Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jun 1910, p. 3

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f Corporations, Merchants, and Individuals Solicitod- 3 Bank Accounts receive acial Attention. F CANADA “. BELL l N DERTAKER U K BAN Frost cranberry pie sonnet“ ~. gmuad of using an upper m“. - and see if you don’t like the du’ Funeral TEE 653m EBHUNICLE 58'“ , .w ..ot min-oil 7|er- - J n -a- 5a.“; no. III. M“ ”I.“ H ill-1m" n ' Mu'.‘ fl”fifl”0 db.“ u ._M .. “wind and 0.1"“ .1 .w-s ‘. «M. 'FvM' "I“. .u z. ‘w ant manual. '0'. b‘ Advsnint 1- . z I. can. I“ JOb lgxgn :1”:ng impurtmant map-h m m 1 108 The fire Emhalming a Specialty m I’ermg on Shortest notice. w.“ Mum‘s Naxt to Swallow. «hr F‘hnp. Rmumxcsâ€"Nafl «If .‘wuLh h! ‘1". J. Lawrenoo’l Lv“!\*\ll:l[h limp. u h‘oz Mon Jug-mu}! "Mml h 0"". fl ' "’ l \h "fl. 3...; nk-l f-u' vary ”WM m“ ' H'L'Jt‘IOn N ‘fl. d“. ~ ~r:;~m«-nu. w mar. ““1. l'Izu‘n n: ARI) Puwmmn. Um um men Term 301‘ Tm: Hum HULK will b. can! . a ' awn“. free of poo ~ .‘ ( )or yhu‘ payabla hm“ ' + .'r~1:.‘not «1 "id. “0" 1, 71"u-“1P‘H’n .- pond in fluid i! ‘ -.~ a I'm «mil. Nu ' ~' . ‘ war. no unite! I- H I! Lung and Cough Hula-0 ml AHANTEED » 4t N-u‘fau'lanc's Drug SW \V'. IRWIN H Panama) 11:11:8le JOINING Ir Pm: Unq House, 0am. .Qtlvt‘t. 3| W 50.....â€" h‘.» 2.00.1“. ”I 3 as on» .3 2. :1 t .: . "%>‘C actm‘z. -c, and Directorw at hulic Ruins-I. and blu-k ups fur ugml people. Junp 16, ,d plu‘iuflv "30m p-mitin" ‘ (,“t.' M. Eu!" any fit” W H. 1'3th NOX A COLD 3N ONE DAY I” Tom I dapart- Carma] ’nge St SMSIOn Term , most I Can- young Special attention to Undertaking Show-rooms next door to Post Office ) ‘”...l m- I... g uu n 111‘]; l;n\uuu .. - “‘00” 15“.... M-..“ ()UR SALE ST'LL CONTINUES WI’IH PRICES LOWER THAN EVER m ark mu] white Gingham 150 for" . . White Vesting, reg. 30c for. . . M 11:13 in Dark and Light reg. I’riuh in Dark and Light. reg. 8c fur \Vush goods “’8. Whit» Vesting. reg. 200 for. . Him-k “'onl Vail. reg. $1.00, for. [Hawk \Vonl V'Uil, I'PII. 756 for Him-k and \Vhit',’ Check Lustre reg. 35;: fur Mark and \Vhite Suiting, reg. 35s), fur “lurk Figured Lustres reg Space prevents us mentioning reduced to a very low figure. -\ full line of (‘hiMrvn’5 Show: at, right, prices. Rob Ray Rolled Oats Seasonable Goods at Very Low Prices The McGOWAN MILLINGCQ. Hum matting squares sizes {do} OX) o)vf{ Durham. Onmrio. in k finished Scutch Gingham. all colors. 3 m fm ...... . ....... . ........ . ...... n-h Zephyr regular 25c for. . 16,1910 .1.\' c mducting our busmess, w:- fiii'l We have not the time to spare Ef‘ “na'ching for expletives to hr:- “W” ‘ 1:." competitors. and attend i » ‘ :1" customers at the same timu. I’l'IINI’l mRF} SELLING is our bqsi- “MS. and we always try 10 mmd lir‘ THERE IS ANYTHING in our 'mx: that You want. give “9 a call, 3M we'll twat you courteous!)’ and respectfully. WE‘LL DELIVER THE GOODS '9 your house, too, and a! rock bot" tom prices. EDWARD KRESS , Blue 5nd Green Panama. reg. 75c fur 'ir‘L. RUB ROY ROLLED OATS are BEST equippedfiaud must up-tn- danc- ()atuwal Mill in Ontarin, and :u-«- fru- frmn black sparks, hulls. etc” your groom: if he does not carry them in stock, send us his name and thv name. Rob Roy Rulled Oats, «Jlud mm. Order tn-day from Wash Goods. Dress Goods. for our business, the most up address. Remember usually fnnml in an. an (Junta. ltg. ICI...."OO....Q... .l4 353 and 5m: fur {x1 $23” 12730 for ..... inning many different Bargains, but all goods :rure. Give us a trial and save money by buying here. t-to-date 01tmeal mu in reg manufactured my .u .19 .19 riflft‘i’fii Men’s Patent Leather Boots. reg. $5.00. for Men’s Men's Youth’s Choc. 8118., re; Ladies’ Patent Pumps. Man'u Calf Blutcher, reg. $2.0” for... . .. Ladies’ Strap Slippers reg. $1.75 fur Men’s np-tn-dntc Twilor-nmde Suits r9; $17.00 for ...... . ................... Men's Suits, reg. $12.00. for Men’s Suits regular $15.01) for Men's and Boy’s Sui“, u Men's Man's Overalls, double: knew and Men's ()Jd Pants Sellin Big reduction in B )y’sfiuits. Best Prices For Butter, Eggs, Wool «.mom $1.01) for Tam Oxfords, reg. 8L00 for Tan Boots, rec. $5.00 for... . Tan Boots. reg. $3.00 for the Province 2-pivce Summer Suits tn clear MOCKLE R’S OLD STAN D Baote and Shoes. Men’s Suits. i‘f': W:ffé‘:f‘?:‘f‘?zf'?f 3.69 9st. $5.00 for. . .. . ....... .................. 3.89 reg. $400 for ......... .................... 2.98 39:. $3.00 for ........... 2 29 r. reg. $2.01) for .......... .. reg. $2.75, fm‘. .. I 1.98 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Duich oven not tried. A Good Cold T HERE SETTER The only kind that cannot pos- sib1y hurt your wheels and has Proved Satisfactory. . . c I can set a tire in 23) minutm with this nmchiue and do a. better job than any man can the old way. .\1 111mm 1111111119: «11' scming rhv 1-.i111.- m- tuning new huma. and best 01 .111 no more overdished wheels. Jnet bring along nne wheel and watch me set it with this machine, and you Will npver again have them sci any other way. No matter h'nv many came, you will not. be kept waiting. and every Ju‘.) pasitively guaranteed. I 21150 offer ynu the very bvst Work in all hmnches of General Blacksmi'h- ing, \Vaggun and Carriage Building and ltepailing at very reawonable prices. I make a speclalty of Practical Horse. shoeing and ulwaya give it can-fall anemia". A aperinl effort. is made tc every customer, and you are 1 ed to call and give me a tria‘. Your: for business. Wm. J. Lawrence UREA! reg, $10.0) for r at. a. gram, reductitm. "\ ALL DRUGGISTS seat reg. . . LTHE DURHAM CHRONICLE are to please 2 request- ONTARIO _ The Chronfle is We. till Jam, / -\_/ Th m nu: mom BFODXEY'B. was quite forty eight hours be- fore the Ueppiughams surren- dered to the Brownes. They were obliged to humbly admit in the seclusion of their own councils that it was to the obnoxious but en- ergetic Britt that they owed their pres- ent and ever growing comfort. Late in the _afternoon of the day fol- lowing the advent of the Brownes, Lord and Lady Deppingham were la- boriously fanning themselves in the midst of their stifling Marie Antoinette elegance. “By Jove, Aggy, it‘s too beastly hot here for words,” growled be for the hundredth time. “1 think we’d better move into your grandfather’s rooms." “Now, Deppy, don't let the Brownes talk you into everything they suggest.” she complained, determined to be stub- born to the end. “They know entirely too much." “That’s all very good, my dear. but you know quite as well as I that we made a frightful mistake in choosing these rooms. It is cooler on that side of the house. I’m not too proud to be comfortable. don't you know." The next day they moved into the west wing. and that evening they had the Brownes to dine with them in the banquet hall. Deppingham awoke in the middle of the night with violent cramps in his stomach. “Don’t say a word to Lady Depping- ham," be grunted. sitting up in bed and gazing wildly at his valet, “but I‘ve been poisoned. The â€" serv- antsâ€"ouch!