Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Nov 1908, p. 4

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skets a have nmv a nice line of new hem RHAMEHRONICLE no school children. Good and the House is about the same 'as [our years ago, but the L'b- ajoritea have been reduced by 3.. Nova Scotia shows :1 311m- {'luction. New Brunswick 331 .cfarlane (Ho. pterest you. the thing for lunch baskets l and Hanging Lamps with but taunts, at. right! prices. hebeo the Liberal representa- lit-“[3053] IRWIN. Editor and Proprietor. at about improving your time ill“ British Columbia and the: :10; have a Liberal majority of ‘2 1903 last week this majority; iEyed out entirely and the Con- have a majorly of 2400. â€"--â€"-_ - with the lung evenings at wopular Liberal major ty in the ’on [our years ago was 48, 708. Feel: it. was only 3,;350 being a. _Edwal"d Island have each in- l the pOpular vote for Sir of go: d reading matter. “'8 ’gh the Laurier Government ,venmajority in the House of bombers or more. the majority i popular vote hos been mat- reduced in the elections of p compared with the elections we must clear at once as we :3 1904 election Non Scott: reâ€" ‘ a solid efghteen for Liberal- ! these the Conszrvatlves cap. ' not: in 1908 m1 “the leJ ' ity in everyone of the other . mt. W33 cut down. Even, rum; who won in 1904 by 1016: ,3 unjor'jy reduced by about. .5 the loot elect on. and Sir; an of the total of Liberal maj- ln the Dominion of more than intend to re-stock them. HAM. NOVEMBER 5, 1908. .ggists and Booksellers ote last week in Ontgrio shows [at gain of 20,000 votes, though berial change has been made Conaervatlve representation have about 50 baskets, all PS tutorial). Mndater of Mill- ban reduced from 1167 to 'sâ€" Ind" a mjorlty of 500 in” I political pndulun awung the Liberal side and elected“ “’ith and Without covers rh Waterloo where the gon- EDITORIAL TH E ("H 1nd see our Viewing‘things as they are Mr. Mill-gr: .5 t, we p0pulur choc-c of Hun- over, NEL‘Urt‘udt uni t'u: township oi :Glenvlg, wuile Mr. Bull was the 0110 cc {of all tue other municvulfltms Ln the :dxiV'JiOUJ Mr. Bull made a good run [and his dwfeat -n the Last elector; Eakxould be no discouurgemcnt to 11.111 lor tuc Consurvativ-c party. His 0am- pz.igu \wsu chau one and tub-I'L- -s not .even an crucst hint of any crock- !edness buing carr‘ued on by himsehf or lam support-ens. on the other hand gtuCl'e is a strong feelng that corrupt 2Iinflucnc-es were, used by the party .11 ocrtuin port on of hue ‘ cluctoriul divapn. Mord may be learned later but in the meant ma lut u3 hOpe there was noting ,wrong on ember s.de. Election scandals and el-ectLon croak- «mu-.5 are deplorazl alike by the better Hume-nu of both parties. W'e {bad Enough of them ever in South , Grey. 3 i i ! Conservativeiam now laying hold ~01: . the public mind. The party .11) pow- : 333332? er has a strong pull, and the 9“”:Nova Scout ........ chewable vote in close consttuencies Raw Bruuaw'iCk‘ The voting :‘n South Grey 13 quite in line thh many of the Provinces. The Liberal major ty in 1904 was 316 for Mr. Miller over his opponent Mr. Mck'umon. In tzse elect‘ou just closzd gum-3 tu_rncd vand will turn polLtioal Verdicts. Le majority '.3 only 87, gained al- most if not altogether in the town- 3, ip of Glenelg where Mr. MJler got a majority of 1021n 1908 as compand with a majority of two over Mr. Mc- Kinnon n 1904. Of course the re- sult in 1:03 could scarcely be taken as a true index of the poltlcal com- pl-.