#511 Mr. A. R. Cragg (wcupieu' thv ,in’wll ‘t W’ondlund but SJH'HtT h. Lu swunms o! the inuess of Mr. 8mm, the pa-‘Lur. Dr. Blown and Miss V. King were in Toronto last week and stunned the abbrued musics! (emu! in Massey â€â€˜11. Dr. Gun comner has vmpsnuellsd a oi nit-sham a.» can. of the t mo! late 103nm. County L.O L. Elect Officers The Loyal Orange County Lodge of South Grey met in Durham; last tack and elected the following of- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE .135. Anderson, Dep. Lect._ “ H. Lawrence, Tyler. It was unanimously carried to celebrate the next 12th of 'July in Durham. Mr. Ali. Buller of the Handle 00. ha gone to Thamesville to attend the funeral of his brother. We ore pleased to report that Mr. John Brown is somewhat better at time of writing but is still in a some- what critical condition. Mr. Thus. Orchard is very seriously ill with pneumonia. Dr. Jamiemvn was called in consultation on Monday. Mr. John Orchard of London, came I: Monday on account of the illness A new mmumnion service has been â€cure-d for use in the Methodist church and is a decided improvement to the quarterly Dervices. The ï¬rst hockey match of the season in Holstein was played on the ice here on Monday evening. The teams in- terested were the locals vs. Mt. Forest bankers although only two lxmkers mere on the ine up. The contest throughout was keen end close and seemed from the spectators stand to be aryhody’s win until time was call: v‘ â€"- v ed. However, the score flow! 4 to 3 in fum- of the visitors when the nit-rec. rang the bell that time was up. The lucals are feeling pleased that they ueI-e able to hold the score so OVOD. Another hockey match will lw plnv- ed here on Friday evening wl‘mn lhv- old ï¬nds from Ayton will apnear. Every effort will be nude to win . at this time. DURHAM, FEBRUARY 10,1910. Bro. Chas. C. Hockbridge, C. M. “ J. W. Blyth, Dep. C. M. “ J. Hanna-h. Chap. “ '1‘. Tucker. Fin. Sec. “ J. G. Wilson. Rec. Sec. “ R. J. Eden, Treas. fl. IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. P. McQueen. D. of C. W. Ritchie. Lect. J. Anderson, and Holstein. r There was a wild time at the "‘ la'st council meeting, but these ‘1, monthly circuses may be looked fox now With a fair degree of ‘Uregularity. It is doubtful if the .l :i. ‘mayor was fully justified in refus- ‘1' “mg to take the yeas and nays r9 when asked to do so by the reeve. 2" but it will be no snrpmae to see†y these friction. occur frequently. We’ hope the council my own be h: able to get don to business, and wot waste time in who. busing. tal of a devoted wifeand an in-? dulgent and affectionate mother. Mr. Archie Fisher, who four years ago left for the Northwest. Another feature adding to the and has, since traveled much thru sadness of the above event was .that a number of the children at. the time of her death were pros- his parents. Canada and the United States, re- turned last week, and is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. trated with measles, while her eld- Fisher, 4th line. est son, James, who is attending St. Jerome’s College, Berlin, re- ceived the sad intelligence when under the doctor’s care with la grippe in that town. The young fellow forgot his own infirmities. however, and bravely faced the iourney homeward, only to receive in death, the cold clasp of a mother’s hand, of whom, but a few weeks ago he had taken leave under circumstances the most fav- orable. As the last rites were be- ing performed at the grave, the scenes were such as to stir the emotions of the most obdurate heart. The closing act that sev‘ ered the connections of a loving mother from a young and helpless‘ family was attended by general sorowing. The pall bearers were: John Lynett. Maurice Culli’t‘on T. O'Farrell. Martin Lynett, Hawkins and Peter Mohan. To the bereaved husband and family the heart of the community is being Among those who visited friends in the city last week were Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Armstrong, Mrs. Jos. Blackburn, Mrs. Mark Wilson, Mrs. RH. Wright. Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Blackburn attended the Mendelssohn concert and enjoyed the rich musical treat. The new trustees to be appoint- ed by the council for the Contin- uation school here, were appointed as follows: D. McTavish, 1 year; John McMillan, 2 years; and John Bolan-d. 3 years. Those appointed by county council are John 'Weber 1 year,: J48, Wilson, ‘2 years; anal Thos. Henry. 3 years. A hockey match in the rink here on Friday evening last between the junior teams of Markdale and 'Flesherton resulted in a score of John‘ 6 to 5 in favor of the latter. The match was witnessed by an inter- ested crowd of spectators. A re- turn match will be played at Mark- extended in this their sad afflic- dale this Monday eVening, tion.-â€" A yton Advance. The annual meeting of Chalmer’s Mrs. Culliton was a sister of Mrs. Jas. Morris, of this place.â€"Ed. While it is often impossible to prevent an accident. it is never impossible to be preparedâ€"it is not beyond anyone’s purse. In- vest 25c. in a bottle of Chamber- lain’s Liniment and you are pre- pared for sprains‘ bruises and like injuries. Sol-d by all dealers. Are You Going West? Western Canada passengers ap- preciate more and more, the many advantages afforded them when travelling via the Grand Trunk Railway System, the famous St. Clair Tunnel route. with its unsur- passed choice of routes, from there west, passing through the princi- pal cities of Canada and the Unit- ed States. Good farming land ev- erywhere in evidence, therefore making pleasant what might other wise be a long. tedious and mon- otonous trip. Call on any Grand Trunk Agent for further par- ticulars regarding tickets. routes. etc. of maternal usefulness. The news" of the sad event cast a gloom over the entire neighborhood as the intelligence on Sunday morn- at an early hour,on that day. The Immediate cause of death was, pneumonia, contracted after giving ; birth to a child a few days preV- ions. and although all that med- ical aid could do was applied to; ward off the grim reaper, it was all to no purpose, and she took a‘ last farewell of family and friends. on the above date. The family, consisting of eight small children.‘ all within the tender ages of child- hood, ranging in ages from the oldest of 15 years, to a new born: of a mother’s fond love and pro- tection. The funeral. which took; place on Wednesday to the R. C.1 cemetery was one of the largest. witnessed in this locality for some time, some seventy vehicles form-- ing the cortege to St. Peter's church. where a Requiem High' Mass was celebrated by the Parish Priest. Rev. Father Wey, after which the remains were borne t-)' the cemetery close by, and the cold earth received all that was mor- tal of a devoted wife and an in-: dulgent and affectionate mother. i Seldom has the relentless hand of death villted this community under more lamentable circum- atancea than on last Sunday morn- ing. when Mrs. Michael Culliton was mmoned away from husband and family in the midst of a life Is Your Back Weak? When the back drags and aches, feels lame over the spine,â€"When there is ' indigestion. headache, and constant call to make water, beware