â€"don’t you know! Might have known. Silly ass! See what I mean? Get something for meâ€"quick!” For two hours Antoine applied hot water bags and soothing sirups, and his master. far from dying as be con- tinually prophesied. dropped at! into a peaceful sleep. The next morning Deppingham, fully convinced that the native servants had tried to poison him. unconditionally dis- charged the entiro force. Of course there was a great upheav- al. Lady Agnes mime tearing down to the servants’ hall. followed directly by the Brow-Des and Mr. Britt. “Stop!” she crivd. :‘Deppy. what are you doing? Discharging them after we‘ve had sm'h a time getting them? Are you crazy?” “Tbey’re a pack of snakesâ€"I mean sneaks. They’re assassins. They tried to poison every 0119 at us last”- Britt smouthed the troubled waters with astonishing vase. The servants returned to their duties but not with- out grumblinv and no end of savage glames, all of “mm more leveled at the luvkless Deppingham. they? ‘«H-â€"..â€"- ‘ aim; v: 09.1, without. chute, 13 the $118wa Mama. 1 turn 1903013? ‘fiwtm 4L Vse‘ixy. get 519-. 33mm 01' any 'ficml‘ c ymmal. mm: wmm ruse a 13735:. W188 In 39314- 30“ In on? uaénmmmw mmavauwm “Why poison?" (Inmauded Britt. “They’ve got knives and guns, haven’t “My dear man, that would put them to no and 0f truuhlu cleaning up after us," said Deppinghnm Ioftily. Meanwhile it may he well to deprct the situation from the‘enemy's point of viewâ€"the enemy being the islanders as a unit. They were prepared to abide by the terms of the will so long as it remained clear to them-that fair treatment cause man the opposing in- terests. Rasula. the Aratat lawyer. in mass meeting had discussed the docu- ment. They understood its require- ments and its restrictions: they knew by this time that there was small chance of the original beneficiaries coming into the property under the bprovisiona. Later eame the news that marriage between the heirs was put of the question. Then the islanders laughed as they toiled. But they were not to be caught napping. Jacob von Blitz, the; superintendent, stolid Ger- man that he was. saw far into the fu- ture. It was he who set the native lawyer unceremoniously aside and urg- Brodney’s The Man , . d. TRADE MARKS . .4 ,‘J Dzsscns a ' - comments he. Ammo sending 5 ate' 0h and (It-scrim "m mu (31,114.? aura-Lam (rzr or-imon free than: u: mvc: t on to probably that“ Communlcr’ 0.22;). .- .;:.-;mx oceuem. 'ANL" All 62: Patent. sent Hoe. (WM: oamcyfoggggngufamnr. -‘ A- ._ ‘- -mmtent representamhm Ln». ”IL 1"". " ‘ ‘G lulu“) WI r“u-w‘ Pam.- ‘8 a: n tut-own Mann 5.1 amt», withontolggzo. lathe _ A.â€" - CHAPTER VIII. from 1911 Eon. The great Iaw arm headed by Sir John Brmlnoy was chosen. A wide awake representative of the distin- guished soliciturs was now on his was to the island with the swuthy com- mittee which had created IO much In- terest in the metropolis during It: brief stay. when he was twenty years om. Tun was twenty years before the death of Taswell Skaggs. He had worked in the South African diamund fields and had no dltficulty in securing: employ- ment with Skaggs and Wyckbolme. Von Blitz was shrewd enough to see that the grandchildren were not com- ing to the island