Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 6 Jan 1910, p. 8

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Large Sales All heights. Overshoes for women or girls. Oil Tan Mocassins for men or boys. Heavy Overshoes Rubbers! Rubbers! Felts! We Have Them in all Sizes and a Large Number Business, generally, is more promising and with ”-‘better facilities and more experience, we expect even more of an increase this year. Felt Shoes, all kinds, for men, Our stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and goods, woollen goods, boots and shoes and rubbers at nm nm LOW PRICES, but we ‘Would say buy early ton, wool, leather and rubber, we are goods, woollen goods, boots and shoes the old LOW PRICES, but we .Would and. often for the prices must advance. Special reductions in Men’s Clothing 3 . McKECflNlE, OVERSHOES -â€"A Dress Over- shoe with One Buckle behind Heavy Rubbers for boys, buckle or laced. Men’s fleavy Reefers women and children. one of Different Styles and Underwear. 'or two buckle, 10W THE BUREAU CHRONICLE- Durham Small Profits pup? teacher Miss Gertrude Bu-kns, ,wbn' has resignvtf her pcmiticm in that who I‘ The evening was spent, pie-u.- antly in games and nnmiu The full iuwiiig is the ttddl‘vab: DEAR TEACHEltz-Ou 'he ow nf our separatinn as tenant-r and pupila, we feel it. our duty to exprws '0 um, our appreciation of youreud «vars to in- atruct us in the Viol‘iOllfi Han-hes of secular eduvntinn and ah‘nnugh we have many times m-ieviad yma and smely tried your patience you have always shown the wane impartial christian Chan'zu:!m', chilirg when .necded. encouraging whun nvcessm-y land always ehuwing an ex-unpée tn i your pupils “orthy of imimliun. ‘ \Veau-e very S'rry llmr 2m: are leaving our svhnnl but, WIN, is our loss wnl heathen; gun. and ere ynn leave us. we take this ii any nf pl'c- settling you with this lnvkwt, chain and eullnrpins. as a slight token 0' unremeeu). trusting it may serve as LL- L "|‘I calUVII I. v. -- -- a memento of the luv“ u'nd attawb- ment of your pupias. W01 STATE(H’OHH§(HTY(H?TOLEDO {as : LUCASCOUnTY. ‘ Frank J. Cheney nukes nth that ha is peniur partner of the firm of F J Cheney 8t 00 . duing buainess in the City 0" Tulelo. County and State aforesaid mo that said ‘ firm will pay the r-u . of ONE HUNDRED i DOLLARS for each and every cane of Ca- \ tarrh that cannot be cured by the use at i l Hall’s Uatarrh Uur ‘ FRANK J CHENEY ‘ Sworn to befom me and an scribrd in my ‘ prqgence this 6th day uf Ueeember. A D. f 1 1W. (SEAL) A W. GLEASON, NOTARY PUBLIC Hall‘s Catarrh Cureia taken in e nally. and acts directly on the blood and muvus surfaces of the rystem. Send tor taci- mouials {3'99 IVâ€"Ruth McGillivray, John MC‘ Kenwn. - Sr. llIâ€"~Sadie McGillivray, Term McGrillivray, Mabel Benton. "Jr. IIIâ€"'Vermm Penuock, Silas Ed- wards. ‘ I Sr. IIâ€"Allnn McLean, Emma Ar- neu, Neil McFm'lnne. Jr. IIâ€"lflduumd Poole and Oscar Peuuock £11., Malt, MuKenwn, Flora Mcb‘urlane. Arthur l’enuuvk. Tommy Edwards, Vina McNab. PL. IIâ€"Dmn McArthm‘, Lennard Mc- Keuwn, Clark Jackson, Mary Ed- wards, Angus McGillivruy, Elsie Benton, Josephine McNah. Pt. 1 Stuâ€"Pearl Pennuck, Margaret Jackson. . Pt. 1 J r.â€"Juhnny McFarlane. Aveaage attendance for the year 23‘ C. I). FARQUHARSON, Teacher. uulam uuu F .l. CHENEY CO. foiedo. O. 801d by all I): ugzists, 75c. . Take Hall’s Funily Pius for couscip L“ m GRADE VIIIâ€"Winnie Blyth, Ella Earner, Bert Barher. Hm'nld Barber. GRADE VIIâ€"Margaret, Leesou, Florence Kerr, Stewart, Grant. V GRADE VIâ€"Mamfield Leosnn, Willie Hutton, Allen Pettigrew, Henry an'e. GRADE Vâ€"~Jnnet Kerr. Laura Pet- tigrew, Gesil Ban-her, Gordon Grant. GRADE lVâ€"Jaunes Leeson, Willie Polmck, Edna Mcllvride. GRADE [ILâ€"Audrey Boy, Alma Pet-tigrew, \Vesley Pollock, Robbie Clark. GRADE IIâ€"â€"Lorena Keller, Mad- eline Mon-is, Campbell Grant, Ivan Kreller. Campbell Clark. GRADE I:â€"\Viunie Barber, Irwin Pebbigrew, Ruby Morrison, Richard McCube, S. MON ALLY, Teacher. WELBEUK SCHOOL. IVâ€"Helen W'atson, Leonard Walsh. Mun-gavel; Alexander. Illsâ€"Katie Scheurmzmn. Marjory Nickell, Caroline Schem'nmml. George Alexander and Lolita. \Valsh eq.. Bertie Lvdinghmu. Juhn VValsb, Nellie Smith; Revel B :yce. IIâ€"â€"--Clatence Campbell, Victor Scheurnmnu. Geoxge Jones, Mamie Boyce Filst. class Pt. lIâ€"Morris Smith. Pt. Iâ€"Mary Alexander, necwr Boyce. ' Regularity of attendance for term and for the yearâ€"Margaret, Alexander. 