â€M, G3. 41E Large Sales We are now taking stock and have many lines and remnants which we are Offering at VERY LOW PRICES. If you want an Overcoat or a Suit of Clothes or heavy Underwear now is the time to buy as we don’t want to carry any over. We have just received our spring stock fresh from the manufacturer’s hands. They are the newest styles and best ï¬tters to be had, all bought previous to the advance in prices. FRESH GROCERIES arriving daily, which we are selling at very LOW PRICES (i. J. MCKECHNIE. Lumbermen’s Rubbers, snag proof, rolled sole, one or two buckle, laced or high leather top. Heavy Rubbers for boys, buckle or laced. All heights. Overshoes for women or girls. Oil Tan Mocassins for men or boys. Boots and Shoes Rubbers! 5‘ Rubbers! Felts! We Have Them in all Sizes and a Large Number You are cordially invited to look through our stock Five minutes inspection is better than a page of description. ROBT. BURNETT Felt Shoes, all Fresh Groceries, always on hand All kinds of Produce Wanted THE HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE. . . OVERSHOES â€"A Dress Over- shoe with One Buckle behind GROCERIES kinds, for men, women and children. House Furnishings Departmentâ€"See the House Furnish- ings Dept. on the 2nd flat. It is com- posed; of Linoleums, Floor Oilcloths, Carpets, Rugs, Window Curtains and Crockery. Sheep skin lined and water proof. Heavy Grey Reefers with high collars. of Different Styles Durham Small Profits rest! by everybody. They’ll do the business every time. A: It I: Served In the Fin’ancial Dis- trict of New York. . In addition to' the mad struggle tor money there is another problem that lbesets the habitues of th': financial | district. It is the homely and prosaic 1 opgratiop of teediqg the inner man. Doubtless it takes away some of the splendid radiance that is sup- posed to surround the “captains. of industry and capital,†But it is none the less true that the wealthiest bank. er in the street must have his “ham and†three times a day, even asthe humble messenger béy or the patient elevator man. The only difference is that the “ham and’? of the “money barons†becomes pate de foie grass or diamond back terrapin. However, that great American staple beefsteak up ars in a multitude. of forms down w ere the “golden flood†is being taken at its tide. Perhaps if one were to award a. prize to the most popular luncheon item in the entire Wall street district he would pin the clz-ssic blue ribbon on Mr. 13. Steak. Beefsteak, however, is, as the words of the famous poem says, “Numer- ous as the leaves that str-ew the brooks of Vallombrosa.†For in. stance, there is the beefsteak of the messenger boy. and there is the beef- steak of the “money king.†’Tis in- deed a far cry item qne to_t’other. Discussing beefsteak as it appears, say in the neighborhood of Broad street and Exchange place, one finds sixty-seven different places within a radius of two blocks where the staple is served. In each cafe one may ï¬nd, conservatively stated, one dozen varieties. The grand total, therefore, is 804 different grades, styles, manner or previous condition of servitude in the beefsteak family. ~"-â€""“ The price, too, may well be stated in verse. It is Variable as the shade By the quivering aspen made. To be explicit, there is the steak carefully removed from the base of a venerable oxen’s hams, which (the ox) has outlived its usefulness as a beast of burden and which is served to the appreciative messenger boy for “10 cents, one dime.