fl! RUG STORE ranging from $2.50 to $5.00 I .‘maranteod not to bteak or root. not take a permanent bond ‘3 I line. hen they (1n hating “it . BLACK think th u the Grew-n is good, but Hay Fork Pulleys that INC 5?! r POTATO pot “ J 7% ., “fountain " ." (REA)! ' ...~umn:ult' BIRSETS nocx ALWAYI water to carry. -'(twr yield and mum-s from the the Il' arm 1nd m H A R l)\\'.~\ RE STORE. Haw Forks COMING u'K's SPH‘IAL will natio- 't )1: )mdn Bug I] ml we are selling. Ir )11] only at :re not sold in e procured only 'sentative hands will be proteg‘. he 4 t Binder Twin. One to suit every July 28 you require The CENTRAL Drug Store Calder Block - Dmham People’s Mills A sm .1! â€1' large bag 0! a ï¬ne gram. whiu, nutritiuus flour, is sold as our Mam}. Have you ever trial it? Get ymu grmwr to give you our kind next §hm~ .-m.l see the superior baking qual- Ities it pussvssa. Better and more who}. .. «nu. because of 3 went process that m u put the wheat through. Don’t forget. A blend ufï¬ MBDitObï¬ andï¬ Ontuio Wheat and is a strictly ï¬rst clns family flour Mal Reduction 0 Flour In 5 ad 10 3:; Lots. chopping Done Every Dty “1 “(HO-date flour and food am New keep our flour for ask. If ’0‘" grocer does not. keep it come $0 ‘he mill and we will use you right- Call us up by telephone No. 8. “kind: of 0:99 bought 3t Ink. ZENUS CLARK PLANING MILLS DURHAM mfldc from selected winter wheat 1 1s a superior article for making pastry, ac. The undersigned begs to announce to residents of Durham and surrounding muntry. that he has his Planning Mill and Factory (-mnpleted and is prepared to take orders for pllrv Manitoba flour, made from 1_.\Iauit0ha wheat cannot be beat t‘lthfll‘ bakers or domatic use Also a limited amount of iron work and machine re- pairs. A call solicited. Ask for quotations on your next job. Alllpersons owing us an account are requested to call and settle by cash or note on or before the 15th of April. Anti Bug Finish A Bug Killer and Fertilizer John McGowan PASTRY FLOUR SASH,DOORS House Fittings SOVEREIGN and all kinds of -â€"â€" ECLIPSE POUND THE ONTARIO Mrs. MacChesney‘ am, of Owen Sound, is visiting relatives and friends in and around town. Mr. Cyrus Bean, of Chapleau, spent a few days last week with his brother, Mr. W. H. Bean, hero. Mm '1'. Farrelly, and family, of Winnipeg are visiting her par- ervtsz, Mr. and M123. T. .Moram. Misses Nellie McLean and Tressa MacKay are spending a week with friends near Dro-more. Mrs. Stephen is visiting sim To- ronto. Miss Clara Alice is spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. M'as Llowyn Moran, is home from Winnipeg on a visit. ‘ Miss Irene Lawson, is visiting in Toronto' for a few days. Miss Annie Russell, of Toronto, is visiting Miss Mara-n Calder. Miss 1mm Davidson, of Toronto. spent a .few days with friends in town. Misses Emma and Bertha Harvey spent a few days with -friends at Markdale. Mr. Arthur Allan, of the Royal Bank, Toronto, is visiting at the parental home here. Miss A. C‘. MacKemzie left on Monday for a two weeks’ trip to Milton, Toronto, and Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Karatedt visit- ed at Toronto and Niagara Falls for a few" days last week. no further particulars. Mrs. Cope left last week on an extended visit with friends in Toronto, Guelph, Fergus, and other places. She expects to be absent about six weeks. Mr, R. C. Banks is spending his vacation in Toronto, Rochester. and other points. His position here is being .filied by Mr. Larsson. of Owen Sound. Mrs. Jos. Robinson, and daugh- ter, Miss Dorothy, of Toronto. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Car- 5011.0! town. and Mr. and Mrs. J. Eden, of Egremont, and other friends in this locality. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irving, of North Dakota1 are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Meikle. Mus. Irving: and Mrs. Meikle are sisters. Mr. Harry Caldwell, of Dauphin, Mam, arrived Monday night, and Will spend a short time in town and Vicinity Visiting his brother, Mr. Wm. Caldwell, and other rela- tives and friends. Miss Mary Glazier, and Miss Mamie Gold amd brother Sam., all of Torcnto, are visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. M. Glazie'r. We learn, with regret, of the death of Mrs. Vessie, of Mordon’s Corners, on Tuesday last. M's Vessie has been ill a considerable length of time from paralysis, an". which developed into heart trouble which was the immediate cause 01 death. She was born in Scotland on June 22nd. 1841, and was there- fore in her 70th year. A husband and grown-up family survive her, but particulars are not available at time 0-! going to press. 