Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Apr 1911, p. 3

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77“ AAV'VU' AD k ' _ ERS . AJ‘ for Seeding . HUGHES .0311 £0 at Mount Forest and Am m notes. . BELL 'ERTAKER needing money to 's can make arrange. now from this bank, )ancd on the security ,1 notes, personal en. , or to good farmers d Surplus - $6,550,000 EL}: 0 th 51 lmin2 {W EHRWCLE :19 Printing House, Guru/31:10 8treet. TBURSDA Y MORNING 71'! 303' Tm: CHM)\'ICLP. will he mt any mkinss. {I've of Mai 32 Myer year. payabie in :Ixrgm! if nut a0 paid. Th :bsvripfinn is pan] is: e mMru-m ram]. No d 313‘!"an are paid, a: “I 'ant‘es 6 EW licks 'ork. for 5w. 5 advernsemnt. 1-5 tiun to the office. Manager and Director a 7i don April 6. 1911. AM, ONT. .;tW warning 51”.“, Ewart. , re Haterxng each '0‘- :wi firm: for you to out“- - free catalogue at 0000 Mt “'9 (tan d0 for 1‘03. ILLACHIAN. Princinl ‘__. notice. ing a Specialty 16 Oil. Harries! heme and I ant, go to all 809100” mennt Adm. . a 1m! Liuc- for the flat w IRWIN In; Mate IV stocked W O . I'm .mmafl’ndhz for turning out Branch M. ONT.. ivml by stranger. It” \V “WED RanS. and black [god people. UPRIETOB. (m shortest u Swallows ENCE wNex} Lawrence 1 he sent}. 1 A ave-story pressed-brick building. filled with costly apparatus, equipped 11m eledrical machinery and appa- A Free Start on the Road to Health roman weakness Catarrhal Afl‘ections For Psychine in a third of a cam Indigestion ‘ Catarrh «Stomach W3 extraordinarily successful use POOI'ADDetite Night Sweats . 0mm and Fevers Obsti ate Con hs mm that bundmgâ€" Sleeplessneee and nggitzsa Nervous Troubles Dyspepsia ' ' After-effects 0t Plenris . Pneumonia and And I: dxd more- b Grip”. y 1: cured hundreds of thousands of disease Now, we don’t ask you to take our people smearing from word for the tremendously beneficial mad the most remarkable re- effect of Psychine. Fill out the coupon ”filial- emecient curing power of any below, mail it to us and we'll give your . m cience. druggist an order (for which we pay Omamm known to edical 8 him the regular retail price) for a. ' m ~60-cent bottle of Psychine to be given ngchxne is a to câ€" yon free of cost. And made the most remarkable re- cord for efl'zcient curing power of any preparation known to medical science. Psychine is a tonicâ€"- It builds up the bodyâ€"by strength- mung the white corpuscles of the blood, or phagocytes, which by devouring the germs of disease keep the body in con- dftlen to are or resist sickness. A splendid building in every respect, “mated on Spadina Avenue, Toronto, 1. eloquent testimonial to Psychine. The Chronicle : Durham FOR FINE STATIONERY WWW“W”WWMM ’09... 9 Below is a list of diseases that P - Line will cure. sy Apt‘i P1111111 bux 1115.1: \0111' new 5111 111;; S1: it) call and *1 P 1111 meIs s1)11191hi11;.1 111m and 11p to- date, fir :11111 11111lit1 guarantem] “ith every su1t.A ”111111 assurtnnont of TWPGds to pig k from. Sounthizeg extra, in Hats and Caps justar- I'M-1‘1. (311]! 111111 see these 1114131111 buying elsewhere. 'I‘Enme are the 1111111811 in styleand color. Give us 11 trial and («1111111111 our stock. A]: The Ideal Gent’s Furnishing $tore fibre is where fashion reigns supreme in (30]- 133's, Ties, Shirts, Hats, Caps. <3. 0111' assort- mwnt is complete in everything a man wears. A full Stock in all Lines For The Working Man Concrete Fence Posts Like These are sightly, strong, permanent. Concrete is, in many localities, cheaper than wood, for fence posts, and more durable than stone, brick or iron. Our book. It tells how to make, not only fence posts, but walks, curbs, horse blocks, barn foundations, feeding floors, well curbs, drinking troughs, silos, dairies, and many other farm utilities where cleanliness, strength and durability are required. Many of these things are simple and inexpen- sive to make, and may easily be put together in " What The Farmer Can Do With 2w“:Rti11‘0ad King ” P abudya and OvaaHs, Smo ks and «'5 101 sale L916. 