Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 20 Apr 1911, p. 5

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lever ask anyone to without asking. flood, beef to feed :, and choice wing md run down, you this. Put up at at t AGENT 00k 9. this Feed to de contracts . (m, and any n}: it at once DUST €110 inced shortly >- one wanting w it now. Feed on hand goo per ton, April 20, 1911 Lace Curtains, Fer-en: kinds. ’r’upboards, etc. 'abinets. Odd dings. Picture kl Seats. rssaes,Springl. Lots JON Sale »1d at lowest ure TO BUY Floor Mats, Next Door to Post om» Extension We would draw your at- tention to the fact that the We own 8 quarter sectlo: mrice of Glover and Timothy WE ALSO OWN ' 1' Seed is advancing rapidly. In the centre of the Gr , ht _ 1 Place is all fenced and cr “ e have boug ear y irom tion. Ideal for straight the best and most reliable seedsrnen in the province, a large consignment of Tim- ' othy,Red Clover, Mammoth, H U N 1 Alsike and Alfalfa Clover. 202 AHdI‘US We cannot give you the same prices in future ship- mmmawmw If. I iPRICEVILLE. at once and select your seeds. I Continued from page 1, The largest stock 130 01100893 Mr. iMarshall, of Orangevihle, but . . Hformerly of Pricevme. visited from 1n town. Give us a call. ; friends here m. a day or two. ments that we can now. Call; The Central Drug; “‘33; Store :: Durham to m §b§§§§§§§§§§§¢§§§§§§§¢¢.vél” New Grocery Store Fresh Groceries Always in Stock S EEDS at The Central Drug Store Butter and Eggs Taken in Exchange Mrs. A. SULLIVAN Tram mm at Durham at 10.80 can... L50 pan. and 8.86 pm. EVERY DAY W wmAY H. Gh E_llio_tt, A. lg; Qpfl'z _ A CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE PLANING MILLS TIME-TABLE Trains lean Datum a 120 3.5).,and J. TOWN'ER Depot Agent JAMES B. GUN. Town Agent April 20‘ 1911 Custom Sawing Promptly At- tended To ZENUS CLARK DURHAM Grand Trunk Railway The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding country. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory completed and is prepared to take orders for Also a. limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. A cal-I solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. SASH,DOORS House Fittings and all kinds of ~â€" ONTARIO Mrs. {McKiImo-n, ’Top Cliff, is home, amt-er spending the winter in Toronto. . It’s Wonderful how some writers go for those in opposition to their own views, or .party in ”politics. They listen with itching ears, ‘while some of our a'blesst and best speakers are addressing an audience, who are in opposition to their own views, only for the pur- pose of making: capital out of small matters, and :a lengthy rig- .marole for the .press. ’We appre- date the editor’s advice to be careful as to the manner in which writers make reference or allus- ions towards their fellow ‘beings. and :if 'they can’t say a good word leave them alone. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that the-re is at least on dnaded disc‘aat‘ that flcit‘ncr‘ l1 «5 been abre to cure in all its stages‘ an that is Ca artli. Hall’s (‘utarrh Cure is th» only positive care now knowa to the medical fra- ternity. Cat-nil; being a constitutional (liwasv, requires a constuu'ional wreatment Hall’s (2a- tarrh Cure is taken internally. acting dirrctly upon the blood and mucous mrfuces of the system thereby destroying thr- f«:n,xn'ta.liou of he disease. and giving lhf patient strength by building up the constitution and pssist'ng nature in (loin;_y its work The prnpvivtm‘s have so much faith as its curative powers that thew offer ()nc Hundred Dollars for any uuse that it fails to curr. Mend for list of testimonials” Addrvss: F. J. CHE-S ET (30.. Toledo, Ohio Sold by all Druggists 750. Take Hal '3 Family Pills for constipation. Fisher-Blues burnâ€"The. residenae of 1 Mr. and Mrs. J .1111 Blackburn Was tin : scene of a pl‘rLiy wedding at six' o’clock on \Veatnerday evening Avg-i: the 12.x.h., “hen their only daughter, Violet Mn) became the hiide of Mr. Thus. J. Fisherut Luis \‘lll¢°gt‘. (nth son of \n. and Mn. James Fisher, fourth hue, Aih'uiesin. Tin ('rl'e lDOn)’. Whitih 100k place beuwilh a prettily decorated arch was permrmed by Rev.G. S. Millignn. M. A. pustor of Chalmers Uhmch here. Miss