-xion of t: e townm p, Mr. McKinn- on’s personal acquantnoe having a .tcnd-ency to secure votes that would not go to Mr. Ball. who was an en- t’u-a strung-er to many of [DC clcoors. That Mr. Bxll secured a majority of cnly 68 in Durham. has been a surâ€" pri+â€"- to beta partes, but it mus; 'not be forgotten (out Lrge muJori- tin .n forum-r elections were secured in Durham by local men; Mr. RLch- ardson's umjcrity .n 1i00 was only 49 over Dr. Landerkin. ani Mr. Mc- Kinuon’s [our years ago was cnly 91. Durham should have given a lurgar majority to Mr. Ball. but in the {we of Iormu‘ majoritss for outside candidntcs the result is not so bad after all. In 1900 Dr. Landc-rkin had a major: ity to Hanover of 204 over Mr. Rich- ardaon. This L.beral majorly was increased in 1904 to 258 [or Mr. M'Jl- er over Mr McKinnon, and in all the other muuic pallt/es Mr. Mlller’smxj- mites amounted to only 58 votes. Tris tme Mr. Mller’s majority .n Hanover wvu reduced to 105, and the ooumimd ,l‘vl; sulta on all ota-Lr ammo;- pallt cs gave Mr. Mlllcr a. majority of 18 over Mr. Ball. In Glen-“lg in 1304 Mr. Millu‘ 'nud a major ty of tao owr Mr. McKinnon. This» time ’t :0 majority is 10-2 or enough cxtrn. to make Up more tlun Mr. Miller’ pl oseut majority V: Alafeldt ...................... Aston ........................ \I ustadt ................... l 2 3 4 linmpden ................... 5 Blytl’ 3 ....................... 6 7 N e nag ‘n ...................... Ghm 0...... cm 0...... 1 North 2 East . 1 Ball’a majority 3 West Bull’s majority- ............ BENmINCK Bull‘s majority ............ GLENELG Miller’s major‘ty V ..'...; ............ EGREMONT Ball‘s majority ............... SULLIVAN.“ Ball's majority. One poll Ontario 178 283 Miller’s majority ...... ...... ...... nnos'rm“ -‘ W'ards Clark’s ........ Hutton Hill Allan Park Magwoods . ‘ov: good! Stewart’s Allan’s ............ Dromorc Deco-o... Ritchie’s ...... GIG“ ..................... Markdale ............ Doruoc.: ............. Townusip Hall .‘ Dru°ry‘s ............ Y cov i1 ............ Mount Forest U1 ULUUL U booooooocoooooooonno IIOlatLin ...... Alafeldt ...... ' ................ 00000000000000.000000 Huwgwlw Chat‘sworth â€" .............. Dorhooh geaflx De shot-6 00...... O" O... 0... Pc abodym ..................... OOOOOOOOOOOOOO North .. Result: of Provionl Elections ...... 31 CHATSWOB’I‘H ooooooooooooooouom NORMANBY DURHAM HANOVER 009.00 000.00 .00... 00000. .0... 119 237 339 63 162 376 3‘4 106 375 114 34 42 217 149. 68 404 385 107 88 77 47 108 3t 28 9 62 47 15 118 74 44 343 Yates Ma j. 25 53 86 44 63 43 30 63 65 48 59 48 59 v 20 57 79 117 99 166 '360 76 1 1 34 32 66 57 54 Mil} Bal Mil? 30 24 55 75 63 68 36 94 56 67 86 74 65 27 39 O ’3'. "1'5 day. Oct. 23th. to Mr. and Mrs. In: pg” . Mathews, gdmghter. 10 ...... 102 68 60 .0 )- 39 7-5 (Minna Irving in ‘Leslie's Weekly’.) The political. talks and talks, 42 The actor plays his part, _4__8_ The soldier glitters on parade, [62 The goldsmith plies his art. 102 The scientist pursues his germs l U’er this terrestrial ball, 3 The sailor navigates his ship, 19 But the farmer feeds them all. 0; The preacher pounds the pulpit desk, 1‘: g The broker reads the tape, .61 The tailor cuts and sews his cloth 15 To fit the human shape, lThe dame of fashion dressed in silk f Goes forth to dine or call. 40 Or drive, or dance. or promenade, 23 But the farmer feeds them all. 25 . The workman wields his shining tools. ..'.°_'_ , The merchant shows his wares, ' 88 The aeronaut above the clouds 19 | A dizzy journey dares; 1 'But art and science soon would fade, 21 And commerce dead would fall, 37 1f the farmer ceased to reap and sow, _.. i For the farmer feeds them all. ‘14 24 64 42 18 '68 Ontario Nova gloom ........ ETC-wt. Bfuifaw'ick ................. .. M-amtoba ................. ..... Brit .50 COlumed. ............... New Brunjawick .................. _. Manitoba ............................... Ontario .................................. Quebec .................................... Nuw Brunswick .................. Manitoba ............................... Brit an Columbia ................ Prince Edward bland ...... Britau Columbia ............... Erinoe Edwa'rd. Island ...... Uu‘ullo Quc‘lxv‘g IO. cccccccccc ooooooouooooooo-ooooooO Con‘ssrvativ-e major ty 1874 Ontario Nova Scott: ....................... Nzw Brunswick ....... Manitoba. .................... ‘.' ..... B1 it an Columb- a ............ 1’1in Edward island. Total ................. Liberal major ty Ulltal [U coo...cocoaoooooooooOoOOcoonoun... QU'u‘bfi'q .oouoo...“..o.-o.uoooou........o Ontario Quebec .................................... Nova Scoti‘l .......................... Nuw Br uu- swick Brit Ah Columbia ........ Priucu Edward Island '1‘sz ritorfls .................... Conurvative major ty ............ 1891 new D1 uuaw gun .................. Mallltoba 0.....00..'.COCOOUOOOICOOOOO... Nova Scotil .......... . ....... . ........ va Brunswick ........... . Manitoba ............... .. ..... . ..... B1 1t 3 1 Columb. a . ....... .-. Prince Edward Island .. ... ... Tc: ritor .'€'o ............... ... Ontario (lav-bu: ........ Nova Scoti'l 7rotu1 ................................... Conservative major ty ...... 1082 Ontario Manitoba. ............................... Blitz 5.: Columb'. a .............. . Prince Edward Isl-1nd Tu “1.01 es .............. ......... . Ontario ...... . ..... .. ...... Quebec Nova Scoti‘l Jew Brunswick Mn nitobu ..................... Priâ€"uoe ‘EdWard Island TerritorJezs . ............... ......... Nova Scotia ..................... New Brunswick ............. Prince Edward Island Manitoba ......................... Saskatchewan ................. Alberta ............................ Brit an Columbia. .......... Yukon ...................... ....... Con servative major ty ...... 1887 ontafio 0.00000000000000000-0000 oooooooooo Quebec ...... . ......... ........... ......... Brit .311 ‘Columbia ................ Total ....... . ........................... Con aarvative major ty ...... 1896 Total ................. Liberal mvujorty Total ............................ Liberal minor ty ............ 1904 This disease is constitutionalâ€"caus- ed by virus in the blooi that circu- lates to all parts of the body. To cure, you must use a constitutional.- -treatment.\ Nothing so completely dispels the poison from the system as Ferrozone. It purifies and renews the blood, clean: it of every taint. The system is vitallzed and Strength- ened and thus enabled to fight off 't'h neatened at backs. Not only does Ferrozone relieve at onceâ€"it cures rheumatiam, gout and lumbago per- manently. Results guaranteed, 500 boxes at all dealers. Total ................................... 140 74 Liberal major'ty ........................ 66 THE EARLIER. FEEDS THEM ALL. The Editor. Who weeps with you when you are And safiugha with you when you no Anfgizfiilea with you when you are The Editor. Who has! tobahoth king and m PM ""‘of it ' 'pnn d And lives mmmfilfienyg Ana. n}3ér;'hirdl§'3vef lies. - And when he does creates surprbe! The Editor. Who on: t hurt a wejl I! chat. New Theory About Rheumatism. BrUDS‘ViCk OOIOOOOOOOOOIIOOII. OOIOOO.....OIOOOOOI...,.