'She has been a resident of Glenelg for many years. We tender our sym- pathy to the bereaved ones. LAWRENCEâ€"In Egremont, on Monday, July 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawrence, twin daugh- ters. ' BOYCEâ€"In Durham, on Tuesday. July 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Win. , Boyce, a son. “J â€"rr“--‘ 0... me and I soon began to suffer from indi- gestion. Quite a number of small sores and blotchcs formed all over my skin. I tried medicine for the blood and used many kinds of ointments, but without satisfactory results. What was wanted was a thorough cleansing of the blood, and I looked about in vain for some medi- cine that would accomplish thin _ -_-_- -----_ ..--.,...,,...... m... At last Dr. Morse’s Indian Root Pills were brought to my notice, and they are one of the most wonderful medicines I have ever known. My blood was puri- ï¬ed in 3 very short tithe,‘ son-e? healed up, my indigestion vanishéé.â€"fi1€iâ€"aiv7v£§§ have a place in my home and are looked upop a_s_ the_fapmily regxedyfl In. Morse’s Ind'ian Roth'Pills cleanse the system thoroughly. Sold by all dadcts at 25ca box. , 6 Pllfllflifl IIIS llflflll '- MM} Milan Root Pill. in eight hours received by our lmplos ment Deparhtmom on Wed nesday. July 6th. {ndicate the chances we have for plgcin competent young poo 10' m g ofï¬ce:l positions. a unnot suol ykbalf the calls we receive {or of mntorial llf you wsnt a moodk training :nd a good 331- u- y when ready “ï¬nd our chool GENTRAL BUSIngSS COLLEGE. Toronto 13..-- “O-_ PERSONAL. BORN Rev. Jan. A. Davis of Wobdstbck charged with a serious 0 'fehc'e against Martha Ann Selby, both colored, was sentior trial, the evidence of the girl, her father and sister, being strong against Menthol in the form of Davis’ Menthol Salve is the best applica- tion for mosquito and insect bites and stings. old sores, etc. 250. a tin at druggists. Wm. May, of London, aged 19 years, is under arrest on a charge of shooting at his mother with intent to kill. The mother and son got into an argument, when the son allowed his temper to get the better of him -whe:1 the shootv ing is alleged to have been re- sorted to. The hardware business conduct- by Mr L. C. Karstedt here for the past two or three years has been purchased by Messrs. Wm. Glass and N. Ste-urnall. Mr. Glass be- ing Well and favorably known here as Well as Mr. Steurnall, who has been working for Mr. :Karstedt for the past couple of years, assures the new proprietors of as good a patronage as was enjoy ed by Mr. Karstedt. They will take pos- session immediately. The Presbyterian Sunday school picnic was held Tuesday afternoon when a very pleasant time was spent. The place selected was alongside the river, at the Mc- Gowan Milling Co's prOperty, In addition to the ordinary picnic sports Mr. Brown’s boat house was liberally patronized, and the whole flotilla was soon in commis- sion, passing up amd down the beautiful sheet of water like a miniature Presbyterian Armada, making! lots of noise, but .no warâ€" liiuo manifestations. The weather Next Monday is Durham’s Civic holiday, but more than to close up places of business, and make the town look like Sunday, there will be nothing doing. The first Mon- day ‘in’ August has been fixed by a town by-law, and one .of the many organizations, societies, or church- es might do something to furnish was most delightful, and all en- joyed th(mselves fully. a little recreation in 'the shape of an excursion or picnic. Let some. one get a move on «now to make the first Monday in August 1911 a day to be long remembered. Had it "not been for the Orange dem- onstration here, 1910 would pass into history without any special stir except the fall fair. It should not be so. We have just as much right to a big day occasionally as other towns of the same size, and we could have them too, if we go to work u'nitedly. We have beem somewhat tied up from Writing: of late, but We again renew our physical energies, and try to Write a few items. A reliable regulator; never fails. While these pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the gener- ative portion of the female system, they are strictly safe to use.