of sick kidneys. If ne- glected, this condition develops weakness, and soon you'll be un- able to work. The one remedy you can rely on is Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Every symptom of disorder- ed kidneys they cure by removing the eause. You improve immed- [iately. day by day you will exper- ience benefit from Dr. Hamilton’s Pills. Best for the kidneys, liver and stomach. Sold by all dealers. was very good. The meeting was harmonious, and .notwithstanding the lack of a settled pastor for seven months the work of the congregation was shown to have: been kept well up, and the spirit‘ of hopefulness prevailed Mr. J. F. . Chard Opened the meeting with 'devotional exercises, after which :J..L McMullen. chairman of the? Board. presided. Mr. T.R. McKen- zie. who was appointed secretary of the meeting. after reading for- mer minutes, which were confirm- ed. presented the session report.; which showed seven new members ' received during the year, and a‘ like number removed, leaving 128 on the r0111 as formerly. Special reference was made to the removal of two by death, namely Mrs. Mc-l ! Kee, sr.. and Mr. J.M. Duncan. The; auditors’ report, presented by Mr.‘ Chas. Stewart, and adopted. show- ed the con-gregation to have had a successful year. After meeting ance remained on hand in each de- the previous year. The ladies’ aid were shown to have on hand in; addition to a good balance on: general account, $183.00 on organ fund. The question of higher sti- pend was discussed, and it was re- solved that in order to make the ' stipend of the charge in future ‘ $850 or more, Chalmer’s church in- crease 350, provided the associated: ’ congregations contribute as {or- merly. Mr. J.L. McMullen was re- ,» elected chairman of the Managing all liabilities. a . substantial bal-i partment. The receipts on gener-' a1 account were $693.99; on build-I ing account, $54.99; la'dlies’ aid.% $255.68; Sabbath school, $85.54; the; Guild. $33.81: making a total ofï¬ $1124. .. an increase of $21 over: 3 Board. and Messrs. W.L. Wright.‘ 1 Malcolm Ferguson and - Price I Teeter. retiring members of the a Board. were re-elected, as were! - also the auditors, Messrs. Chas. 5 Stewart and 6.11. Cairns, the sap- .. rstary treasurer, Mr. Jos. Black-' 9‘ burn. and the organist, Mrs. Black- .burn. The congregation is hope- Q fallowmurlyutthngtotpuâ€" I tor. The new trustees to be appoint- ed by the council for the Contin- uation school here, were appointed as follows: D. McTavish, 1 year; John McMillan, 2 years; and John Boland. 3 years. Those appointed by county council are John 'Weber A hockey match in the rink here on Friday evening last between the junior teams of Markdale and Flesherton resulted in a score of 6 to 5 in favor of the latter. The match was witnessed by an inter- ested crowd of spectators. A re- turn match will be played at Mark- dale this Monday evening. The annual meeting of Chalmer's church'was held on Thursday af- ternoon last, and considering the inclement weather, the attendance Min Bella Loncks has taken a position in the RT. Hill Co. store in Markdale. Mr. Geo. Boyd wife, and two children. of Raddisan, Sank. ., are visiting Mr. Boyd’s brothers here. Mr. Robt. Pye. of Thamesville, is visiting his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Car- ter. The very inclement weather on Sunday caused small congregations in the churches. In the Metho- dist church. the quarterly com- munion was postponed for two weeks. mu Nicholson left [at week to epend same time in the city» Mr. J. zSeeley, and Miss Bell Ed- wards. from near