†There is also the cut that carries with it “French fried and gravy,†and which goes like hot cakes at 25 cents a throw. This is affected by steno- graphers and clerks. Then for chief clerks and others there is the old friend at 50 cents a portion and on up__to fl. - ‘ ,A __A_._.L‘ LA -y w w. Finally there comes what might be termed the king of its kind, found only in the highest grade of cafe. Here the piece de resistance comes three inches thick and beautifully browned, decorated with mushrooms, 8 rinkled with watercress and par- 8 ey, surrounded by pickled walnuts, juicy, delicious and luscious, served on a plank alongside a bottle of wine and a check for $10. This, of course, does not include bread and butter. Yea, there is steak to be had at 10 cents just as there is steak to be had at 36, but, oh, what a difference! Yet all are appreciated. A Sailor Superstition. “It’s funny,†remarked an old skipper on the water front, “how an- cient superstitions cling to the men who go to sea. Take, for instance, that shark’s ï¬n nailed to the tip of the flying jibboom of that windjam- mer. There’s hardly any of the people who come down to the docks on a Sunday afternoon that don’t look and wonder at it. But few know what it means to seafaring men. It’s a super- stition as old as the art of sailing and one in which all seamen believe. They think it takes the ginger out of heavy seas when the ship is shov- ing her nose under, and they also be- lieve that so long as the shark’s ï¬n holds the vessel will never be in a collision. It is a mascot which brings all good, besides adding speed to the ship. A sailor would as leave see the masts go by the board as to see the shark’s ï¬n lost off the jibboom." A Leaf Out of Her Book. Philip, of few years, but large ob- servation, had been with his mother to the dressmaker’s. His mother had declined to accept several garments and had extensive changes made in others, silencing all the protestations of the modiste with the invariably in- contestable assertion, “Yes, it’s nice and artistic and all that, but it doesn’t ‘â€"L-_ _k-‘ ï¬t me.†A few nights later when Philip was crying for meat and potap toes for supper instead of the usual bread and milk he very suddenly ceas- ed, straightened his face, smiled and said, with a perfect imitation of the maternal suavity and assurance. “Yes, mamma, I know it is nice and artistic and all that, but bread and milk doesn’t ï¬t me l†' Cstsrrh Osnnot be Cured. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, us they csnnoi ranch the sent of the disease. Csisrrh is s Wood or constitutions] disense. end in order to cum it von must take interns) remedies. Bell's Cstsrrh Care is taken internally snd scis directly on the Non! nnd mucous surfaces. Hsil‘s Cstnrrb Curr is notsqnsck medicine It mu prescribed I, one of the best physieicns in this country tor years snd iss rmlnr prescription. It is com- svdof the best mics known combined with hsbeot blood“ puriï¬ers. acting directly on the mucous‘snrtsoes The perfn-t combinscion of the two ingredients is what. produces sncb wonderfnl results in curing Cs'srrh. Send for testimonisls free. I. J. CHINE! ‘2 00.. Props . Toledo. 0. Into Hsll's hmily Pills for constipation. Sold by all Drunists. 75c always been regarded as pedectly lawful and proper, because the food is taken to sustain life, and. as in our own case. they are ready to make if they ever get out alive. In 8°04. addmon to the canned meats leit by £1};in aligning. Um “Classified Want Ads.†are BEEF-"STEAK. Mï¬q Polar Etiquette. Si???) g W i « * srocx Auo POULTRY SPECIFICS hand. Your doétor’sapprovalofibmewillcertafl,’ ..."=._â€"'____."