Edna Fisher, siswr ot the groom played the wedding march to the strains of whi-h the bride leaning on the arm of he} father entered the parlor and looked very pretty in a. dainty gown cream embroidered net over silk. The bride’s .traVelling costume was of pea glee-n ! cloth with hat to nmtch‘ The young couple Were unattended. After the ceremony the guests about fifty in. [ number extended hearty congratulat- ions to the bride and groom, a vei} highzy esteemed young couple. A dainty wedding supper was sarvmx mind an enjoyable evening spent by tht company. The bride was the recipient. of a 1m ge number of beautiful weddin, presents, the gift of the groom being a. Silver service. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher have settled In their hew home heraoccuping the 1‘ s- idence on Sydenham street, uwned y Mr. Trimble. A large circle of friest with whom we join, wish them happy ness and prosperity. “> â€"3-3 at +1“ 11:33 nuu rib U\Vt_v\ - . Bentham-Lewisâ€"Married at tin home of the bride in Toronto on Mon- day April the 17th. Mr. Edward D. Bent-ham to Miss Florence May Lewis. The young couple arrived on Tuesday to spend a day or two at Mr. Ben- _‘ :‘A-l ‘I"\;I.II\ 01' PV\ 1‘“ cu: - v v- tham’s old home here, after whic they will settle in their new home 1 the city. -a- Q . 1’ A n L..IA DLIC U‘U‘ . Court Fleshertnn I. O. F. held a. successful At Home on Tuesday even- ing of last, week. The function took place in the commodimxs assembly mum of the new High School and n- houc two hundred guests were present. During the eVening a. short. pro- gramme was rendered. Mr. John Park- er 0. R. of the Court presiding. cure dandruff, Ialhng itching scalp. our money b BUTTON.â€"At limerick. Sash, on April 61h. 1911, George Julius Harold, Win Ban of Mr. and Mrs. Robert {W. Hutton, aged 1 year. WE ALSO OWN THE FAMOUS LIVINGSTONE RANCH LOCATED IN SOUTHERN ALBERTA, CANADA We own 8 quarter sections of choice miXed irrigable and non-irrigableland, particularly well located in sunny Southern Alberta, easy terms In the centre of the Great Winter Wheat Belt; 2560 acres of rich, black loam on a clay sub-soil, capable of producmg maximum crops. Place is all fenced and cross fenced, has about 250 acres broken, two houses, three barns, corrals, sheds, etc. Fine spring on each sec- tion. Ideal for straight grain or mixed farming. . Very easy terms. CHOICE FARM LANDS In C. P. R. Irrigation Block, Southern Alberta, Canada ‘ 202 Andrus Building HUNTER LA‘ $100 Reward. $100 FLESHERTON. hox't- Pm'g This ’Wednesday a very pleas- 2):.“ Pflk ant event will ‘be celebrated in the home ofx'Mr. Jas. (Eden. the [marriage bf his daughter, Miss ER Lottie, to Mr..'vRo‘b6t. Lewis, of Or- Over Use it chaardvil’le. At present, 'We ’ex- hat there tend congratulations, 'but hope to hair and ,have a fuller {account for our I. Sage. If ‘next _. , 3 or three ’ . ‘ keep the St. Paul’s church Vestry meet- 1 remove ing will] ’be ,held on Friday night. hair luSt‘ April mist, instead of Monday, the 18th, meeting to commence at 7.30. 95 it from whotloves Last Wednesday evening, a very 1531: t0 gg§pleaisant event tdOH place in the '1'; a}; P?£,_ home lof M-r. Jas. Tucker, the marâ€" ntee it to friage of his eldest daughter, hair‘ and .Sarah EL. «to the man of her choice. back. iMr. Joe. Brown, of Gleneslg. At ifive o’clock, the happy couple enâ€" ftered the parlor to the istrains of lthe wedding march, played by $2,913,192 Miss Esther Tucker, the ‘bride lean- 38 u m ing on the am of her father, and '. and Mrs. . ed 1 vear,‘ $00k their places" in the "bay win- ch in ’ Mr. Ben. Woods had a wood cutting bee om‘ Saturday, and has a full years fire Wood (as a result. 3 Mr. iHerb. McLean has leased "the Bil-lis farrm fou' this year, and is going :to try his hand at farming. Music certainly has its charms. Seven members of the St. Paul’s choir have been! married in «a litâ€" tle over a year. With such a record. there should "be little trouble finding substitutes to replace them. The sri-ck folks of this part are Well on the/‘way to recovery. Mr. James Gordon. and. Mrs. Jias. Kerr each had a long, hard fight with pneumonia. Mr. Jas. 'McCal‘lama who is spending a week amongst 01!? friends in the: ’Vitcinity, was a resi- dent of Glenelg‘. 