Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jun 1910, p. 5

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’, Iron and Wine RUG STORE OWE. every treat. gives tone an hut A CORSETS OF? EVERY FIGURE a“ oo oo ooooowww Guaranteed not, to biak or I“ \\'iil no: take a permanent w l! waist line. .. These (assets .11 not no“ '- stures. and can be procured d, through their representati" ht MRS. J. C. NICHOL ...1..H;umutthe 3001140.“ mm. mnx AND WINI. 'vnv kHHWs that beef 5. '0', {Uln- «Uh! (.‘UIHI‘ and .mm .' “me Ms. pel'fPCt “MI!“ “.4? Jul nf dim-tenet in tho Strange ! i1 DUIIAI ALWAYS 01! um po-r fill Gl {W'tly blended 00mm..- ~. in thwlr highest quali- n'h’w With thl‘ 03".0‘. . }: IV“ C gnnd P"OC‘ on w. «4' gas‘llic: juices and ging from 83.50 to BORING nl'N'S BEEF, June 16, IT‘S GOOD giggwnntuuatmut Shoes! Shoes! Shoes !‘ THOMAS MCGRATH *%%%Â¥*%*****¥¥%*****¥¥* WEE.” In: Leading Store {or Style and Quality At MCGRATH’S .»\~ “v. buy largely, we can sell at. Ih,.1..west prices. so don’t fail to .‘mr stuck before buying clue- whrre. \Ve are .130 altering a ”mil box. with two pencils and suiting pen combined, With every Pm- uf school ahoes, $1.50 and over, 5w this hnx in our show window. 16, 1910 vmn' Boots and Shoes 0. SMITH SONS. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs Repairing and Custom “'ork Promptiy A tte n ded To DURHAM,ONT. When the sewers of the bodyâ€"bowels, k' and skin ductsâ€"get clogged up, the b ood quickly becomes impure and frequently sores break out over the body. The way to heal them, as Mr. Richard Wilson, who lives near London, Ont., found, is to purify the blood. He writes: “For some time I had been in a low, depressed condition. My appetite left me and I soon began to sufl'er from indi- w- - “vâ€" tion. Quite acnumber of small sores nnd blotcheo formed all over my skin. I tried medicine for the blood and used man kinds of ointments, but without an ' nctory results. What was wanted was 3 thorough cleansing of the blood, and I looked about in vain for some medi- cine that would accomplish thi_s. At last Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills were brought to my notice, and they are one of the most wonderful medicines I have em known. My blood was puri- fied in ‘ very short tyne! sores healed up, Dr. W. Indian Root Pills Halal Ir. Wilton's sores M19. Edwards and danghter of Mt. Pleasant. who spent a. weekorZBO at the home of her sister Mrs. Jos Payne returned to her home on Mon- day of lasn Wet-k. “-â€"""J 'â€" haveaplacem upgn a}. the jag: ivmishcd. They al\\‘a§’s may home and are looked .Y, Mr Wm. Noble recently purchas- eda fine 200 acre farm from Mr. Wm Sosrl. for which he paids band-' some figure and takes possession next Spring Mr and Mrs. Wm. Runnings of Doruocn spent. a week ago Sunday at! the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bunâ€"On Tueadny June 7th. to Mr. and Mrs Davnd Ritchie, a daugh- ter. Mother and babe doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. James Atkinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Adam Anderson spent Sunday before last. at. rhe home of Mr. and Mrs Ben Courts "1;. Horse's highâ€"av Roo't Pins cleanse the system thatoughly. Sold by all fl-‘m at 25C 1 box. 6 4.1m " at25cabox.‘ Mr. Joseph Puyne Started to work with the b. P. C. 00.. a couple of weeks ago. Mr. Jae Atkinson hm completed his stable Water wovks, and has built "DU wvâ€"vvv . tank of large dimensions. 