Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Jun 1910, p. 2

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m 1: Ann u. 00' 91.116515 acre! bus g.“ watered. molt rum. mt rum i“ ACRE PAR)! 05 cession of Glenelz .onoi csii remain on mm. w.-. ’or particular. applz William ”they, Orchard. On LOT 1 OF 17, CONCESSION l, E. G. R,. Glcnelg. 50 acres, well- fenced, good buildings, two small orchards. and good spring and Well. Also Lots '2 an .' Con. 1 W.G R... Bantinck. lea: 80 acres cleared. and 40 ac: 5-2 of good bush. These proper-tics will be sold together or separ- ately. and on terms to suit pur- chaser. For further particulass apply to Wm. Lsggette, Rock Saugi-en. Durham P.0. 6-2:“ frame barn, stone ble underneath. a-, bout 45 acres cleared and in good ; state of cultivation, rest good ' hardwood bush. Also N. . ; t 3 Con. 3, Egremont, 25 ac-: res. about 12 acres of cedar and hemlock 5% amp; balance slash-J ed. Well watered by never-fai ' lug creek. No buildings on this,’ parcel. Will sell one or both; parcels to suit purchaser. Terms of payment and other particulars on application to Joseph Patter- 3.18.6pd | Ion, Varney P.0. store on Garafraxa Street, Parrolt property. hrs apply to A. ham. FIRST CLASS UPâ€"TO DATE Threshing outfit. feeder and blower attachments. Traction engine. Allin good condition. Apply to Malcolm Black, Mid- daugh House. Durham. 6-4tp HAVING DECIDED TO LEAVE tOWn, I am offering for sale my residence in Durham. This is a solid brick property, equipped with new coal furnace, hot and cold water both upstairs ' and down, and a Well-equipped bath room. A bargain for quick pur- chaser. I also offer for sale a house and lot, with stable. at $850, on easy terms.â€"W. F. DUNN. in 21. CON. 2. Towssmp 014‘ ° ' 106 acres ood bush, 0 acre“ swarm; timbered, the rest (Int; bum 30x50, stable 30x40. Orchard. 1 utmwatered by 2 wells gonoy can remain on may! age. __a.:-.-§n'- nnD‘V Wi liam . are" SWAMP do”; ham 30’ Orchard. 1 3‘3"} Durham. On premises are good is; pen, hen house and stable. x11 rent house without land, I desired. Apply to John Moflatt‘ uncut. enzuun :xu u. RUU“ -_ Apply to Malcolm Black, Mid- daugh Home. Durham. 6â€"4tp BB BUILDiSG OCCUPIED BY P.G.A. Webster :3 jewellery store. ud J.P. Telford as a law office, with Show cases, wall cases, clock and safe. At a bargain. Apply (0 A. Gordon, Weyburn, Sask. _ 6100?»! Lambton Street. Durham, oppo- site the Methodist parsonage. One of the nicest situated prop- erties in Durham. In good state of repair. Will sell on reason- able terms to quick buyer. Ap- ply on premises to '1‘. Moran. 4.7 fé’UDbâ€"unanws, MARKDALE Ont.. Licensed Auctioneer (or the ("nunty of Grey. __Sale_s at- tim‘ SOME USES FOR SALT. To set colors in cotton materials soak before washing in strong mutt voter. . A pinch 0'. salt added to cream iwll make it whip more quickly. Cake batter and candy are both unmoved by adding a pinch of out. 1'0 but the white of eggs quick- ly. dd 3 pinch of salt. In 3- Durham. ‘ i. ( mm; for 9319: WILL BE AT ABERDEEN EV! cry Wednesday, the balance of the winter to measure and pay! for all sawlogs delivered