45 years ago, (and greatly maintains that Lake Huron can be seen" from the highest ele- vation of Durham{ Road east of the town, opposite! Mr. Allan Mo- KinnOcn’ s, but in the appearance of a cloud ' We are renewing acquaintance With the dish Dan this week: Wife is in Toronto, Visiting her parents. Mrs. .S. Queen’s sale "was very largely attended‘ and prices ruled high, excepting hens. The. price of them has; dropped about a third ance Februarv. Theaold friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Baird wish them a safe journey. and everv success in thel (prairie land. to which they go} this Tuesday A representative of an Ameri- can pea fiirmc was in this vicinity wanting to give farmers seed peas free by them .sxig'n'ng an agreement to sell the" .esntiire product back to the company at $1.20 per bushel. To ‘most farmers it seemed too much of a good; thing , and they ‘Wo"tu1dn enter unto! the d‘eal. Egremom‘t Horse Show on Wed- nesda-y should be, a good one. considering the fact that Dur- ham’s success was due to ‘the turn- out from our: township, and even then .not half of the breeders were present. the rest probably at- tending the .sale of thoroughbred fillies a‘t Dundalk. 'We are ever ready to obey: the order of the editor when he acts as umpire in a tray, and we also heartily agree wit the other fei- low in his opinion that your read- ers must have been very tired of the discussion last Week. when they had to read almost a fuilil col- umn to get his one simple idea, when the commonf run of corres- pondents would have put it in a six- -1ine pahragraph MrJSazm. Ritchie is recovering from a severe attack of quinsy, and we hope Will 'be around( in a few days. . , Farmers are again preparing the land forr another crop, Iamd 'by the way last yewr‘sfi ‘bdg crop is about spam after (six m-onths’ Winter. 'bamns are as’ near empty as thev usually are in. spring. CORNER CONCERNS C c . V '0 W The white corpuscles of the blood- the Phagocytes, as they are known scientificallyâ€"are the policemen or the scavengers of the body. Not a germ of disease can invade the body anywhere but these white corpuscles get after it. And, if they are strong enough or in sumcient numbers, they devour it. doW. The Rev. Mr; Hartley tin“. the knot firmly in the DL‘O'SE‘I‘UCE of one hundred invite-d: guests. The ‘bride looked handsome, dressed in white satin, with. veil docked with orange blossoms, carrying! in her hand a beautiful bouquet of white .carnati-Oanas and maiden hair fenms. Little Miss Marjory Grashy acted as flow-er girl. The bride‘s going away dress was handsome and very becoming. ”After conâ€" gratulations and good wishes, the happy young couple have taken up their abode! in the ss'oiithern part of Durham. where they take the ‘best wishes. of their host) of friends. Those present from! a distance were Grandma Bridges. Messrs. Jerry and! Archie Bridges iwith their wives amd little daugh- ters. Mr. and Mrs. Brandon, Mr.. land Mrs. Ruddy from near Bel- lgrave, Mr. and Mrs. John G-nasbv 30f Brussels, Mr. and Mrs. James iMcCal’lum of «McKillop. The other iguests represented the four sur- ‘r-ounding townships. If they’re not strong enough or in sumcient numbers, then the invading army of disease germs triumphs and disease holds the body. Any preparation that strengthens these white corpuscles or that in- creases their number, will not only preserve health, but will build up its defences so strongly that contagion or infection are impossible. g Mr. Samual Partners-on sold a ,load of spring \Ia'm'bs ‘a month ani k 'ga half old. Some of them went as fihigh .35 5C; pounds, While others :but little over half as heavy. ,They brought $5 per head. Certain herbs more than others are noted for their curative powers. Herbs have always been great cura- tive agents from time immemorial. And it has been found that those herbs that are most effective in main- taining or restoring health, do so by building up the white corpuscles or Phagocytes. These herbs are Psychine. They have been styled nature's own remedies. Inspect-om Camp‘bell visited our school recently, and found it work- ing very satisfactorily, and sug- gested some improvements to the trustees. In cases 20o! rheumatism relief from pain makes 51%;) and rest possible. This may be obtained by applying Chamberlain’s Lini- ment. {For sale 'by Gun’s Drug Store. T'o. Western Canada (via Chicago) including certain points on the Grand Trunk Pacific )B'ailwaY: May 2nd, lfith, 30th: Uune 13th, 27th; July 11th, 25th; August 8th‘ 22nd; September 5th, 19th. Win- nipeg and return. $33. 