12 feet long 22 inchee wide by 22 inches in depth. Everytbidg is working snip shape. The running pipe is 1 inch end cuties a nice eteedy stream. Mrs. S Ritchie accompanied by her daughter Miss Kate visited at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. T'uos Gresby in town one day last week. Mr. Jae. Lawrence had his barn equipped with “Universal” lightning conductors rtoeutly. Messrs. Mur dock and Ryan got the contract and Tommy put them on. No doubt they are there to stay. Mr. Goo. A1300 spent . couple of daysin'l‘oromo last week, on bus. H1683. We regret to learn thet Mrs. Wm. Veesie of Morden’e Corners is net. unproving, but. is greduelly growing weaker. We hope to hear of a Speedy recovery. Mr. James Wilson is st present im- proving the sppesrsnce of his dwell- ing house by having the inside psper- ed and the outside psinted. The contract hss been given to Mr. Bert Willis snd there is no comment necessary as Bert is s master hand at the trade. PllfllflEll HIS Blflflfl Mr. 'I‘hos A. Allan. teacher at No. 9 for the past two veers hes Sent 10 his resignation and intends leaving early in July, having secured a poaition in Owen Sound. Tom made many friends in this section, snd we feel sorry to lose him. At the same time we wish him all kinds of suc cess and prosperity in his new sphere oflubor. A meeting was held in the school here on Friday evening at which it was decided to hold the annual pic- nic in McGirr’s grove on Thursday alternoon June 30th. Foot races. baseball and other amusements as usual. Come all and enjoy your- selves te the limit. Mr M. J. Stnplea called on friends in the vicinity of Bunessan, Sunday before last. vvddesers. Andrew and Robie Lind- sey spent as week .30 Sunday at the home of their cousin Mrs. Henderson at. Hempden. _ Mr. Wm. anrence spent n week .20 Sunday with Hempden friends. Mr. Ben Ritchie spent Sunday at the old home. The wire worm in busy nt its work of destroying the on crop in some places. It was stated in last week’s issue oi the Chronicle that Mr. Wm. An- drew’s cattle broke out of his farm, some time previous, and, as a result were impounded. Ir. Andrews says were put. out and onto ue guvm road, MI. and Mrs. Ben Coutts of Vick- ers. spent Sunday on she home of the latter’s parents Mr. end Mrs. James Atkinson. Mr. Joe. Atkinson srrived home from London Tuesdsy evening of last week. Mr. Lorne Align hu invested in a high stepping had high spirited driver which is receiving much nozice. present oxoeP‘in will likely htvo 3 can come of which to be roplmtod. Darkies’ Corners. Corner Concerns. out and onto the gavel THE DURHAM CHRONICLE in last week’s issue the school to has good turnout to the Model Farm Excursion Mrs. Annie Denna". was so unfor- tunatelan wmk as to lose a cow from some ptnuge malady The loss of a cow even “here there is a. man around the placv is had enough but when if is the case of a woman it. OPP ms worse. Mr. Wm. Unis was in London lean week in attendence a" the Synod meeting Both be and Mr. J. Ar.~ kinmu speak wrv highly of the hos- pitality of Rev. A. A and Mrs. Bico. Miss Aggie Sirre of Mt. Forest. is visiting her sisur Mrs. R Mead. The due set. for our picnic is June 28th Holstein and Glenelg No. 9,! will play base-ball at it. They are two crack teams so the game wrll be interesting in fact. the afleir in every feature witl be something extra Some good talent for platform work is being secured. We understand they are inviting Ye Editor to fill the chair. “H5 VOC-v -â€" Rev. A. L. Baudzge gave .a lec- ture at a meeting of the Guild. last Wednesday night. It was an imaginary trip to Halifax and back and as Mr. Budge was a delegate to the Presbyterian General Assembly, held in Halifax recently, he had a good chance to make the lecture very interesting. AJ '2‘ [any V' vuflfivwâ€"w.