‘O...OI..I. nnOQO. -In Glenelg. on Wednes- 1872 1878 1900 THE DURHAM CHRONICLE ............ 67 64 33 29 11 69 137 38 1.7. 6 54 48 15 10 38 29 33 54 17 $1204.28 McGowanâ€"Kinneceâ€"That report of , iFinanoe Comm ttee be adapted and 92 2'3 Ec {nu-03 issu »d for the several ' amount a.â€"C«arr'1c~d. 43 40‘ McGowanâ€"Kinnoeâ€"That the 3131; 49 16 R gimentul Bind be granted tne use 1-0 10 30173th hall for their (.nterta Z,nment g i fifme of 004:, except fcr tWe sarvices 4 2 i of the caretak:er.â€"Carri:~d. u 01 4 2‘ 0 ! 72 1'39 44 35 87 1 0 8 ...... 41 ...31 103 59 C‘o)‘ 24‘ 54 36 14 48 30 13 .68 DEATH OF MRS. JOHN ALLAN. ' mourned sincerely, are her husband, lher daughter, Mrs. Hustie, and two 5 sons, James and J nhn, the former on the humesteeul. J 01m in \Vinnipeg. Sue was a woman of fine qualities. and ; as wife and mnther was greatly belov- ’ ed. As a. neighbor. all who knew her 1 will hear witness to her fine spirit and g Christian example. She is being ihnried toodny, \Vednesday, at. Maple- . wuml cemetery. \\'e have no further ‘ particulars this week, but. extend our sympathy to the bereaved ones in : their hour of trial. ' 'tions .. ... 3.00 IT. G. Hutton, 2 1- 2 days’ work 3.75 lW. Wright, 4 days’ work ...... 6.00 iJ. Dunsmorue, sidewalk work 5.25 1 R. Sharpe, work on sidewalk 6.75 gJ. VOII'E-t, team work 1.00 lLen'xlnan . McIntosh, hardware for sidow ulk. ... 5.98 Spar} ing catate lumb r fox ade- w alk .. .. ...... 8.25 ‘M15. CamprII, watering Sts.. 40. 00 In thine absenoe of Mayor Cald'i'r the o‘r:air_.wa.s occupied by Reeve Banni- era. Councillors! ‘prcsmt. McGowan, Kinnoe, Kreas and Sharpe. Met in regular meeting on Mon- day ‘niglt Imat, NoVember 2n:l. The following accounts were pre- sented, adoytud by the Finance Com- mittee and orders-d to .be paid,â€" R. Even, drawing grave] ..$3.40 Mr. (Hawthorne tru‘ant officer... 4.20 C. Brown, work on atruets 6.90 W. Irwin, printing 10.00 W". Laughoed. removing obétruC- Mr. Hugh McDonald was in St. Marys last \week on business. / Mr. Carl Mowery left, Wednesday morning for Mason City. Iowa. Kressâ€"Kinnecâ€"That the treasurer be authorized to hand over 'deben- tures to J. P. Te-lford, town solici- tonâ€"Carrirc-d. S'Iarpeâ€"McGowanâ€"That J. P. Tel- ford, town zolicltor be instructei to apply 'to the railway commission to ratify d-ebentums on By-Law No. 535.â€"Carri<rd.v ' Kinnmâ€"McGowanâ€"Thut the coun- cil issue cheque to the Durham Cemetery Company for the sum of one hundred dollars as granted by the council.â€"Carrf«ed. Council adjourned. Mrs. Large and her brother, Mr. Frank Porter, left this morning for Toronto. Mrs. (Rev) A. A. Bioe left for 'Aflaa Craig on Tueadny morn'ng where she will jo'n her husband, who went to London filoapital last week. Rev. Mr. Bioe, who in not making much progress towards reoovery from his recent illness, left last week for London where he will con- .3ult medical Specialists. It '18 thought \he may have to undergo an Operation. Mr. J. L. Flarity of Owen Sound. was in “town Last week. Mr. J. ’Whitchurch, of Bellevlllxe, is visiting his brother, W. N., here. Rev. James Buahcannan of Dundalk, preached in the Pr'elybyetrLan church On Sunday last with great accepmnc‘. Mr. Alex. Farquharaon. of Til‘oury, spent from Friday 11111 Tuesday with his borther, Baev. Farquharson. here. U pwards of two hundred bottles of liqnm'aswell as a caqk of ale were poured into the city sewers on Satur- day afternoon. POURED LIQUOR DOWN SEWER. The liquor was what was seized from a hotel a couple