Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Feb 1912, p. 3

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Galvanized and Iron Pip ,Brass Brass Line-d and Iron pC'ylinderc sac? OPEN EVERY AFTERNOON Pumps From $2 Upward ALL REPAIRING promptiy ané properly attended to. PUMPS OF ALL KINDS W. D. Connor me mowwmmom W. D. CONNOR Offers you ad vantages not offered in any other school in the proviuc This school is affiliated with Central Business College. Stratford, and Elliott Business College, Toronto. The courses are practically the same in the three schools. The proprietors of this school are receiving seven times as many applications as they have students graduating. We can do more. for you than any other similar schaol in Canada. Take a. course with us and see how quickly you will secure a position. Yoursuccess will mean our success. Students are entering each week. Commence your course at once. February lst. 1912. D. A. McLachlan, Machine Oil, Harness OH: Axle Grease and Ham Ointment, go to Macfarlane C0. FEBRUARY SALE Humming and Tinsmithii neatly and promptly executed. Anything Stoves. Tin am ‘. P. SAUNDERS REMEMBER +~:«2-+M~I°+'?++ Wall Paper C. P. R. Town Ticket Office Buv Your Tickets Here llanufactnrer of And Dealer In The Harnesem aka MOUNT FOREST -++$++++ . H PR E SIDE N T MOUNT FOREST OI‘TT. b+++++++++é+év II the line of F 'aniteware can right through the whole stock. If you cmmotuse it. now. buy it, and put if away until ready. A dollar savcd is a dam»? made. . STERNALL We must have the room for New Spring Stock of \Vall Paper. Our racks oely hold so fnuch. so out goes the balance on hand at regular QUICK SALE PRICES. We lose but you gain. During February every roll price cut in two. This is the season of the year when mothers feel very much con- cerned over the frequent colds contracted by their children, and have abundant reason for it. as ev- ery {cold weakens the lungs. lowers the vitality, and paves the way for the more serious diseases that so often fOIIOW. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is famous for its cures, and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. Sold by Macfarlane Co., Durham. . . .cP $3.3.” ...¥»€...w.. . ....$.R..éfl% 4%, f4 nww a DRUGGXSTS AND STATIONERS n U R H A M .Lhout written conse 53. Papers 7c. 10c. “ (Salli-'53“. F. W. Kahle, PRINCIPAL 11} 1121 IDES My father was Wonderfully hug-4i- icie _?'-‘.o','ig',\' and Egalitlard. a: capped by al'W'db'b‘ being; :1" 1513713311? that the I'liifcrent scr'fies TC:- Iii-3. and it) face the-forest 'x‘fll‘il (if; «fruity? in f-‘:\i}(7‘ 115 111C? };_,Lf;".; axe, Why, to say the least, lle'nexg.;;.; 10st f<‘>1‘get'ti';;g to prod up wasn‘t in it. However, he twisted . H '1‘ ‘23 mum-1 W_,],}‘â€"t,, of 15,111, 80 7.1"}?3 .tJ (s. -4- and turn-ed gotherways. and, as thei‘tr Editor, I think it will apnea: saying is, :he was “Jack of all? clear from the above. to those who trades." He claimed to be a ship jlocated at Dzmham and surround- and house carpenter, tailor ending country Since mb' removal brewer, and. was a first-class;from that district, as to who this malt maker, which he worked at . man Lamb is, as so many of the considerably While in Brantford. old timers seem to greet him with and for a number of years afterithe right hand of felioWShiP- settling on the farm, he made a1 ,. .. . The object of the writer’s visit haoit oi ,gom-g down to Brantford . to Markdale and Dunham for afe'w inwthe fall for about five months.’ :mcnt'hs a year ago, was to seek at nglOld money, \Vlthh helped toga change n0.f climate, in View Of make ends meet. Alld further, 8L5ibetter health, and which, I am I stated, being a tailor, he made . pleased t up considerable clothing for theid , . , esired effect, as I gained won- ,oung men 1n the neighborhood;derfuuy during the time, and en- and in return, got them back to '2. toyed the social chats with ' so chop and 1'08" and .things Went on ! many old friends and schoolmates in this way, that the farm becameibut I regret to state, while in well cleared, and buildings erected i the act of getting in readiness to and as :time Went on, the writerireturn to my theme at. the Mischi- greW up. amid was 10f great assist-igan 800. I took some trouble in ance, as the bnothers started outamy left hand, or a fingers, which for themselves when young. How-tdeveloped from bad to worse, till ever. aft-er toiling for some twentin was obliged to leave hurriedly years on the above mentionedvfor some place to be taken care farm, it was sold to the late Pat- ‘ of. Ivtook train for Detroit, where rick Kenny, who hailed from Nor- {Mrs Lamb was visiting tWO manby township. Before leaving-daughters Who are located there, the old farm... I might here men- ’ I , hurriedly searched for medical 0 state, worked out the Divine services were .313 regular}; in :the school for a: ber of years, conducted by preachers as Revs. Baker, .Fo Bugger}, Walker, and many o«t who-m memory won‘t recall, no doubt, lhave all passed on their rew rd, which we are hastily following. Well, we will go back farm, and see what’s doing man been deprived «of getting to sch-“:31 when young, and thus availed themselves of getting a little ed- ucation, ‘dhough grown 'up to manâ€" hood, and womanhood. @he roads brothers and forth years to arm-amber 10 Of my ye contrast from its present appear- ance. The family remained there for about 13. month while the se- nior member of 'tlhe family toured around through the wilderness looking up a farm or a homeâ€" stead to settle on. Finally a ‘hiomes'tead'er’s claim was bought out, being lot 32 Concession 3. E. G. R.., Glenelg, at present known as "ltlhe “Kenny Farm,” which was taken up by one John Rmmin'zs, who had a few acres cleared, and a small. nearly flat-roof log cabin shanty placed on it. I fancy I can yet see the old structure near the roadside, where I\ nd my brothers and sisters went beck the year 18-56 or 1857, first: taught by the 1 \Villiams. who was f0 such teachers as L. Blzu L. Base. D. M'cInnis, J \\ Wilderness mom Gr‘u'el‘mh to Sound. However‘ etth-e sum. made for Durham, which was presen; me 1110415 of travelling. We xx eze brought from Guelph to Dur- eham by a yoke of oxen. brought down and in care! 10f J oihm ‘Bell, late. .of the 'M'offat farm, Edge Hill. About 1854 or 1855 we landed in Durham which was them quite a wild-er Dear Frienidgâ€"As promised some time ago, I will funnish you a write-up :of my history, which at your leisure, you may look over, and perdhance, may see something worthy of publication in the col- umns of the Chronicle. write-up. was born in Dundee. Scotland, on November 13th, 1848. About a year later, he emigrated to America with his parents. which at {that date was considered ' a great undertaking, and a Longs; voyage over :tthe Atlamtic ocean, as We were on board six Weeks and two days before landing at New York. At that time, sailing ves- sels were ‘plyinzg on :the Atlantic. and ti‘neir voyages arross were governed a good deal by the fa- vorable or unfavoralbe \‘veathez‘ Bush Wm. Irwin, Esq,, A GLENELG PIONEER. TELLS fllS‘STORY 3d forth from for a number of ears to the Ritchie schoolhouse, momh-er log structure, which many ’ my yet remaining schoolmates e11 remember. It was built about Banks, etc. The attenmiame pecially in the winter season as large owing to the fact t} “I The subject of this sketch, or ement got out to 12:0‘ was then termed the ’7 which was «then 1m: jour men and 800, Mich, Jan. 15. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. com 9 late He followed Black: Jas, 9! s, Jas. Aims to 12011;) to good '1 t0 0 wen aim L was then , my suc ared Wit} i'tlo‘g'eithe 313.113., ‘yV'Q ‘ )h to Dl‘r- .1». bl‘ “0'1 It 1‘Bell 11‘ LLe [nu-n U;]1 Y 0mm: by suc‘ 1) Y H: 2-? (‘J Ml there. W1 .umâ€" 151 all 10, the act of getting in readiness to return to my home at the Michi- gan S-oo. I took some trouble in my left hand, or fingers, which developed from bad to worse, till I was obliged to leave hurriedly for some place to be taken care of. I took train for Detroit, where Mrs: Lamb was visiting tWO daughters Who are located there, I hurriedly searched for media?»1 mcntihs a year ago, was to seek a change of climate, in View of better health, and which, I am Pleased to state, worked out the desired effect, as I gained won- derfully during nhe time, and en- fuoyed the social chats with ' SO many old friends and schoolmates but I regret to state, While in tion that the harvest was all taken off by the sickle, which was tedi- ous, and a great contrast with the present method of doing ,ytihings. For instance, one year, at the time of the Russian War, our harvest was all reaped by .the sickle, and panned out 300 busihels of wheat,- besides oats and barley. lIt was tlhreshed out by the late ’Joihn Cameron, and his brother iMalcolm. tlhe pioneer threshers be- ing .I'the first day s w omk of the fjrct separator brought into Glenelg ltnolwns‘hip, where many came to see it work. P1ior to that time. the {job was Idone by open cylinders. 'd-eawn by oxen, which isn’t the Tmehhlod out West at the present i urge «that the different scribes b- prcmpt in giving us {the local news not forgetting to prod up time, before leaving hmne. In- ”he 11 the. 1 the em icle. F ~rezh'ler of the Davi'isseorn s-oliic started by Jo still it comes wel re S years harm [1‘16 '0! 3118 1’ my S G-lenelg, Where a much larger farm was purchased by farther and myself, consisting. of lots 8 and 9. com, 14 lots 8 and .9. con.ces;;ion 15, cornm‘isinzg‘ nearly 300 acres. where we remained for some 25- yeans, and Where the writer be- method out West at the present time. Well, the next mowc the family mam e was b0 the north of EMT 10 um F 01‘ m ident war} comes to the fioo. les. 1 19 my three local papers at i of each week‘ viz., Chron- eview and Standard, and )If Uh 63 BI \V for 100 acre (:1 8421er eph fed me to lm'SE xie'ne U Mu. Own 5 e :1. d the :-\.M B ttli l Uh good old Iau'nche of n '\\ m3 It is with pleasure that I give a public recommend to PARISIAN SAGE, which I know is a won- der.” Mrs. Ella Gilchrist, W. Pitt St, Bedfard, Pa. “In fihe spring I was recoverâ€" ing from 'a severe case of erysip- elas, which left me virtually bald on the front of my head and :next to my ears. The hair kept coming out rapidly and nothing I used stomped my getting entirely bald until I used two bottles of PARâ€" ISIAN SAGE This tonic made my hair smart to grow in. and in fact Brew me a good fair amount of hair. and it has entirely stopped my hair falling out. Macfarlane ' Co. will sell you a fifty Ic-e’nt bottle of PARISIAN SAGE and guarantee it to banish dandruff. stop falling hair and itching scalp, or money back. It's a delightful hair dressing that makeshair lustrous a'n-d fascinat- mg“. Just think of it! who grew up toge In politics, I was not either side, always read; nor-t what I ‘«considered the country at large, but leaned foo the Reform ‘0: ’ - \ 0 That 5 Why Thankfm Woman Rec ommends Parisian Sage religion, I Presbyteri where-on, or (:1 from to suit liberty to use the matter in NOW. Mr. Editor, I will forward to you [this rambling matter. which I have take) some pleasure in reviewing, and i there is any part of it worthy of fixing up for the press by you, enlarging thereon, or cutting am a} theze- from to suit yourself, you are at If spared, I {have a desire to Visit my remaining brothers ad sisters at Winnipge , Mam. next summer..