19‘11. No job too large for us to handle. Nojob too small to receive careful attention “ edding im itaiions, Ball programs or ( ommerci 11 Printing of any kind Let Us Supply You Concrete” is sent FREE. Next to the Standard Bank It you are troubled with or fear any,_ A confidence that has been based please fill in and send the coupon to on. our thirty years’ experlence with cislon: knowledge of the hundreds of thou- ”. n.4,... mum“ mfl‘ _ sands of cures it has made. We will undoubtedly buy and dis- trtibute in this manner hundreds of thousandsof these 50-cent bottles of Psychine. And we do confidence in tion. La Grippe gmncaitis Anaemia Female Weakness Indigestion. Poor Appetxte Chills and Fevers Sleeplessnees and Nervous Troubles Bronchial Coughs Weak Bangs Weak Voice Sprin Weakness Early cline Catawba] Afi‘ections Catarrh cf Stomach Night. Sweats Obstinate Con he Laryngims an Dyspepsia After-effects of Plenrisy, Pneumonia and La Grippe. that to show our entiré this wonderful prepara- your spare time. The book carefully and simply tells all. The regular price of the book is 50c. We are distributing free, a limited number, how- ever, and charging up the cost to advertising. That’s why you get your cepy free, if you sign the coupon and send it to-day. Do it now. Name Address You any send me a. copy of “What the Farmer Can Do With Concrete.” 0..’................. To Western Canada. vita Chicaga including certain points on Gran-d Trunk Pacific Railway, April 4th 18th. May 2nd. 16th, 30th. June 13th. 27th July 11th, 25th, August 8th, 22nd September 5th, 19th. Winni- peg and return. $33; Edmonton and return. $41. Tickets good for 60 days. Proportiomate rates to principal points in Manitaba, Stas- katchewan (and Alberta. Home- seek-ers’ 'excursion tickets will also 'be on sale on certain doastes via Sarm'a and the Northern Navi: gation Co. Secure tickets and il- lustrated fliterrarture :from any Grand Trunk Agent. or address A. E. Duff. District Passenger Agent. Toronto. Ont . 2 Mr. Alex. Grierson visited 1n Neustad't a few days last week. Mr. Herbert Hunt was in Han- :ver on business Miss Dollie Hopkins. of Hutton Hill. visited in this vicinity recent- ly. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fadkingham. of Town, Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. D. Donnelly. Mr. Herb. Chittick. of Lamlaxsh. called on Mr. 'and Mrs. Vickers. one day last week Mr. and Mrs. AgW. Hunt and family visited the latter’s parents in Glenelg on Sunday last. We take this opportunity of ad- vising the Saugeen Valley corres- reSD-andent not to guess at items and circulate falrse reports. Mr. Alf. A-shley visited Mr. and N115. John I'Metcalf of Lamlash‘ re- cen fly. Miss Lily Torry was the guest of her cousin. Miss Mamie 'Wilson, of Durham. one dav last week. Mrs. John Bailey spent one day last Week with her parents in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Vickers visited a week with 'the former’s parents here. fiOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSION S! To the Dr. T. A. SLOCUM. Ltd- l93-l95 Spadim Ave., Toronto I accept your offertotry 3506. bottle of Psychino (prononnwd Si keen) at {331- expense. I have not had a 50o. .tle of Psychino under this Ian. $9,11ch gdyiso my dmggist to do vor this battle 61in; Street and Number My Dmggist'e Name.... Street and Number ...... of Psychine i1 presented to the dmggist â€"it must be sent nsâ€"we will then buy the 509. bottle of Psychine from your druggxst and direct him to deliver it. to you. This offer may be withdrawn at on}: time without notice. Send coupon Ibis 9°31qu isnotgposi £02950!» W919 90:00.030003000000002 o 000 0000000 COUPON No. 28 0.00000000000000000900.00.00.00. VICKERS 0000 ”“ THE DURHAM CHRONICLE. 