there; The highest price paid for all airtight, sound logs of all kind i oltimber. Custom sawing an abingles done early in the spring. â€"N. McIntyre. May 31-09l 'hd‘ad lib- ‘vat- * reasbnable terms. Arrangements may ,be made at the Chronicle oflice, Durham. Nov. 8th. lyrpd. Fur Sale or R4991: “armers’ Notice 312be RESIDENCE ON Ll'rc'nsed Auctioneer RM 03 THIRD CON- Hem-12, N.D.R., lots 15 is farm is well water- good buildings erect- good land, find an nnnr-hlnitv ‘Or the SMALL ADS. huh at DUI. 5 m in Cm hurting. and worn" (and) Over no inch anal undo: "to inrhel, double the show nmunlt. fatty III“ on applicant“: 3.17.tf HYSIUAAN AND SURGEON, OF- ' five is: the New Hunter Block. 063.3 ' war», a m w a. m.. to 4 p. m. and 7 m9 9. m. Spa-xix! attention given to dime. [7 women and children. Residence 0p 4 mite Prashvwrian Church. ' ’ stairs, Lambmn Street Rmidoncoâ€" Cnrner Queen and George Sheath-Natl! at Methodist Church (Mice hoursâ€"941 a In 2-4 -m. 7-9 run. Telephone» No. to. ‘ ’ «hm ahaâ€".36; cowâ€"{cf Kuanp‘s "owl. Lamb tun Street. Lou»? Turn. Durin- Ofiim: hmmo frr-m l2 m 2 n’v-imk Ate- Aux-want Roy. London Ophthlmio Ho. £113.. and wGolden Sq. Thrust nu] Non Hos. SPECIALIST : Eva; MR, THROAT . nose D Uflica. nearly 0 fice. Lambtou °t. L R c. P.. LONDON. ENG V RADULATE of London. New ank and “bingo. Diseases 0! Eye. Bar No» and Throat. Will be at Knapp House. Durham. the 21d {atnuhv in each mnnth. Hours-~14 9.3;. ty of Toronto. Graduate Boys College Dental Smumus of Ontario ' Dentistry in all m Branches. Qti'ue.â€"Uulder Block, over Punt Ofim N 13}; Conveyaxwer. I c. lusunnu Agent. Money to Loan. Imam-pt Mar- riage Licenses. A general fimnoul bani ness tranucmd. DURHAM ONT. (Lower Town.) )FFICB: .1 mmwv to loan it fluperrthv.’ [ ARRISTER, SULICl'lUR. CON- veyuncer. \ouuy Public (to. \Ionev tn luau on farm ploperty. In- sumnce effected. life or fire. Office over Standard Bank, Durham, Ont. 0m. Jamieson Maciaurln. \PFICB AND nguENpg AA _â€"_â€". . A. H. Jackson. OTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSION- . er. Conveyanvpr, 8w: lusunuu COURT OF REVISION Township of Ole-ell 1910 The first sitting of the Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll for the Township of Glenelg for the wear 1910 will be held at the Town Hall on Saturday, the 11th day of June. 1910 at the hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, of which axll part- ies concerned will please take not- ice. Luted 2lst day of May, 1910. J. 8. BLACK, Clerk , As I have disposed of my Bak- ery business in Durham. all ac- counts must be settled at once. A. â€" hm"'nn‘v 1.6. Hutton. I. D..C. l. mm B TELF‘ORDS BILOPK UP FOR S. S. NO '2, EGREMONT. Grey -Co., duties to commence af- ter summer holidays. LApply. stating experience. certificate, and salary expected to ‘3. T. Chapman, Varney, Ont. 6-9tf Newspapers many times folded, will serve as a mat to stand hot and blackened pots or kettles on, and thus save soiling the kitchen table. J F GRA'NT. D. D. B .L D 8 Iomm GRADUATE. UNIVERSI- Don’t let an unscrupulous‘ dealer force on you an imita- tion of the “D. L.” Menthol Plaster. Look for the “D. L.” trade-mark on the tin. It guarantees the genuine and the most eHective remedy for Rheumatic aches and pains, Lumbago, Sciatica, Backache, etc. 25c. each. Yard rolls equaling seven of the regular (300D HOUSES FOR RENT.