_:â€"" setall doubtatmt. Doashesays. He knows, VOL 43-440. Noalcoholinthiscoughmedicine. Em «harem» "m your docmr'about keeping" Aye CherryPectoralinthehwse. Then when the hard 0 or eough ï¬rst appears you have {doctor’s medicine Ygt you may 00qu tpmormw} Royal Purple Stock and Poultry 8 pecifics ad free booklet. no kept in stock by 8. P. SAUNDERS. Not Larges: Winner of Grand. Cit can't. ‘08 One 50c. package of ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC willlaat oh! animal seventy days. which is a little over two-thirds of a cent a da ' Most stock foods in “3% cent aCliLlSL'S last. but ï¬fty days and are given three times a day. hOYAL PURPLE 51' K S? CIFIC isgiven but oneea day. and lasts half again as Ioniz- A 9.50 pail containing four times the amount of the ï¬fty cent package will last ZROdays ROYAL PURPLE will increau the value of your stock 25% It is an astonishingly quick fattener. stimulatinl the appetite and the relish for food. assisting nature to digest and turn feed into flesh. Asa ht! fattener it is a leader. It willaave many times its cost in veterinary l‘ills. ROYAL PURPL POULTRY SPECI- FlC is our other Speciï¬c for Wultry. not for stock. One 50 cent oackage will last twenty hvc hens 70 days. or a pail costing Sl .50 will last twentv-ï¬ve hens 280 days. which is four times more material far on y three times we cost. It makes a “ laying machine " out of your hens summer and winter‘pgeyeqts £qyl_s_l_0§_ing__flvsh at mnultiqgjime. and cures 99u_lt_ry_‘d‘i_s£a;rs- ____ -___-_ -‘--- _- TI‘OS fFen ce ROYAL PURPLE STOCK spaCï¬-‘xc contains no man. nor farm products. It ancrlaiéts yield of milk from three to ï¬ve pounds per cow per day before the Speciï¬c has been used two weeks. It makes the milk richer and adds flesh faster than any other preparation known. Young calves fed with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be when fed with orginary material: at ten weeks. â€"---- n--_- â€"._A‘.- a...‘ ,_-____ pmmoness almoat m cgicaily. Cures bots. colic. worms. skm discus-cs and d§'hilit}"€crmgncrtly-. Dan Mel-Ewan. the horseman. saws: “I have used ROYAL PURPLE bTUL >PECIFIC Dan McEwan. the horseman. says: “I have used ROYAL PURPLE STUCKéPEClFl’C persistently in the feeling of 'The Bel.’ 2.02}. largest winner of any pacer on Grand ( ircuit in I908. and ‘Henry Winters.’ 2.09}. brother of 'Allen '\\'imers.' Winner of $36,000 in trotting stakes in 1903 These horses have never been off their feed since l commenced using Royal Purple Speciï¬c almost a year no. and I will always have it in my stables. " guaranteed. Just use ROYAL PURPLE on one of your animals and any other are aration on another animal in the same condition: after comparing results you will sayRO AL PURPLE has them on! heat to death. or else back comes your money. FREE-Ask your merchant or writ~ us for our valuable Ill-page booklet on cavle and poultry diseases. containing also cookin receines and full particulars about ROYA PURPLE STOCK and POUL- TRY SPECIFICS. A summerand winter revents fowls losin flesh at moultin time. and cures Vultrï¬diseuxu. Every package of OVAL PURPLE §Tocx spacx 1c or POULTR SP cmc is I.“ "‘III ,w-v vvv “;- _ _, 7 quality of 6"!" could be unmoved. So we have act a new standnrd for the Wire in Frost Fence. But. to at this, better Win, we must Make and G vaniu it cumulus. â€that; his" to buy out Wire randy-mad. sod randy-(dunked. ) TbeWiteformetlyuudiotheFI-oul'm was nude nude: onto" instructional [ave Wuï¬ixï¬mthumW’mbu mkuvthntncoufluhfuhm. Sooowwcluve erected special “ilk In these Hills we javejauafleg tho pout gum! in Quintana. Make Each Animal Worth Nobody ever heard of "stock food" curing the bots or c'olic. making hens lay in winter. increasing the yield of milk ï¬ve pounds on cow 3 day, or restoring rug-dong: anigngls to_p_lumpness andyigor. '-"" vvvv' -â€"-_V your animals deivneed not no}. («dint sobefliing to help their bodles get all the good out of the and you give them so they can get fat and stay fat all year round: also to prevent disease. cure disease and keep them UP to the best ssible condition. No "stock food" things. ROYAL P ans stucg: seecmc can $3332“ I??? w- vvvvvv-‘-u . __ - When you feed stock food "'to your cow. hoFse. swine or poultry you gre merely (ceding they: “that 3 on are growing on your own farm. tha “Stock Food†But a “Conditioner†If you cannot get Royal Purple Speciï¬cs from merchants or agents. we will supply ymi direct. express prepaid. on receipt of SI .50 a pail for either Poultry or Stock Speciï¬cs. flake money rting as our agent in your district. Write {or terms. 