tw the mere pleasure of sojourning then f'ieil‘ motive was plain. It was llt‘ Mun advisedâ€"even commandedâ€"the horde of servant! to desert the chateau. He lived. with his three wives. in the hills just above and south of the town itself. The Englishmen who Worked in the bank and the three Boer ‘ foreinen also had houses up there, where it was cooler. but \‘on Blitz we. the only one who practiced polygamy. . His wires were Persian women and handsome after the Persian fashion. One hot. dry afternoon about a week after the reopening of the chateau, the siesta of a swarihy population was % disturbed by the shouts of those who kept impatient wateh of the sea. Five minutes later "the whole town of Ara- tat knew that the smoke of a steamer lay low on the horizon. No one doubt- ed that it came from the stack of the boat that was bringing itasula and the English solit-ilot'. Joy turned to exultation when the word eame down from \‘on llitz that it was the long looked for steamship. the Sir Joshua. Von Blitz stood at the landing place to weleome ltasnla and his comrades and to be the first to clasp the hand of the man from Brodney’s. Jacob i'on Blitz came to the Island [“de “ mmuauur I‘lw. I'IlI-Ill m I ”so. At last his msure could he made out “m “we W". ”a.“ n “m.“ d“ on the torwurd deck. liis straw hat plan": residence. was at least a head higher than the F~~.$i.00per uonthinndmu. turhuu ot' liztsuln, who was indicating J l’ TELFORQ U BAIAOI. trimming. my to him the interesting spots in the hills. M “He’s hig." commented \‘on Blitz 7. _---_ _... ._ . - __ comfortably. more to himself than to . his neighbor. “And young." be added‘ Grand Trunk Hanna, :1 few minutes later. Bowles. standing at his side. offered the single com- TIME'TABLE meut: I Tnius leave Durham at 7.1!) s.n..snl I 50 p.111. "Good looking." T , , t l) i t 10!) fllllin‘ nrrlve 4 ur AND 3 b... As the tall stranger stepped from i..'10pm.. and 8.53.) m. . the boat to the pier Von Blitz turnch . ‘ EVERY DAY exam sum»? 3 look of triumph upon Britt, who hai . ti. T. Bell. J. U. ”ovum“. elbowed through the crowd a moment G. p. Agent D. [2. Agent. before and was standing close by. I Mcmnaai. tomato. ' Browne conducted the two young women heron. the dnvhddzc no. a Continued on page 6. “I've sighted the enemy,” exclaimed Bobby Browne, coming up from Nep- tune’s poolâ€"the largest of the foun- tains. His Wife and Lady Depplng- ham were sitting in the cool retreat under the hanging garden. “Would you care to have a peek at him?" “I should think so," said his wife. jumping to her feet. “He's been on the island three days. and we haven’t had a glimpse of him. Come along, Lady Depplngham." [Aidy béppingham arose reluctantly. stifling a yawn. They -had come to call the new American lawyer “the enemy." No one knew his name or cared to know it. for that matter. Homes in answer to the telephone inquiries of Saunders said that the new solicitor had taken temporary quarters above. the bank and was in hourly consultation with Von Blitz. Rasula and others. Much of. his time was spent at the mines. Later on, it was commonly reported. he was to take up. his residence in Wyckholme's deserted bungalow far up on the mountain side in plain view from the chateau. Life at the chateau had not been at. lowed to drag. The white servants had become good friends despite the natural disdain that the trained'Eng- iish expert feels for the