â€" _Ap_p_ly to J. M. Latin)”. “St! ARRISTEL. ' June "3, Fran H... ”"M “9"“. (Successm to W. F. Dunn) Dr. w. 0. Pickering Dentist. Arthur Gun. M. D. Denial Director» Lem! ”Directors; Teacher Wanted THE BEST TOIIO int all sickly people- Iaku ncw blood: om: utensil" To Rent. Notice. A C. Grant DR. BURT. P. 'I‘elford. ... SULIUITOR, ETC. NOTICE “war .1 J Humnr’o oppmi e the Regi-try Durham. Any amount t. 5 per cent. on farm G. H. STINSON wwwvw - Honor Rolls. S. S. No. 3. 61.33313. 1 Sr. ‘Vâ€"Alix Edge. Kate Ritthie. ~ ingham. Mary Paylm'. f Jr. IL-Myrtl» Falkingham. \Villie {Utc'him Kate McNally. Ream-n Pay- or. n sir. Pt. lI-J’h-rtha Evtnr. Cecil Pay- lm', George “'illi um. Latbwr Fulkiug- ham, Reihbit‘ Bell. Juhh Ritchie. Jr. Pl. IIâ€"lue Morrison, Lizzie M Ul’l'isznl. Etta-Jr “him"! Ritchie. Jr. l H>)-â€"Tlmm wt 'Morrienn, John 15qu, Raymond Ecmr, Ella Bond. Marian Huyd. Vina Paylor. Average Mtendamre 31. J. L. MCDONALD. Teacher. SI. IV~Susiu Bell. Jr. IV--â€"Jnhn Be”. \Villie \Veir. May Patterson. Albert Aijma Lorne Aljue. Sr. [[1 ~(‘hri-ssiw Mt-Glrr. Irene Ritvhiv. Will.» MCUirI'. Emma Atkilb sun. BL-uur‘ne Br", Lewis Newell. Jl. III 410mg 6 Noble. George “ bit- mum-3. E 1 lie Lino isny, Elizx Patterson. lI~Muggie Lindsay. Maggie Boll, Lena Aljne. \Villiu Matthews. Lena Ritchie. Nâ€"mcy Lawrence. Iâ€"Jeesie Bell, Edna Ritchie, “’illie S'yles. Sr. Prunerâ€"«Maggie Atkinson, Arthur Lindsay, Grunge Ben. JI Primer (adâ€"Anna. thhie, NI. Newvil. va \V'nitmane, V ida Ri'chie, \V esley \ubh Joe Urutchley, IInr-‘Iy St)" vs. Jr. Primer (Mâ€"Osmu' B-fll, Mae Davis, Robbie Davis. 'l‘erldie 81.31%. Average attendance 33. THUS. A. ALLAN, Teacher. Grade VIIIHWV. Blyth. B. Bar- bur. 911., E. Barber, H. Barter. Grade VII-HM. Leeann, F. Kerr. S. Grant. Grade V" E. “'ilton, G. Mc- Laughlin, (1'. (hunt, C. Ban-her. Grade. VIâ€"M. Leeann, \V. Hut- t()ll. Baum [VAâ€"J. Leeson, 19.; Mullvride. ‘V. Pnlluck. Grade llI--‘V. Brown. E. Mc- Laughlin, A. Boy. Grade ”-1. beim. U. Grant, M. Morris, L. Kelser. Grade I Pt. lâ€"~\V. Barber, R. Mor- rison. Grndel Pt. lIâ€"-H. Eden, V. Blyth, R. McCabe. L. Kollrr. Average attendance 33. S. MVNALLY. 'l‘emher. Grade VIIIâ€"E. Mead, \V. Bar- bour. A. Allan. M. Allan, M. W'oods, S. Morrsion. Grade VI-wB. \Voods. \V. \Voods, M. Kerr. M. Allan. Grade Vâ€"H. Mead and R. Mar- shall eq.. E. McMeeken. M. Meade. Grad}: lVâ€"J. Finnigan, \V. Finni- gnu. Grade III~â€"B. “Foods. Gmde II Sr.-â€"L. Chapman. T. Finni- gau. E. McMeeken. Grade II J r.â€"E. Woods. J. Kerr. A. Noble. Grade I (0)â€"-â€"B. Allan. B. Noble, R. McMeckan. Grade I (In-E. Noble, I. Barber. Grade I (n)~â€"-C. Gurdon. Average. attendance 26. ' Sr. IVâ€"Katie McCusg. Ida. Mc- Cuaig. Jr. IVâ€"Floscie Hooper. Gladys Tucker. Sr. IIIâ€"Islay McCuaig. Frank Tefl't. Jr. lIl--W'ilha McCuuig, Minnie Mc- Eachern, Almar Hooper. Jr. 11 (Mâ€"Eva Hooper, Neil Short- reed. Jr. II (b)â€"Malcolm McKinnon. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"Charlie Tucker, Effie Mc- Emrhern. Sr. Iâ€"John Shortreed, Archie Mc- Cuaig. Jr. 1 (a)â€"-Rodney Haines. Jr.I (bkâ€"Violet Noble. Allie Mcâ€" Eachern. Those pregent every dayâ€"Katie Mc- Cuuig. Ida McCuaig, Flossie Hooper, VVilha. McCuaig, Eva Hooper, John Shun-weed. Archie McCuaig. Aveljage attendance l7. LIZLIE BINNIE, Teacher. Sr. IVâ€"Ruth McGillivray, John McKeown. Maggie Hartford. Jr. IVâ€"Berney Hurtfurd. Sr. IIIâ€"Sadie McGilliyggy, Ten: Mc- Gillivray, Benton. ”Jr. Illâ€"Emma Arnett, Silas Ed- wards. Sr. lIâ€"Oocar Pennock, Edmund Poole, Flora McFarlane, Matt Mc- Kenwn, Tommy Edwards, Arthur Pennock, Neil McFarlane, Norman McDonald. “Jr. lIâ€"Sudie McMillan, Vina Mc- Nfi». Leonard Hartford, Maggie Ken- n y. Pt. 11 Sr. -Elsie Beaten, Dan Mc- AI-thur, Clan-k Jackson. Lemard Mc- Keown, Angus McGinivmy. Mary Edwards. Pt. II Jr.â€"Edward Hartford. Mil- hurn Hartford, Josephine McNab, Bella Kennedy. Pt. I Staâ€"Margaret Jackson, Johnny McFarlaue, Pearl Pennock, Johnny McFarlane Albert Hartford. Pt. 1 J1. â€"\Vilma Jackson. Esther Mclnnis. Mary Konold, Uameron iamfllie, Martha Kennedy, Kathleen V18 Average attendance 32. C. D. FARQUHARSON, Teacher. I’. S. 8. No.1. E. AND N. S. S. N'U.’ -, EGREMONT. S. S. NO. 1, GLENELG. S. S. N010, G. E. FRED F. IRISH, Teacher. Xenia VicKenzie. Archie KAI-f" hemmed, Mabel (11.17.39 ”LG 1 Sr. IVâ€"qugio Do: i Mountain. E Jr. ‘V-Ella Cuff. $21 7“'m. Lamp-ill. [ Sr. III-Annie St = Nuble. James [Angl'ilL Jr. IIIâ€"May Donnelly. Ma son, Lorne Mountain, \Villie Alice Pivkeu. Sr. IIâ€"Genrge Langrill, John 90 Irene Vollelt. Jr. II~â€"R€llh€fl Noble. Cecil M(' Min. Evelyn Sharpe. I‘- Pt. llâ€"Mihil'ed “'t-er, Sibil Lawrence, Margaret S‘miih, Annie Mountain. Hilliard Armstrong, Ge". Cufi, Genie McCulin. Pt. Iâ€"Lawsun ankins. Myrtle Lawrence. Isabel Alexander, Clifford Ritchie, Annie Armstrong, “'illie Grierson. Stanley Sharpe, Frank Hup- kins, Jane Langrill. Sr. I\'â€"â€"-J. Hopkins. E. Unutts. A. \Vise. E. Darby. J. Derby L. Torry. .;« Jr. lVâ€"M. Park, N. McRouald, F. Corbett. A. Lawrence, A. Baily, E. Park, E. McLean. M. Adlsuu. Sr. IIIâ€"R. Lawrence. B. Livingsmn, M. McRmmld. A. Turnhuil, M. Mather, M. Hopkins, G. Tm-nbull. B. Park. Jr. IIIâ€"\V. Mather, A. Reay. C. Reay. 55. 11â€"13: Milligm. M. Adlmu, M. J. Adlam. J. Hopkins, E. Reay. R. Miller. Sr. PL. Ilâ€"G. Hopkins, M. Charlton, B. (iriersuu, G. H. Torry, F. Reay, R. Mightnn. Jr. [Iâ€"M. Turnhnll, G. Johnston, E. McLean. S. Adlam. Jr. Pt. IIâ€"T. Corbett. J. Milligâ€"m. B. Mather, M. Bailey, V. Reay. V. Bray. Sr. Iâ€"-A. McRonuld. J. Park. Jr. lâ€"H. Johnston. H. Hopkins, G. Reay. R. Bailey. M. Alexander. M. Rc-ay. S. Griersnn. M. Mightma. J. Mather. “7. Charlton, M. Mightmn. J. Alexender. G. Torry. \V. McRuuald. 1). Miller, J. 'l'nrnbull. Average attendance 51. A. C. MACKENZIE, Teacher. Sr. III-Stewart McGiHivary, Archie Tm ubull. Carrie Mortley. Sr. lVâ€"Gem'ge Ledinghau). Lavina Murtley. Belle Cumming, Isabel Tum- hnll. Ivy Dzu‘gavel Arthur Simpson, Norma Black. Jr. Ill-~Nelliv Smith, Mary Mc- Clement, James Vaughan. Sr. IleVilfred Bhutk, Bobbie Mort- ley. Jennie Kenton. 