1WILSONâ€"McMILLAN.-â€"At the res idonce of 'the bride’s mother, on Dec. 29th, 1909. by Rev. J.A. Mat- heson, B.D.. R.J. ‘Wilson, of Booth ’ville,t '0 Annie 2F.. daughter 01‘ the late Duncan McMillan, Esq., Proton. SMITHâ€"McLEAN.â€"At the resi- dence of the bride’s mother, on Dec. 29th. 190_9_._by Rev. J..A Mat- I - C n “Uh. uvuam- guy...- .‘ w- heson‘ B.D.. Chas}: '17]; Smith, 01' To ronto.t 'o'iChristine, daughter of the late Alex. McLean, Proton. KENNEDYâ€"NICHOL.â€"At the res- idence of the ‘bride’s parents, on Dec. 30th, 1909, by Rev. Walter Nichol, M.A.. brother of the bride assisted by Rev. J.A. Matheson, B.D.. James Kennedy‘ of Tara, to Catherine C., daughter 01 John Nichol. Esq., Glenelg. PLESTERâ€"SEIFRED.-â€"By the Rev. “H. Berry, at the parsonage, Price .. ville, on “Dec. 15th, 1909, Mr. Wm. Plester to Miss Harriet Seifred. both of Egremomt township. MCKINNON â€" McEACHERN â€" By Rev. H. Berry, an Dec. 15th, at the residence of the bride’s fath- er, Mr. Neal McKinnon to Miss Janet Agnes McEachern, daugh- ter 0'2 “Mr. Alex. McEachern, all of the South Line of Glenelg. l Sh.â€"â€"i’carl Peunuck, Margaret ANGUS MACINTOSH, Teacher. S. NO. 1, GLENELG. Iâ€"Mm'y Alexander,_ Hector MARRIED Dues 3391991 r‘ Stoo- Palllnz Half Destroys Dandruff d}: v pay/"t on H -' ("and Cum. '08 Nota“$tock Fooa Buta boneluuner fl‘ ins no grain. nor farm products. It lnCrL‘am ‘ ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPECIFIC conta r day before the Specific has been USt’d m U y? "d of milk from three to five pounds per cow pc , it makes the milk richer and adds flesh faster t« an any Other prepaiatmn kmmi‘, wet-ks. Young calves fwd with ROYAL PURPLE are as large at six weeks old as they would be u mn fed with ordinary materials at ten weeks. ROYAL PURPLE STOCK SPELIPIC builds up run-down animals and restores them to plum {“1635 almost musically. Cures bots. colic. worms. skin diseases anti debilitgwcrmancml). Dun McEwan. the horseman. says: ”I have used ROYAL PURPLE STUL SPECIFIC persistently in the fee ling of ”The Hel.’ 2.0 . largest winner of any pacer on .Grand Circuit in “MB. and 'Henry Winters.’ 2.091. brother of Allen Winters.’ winner of $36.000Im trotting stakes if their feed since I commenced usms Royal Purple in l938. These horses have never been 0 . . Gnorifin aln'mst a. year ago. and I Will always have it in my stables." I\U.I.~o vâ€"-â€" _ plumnneas almost musically. Cures bots. colic. worms. Dun McEwan. the horseman. says: ”I have used R' persistently in the fee line of ”The Bel.’ 2.0 . largest wi HMS. and "Henry \Vinters.’ 2.091. brother of Allen Wintc in l938. These horses have never been off their feed 5 Specific almost a year ago. and I will always have it in One 50c. package of ROYAL PURPLE. s 1 was arnblr w .................. days. whish is a little over two-thirds of a cent a da . ‘k {nods in fifté cent packam’fi last but fifty days and are given thr ’2 times a day. hOYAL PURPLE STO _ in given but onceaday. and lasts half again as lonfl- A 01.50 nail CONthIQG four “"765 15‘ amount of the fifty cent package will last 280 days. ROYAL PURPLE wnll mcreasi :hc vala c Ofly‘lmfr sftocét 2556- It is an astonishingly quick fatteneé'. stimularnsfth: apps‘ttifie a'nd dhc re isa or 00 . assisting nature to digest and turn feed into esh. sa 0 at enert isa ea er. It willsave many times its cost in veterinary tins. OYAL PURPL PQU LTRY SPECI- FIC is our other Specific for poultry. not for stock. One 50 cent package will last tyi'entsuiive hens 70 days. or a pail costing 81.50 will last twenty-five hens 280 days. which is four times more material for only three times we cosn It makes a " laying machine " out of yo_ur hens ult diseases, summ ‘r 2 nd \v'nter, prevents {owls los'n fl -sh at moultin ' time. and cures avery‘pa‘ckagé of ROYAL puapui firécx SPECH§IC or POULTR si‘ficmc is guaranteed. . Juat use ROYAL PURPLE on one of your animals and any other are aration on another animal in the same condition: after comparing results you will say R0 AL PURPLE has FREE’Ask them all beat to death. or else l‘ackcomes your money. , . l . ti.) __‘.