00......”00000 Jr. IIâ€"E. Welsh, M. Vofllet. J. W hitchurch. L. Smith. J. McKech- Jr. IVâ€"N. Lenahan. M. McIlraith. A. McGowan, T.. Vollet. M. Mc- Kechnie. Sr. IIIâ€"M. Smith M. Hartford. 1. McFee. .W. Marshall, W. Knisley and CR. Farpuharson eqwal. Jr. IIIâ€"N. Lloyd, I. ~Redford, A. Whitmore. M. Greig, W. Watt. ' .Sr. IIâ€"L. 'Wibson, V. Moran, E. Whitmone, H. Everett. H. Ramage. DURHAM SCHOOL HS. Deptâ€"Form IIIâ€"H. Willis. A. Clark, J. Farquharson, B.Reid. L. McCuaig. Form IIâ€"J. McIlraith N. Burns, M. Smith‘ S. Fulton, A. Turnbu‘d]. Form Iâ€"H. Ireland‘ R. Farquhar- son. E. Ritchie. J. Isaac. S. McDon- ald. - P.S. Deptâ€"Sr. IVâ€"M Hutton. J Marshall, J. Kelsey. .M. Calder. G Petty. Jr. IVâ€"B. Livingston. A. Turnâ€" bull M. Mather, B. Park, R. Lawâ€" rence. ,. u. Pt. IIâ€"A. McRonald, H. John- ston. J. Park Jr. IIâ€"B. Mather, J. Milligan. T. Corbett M. Bailey, ‘F. Reav. B. Grierson. G.H. Torry, V. Reay. V. Reay, R. Mighton Sr. Iâ€"H. Hopkins‘ G. Beay. H Brigham, R. Badley. Jr. Iâ€"J. Alexander, Average attendance, 46_ A..C. MacKENZIE, Teacher. .Sr. IIIâ€"W. Mather, C. Rea-v, E Milligan, A. Ream Sr. IIâ€"E. McLean, G. Johnston, M. Turn‘bull, P. Brigham, S. Ad- lam, G. Hopkins, M. Charleton. Jr. IIIâ€"E. Reray, M.J. Adlam. M. Adlam, J. .Hovpkas. tan. . Sr. Primerâ€"R. Gransbtv. W J Primerâ€"1.. McLean. Average a"tendance. 11. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"I. Alexander, M. Law- rence. L. Hopkins. Sr. Iâ€"A. Knisley. Jr. Iâ€"W.‘ Grierson, H. Mountain. M. Mighton. H. Lawrence. _ ALICE LAWRENCE. Teacher. NO. 3. BENTINCK Sr. IVâ€"E. Derbv. N. McRonaJd. F. Corbett J. Derby. M. Park, Sr. IVâ€"S. McArthur. M. McKech- me Jr. IIIâ€"G. LangriU A. Picken. W Knisley. J. Petty. L. Mountain. I. V'ollett Sr. IIâ€"R. Noble Jr. IIâ€"S. Lawrence. M. Weibber. G. McCaslin and E. Armstrong eq.. M. Smith. G. Cuffe. A. Mountain, C. Mountain. Pt. IIâ€"â€"I. Seim, C. Grant. L. Kel- ler, M. Morris, Sr. Iâ€"W. Barber. R. Morrison. M.E. R'OBSON. Teacher Sr. IIIâ€"M D‘onnelly, B. Knislev. M. Griers‘on _..r IVâ€"M. Leeson. F Kerr, S n'. N. Marshall Jr. IVâ€"M. Leeson F‘s. ITIâ€" J. Ken. G GrantzE. Wil- trn. P. Btw‘oer, G. McLaughlin. A I'll der. C. Barber, C. Blyth. W Wen. ' Jr. IIIâ€"J. Lee'son, E. McIlvride IIâ€"E. McLaughlin. W. Brown. A. Jr. IVâ€"C. Mortley, A. Turnbull S. McGillivray. Sr. IIIâ€"N. Smith Jr. IIIâ€"W. Black R. Mortley. J. Benton. IIâ€"L. Black. E. Cook and K. Ed- wards equal, R. Peart, W'. Black H. Timmins, E. Wright M. Wright. R. Jackson, K. Cook. M. Haley. E Edwards. Sr. Iâ€"W. Jackson. B. Nels-on. E. McClockilin, "W. Hzaley, R. McCl-o‘ck- lin. NO. 11. BENTINCK Sr. IVâ€"S. Lawrence. E. Cuffe‘ W. Lang‘rill. Jr. IVâ€"J Langrill, H. N'otble. A Smith. NO. 5. GLENELG. Vâ€"I. Edwards. IV-«M. Edwards. C. Nelson. Sr. IIIâ€"E. Peart.\B. Wright. Jr. IIIâ€"J. Edwards. 0.. Pe-art. E. Hunt. NO. 3. BENTINCK GLENELG. Vâ€"L. McKnight, B. Cumming-s. Sr. IVâ€"I. Dargaveh E. Ferguson. A. Simpson, N. Blrack Jr. IIâ€"A. Morrison, .M. Smith. E. Turnbull, J. Shrider. M. Cetffield. G. Vaughan Sr. Iâ€"F. C-osffield. A. McGillivrav. M. Morrison. K. Coffi-eld. B. (Wilson Jr. Iâ€"P. Ledingham. .H. Smith. J Wilson. F. Rent-on, G. Benton C.M. HAMILTON. Teacher Sr. IIIâ€"A. McKechnie. E. Vessie. ”E‘. Grms'by. Sr. IIâ€"E. McLean, Ill/Hamilton. Form Iâ€"M. McArthur. T. Middle- Sr. IIâ€"R. Ledingham, R. Smith W. Vaughan. ue. _______ _- WT“- - Sr. Pt. IIâ€"E. Bfo‘wning, B. Ever- ett A. Brookes, V. Snell and 5R Jr. Iâ€"-’W. Gray, F Haley, 10. Cook Average attendance. ‘24. ”)3, HONOR