'Jr. IIâ€"-Ruth Ledinghztm. Ruby Smith, \Viilie Vaughan, Villie Moun- tain. Annie Muuntain. Pt. Iâ€"Axmie Mnrrison, Morris Smith. Florence Cuf’field, Martin Cof- field. Earl Turnbuli, George Vaughan, Joe Shrider. Jr. IVâ€"Hauold Ledingham, [’etvr Mountain. Estbur Fen-gluon. Primer (Mâ€"Mary Morrison, Annie McGillivary, Sadie McClexuent, Flo. Vaughan. Primer (inâ€"Kathleen Coffield. Peter Ledinghmu. Nelson Shafer, Howard Smith. Average attendance 32. CLARA ALJUE, Teacher. J 1'. lVâ€"Janie Peter. Sr. IIIâ€"Thomas Stewart, George Peter. Jr. [llâ€"Katie Baird, Lydia Thnmpo son, Annie Hallidny, Wilfred Peter. .51. llâ€"Eva B') '.tb Ruy Stewmt. Lily \Veltz. Alfie Weltz. Elton Lewis, J1. 11â€" Alice Stewmt, Johnnie Mc Vain, batoliue Keller. Iâ€"â€"Robbie McVaiu, Arthur W'eltz, Alfie Furtnuy. Class IVâ€"Mabel Smith, Gladys McDonald Fletcher McLean,. Class III, sr.â€"Howard McDoug- all Johnnie «Clark, Roy Lamb. Jr. Ill.-â€"Jessxe Clark Johnnie Smith Bertha H‘oness. John GIT}?- son. Sr. II.â€"Carrie Grier'son, Bella Mc Quarrie, Willie McDonald. Cora Lunney. Jr. IIâ€"Sterhng Lamb, Jean Mc- Arthur. Pt. II sr.â€"John Caswell, George Wilson , Pt. II jr.-â€"Mary Lamb, Harvey Caswell, Peter McQuarrie. Sr. I.â€"Archie Wilson Arthur Red ford. J :- I.-â€"Roy Ca‘swell. Sr. A.-â€"Russell Honess, Willie Crozier. Jr. A.â€"Mary McQuarrie. Average attendance. 27. .‘L s. FARQEHARSOX, Teacher. At Dr. Carter’s the well drillers have at a depth of 77 feet struck in a clean bed of gravel one of the best savings yet found In the village. The flow of water has risen within ithirteen feet of the surface t”and the Dr. is highly pleased with its purity and icy coldness. Mr. Fred Smith of Hillsbury spent Friday with his brother Herb here. Mr. and Mrs. Keen. Mrs. Alex Mc- Murchy and Mrs. Alf Smith. of Cor- betton were visitors at Beth Smith’s and Mrs. Corbett’s on Thursday last. Messrs. Fred and Leslie Norris left on Friday for Alberta the farmer to become travellin‘ agent for the Re- liable Gasoline Lamp Compan y. Grease on top at a hot stove cambe quickly robbed of! by put- ting salt on the ”rubbing brush. _-tâ€"=â€"-â€"â€"-*_________.___â€"â€"â€"~â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"~ â€" s. 3. N0. 11. BENTINCK. ‘ Normanby Council. S. S. N0. 14, NORMANBY. ALICE LA “I RENEE. Teacher. S. S. NO 10. BENTINCK. Gontinued from page 6. 5. NO. 3. BENTINCK. Margie Donnelty. ”W” The Municipd Omlncilof the Town- . ishipof Normamby met in the town- Ella Cuff. Sadie Lawreuve. ‘ship hula Ayton. on Satulday May Irm- Tam. a. 10 a. an. All members present. "Annie Smiih. He! be! t ‘ “,9 Reeve in the (thaw. Mm [Aligl'iu- U ..b.-u~lx~â€"BaeLz-â€"'I‘ha.t the minute- read, be May Dnuuelly. Max Grivr- (If the prcvious met-ling as »\inunlain. \Vinie Yullelt. miuptt-d.â€"-â€"Cdrried. ' ' “o ‘ _ ME. WHITMORE, Teacher. Flasherton. Cecil Moun- Btty, I'u‘J F'V â€"- Umbachâ€"Shielâ€"Thnt Juob Fisher be instruc; ed to make ditch alung sideruad, Lots :1) and 21. Shielâ€"L'mbachâ€"That $50 on 5th and 6th cons. under I P. M.-â€"Caxried. Kenna-115nm: ~Thitt Chas: Birr’s assessment be reduced m.