Woodstock, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chard and other relatives in this locality. Miss Annie Forester, of Clinton, is visiting her friend, Miss Chidley. Miss M.E. Chidley ,apent Satur- day and Sunday with her brother at Owen Sound. Mr. R.H. Wright. of this village, left last week for Winnipeg, and will spend the coming summer m the West. Miss Ethel Trimble returned to the city on Saturday after an ex- tended holiday at her home here. Mr. J.F. McIntosh, of the Stand- ard Bank, is off on a couple of Weeks holidays. Mr. Will Southgate, of Toronto. spent over Saturday and-Monday with his uncle, Mr. Geo. Mitchell. council met on Mon- day, and the auditors on the ac- counts of 1909 presented their re- port. the abstract of which is as follows: Receipts.â€"Cash on hand, Jan lst. 1908. $2714.16; fines $25: d9- bentures. $1388.54; loans $2000; mis- ,cellaneous. $149; total. $23,622.90 'Expendituraâ€"Salaries, etc.. $1188.- : 56: stationery and printing, $118.82; i law costs. $56.55; county rate, .‘2553. : 72: roads. bridges, general. $546.68.: division No. 1. $440.85; No. 2. $345.- f12: No. 3. $536.55; No. 4, $359.82: school purposes. $9439.71; Board of Health. $108.15; coupons. and dc- . bentures. $634.94; debentures speciâ€" lfic. $805.45: drainage. $100: loans land notes, $2034.60; sinking fund. $1296.40: miscellaneous, $1119.49: Flesherton police village, $415.67: {Priceville police village. $142.95: ;balance of cash on hand, $1368.87. gtotal. $23622.90. The receipts for the year were $2402 less than the former year, and the expenditure ; $1879 less. CREDIT AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock‘ Implements, and House- hold Furniture, at Lot 4, Con. 1. W.G.R.. Normanby, near Varney, 3 Yesterday Wu Alb. the first day of Lent. The receipts of Flesherton pol- ice village were $1015.02, and ex- penditure $1004.82, of which $200.- 67 was paid as villages proportion of township expenses. Priceville's receipts were $437.70, and expend- iture $209.25, of which $66.30 went to town-ship expenditure. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF (SO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE is 'hereby given that the partnership heretofore subsisting between us. the undersigned, as Lenahan McIntosh, in the Town of Durham. has this day been dis- solved by mutual consent. FIRTHâ€"At Revelstoke, B. C., on Wednesday, February 2nd. to Mr. and Mrs. Ben. D. Firth, a son. MITCHELLâ€"In Durham, on Sat- urday. February 5th. to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. a daughter. SALE REGISTER FRIDAY. FEB. 11th.â€"â€"There will be offered for sale by Mr. James Burt a large list of farm stock and implements. See his full ad. on page Z My cure seemed hopeless, and my friends hourly expected my death. I was so bad that I wanted to die, and it was during one of these very bad spells that a family friend brought a box of “Fruit-a-tivcs†to the house. After much rsuation I commenced to take them, ut I was so bad that it was only when I had taken nearly twq boxes that I commenced to experience relief. I kept up the tnatment, however, and after taking ï¬ve boxes I was cured, and when I a peared on the street my friends sai : ‘The dead has come to life,’ and this seemed literally true, because I certainly was at death’s door." (Signed) MRS. JAMES FENWICK. “Fruit-a-tives†are sold by all dealers at 50¢ a boxâ€"6 for $2.50, or trial box, 25c, or sent post-paid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. All debts owing to the said part- nership are to be paid to Norman McIntosh‘ and all claims against the said partnership are to be pre- sented