays the pain, removes the 901‘9' You will miss one of «he treats -ness., and 90011 restores the parts of ~flhe season if you fail to attend to a {healthy condition. ' ‘2-5 and 50 . . . censt bottles for sale by all deal 'fiexfmmlgf the Hall, HOIStem “You’ re a good fellow, Farley!” he exclaimed, his. grey eyes sparkling “a dowmi; ’7'“Cd f< New. I like you.’ he said. in body, soul a V‘â€" .v._. “I don’t fear that.” he said. Watching Felix light his pine. "if I read Miss Judith aright. l think this shock will steady her self-balancing power. but really I think i Shall feel a certain relief when she is safely married. I would so much rather be domiciled where there were no unmarried daugh- ters; there would be less strain on both employer and employed.” ‘ “Don’t smoke that rubbish,” Felix said, watching him open his cigarette- case to make, another selection; “have a pipe, 3. nice, clean, wholesome pipe. I’ve a drawer full of perfectly new ones; you are welcome to all or anyâ€"- its not a case of Hobson’s choice.” He took a bunch of keys from his coat pocket and unlocked a narrow walnut cabinet. â€" A-- - - _ “Which Will you have?” he asked, "meerschaum ,cherry wood briar, or churchwarden clay ?” “That little cherry wood,‘ with the silver band,” he said, taking the pipe in his hand, and examining 1t criti- “Yes, she’s pretty, very, in a way, but if she wants unalloyed admiration she must net remain in the .same room with Miss Fleming, or, indeed, any- where in her vicinity.” “You think my sister the prettier?” “Why such iervor?” he asked; “are you afraid Judith will have a relapse?” 8P5. They hm}. with a 10215:). “We’ll have {I soon as 036 A221 Felix remsflmd tive smile liking tache, as 59 pipe. suppress ‘V 2‘1 hope so,‘ Pat Felix 1001:2311 at Mawhewg Latimer For every Four Dollars and Fifty Cents spent in our store hetxvecu now and Christmas we give One Pound of our Best Tea Free of Charge. As we always carry the best: line of gun 1:5 and sell as cheap as the cheapest this is an excellent plan for every householder to lay in a supply of tea. absolutely free of cum, tkn: the new year. 31'1-‘6 - w - .‘m nw'mw u "WWW“ “ Best Quality of Christmas Fruits and Groceries Aiways in Stock :4?" V‘YTHI ’VG lha! is produced in Canada from Canadian materiazs, 7, n by {he afiflicaiion and Kaiser, 175.55 51-; have firs? call anadz' an brain with me /‘ :75}: (.3?in gOOd business _ on my part that i; ,aiublc. ' SOMETHING GOOD FOR CHRITMAS 200 Pounds of Tea Given Away Free m ively (Ar 3 avacteri 9d. and shook hands lingering clasp. k dding up yonder as my is well enough,” 1‘1 anticipatory fes- he was of his mous- 111:.-<'1 aims for his t a pleas‘ént thin med. fervently. sideways. and like VOUâ€" 0 M- Q), «gr-W a...“ m n esteemed subscriber at Steam. Sash, Jan. 12, says: “We are ‘hav- You will miss one of «the treats of «me, season if you fail to attend the box social in) the Hall, Holstein on February 5m. Also Agents for the Baker Ball Bear- ing Direct Strnke and Back Geared Pumping \Vindmills, Pumps and Supplies. Write and have us can on you. Satisfaction Guaranteed 1' our Patronage Solicibed. If you are in need of a suppÂ¥y it will pay you to consult mhe WATER ! WATER! For réservauon and information apply~ T0 WINNIPEG Daily Transcontinental Service _ via the All Canadian Route. Standard and Tourist Sleepers. Three trains daily. Excellent scn'ioe. Making connections at Den-alt for ‘ FLORIDA and at Chicago for CALIFORNIA and Pacific Coast Points VANCOUVER LOUISE WELL DBILLERS R. MACFARLANE, To Ch'lCAGU PRATT BROS , February lst, 1912. Garafraxa St. DURHAM AND LOUISE P. O. Durham

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