‘, imaginary trip to Halifax and back and as Mr. Budge was a delegate to the Presbyterian General Assembly, held in Halifax recently, he had a good chance to make the lecture very interesting. Mr. John Cooper in. shipped. fif- ty head onf fine, (at cattle to To- ronto last week. which. we underâ€" stand. brought the top price . in their class. The two car loads were led in Mr. Com‘nr’s stables. Mr. J05. Ford also sold forty head to buyer Cohrane, of Drew, and went to Toronto to get a few pointers on the sale of cattle in that market. ‘ A ditching demonstration was held on the farm of Mr. Wm. Hen- derson on Wednesday afternoon of this Week. A surveyor from Guelph was on hand. and gave some valuable information to those who gathered in the field, on the proper method of tile and ditch drainage. etc. Messrs. Archie Park. Robert ana Edmond Johnston, are preparing to build cement block silos. They got a machine from the Ritchie Bros., of Durham, and are manu- facturing the blocks themselves. Since our last budget was sent in. Mr. Thus, Young has disposed of thirty of his surplus acres to Mr. John Miliigan. A prejudice. ls an lmaglnary truh surrounded by falsehood. Which remlnds you of the Brown Bread prejudice. the Whole Wheat ldea and the Food Fada. - If. Madam. you will kindly Introduce us to the brilliant lndlvldual who started the fallacy that Brown Breads ls sounder, more substantial. more sustaining than White Bread made. say from FIVE ROSES flour, we will gladly undertake to put him right. For, you see. we deny the allegatlon and. If necessary. would face theâ€"erâ€"“alllgator”. This is the how of it. Madam. to WtkealMary trad. Brown or “Graham" Bread “Arty attempt to eat brown ls madelrom Graham Flour. "mam :2.“ daily nth-l, Which. of course. is ust :Zout "’9“: .wry 9“”. common flour with the run unsuited}: W «pl a draw- addedâ€"lots of lt. from 25 to “M w“ “:1' eddtst: 100 per cent. maybe. H” tame of’ stomach 77'“ was one of the many valuable "corttn‘buttbns to science q “Sir Lauder Brunton rd: “established the fact of tht'r “cumulative irritating efiec "and gave to the mesa/tan . . -‘L 4:41- .1“ Donnie Now. Bran la nothlng. but the woody fibrous husk: of the wheat berrywhlch are utterly lndigestible ln the human food tube. and therefore Mrs. Chas. Brown and her daugh- ters fire. Harding and Stineon visit. ed the former’s eon Mr. Joe. Brown of Verney, one day lest week. Mr. end Mrs. Dave Cooper from your town called one evening last week on the latter’s annt Mrs. J. W. Blyth. A McCebe end Wm. Long took 3 business trip to Mince one dry week before last. Mr. end Mrs. Blym visited Mrs. Anon Vollett on Tueadey night of last. week. Rev. Mr. Diller is the name of the minister thet will take cherge of the Verne] Circuit. for next yeer. He is e fine young men. He is ordeined so thnt he will be able to teke cherge of all the work If any of our young peeple went to get merried they cen get their own minister to do the job. He will teke chuge of the work here [on the firet Snnde'y in July. foocf tube. and therefore absolutely useless as nutrients. k Might a well e“ an orange plus the skin, e battens plus the peel, e cocoanut plus the shell: So flat. Madam_,_if_ YgUR brown â€"_ AA_L Extetvahéonuips 25 _to ”I “U vveo .â€" bran. worse :25: 3.18:” load. it’s n very costly ind. Aren't you paying too much for Rut whistle ? en think that while bread made from FIVE ROSES flour contains no waste at all. being 100 per cent. pure nutrition, Moreover, the sharp, horny particles in bran-chuged flour (Grehem) tend I; nod Mn. Thou. Long. from Vunoy visited the htwr’. brother, Hampden. Varney. [Ali 0! TI! '00” nuns CO. Park. Robert 23nd “Any attempt to at m “brand that tints defy adh- “out “mam wry quickly “malted in sum: up a diar- “rhoca with null-Mod dist- “urbancc of tho stomach. This ‘ms one of tin many valuable “contn‘butabn: to sciencc of ‘ Sir Lauder Brunton who “established that fact of this “cumulatiw in't'tatt'ng effect “and cm gnu: to the msultant “irrt’tatabnthctttltqf‘ BROWN A "and cm gm» to (In haircut ‘ ‘Matabnthm'tlcof ‘BROWN “BREAD GASTRITIS". {Q}. This. Mada“3 lest you leqd too mdy an ear to cdumnies again“ White Flour. For we make FIVE ROSES, and from it YOU can make bread 1an- nitefly man: fulgslantial. sounder. tasgclr. $5}; nitalizzhg. mart dign- (W: and )3an than the very best of brown or whole when breads. Ay. Madm. and infinitely cleanerâ€" for it's Impossiblg t9 purity the