â€"Curried. Shielâ€"Kennaâ€"Thut the assessment. of Aiex Anderson. Lot 21. (Jun. 13, be 1ch as furmerly.â€"-Uarrled. Rennaâ€"Baetzâ€"That the assessment. roll, as corrected and revised be taken as comet. â€"Oarried. Umbacbâ€"Batetzâ€"Thai. the following amounts be paid.â€"-Curried. J. Fidler, rep. road, Con. 13, in 1909 ...................... 8 3 00 C. Lanz. to pay parties. rep. rum! Can-rick and Norman- l)y 5 changed to Garrick. . . 8 50 C. Damm, rep. ruad, Lot. 31. Gun. '12 ................... 8 00 Peter Hume part. salary as assessor .................. 60 00 Peter Hume attending Court. of Revision ................ 2 00 Thus. Parks. rep. road Lot 3, (Jun. 17, ................... 2 ()4) Jnlm Bzrr, rep. road on base- line and putting in culvert 5 (N) S. (i. Stewart putting plank on bridge ecu. . . . . . . ..... 50 U. uncil meeting at date ..... 13 80 Fred Hallidy, rep, culvert, Lot 58, Can. 3 ............. l ()0 A. Sputum. accuunt re Dix- . on (K “'ilkinsun ........... Expenses members B. of H. Lu Durham re \Vilkinsou.. R. H. Fun-Luna. copy of as- sessment, roll for County Council ............ . ...... 'W. Kenna to pay parties Dal. of fees re. Dunn came ...... Commissioners. letting and impacting jobs. Umluch, $1.25. Shiel. $2.50. Baetz, $1.25 total. . . .. ............. 130 14 1850 25m 49 75 500 The Council adjnurncd to meet (31) Thursday. Junvmch. at. 10 a. m. m the Tuwusbiu lmll, Aycun. restores every nerve in the body and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. PHOSPHONOL will make you a new man. Price 83.00 a box or two tor 85. 00. Mailed to any ad- dress. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. ew For sale at Mactarlane Co’s. Mr. and Mrs. J. Collins, of Mt. Forest, visited their uncle, Mr. S. McGo wan, recently. Mr. Adam Keller, sr.. spent a few days in Listowel visiting a sick cousin. T Mr. John Thompson is spending a few days with his brother-in-law Mr. Ja-s. Ball. Walton. Mr. Ball in- tends going West soon. Mrs. Armstrong, 31'. Bentinck, spent a few days with her daugh- ter, Mrs. J08. Myth and Mrs. Jas. Halliday. Mrs. Adam Keller. sr.. visited her daughter, Mrs. John Keller, who is very ill at present. Mr. Wm. Rnttell, Kincardine, vis- ited Mrs. Wm. Stewart and family lately. Mr. Geo. Chapman, and sister, of Artemesia, spent over Sunday with their sister Mrs. J. Baird. Mr . John Blyth left on Monday for New Ontario‘ where he is en- gazed in a surveymg land com- tract. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Hallnday spent Tuesday with their daughter, Mrs. Robt. Herd, Allan Park. Miss Lizzie Grierson return-ed to oTronto Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Seim‘ had the misfor- tune to lose a valuable horse lately. Mr. Jacob Fortney is under the care of Dr. Jamieson at present. He is suffering from an attack of pneumonia. We hope to soon hear of his recovery. The many triends of Mrs. H. Hut- chison, Walton‘ formerly of this place, will be sorry to hear that she is at present in Fergus hospi- tal where she will undergo an op- eration. Mr. C. Lauder. and his sister-in- law, Mrs. Chas. Saunders, Durham, spent a Sunday with the Thomp- son family. Electric Restorer for Men Blyth’s Corners. OF CANADA The Accouhts of Corporations, Merchants, Manufacturers and lndlvlduals Sollclted. R. ll.F'LOR1‘LNE,Clerk. Smelt Savings Bank Accounts receive ) be spent F. Hun-y, A. BELL UN DERTAKER *%*$¥¥$%%**#% %*M**Â¥%*%Â¥% and Funeral Director\ Future Framtfig on shortest THE BURN EHBBNIELE ll PMS” EVERY THURSDAY 80MB“: At the Chronicle Pr_htlng House, Oarafnuo Quhwription . 