ROLL FOR MARCH SARA S. MCLEAN Teacher. MRS. LOVE. Teacher. ESSiB. SCRATCHED FOR 40 YEARS Used D. D. D Six Months. All Itch ing Gone- Thsls is the actual experience of Anne Croman, Santa Rosa, Cal” with the wonderful D..D.D. Pre- scnption. ‘ D.D.D. is the proven Eczema cure the mild wash that gives instant relied in all forms of skin trouble. Cleanses the skin of all impuriâ€" tiesâ€"washes away blotches and pimples. leaving the skin as sinifith and healthy as that ad a c Write to-day tow a tree trial bottle at this wonderdnl Eczema Cure to the D.D.D. Laboratories, Dept. D.D.. 49 Colborne Street. To- ;pnto. It Will give you instant re- Mr Henry LIcCaslin purchased a farm near Vickers recentlsmowned by ..Mr. Robt‘. Britt-on. Mrs Geo. Noble town, spent a a day lately with her daughter Mrs. C Lawrence. Mr J Tyrell has been of! work for a few days with a severe Iat- tack of rheumatism. Miss L.P.. Hopkins has completed her College course. and is spend- ing a week or .so at her home here. before taking a position. HUTTON HILL. Although We are in the month of April. the Weather conditions Would agree better with February or March. ‘ Mrs. Alex Hopkins spent a week with relatives and friends at Pro- t-on Station. Master Willie Vollett has re- covered trom an attack of diphâ€" theria. Mrs. 'R‘dbt Lawson, ‘Durham. spent a day recently “with her motheryMrs. Alexander‘ who is now able to be out again. Mrs. J Dunsm'oor. of town, spent Sunday with her daughter‘ Mrs. W. Sharp. Parisian Sage gives a fascinat- mg lustre to womens hair and makes it beautiful. It makes the hair grow luxuriantly; it is the daintiest and most refreshing hair grease or stickiness in it. Parisian Sage costs 50 cents at your drug:- gist or postpaid from the proprie- tors. .The Giroux Mfg. Co.. Eort Erie. Ont. The girl with the Au- burn hair is \on every paskage. Sold and guaranteed by Maoiar- lane Co. The sick roll: of this iburg are nearly all on the road to recoverv k, nell equal, W. Lake Jr. Pt. IIâ€"H DaViS ..'W Clarke Graham. Sr Iâ€"R Pilkey K McAuliI‘fe and R. Davis, equal: 0. Milburn 1. Davis. J. Lawrence. Intermediateâ€"W. V‘ollet M Ma. Girr, P. WaLsh, A. Everett. W. Koch. germs and eradicates dran'druuff. stops (falling hair, itching of the scalp and splitting hairs in two weeks. or we will refund your money. Scott’s Emaésmn is a wonderful food-mediâ€" cine for all ages of manâ€" kind. It v.11] makf: the 9ic11czxtc,sic1411yb;-;isystrung :mi \Vifii11“"‘i11 give the 13.116, anemic girl msx uh; cks air {air $.11 rcd1>i M1 LllCClx'S nil ich,re<ll;~‘znmi It will put flesh on tin- bones of t.‘ e tilt ‘, over- worked, tliiz man, and will keep the aged man or woman in condi ' “’1 to resist colds or pneumonia in the winter. Bond 100.. name of paper and this 34!. for a. bountiful Savings Bani: and Cnild's Sketch-M Each bank contains :1 Good Luck Penny. SCOTT 8: BOWNE 126 Womnstoa Street. West Tm m (For sale by all Drum) '03 SALE BY ALL DRUGGIBTI Falconer. Jessie r. A. Nicholl. A iMchoald A. is the most effective and pleasant remedy you can take. It will quick- 1 y overcome any dis- ordered condition of the blood and make it rich, red and invigorating, by it’s early use. You will avoid skin eruptions, boils, abscesses, rheuma- tism and other disagree- able results of impure blood. Price $1.00 a bottle Dmggists and Booksellers You must have pure, rich blood or you can- not enjoy perpect health. Spring is a season when nearly every bo dy’s blood is somewhat im- poverished as is shown by bad complexion, lack of vitality and a tired listless condition. A good blood purifier is needed at this timeâ€"our Burdock and Sarsaparilla Zompouna C.P.R. TOWN OFFICE Buy Your Ticket- Hero gactarlm 8; OIIIIWW

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