00; Edmonton and return $4100. Tickets good for ‘60 days. Proportionate rates to principal points in Manito’bey Sas- katchewan and Alberta. {Home- seekers’ excursion tickets Wm also be on sale on certain dates via\Sar- 11:13. and “the Northern Navigation Company. Secure tickets and il- lustrated literature drown any Grand Trunk Agent Qr-_ address A. E. Duff, fiistrict Passenger Agent, Toronto. Ont. {HOME'SEEKERS’ EXCURSI'ONS. HOW 500. TO GET FREE And it is the tremendous curative We will undoubtedly buy and power of these herbs that is respon- tribute in this manner hundred sible for the unequalled record of this thousands of these 50mm bottle splendid preparation. Psychlne. BOTTLE 0F PSYCHINE Think of it. In Psychine we have a preparation that has been in use a third of a century. That has cured hundreds of thousands of many kinds or For which we have received hun- dreds of thousands of unsolicited Here are the diseases for the treat- ment of which Psychine is indicated: Now we don’t ask you to take our word for the tremendously beneficial eflect of Psychine. Fill out the coupon below, mail it to us and we’ll give your druggist an order (for which we pay him the regular retail price) for a 50-oent bottle of Psychine to be given you free of cost. _+++++++++++++++++++++++¢+++++++++ La. Grippe Hemorrhage. Indigestion Catarrh of Stomach Poor Appetite Night Sweats Chills and Fevera Obstinate Coughs Sleeplessnm and Laryngitis and Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia After-effects b: Pleurisy. Pneumonia and Let-Grippe. Female Weakness i Jeweller and Optician :: : '§‘ WW+W++°¥¢4Q°$+MNMM For Commercial Printing The Chronicle Fills the Bill Spirefiia Corsets and Corset. Accessories MRS. J. C. NICHOL (PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN) Discount Sale a BIG OUT IN PRICES Om- spring importatinns hue : b . armved and we are ready as never 0 . «c before to meet the must, exacting . - requirmuents of our clients It) rev - gard to corsetryâ€"too numerous in O creations to describe. - ’. Ladies having met with mm. - culty m ohtzumng a. satisfactnzy .' corset, are invited to consult MRS. . _ . - NICHUL. our eXpert corsetlere. (3 O Her advzce and asslstance are free. /, = ' C WK k .â€" A fun stuck of Corsets and Bustfl’, V g Forms found at Parlors of mn'LJ HS" 5 7"" :i-E-Ib Spirella. Rep. - 95\/// EYES TESTED FREE G. B. HILLMER MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Bronchial Coughs Weak Lungs Weak Voice Spring Weakness Early Decline Catarrhal Affection: Catarrh of Stomach Night Sweats In order to reduce our stock we are giVing the following discounts:â€" 15 per cent. on Clocks. 20 per cent. on Jewelry 20 per cent. on Silverware 30 per cent. on Optical Goods Watches. Clocks and Jewelry promptly re- paired. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. and assistance :k of Corsets A confidence that has been I)” on ,our third of a century‘s W with this splendid preparation with ' full knowledge of the hundreds ‘ thousands of cures it has made. Psychine. And we dothattoshowourend' confidence in this wonderful pm tion. . are free. and Bust ; of our To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM. Lfl- l93â€"I95 Spadina Ave” Toronto I accent your offer to try a._50c. bottle of Paychine (renounced Sl-kcenb .9 our expense. I have not. had a 600. ___tt1_e of _ Ifsychine‘ under‘ phis, plan. 2._A_. Kiiidiy vidvfse midi-W to (1311?. this bottle to me. My Name Town Street and Number" D0 of Psychine it presented no the drugg â€"it must be sent usâ€"we will then the 500. bottle of Psychine from our dmggist and direct himtodeliver to you.‘ .Thie ggfer AmayA be_ withdrawn sh n-..) -‘____ anytimewithoutnéuco. Sendooupau a 0.0.0... ~“OOCMOOW.M_ ‘ . COUPON No. 28 '0 000.00 :00. 0.0.0...” 0‘ '00... 000. ~ 000.00 0.000

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