unpoiished American domestic. hflss‘ Pelham, the stenographer from West Twentydhird street. had set her cap for the unsuspecting Mr. Saunderfl. She had learned in the wisdom of her sex- that he was fancy tree. Mr. Saun- ders. fully warned against the Ameri- can typewriter girl as a class, having read the most shocking jokes at her expense in the comic papers, was rath- er shy at the outset, but Brittigallant- ly came to Miss Pelnam'a defense and ultimate rescue by emphatically assur- ing Saunders that she was a perfect lady. guaranteed to cause uneasiness to no man’s wife. ' “But I have no wife." qnlckly pro- tested Saunders, turning u dull red. “The devil!" exclaimed Britt, appu'b ently much upset by the Rwandan. But of this more anon. The newcomer was an American! ; GREAT LAKES ~ NAVIGATION NOW’OPEN Intormuinn {tom Rafi-"am Ticket Agents or from the (.‘umpnuy at Swain or Cotli‘ cw- ol Regular Sailings as fulln‘Nh: Monday. . .... . ....‘Xh‘. “Athabasca. 'l‘m-sduy ............. SS. “Kewatin” \Vedlwuiuy. . . .. . . . SJ“. “Alberta" Thursday. 52S. "Llanitobn" Saturday . .. . ...A fut“. “Ashilniimiu” The must plvnsant and ('ht'inSt route tu \Vinnilwg and “'est "GM KE 5' ‘ExcEIi§|%N..ii...J UN. 28 unvunalvn....... ‘- v - . - â€" 'l‘bmugh train to \Vinuipeg and \Vebt from Tux-«mm 2.00 pan. on "have date. n. MACFAHLAME - Town Agent R. MACFARLANE. Town Agent. h; chm MISS MINAIADA ucKFAQRAUHBR. ILA. (' raduaw of QA «en'vn unvnnmv. sub)”. Latin. French. Algebra. Ariana/1c ”INS AMY EDGE. Guidance MWM' of Educ-non. Suhjocto: Literature. (Jo-p Lion. Geography. dmwry Md Art. I! trading students ohoutd enter at the Incite mug ui'the tam it possible. Board mu boob- tuued M mmahle rues. Durban to I health and actin- mwn. making It n no» dull-5‘ plane a f rmldouoo. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TIME TABLE Trains will arrive and depart as fol- luws. until furthvr notice:â€" Rmul clown Road I’ 645 6 53 706 .14 DU RHA M SCHOOL. 70"» 3 3-3 .14 3.33 7 28 3 52 7.38 4 03 7 50 t. 17 81!) l. 30 lo 00 0‘ H mover Allan Put Durha- floWH hm Puioev lle finugmn Jot. R. MAC 1 ARLANE, - “ 0.1. 12.. “ “I 18.2! “ 8.57 13:“ “ 8.61 83.. “ 8.35 IL. “ 8.25 11.. Town Agent. made by dealing with El. H. MILLER The Hanover Conveyance: “Acres. Glenolu. one of onhrwod and bent bank turns in Gm . Fla. {M'- human. but]! timber. ROI: 80“ Only 6.2310 Owner lu Went uni want tho money. “1) Acteu in Boutiuck. veneored brat houue. tame addition “no (not bar. and owe: good buildings. l’flco m less than vdue at building". Oollars - Dollars - Dollars HONEY T0 LEND. VERY CHEAP If you want to Buy. Sell. Trudeau- Bm-row, fin to Miller. DEBTS COLLECTED-30 charge if Railway and Steamship Ticket! sold to Ml paints at low rates. Evorv Hut! (1 fimwn’ul bmlm “model to auscul‘y and quietly. Bushnell ambushed. i run. “Always Prompt. ~51". hochquut.” In scouring bonds. strong salt water or wet salt is a great clean- ser. Sawdust and course “It mixed in equal parts and spread on a car- pet scrubbed in god then swept up. will make that carpet look “- moct like new. . _ 313 8‘: AFF AN D EQUIPIERT HE OFFERS FOR SALE Lv. Walkorton An “ flap‘e HUI “ " H mover “ ‘° Allan PM" “ H. H. Miller, Towner. Loot! Agent Durham. 09009“: Rail Hone. Hanover nu munev made. 0‘ Read up 1‘... P... 9.60 12.“ 927 12.43 0.10 12.. III 13.2. 8.5? 8.47 835 R95 12:13 12.. 11.. n A.

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