of weeks ago by the police and others and it had been stor- ed in a cell at the police station until the case against the party from whom the seizure was made had been com- pleted. On Saturday morning this case was ended when a fine of $50 and costs was imposed, the oll’cnce having been reduced from at third offence to a first olfence under the Scott Act. Saturday afternoon was set as the time for the destruction of the liquor and the234 bottles of whiskey, brandy, gin, ale, porter. etc.. was poured down the sink at the police station. Then the 26 gallon cask of ale was emptied down the drain alongside the police station cells, them being quite a lively splash of beer about the place when the bung was opened. The empty bottles were placed back in barmls and hauled to the dump, followed by a sad looking crowd of citizens. The bottles were chucked over the dump and broken up. There are two more casks of her at the police station. One of these con- tains Pilsner, which is claimed to be non-intoxicating and it is being ana- lyzed, it is said; the other contains another kind of beer and the case against the hotel from which it was seized is being contested.-â€"Ftedericton Ghana, Oct. 19th. (Continued from page one. Town Council. PERSON AL W. B. VOLLET Cl-Tl‘k 3.00 i 3. 75 I 6.00 5 25 6 75 1.00 . 1- ‘ 5”" um“m7 . be quickly done by Dr. Hamilton's Pills which have a vitalizing, purify- ing saffect that 1.3 unequalled in any otuer mediolme‘ Wlth 1055 0‘ pure rich blood c'rculating to all part: of the body, with snap and Vim run- ning throu h every ve'n and utter . robust hea U! is vatable. 0 oleamiinf building ton‘c 's as gooi as Dr. {amilton’s 21113. Sold by all da-alers. No better way than to in mm the bloo¢â€"cleanae and enrich . ,â€"give it nourishment and strength. Tbs can be quickly glone by D_r. Ham ltqg' a Class V.â€"M.aggie Mortley, Mars Cumming. Mon-son Smith, Alum er Tulinbull. Dopald Ray. _ ‘1' __ “"‘J v Snnior z‘IV.â€"Jo‘m Dedin ham. Lylh McKinght. Georw3 an am. Mamie Mortle , Iv Dargavel, Isabel'rurn- bull, ohn mith. Junior IV.â€"Arthur Sim son, Lavi- na Mortley. Norma Blac , Bernard Coffield. Senior III.- Harold Iniingham. Mildred Smith, Kate Stewart, Pfiter Mountain. Junior TILâ€"Carrie Mortley, Archie Turnbull, Cecil Twamley, Willie Smith, Stewart McG.]livury, Elmer Traitord. Class II.â€"Irene Trafford. Donal! Smith, BobbLe Mortlev, Mar Cot- field, Jenn‘e Benton James ughan. N~llie Sm t“, Mary McClement. Part II.â€"Wiflr~3~d Black. Senior I. â€"- Roy Trafford, “”1116 Mountain, Willie Vaughan, Morrla Smith. Junior B.-â€"Dugald Smith, Martin Coffield, George Vaughan, Erle Turn- Junior A.â€"Annfe McGillivar . Joe Shriedcr, Florence Coff'el-d, ssie MOI-rim. Mabel Tratford.A1'oe Twam- hey. Average_attendanoe 43. Sprains, swellTngs and romptl relieved by 1 inumenz. This lin'men' flamgtion an}! soreness sale Single The Season .fop Coughs and Colds , Grand stock of W'ntches, Clocks, Chains, Charms, Lmrkut Links. Brooches, Stick Pins. Bracelets, Necklets, (4v. Our Mr. Cameron has charge nf the Repairing depm-tnwm. .md .- mm highly recommended, having lmd extra large experimn-u (m tim- “nu-h- es, clocks and jewelry. Extra values in Diamond Rings, Pearl Rings, \Vedding I). gagement Rings, Birthday Rings.