81 M at. payable “manna 41.50 my be «thaw»: no pa.“ The «w b whkh evay “Wm 13 d u dent-d Ivy he nmnbot on the «Ill-cu blur En M an -Inuod to :11 m mpwosooptnfln uptu- of an. props-nu. AM ' For “an “Wan-v 5 out. line (or the In: inm- Btm . don; ”can porn-o ml: nub” from the Traders Bank is worth more than the balance which it shows in actual cash. The money in the bank is safe:- than in your pocket, and it is money savedâ€"put away where it is earning interest, and is not at all likely to be drawn and spent. __â€"- â€"__ -__ ‘â€" Esta . 33'? ‘33". per Ibo mi: will». «not imam club. m Prduabm .g'da. got “caulk-1 up MA‘OLQ peg sung}; .1110. not -Mhu‘.%¢ u.“ per nu: ‘d' b“ bed 311:»: d Ibtgoi 1!- 50 pl 0 a not. host.“ Inflowâ€""14“." ‘ “Fond. Fm aimâ€"60 oom- for I!“ M. I 0.. hr out nheoquout incl-flan. £10!!th M by chum I" 9. an: 34 Flag 95.3 38. n3 “INK-M} ill... a: luriâ€" 2. D3. will. b: One-Pia on '36 £82. w ill: floor. sweat-o. fit. an I: in! :3- If you haven't a Savings Ac. count already, now is the best time left to start one. Full line of Catholic Robes. sud hlm-k and white Cup: for aged people. HONDA! at I p. m. The Job I- on uumnu mu 3 "Nugget: a. 1 '- DW‘ 9‘1““ mun-t 3‘33 The Great Lung and Cough Medicine GUARANTEED _ 25¢ a bottle ut wauhne’s Drug Slort’ instead of mini in upper crust. and see it you don’t like the difâ€" {ere-nee. Bra-ale. alto at Mount Fol-an and Ayion. DURHAM. ONT.. SHOW ROOlG-Next tn Swallows Barber Shop. Bummecnâ€"Nem (1001‘ South of “K J. anrexwe'r bhckmnith nbop. Frost crmberry pie sometimvs. Embalming a Specialty Follows present saasion uni leads into Fall 'l‘erm for student.» in all depart- ments of the Central Businesa College of TM“ (mm, The Ingest, most influential school in Can- adn fur training young people and placing them in good positium Cuta- lnzue. free. Emu any lime Write W H.8luw Principal. 395 Yonge St. Toronto. Summer Term Em'mu um Pmnumon. DURHAM. ONT. iim TI! (3.0111011 will be onut_fl W. IRWIN any “in“ {in sip «mi 31 @205er ’3’.pr in_ ma June 16, 1910 OUR SALE 5TH. Scotch Zc-ph} r rugu‘. Ci‘k finished Sm»! 2M0 fur ...... “'hiu» V05! in; Black and whilv (s \Vhibv Vr Print) in Udl‘k :H Prints in Dark hh Wash gm M15 31-; § If Ya; Bluk \Vunl V- w! Blllt'k \Vu Black. Blur and (Er. BIM'k and \Vhi Seasonah}: Binvk and \\' h in Japan limiting A.,‘ .“| Blm-k Fimm Space prevent: u 4 reduced to a vsry A fu“ linv Rob Ra 16 1910 Durham. (NHL. H w IN condwl “0d “'9 112'“ In seuychim! “file (123' on to our custom PUBNI'] UM u that \U“ ‘~“ T We H (“"4' Ild respectluih WE’LL DELIY H but house, too on prices. tasting. r *WARD K 81K] lm Wash (1 II! I)ress ( CI'V h lfl'v Rub!

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