1 For sale by ail up-tmdate merchants. W. l. Jenkins Mtg, 00., London, Can. 25% Over Its Gust On % of aACent a Day Feb. 17, 19' And war the only Vance-make" in {his may ab? and Galvanizing “m Wvdyfor coca. Nearly every Wire Peace in Galvanized too thin for Canadian purpoaaa. That» why an ia’nny rust about twelvc or ï¬ftccn mmthanthcyabouflo I'm-t mosh Gum-me- is “9901’? nc y “0““ f I you (at. you implypaunot Enda‘ I'v- Mâ€"v v- v"' m 't anon “Wfoc “the?“ “for“ and smooth; than that on fence made in CM Yd “ "vvâ€"wâ€"v ' _. . ___, - O ;t. other notch». “unusual. p; .a Tb Fm Vin Fan: Co. Ltd-o wvwhmm Wire .3 Are you using “Cream c Welt†“out? Every bag 9: tootâ€"Ila. Beans Sou. Wharton. Durkies (‘orno newmiunsville correspm crwded out this week. 83w: gunned at the Founï¬ ï¬r. and “11.1%“ McLel‘ Aberdeen. intend mm ing to shortly. . We curry a full line of troceries. Special price on Valenci: raisins. 4 lbs. fad Ill-I. Begg- Son. A urge stock of the Joh‘ Pherson Co. boots and ‘ Iult opened out. and will gt old prices. At Grant's. : home trom work. ht to» \x‘ 1083 to know what it all mu proceede to ian-zligalr. packed the palm-l. and 1.» contained a lu-au‘JfM hal: quarter cut oak. ax‘listlvalh' ed in what is knuwn :v- q-zul lish style. It was just llw nrticle MP. LICCX'EH‘ inlvlldl- chasing. and he felt tioklw thin ever when hr ‘slmug hid been relieved from ma ' investment and (mm ulully s the uticle now in hi~ pm VII much better than lw '0!“ have purchased. I: x: for lone time that 31.. . lemed that the beautiful p furniture was a gift in: (ï¬end- in “I. nethodist chu a token of appreciation I vuuble oervieee he render II leader 0! the chain, from to Ind recently resigned. Cue prim the gift Vary H We fails when 6 Id M! teenage Into w Kr. Dsn. MCAllliffP, of t Concession of lenolg, : spsn of colts to Archie Beat the handsome figure of $34 hil farm mcently. and mo (own. [no purchased the C Lean property up lawn. W Hr. Burt and his estimab any live long to enjoy (11 home. Domestic wantod.-â€"A gil (enenl work. Small family ply at once to Mrs. (Dr.\ Ki! Dovencourt Bond. Tcronto drove up to his door n-ry L moniously. and left off an of furniture shipped from to. and bearing his name a: dren. Hrs. McCrae Object the delivery of the goods, I: dnymnn nus-urea her it w “ht. When Mr. M «(‘rae I few bottles. Some 0 (“ed in the seaxch \u know the diffw'enu A new shipment of organs Heintzmunk Co. piano 01 trade. were taken into st! Hel'ndden’s warerooms last From the lnrge numlu-r of menu disposed of, Mr. Mel must be doing a big bl and every home will 6001 music. so quiet and orm-z-l)‘ regularity might (-a: Ilrs. R. W. Wright attend annual Conversazionv at t‘ tnrio Lndios’ Collvgv. Whitl Friday evening. After â€w hid been received by Mia! holder. lady principal. Miss representative of the stat! Ilia Norma Wright. rt 1m tive of the students. a \‘(i joytble programmr was one of the numbers being I by “in Eleonora Wright. Some of the temperance cate- "ere suspicious that but: Were being sold arou Knnpp House, and on Mond they mode I search of ihe iIeI‘ under Inspector I)avi1 understand they got nothi local option hu-r. There ml little drinking done oeoasl but evidences of violation I very numerous. The lanyw bu been pretty well olmwv. unless there is a very ground for susnicion it is u in our opinion. to makv a tack on the hotels. The t NEWS A Th won Id 1h