low- L_-__ grade- Elsaâ€"Wand bfan in brown bread like we clan FIVE ROSES Our word on it. AH “40“»: was in the Q1190!) Cuy one duy lust week on business. Mr. \VVY‘. Bundle; of “what! one day 13%! “Bo-k. Mr. Snvll of Durhun. preach-d in the Varnev chute". Sunday beoro In" and M'eryhrdv was deligh'ed with his discourse. Come Igniu Mr. She”. Andrew Saim was in Toronto one dav Inn. week on husineaa in connec tion with his store I’ keeps Andy humling to keep his many customer-q autisfied but be is doing is in good Style Miss Clara Pollock from Toronto spsntn wwk viaiting thfi parenul home barn in Varnay. Everybody was pleased to see 0mg. Mr. Goo. M. Lemon and hi: (laugh tar Marcaret. vinited the farmer's mother Mrs H. W. Leeaon, of Mt. Forest one day lust. week. A numher from ground here etten- dvd the Fermere’ Institute nnnunl meeting in Durham. on \Vednesdey James Peters and your humble scribe were re elected as Directors for Nor- manby. Also a good number of ladies attended the Women's In- stitute beid the same day. It was the ennuel meeting for the District. Mrs David McCrie Led the honor of being elected President end Mrs J. W. Blyth Vice Pres. Rev. Mr Carter took very sick on Stturday lut tad was not able to take chgrge of services on Sundcy. Mr. Wm. Glue took them at Vu- you he did fine in Varnav. Will is quite 3 favorite in our church. I am sorrv to have to report the fact that Mrs. Wm Long Was under the necessity of having another oper- ation with her leg and on Monday morning left for Toronto hospital. We sincerely hope that she may have the best of success this time and that she will soon be home and and well again . We are pleased to see Norman Kerr nround the mill again. He is working away with one nnnd and seeing thet things go all right. His hand is healing up fine end in fine time will be ell right ngnin. On Wednesday of this week we hear Mr. Hugh McCrie and Miss Lizzie McIlvride will join been end bend. We extend to them our best wishes for: henpy and pro‘peroui life together. They are among the most respected of our Varney young people. A number from Verney attended the L. O. L Dis’rict meeting in Dar hem on Tuesdey the 14th. .., u... maul. Www (Q) is the month for Calder Machine 011. Barnes: Oil, Ame Grease and 300‘ Ointment, 20 to s. P. SAUNDERS W D-MCONEQ!‘ are always acceptable presents. We have a large assortment at prices cheaper than elsewhere. Pumas from $2 mm; SHOP Open ovary ulternoon. All REPAIRING promptly ‘nd prop- erly “bonded to. 4%.]. 0. COMM and all kinds of F oun- tain and Soft. Drinks in our Ice Cream Pur- lor. Store Open 7.30 3.111. to 10 p.111. A small orlarge bag at a. flue gram. white. nutritious flcur. is uuld us our brand. Have you eve! trial! gt?‘ Get __L m1: gainer b5 Rive "vou nur kind next re and use the superior but! qual- ms. it poo-eases. Betta“ an no" whoImme. because of a secret prmesi that we put the when! thmugh. Don’t. forget. People’s Mills A blend of} Manitoba and Ontario wheat md is a strictly I". cl. family flour Our pure Manimht flour. made from No. 1 Hannah: wheat cannot be but for either bakers or domestic In. [3 made from selected wintm‘ who-l. md is a superiqr uttiole for making Goods delivered mVWbeN All up-to-dute flour and food no grocers keep our flour for sale. If your grocer does not keep it cums k) the mill and we will use you right. Call us up by telephone No. 8. All kind! of anu‘ bought 3t lurk. Comoron Louder from Honour. uponc Suodny lut ot the pnrontd home. Com. is looking fine sad it on well ond strong as ever. We had at. our home u very plouâ€" mt cull from Florence Cluk. (armor- ly o! Vunoy. She unlucompniod by KL Bert Sounds". Wilbert end Winnie Blyth spent n very pleuent time one evening lut week et the home at Mr. David Kun- ilton. mwumunJmuu John McGowan. Block - Dun ham PASTRY FLOUR SOVEREIGN ECLIPSE The Banana“ M

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