to the .said Norman McIn- tosh. by whom the same will be settled. Dated at Durham this 21st day of January, A. D. 1910. Catherine Lenahan, Norman McIntosh. Witness: A. E. Jackson. on Mohday, February 2lst. 12 months’ credit. See posters, and full ad. in issue of February 17th. Con. Kreller, Proprietor, Robt. Brigham, Auctioneer. BORN 96000WMO§§§§§§§§§N 000“â€â€œOMMWO3 Mrs. R. I with ’0 I] ;“C(: Mrs. A .Irs. .l. S. a) Mr. an â€as. V “t in 'Aberdeen. ' ‘1’. Wm. Brown, and our U-wr‘m‘ a Clll‘ke. \lr. 5.1km Mrlflr-F“! ï¬lter. His-is Lizzie, alter-(iv «how Wedding 01 Mr. D. Cam} “Aberdeen. to Miss Greenuon “Glene cud n port 3 \‘vi :humt t Your Vickerl scribe’s picture a] 7 rs to in; a very true portra ' the original. We don’t want 1 Rel Mth our brother «2:1 ‘1 :- items. but we think he Ihou collect items from Hutton Hulock. He wrote on i ‘ week obput n paling Inca .r. G. Hillgartner. of llnmwvr. Ml ’.Bruwn of Allan Park and Mr. :11 “I. Joe Rmty of Ell-newer. Sunday m MI“. and MP8. “'01. Bl‘nWh. { _ hiss Mary McRmmld is aha-Ming In “er “PS. Jul-X. H()pkll:~. «f l‘I'wm-zt Ibois very ill at. presmn. “'9 lm b he†of her speedy recuvery. T “‘11. R. Long 0f “’ulkertnn i> \‘is‘ with her parents Mr. and M _ n Mchillivruy. ‘N. A. “dlllslin uf llakulu. :1 . J. S. Wilson of l’ricm-ille. (“all _ Mr. and Mrs. R. Bu itttm on Sund' In. Wm. Adlnlu is very ill â€at With anaemia. “'9 llnpv ll] ‘01- Dr. Gum’s medical mum alw “ ‘wl “carver her usual good lwalt h . Bible clue meeting was he the home of Mr. and Mrs. ‘w‘l â€WIâ€"i5)l('r "‘l' ('Xlt I ‘l..‘| * “ NewDiï¬c‘wmim ‘u 31:1. 1‘ ‘h \E‘ . C.N.Tabletstux'uumuul HM \ ) The two -hoth um d m « a .‘U a. ‘ 10!! at the 5:1!!!" l12211‘11'ka!1.(~u 0 'Illvmoratmg.\'|:.:lx,m, . .v "\«'1 meets then has cvm' h'l. -. m n n a {vow vim} wcuknL-Sh .-.n«i l the pleasurce ufht'c. \wT‘. 1.92.‘ 4 ~ - r" . aces wonderful i!l\iwnr.|1.z;.'- . n: . 1»: results. Free Trial Samph- m .i;« c‘ pm Luge on T(‘\‘(!}". u! lh'.~.u;\« f::~:.1« nl It. Thompson Bflyd and sister Mit Md and niece. Miss Mt-lwun spend very pleasant, evening with Mr. all In. Henry Brunt, last wH-k. â€rs. S. Somervifle and «luuglau ‘Ill. “'ilcox of anonm. visited “i1 'It. and Mrs. Alf. Redfm-d. and M C“ Mrs. \Vm. Adlai" fur :1 fr“ (in): Wmesia for a Week. III‘. R. Mighmn is getting alu “cely after having his band out in Mingumchine. whilv cutting my â€Mr. Thoums Mighwn, of “my Ir. and Mrs. “'m. “IN“ N ha “ed a nice new Sherlm L Mannu "an to Lheit paulm whit in [hex [w gated from Mr. Snell Hf lhnh HH. 5 a beauty. Ir. George Hendry has mid )1 “I'm (0 Mr. \Vm. Bailey 01' Ibis War We don't like (0 see Mr. and MI “dry leaving our (man: as Hwy Im‘ â€I! very kind and uhliging nvighlmr Mancunian Adam-3.. we NERVINE .umu Ava. “'INDSUR. U51†CA8 “ET A PRACTSOAL EDUCATION Tom-b. Ollt It bu paid mhon Iâ€! you. Write tu-duy for our In caukugue Real Bargains for ten days. beginning Sat- urday, December II Red drop from I‘vmllur â€(‘88. N0 marking Hp ï¬rst ï¬nd then marking duwn Ln Duke the prim look like hm» gains. Our goods will hv all 00k! at. Rowdy-mule Suits. Rvmly- -.Ad8 PM)“, val'nlls, Ladies And Men's Underwvar. Blan- teth'oollen Sheeting. l’rims. :Flanneletu‘s. Man'a and Buy> Cups and Gluves and a hunt u other article»; Real bargains in fund: Fruit Currants, R a i si n s, li‘lllnlls, Orange-B. etc. Red bargains in choice Groceries. or teacher. Hi“ Clarke. spet lll'dl! and Sunday \xith h Real ..... Bargains Market Report. u 10, 1910 S. SCOTT By amending the, (3mm hidâ€" the victim inn one Fulum visited f riends Mulock. ....U 05 to Cl 280 276 20 95 35 (I) 40 18 12 10 ll m.â€" " wi‘li hand-amt to 3-0 $0