-o.nly five of us left out of twelve of a family o'rown up â€"-anid seé some of that wondexful Cnaadian North-wast. which is attracting so many in that direc- Yale. BX that the ,b urie-d. eternity, where our have gone on before 1.001, how time flies, over ten, years. Family ties. on Mrs Lamb’s side, had a draWing‘ strung; in that direction, as a family have done remarkably well in accumulating a little of this world’s desires, with an eye to the end of time, when we will be obliged to cease our sojourn here below, and pass on to the great eternity, where our forefathers said was carefully examined ererts as no the condition of system at Harper’s Hospital, X-Bay. and other means, was 1 nouncezd in good physical cm {ion but in short, had to take dope and operating table. to cinecx a case of naturahy feel the l-< iul members, which good service SO Ion n Dormoch Free or twenty- five >tandin-g the 1-00. BEFORE TSEY FOUND SIN PILLS GALETTA, ONT. “My husband used Gin Pills for Backache and Kidney Disease. The pain in his back was dreadful and the kidne) 5 failed to do their: work farcperly. As he became worse, we found it necessary to begin treatment and unfortunately wasted time and money on remedies that were little or f no to 1. fitter tab :10' one dose of \J no goC-J finer mmng one dose or 6th3 PILLS, he found them to be _:::2ct1y uhat he needed, and after taking tuo boxes of GIN PILLS, was comp. ?ete1\ cured. We heartily re- commend GIN PILLS, at every opportuni; v to our friends and re- latw es MRS. I \MES B. MILFORD. W ite us, mexition we Vs 1 lscnd yo" 21 5am if you can 101: get the 91' vrmr don‘mr’c um lave Lh ree if you cannot get the }egular size boxes at your dealer’s we will supply you at the regular retail priceâ€"50c. a box, 6 for flangeâ€"and mu my promptly refunded if (. EN PILLS do not give satisfaction. gaiio'trsl 31mg 8; Chemical C0. of .anaua, LLQLLSd, Dept. A Toronto. 87 yd for his godonses Id ‘hope that I n u-ham. another Vi )ul-d ejn'joy. ‘OSE lie res r?- hâ€"lc 1‘? (go back 'to the movin‘ : zolrd Gle‘nelg in the f how time flies, on Family ties. o it Roche. a, one i HER Halli. GREW {och DCLg,‘ 1 nave ‘ian, tool [HK 01 1t! Twelve of us v up together to matur- the conditions at pres- parents. and tun-o broth- ., 1n une same gr late Matthew St W MID MONEY all] xitioni'ng this paper and a sample box free. Then, it. I will now leave your . handes. W’innipe the Qt} been a years. notwith- distance there- resent 01d Zi other other ut natur direcâ€" )art Mrs. A. SULLIVAN Upper Town - Durham Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange 999999 9 9 . 9 9 9 0 fSZI ca olâ€" Q9 0.- 9199 9..“Twow6 .oLQLr‘. 0 “ Durham “ 11.54 9.11 " McW’illimns“ 11.44 9.0! MP“ pâ€"A .' 1. 7.24 “ Grim: “ 11.41 9.05 7.34 “ Priceville “ 11.31 8.56 7.5 " Sangeen J. “ 11.18 8.43 7 50 “ Toronto “ 11.15 7.55 M. CFA'RLANE. - Town Agent ww++r++ ' Hut-L 'vâ€"Ipâ€"A UIOEW-‘HE Trains will 311'ch and depart; lows. until f umber notice:â€" PJM Ag; .’ P.M 3.15 ‘6 25 Lv.Walkerton “212.4 3.28 6.3? " Maple Hill " 12.2 0 â€" 3.1 7.47 “ Hanuver “ 2.1 New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries Always in Stock CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE *0 60-" 0900 ¢§§¢¢VQQO¢€M9 V» v .50 pin) LS" ii .123 rams I. TOWNEP. Depot Agent JAMES R, GUN. Tewn Agem 2 oniy Men’s Beaver Overcoats, Persian Lamb collar. To be cleared out cheap. ZENUS CLARK DURHAM rand Trunk Rafi pairs. A cal-I snlici for quotatiom 1 next job. as arrive 4t Durham at 1 in... and 8 50 p m mm DAY EXCEPT 8mm £1110”. ‘LE.DU1‘I. won W01 Also a limi Led Ladies’ Beaver, Imi- tation Lamb lining, German Otter col-s lar. Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To m‘r’t rex. l TIME-TABLE SASH, DOORS House Fittings .953”- and all kinds of Maple Hill Hanover Allan Park Durh n IL Jrse in Busi- MEL! U 'L 7.!6 1.91.. and ed. ASK :mnhv AM THREE. me re- ONTARIO mt of EBAY 1 2. 08 \Vrite \V. H. 2.17 Y0 111‘ may 01128 of as folv 9. 42

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