---Hundrods of Rings ' from. Extra large stock of fine Silverware just. arrived, at IUWvM Inn-Mm :le fare to 6th. good to all points from NOV return Nov. 10th. by ' :11 7er3“ 923;; \Vatcoumkers, J ewelers. Opticians and EngraVers, Durham. UM. How to Impnve health GUN’S DRUG STORE How to Treat a Sprain Ia‘ona School Report New Fall Goods 15 et hand and everybody is liable to catch 1.1m - course you may get some horebound candy, a bug “1’". of drops, have mother make some flax seed tea with -. flung“ licorice in it. rub on some skunk nil and tug-ppm”; .x- (.1. dose of coal oil; and if all fails, ask your neigmm. VIEW u ' ‘ li‘ used. etc. These remedies may be all right to use at timm .u 1 tier certain conditions. But if Itlhey fail to give xvii-'1‘ H “”1“. 0 you go on experimenting w en on ca ; ' .‘3' stant relief with our y u get “1““M m~ which are scientifically prepared. absolutely hay-n.1,.w , even the smallest, child. and every l'mttle guaramwd. H. V' scale of your quarters when attending the sales in t. m I: and give them a trial. R. I. Keeler Son White Pine and Tan Syrup Cherry Pine and Honey vvvouw‘lw 1". McDONALD t eaoher Solid Gold Rings '70 085 and lameness are. ad by Chmaberlafn'g Lambbon Street. >l_in-'ment reduce: in- ; ’eneas so that ' in red in about one- .ujged by the usual Satisfaction Guaranteed Silverware Repairing Prepared at seizes for KEELERS Pen Berley .............. . ,Hey.... .....‘ |Butter....... ........ ' age ................. Pocetoee per beg. new. Flour per cwt ........ ‘2 Oatmeal per suck. . . .. ‘2 Chop per cwt ........ 1 Live Hogs. per cwt. .. 7' ' Dressed Hogs per own. 7 'Hidee per lb ........ 'Sheepekine..... . IWaol ............... . The PeOple‘s 5 Massey-Harris I . . and Prm'lsm {Implements DURHAK. Nov Fnll Wheat ........ . Spring What. ...... . 11!. M In the world Everything the furnwr wrnflfii“ Implement line can he {and m Ware-rooms. Sawyer Massey 'l‘lth'sht’l - De Laval and Massey-Han Separators Rubbed rings for Oxford Sppru'a See our platform scals-s Machine Repairs # (‘ash lull!“ OII and Coal Oil aways in W. .l. McFadden. SITUATIONS Gm Bhorthund Loon-Loaf Lodger FALL Tum snow sEPT' ‘ lalhnol Business collefie Market Report. with ham tnwi'W b“ nutmgndnucs. in“ g“ modal-n ufii" which ensure mpnl night by the onlv "*3" (bath. who attendH1 lmoi‘s Beacon '7 Mom?“ wv-w' â€"- ~ mm hr pardon”. ISDO( .5 1908 .3 85 to! 85 to 35 to 82 to , 48 to . 7 00 to 20 to ll) . 1908 ‘20 to 35 to 50 to 90 to 35 to 8:3 to 35 to En} to 25 to to USE name: 3'82?- 85 “5935325" 20 5% 4U 10 WIwEE $1.75 vm'h. W3 whim wqu H. w. god 654:. wu-h. ' fih'. Ul'«'~> .loi ‘6“ 3‘.5”1';u-h ”a“ T‘h‘e ()(DVQ'r‘. 0'. C‘ “ o0 w Wted lâ€"pim-u an; 8.“. gt 31.5”. $1 73 .H w accented 7-pimw .g}..4 ”0 .l0% llfld 92.3,..1H W all aims frmn 3,}; .1 M do business with H lln Full 5 “mason Durham Rum, w Farm, Bunk Barn, Fan U Um. oxtra mm H»: g ugly up, gin) A .m. Glenolg. } ranw hm M. 00“ I‘trm, u ‘ipil. 1:] “an“. Glenelg, splehdu i" mall Build tugs cheap at 8.1 AA-“ luau building In! i:. U nil M. urtrnde {w an; " A .3. ”u. 0f throw a fig a Ptopouv bought am .-....~ .. .90.! to hand. helm (. .w M.“ Ind Ocean 'l’u'hv~ 2 .1 ‘IM in Durham (3me .' (J I, m for sale, ("In-Mu Always prompt. new r Imn ALL lexw «i PUMPS Nut anford P. U the Big DO you want tn make punt-s from 2.5" it... hllle 53"“9“ was from $1.33 a- 3' B IWIS. (“kw fighters. v1". 1” IOIVC h) ime I m “I. DUbliC in g«- 09 Mid t0 furmd; \H‘ o “'8“ [’11m‘ Press-Curbmg «i m m1". All orders wk 010868 WHII‘MO the Hannvm .BE Call and sec l SAVE HONEY mour OP” Wbly confident ul._ If â€"Oachuflc Jnurtml 5 I'll. postage pn p The Hanovm‘ ( my “('(hIWl! I, inendud in. “ "Live. ‘hd A Car of I Just Arriv He ()Ht'rs B that N “titanium. Beggs .Mi Culdm ( ‘nuvvy 60 \ EXPE ihfiom 31m. Tm OPVRI I“ '55 ll Ill

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