-Re- fuse .all cheap imitations. Dr. dc Van’s are sold at $5.00 a box, or three for $10.00. Mailed to any ad- dress. The Scobcll Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. For sale at Maciarlane Co’s. Mrs. James Whitmore is having her barn reshing‘led. Mr. Frank Scott is doing the work. Miss Mae Hopkins returned home from Toronto since we last wrote. Haying is pretty well wound up in this neighborhood. Mr. Austin Hanm has erected a fine new dwelling house this sum- mer. Miss Laura Whitmore returned home from Toronto a couple of weeks ago. Mr. Chalmers, of Owen Sound, visited friends in the neighborhood recently. Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Pearl Hop- kins‘ Avenue Road farm, to Mr. Robt. Whitmore, of Durham. Master James Gregor, of Mt. Forest, is spending his holidays with Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Watson, Mr. Kelly, evangelist, or. To- ronto, spent a couple of weeks conducting revival meetings at Ebenezer. 'While delivering an Orange sermon at Bob Town Hall on a Sunday evening he made the remark that if the Laurier Govern- ment was retained in power vior another five years, Roman Catholic ism would over run the land, our Bibles would be done awa ' and the Presbyterian and ethoâ€" dlst churches would be closed. We nave KUUUUbIJ “V'â€" of the Review, that the correspond ent of! North Biliemont to that pa- per condemns a statements, and wind: up with the editying expres- sion that the Rev. gentleman’s NEWS AROUND TOWN Dr de Van’s Female Pills McWilliamsville. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE H.... m E... 5:... mm marâ€"u >._. new... remarks were only gas. We have this to say to the correspondent of the Review, that if the weak-backâ€" ed Protestants oi our fair Domin- ion , who put party before principle go on voting away our equal rights and peaceful liberties so dearly bought in centuries gone by, there is no telling how affairs may wind up at the end of five yeArs. I try to b cgood as I toddle 3-? long, I try to be decent andl White; but oh, it’s so easy to live your life wrpng, and often it's a man! It costs me ad effort to; pull myself short, and praise him the best that I .c . Itï¬nd it so myself up like 8 ion; and Ihate to admit, _t_hat I’m nggly, at most. myself" up like a 105:; mm luau: to admit, that I’m merely, at most. no morethan a ï¬erce total loss. I try to be decent and humble and fairJ and neverah‘a‘ve I nnderstoo _ _ -AL_._.. “,3". 1511' “11“ â€V V Vb “â€" u f journeyed tlié wat.“ vigilant care. why t much work to be good. “£3? In Order to Reduce Our“ Stock as Much as Possible We have decided to offer our entire stock All other Dry Goods at Same Reductions These Are No Old Goods, But All New Men’s and Womens’ Boots. worth 5.00, for .......... $1.00 Men’s and Womens’ Boots, worth 4.50, for.......... 3.75 Men’s and Womens’ Boots, worth 4. 00, for ......... 3....3 Men’s and Womens’ Boots, worth3.00, for ......... 2.35 of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, hats, Caps, Clothing, etc., at such prices as will warrant a quick sale. Note the following prices;â€" Lnstres, worth 250 to 300, for ................................ 200 Lustres, worth 400, for ............................................ 306 (’oplins, worth 500, (or, ............................................ 4 06 Striped Satin Cloths, worth 600, for.†................ «l 50 Plain Cloths, Worth 500, for ................................... 400 Serges, worth $1.15 for ............................................ 8390, Set-gas, worth mm, for ................. 40c ‘1 Diagonal Serges, worth 1.15 ...... £50 Diagonal Serges, worth 800. for..6.')c ‘ Broadcloths, worth 1.65, for..... 1.30 Diagonal Serges, worth $1, for..75(3 it Broadcloths, worth 1.50, for ..... 1.25 Don’t miss this opportunity as this is a bonaâ€"ï¬de sale hind this announcement and guarantee our goods. Calder Block RIGHT AND WRONG. Boots and Shoes ,w'AL'r MASON. Wm-r 9m+++++4+++++++++++2 DRY GOODS Hats and Caps Further Bargains Will be Noted later . . . . . and we stand be- ‘9 Durham