- Lnn"‘.-‘ nn Ffltfip ? A Royal Purple Staci}: _ Jua‘. use ROYAL I'U KYLE. ¢ animal in the same condition: af them 3” beat tn death. or elsehac yOur merchant or write us for our “1'14 n Iron and Brass Castings and general Repairing. fitters supplies. Engines and Threshers. Sash ‘ “V ‘ J ‘17....‘y larger cities. WE INVITE YOU. WATCH MAKER Packagq of ROY“: ppngng erc SPECIFIC __L - An" uncr cfnck 0. SMITH SUNS, DURHAM, ONT. AYER’S HAIR VIGOR v I U - v v _ Nobody ever heard of ”stock food" curing the bots or who. maxing hens lay in winter. increasi or restoring run-down animals to p When you feed ”stock food ” to your cow. horse. swine or poultry. you are merely feeding them what you are growing on your own farm. Your animals do need not nor. feed bot something to help their bodies get all the good out of the feed you give them so they can get lat arid stay fat all tdisease. cure disease and keep them up to the best ssible condition. No "~-tock food” can do all those P RPLE STOCK. SPECIFIC can and does. It is thmgs. ROYAL - - _ IIIn,_L _ “AA_J: :-_--” J. 0. Am 5nd general Repairing. Feed boilers. Ste and Thrashers. Sash and Duors, Planing a General Wood Work. JEWELLER Make. Half will last one animal seventy bots or 'c'olic. making omcm TIN" town (*nmwi} NJ: “1 monfing for Hip ye-nr «:1; M1 night last. All members pr1 Mayor Laidlaw. in Ins i;.m,»iu remarks. congratulated H10 1 and all the members on th: il cess in being elm-1m] 10 pm! at tho council Hm! i. Uiv- i1 that everything duringy tlw‘ would be done amicably and‘ business like mzunwr. A! tin ; 01 his remarks hH asks-:1 the- ct! and audienvu to stand um Hr. Newton ormnod Hw .s; with prayer. after “'hjt’h n- business was (mum-:1. 'I‘hv- utoo of the last reguiar "H were read. and accounts am in: to over $100 were vxamin: the Finance commitloo and 0, ed to bo paid. Ton («Hips (3 municipal “’orlri wow urdvrv the use of the mvmiw .2» an! 'u voted to the flick (‘hiM “ital. Mr. Ramagv. tho 5 I"! O! the Public Library. ad 0‘ M cowncil in Ha]: 'zf'o ‘ Gammon he had in rrgad the Whit-hint of a v.21.” Library. but action ‘4 as do: 1 n “I“ ”II a the applica mane "what-tardy» h (tutovnmeyn. The Iflohw must read Citizen. and others of a change madn in closing hy-law «luring of January. February when the stores will 7 .even o'clock awry nu Saturday .The by-law mended at the request majority of the husim-s felt thnt In Open night die at the week was no A Normanhy man tulle timers from the southorn the township came to Durh out. during (hr past {Hw the drawing card being t‘ prices paid here. Our mar vear is known far an I wir" writer heard it rchrrml tc phrusia township lately. prices for rn-o'mce will he bring trade. dorstand in rapidly A great many logs of I are being delivered daily furniture compnny's millya converting them into lum‘ furnish cmploymvnl to ma in: the spring and summer The company has timber Ii: 1 mill at Rockvalc. wlu-rp. Notice.--L.O.L. No. 532 hm ed it. regular might of met Wednesdny on or before (:1 moon in each month. 'l‘l meeting this month will the 10th. when a number areas will be conferred. Al requested to be present. Mia R. Fry. who has 8| but year as millinor in M bought out the 'Missos H01 Mt. Fbrest. and will comm millinery business in th this month. The tunnel meeting of t bar. of the Durham Publi will be held on .‘Mon'iay no library building at 7.30 p. attendance requested.â€"J Grahnm, Prom C. Ramnge. . Kaelen'- 810‘000 stock by public nuction. Sale Saturday. Jan. 15111. at ‘2 The unnunl meeting of t‘ moat Agricultural Society bald in the agricultural H dam, on Wednesday. Janu‘ at 2 pm. All invited. ion, 3c. A few farmen‘ feed I). ale st the Foundry, The Chronicle is a doll: payable in advance. Sin The town council me! 0 night. See Keelera‘ ad. in this the great auction aale. 1021 are l’ “'15 (“Ill tl

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